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. 2024 Mar 19;14:6629. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-57235-3

Apple crown and collar canker and necrosis caused by Cytospora balanejica sp. nov. in Iran

Razmig Azizi 1, Youbert Ghosta 1,, Abdollah Ahmadpour 2
PMCID: PMC10951349  PMID: 38504125


Apple is the most important fruit tree in West Azarbaijan province of Iran. In a survey of apple orchards, a disease with crown and collar canker and necrosis symptoms was observed in three young apple orchards in Urmia, affecting 15% and 1% of ‘Red Delicious’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ cultivars, respectively. A fungus with typical characteristics of the asexual morph of Cytospora was regularly isolated from the diseased tissues. Morphological characteristics and phylogenetic analyses inferred from the combined dataset of the ITS-rDNA, parts of LSU, tef1-α, rpb2, and act1 genes revealed that the isolates represent a new species of Cytospora, described herein as Cytospora balanejica sp. nov.. The pathogenicity of all isolates was confirmed on apple cv. ‘Red Delicious’ based on Koch’s postulates. Also, the reaction of 12 other apple cultivars was assessed against five selected isolates with the highest virulence. The results showed that except for cv. ‘Braeburn’, which did not produce any symptoms of the disease, the other 11 cultivars showed characteristic disease symptoms including sunken and discolored bark and wood. The mean length of the discolored area was different among the 11 so-called susceptible cultivars, hence cvs. ‘M4’ and ‘Golden Delicious’ showed the highest and the lowest lesion length, respectively. Moreover, the aggressiveness of the five tested isolates was different, and the isolates BA 2-4 and BA 3-1 had the highest and lowest aggressiveness, respectively. Based on our observations on the potential ability of the fungus to cause disease on young and actively growing apple trees, it will be a serious threat to apple cultivation and industry.

Subject terms: Plant sciences, Plant stress responses, Biotic


The domesticated apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) is one of the oldest, most popular, and widely grown temperate fruit crops in the world1,2. It is one of the most economically important fruit crops and ranks as the 3rd most produced fruit crop worldwide3. The fruits are predominantly used for the fresh market, even though other uses are cider production and processing46. Apple is an ancient fruit crop in Iran, growing in different locations from the northern to the western and central parts of the country7,8. A high level of genetic diversity is seen in cultivated apples in Iran, and the results of a phylogenetic study showed that Iran could be a paramount center of diversity for domesticated apples and an important center for domestication and passing on from Central Asia to the West via the Silk Routes8,9.

In Iran, West Azarbaijan province is the main apple-growing region with 63,661 ha and a total production of 1,118,285 metric tons in 2020, ranked first with 26.5% of the total production10. Apple trees have a long juvenile phase and often start bearing fruits after five years. For this reason, growers typically plant and grow a small number of well-assessed and historically successful apple varieties2. Two apple cultivars, ‘Red Delicious’ and ‘Golden Delicious’, are the main commercially grown apples in this region making up about 90% of apple cultivation.

Apple trees are affected by different fungal diseases; among them, stem and trunk canker as well as dieback diseases are of great importance, causing progressive losses over the years1118. Depending on the incidence and severity of the infection, the disease impacts range from decreased yield with poor fruit quality and plant longevity to complete loss of fruits and trees, resulting in significant economic losses to growers. It has been estimated that abiotic and biotic stresses reduce the annual apple harvest by 12–25%19.

Cytospora species are important plant pathogens associated with branch dieback and canker disease on a wide range of plants with worldwide distribution2023. They are usually considered as wound pathogens, invading host tissues through cracks, wounds, or other openings in the bark, leading to growth weakness and death of plants21,2426. The fungal hyphae invade host tissues, decompose the cambium, and penetrate extensively into the phloem and xylem of trunks, twigs, and scaffold limbs, leading to perennial and latent infections providing a potential source of inoculum2730.

Thus far, about 29 species of Cytospora have been reported from Malus spp. worldwide3034, of which 19 species have been identified in Iran32,3436. However, the taxonomic status of most of these species has not been confirmed through molecular approaches. Incorrect diagnosis and treatment of plant diseases generally result in the rapid spread of the diseases, and minor instances of these diseases can quickly become significant and costly problems under the pathogens’ rapid multiplication and conducive environmental conditions37. Due to the overlapping morphological characteristics, poor condition of single-gene phylogeny, and insufficiency of freshly collected specimens, multiphase approaches and multi-gene phylogeny have been suggested to elucidate accurate species boundaries among Cytospora isolates21,26,38.

During the past two decades and mainly due to climate change, apple orchards in West Azarbaijan province have been under severe threat from both biotic and abiotic agents18,34,39. Diplodia canker, die-back, decline, and root rots caused by different fungal pathogens, apple scab, and powdery mildew are the most prevalent fungal diseases of apple trees in the province15,18,39,40. In the course of our investigations on apple diseases in West Azarbaijan province, Iran, we observed disease symptoms including crown and collar canker and necrosis in three young apple orchards in Urmia, leading to relatively rapid tree decline and death. A fungus with Cytospora characteristics was frequently isolated from the diseased samples. The objective of this study was to (1) identify Cytospora species involved in the disease based on morphological characteristics and molecular multi-gene phylogeny, (2) assess the pathogenicity of the isolates on apple cv. ‘Red Delicious’ and (3) a preliminary evaluation of the reaction of 12 different apple cultivars to five selected isolates of the pathogen with higher aggressiveness.


Disease symptoms, incidence, and fungal isolations

Characteristic external disease symptoms including general decline, cankers, and plant death were observed during the summer and early autumn in three young apple orchards, both on the cvs. ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Red Delicious’. The leaves in some individual branches were pale yellow in the beginning, then their margins became necrotic, and in late summer and early autumn, the color of the leaves turned purple and finally died (Fig. 1). Shoot elongation was arrested in affected plants. The bark of the diseased plants was discolored and sunken at the soil line, longitudinal cracks and cankers were formed on the bark surface and discoloration was extended progressively both upward (up to 50 cm from the graft union) and downward to the main roots and into the wood. A distinct margin separated the healthy bark tissue from the infected one and trees were killed when the infected area girdled the entire trunk base. In cross-sections, there was a light brown to brown discoloration and necrosis as V or U shape in the hardwood (Fig. 1). Based on these external symptoms in the surveyed orchards, the incidence of the disease on the cv. ʻRed Delicious’ (15%) was higher than the cv. ‘Golden Delicious’ (1%).

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Typical symptoms of crown and collar canker and necrosis on naturally infected young apple trees cvs. ‘Red Delicious’ and ‘Golden Delicious’. (a, b) cv. ‘Red Delicious’. (c) cv. ‘Golden Delicious’. (di) Disease symptoms on the crown, collar and trunk of the cvs. ‘Red Delicious’ and (j) ‘Golden Delicious’. (km) Cross sections showing disease progress in the infected trunks of the cv. ‘Red Delicious’.

In this study, 24 fungal isolates (19 from the cv. ʻRed Delicious’ and five from the cv. ʻGolden Delicious’) were obtained and purified (Table 1). Based on the comparison of morphological characteristics and banding patterns generated from the ISSR-PCR of the purified isolates, three isolates were selected for multi-gene phylogenetic analyses and accurate species identification.

Table 1.

Source, location and mean lesion lengths (mm) of 24 isolates of Cytospora balanejica on detached shoots of apple cv.

Isolate Source/location Mean lesion length (mm)
BA 2-4 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 1) 172a
KU 1-1 Golden Delicious, Kurane Village 148b
BA 2-1 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 1) 102c
BA 3-1 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 2) 92d
BA 1-1 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 2) 82e
KU 1-2 Red Delicious, Kurane village 75f
BA 3-2 Golden Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 1) 75f
KU 2-3 Golden Delicious, Kurane Village 75f
BA 2-3 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 2) 74g
BA 2-2 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 1) 73h
BA 3-3 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 2) 71i
KU 2-1 Red Delicious, Kurane Village 70j
KU 1-3 Red Delicious, Kurane Village 68k
BA 5-1 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 1) 66l
KU 2-2 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 2) 65m
BA 1-2 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 1) 65m
BA 5-2 Golden Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 1) 62n
BA 5-3 Red Delicious, Balanej Village (Orchard 1) 58o
KU 3-2 Red Delicious, Kurane Village 57p
KU 3-1 Red Delicious, Kurane Village 55q
BA 1-3 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 1) 52r
BA 4-1 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 2) 50s
BA 4-3 Red Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 1) 46t
BA 4-2 Golden Delicious, Balanej village (Orchard 2) 45u

‘Red Delicious’ 21 days post-inoculation based on Duncan’s multiple range test. Different letters show significant differences at P ≤ 0.05.

Phylogenetic analyses

The phylogenetic analyses of the combined dataset (ITS, LSU, act1, rpb2, and tef 1-a) include 257 Cytospora ingroup strains representing 175 Cytospora species and Diaporthe eres CBS 145040 and Diaporthe vaccinii CBS 160.32 as outgroup strains with a total of 3049 characters (1641 constant sites, 1408 variable sites, 240 parsimony-uninformative sites and 1168 parsimony-informative sites) including gaps (642 for ITS, 574 for LSU, 354 for act1, 743 for rpb2, and 763 for tef1-α) (Table 2). The results of best-fit substitution model evaluation in MrModeltest v2.3 recommended GTR+I+G, GTR+I+G, GTR+I+G, GTR+I+G and HKY+I+G models for ITS, LSU, act1, rpb2 and tef 1-a, respectively (Table 2). The best-scoring RaxML tree with the final ML optimization likelihood value of − 47725.166937 (ln) is selected to denote and consider the phylogenetic relationships among the strains (Table 2, Fig. 2). The estimated base frequencies were as follows: A = 0.242358, C = 0.268654, G = 0.259113, T = 0.229874; substitution rates AC = 1.549133, AG = 3.919749, AT = 1.913775, CG = 1.087338, CT = 8.678832, GT = 1.000000; gamma distribution shape parameter α = 0.793946. A summary of phylogenetic information and substitution models for each dataset is provided in Table 2. Topologies of the individual gene trees were determined to be congruent and no conflicts were observed in species delimitation (data not shown). The phylogenetic trees generated from MP (TL = 9556; CI = 0.262; RI = 0.766; HI = 0.738) and BI analyses were topologically similar to the one generated via the ML analysis, and the latter is shown in Fig. 2. Cytospora balanejica represented a monophyletic clade with a high support value (ML/MP/BI = 91/99/1) (marked in pink in Fig. 2).

Table 2.

Phylogenetic information of individual and combined sequence datasets used in phylogenetic analyses.

Parameter ITS-rDNA LSU act1 rpb2 tef 1-a Combined
Number of Taxa 256 175 183 159 157 257
Total characters 642 547 354 743 763 3049
Constant sites 360 420 150 435 276 1641
Variable sites 282 127 204 308 487 1408
Parsimony informative sites 217 59 183 272 437 1168
Parsimony uninformative sites 65 68 21 36 50 240
AIC Substitution Modela GTR+I+G GTR+I+G GTR+I+G GTR+I+G HKY+I+G GTR+I+G
Lset nst, Rates 6, invgamma 6, invgamma 6, invgamma 6, invgamma 2, invgamma 6, invgamma
-lnL 7224.308797 2313.705431 6383.267168 10,954.098764 17,674.526253 47,725.166937

aAkaike Information Criterion Substitution models implemented in Bayesian Inference.

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Figure 2

Maximum Likelihood (ML) tree based on combined ITS, LSU, rpb2, act1 and tef 1-a sequences matrix in different Cytospora species. The Maximum Likelihood, Maximum Parsimony (MP) bootstrap support values and posterior probabilities of Bayesian inference (BIPP) > 50% are given at the nodes (ML/MP/BI). The tree was rooted to Diaporthe eres CBS 145040 and Diaporthe vaccinii CBS 160.32. The scale bar indicates the number of nucleotide substitutions.


Cytospora balanejica R. Azizi, Y. Ghosta & A. Ahmadpour sp. nov. (Fig. 3).

Figure 3.

Figure 3

Morphology of Cytospora balanejica (IRAN 4419C). (a, b) Habit of conidiomata on twig. (c, d) Longitudinal section through conidiomata. (e, f) Transverse section of conidiomata. (g) Conidiophores and conidiogenous cells. (h) Conidia. (i) Colonies on PDA at 3 days (left) and 30 days (right). Scale bars: (b, c) and € = 250 µm; (f, d) = 100 µm and (g, h) = 10 µm.

MycoBank No.: MB843116.

Etymology: Named after the locality, Balanej village, where the holotype was collected.

Typification: Iran, West Azarbaijan Province, Urmia City, Balanej Village, 37°23′50.4″ N, 45°09′15.9″ E., from crown of Malus × domestica cv. ʻRed Delicious’, 15 Oct. 2017, R. Azizi (Holotype: IRAN 18133F; ex-type living culture: IRAN 4419C).

Description: Asexual morph: Conidiomata labyrinthine cytosporoid, immersed in the bark, erumpent when mature through the surface of the bark, discoid to conical, pale luteous to luteous, with multiple locules, (800–)850–1490(–1700) µm in diam. Conceptacle conspicuous, black, circular, surrounded the stromata. Ectostromatic disk greenish black to black, circular to ovoid, (473–)563–802(–845) µm in diam., with a single ostiole per disk in the center. Ostiole conspicuous, circular to ovoid, olivaceous grey, at the same level as the disk surface, (94–)101–215(–230) µm in diam. Locules numerous, arranged circularly with shared invaginated walls. Conidiophores borne along the locules, hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, unbranched, or occasionally branched at the base. Conidiogenous cells entroblastic, phialidic, subcylindrical to cylindrical, tapering towards apices, (6.2–)9–17(–19) × (1–)1.2–2 µm. Conidia hyaline, smooth, elongate allantoid, mostly biguttulate, aseptate, 3–5 × 1–1.8 µm. Sexual morph: not observed.

Culture characteristics: Colonies after 3 days at 25 °C on PDA average 57 mm and entirely covering the 90-mm diam. Petri dish after 7 days, margin entire, white to buff, with scattered aerial hyphae at the center, the hyphae becoming very dense, pale luteous at center and honey at margins, forming abundant solitary or rarely aggregated pycnidia surrounded by off-white hyphae with age. Hyphae hyaline to light brown, septate, smooth-walled, and branched.

Habitat and distribution: Known only on Malus × domestica in Urmia, Iran.

Additional specimens examined: Iran, West Azarbaijan Province, Urmia City, Balanej Village, 37°24′26.1″ N, 45°10′24.8″ E., from the trunk of Malus × domestica cv. ‘Red Delicious’, 15 Oct. 2017, R. Azizi, (IRAN 4420C); West Azarbaijan Province, Urmia City, Kurane Village, 37°24′44.4″ N 45°8′45.3′′ E., from the trunk of Malus × domestica cv. ‘Golden Delicious’, 12 Sept. 2018, R. Azizi, (FCCUU 350).

Notes: Cytospora balanejica was isolated from young, declining apple trees showing symptoms of crown and collar canker and necrosis. The phylogenetic inferences based on the combined multi-gene phylogeny resolved this species as a monophyletic lineage distinct from all other strains included in this study, but closely related to a clade containing C. albodisca M. Pan & X.L. Fan and C. corylina H. Gao & X.L. Fan (Fig. 2). However, C. balanejica differs from C. albodisca based on the absence of ascomata and smaller conidia (3–5 × 1–1.8 µm vs. 5–7 × 1–2 µm in C. albodisca)26. Also, it differs from C. corylina based on the formation of distinct conceptacle, larger conidiomata (800–1700 µm vs. 850–1280 µm) and shorter conidia (3–5 µm vs. 3.5–7.5 µm in C. corylina)41. Pairwise sequence comparisons of the genomic regions in C. balanejica strain IRAN 4419C showed considerable nucleotide differences from C. albodisca strain CFCC 53161 (including 2 out of 466 in ITS, 30 out of 726 in rpb2, 20 out of 160 in act1 and 73 out of 516 in tef1-α) and C. corylina strain CFCC 54684 (including 2 out of 466 in ITS, 30 out of 726 in rpb2, 17 out of 161 in act1 and 75 out of 513 in tef1-α). Therefore, we describe C. balanejica here as a new species.

Pathogenicity trials

Results of pathogenicity tests of the isolates (24 isolates) on shoots of the cv. ‘Red Delicious’ showed sunken discolored lesions around the inoculated sites 14 days post-inoculation. Bark and wood discoloration was extended progressively upward and downward the inoculation site and after 20 days, fungal pycnidia were formed on the discolored bark. Despite this, the mean length of necrotic lesions varied among the isolates and ranged from 45 to 172 mm (Table 1). Also, the results of pathogenicity tests of the most virulent isolate (BA 2-4) under field conditions clearly showed bark and wood discoloration and necrosis 45 days post-inoculation (Fig. 4). Re-isolation of the inoculated fungus and re-identification based on morphological characteristics fulfilled Koch’s postulates. All negative controls were asymptomatic and no colonies were obtained from samples taken from the controls. The reaction of 12 tested cultivars against five selected isolates with the highest virulence showed that the interaction between the factors isolates × cultivars was varied and significantly different at P ≤ 0.05 (Figs. 5 and 6). Except for the cv. ‘Braeburn’ which did not produce any symptoms of infection similar to control treatment against all tested fungal isolates, the other cultivars showed symptoms of infection at least against two fungal isolates (Fig. 5). The mean length of necrotic lesion ranged from 19.3 mm (the cv. ‘Idared’) to 188.3 mm (the cv. ‘M4’) for isolate BA 2-4 and from 63.3 mm (the cv. ‘MM106’) to 196.6 mm (the cv. ‘M4’) for isolate BA 1-1, both isolates were obtained from the cv. ‘Red Delicious’ (Fig. 6). The mean length of necrotic lesions ranged from 18.3 mm (the cv. ‘MM106’) to 193.3 mm (the cv. ‘M4’) for isolate KU 1-1 which was isolated from the cv. ‘Golden Delicious’, although the cvs. ‘Granny Smith’, ‘MM109’, and ‘Idared’ did not show any symptoms of infection against this isolate (Fig. 6). Also, the cvs. ‘Delbard Estivale’, ‘MM109’, ‘Idared’, and ‘Golden Delicious’ did not develop any symptoms of infection against BA 2-1 isolate and the mean length of necrotic lesion ranged from 101.6 mm (the cv. ‘Red Delicious’) to 190 mm (the cv. ‘Granny Smith’). At last, only four cultivars including ‘M4’, ‘M7’, ‘Golden Primrose’, and ‘Red Delicious’ developed symptoms of infection against BA 3-1 isolate and the mean length of necrotic lesion ranged from 93.3 mm (the cv. ‘Red Delicious’) to 206.6 mm (the cv. ‘M4’) (Fig. 6). Moreover, the aggressiveness of five tested isolates was varied and the isolates BA 2-4 and BA 3-1 had the highest and lowest aggressiveness against 12 tested cultivars, respectively.

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Pathogenicity tests of the most virulent isolate (BA 2-4) on apple cv. ‘Red Delicious’ under field conditions. (AD) Inoculation process. (E, F) Bark and wood discoloration and necrosis 45 days post inoculation.

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Pathogenicity tests of five selected isolates (BA 1-1, BA 1-2, BA 2-4, BA 3-1, and KU 1-1) of Cytospra balanejica against 12 apple cultivars.

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Mean lesion lengths (mm) of 12 apple cultivars inoculated with five selected isolates of Cytospora balanejica based on Duncan’s multiple range test. Different letters show statistically significant differences at P ≤ 0.05.


In this study, we found a new species of Cytospora, C. balanejica, associated with crown and collar canker and decline symptoms in young apple trees. The incidence of the disease was greater on the cv. ‘Red Delicious’ than the cv. ‘Golden Delicious’, indicating higher susceptibility of the first cultivar to this new Cytospora species. Our pathogenicity tests confirmed this, as all studied isolates were pathogenic on the shoots of the cv. ‘Red Delicious’ and had greater virulence (longer necrotic lesions) than the cv. ‘Golden Delicious’ (Fig. 6). Although the disease incidence was significantly lower in the cv. ‘Golden Delicious’ than the cv. ‘Red Delicious’, it is important to note that the infected plants can provide an inoculum reservoir for the pathogen.

The results of our study showed that the cv. ‘Braeburn’ did not develop any symptoms of infection against all the tested fungal isolates, suggesting that it might have some levels of resistance to the disease. The other 11 examined cultivars showed lesions with various degrees of severity and could be considered susceptible. The resistance of 53 accessions of diverse Malus species and their interspecific hybrids was tested against Valsa ceratosperma (syn.: Cytospora ceratosperma) using excised shoot assay and by measuring the length of necrotic lesion42. Fourteen accessions were evaluated as resistant and the highest level of resistance was identified in Malus sieboldii Rehder, which was effective against different isolates of the tested fungus. Similar results were also found in pathogenicity studies using different fungal species and host plants4348. The virulence of the tested fungal isolates as measured by lesion length was varied and this could be attributed to the genetic diversity among the isolates. Variability in the lesion length has been reported in pathogenicity evaluations of the isolates of Cytospora spp. and other fungal pathogens31,46,4953.

Cytospora species generally cause canker, dieback and decline diseases with different symptoms on a wide range of woody perennials including fruit and nut trees, forest and urban trees, and rarely on herbaceous plants with strong ecological adaptability21,26,41,54,55. In our study, disease symptoms differed from the previously reported symptoms of apple canker diseases caused by Cytospora species, as the disease starts from the crown and collar region of apple trees (Fig. 1). Other apple diseases such as Neonectria canker, Phytophthora crown, collar and root rots, Rosellinia root rot and fire blight have been reported in the literature to cause similar symptoms on affected young apple trees13,56. The similarity in symptoms caused by C. balanejica and other diseases, especially in the early stages of disease development, makes it difficult to accurately identify the causal agents without further laboratory examination.

Apple is one of the main hosts that suffer severe damage from the Cytospora canker disease31,57,58. In a most recent study, eight species of Cytospora were identified from apple trees in Iran34, emphasizing the necessity of extensive pathogen surveys in apple production regions. Understanding the exact diversity of pathogenic fungi such as Cytospora spp. is crucial for devising regional management strategies for each species, developing rapid diagnostic tools, screening for resistance, and accomplishing regulatory control measurements59. Earlier species identification in Cytospora has relied on morphological characteristics and host associations; however, these characteristics are not stable and informative, confusing species identification and delimitation41,55,60.

The results of our phylogenetic analyses using ITS-rDNA sequences placed C. balanejica together with C. albodisca, C. corylina, and C. olivacea in an unresolved clade, confirmed the poor utility of this genomic region in the differentiation of Cytospora species21,38,61,62 (Supplementary Fig. S1). Recent studies using a polyphasic approach, morphology, and multi-gene phylogeny, have revealed hidden fungal diversity, and led to the description of several new cryptic Cytospora species21,23,26,38,41. Based on our multi-gene phylogenetic analyses, C. balanejica formed a well-defined monophyletic lineage distinct from all other strains with close affinity to C. albodisca and C. corylina, two recently described Cytospora species (Fig. 2). Cytospora albodisca and C. corylina were isolated from the branches of Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco and Corylus heterophylla Fisch. ex. Trautv. in China showing canker and dieback symptoms, respectively26,41.

This study found that apple trees are hosts of a new pathogenic species of Cytospora, which should be considered a potentially important causal agent of apple crown and collar canker disease in the studied area. Because Cytospora species are generally considered wound pathogens, infecting plants through cracks and wounds caused by freezing injuries, leaf scars, sunburn, oil injuries, shade-weakened twigs, and pruning wounds21,53,63, more precautions should be taken during grafting. Even though this study extends our knowledge about the role of a new Cytospora species in crown and collar canker disease on young apple trees, more studies are needed to reveal its biology and ecology, assess the susceptibility/resistance of apple cultivars under field conditions, and its host range and epidemiology to the development of effective management strategies.

Material and methods

Collection of samples and fungi isolation

Young apple trees (2–6 years old) showing symptoms of decreased growth, decline, and death from three orchards in Urmia, West Azarbaijan province, Iran, were evaluated. Samples were collected from the crown, collar, and trunk base showing bark and wood discoloration and canker (Fig. 1), placed separately in clean paper bags, and transferred to the laboratory for further investigation. Samples were washed gently under running tap water, then cut into smaller pieces (1 × 1 cm2) from the interfaces of the healthy and diseased tissues, and surface disinfested in 3% sodium hypochlorite solution for 2 min, rinsed again three times with sterile distilled water and blotted dry on autoclave sterilized filter paper. The pieces were plated onto potato-dextrose-agar medium supplemented with streptomycin sulfate and penicillin G (150 ppm each) to inhibit bacterial growth (PDA; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) in 90 mm diam. glass Petri dishes. Petri dishes were incubated at 25 ± 1 °C in darkness, examined at 24 h intervals and hyphae growing out from the plant tissues were transferred to fresh PDA. Pure cultures were obtained using the hyphal tip method. The purified isolates were maintained on PDA slants containing a piece of filter paper and stored at 4 °C. The isolates were deposited in the Fungal Culture Collection of the Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (“IRAN”) and the Fungal Culture Collection of Urmia University (FCCUU).

Plant materials

It is noted that plant materials used in this study were legitimate samples from apple orchards and all methods comprising plant studies were performed following the relevant guidelines, regulations, and legislation. Required permission to collect samples of apple trees from various orchards in Urmia, West Azarbaijan province, was obtained.

DNA extraction, PCR amplification, sequencing, and phylogenetic analysis

Total genomic DNA was extracted from the mycelial mass of fungal isolates cultured in potato dextrose broth (PDB, Mirmedia Microbiology, Iran) for 7–10 days using the Exgene™ Cell SV mini kit (GeneAll Biotechnology Co, South Korea) following the manufacturer’s instruction. For the preliminary screening of all recovered isolates, polymorphic banding patterns of the isolates were generated by an ISSR-PCR method with ISSR5 ((GA)5YC) primer and were compared. Each polymerase chain reaction (PCR) mixture contained 0.4 μM of the primer, 4 μL of a ready master mix (Taq DNA polymerase 2× Master Mix Red, 2 mM MgCl2, Ampliqon Company, Denmark), and about 10 ng of template DNA in a final volume of 10 μL. The thermal cycling condition consisted of an initial denaturation step of 5 min at 95 °C followed by 35 cycles of 45 s at 95 °C, 60 s at 41 °C and 90 s at 72 °C and a final extension step of 10 min at 72 °C. Amplicons were visualized on a 1% agarose gel. Isolates with the same banding pattern were considered as the same taxon. To reveal the phylogenetic relationship among the isolates, three isolates were selected based on ISSR banding pattern and morphological characteristics for multi-gene sequencing (Table 3). The internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2), parts of the nuclear ribosomal large subunit (LSU), translation elongation factor 1-α (tef1-α), RNA polymerase II (rpb2) and actin (act1) genes were amplified using the primer pairs ITS5/ITS464, LR0R/LR765, EF1-728F/EF-266,67, RPB2-5F2/fRPB2-7cR68,69 and ACT512F/ACT783R67, respectively. All primers were purchased from Pishgam Company, Tehran, Iran. The PCR mixtures for all reactions consisted of about 10 ng/µL of genomic DNA, 0.4 µM of each primer, and 12.5 µL of 2× ready-to-use reaction mix (Taq DNA polymerase 2× Master Mix Red, 2 mM MgCl2, Ampliqon, Denmark) in a total volume of 25 µL. Thermal conditions for PCR amplification of ITS, LSU, act1, and tef1-α consisted of an initial denaturation step of 5 min at 95 °C, followed by 35 cycles of 30 s at 95 °C, 30 s at 57 °C and 60 s at 72 °C, and a final extension step of 5 min at 72 °C. The part of the rpb2 gene was amplified using touch-down PCR consisting of an initial denaturation step of 5 min at 95 °C, followed by 40 cycles of 45 s at 95 °C, 45 s at 60–55 °C (annealing temperature decreased 0.5 °C in the first 10 cycles), 45 s at 72 °C and a final extension step of 10 min at 72 °C. PCR products were visualized on a 1.5% Agarose gel (100 V for 30 min) stained with CyberSafe (Safe DNA Stain, 6X Pishgam, Iran), following the manufacturer’s instruction to confirm the amplicon presence and size. Amplification products were purified and sequenced by Macrogen Inc. (Seoul, South Korea).

Table 3.

Fungal isolates used in the molecular analyses in this study and GenBank accession numbers.

Species Straina Host Origin GenBank accession numbers
ITS LSU act1 rpb2 tef1-α
Cytospora abyssinica CMW 10181T Eucalyptus globulus Ethiopia AY347353 NA NA NA NA
C. abyssinica CMW 10178 Eucalyptus globulus Ethiopia AY347354 NA NA NA NA
C. acaciae CBS 468.69 Ceratonia siliqua Spain DQ243804 NA NA NA NA
C. ailanthicola CFCC 89970T Ailanthus altissima Ningxia, China MH933618 MH933653 MH933526 MH933592 MH933494
C. alba CFCC 55462T Salix matsudana Gansu, China MZ702593 NA OK303457 OK303516 OK303577
C. alba CFCC 55463T Salix matsudana Gansu, China MZ702594 NA OK303458 OK303517 OK303578
C. albodisca CFCC 53161T Platycladus orientalis Beijing, China MW418406 MW418418 MW422899 MW422909 MW422921
C. albodisca CFCC 54373 Platycladus orientalis Beijing, China MW418407 MW418419 MW422900 MW422910 MW422922
C. ampulliformis MFLUCC 16-0583T Sorbus intermedia Russia KY417726 KY417760 KY417692 KY417794 NA
C. ampulliformis MFLUCC 16-0629 Acer platanoides Russia KY417727 KY417761 KY417693 KY417795 NA
C. amygdali CBS 144233T Prunus dulcis California, USA MG971853 NA MG972002 NA MG971659
C. atrocirrhata CFCC 89615 Juglans regia Qinghai, China KR045618 KR045700 KF498673 KU710946 KP310858
C. atrocirrhata CFCC 89616 Juglans regia Qinghai, China KR045619 KR045701 KF498674 KU710947 KP310859
C. austromontana CMW 6735T Eucalyptus pauciflora Australia AY347361 NA NA NA NA
C. avicennae IRAN 4199CT Malus domestica Nahavand, Iran MW295650 NA MZ014511 MW824358 MW394145
C. avicennae IRAN 4626C Malus domestica Arak, Iran OM368649 NA NA NA OM372511
C. azerbaijanica IRAN 4201CT Malus domestica Urmia, Iran MW295526 NA MZ014513 MW824360 MW394147
C. azerbaijanica IRAN 4627C Malus domestica Miandoab, Iran OM368650 NA NA NA OM372512
C. balanejica IRAN 4419CT Malus domestica Urmia, Iran MZ948960 MZ948957 MZ997842 MZ997845 MZ997848
C. balanejica IRAN 4420C Malus domestica Urmia, Iran MZ948961 MZ948958 MZ997843 MZ997846 MZ997849
C. balanejica FCCUU 350 Malus domestica Urmia, Iran MZ948962 MZ948959 MZ997844 MZ997847 MZ997850
C. beilinensis CFCC 50493T Pinus armandii Beijing, China MH933619 MH933654 MH933527 NA MH933495
C. beilinensis CFCC 50494 Pinus armandii Beijing, China MH933620 MH933655 MH933528 NA MH933496
C. berberidis CFCC 89927T Berberis dasystachya Qinghai, China KR045620 KR045702 KU710990 KU710948 KU710913
C. berberidis CFCC 89933 Berberis dasystachya Qinghai, China KR045621 KR045703 KU710991 KU710949 KU710914
C. berkeleyi StanfordT3T Eucalyptus globulus USA AY347350 NA NA NA NA
C. berkeleyi UCBTwig3 Eucalyptus globulus USA AY347349 NA NA NA NA
C. brevispora CBS 116811T Eucalyptus grandis tereticornis Congo AF192315 NA NA NA NA
C. bungeana CFCC 50495T Pinus bungeana Shanxi, China MH933621 MH933656 MH933529 MH933593 MH933497
C. bungeana CFCC 50496 Pinus bungeana Shanxi, China MH933622 MH933657 MH933530 MH933594 MH933498
C. calamicola MFLUCC 15-0397T Calamus sp. Phang-Nga, Thailand ON650702 ON650679 NA NA NA
C. californica CBS 144234T Juglans regia California, USA MG971935 NA MG972083 NA MG971645
C. carbonacea CFCC 89947 Ulmus pumila Qinghai, China KR045622 KP310812 KP310842 KU710950 KP310855
C. carpobroti CMW 48981T Carpobrotus edulis South Africa MH382812 MH411216 NA NA MH411212
C. cedri CBS 196.50 NA Italy AF192311 NA NA NA NA
C. celtidicola CFCC 50497T Celtis sinensis Anhui, China MH933623 MH933658 MH933531 MH933595 MH933499
C. celtidicola CFCC 50498 Celtis sinensis Anhui, China MH933624 MH933659 MH933532 MH933596 MH933500
C. centrivillosa MFLUCC 16-1206T Sorbus domestica Italy MF190122 MF190068 NA MF377600 NA
C. centrivillosa MFLUCC 17-1660 Sorbus domestica Italy MF190123 MF190069 NA MF377601 NA
C. ceratosperma CBS 192.42 Taxus baccata Switzerland AY347333 NA NA NA NA
C. ceratospermopsis CFCC 89626T Juglans regia Shaanxi, China KR045647 KR045726 KU711011 KU710978 KU710934
C. ceratospermopsis CFCC 89627 Juglans regia Shaanxi, China KR045648 KR045727 KU711012 KU710979 KU710935
C. chiangmaiensis MFLUCC 21-0049T Shorea sp. Chiang Mai,Thailand MZ356514 MZ356518 MZ451157 MZ451165 MZ451161
C. chrysosperma CFCC 89981

Populus alba subsp.


Gansu, China MH933625 MH933660 MH933533 MH933597 MH933501
C. chrysosperma CFCC 89982 Ulmus pumila Tibet, China KP281261 KP310805 KP310835 NA KP310848
C. cinereostroma CMW 5700T Eucalyptus globulus Chile AY347377 NA NA NA NA
C. cinnamomea CFCC 53178T Prunus armeniaca Xinjiang, China MK673054 MK673084 MK673024 NA NA
C. coryli CFCC 53162T Corylus mandshurica Beijing, China MN854450 MN854661 NA MN850751 MN850758
C. corylina CFCC 54684T Corylus heterophylla Beijing, China MW839861 NA MW815937 MW815951 MW815886
C. corylina CFCC 54685 Corylus heterophylla Beijing, China MW839862 NA MW815938 MW815952 MW815887
C. cotini MFLUCC 14-1050T Cotinus coggygria Russia KX430142 KX430143 NA KX430144 NA
C. cotoneastricola CF 20197030 Cotoneaster sp. Tibet, China MK673074 MK673104 MK673044 MK673014 MK672960
C. cotoneastricola CF 20197031T Cotoneaster sp. Tibet, China MK673075 MK673105 MK673045 MK673015 MK672961
C. curvata MFLUCC 15-0865T Salix alba Russia KY417728 KY417762 KY417694 NA NA
C. curvispora CFCC 54000T Corylus heterophylla Beijing, China MW839851 NA MW815931 MW815945 MW815880
C. davidiana CXY 1350T Populus davidiana Inner Mongolia, China KM034870 NA NA NA NA
C. diatrypelloidea CMW 8549T Eucalyptus globulus Australia AY347368 NA NA NA NA
C. diopuiensis MFLUCC 18-1419T Undefined wood Chiang Mai, Thailand MK912137 MK571765 MN685819 NA NA
C. disciformis CMW 6509T Eucalyptus grandis Uruguay AY347374 NA NA NA NA
C. discostoma CFCC 53137T Platycladus orientalis Beijing, China MW418404 MW418416 MW422897 MW422907 MW422919
C. discostoma CFCC 54368 Platycladus orientalis Beijing, China MW418405 MW418417 MW422898 MW422908 MW422920
C. donetzica MFLUCC 16-0574T Crataegus monogyna Russia KY417731 KY417765 KY417697 KY417799 NA
C. donglingensis CFCC 53159T Platycladus orientalis Beijing, China MW418412 MW418424 MW422903 MW422915 MW422927
C. donglingensis CFCC 54371 Platycladus orientalis Beijing, China MW418413 MW418425 MW422904 MW422916 MW422928
C. elaeagni CFCC 89632 Elaeagnus angustifolia Ningxia, China KR045626 KR045706 KU710995 KU710955 KU710918
C. elaeagni CFCC 89633 Elaeagnus angustifolia Ningxia, China KF765677 KF765693 KU710996 KU710956 KU710919
C. elaeagnicola CFCC 52882T Elaeagnus angustifolia China MK732341 MK732338 MK732344 MK732347 NA
C. elaeagnicola CFCC 52883 Elaeagnus angustifolia China MK732342 MK732339 MK732345 MK732348 NA
C. eriobotryae IMI 136523T Eriobotrya japonica India AY347327 NA NA NA NA
C. ershadii IRAN 4198CT Malus domestica Arak, Iran MW295523 NA MZ014510 MW824357 MW394144
C. ershadii IRAN 4197C Malus domestica Nahavand, Iran MW295510 NA NA NA MW394143
C. erumpens MFLUCC 16-0580T Salix × fragilis Russia KY417733 KY417767 KY417699 KY417801 NA
C. erumpens CFCC 50022 Prunus padus Shanxi, China MH933627 MH933661 MH933534 NA MH933502
C. eucalypti CBS 144241 Eucalyptus globulus California, USA MG971907 NA MG972056 NA MG971617
C. eucalypticola ATCC 96150T Eucalyptus nitens Australia AY347358 NA NA NA NA
C. eucalyptina CMW 5882 Eucalyptus grandis Columbia AY347375 NA NA NA NA
C. eugeniae CMW 7029 Tibouchina sp. Australia AY347364 NA NA NA NA
C. eugeniae CMW 8648 Eugenia sp. Indonesia AY347344 NA NA NA NA
C. euonymicola CFCC 50499T Euonymus kiautschovicus Shaanxi, China MH933628 MH933662 MH933535 MH933598 MH933503
C. euonymicola CFCC 50500 Euonymus kiautschovicus Shaanxi, China MH933629 MH933663 MH933536 MH933599 MH933504
C. euonymina CFCC 89993T Euonymus kiautschovicus Shanxi, China MH933630 MH933664 MH933537 MH933600 MH933505
C. fraxiicola MFLU 17-2392 dead branches Russia NA MN764356 MN995562 NA NA
C. fraxinigena MFLUCC 14-0868T Fraxinus ornus Italy MF190133 MF190078 NA NA NA
C. friesii CBS 194.42 Abies alba Switzerland AY347328 NA NA NA NA
C. fugax CBS 203.42 Salix sp. Switzerland AY347323 NA NA NA NA
C. galegicola MFLUCC 18-1199T Galega officinalis Forlì-Cesena, Italy MK912128 MK571756 MN685810 MN685820 NA
C. gelida MFLUCC 16-0634T Cotinus coggygria Russia KY563245 KY563247 KY563241 KY563243 NA
C. germanica CXY 1322 Elaeagnus oxycarpa China JQ086563 JX524617 NA NA NA
C. gigalocus CFCC 89620T Juglans regia Qinghai, China KR045628 KR045708 KU710997 KU710957 KU710920
C. gigalocus CFCC 89621 Juglans regia Qinghai, China KR045629 KR045709 KU710998 KU710958 KU710921
C. gigaspora CFCC 50014 Juniperus procumbens Shanxi, China KR045630 KR045710 KU710999 KU710959 KU710922
C. gigaspora CFCC 89634T Salix psammophila Shaanxi, China KF765671 KF765687 KU711000 KU710960 KU710923
C. globosa MFLU 16-2054T Abies alba Italy MT177935 MT177962 NA MT432212 MT454016
C. granati CBS 144237T Punica granatum California, USA MG971799 NA MG971949 NA MG971514
C. haidianensis CFCC 54057T Euonymus alatus China MT360042 NA MT363979 MT363988 MT363998
C. haidianensis CFCC 54184 Euonymus alatus Beijing, China MT360043 NA MT363980 MT363989 MT363999
C. heveae MFLUCC 17-0358T Hevea brasiliensis Thailand OL780505 OL782085 OL944407 NA OL944428
C. hippophaës CFCC 89639 Hippophaë rhamnoides Gansu, China KR045632 KR045712 KU711001 KU710961 KU710924
C. hippophaës CFCC 89640 Hippophaë rhamnoides Gansu, China KF765682 KF765698 KF765730 KU710962 KP310865
C. hippophaicola CBS 147584T Hippophae rhamnoides Czech Republic MZ702814 MZ702873 MZ712150 MZ712160 MZ712155
C. hippophaicola MEND-F-0554 Vaccinium corymbosum Czech Republic MZ702815 MZ702872 MZ712151 MZ712161 MZ712156
C. iranica IRAN 4200CT Malus domestica Arak, Iran MW295652 NA MZ014512 MW824359 MW394146
C. iranica IRAN 4628C Malus domestica Nahavand, Iran OM368651 NA NA NA OM372513
C. italica MFLUCC 14-0440 Tamarix gallica Italy KU900329 KU900301 NA NA NA
C. japonica CBS 375.29 Prunus persica Japan AF191185 NA NA NA NA
C. japonica CFCC 89956 Prunus cerasifera Ningxia, China KR045624 KR045704 KU710993 KU710953 KU710916
C. joaquinensis CBS 144235T Populus deltoides California, USA MG971895 NA MG972044 NA MG971605
C. junipericola BBH 42444 Juniperus communis Italy MF190126 MF190071 NA NA MF377579
C. junipericola MFLU 17-0882T Juniperus communis Italy MF190125 MF190072 NA NA MF377580
C. juniperina CFCC 50501T Juniperus przewalskii Sichuan, China MH933632 MH933666 MH933539 MH933602 MH933507
C. juniperina CFCC 50502 Juniperus przewalskii Sichuan, China MH933633 MH933667 MH933540 MH933603 MH933508
C. kantschavelii CXY 1386 Populus maximowiczii Chongqing, China KM034867 NA NA NA NA
C. koelreutericola CFCC 56961T Koelreuteria paniculata Beijing, China ON376918 NA ON390905 ON390908 ON390914
C. koelreutericola CFCC 56970 Koelreuteria paniculata Beijing, China ON376917 NA ON390904 ON390907 ON390913
C. kuanchengensis CFCC 52464T Castanea mollissima China MK432616 MK429886 MK442940 MK578076 NA
C. kuanchengensis CFCC 52465 Castanea mollissima China MK432617 MK429887 MK442941 MK578077 NA
C. kunzei CBS 118556 Pinus radiata South Africa DQ243791 NA NA NA NA
C. leucosperma CFCC 89622 Pyrus bretschneideri Gansu, China KR045616 KR045698 KU710988 KU710944 KU710911
C. leucosperma CFCC 89894 Pyrus bretschneideri Qinghai, China KR045617 KR045699 KU710989 KU710945 KU710912
C. leucostoma CFCC 53140 Prunus sibirica Beijing, China MN854445 MN854656 MN850760 MN850746 MN850753
C. leucostoma CFCC 53141 Prunus sibirica Beijing, China MN854446 MN854657 MN850761 MN850747 MN850754
C. longiostiolata MFLUCC 16-0628T Salix × fragilis Russia KY417734 KY417768 KY417700 KY417802 NA
C. longispora CBS 144236T Prunus domestica California, USA MG971905 NA MG972054 NA MG971615
C. lumnitzericola MFLUCC 17-0508T Lumnitzera racernosa Tailand MG975778 MH253461 MH253457 MH253453 NA
C. macropycnidia Kern907 Vitis vinifera USA OP038094 OP076935 OP003977 OP095265 OP106954
C. mali CFCC 50030 Malus pumila Shanxi, China MH933643 MH933677 MH933550 MH933608 MH933524
C. mali CFCC 50031 Crataegus sp. Shanxi, China KR045636 KR045716 KU711004 KU710965 KU710927
C. mali-spectabilis CFCC 53181T Malus spectabilis ‘Royalty’ Xinjiang, China MK673066 MK673096 MK673036 MK673006 MK672953
C. mali-sylvestris MFLUCC 16-0638 Malus sylvestris Russia KY885017 KY885018 KY885019 KY885020 NA
C. melastoma A 846 Malus domestica USA AF191184
C. melnikii MFLUCC 16-0635 Populus nigra var. italica Russia KY417736 KY417770 KY417702 KY417804 NA
C. melnikii MFLUCC 15-0851T Malus domestica Russia KY417735 KY417769 KY417701 KY417803 NA
C. mougeotii ATCC 44994 Picea abies Norway AY347329 NA NA NA NA
C. multicollis CBS 105.89T Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia Spain DQ243803 NA NA NA NA
C. myrtagena CBS 116843T Tibouchiina urvilleana USA AY347363 NA NA NA NA
C. nitschkii CMW 10180T Eucalyptus globulus Ethiopia AY347356 NA NA NA NA
C. nivea MFLUCC 15-0860 Salix acutifolia Russia KY417737 KY417771 KY417703 KY417805 NA
C. nivea CFCC 89641 Elaeagnus angustifolia Ningxia, China KF765683 KF765699 KU711006 KU710967 KU710929
C. notastroma NE_TFR5 Populus tremuloides USA JX438632 NA NA NA JX438543
C. notastroma NE_TFR8 Populus tremuloides USA JX438633 NA NA NA JX438542
C. ochracea CFCC 53164T Cotoneaster sp. Xinjiang, China MK673060 MK673090 MK673030 MK673001 MK672949
C. oleicola CBS 144248T Olea europaea California, USA MG971944 NA MG972098 NA MG971660
C. olivacea CFCC 53176T Sorbus tianschanica Xinjiang, China MK673068 MK673098 MK673038 MK673008 MK672955
C. olivacea CFCC 53177 Prunus virginiana Xinjiang, China MK673071 MK673101 MK673041 MK673011 NA
C. olivarum CBS 145585T Olea europaea California, USA MK514094 NA MK509030 NA MK509025
C. palm CXY 1276 Cotinus coggygria Beijing, China JN402990 NA NA NA KJ781296
C. palm CXY 1280T Cotinus coggygria Beijing, China JN411939 NA NA NA KJ781297
C. paracinnamomea CFCC 55453T Salix matsudana Gansu, China MZ702594 NA OK303456 OK303515 OK303576
C. paracinnamomea CFCC 55454 Salix matsudana Gansu, China MZ702597 NA OK303459 OK303518 OK303579
C. parakantschavelii MFLUCC 15-0857T Populus × sibirica Russia KY417738 KY417772 KY417704 KY417806 NA
C. parapersoonii T28.1T Prunus persica USA AF191181 NA NA NA NA
C. parapistaciae CBS 144506T Pistacia vera California, USA MG971804 NA MG971954 NA MG971519
C. paraplurivora FDS-564T Prunus persica var. nucipersica Canada OL640183 OL640185 OL631587 NA OL631590
C. paraplurivora FDS-623 Prunus persica var. persica Canada OL640181 OL640123 OL631588 NA OL631591
C. parasitica MFLUCC 15-0507T Malus domestica Russia KY417740 KY417774 KY417706 KY417808 NA
C. parasitica XJAU 2542-1 Malus sp. Xinjiang, China MH798884 MH798897 NA NA MH813452
C. paratranslucens MFLUCC 15-0506T Populus alba var. bolleana Russia KY417741 KY417775 KY417707 KY417809 NA
C. paratranslucens MFLUCC 16-0627 Populus alba Russia KY417742 KY417776 KY417708 KY417810 NA
C. pavettae CBS 145562T Pavetta revoluta South Africa MK876386 MK876427 MK876457 MK876483 MK876497
C. phialidica MFLU 16-2442T Alnus glutinosa Italy MT177932 MT177959 NA MT432209 MT454014
C. phitsanulokensis MFLUCC 21-0046T unidentified decaying leaves Phitsanulok, Thailand MZ356517 MZ356521 MZ451160 MZ451168 MZ451164
C. piceae CFCC 52841T Picea crassifolia Xinjiang, China MH820398 MH820391 MH820406 MH820395 MH820402
C. piceae CFCC 52842 Picea crassifolia Xinjiang, China MH820399 MH820392 MH820407 MH820396 MH820403
C. pingbianensis MFLUCC 18-1204T Undefined wood Yunnan, China MK912135 MK571763 MN685817 NA NA
C. pini CBS 197.42 Pinus sylvestris Switzerland AY347332 NA NA NA NA
C. pini CBS 224.52T Pinus strobus USA AY347316 NA NA NA NA
C. pistaciae CBS 144238T Pistacia vera California, USA MG971802 NA MG971952 NA MG971517
C. platanicola MFLU 17-0327 Platanus hybrida Italy MH253451 MH253452 MH253449 MH253450 NA
C. platycladi CFCC 50504T Platycladus orientalis Yunnan, China MH933645 MH933679 MH933552 MH933610 MH933516
C. platycladi CFCC 50505 Platycladus orientalis Yunnan, China MH933646 MH933680 MH933553 MH933611 MH933517
C. platycladicola CFCC 50038T Platycladus orientalis Gansu, China KT222840 MH933682 MH933555 MH933613 MH933519
C. platycladicola CFCC 50039 Platycladus orientalis Gansu, China KR045642 KR045721 KU711008 KU710973 KU710931
C. plurivora CBS 144239T Olea europaea California, USA MG971861 NA MG972010 NA MG971572
C. populi CFCC 55472T Populus sp. Gansu, China MZ702609 NA OK303471 OK303530 OK303591
C. populi CFCC 55473 Populus sp Gansu, China MZ702610 OK303472 OK303531 OK303592
C. populicola CBS 144240T Populus deltoides California, USA MG971891 NA MG972040 NA MG971601
C. populina CFCC 89644T Salix psammophila Shaanxi, China KF765686 KF765702 KU711007 KU710969 KU710930
C. populinopsis CFCC 50032T Sorbus aucuparia Ningxia, China MH933648 MH933683 MH933556 MH933614 MH933520
C. predappioensis MFLUCC 17-2458T Platanus hybrida Italy MG873484 MG873480 NA NA NA
C. pruinopsis CFCC 50034T Ulmus pumila Shaanxi, China KP281259 KP310806 KP310836 KU710970 KP310849
C. pruinopsis CFCC 50035 Ulmus pumila Jilin, China KP281260 KP310807 KP310837 KU710971 KP310850
C. pruinosa CBS 201.42T Syringa sp. Switzerland DQ243801 NA NA NA NA
C. pruinosa CFCC 50036 Syringa oblata Qinghai, China KP310800 KP310802 KP310832 NA KP310845
C. prunicola MFLU 17-0995T Prunus sp. Italy MG742350 MG742351 MG742353 MG742352 NA
C. pruni-mume CFCC 53179 Prunus armeniaca Xinjiang, China MK673057 MK673087 MK673027 NA MK672947
C. pruni-mume CFCC 53180T Prunus mume Xinjiang, China MK673067 MK673097 MK673037 MK673007 MK672954
C. pubescentis MFLUCC 18-1201T Quercus pubescens Forlì-Cesena, Italy MK912130 MK571758 MN685812 NA NA
C. punicae CBS 144244 Punica granatum California, USA MG971943 NA MG972091 NA MG971654
C. quercicola MFLU 17-0881 Quercus sp. Italy MF190128 MF190074 NA NA NA
C. quercicola MFLUCC 14-0867T Quercus sp. Italy MF190129 MF190073 NA NA NA
C. quercinum CFCC 53133T Quercus mongolica China MT360045 MT360033 MT363982 MT363991 MT364001
C. quercinum CFCC 53132 Quercus mongolica China MT360044 MT360032 MT363981 MT363990 MT364000
C. rhizophorae MUCC302 Eucalyptus grandis Australia EU301057 NA NA NA NA
C. ribis CFCC 50026 Ulmus pumila Qinghai, China KP281267 KP310813 KP310843 KU710972 KP310856
C. ribis CFCC 50027 Ulmus pumila Qinghai, China KP281268 KP310814 KP310844 NA KP310857
C. rosae MFLU 17-0885 Rosa canina Italy MF190131 MF190076 NA NA NA
C. rosicola CF 20197024T Rosa sp. Tibet, China MK673079 MK673109 MK673049 MK673019 MK672965
C. rosigena MFLUCC 18-0921T Rosa sp. Russia MN879872 MN879873 NA NA NA
C. rostrata CFCC 89909T Salix cupularis Gansu, China KR045643 KR045722 KU711009 KU710974 KU710932
C. rostrata CFCC 89910 Salix cupularis Gansu, China KR045644 KR045723 KU711010 KU710975 KU710933
C. rusanovii MFLUCC 15-0854T Salix babylonica Russia KY417744 KY417778 KY417710 KY417812 NA
C. salicacearum MFLUCC 15-0861 Salix × fragilis Russia KY417745 KY417779 KY417711 KY417813 NA
C. salicacearum MFLUCC 15-0509T Salix alba Russia KY417746 KY417780 KY417712 KY417814 NA
C. salicicola MFLUCC 14-1052T Salix alba Russia KU982636 KU982635 KU982637 NA NA
C. salicina MFLUCC 15-0862T Salix alba Russia KY417750 KY417784 KY417716 KY417818 NA
C. salicina MFLUCC 16-0637 Salix × fragilis Russia KY417751 KY417785 KY417717 KY417819 NA
C. salicis-albae MFLUCC 18-0485 Salix alba Russia MT734820 MT734819 OL754585 OL754584 NA
C. schulzeri CFCC 50040 Malus domestica Ningxia, China KR045649 KR045728 KU711013 KU710980 KU710936
C. schulzeri CFCC 50042 Malus pumila Gansu, China KR045650 KR045729 KU711014 KU710981 KU710937
C. shoreae MFLUCC 21-0047T Shorea sp. Chiang Mai,Thailand MZ356515 MZ356519 MZ451158 MZ451166 MZ451162
C. shoreae MFLUCC 21-0048 Shorea sp. Chiang Mai,Thailand MZ356516 MZ356516 MZ356516 MZ356516 MZ356516
C. sibiraeae CFCC 50045T Sibiraea angustata Gansu, China KR045651 KR045730 KU711015 KU710982 KU710938
C. sibiraeae CFCC 50046 Sibiraea angustata Gansu, China KR045652 KR045731 KU711015 KU710983 KU710939
C. sophorae CFCC 50048 Magnolia grandiflora Shanxi, China MH820401 MH820394 MH820409 MH820397 MH820405
C. sophorae CFCC 89598 Styphnolobium japonicum Gansu, China KR045654 KR045733 KU711018 KU710985 KU710941
C. sophoricola CFCC 89596 Styphnolobium japonicum var. pendula Gansu, China KR045656 KR045735 KU711020 KU710987 KU710943
C. sophoricola CFCC 89595T Styphnolobium japonicum var. pendula Gansu, China KR045655 KR045734 KU711019 KU710986 KU710942
C. sophoriopsis CFCC 89600T Styphnolobium japonicum Gansu, China KR045623 KP310804 KU710992 KU710951 KU710915
C. sorbi MFLUCC 16-0631T Sorbus aucuparia Russia KY417752 KY417786 KY417718 KY417820 NA
C. sorbicola MFLUCC 16-0584T Acer pseudoplatanus Russia KY417755 KY417789 KY417721 KY417823 NA
C. sorbicola MFLUCC 16-0633 Cotoneaster melanocarpus Russia KY417758 KY417792 KY417724 KY417826 NA
C. sorbina CF 20197660T Sorbus tianschanica Xinjiang, China MK673052 MK673082 MK673022 NA MK672943
C. spiraeae CFCC 50049T Spiraea salicifolia Gansu, China MG707859 MG707643 MG708196 MG708199 NA
C. spiraeae CFCC 50050 Spiraea salicifolia Gansu, China MG707860 MG707644 MG708197 MG708200 NA
C. spiraeicola CFCC 53138T Spiraea salicifolia Beijing, China MN854448 MN854659 NA MN850749 MN850756
C. spiraeicola CFCC 53139 Tilia nobilis Beijing, China MN854449 MN854660 NA MN850750 MN850757
C. tamaricicola CFCC 50508T Tamarix chinensis Yunnan, China MH933652 MH933687 MH933560 MH933617 MH933523
C. tanaitica MFLUCC 14-1057T Betula pubescens Russia KT459411 KT459412 KT459413 NA NA
C. thailandica MFLUCC 17-0262T Xylocarpus moluccensis Thailand MG975776 MH253463 MH253459 MH253455 NA
C. thailandica MFLUCC 17-0263T Xylocarpus moluccensis Thailand MG975777 MH253464 MH253460 MH253456 NA
C. tibetensis CF 20197026 Cotoneaster sp. Tibet, China MK673076 MK673106 MK673046 MK673016 MK672962
C. tibetensis CF 20197032T Cotoneaster sp. Tibet, China MK673078 MK673108 MK673048 MK673018 MK672964
C. tibouchinae CPC 26333T Tibouchina semidecandra France KX228284 KX228335 NA NA NA
C. translucens CXY 1351 Populus davidiana Inner Mongolia, China KM034874 NA NA NA NA
C. ulmi MFLUCC 15-0863T Ulmus minor Russia KY417759 NA NA NA NA
C. ulmicola MFLUCC 18-1227T Ulmus pumila Russia MH940220 MH940218 MH940216 NA NA
C. unilocularis MFLUCC 15-0481T Tamarix sp. Italy KU900332 KU900304 NA KX011166 NA
C. valsoidea CMW 4309T Eucalyptus grandis Indonesia AF192312 NA NA NA NA
C. variostromatica CMW 6766T Eucalyptus globulus Australia AY347366 NA NA NA NA
C. variostromatica CMW 1240 Eucalyptus grandis South Africa AF260263 NA NA NA NA
C. verrucosa CFCC 53157T Platycladus orientalis Beijing, China MW418408 MW418420 NA MW422911 MW422923
C. verrucosa CFCC 53158 Platycladus orientalis Beijing, China MW418410 MW418422 MW422901 MW422913 MW422925
C. vinacea CBS 141585T Vitis interspecific hybrid ‘Vidal’ USA KX256256 NA NA NA KX256277
C. viridistroma CBS 202.36T Cercis canadensis Castigl USA MN172408 MN172388 NA NA MN271853
C. viticola Cyt2 Vitis interspecific hybrid ‘Frontenac’ USA KX256238 NA NA NA KX256259
C. viticola CBS 141586T Vitis vinifera ‘Cabernet Franc’ USA KX256239 NA NA NA KX256260
C. xinglongensis CFCC 52458 Castanea mollissima China MK432622 MK429892 MK442946 MK578082 NA
C. xinglongensis CFCC 52459 Castanea mollissima China MK432623 MK429893 MK442947 MK578083 NA
C. xinjiangensis CFCC 53182 Rosa sp. Xinjiang, China MK673064 MK673094 MK673034 MK673004 MK672951
C. xinjiangensis CFCC 53183T Rosa sp. Xinjiang, China MK673065 MK673095 MK673035 MK673005 MK672952
C. xylocarpi MFLUCC 17-0251T Xylocarpus granatum Thailand MG975775 MH253462 MH253458 NA NA
C. yakimana Bent902/CBS 149297 Vitis vinifera USA OM976602 ON059350 ON012555 ON045093 ON012569
C. yakimana Bent903/CBS 149298 Vitis vinifera USA OM976603 ON059351 ON012556 ON045094 ON012570
C. zhaitangensis CFCC 56227T Euonymus japonicus China OQ344750 NA OQ410623 OQ398733 OQ398760
C. zhaitangensis CFCC 57537 Euonymus japonicus China OQ344751 NA OQ410624 OQ398734 OQ398761
Diaporthe eres CBS 145040 Lactuca satia Netherlands MK442579 MK442521 MK442634 MK442663 MK442693
Diaporthe vaccinii CBS 160.32 Vaccinium macrocarpon USA KC343228 NA JQ807297 NA KC343954

aATCC: American Type Culture Collection, Virginia, USA; CBS: Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute (CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre), Utrecht, The Netherlands; CFCC: China Forestry Culture Collection Centre, Beijing, China; CMW: Culture collection of Michael Wingfield, University of Pretoria, South Africa; CPC: Culture collection of Pedro Crous, The Netherlands; IMI: Culture collection of the International Mycological Institute, CABI Bioscience, Egham, Surrey, UK; MFLU: Mae Fah Luang University herbarium, Thailand; MFLUCC: Mae Fah Luang University Culture Collection, Thailand; MUCC: Murdoch University Culture Collection, Perth, Australia; NE: Gerard Adams collections, University of Nebraska, Lincoln NE, USA; XJAU: Xinjiang Agricultural University, Xinjiang, China; IRAN: the Fungal Culture Collection of the Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection; FCCUU: Fungal Culture Collection of Urmia University. NA: not applicable. All the new isolates used in this study are in bold and the type materials are marked with T.

The newly generated sequences were checked and trimmed manually in BioEdit v. 7.2.670 and deposited in GenBank (Table 3). Sequences based on the combined dataset (ITS-rDNA, LSU, act1, rpb2, and tef1-α) were aligned using the MAFFT v. 7 online service ( for each locus separately by including the sequences of ex-type and representative Cytospora strains available in the literature and adjusted where necessary. The concatenated sequence dataset (ITS-rDNA, LSU, act1, rpb2, and tef1-α) was produced in Mesquite v. 2.7472 and used for phylogenetic analysis. Multi-gene phylogenetic analyses were done by using Maximum Likelihood (ML), Maximum Parsimony (MP), and Bayesian Inference (BI) methods. ML analysis was conducted in RAxML-HPC BlackBox v. 8.2.1273 provided by the CIPRES Science Gateway v 3.374. The substitution model was set as GTRGAMMA+I and branch stability was estimated by 1000 bootstrap replications to produce a cladogram with nodal support values. BI was performed in MrBayes v. 3.2.775 by using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method with four chains, 1M generations, and a temperature value of the heated chain of 0.1. Trees were saved every 1000 generations, Burn-in was set to 25%, and posterior probabilities (PP) were determined from the remaining trees. For determining the best-fit evolutionary models required for BI, all individual alignments were evaluated in MrModeltest v2.376 using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). MP analysis was performed in PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony) v. 4.0b1077. Trees were inferred using the heuristic search option with 1000 random sequence additions and branch swapping with the tree-bisection-reconnection (TBR) algorithm and gaps were treated as missing data. The bootstrap values with 1000 replicates were performed to determine branch support. Descriptive tree statistics [Tree Length (TL), Consistency Index (CI), Retention Index (RI), and Homoplasy Index (HI)] were calculated for trees generated in the parsimony analysis. Sequences of Diaporthe eres CBS 145040 and Diaporthe vaccinii CBS 160.32 were used as outgroups. The resultant phylogenetic tree was visualized in FigTree v. 1.4.478 and edited in graphic design software, Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 (Adobe Inc., San Jose, California). The ultimate concatenated alignment and ML-generated tree file were submitted to TreeBASE ( under the accession number 29113. Sequence data were deposited in the GenBank dataset and their accession numbers are provided in Table 3.

Morphological characterization

Purified cultures were grown on PDA medium, incubated in the dark at 25 ± 1 °C, and examined after three, seven, and 30 days. Radial growth was measured by taking two measurements perpendicular to each other in triplicates21,57,60,79. Colony color was determined based on Rayner’s color charts80. Pycnidia formation was induced on pine needles embedded in 2% water agar [20 g Agar (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) in 1000 mL distilled water] medium or on one-year-old apple shoots embedded in PDA medium and incubated under near ultraviolet (NUV) light (12 h photoperiod) at room temperature. Both pine needles and apple shoots were autoclave sterilized at 121 °C for 20 min. thrice, with a 24-h interval between each sterilization. Pycnidia formation was checked weekly for 30 days. Hand sections of the conidiomata (both transverse and longitudinal) were prepared and mounted in water or lactic acid and examined for morphological details. Macro-morphological characters including size and arrangement of stromata, presence or absence of conceptacle, number, and diameter of ostioles per ectostromatic disk, arrangement of locules and color, shape, and size of discs were examined using an Olympus SZX-ILLB200 dissecting microscope. Micro-morphological characters including the shape and size of conidia (n = 50) and conidiophores/conidiogenous cells (n = 25) were determined at 1000× magnification under an Olympus AX70 compound microscope with differential interference contrast (DIC) illumination. Adobe Photoshop 2020 v. 2.10.8 software (Adobe Inc., San Jose, California) was used for manual editing.

Pathogenicity trials

Pathogenicity trials were done based on the standard and routine method described in the literature31,42,44,57,8184. Detached, dormant, one- or two-year-old, 25 × 1.5–2 cm apple shoots of the cv. ʻRed Delicious’ were collected from healthy trees in the apple cultivar collection farm of Urmia University. The shoots were washed under running tap water, surface disinfested with 75% ethanol for 4 min., washed again in sterile distilled water, and blotted dry on a sterile paper towel. The bark of the shoots was removed in the center with a 5-mm-diameter flame sterilized cork borer and inoculated with a 5 mm diameter mycelial plug of actively growing fungal isolates (7–day-old on PDA). All the obtained isolates were used in pathogenicity trials. Each inoculated site was covered with a sterile moistened cotton ball and wrapped with Parafilm™ (Bemis™, pm996, USA) to maintain the moisture. Sterile PDA plugs were used as the controls. Six shoots were used for each fungal isolate and control treatment. Inoculated shoots were placed in clean plastic containers containing three layered moistened sterile paper towels and incubated under laboratory conditions (diurnal light, 25 ± 2 °C, 80% relative humidity) for 21 days. All the experiments were repeated once under similar conditions. Length of bark and wood discoloration around the inoculated sites were measured 21 days post-inoculation. Also, the pathogenicity of the most virulent isolate (BA 2-4) was determined on the ‘Red Delicious’ cultivar under field conditions. Four 2–3-year-old branches in four geographical directions were selected. The bark of the branches was surface disinfected by spraying with 75% ethanol, and the fungal inoculation was the same as described for detached shoots. Inoculation was done on April 7, 2023, and the results were evaluated on May 24, 2023.

In addition, five fungal isolates (BA 1-1, BA 2-1, BA 2-4, KU 1-1, and BA 3-1 isolates) which had the highest virulence in the trials as mentioned above (Table 1) were chosen for the evaluation of reaction of 12 apple cultivars including ʻBraeburn’, ʻDelbard Estivale’, ʻFuji’, ʻGranny Smith’, ʻGolden Delicious’, ʻGolden Primrose’, ʻIdared’, ʻRed Delicious’, ʻM4’, ʻM7’, ʻMM106’ and ʻMM109’ against these isolates. Healthy shoots were collected from the apple cultivar collection farm of Urmia University and used for pathogenicity tests as described above and the length of bark and wood discoloration around the inoculated sites was measured 21 days post-inoculation. Experiments were laid down following a completely randomized design (CRD). The pathogenicity data were transformed by square root due to the existence of zero values and were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SAS v.9.1 software (SAS Institute, Inc., USA). The lesion length means were compared with Duncan’s multiple range test (P ≤ 0.05). To confirm Koch’s postulates, fungal re-isolation was carried out from the margins of the developed lesions in all symptomatic samples, and isolates were re-identified morphologically as described previously.

Supplementary Information

Supplementary Figure S1. (11.3MB, docx)


The authors would like to thank Mr. Alireza Poursafar for his help during the study and the Research Deputy of Urmia University for financial support. Also, we thank anonymous reviewers for their careful review of this manuscript and for giving explanatory suggestions.

Author contributions

Y.G. and A.A. designed and supervised the project . R.A. and Y.G. performed sampling, fungal isolation, experiments and photography. R.A. and A.A. carried out statistical and phylogenetic analyses. Y.G. wrote the main manuscript text and R.A. and A.A. prepared the figures 1-5. All authors reviewed the manuscript.

Data availability

All sequence data generated in this study are available in NCBI GenBank ( following the accession numbers MZ948960-MZ948962 (ITS); MZ948957-MZ948959 (LSU); MZ997842-MZ997844 (act1); MZ997845-MZ997847 (rpb2) and MZ997848-MZ997850 (tef1α). Also, the ultimate concatenated alignment and ML-generated tree file were submitted to TreeBASE ( under the accession number 29113. All data analyzed during this study are included in this manuscript.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.


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Supplementary Information

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41598-024-57235-3.


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Associated Data

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Supplementary Materials

Supplementary Figure S1. (11.3MB, docx)

Data Availability Statement

All sequence data generated in this study are available in NCBI GenBank ( following the accession numbers MZ948960-MZ948962 (ITS); MZ948957-MZ948959 (LSU); MZ997842-MZ997844 (act1); MZ997845-MZ997847 (rpb2) and MZ997848-MZ997850 (tef1α). Also, the ultimate concatenated alignment and ML-generated tree file were submitted to TreeBASE ( under the accession number 29113. All data analyzed during this study are included in this manuscript.

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