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. 2024 Mar 20;19(3):e0299315. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0299315

Cat and dog owners’ expectations and attitudes towards advanced veterinary care (AVC) in the UK, Austria and Denmark

Sandra A Corr 1,*, Thomas Bøker Lund 2, Peter Sandøe 3, Svenja Springer 4
Editor: Francesca Baratta5
PMCID: PMC10954172  PMID: 38507341


Modern veterinary medicine offers a level of care to cats and dogs similar to that available to their owners, including blood transfusions, chemotherapy and MRI scans. The potential benefits to the animals of owners who can afford such care are obvious, but there can also be negative consequences if owners with strong emotional attachments to their pets pursue treatments that significantly reduce the quality of the animal’s life while attempting to prolong it. Moreover, caring for a chronically or seriously ill animal can lead to emotional distress and financial and practical challenges for the pet owner. A questionnaire was used to survey cat and dog owners from representative samples of citizens in the UK, Austria and Denmark, to investigate owners’ expectations and attitudes towards advanced veterinary care, and the factors that might influence those views. Overall, 58.4% of the pet owners surveyed believed that their pets should have access to the same treatment options as humans, while 51.5% believed that they should have access to the same diagnostic tests as humans. Owners were most likely to be neutral on the question of whether advanced veterinary care has ‘gone too far’ (45.3%), and to disagree with the statement that advanced care is ‘unnecessary’ (40.1%). In all three countries, the level of attachment owners had to their pets was most strongly associated with attitudes towards advanced care, with owners scoring higher on Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale (LAPS) being more likely to expect advanced care to be available. Other factors such as owner age, living situation (alone or not), income or possession of pet insurance were less consistently with owner attitudes. Our findings will help inform veterinarians and other health care providers about pet owner expectations and attitudes towards advanced veterinary care, and contribute to the debate on increasing specialisation within the profession.


Most pet owners will at some stage seek veterinary care for their animals. In doing so, they will interact with a profession that has undergone significant changes over the last two decades, both in terms of advancements in the standard of care available for companion animals, and in the underlying structure of the profession delivering that care [1, 2].

The definition of advanced veterinary care (AVC) is constantly evolving, but it sits at one end of a spectrum of appropriate care, as all veterinary treatment must meet the standard required of, and practiced by, the average reasonably prudent and competent veterinarian [2]. As discussed by others [3], ‘basic’ care usually involves lower skills, is less resource dependent and costs less, whereas AVC is characterised by higher costs, advanced skills, state-of-the-art techniques and equipment, but is not necessarily better. For example, a dog with painful osteoarthritis of the hip should initially receive conservative management (e.g. controlled exercise and good analgesia) and only if the dog fails to improve should potential AVC such as a hip replacement be considered.

As a result of AVC, many animals that would previously have suffered, died or been euthanised due to diseases such as diabetes, renal disease or cancer can now be successfully managed in primary care practice by veterinarians using a wide range of drugs and life-saving procedures such as dialysis, blood transfusions and chemotherapy. Veterinary patients with more complex diseases or requiring advanced investigations or treatments can, in the same way as humans, be referred by their primary care veterinarian to colleagues who are specialists in fields such as orthopaedics, oncology and critical care, for advanced imaging (CT, MRI) or treatments such as radiation therapy, joint or heart valve replacements. While the availability of such care brings obvious benefits, there are also challenges: AVC is only available to pets whose owners can afford it, potentially creating moral and financial stresses for owners with financial limitations. The increasing number of choices and complexity of treatment decisions that owners are being asked to make can also be potentially overwhelming. As a broader principle, concern has also been raised over whether the prolongation of life (animal or human) at all costs is necessarily always in line with what may be considered the best interests of the patient, especially when the (animal) patients cannot express their own interests [2, 4]. For example, some may argue that it is not in a dog’s best interest to undergo chemotherapy involving repeated veterinary visits and hospital stays, and associated malaise, to gain an extra six months with its owner.

It is within this setting that this paper explores the expectations and attitudes of dog and cat owners towards the AVC available in modern small animal practice. It is important to also consider the environment in which that AVC is delivered, and the interests of the other key stakeholders; the veterinarian delivering the care, and the practice owners and managers, who, increasingly, are not veterinarians themselves [5]. While ultimately the pet owner will decide how their pet is treated, the influence of these other stakeholders is significant, and interests can sometimes be competing.

Most veterinarians desire to offer the best care to their patients, and derive professional satisfaction from the development of new skills, while earning a decent living [2, 6, 7]. For example, results of an Austrian focus group study among small animal veterinarians showed that they are highly motivated by the implementation and use of new technologies that improve patient care, irrespective of whether they work as primary care or specialized veterinarians [6]. Further, recently a specific decision-ethics orientation has been identified particularly among younger and less experienced veterinarians that reflects a strong sense of responsibility to provide optimal patient care and contribute to the advancement of veterinary medicine [8]. Veterinarians who are motivated to advance veterinary care can contribute by recruiting their patients into clinical research studies on specific diseases or that assess post-operative outcomes, if the pet owner gives consent. Highly motivated veterinarians may undertake several years of postgraduate training to obtain specialist qualifications awarded by one of the recognized veterinary specialist Colleges in Europe (see, or in the USA (see

In parallel, there has been a significant change in the structure of practices in many countries in response to the growing demand for high-quality veterinary services [9]. A pan-European survey in 2018 [10] found that most small animal practices (70%) were small, with fewer than five staff members, but noted a trend towards increasing corporatisation and the creation of larger practice groups. Corporatisation is rapidly increasing globally–for example in Canada, corporates are thought to control over 20% of the veterinary practices, and ‘probably’ 40% of veterinarians [11]. In the USA, it is estimated that 75% of specialty veterinary practices are now corporate-owned, with $45 billion worth of private equity deals being done for veterinary practices and companies between 2017–2022, resulting in companies such as Mars Veterinary Health owning over 2000 practices [12].

Corporate practice ownership is usually associated with significant investment which clearly has many potential benefits to patient care, however the businesses must generate substantial income to pay for staff salaries and the purchase and maintenance of expensive equipment, while returning profits to the investors. Significantly increased veterinary care costs, driven in part by the increasing demand for AVC, has a direct knock-on effect on increasing pet health insurance premiums in general [13, 14], potentially impacting many people who rely on pet insurance to be able to afford even basic veterinary care for their animals.

It is within this environment that dog and cat owners have to make decisions about the veterinary care for their pet(s). Without doubt, advancements in veterinary care are also driven by owner expectations [6], as they are only sustainable if owners are able and willing to pay for them, yet owners’ expectations of, and attitudes towards, modern advanced veterinary care have not been fully explored. Whether dog and cat owners expect their pets to have access to the same standard of healthcare as human patients, or, conversely, think modern advanced veterinary care for animals is unnecessary or goes ‘too far’, was the focus of this study.

We predict that owner attitudes towards advanced care for their pet(s) will be influenced by many factors, including the relationship that they have with their animal(s). In most cases, dogs and cats kept primarily as pets have a role in the emotional lives of their owners, with the individual animal being considered irreplaceable, and often described as a ‘friend’ or ‘family member’ [1, 15]. The relationship between the owner and their pet has been evaluated using various measures of attachement, the most widely utilised being the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale (LAPS) [16, 17]. As the benefits derived from a human-animal interaction are thought to be related to the type and depth of emotional connection between the two [18], it is not surprising that the level of attachment can also influence the decisions that owners make about their pets’ healthcare [1922].

Although the potential benefits of advanced care for the animal and the owner who cares about it are obvious, a close bond can also negatively impact the wellbeing of both. Pursuing a treatment that has a limited chance of success and significantly reduces the animal’s quality of life in an effort to prolong it can seriously compromise the animal’s welfare [1, 23]. In the same way, the phenomenon of caregiver burden–the emotional distress and financial and practical challenges of caring for a patient–has been recognised in the owners of seriously or chronically ill animals [24]. Other stakeholders may also be impacted, for example clients wishing to pursue treatment despite poor animal welfare has been highlighted as the most stressful ethical dilemma for veterinarians in several studies [25, 26].

This prompts the question over whether modern veterinary care can “go too far”, if, for example, animal welfare becomes secondary to other concerns such as the emotional needs of the owner [27]. Although this has been the subject of much recent debate amongst animal welfare scientists, ethicists and veterinarians [2, 26, 28], opinions on AVC in this context have not been sought directly from pet owners themselves.

Although many studies exist on decision-making in veterinary treatment, the majority explore it from the perspective of the veterinarian [8, 29], or in relation to specific diseases or end of life care [30, 31] or shared decision-making between the veterinarian and owner [3234]. However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, no studies have specifically explored pet owner expectations of and attitudes towards modern AVC in general, and little is known about the factors that might predict whether certain owners are more likely to hold certain opinions, or indeed be willing to enrol their own pet(s) into clinical research projects to help advance that care.

This study addressed the following research questions:

  1. Which diagnostic tools and treatment options do dog and cat owners expect to be available at their ‘usual’ veterinary practice, and how many have taken their pet to a specialist?

  2. What attitudes do dog and cat owners have towards the AVC available in modern small animal practice?

  3. Are owners who expect AVC to be available for their animal willing to participate by enrolling their own pet(s) into a clinical research study?

  4. How are these attitudes influenced by factors such as pet species (dog or cat), owner age, gender, living situation, income, possession of pet health insurance, and level of emotional attachment to their pet?

Differences and similarities between owners in three countries, the UK, Austria and Denmark, were explored. These countries were selected to represent diversity in the veterinary sector, as smaller independently owned practices still predominate in Austria, whereas larger practices are more common in Denmark, and in the UK large practices owned by corporations are becoming dominant [5, 10].

Our study aims to provide veterinarians, practice owners and others related to the profession, such as insurance companies, with insights into pet owners expectations and attitudes towards AVC, and the factors that might predict those expectations and attitudes.

Materials and methods

Ethical approval for the entire project was obtained from the Research Ethics Committee of SCIENCE and HEALTH (ReF: 504-010300/22-5000) at the University of Copenhagen.

Survey design and measurements

The questionnaire consisted of three sections (see S1 File). For the following detailed description, only those questions relevant to the present paper, in Sections A and B, are considered here.

Section A included 19 closed-ended questions on respondent socio-demographics, pet ownership (dog and/or cat) and insurance, and level of emotional attachment, as well as veterinary practice aspects (attendance, availability of equipment) and pet health insurance status (“yes”, “no”, “not anymore”). Further, the 23 items that are used in the Lexington Attachment to Pets Scale (LAPS) [16, 17] to measure owners’ attachment to their animal were included in the section. The LAPS includes statements such as ‘I believe my pet is my best friend’, ‘I believe that pets should have the same rights and privileges as family members’ and ‘Pets deserve as much respect as humans do’. Response options were 1 ‘strongly disagree’, 2 ‘somewhat disagree’, 3 ‘somewhat agree’ and 4 ‘strongly agree’. If respondents had both cat(s) and dog(s), they were asked which species their favorite pet was, and instructed to think about that favorite pet when responding to the 23 LAPS statements.

The section also inquired about which of four basic (radiography, ultrasound, dental equipment, in-house laboratory) and four advanced (CT scanner, MRI, arthroscopy, endoscopy) diagnostic and treatment options owners would expect to be available at the pracice they usually attend. Short explanations of each were presented, to ensure that respondents understood how the equipment was used in practice, and a multiple response format was used, so that respondents were able to indicate all the options they would expect to be available. The answer options ‘none of the above’ and ‘I don’t know’ were also provided. Based on their answers, respondents were divided into two groups: the ‘basic only’ group consisted of owners who selected only one or more basic options, while the ‘advanced’ group consisted of owners who, along with basic options, had also selected one or more advanced options (see Table 3). Further, respondents were asked whether they have ever taken their dog(s) or cat(s) to specialist veterinarian. Available answer options were ‘yes’, ‘no’ and ‘I don’t know’.

Table 3. Diagnostic and treatment options pet owners in each country (all N = 2117; Austria n = 800; Denmark n = 626; UK n = 691) expect at the practice they usually attend grouped in “none/I don’t know”, “basic only” and “advanced”.

Diagnostic /treatment option All countries
N = 2117* (%)**
n = 800* (%)**
n = 626* (%)**
n = 691* (%)**
None / I don’t know 496 (23.5) 141 (17.4) 207 (34.0) 148 (21.2) H(2) = 46.638, p<0.001
AT vs DK: p<0.001
AT vs UK: p = 0.063
DK vs UK: p<0.001
Basic only1 556 (26.1) 268 (33.4) 157 (25.1) 131 (19.0)
Advanced2 1065 (50.3) 391 (49.2) 262 (40.9) 412 (59.8)

*Number of respondents (N,n) and analyses with inferential statistics were calculated with unweighted data

**Proportions were calculated with weighted data; rounding errors lead to some differences between rounded-off numerical values and actual values

1‘Basic only’ options: Radiography, Ultrasound, In-house laboratory, Dental equipment

2‘Advanced’ options: Endoscopy, Arthroscopy, MRI scanner, CT scanner

Section B contained a matrix to measure owners’ attitudes towards advances in small animal practice, based on their level of agreement with seven statements including, for example, ‘My pet should have access to the same diagnostic tests that are available to human patients’, ‘I would enrol my pet in a research study to help advance veterinary care, as long as the risk of potential complications was low’, or ‘The advanced care available in modern veterinary medicine has gone ‘too far’, putting animals through ‘too much”. Respondents were able to indicate their level of agreement by using a 7-point Likert scale from 1 ‘strongly disagree’ up to 7 ‘strongly agree’.

At the end of the questionnaire, respondents were asked about their total gross household income per year, within specified ranges, and also given the option to decline to say.

Survey development

The questionnaire was developed with a view to comparing themes and results from a previous transnational study (involving the same three countries) on veterinarians’ decision-making in the context of modern veterinary practice [8]. Informed by literature review, items were developed to consider aspects related to the relationship between people and their pets and how this might influence their expectations and attitudes towards veterinary care. Two stages of pretesting were carried out: initially, 15 cognitive interviews [35, 36] were conducted with five (dog and /or cat) owners in each country to check whether the content was clear or could be misunderstood; where appropriate, questions were subsequently either reformulated, or in some cases, removed. Next, an online pre-test phase was conducted with 123 Austrian, 152 Danish and 117 UK citizens, including 34 dog and 39 cat owners in Austria, 30 dog and 24 cat owners in Denmark and 41 dog and 40 cat owners in the UK. Relevant comments that were likely to improve data quality were incorporated into the final version of the questionnaire in all three languages.

Recruitment of participants and representativity of the sample

The present study forms a part of a larger body of work on dog and cat owners’ attitudes towards different aspects of modern small animal practice. Participants for the study were recruited by NORSTAT, a European-based survey company, to gain a representative sample of UK, Danish and Austrian citizens (over 17 years of age), including pet owners. Norstat manages citizen panels in several European countries where the members of these panels have agreed to receive invitations to participate in research. In Denmark, panel members are recruited through a mixture of telephone interviews (random digit dialing), and online sources (typically internet pages). In the UK and in Austria, panel members are only recruited through online sources. The invitees were recruited from NORSTAT’s pre-established citizen panel in the three study countries. In each country, Norstat conducted a random draw of panel members. During data collection, Norstat continuously monitored the number of respondents that had completed the questionnaire across different age groups, geographical location, and gender. If particular groups were under-represented (compared with the countries’ census), extra invitations were issued within this group (still using the random draw principle within the group).

Invitations to participate were issued to 17,747 panel members (5207, 6075 and 6465 in Austria, Denmark and the UK, respectively) via an e-mail containing a link to the online questionnaire. The invitation provided background information on the study, including the participating Universities, ethical approval, anonymity of data and participant’s rights. Before participants were directed to the survey, important information was provided on the opening page to obtain their informed consent. Participants were advised that completion of the questionnaire is voluntary, they can exit at any point prior to submitting the final answers, that responses will be passed to the researchers in an anonymized form and no information can be traced back to them. Since this was an online survey, participants provided consent by clicking the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of the consent form, also confirming that they were over 17 years old, in order to proceed to the questionnaire. The survey was open from 11-25th March 2022 in Austria, 11-24th March 2022 in Denmark, and 8-23rd March 2022 in the UK.

Of the 17,747 invitations issues, the survey weblink was clicked on by 4885 individuals, and completed questionnaires were received from 4,610 individuals (1500, 1552 and 1558 from Austria, Denmark and the UK respectively), reflecting a dropout rate of 5.26%. The response rate was 30.34% for Austria, 27.49% for Denmark and 25.29% for UK. The final sample relevant to the present paper (cat and dog owners) consisted of 2117 owners: 844 dog owners, 872 cat owners and 401 owners who keep both dog(s) and cat(s). To account for demographic misrepresentation in the study data, all analyses of means and proportions (but not inferential statistics and regressions) were reported with weighted data using a weight variable that adjusts the data to the three countries’ population census regarding age, gender, and region.

Data analysis

IBM® SPSS® Statistics version 28.0 (IBM® SPSS® Statistics, Chicago, IL, USA) was used for all analyses. Univariate descriptive statistics were presented in tables or text. For bivariate analysis, Chi-Square were conducted to test whether the distribution between dogs and cat owners or owners who owned both species differed. Further, Chi-Square and Kruskal-Wallis H tests were conducted to test whether the frequency distribution differed between the Austrian, Danish and UK sub-populations. The significance level was 0.05. Results of univariate analyses were conducted with weighted data to take into account the effects of any sample imbalances and to bring them more in line with the of dog and cat owners in the three countries. Bonferroni correction was applied for all multiple comparisons and significant variables.

Further, four ordinal regression analyses were conducted separately for each country to examine what determines owners’ attitudes towards advances in small animal practice. A main explanatory variable was animal species (i.e. whether the owner has a cat or a dog). This dichotomous variable was constructed using a question where respondents stated whether they had one or more cats or dogs: 401 pet owners (18.6%) reported having both species. Those owners with both were then asked to think about their favourite pet: of the 401 owners, 263 (65.6%) chose a dog and 107 (26.7%) chose a cat as their favourite pet. Those who chose a cat were ascribed to be cat owners, and vice versa if a dog was chosen. As some owners chose another species e.g. a horse as their favourite animal, the eligible sample size decreased slightly (N = 31 out of 2117 dog and cat owners; 1.5%).

In doing so, the following four statements focusing on this were treated as ordered variables and were included as dependent variables one by one: (1) ‘My pet should have access to the same treatment options that are available to human patients.’, (2) ‘I would enrol my pet in a research study to help advance veterinary care, as long as the risk of potential complications was low.’, (3) ‘The advanced care available in modern veterinary medicine has gone ‘too far’, putting animals through ‘too much.” and (4) ‘The advanced care available in modern veterinary medicine is unnecessary—animals should not be treated in the same way as humans.’ Owner’s age (range: AT: 18–81 years; DK: 18–86 years, UK: 18–83 years) and their emotional attachment to their animal (mean score of LAPS) were included as continuous predictor variables. Gender (1 = male, 2 = female), animal species (1 = dog, 2 = cat), existence of health insurance (1 = yes, 2 = no/not anymore) and total gross household income per year (0 = ‘I don’t know/’Prefer not to say’; 1 = low; 2 = middle; 3 = high;) and owner living status (1 = live alone; 2 = live not alone) were inserted as categorical variables. For each regression analysis, we evaluated the overall regression model fit using the LR chi2 test and Nagelkerke’s Pseudo-R-Square (see S2 File).

Finally, to explore whether owners who believe that their pet should have access to advanced treatment consider that both their veterinarian, and their own pet, should contribute to the development of that care, Pearson correlation analyses were conducted on the responses to the following statements: (1) ‘My vet should offer my pet the most advanced treatment that is available’, (2) ‘It is important that veterinarian contributes knowledge to the advancement of veterinary care for future patients.’ and (3) ‘I would enrol my pet in a research study to help advance veterinary care, as long as the risk of potential complications was low.’


A. Dog and cat owner socio-demographics

As shown in Table 1, a similar number of respondents from Denmark and the UK had dogs or cats, however there were significantly fewer Austrian dog owners, and significantly more Austrian cat owners, than in both Denmark and the UK (p<0.001). Significantly fewer respondents from Denmark had both cat(s) and dog(s) compared to those from the UK and Austria.

Table 1. Number (N,n) and proportions (%) of respondents owning either dog(s), cat(s) or both listed for all countries (N = 2117) and separately for Austria (n = 800), Denmark (n = 626) and the UK (n = 691).

Species All
N = 2117* (%)**
n = 800* (%)**
n = 626* (%)**
n = 691* (%)**
Dog(s) 844 (40.4) 225 (28.6) 308 (49.7) 311 (45.3) Cats vs. Dogs:
Chi2(2) = 61.619, p<0.001
AT vs. DK: p<0.001
AT vs. UK: p<0.001
DK vs. UK: p = 0.909
Cat(s) 872 (41.0) 391 (49.1) 241 (38.5) 240 (34.2)
Both (dog(s) and cat(s)) 401 (18.6) 184 (22.3) 77 (11.9) 140 (20.5)

*Number of respondents (N,n) and analyses with inferential statistics were calculated with unweighted data

**Proportions were calculated with weighted data; rounding errors lead to some differences between rounded-off numerical values and actual values

Table 2 highlights socio-demographic differences in cat and dog ownership across countries. The age of respondents was not significantly different between the UK and Austria, but fewer Danish respondents were in the youngest age range (pAT = 0.009; pUK<0.001). Gender balance was similar between countries, and the majority of people in all three countries lived with others (76.9–80.6%) rather than living alone. Only a small proportion of respondents had a veterinary background. Respondent income showed a similar distribution between low, middle and high categories both within and across countries, although there were significantly more high-income owners in Denmark than Austria (p<0.001). However, significantly fewer Austrian respondents had pet insurance (21.3%, p<0.001) compared to owners in the UK (51.5%) and Denmark (56.3%).

Table 2. Pet owner socio-demographic information including age, age groups, gender, living status, work in the veterinary field, presence of pet health insurance and information on income listed for all countries (N = 2117) and separately for Austria (n = 800), Denmark (n = 626) and the UK (n = 691).

(N = 2117)
(n = 800)
(n = 626)
(n = 691)
Age (years)
Mean ± Std** 46.26±16.36 45.90±16.14 47.86±16.25 45.26±16.62
Median [IQR]** 47.0 [32;59] 47.0 [32;59] 48 [35;59] 45 [30;58]
Age Groups (years) N* (%)** n* (%)** n* (%)** n* (%)**
18–30 518 (21.9) 227 (22.4) 111 (17.4) 180 (25.3) H(2) = 25.670, p<0.001
AT vs DK: p = 0.009
AT vs UK: p = 0.120
DK vs UK: p<0.001
31–40 354 (17.0) 143 (16.6) 94 (15.8) 117 (18.4)
41–50 405 (18.4) 142 (16.6) 145 (22.3) 118 (16.9)
61–60 412 (20.7) 160 (22.5) 128 (20.9) 124 (18.5)
>60 427 (22.0) 128 (21.9) 147 (23.6) 152 (20.8)
Prefer not to say 1 (<0.1) 0 (0.0) 1 (0.1) 0 (0.0)
Male 853 (46.0) 314 (45.7) 247 (44.3) 292 (47.7) χ2(2) = 1.690, p = 0.430
Female 1256 (53.6) 482 (53.8) 378 (55.5) 396 (51.8)
Neither of these 8 (0.4) 4 (0.5) 1 (0.2) 3 (0.4)
Do you live alone?
Yes 444 (21.3) 175 (23.1) 136 (21.2) 133 (19.4) χ2(2) = 1.848, p = 0.397
No 1673 (78.7) 625 (76.9) 490 (78.8) 558 (80.6)
Do you work in the veterinary field?
Yes 138 (6.8) 57 (6.8) 11 (1.8) 70 (11.2)
No 1979 (93.2) 743 (93.2) 615 (98.2) 621 (88.8)
Do you have pet health insurance?
Yes 876 (41.7) 171 (21.3) 350 (56.3) 355 (51.5) χ2(2) = 214.933, p<0.001
AT vs DK: p<0.001
AT vs UK:p<0.001
DK vs UK: p = 0.078
No/not anymore 1241 (58.3) 629 (78.7) 276 (43.7) 336 (48.5)
Respondent Income
Low+ 220 (26.6) 138 (21.3) 187 (26.3) H(2) = 15.410, p<0.001
AT vs. DK: p<0.001
AT vs UK: p = 0.112
DK vs UK: p = 0.297
Middle++ 247 (31.1) 175 (28.3) 224 (32.0)
High+++ 197 (25.3) 219 (35.4) 210 (32.0)
Don’t know/ prefer not to say 136 (17.0) 94 (14.9) 70 (9.7)

*Number of respondents (N,n) and analyses with inferential statistics were calculated with unweighted data

**Proportions, mean±std and median [IQR] were calculated with weighted data; rounding errors lead to some differences between rounded-off numerical values and actual values

Low+ Austria (Euro) < 13450–26899; Denmark (DK) < 100.000–300.000; UK £<11,200–22,399

Middle++ Austria (Euro) 26900–53799; Denmark (DK) 300.001–600.000; UK £22,400–44,799

High+++ Austria (Euro) 53800–134500; Denmark (DK) 600.001–1.000.001; UK £44,800–112,000

B. Veterinary practice related information and owner expectations

There were significant differences across the three countries in the practice types attended by the respondents. While 69–71.7% of cat and dog owners respectively in Austria, and 57.9–58.6% of cat and dog owners respectively in Denmark attended practices with 1–3 vets, this was the case for only 37.4% of cat and 36.9% of dog owners in the UK (p<0.001). A significantly higher proportion of owners in the UK (32.5%) attended practices with four or more vets, compared to Austrian (11.8%) or Danish owners (26.2%) (p<0.001). (S3 File).

Overall, 50.3% of the respondents expected advanced diagnostic and treatment options to be available at their usual practice, while 23.5% either did not know, or expected none to be available (Table 3). Owners in the UK were significantly more likely to expect advanced options to be available at their usual practice than Austrian owners (p = 0.063), while Danish owners were significantly less likely to expect them than UK (p<0.001) or Austrian owners (p<0.001).

Overall, 18.3% of dog owners and 10.3% of cat owners have taken their pet to a specialist (Table 4). Significantly fewer dogs (8.9%) or cats (5.6%) had been taken to see a specialist in Denmark compared to Austria (pdog,cat<0.001) or the UK (pdog<0.001, pcat = 0.009).

Table 4. Owner responses when asked ‘Have you ever taken your pet to a Specialist?’ considered by species (dog or cat), and country (all N = 2117; Austria n = 800; Denmark n = 626; UK n = 691).

N = 2117
n = 800
n = 626
n = 691
Dogs n = 1245* (%)** n = 409* (%)** n = 385* (%)** n = 451* (%)**
Yes 221 (18.3) 108 (26.2) 35 (8.9) 78 (19.3) χ2(2) = 41.413, p<0.001
AT vs DK: p<0.001
AT vs UK: p<0.001
DK vs UK: p<0.001
No 991 (79.1) 288 (70.9) 338 (88.1) 365 (78.9)
I don’t know 33 (2.6) 13 (3.0) 12 (3.1) 8 (1.8)
Cats n = 1273 (%) n = 575 (%) n = 318 (%) n = 380 (%)
Yes 130 (10.3) 69 (11.7) 17 (5.6) 44 (12.0) χ2(2) = 11.832, p = 0.003
AT vs DK: p<0.001
AT vs UK: p = 0.783
DK vs UK: p = 0.009
No 1107 (86.8) 483 (84.6) 298 (93.5) 326 (84.6)
I don’t know 36 (2.9) 23 (3.7) 3 (1.0) 10 (3.4)

*Number of respondents (N,n) and analyses with inferential statistics were calculated with unweighted data

**Proportions were calculated with weighted data; rounding errors lead to some differences between rounded-off numerical values and actual values

C. Pet owner attitudes towards advanced veterinary care and willingness to enrol pet into clinical research

Overall, more than half of pet owners agreed that their pet should be able to access the same diagnostic tests (50.6%) and treatment options (58.4%) as human patients, and that their vets should offer the most advanced care (63.6%) (Table 5). While the majority also agreed that vets had an important role in contributing knowledge to advance veterinary care (64.4%), they were less likely to agree to enroll their own pet in a research study (39.0%). Owners were most likely to be neutral on the question of whether advanced care has gone too far’ (45.3%), and to disagree with the statement that it is unnecessary (40.1%).

Table 5. Pet owners’ attitudes towards advanced veterinary care (AVC) in small animal veterinary practice considered by country (all N = 2117; Austria n = 800; Denmark n = 626; UK n = 691).

It is important that… Level of agreement* All countries
N = 2117*
n = 800*
n = 626*
n = 691*
1 My pet should have access to the same diagnostic tests that are available to human patients Disagreement (1–3) 483 (23.0) 157 (19.8) 234 (37.7) 92 (13.8) H(2) = 160.925, p<0.001
UK vs. DK: p<0.001
UK vs. AT: p<0.001
DK vs. AT: p<0.001
Neutral (4) 552 (26.4) 216 (27.8) 178 (28.1) 158 (23.3)
Agreement (5–7) 1082 (50.6) 427 (52.5) 214 (34.2) 441 (62.8)
Mean ± Std. ** 4.45±1.59 4.58±1.49 3.79±1.65 4.87±1.47
2 My pet should have access to the same treatment options that are available to human patients Disagreement (1–3) 357 (17.0) 87 (11.0) 218 (35.3) 52 (7.8) H(2) = 253.496, p<0.001
UK vs. DK: p<0.001
UK vs. AT: p = 0.008
DK vs. AT: p<0.001
Neutral (4) 510 (24.6) 184 (24.1) 182 (28.9) 144 (21.3)
Agreement (5–7) 1250 (58.4) 529 (64.9) 226 (35.8) 495 (70.9)
Mean ± Std. ** 4.71±1.53 4.95±1.35 3.87±1.66 5.20±1.29
3 I would enrol my pet in a research study to help advance veterinary care, as long as the risk of potential complications was low. Disagreement (1–3) 673 (32.2) 266 (34.3) 268 (43.3) 139 (20.2) H(2) = 123.456, p<0.001
UK vs. DK: p<0.001
UK vs. AT: p<0.001
DK vs. AT: p<0.001
Neutral (4) 614 (28.8) 224 (27.9) 190 (30.1) 200 (28.5)
Agreement (5–7) 830 (39.0) 310 (37.8) 168 (26.6) 352 (51.3)
Mean ± Std. ** 4.00±1.64 3.97±1.60 3.46±1.67 4.51±1.49
4 My vet should offer my pet the most advanced treatment that is available. Disagreement (1–3) 248 (11.6) 62 (7.7) 158 (25.3) 28 (4.0) H(2) = 233.001, p<0.001
UK vs. DK: p<0.001
UK vs. AT: p<0.001
DK vs. AT: p<0.001
Neutral (4) 523 (24.8) 182 (23.2) 208 (33.1) 133 (19.4)
Agreement (5–7) 1346 (63.6) 556 (69.1) 260 (41.6) 530 (76.6)
Mean ± Std. ** 4.90±1.38 5.07±1.23 4.18±1.52 5.34±1.14
5 It is important that my vet contributes knowledge to the advancement of veterinary care for future patients. Disagreement (1–3) 168 (8.0) 56 (6.9) 80 (13.3) 32 (4.0) H(2) = 105.439, p<0.001
UK vs. DK: p<0.001
UK vs. AT: p = 0.090
DK vs. AT: p<0.001
Neutral (4) 585 (27.6) 184 (23.5) 235 (37.2) 166 (23.9)
Agreement (5–7) 1364 (64.4) 560 (69.6) 311 (49.5) 493 (71.5)
Mean ± Std. ** 4.97±1.26 5.08±1.20 4.53±1.32 5.23±1.18
6 The advanced care available in modern veterinary medicine has gone ‘too far’, putting animals through ‘too much’ Disagreement (1–3) 483 (22.6) 206 (24.8) 122 (20.6) 155 (22.0) H(2) = 2.467, p = 0.291
Neutral (4) 954 (45.3) 339 (43.8) 314 (49.6) 301 (43.3)
Agreement (5–7) 680 (32.0) 255 (31.4) 190 (29.8) 235 (34.7)
Mean ± Std. ** 4.13±1.29 4.09±1.27 4.08±1.24 4.21±1.35
7 The advanced care available in modern veterinary medicine is unnecessary—animals should not be treated in the same way as humans. Disagreement (1–3) 860 (40.1) 394 (47.9) 194 (31.2) 272 (39.2) H(2) = 51.189, p<0.001
UK vs. DK: p = 0.057
UK vs. AT: p<0.001
DK vs. AT: p<0.001
Neutral (4) 657 (31.5) 222 (29.5) 234 (37.5) 201 (28.5)
Agreement (5–7) 600 (28.4) 184 (22.6) 198 (31.4) 218 (32.3)
Mean ± Std. ** 3.65±1.61 3.34±1.61
3.90±1.46 3.76±1.68

*Number of respondents (N,n) and analyses with inferential statistics were calculated with unweighted data

**Proportions and mean±std were calculated with weighted data; rounding errors lead to some differences between rounded-off numerical values and actual values

However significant differences exist between owners in the three countries. Significantly more UK owners than Austrian owners agreed that their pet should have access to the same diagnostic tests as human patients (62.8% and 52.5% respectively, p<0.001); access to the same treatment options as human patients (70.9% and 64.9% respectively, p = 0.008) and that their vet should offer their pet the most advanced treatment that is available (76.6% and 69.1% respectively, p<0.001). Notably, Danish owners were significantly (p<0.001) less likely to agree with any of the three statements (34.2%, 35.8% and 41.6% respectively) than either UK or Austrian owners.

When considering whether advanced veterinary care has ‘gone too far’ putting animals through too much, there was no significant difference in level of owner agreement between countries (p = 0.291). Overall, 45.3% of owners were neutral, with slightly more agreeing (32.0%) than disagreeing (22.6%) with the statement. However, when asked whether advanced care was unnecessary as animal should not be treated as humans, significantly more Austrian owners (47.9%, p<0.001) disagreed with the statement than either UK owners (39.2%), or Danish owners (31.2%), the latter being more likely to be neutral (37.5%).

On the question of whether vets should contribute knowledge to advance veterinary care, the majority of owners in Austria (69.6%) and the UK (71.5%) agreed, but significantly fewer Danish owners agreed (49.5%) (p< 0.001). However, owners were in general less willing to enrol their own pet into a research study: 51.3% of UK owners would, in contrast to only 37.8% of Austrian and 26.6% of Danish owners, with statistically significant differences between all three countries (p<0.001). Exploring these data further using Pearson Correlation analysis, we found that the owners in all three countries who believed that their pet should have access to the same treatment options that are available to human patients were significantly more likely to agree that their vet should contribute to advancing that care (Austria: r = 0.543, p<0.01; Denmark: r = 0.490, p<0.001; UK: r = 0.478, p<0.001) and to be willing to enrol their own pet in a research study (Austria: r = 0.215, p<0.01; Denmark: r = 0.266; p<0.001; UK: r = 0.299, p<0.001). (S4 File).

What might explain the owner attitudes to advances in small animal practice and willingness to enrol their pet in clinical research?

Ordinal regression analysis was undertaken to determine the extent to which specific factors—owners’ age, gender, living circumstances (alone or not), animal species, attachment to the animal (LAPS), income or possession of pet health insurance—influenced responses to the four statements chosen as indicators of owner attitudes towards AVC (Table 6).

Table 6. Factors (age, gender, living alone or not, income, insurance, species and LAPS) associated with pet owners’ attitudes towards advanced veterinary care (AVC) in small animal practice and willingness to enrol pet in clinical research in Austria, Denmark and the UK.

PREDICTORS COUNTRY My pet should have access to the same treatment options that are available to human patients I would enrol my pet in a research study to help advance veterinary care as long as the risk of potential complications was low The advanced care available in modern veterinary medicine has gone ‘too far’ putting animals through ‘too much’ The advanced care available in modern veterinary medicine is unnecessary–animals should not be treated in the same way as humans
Age Austria n/s Younger more likely to agree p = 0.006 n/s n/s
Denmark Younger more likely to agree p = 0.002 Older more likely to agree p = 0.007 Older more likely to agree p<0.001
UK Younger more likely to agree p<0.001 Younger more likely to agree p<0.001 Younger more likely to agree p<0.001
Gender Austria n/s n/s n/s Males more likely to agree (p<0.001)
Denmark Females more likely to agree than males (p = 0.030) n/s
UK Males less likely to agree than females (p = 0.035) n/s Males more likely to agree (p = 0.001)
Live alone or not Austria n/s n/s n/s n/s
Denmark n/s n/s
UK Live alone = more likely to agree (p = 0.036) Live alone = more likely to agree (p = 0.008)
Income Austria n/s n/s n/s n/s
Denmark Low (p = 0.040) and middle (p = 0.006) more likely to agree cf high n/s n/s n/s
UK Middle (p = 0.016) less likely to agree cf high No info (p = 0.019), low (p = 0.016) middle (p<0.001) less likely to agree cf high Middle less likely to agree (p = 0.004)
Low (p = 0.042) and middle (p<0.001) were less likely to agree cf high
Insurance Austria n/s Yes–more likely to agree (p<0.001) Yes–more likely to agree (p = 0.001) Yes–more likely to agree (p<0.001)
Denmark Yes = more likely to agree p = 0.002 n/s n/s n/s
UK n/s n/s n/s n/s
Species Austria n/s n/s n/s Dog owners less likely to agree (p = 0.029)
Denmark n/s
UK n/s
LAPS Austria Higher LAPS = more likely to agree
Higher LAPS = more likely to agree
Higher LAPS = more likely to agree
p = 0.012
Lower LAPS = more likely to agree
Denmark n/s Lower LAPS = more likely to agree
UK n/s n/s

In all three countries, the factor most consistently associated with owner attitudes towards AVC was their level of emotional attachment to their animal (LAPS score) (Table 6; S2 File). Owners with a higher LAPS score were significantly more likely to agree that pets should have access to the same treatment options that are available to humans (pAT,DK;UK<0.001), and to agree to enrol their pet into a research study, in all three countries (pAT,DK;UK<0.001). However, while Austrian owners with a higher LAPS score were more likely to agree that advanced care has gone too far (p = 0.012), both Austrian and Danish owners with lower LAPS scores were more likely to agree that advanced care is unnecessary (pAT, DK<0.001).

Owner age was also associated with willingness to enrol their pet into a research study in all three countries, with younger owners being significantly more likely to do so than older owners (pAT,DK;UK <0.001). Within countries, it is notable that while older Danish owners were significantly more likely to agree that advanced care has gone too far (p = 0.007) or is unnecessary (p<0.001), in the UK it is younger owners who are more likely to agree with both statements (p<0.001).

The effect of gender, income and the possession of insurance on attitudes varied across countries. Danish owners were significantly more likely to agree that their pet should have access to advanced care if they had insurance than if they did not (p = 0.002), however this was not a significant factor for UK or Austrian owners. Austrian owners with insurance were significantly more likely to agree to enroll their pet in a clinical trial (p<0.001), but they were also more likely to believe that advanced care has gone too far (p<0.001) or is unnecessary (p<0.001) compared to owners without insurance for their animal.

In the UK in particular, owner income was strongly associated with attitudes, where those on low (p = 0.042–0.016) or middle (p = 0.016 - < 0.001) incomes were in most cases significantly less likely to agree with all four statements than high income owners (p = 0.042 - <0.001). In contrast, income had no effect on Austrian owner responses, and only affected Danish owner responses to the question of whether animals should have access to advanced care, where low (p = 0.04) and middle (p = 0.006) income owners were significantly more likely to agree than high income owners. No significant relationship between income and possession of insurance was found for Austrian and Danish owners, however in the UK, more high-income owners (41.7%) than low-income owners (20.7%) had insurance (p<0.001) (S5 File).

In contrast, animal species and whether or not the owner lived alone were not strongly associated with attitudes in most cases; living alone was only a significant factor in the UK, where those who lived alone were more likely to agree that care had gone too far (p = 0.036) or was unnecessary (p = 0.008).

As LAPS score was strongly associated with attitudes across all countries, judged by the highly significant p-values (p<0.001) that in most cases prevailed between LAPS and the attitude/willingness measures in Table 6, potential correlations between LAPS score and age, gender, living status, possession of pet health insurance and income were tested (S6 File). Across all countries, female owners had significantly higher LAPS scores than male owners (pALL = 0.000; pAT,DK,UK<0.001) as did owners with pet insurance compared to those without (pALL, DK<0.001; pUK <0.008; pAT = 0.032). No significant relationship was found between owner age and LAPS score. In the pooled (all) data, owners who lived alone had significantly higher LAPS scores than those who lived with others (p<0.001), however when countries were assessed individually, this effect was only apparent for Danish owners (p<0.001), but not those in the UK or Austria. In regard to income, Danish and Austrian owners in the lower income bracket had significantly higher LAPS scores than those in the high (pAT,DK = 0.000) or middle-income brackets (pAT = 0.013; pDK = 0.001), but this was not a significant factor for UK owners.


This paper presents results from a transnational study of dog and cat owners’ expectations and attitudes towards modern AVC, contributing to the debate on whether modern veterinary care is ‘fit for purpose’, and the question of whether dogs and cats should have access to the same level of healthcare as human patients. Overall, 50% of the pet owners in our study agreed that their pet should be able to access the same diagnostic tests as human patients, while nearly 60% thought they should have access to the same treatment options. Owners were more likely to disagree with the statement that advanced care is ‘unnecessary’, but to be neutral on the question of whether advanced care has ‘gone too far’. In all three countries, and judged by the highly significant p-values, the factor that was most strongly associated with the attitude that their pet should have access to the same treatment options as human patients was the level of attachment owners had to their pet (measured by using the LAPS).

Differences were noted in the attitudes of owners from the UK, Austria and Denmark, potentially influenced by the differences in the veterinary sector in each country. The majority of practices in Austria are small and privately owned (86% have less than 5 vets), larger practices are more common in Denmark (24% have 6–10 vets and 20% have 11–30 vets) and the UK (9% have 6–10 vets and 29% have 11–30 vets), with large corporate practices increasingly dominating in the UK [5, 10]. Our results reflect this, with the majority of dog and cat owners in Austria (69–71.7%) attending small (1–3 vet) practices, as do 57.9–58.6% of Danish owners, whereas a significantly higher proportion of UK owners (32.5%) attend practices with four or more vets. Although we did not specifically define ‘advanced’ veterinary care, the way in which owners selected the facilities / equipment that they would expect to be available at their usual practice suggested a common understanding across the three countries. Surprisingly however, half of the owners surveyed expected advanced options such as endoscopy, arthroscopy, CT and/or MRI to be available. Such equipment is normally only available at larger practices or Universities, as installation and running costs are high (e.g. MRI is £600-750K to purchase with annual service costs of £60K), and few primary care veterinarians have access to or experience in performing endoscopy or arthroscopy. Thus, pet owners seem to have higher expectations of their primary care veterinarians than of their primary care doctors, who would normally have to refer patients elsewhere for (basic) procedures such as dentistry, radiography or ultrasound. The between-country differences were significant and may reflect differences in practice sizes and relative stage of development of the profession in each country, as well as the degree of urbanization / proximity of owners to a veterinary practice. Approximately 60% of UK owners expected advanced diagnostic and treatment options to be available at their usual practice, in line with the fact that the UK currently has more large and specialised practices and a far greater number of veterinary specialists than either Denmark or Austria [10]. Austrian owners had similar expectations to UK owners despite being more likely to attend smaller independent practices, and it will be interesting to see whether this will lead to a change in the practice landscape in Austria in the future in the same way as has happened in the UK. In contrast, Danish owners were significantly less likely to expect advanced options to be available at their usual practices compared to UK and Austrian owners, potentially reflecting the lower level of attachment Danish owners have to their companion dogs and cats, identified in a separate study [37].

If a primary care veterinarian does not have the experience or equipment to treat a particular case, they are expected to offer the owner a referral to a more experienced or specialist colleague who can offer the necessary (advanced) care. In our study, approximately 1 in 10 cat owners, and 1 in 5 dog owners have taken their pet(s) to a specialist, with the bias towards dogs consistent across the three countries. The overall low numbers likely reflect the fact that most medical problems can be managed in primary care practice. However, referral for advanced care may not always be an option, either because it is unaffordable for the owner (AVC is usually expensive), not available, or difficult to access, e.g. to those owners living in more isolated rural areas. The fact that more dogs than cats had been taken to a specialist reflects the situation in general primary care practice, where more dogs than cats are usually taken to the vet [38, 39]. There are many potential explanations for this, including the fact that cats tend to show clinical signs of illness less overtly than dogs as it is their nature to hide weakness or injury [40], they generally interact less frequently with their owners (who often consider them to be ‘low maintenance’), and while most dogs enjoy travelling and exploring novel environments, transporting cats e.g. to the vets, is more challenging for all parties [39]. Another explanation may be the different levels of attachment that owners have towards dogs and cats, as the majority of studies show that dog owners are more strongly attached to their dogs than cat owners are to their cats [16, 41, 42], which may influence their willingness to seek veterinary care for them. A recent paper by our group [37] based on data from the same survey as the present paper found that in general cat owners were less willing to spend larger sums of money on veterinary care for their cats than dog owners were willing to spend on their dogs, although major cross-country differences were noted.

With respect to owners’ attachment to their animal, studies have reported that in general a strong emotional bond with a pet can positively impact an owner’s willingness to accept costly or prolonged veterinary treatment. For example, a strong emotional bond with a pet makes it more likely that an owner will agree to costly or prolonged veterinary treatment [19, 20], and some owners will even prioritise caring for their pets over their own healthcare needs, for example by delaying medical treatments or hospitalisation if pet care cannot be organised [21, 22]. This is reflected in our study, where owners who were more attached to their pets (higher LAPS scores) in all three countries were significantly more likely to believe that their pets should have access to the same treatment options as humans. However, owner age or living situation did not seem to be consistently associated with an expectation that their pet should have access to AVC, despite other studies having shown that the increasing numbers of single people, couples without children, and elderly people living alone tend to form particularly strong attachments to their pets [9]. Our results could be explained by the fact that we did not find a significant relationship between age and level of attachment (LAPS), and although overall those living alone were more attached to their pets, when comparing countries, this was significant only in the case of Danish owners, and not those in the UK or Austria. We did however find that female owners had significantly higher LAPS scores than male owners in all three countries in our study, in agreement with other studies reporting that females are significantly more attached to pets than males both as children [43], and as adults [20].

The fact that only half of the owners surveyed thought that pets should have access to the same diagnostic tests as human patients highlights an interesting distinction, as concerns have been raised in other studies that vets do too many tests [2, 8], even when motivated honorably [14]. An alternative explanation is that owners do not see the immediate or long-lasting benefits of undertaking tests, compared to undertaking a treatment that has a good outcome. Differences noted between countries could also reflect cultural differences, as discussed in a companion paper on owner preferences between dogs and cats in the same three countries [37] or simply potential ambiguity or a different interpretation of the question, as it did not explicitly state offering the most advanced treatment along with other treatment options. As discussed by others [44], most veterinarians in their study believed that all the options (not just advanced diagnostics and treatments) should be offered to all clients, to avoid prejudging owner’s preferences and to enable them to make a properly informed choice. Clients in that study seem to agree, reporting that when veterinarians only offered a single treatment option, they felt that it was more likely to be financially motivated [44].

As discussed in the introduction, while the advantages of access to AVC and specialists are obvious, there are also potential negative consequences for both the owner and the animal. For example, a strong emotional attachment to a pet can have adverse consequences if it causes owners to insist on pursuing treatments where the potential benefits are overemphasized and pain and suffering underestimated, leading to poor patient welfare, as owners, and vets, “try everything” [27]. In this context, it has been suggested that increasing specialization, pet insurance, undergraduate training, an increasingly litigious client base and widely publicised heroic treatments have pushed the profession in a direction of “gold standard” care, where it is easy for animal welfare to become secondary to other concerns [27]. Yet until now, opinions on AVC in this context have not been sought directly from pet owners themselves. Overall, owners in our study were more likely to disagree with the statement that advanced care is ‘unnecessary’ (as animals should not be treated as humans), but to be neutral on the question of whether advanced care has ‘gone too far’ (putting animals through too much). This may indicate, as suggested by others [45], that while owners may wish to pursue lifesaving treatment it will not be ‘at all costs’, as they will balance the quality and quantity of life achieved against the expense and potential for suffering.

Differences were evident between the countries however, as owners in Austria and Denmark who were less attached (lower LAPS scores) to their pets were significantly more likely to take the attitude that advanced care was unnecessary, but strength of attachment was not a factor in UK owners, perhaps because the majority expected and were used to such care being available in their usual practice. That Danish owners were more likely to be neutral on both questions may reflect a general lower attachment (LAPS) to their companion animals, and in particular to their cats [37], or simply a more pragmatic approach, for example favouring euthanasia over continued treatment of very sick animals if the prognosis is potentially guarded or poor. This perspective has been reported by others [45], who found that dog owners were more likely to choose euthanasia over treatment as their pet aged, and suggested that the trade-off between expensive veterinary care and gaining time with a pet that was beginning to decline becomes less favourable.

Although overall owners with pet insurance had a higher LAPS score than those without, neither income nor possession of pet insurance consistently predicted owner attitudes towards AVC across the three countries, except in Austria, where possession of insurance was significant, but income was not. The relationship between income and insurance was also not predictable across the three countries: we found no significant relationship between income and possession of insurance for Austrian and Danish owners, and in the UK, it was the high-income owners in the UK who were significantly more likely to have pet insurance than low- income owners. However further analysis of our data showed that in Denmark and Austria, owners in the lower income bracket had significantly higher LAPS scores than those in the high or middle-income brackets, and it may be that these owners would nonetheless be prepared to pay for AVC for their pets, irrespective of their financial situation.

That neither income nor possession of pet insurance consistently predicted owner attitudes towards AVC is perhaps surprising, in view of the increasing concerns over the affordability of veterinary care being highlighted in both the veterinary and popular press. For example, the Association of British Insurers recently reported that UK pet insurance payouts topped £1 billion for the first time in 2022 [46] and increasingly, owners are seeking help, such as crowdfunding, to pay vet bills [47]. Our results reflect those of other studies that have shown that as the human–animal bond increases, pet expenditures also increase, including the willingness to select higher-cost treatments [45, 4850]. This may offer some reassurance to the veterinary profession in the face of increasing concerns about the cost of veterinary care and sustainability of the pet insurance market, particularly during the current cost of living crisis [14, 46].

Finally, we explored whether owners were willing to help to advance veterinary care by agreeing to enrol their own pets into a research study. Although the majority of owners expected veterinarians to contribute to the advancement of veterinary care, they were less willing to enrol their own pet into a study to support this, with Danish owners being most reluctant. Interestingly, owners who were more attached to their pets (higher LAPS scores) were more likely to agree to enrol the pet into a research study, in all three countries. In asking about research, we did not make a distinction between ‘basic’ research, which is primarily aimed at understanding fundamental biological or disease processes without necessarily having a direct practical application, and clinical research, which generally has a direct application to improving patient care. Owners may therefore have prioritised the potential for harm to their pet over the likelihood of any direct benefits to future patients. Although veterinary clinical research directly benefits the animal species, such research on animal patients can also impact human health. The so-called ‘One Health’ approach recognizes the close interactions between animal and human health, and the potential benefits of clinical and research collaborations–see for example: It seems likely that veterinarians will play an increasing role in ‘One Health’ studies, and recruitment of their animal patients into research studies will underpin this. While owner attitudes in this context merit further exploration, it will be useful for veterinarians recruiting to studies to know that younger owners were significantly more likely to agree to such a request than older owners, but that owner gender, living situation (alone or not), or pet species were not consistent factors in level of agreement in our study.


Although just over half of the owners in our study believed that their pets should be able to access the same diagnostic tests and treatment as people, a significant proportion did not. While owners were more likely to disagree with the statement that advanced care for their pet is ‘unnecessary’, they were more neutral on the question of whether advanced care has ‘gone too far’, which merits further exploration. Not surprisingly, the factor that was most strongly associated with the attitude that their pet should have access to the same treatment options as human patients was the level of emotional attachment owners had to their pet (LAPS score), rather than factors such as owner age, living situation or finances. Further research exploring other factors contributing to owner decision-making within the context of advanced veterinary care is merited.


The questions posed were hypothetical, and owners may have expressed different opinions or taken different actions in a real-life scenario in which they actually had to make treatment decisions about a sick pet of their own. We did not ask respondents about their experience of caring for sick pets, or veterinary care, which is likely to influence attitudes to AVC. Decision-making may also be influenced by other factors not tested here, such as the age of the animal or the relationship with their veterinarian. Although the statements and questions included in the study were pre-tested, some may have remained ambiguous and therefore open to being interpreted differently by individuals, for example, we did not specifically define ‘advanced’ care, or ‘specialist’ nor did we check respondents understanding of the terms.

Internet panels were used to collect data, and the recruitment principle in internet panels does not follow the classical probability-based sampling principle where each unit of the target population has an equal chance of being drawn [51]. Recent research has shown that findings from internet panels deviate from data collections that follow the gold standard of probability-based sampling. When probability-based recruitment to the panel is employed, the average absolute error rate is 2.6%; when non-probability recruitment is used, it increases to 5.8% [52]. When it comes to pet owners, we do not know the exact error rate, because this topic was not covered [52] but we can of course expect some level of error. In Denmark, where some panel members were invited using a random procedure (telephone with random digit dialing), the error in reported proportions and means is likely to be smaller than in the UK and Austria where a probability-based procedure was not used in the recruitment of panel members.

Lastly, the survey was limited to owners in three (wealthy) European countries, and results may have differed had less affluent socioeconomic countries or regions been included, particularly areas where a good standard of human healthcare is not accessible to all.

Supporting information

S1 File. Questionnaire.


pone.0299315.s001.docx (92.3KB, docx)
S2 File. Ordinal regression analysis of socio-demographic and financial factors and LAPS scores, on attitudes towards advanced veterinary care and research.


pone.0299315.s002.docx (39.5KB, docx)
S3 File. Type of practice usually attended by owners of dog(s) and / or cat(s).


pone.0299315.s003.docx (17.9KB, docx)
S4 File. Pearson Correlation analysis to explore whether owners who believe their pets should have access to advanced veterinary care are also likely to think that their vets should contribute knowledge to the advancement of such care and be willing to enrol their own pets into a research study.


pone.0299315.s004.docx (287.8KB, docx)
S5 File. Differences in uptake of pet health insurance and income.


pone.0299315.s005.docx (17.8KB, docx)
S6 File. Correlations between LAPS scores and age, gender, living status, insurance and income.


pone.0299315.s006.docx (20.5KB, docx)


The authors wish to thank dog and cat owners who participated in this study, and the colleagues and owners who helped to refine the questionnaire by participating in the cognitive interviews and pilot study.

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files.

Funding Statement

The study was supported via the Danish Centre for Companion Animal Welfare, of which Peter Sandøe is a leader. No grant number associated with funding The Centre gets its core funding from the charitable foundation Skibsreder Per Henriksen, R. og Hustrus Fond. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.


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Decision Letter 0

Francesca Baratta

30 Nov 2023

PONE-D-23-28989Cat and Dog Owners’ Expectations and Attitudes towards Advanced Veterinary Care (AVC) in the UK, Austria and Denmark.PLOS ONE

Dear Dr. Springer,

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Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: I Don't Know

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: In this questionnaire survey study, sent to cat and dog owners, representative samples, in the UK, Austria and Denmark, the authors investigated owners’ expectations and attitudes towards advanced veterinary care. Also, the factors that might influence those views were analysed.

In line with arguments presented within the veterinary community during the resent years, it was speculated there may be negative consequences for the well-being of the animals: if euthanasia actually is appropriate, owners with strong emotional attachments to their pets may pursue treatments that significantly reduce the quality of the animal’s life, with the aim to prolong their pet’s life. This contributes to an ethical discussion, what is right, or wrong, is the customer always right? Another aspect is the concept of ‘caregiver burden’ for the pet owner, emotional distress, financial and practical challenges that comes with AVC. It was investigated if this was correlated to level of emotional attachment.

Furthermore, it was studied if owners who expect AVC to be available for their animal were more likely to be willing to participate in a clinical research study.

The authors reported 59% of the pet owners believed that their pets should have access to the same treatment options as humans. This is indeed an interesting result, and I reach for a clarification: what does “access” mean? Should be given (moving towards “avoid euthanasia at all cost”)? Should be available, ie the treatment option should simply be there, financial aspects to be considered / taken into consideration etc?

These initial comments are along the path of “are the questions to a high or low degree open to interpretation”? However, if there was room for interpretation, this should have been caught in the test run, which was appropriately performed. Also, this is covered in section Limitations, “some may have remained ambiguous and therefore open to being interpreted differently by individuals”.

The comments are within Minor revision, mainly related to style preferences.

The only Major revision is how to deal with cultural differences between countries, and inclusion/exclusion criteria (Should respondents who work within the veterinary field (6.8%) be excluded?). Please see below.

Overall, this is a rather unique study, important not only for vets, also for our health care industry, including insurance companies. Has modern veterinary care “gone too far”? Opinions on AVC on this topic have not been sought directly from pet owners themselves. In addition, some very interesting cultural differences between countries were found, also differences between genders. Publication of this manuscript is clearly justified.

Ethics: was there only a permit for the Kingdom of Denmark, not the other countries? If so, is this appropriate?


Line 55-57: please consider if the wording is appropriate, neutral and disagree.

Line 63: Our findings will help inform veterinarians… not only veterinarians; also other health care providers, and others related to our industry (insurance companies).


Line 132: veterinarian salaries… suggest “staff salaries”, as there are several professions involved.

Line 144: suggest “was the focus”

Line 146-158: Please consider significantly shorten this section; parts of the text may be more suitable in the Discussion.

Line 181: Suggest “This study addressed”

Line 193: Suggest “were explored”

Line 198-202: Please consider moving to first section Discussion; suggest include insurance companies.


Line 206: can the Danes give permission for a study performed in other countries? Perhaps the answer is yes, taken into consideration where the Norstat company is based?


Should respondents who work within the veterinary field (6.8%) be excluded? Can they be considered “representative pet owners”?

Line 425-426: Please consider the appropriate wording – does the text accurately describe the difference between 45% (neutral) and 40% (disagree)? …neutral on the question of whether advanced care has ‘gone too far’ (45.3%), and tended to disagree with the statement that it is ‘unnecessary’ (40.1%).


Line 532: no need to repeat results – please consider removing p-values.

Line 555: There are several possible reasons for the between-country differences; apart from size of clinics, other cultural differences may play a large role (what attitudes towards animals are we transferring to our children?). A clue is found in the abundance of pets; UK pet owners often have several more pets per household than citizens of other countries do. Does a higher proportion of households in the UK have pets compared to other countries? My message is that clearly there are differences between countries in attitudes, and this study nicely demonstrates so. The question is, are you overemphasizing the importance of size (smiley)? Isn’t there is a lot more behind those differences than mean size of practise? Please consider broadening the text. This may also resolve line 559-60 “which is difficult to explain”.

The crosscheck study would be to interview vets in the UK (or other nation) that originate from another country/culture and have working experience from that other country. What attitudes amongst our customers do we recognise between countries, and what attitudes differ? A potential topic for another study…

Line 570-576: can the topic of “culture and attitude” also be incorporated? It would seem dogs are generally considered more valuable than cats in several countries, as dogs are more likely to be insured… and owners are in general more willing to spend £ on their dogs (than cats). This might be a poor parallel to societal hierarchy, but in general, the MD and CEO are considered “more important” than another random profession; is this part of the explanation, dogs are simply more valuable (where attachment is only one factor)?

Line 606-609: “Differences noted between countries could also reflect cultural differences”. Thank you!

Reviewer #2: A very interesting manuscript with results that will be valuable for those working in veterinary medicine.


Line 50 – ‘…questionnaire survey…’ – suggest changing to ‘…questionnaire used to survey cat and dog owners…’


-There is information about the benefits of AVC, but is there any data suggesting reduced success rates in pets compared to humans for certain types of AVC? Or potential health, behavior, other, consequences for pets?

Line 99 – what exactly is in the ‘interest’ of the pet? Instead, suggest adding a sentence with details on the potential animal welfare implications, and providing more examples to back up the claim that AVC may not be in the best ‘interest’ of pets.

Line 110 – I don’t think veterinarians are highly motivated to use all new technologies (example virtual care via telemedicine), but I think you’re referring to specific types of technologies here… can you be more specific?

Lines 116-119 don’t seem relevant, suggest taking out

Line 146 – can you add ‘We predict…’ at the beginning of this sentence? It sounds more like a statement the way it’s currently written

Line 182 – wouldn’t the second part of research question 1 depend on whether a pet owner has had a pet with a serious health issue or was given the option/ recommendation to see a specialist? Did you screen for this first, then see the number/percentage who chose to see a specialist of those that have had a pet with a serious health issue that wasn’t being managed by their primary veterinarian?

Line 198 – suggest changing ‘…our study will help to give…’ to ‘… our study aims to provide…’

Materials and Methods

Line 213 – is there evidence that NORSTAT can reach a representative sample? In other words, are pet owners that choose to participate in NORSTAT surveys, different than those that choose not to participate? Is there any data/research on this?

Line 214 – states ‘…., including pet owners.’ Did your survey include non-pet owners? If so, why? This part is confusing because in the introduction you specify your target population is pet owners.

Line 215 – What was the randomization procedure? For example, a random number generator. Please specify.

Line 215 – How do you know those from NORSTAT’s pre-established citizen panel is representative of the average pet owner?

Was there an incentive (i.e., monetary) to participate?

Line 227 – 230 about the consent process is confusing/wordy, suggest being more concise. For example, participants provided consent by clicking a ‘next’ button at the bottom of the consent form to proceed to the questionnaire.

Line 260 – Survey design and measurement – can you move this section up before recruitment of participants? The organization of the methods isn’t in order of how the study was conducted, which is a bit confusing. Suggest re-organizing the sections of the Materials and Methods to be more sequential, which I think may help with clarity/understanding. For example, order of sub-sections could be: Ethics, survey design and measurement, survey development, recruitment

Line 274 – how does asking them to chose ‘their favorites pet’ bias the results? Why not ask them to choose the pet whose name comes first in the alphabet? Also, do you know if pet owners with both dogs and cats, commonly chose to answer questions for their dog versus cat? I would think answering for their favorite pet would be the pet they're more likely to spend money on.

Data Analyses

Line 321 – for the ‘animal species’ categorical variables in the models, did you not also have a ‘both cat and dog owner’ category? Or for these models did you only include cat owner, and dog owner, not those who are both?

Line 322 – Why include ‘prefer not to say/I don’t know’ option for the total gross household income per year variable? What does this information provide?

Line 328-329 – Ok now I understand! Suggest moving this information up so it’s clear in your methods section. Also suggest moving this up when you first talk about that explanatory variable in the data analyses section. Can you also provide rationale for choosing to do this?

Overall there is no information about how you assessed model fit, or tested model assumptions. Please add this.


Line 250 -chi-square tests are inferential tests, and not descriptive. Suggest changing the title of this section.


Line 583 – Could another explanation be that dog owners are more likely to spend more money on their pets than cat owners?

Overall, a great job summarizing the results and incorporating with current literature.

Tables/Figures/Supporting Information:

-Please provide a more descriptive caption for tables, as the reader should be able to interpret the tables without having to read the manuscript. For example, please add ‘N’, outcome variable categories, population, etc.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No


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PLoS One. 2024 Mar 20;19(3):e0299315. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0299315.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

16 Jan 2024

Response to Reviewers

Reviewer #1: In this questionnaire survey study, sent to cat and dog owners, representative samples, in the UK, Austria and Denmark, the authors investigated owners’ expectations and attitudes towards advanced veterinary care. Also, the factors that might influence those views were analysed.

In line with arguments presented within the veterinary community during the resent years, it was speculated there may be negative consequences for the well-being of the animals: if euthanasia actually is appropriate, owners with strong emotional attachments to their pets may pursue treatments that significantly reduce the quality of the animal’s life, with the aim to prolong their pet’s life. This contributes to an ethical discussion, what is right, or wrong, is the customer always right? Another aspect is the concept of ‘caregiver burden’ for the pet owner, emotional distress, financial and practical challenges that comes with AVC. It was investigated if this was correlated to level of emotional attachment.

Furthermore, it was studied if owners who expect AVC to be available for their animal were more likely to be willing to participate in a clinical research study.

The authors reported 59% of the pet owners believed that their pets should have access to the same treatment options as humans. This is indeed an interesting result, and I reach for a clarification: what does “access” mean? Should be given (moving towards “avoid euthanasia at all cost”)? Should be available, ie the treatment option should simply be there, financial aspects to be considered / taken into consideration etc?

The reviewer raises an interesting point, and in the context of the manuscript, we use ‘access’ to mean ‘to be available’, rather than whether it should be given, which we explore in the questions on whether advanced care is unnecessary, or has gone too far. However, as the reviewer notes below, this did not seem to cause ambiguity in the pilot trials.

These initial comments are along the path of “are the questions to a high or low degree open to interpretation”? However, if there was room for interpretation, this should have been caught in the test run, which was appropriately performed. Also, this is covered in section Limitations, “some may have remained ambiguous and therefore open to being interpreted differently by individuals”. The comments are within Minor revision, mainly related to style preferences.

The only Major revision is how to deal with cultural differences between countries, and inclusion/exclusion criteria (Should respondents who work within the veterinary field (6.8%) be excluded?). Please see our comments below.

Overall, this is a rather unique study, important not only for vets, also for our health care industry, including insurance companies. Has modern veterinary care “gone too far”? Opinions on AVC on this topic have not been sought directly from pet owners themselves. In addition, some very interesting cultural differences between countries were found, also differences between genders. Publication of this manuscript is clearly justified. Thank you.

Ethics: was there only a permit for the Kingdom of Denmark, not the other countries? If so, is this appropriate? Yes, we only applied for approval at the IRB (Ethics Committee) of the Science Faculty at University of Copenhagen (UCPH) that manages and organizes the project.

Data collection from all three countries was handled by the survey company, and this company is the only institution that has access to person identifiable information of the respondents. The handling of this person identifiable data was agreed upon with the UCPH team according to the European GDPR rules. Further, the company handling the data was evaluated and approved by the GDPR department at the Science faculty of UCPH. Following this GDPR approval the ethics committee at Science, UCPH approved the project.

We believe that it is the standard and appropriate way to ask for approval when the research and data collection is organized and managed from one institution.


Line 55-57: please consider if the wording is appropriate, neutral and disagree.

We have changed the wording to ‘ Owners were most likely to be neutral on the question of whether advanced veterinary care has ‘gone too far’ (45.3%), and to disagree with the statement that that advanced care is ‘unnecessary’ (40.1%). Lines 55-57.

Line 63: Our findings will help inform veterinarians… not only veterinarians; also other health care providers, and others related to our industry (insurance companies). This is a good point – we have changed to ‘and other health care providers’ – line 63. Further, we have expanded the point at the end of the introduction - lines 199-201.


Line 132: veterinarian salaries… suggest “staff salaries”, as there are several professions involved. This is a good point and we have changed as suggested – line 137.

Line 144: suggest “was the focus” Changed as suggested – line 149.

Line 146-158: Please consider significantly shorten this section; parts of the text may be more suitable in the Discussion. We have moved some of the text from here to the discussion – lines 610-614.

Line 181: Suggest “This study addressed”. Changed as suggested – line 183.

Line 193: Suggest “were explored”. Changed as suggested – line 195.

Line 198-202: Please consider moving to first section Discussion; The second part of this paragraph has been shortened and moved to the beginning of the discussion – lines 543-546.

Suggest include insurance companies. Insurance companies included – line 200.


Line 206: can the Danes give permission for a study performed in other countries? Perhaps the answer is yes, taken into consideration where the Norstat company is based? Please see comment addressing this in response to ‘Ethics’ above.


Should respondents who work within the veterinary field (6.8%) be excluded? Can they be considered “representative pet owners”? We believe it is appropriate to include those who work within the veterinary field. We are trying to assess prevalence and patterns among pet owners in general, and workers in the veterinary field are certainly also a segment of pet owners. So, it would make the results less representative if we removed these observations.

Line 425-426: Please consider the appropriate wording – does the text accurately describe the difference between 45% (neutral) and 40% (disagree)? …neutral on the question of whether advanced care has ‘gone too far’ (45.3%), and tended to disagree with the statement that it is ‘unnecessary’ (40.1%). The wording has been modified and now reads ‘ Owners were most likely to be neutral on the question of whether advanced care has ‘gone too far’ (45.3%), and to disagree with the statement that it is ‘unnecessary’ (40.1%) - Lines 440-442 .This has also been changed in the abstract – line 55-57.


Line 532: no need to repeat results – please consider removing p-values. All p-values have been removed from the discussion.

Line 555: There are several possible reasons for the between-country differences; apart from size of clinics, other cultural differences may play a large role (what attitudes towards animals are we transferring to our children?). A clue is found in the abundance of pets; UK pet owners often have several more pets per household than citizens of other countries do. Does a higher proportion of households in the UK have pets compared to other countries? My message is that clearly there are differences between countries in attitudes, and this study nicely demonstrates so. The question is, are you overemphasizing the importance of size (smiley)? Isn’t there is a lot more behind those differences than mean size of practise? Please consider broadening the text. This may also resolve line 559-60 “which is difficult to explain”. The reviewer raises a good point, and we have modified and broadened the text as suggested – lines 572-585.

The crosscheck study would be to interview vets in the UK (or other nation) that originate from another country/culture and have working experience from that other country. What attitudes amongst our customers do we recognise between countries, and what attitudes differ? A potential topic for another study…We agree that would be an interesting future study.

Line 570-576: can the topic of “culture and attitude” also be incorporated? It would seem dogs are generally considered more valuable than cats in several countries, as dogs are more likely to be insured… and owners are in general more willing to spend £ on their dogs (than cats). This might be a poor parallel to societal hierarchy, but in general, the MD and CEO are considered “more important” than another random profession; is this part of the explanation, dogs are simply more valuable (where attachment is only one factor)? We have added a comment referencing a paper recently published by our group that expands on this – lines 582-585.

Line 606-609: “Differences noted between countries could also reflect cultural differences”. Thank you! You are welcome!


Reviewer #2: A very interesting manuscript with results that will be valuable for those working in veterinary medicine. Thank you.


Line 50 – ‘…questionnaire survey…’ – suggest changing to ‘…questionnaire used to survey cat and dog owners…’ We have changed the sentence as suggested – line 50-51


-There is information about the benefits of AVC, but is there any data suggesting reduced success rates in pets compared to humans for certain types of AVC? Or potential health, behavior, other, consequences for pets? A lot has been published on outcomes for specific advanced treatments in animals, and comparable outcomes for humans are referenced – for example survival times are improved in both humans and animals following chemotherapy for chemo-responsive tumours. However, the lifespans and behavioural needs are very different between animals and humans of course, making such direct comparison of limited validity. In more general terms, we address the question of whether AVC can negatively impact animals if for example quantity of life is prioritised over quality of life – see for example lines 100-102, and 162-164.

Line 99 – what exactly is in the ‘interest’ of the pet? Instead, suggest adding a sentence with details on the potential animal welfare implications, and providing more examples to back up the claim that AVC may not be in the best ‘interest’ of pets. We have reworded this as follows: As a broader principle, concern has also been raised over whether the prolongation of life (animal or human) at all costs is necessarily always in line with what may be considered the best interests of the patient, especially when the (animal) patients cannot express their own interests [2,4]. For example, some may argue that it is not in a dog’s best interest to undergo chemotherapy involving repeated veterinary visits and hospital stays, and associated malaise, to gain an extra 6 months with its owner. Lines 97-102.

Line 110 – I don’t think veterinarians are highly motivated to use all new technologies (example virtual care via telemedicine), but I think you’re referring to specific types of technologies here… can you be more specific? The study we refer to did not detail specific technologies by name, but rather in principle, and so we have reworded this to better reflect the results of that study – lines 111-115.

Lines 116-119 don’t seem relevant, suggest taking out. We believe the information on advanced training is worth noting, as it underpins the increasing availability of - and potentially drive to offer- advanced care, which is the subject of the paper. Lines 120-124.

Line 146 – can you add ‘We predict…’ at the beginning of this sentence? It sounds more like a statement the way it’s currently written. ‘We predict that’ has been added as suggested – line 151.

Line 182 – wouldn’t the second part of research question 1 depend on whether a pet owner has had a pet with a serious health issue or was given the option/ recommendation to see a specialist? Yes it would, but we think that is implicit in the question as you would not see a specialist if your pet did not need advanced care.

Did you screen for this first, then see the number/percentage who chose to see a specialist of those that have had a pet with a serious health issue that wasn’t being managed by their primary veterinarian? No we did not screen for this i.e. ask how many pet owners had the option to take their pet to a specialist but had declined to do so. We hope that this is adequately addressed in the limitations section.

Line 198 – suggest changing ‘…our study will help to give…’ to ‘… our study aims to provide…Changed as suggested- Line 199.

Materials and Methods

Line 213 – is there evidence that NORSTAT can reach a representative sample? In other words, are pet owners that choose to participate in NORSTAT surveys, different than those that choose not to participate? Is there any data/research on this?

To our knowledge there is no study available to answer the specific question about whether internet panels such as NORSTAT can represent the population sub-group of “pet owners" accurately. At a broader level, though, there is a recent study that looked at the accuracy of which internet panels such as Norstat represent the general target population. This study suggests that online panels are relatively accurate if weights are used to account for over-representation of demographic strata, e.g. men relative to women compared to the population census. The level of error depends on the recruitment procedure of panel members to the panel. If non-probability methods are used, the average absolute error (AAE) is 5.6%, while, if non-probability recruitment is used the AAE is 2.5%*. In Denmark, participants are invited through a combination of digital media (typically invitation through internet pages) as well as random digit telephoning. While this does not completely follow the probability sampling principle that all units from a sample frame has an equal probability of being recruited, it does come quite close. On the other hand, in the UK and in Austria, Norstat does not use a similar probability-based principle, as, in these two countries, participants are only recruited through digital media. This means that the absolute AAE will be higher.

* Mercer, A., & Lau, A. (2023). Comparing two types of online survey samples. Pew Research Center, USA. September 2023. Online at:

As mentioned on line 297-301, we used country-specific weight variables in all reports of means and proportions. So, in that sense, we do believe that the data will come relatively close to an accurate portrayal of pet owners. Still, having the description above about AAE in mind, we have now inserted a paragraph in the limitation section about this – lines 742-753.

Line 214 – states ‘…., including pet owners.’ Did your survey include non-pet owners? If so, why? This part is confusing because in the introduction you specify your target population is pet owners. There are two reasons that the survey included non-pet owners. 1) The paper is part of a larger study with several aims, including, for example, understanding why people do or don’t keep pets – hence the original sample contained non pet owners. 2) An appropriate way to obtain a representative sample of pet owners is to conduct a population-level sampling (consisting of both pet and non-pet owners), as the pet owners that can be singled out from the larger sample will then be representative of pet owners in the population. Indeed, to our knowledge it would not be possible to achieve a representative sample of pet owners through other routes than the population-level sampling that we used, as there is no way that we only can identify and recruit pet owners to partake in a survey.

Line 215 – What was the randomization procedure? For example, a random number generator. Please specify.

For internet panels, there are two invitation processes. The first process is being invited to the panel (we described this in an earlier remark to your query at your line 213 question above). The second process is, once you are a member of the panel, being invited to questionnaire studies. For the second invitation process, the lottery principle that is used to invite panelists randomly is not based on commercial software (e.g. SAS) with a program for carrying out the randomization procedure. Neither is it based on freeware, e.g. Norstat uses their own program, which may vary across countries, and across the panels that Norstat co-operated with to collect data. Here is the code used in Denmark:

public static IList<T> Shuffle<T>(this IList<T> list)


var n = list.Count;

while (n > 1)


var k = RNG.Next(n);


var value = list[k];

list[k] = list[n];

list[n] = value;


return list;


Line 215 – How do you know those from NORSTAT’s pre-established citizen panel is representative of the average pet owner? As mentioned in an earlier response to you, we aimed to obtain samples drawn to be representative of the overall populations in UK, Austrian and Denmark. By implication, the pet owners that we can single out from these samples will be representative of cat and dog owners in the three countries. This reasoning is no different than if we on the basis of a sample that is representative of an entire population conduct sub-group analyses of e.g. prevalences and patterns of associations in a particular socio-demographic segment, e.g. people in the age groups 38-49 years. As further mentioned in an earlier response to you, we do not have census data through which we can benchmark whether the pet owner samples of the three countries are accurate regarding e.g. pet owner’s demographic profile.

We thank the reviewer for these important queries about the data quality, and as noted above, have included a paragraph in the limitations section about possible sources of error stemming from the data.

Was there an incentive (i.e., monetary) to participate? NORSTAT panel members are rewarded in various ways for participating in surveys, including a choice of gift cards or digital coupons, and the option to donate their points to plant a tree, or to a charity – see

Line 227 – 230 about the consent process is confusing/wordy, suggest being more concise. For example, participants provided consent by clicking a ‘next’ button at the bottom of the consent form to proceed to the questionnaire. This has been made more concise as suggested – lines 287-289.

Line 260 – Survey design and measurement – can you move this section up before recruitment of participants? The organization of the methods isn’t in order of how the study was conducted, which is a bit confusing. Suggest re-organizing the sections of the Materials and Methods to be more sequential, which I think may help with clarity/understanding. For example, order of sub-sections could be: Ethics, survey design and measurement, survey development, recruitment. This section has been reordered as suggested by the reviewer – lines 208-260.

Line 274 – how does asking them to chose ‘their favorites pet’ bias the results? Why not ask them to choose the pet whose name comes first in the alphabet? Also, do you know if pet owners with both dogs and cats, commonly chose to answer questions for their dog versus cat? I would think answering for their favorite pet would be the pet they're more likely to spend money on.

We asked them to choose their favourite pet for the reason the reviewer states – that they would be more likely to spend money on AVC their favourite pet. We believe that this will give a truer representation of how owners feel about AVC than asking them to think about treating a pet they didn’t care as much about. In addition, we were aware of the potential for survey fatigue – asking 23 questions for each family pet would clearly be too much.

We have added more detailed information concerning the proportion of owners who chose cat or dog as their favourite pet; indicating that 65.6% chose dog and 26.7% chose cat as favourite pet. Lines 318-322.

Data Analyses

Line 321 – for the ‘animal species’ categorical variables in the models, did you not also have a ‘both cat and dog owner’ category? Or for these models did you only include cat owner, and dog owner, not those who are both? See our actions regarding this in relation to your comment below.

Line 322 – Why include ‘prefer not to say/I don’t know’ option for the total gross household income per year variable? What does this information provide? From an ethical review perspective, a questionnaire must have an answer option that permits the respondent not to answer when personal information is being requested. If the question relates to why the variable was included in the data analysis, this was simply to avoid having to remove a relatively large number of pet owners that would/could not disclose their income from the data analysis

Line 328-329 – Ok now I understand! Suggest moving this information up so it’s clear in your methods section. Also suggest moving this up when you first talk about that explanatory variable in the data analyses section. This section has been moved as requested – now lines 304-312.

Can you also provide rationale for choosing to do this? This has been addressed to some degree above. However the rationale is also that the paper focusses on a comparison of dogs and cats, and we wanted to keep it as “simple” and straight forward as possible; not only for the analysis, but also for the interpretation, discussion of data and conclusions. Against the background that less than 20% of owners stated they have both dog and cat, we have a good reason to create a binary variable which supports our main idea of the paper. Further, it is likely that owners will think about their favourite pet (dog or cat) while answering the statements related to modern small animal practice. This may also be triggered by our question about the favourite pet before answering the LAPS (which we also addressed before the statements related to modern small animal practice). In addition, we formulated all statements in singular (“My pet… ” and never “My pet(s)…” which may further stimulate respondents to think about one (the favourite) pet.

Overall there is no information about how you assessed model fit, or tested model assumptions. Please add this. We have added the following to the data analysis section: For each regression analysis, we evaluated the overall regression model fit using the LR chi2 test and Nagelkerke’s Pseudo-R-Square (see Supporting Information 2). Lines 335-337.


Line 250 -chi-square tests are inferential tests, and not descriptive. Suggest changing the title of this section. Apologies – the title has been changed to “Dog and cat owner socio-demographics. Line 346.


Line 583 – Could another explanation be that dog owners are more likely to spend more money on their pets than cat owners? Yes, we believe that is what we have explained and referenced – lines 604-607.

Overall, a great job summarizing the results and incorporating with current literature. Thank you!

Tables/Figures/Supporting Information:

-Please provide a more descriptive caption for tables, as the reader should be able to interpret the tables without having to read the manuscript. For example, please add ‘N’, outcome variable categories, population, etc. We have done what we believe the reviewer is requesting for each table.

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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

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Decision Letter 1

Francesca Baratta

8 Feb 2024

Cat and Dog Owners’ Expectations and Attitudes towards Advanced Veterinary Care (AVC) in the UK, Austria and Denmark.


Dear Dr. Corr,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Francesca Baratta, PharmD, PhD

Academic Editor


Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #2: Yes


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Reviewer #1: The authors have commented and addressed the expressed concerns and suggestions appropriately.

This is a fine manuscript, well worthy of publication.

Reviewer #2: (No Response)


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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No


Acceptance letter

Francesca Baratta

27 Feb 2024



Dear Dr. Corr,

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Academic Editor


Associated Data

    This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

    Supplementary Materials

    S1 File. Questionnaire.


    pone.0299315.s001.docx (92.3KB, docx)
    S2 File. Ordinal regression analysis of socio-demographic and financial factors and LAPS scores, on attitudes towards advanced veterinary care and research.


    pone.0299315.s002.docx (39.5KB, docx)
    S3 File. Type of practice usually attended by owners of dog(s) and / or cat(s).


    pone.0299315.s003.docx (17.9KB, docx)
    S4 File. Pearson Correlation analysis to explore whether owners who believe their pets should have access to advanced veterinary care are also likely to think that their vets should contribute knowledge to the advancement of such care and be willing to enrol their own pets into a research study.


    pone.0299315.s004.docx (287.8KB, docx)
    S5 File. Differences in uptake of pet health insurance and income.


    pone.0299315.s005.docx (17.8KB, docx)
    S6 File. Correlations between LAPS scores and age, gender, living status, insurance and income.


    pone.0299315.s006.docx (20.5KB, docx)

    Submitted filename: Response to reviewers.docx

    pone.0299315.s007.docx (34.6KB, docx)

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