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. 2024 Mar 4;27(4):109397. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2024.109397

CRYAA gift from Roy Quinlan
CRYAB Abcam Cat# ab76467; RRID: AB_1523120
CRX Abnova H00001406-MO2; RRID: AB_606098
Ki67 Abcam Cat# ab15580; RRID: AB_443209
KRT13 Abcam Cat# ab92551; RRID: AB_2134681
KRT15 Abcam Cat# ab52816; RRID: AB_869863
Lumican Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat# sc-166871; RRID: AB_10607817
MT2A Sigma-Aldrich Cat# SAB1402848; RRID: AB_10737934
NP63 Abcam Cat# ab735; RRID: AB_305870
Goat Anti-Mouse Alexa488 Jackson Immuno Research Laboratories Cat# 115-545-146; RRID: AB_2307324
Goat Anti-Rabbit Cy3 Jackson Immuno Research Laboratories Cat# 111-165-003; RRID: AB_2338000

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Accutase Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# A1110501
B27 Supplement Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 17504001
Bluing Buffer Dako Cat# CS702
Bovine serum albumin (BSA) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# A2153
Chemically Defined Lipid Concentrate Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 11905031
DMEM/F-12 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 11320033
Ethanol VWR Cat# 85651.320
Eosin solution Sigma-Aldrich Cat# HT110216
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) used in combination with the Neurosphere dissociation kit Miltenyi Biotec Cat# 130-091-376
Fetal Bovine Serum (FCS) used for RO differentiation Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# A5256801
Fungizone Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 15290018
GlutaMAX™ Supplement Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 35050087
Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# J67763-AP
Hematoxylin Dako Cat# S3309
Hoechst Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# H3570
IGF-1 Merck Cat# SRP3069
Isopropanol VWR Cat# 20880
Knockout Serum Replacement (KOSR) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 10828028
Lipidure AMSbio Cat# AMS.52000011GB1G
Matrigel Growth Factor Reduced (GFR) Basement Membrane Matrix CORNING Cat# 354230
mTeSR™ 1 Stem Cell Technologies Cat# 85850
Methanol VWR Cat# 20846.326
N2 Supplement Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 17502001
Non-Essential AminoAcids Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 11140050
Normal Goat Serum Millipore Cat# S26-100ml
OCT embedding matrix CellPath Cat# KMA-0100-00A
Paraformaldehyde Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 158127
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 14190250
Penicillin/Streptomycin Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 15140130
Protease IV ACD Cat# 322336
Retinoic acid Merck Cat# R2625
ROCK inhibitor (Y-27632) CHEMDEA Cat# CD0141
T3 Merck Cat# 709719
Taurine Merck Cat# T8691
Triton X-100 Sigma-Aldrich Cat# T8787
Vectashield Vector Laboratories Cat# H-1000

Critical commercial assays

Chromium Next GEM Chip G Single Cell kit 10x Genomics Cat#1000120
Chromium Next GEM Chip H Single Cell Kit v1.1 10x Genomics Cat#1000162
Chromium Next GEM Single Cell ATAC Library & Gel Bead Kit, version 1.1 10x Genomics Cat#1000175
Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 3’ Kit, version 3.1 10x Genomics Cat#1000268
Chromium Single Cell 3’ Library & Gel Bead Kit, version 3.1 10x Genomics Cat#1000121
Neurosphere dissociation kit Miltenyi Biotech Cat#130-095-943; RRID:SCR_020290
Visium Spatial Gene Expression Kit, version 1 10x Genomics Cat#1000184; RRID:SCR_023571
Visium Spatial Tissue Optimization Kit 10x Genomics Cat#1000193

Deposited data

GEO GEO: GSE235577
Zenodo Zenodo:

Experimental models: Cell lines

hiPSCs (WT2) Laboratory of Prof Majlinda Lako, Newcastle University Melguizo-Sanchis et al.56, Buskin et al.57


Hs-ZIC1-C2 ACD Cat#542991-C2
Hs-HES6-C3 ACD Cat#521301-C3
Opal 520 Akoya Biosciences Cat#FP1487001KT
Opal 650 Akoya Biosciences Cat#FP1496001KT
Positive control probe ACD Cat#320861
Negative control probe ACD Cat#320871

Software and algorithms

ZEN software Zeiss, Germany
Spaceranger (version 1.0) 10x Genomics
Seurat (version 4.3.0) RRID:SCR_016341
Monoclone 3 (version 1.3.1) Bioconductor
Cellranger ATAC software (version 1.2) 10x Genomics
Bedtools merge (version 2.30) Bedtools RRID:SCR_006646
Cellranger (Version 3.01) 10x Genomics
Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software Qiagen RRID:SCR_008653
SCENIC+ (Version 1.0.1)
Python, scanpy (version 1.9.5) RRID:SCR_018139
DoubletFinder (Version 2.0.3) Bioconductor RRID:SCR_018771
Harmony (Version 0.1.1) Bioconductor RRID:SCR_022206
cell2Location (Version 0.13)
Spaniel (Version 1.12) Bioconductor
Signac (Version 1.6) Bioconductor RRID:SCR_021158
Chromvar (Version 1.20) Bioconductor
ComplexHeatmap (Version 2.14) Bioconductor RRID:SCR_017270


6 Well plate Helena/TTP Cat#92406
96-well plates (U-bottom) Helena/TPP Cat#92697T
6-well low attachment plates CORNING Cat#3471
Axio Observer.Z1 Zeiss, Germany
Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter Life Technologies RRID:SCR_020236
Nikon ECLIPSE Ti inverted microscope Nikon Instruments Inc., USA RRID:SCR_021242
Zeiss Axio Imager.Z1 microscope Zeiss, Germany RRID:SCR_018876