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. 2024 Mar 11;10(6):e27976. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e27976

Table 4.

Abbreviations in this study.

Brain region Abbreviation
Nucleus accumbens acb
Anterior hypothalamic area AHA
Amygdalohippocampal nucleus AHi
Anterior olfactory nucleus AON
Arcuate nucleus Arc
Basal nucleus (Meynert) B
Basolateral amygdaloid nucleus BLA
Basomedial amygdaloid nucleus BMA
Bed nucleus of the Stria terminalis BSTN
Cerebellum Cb
Central nucleus of amygdala CeA
Central medial thalamic nucleus CM
Cortical nucleus of amygdala CoA
Dentate gyrus DG
Lateral geniculate nucleus DLG
Dorsomedial nucleus DM
Dorsomedial tegmental area DMTg
Entorhinal cortex Ent
External plexiform layer Epl
Habenular commissure Hbc
Horizontal limb HDB
Intercalated nuclei of the amygdala I
Island of Calleja ICj
Inferior olive IO
Interpeduncular nucleus IP
Lateral (dentate) cerebellar nucleus Lat
Layer 6 Layer 6
Layers 2-3 Layers 2-3
Layers 4-5 Layers 4-5
Locus coeruleus LC
Laterodorsal tegmental nucleus LDTg
Laterodorsal thalamic nucleus LDVL
Lateral hypothalamus LH
Lateral Parabrachial nuclei LPB
Lateral preoptic area LPO
Lateral reticular nucleus LRt
Lateral septal nucleus LS
Medial nucleus of amygdala MePV
Medial mammillary nucleus MnM
Median preoptic nucleus MnPO
Medial preoptic area MPA
Medial Parabrachial nuclei MPB
Medial septal nucleus MS
Vascular organ of the lamina terminalis OVLT
Paraventricular nucleus Pa
Periaqueductal grey PAG
Parabrachial nucleus PB
Posterodorsal tegmental nucleus PDTg
Periventricular hypothalamic nucleus Pe
Piriform cortex Pir
Pontine nuclei Pn
Posterior thalamic nuclear group Po
Preoptic area POA
Retrochiasmatic area RCh
Raphe nucleus RN
Subiculum S
Suprachiasmatic nucleus SCh
Pars compacta SNC
Substantia nigra, reticular part SNR
Superior olive SO
Nucleus of the solitary tract Sol
Supraoptic nucleus SoN
Spinal trigeminal nucleus SPN
Subthalamic nucleus STh
Tenia tecta TT
Olfactory tubercle Tu
Vertical limb VDB
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, dorsomedial part VMHDM
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, ventrolateral part VMHVL
Ventral tegmental nucleus VTg
Zona incerta ZI