Abstract: Helvella is a widespread, frequently encountered fungal group appearing in forests, but the species diversity and molecular phylogeny of Helvella in China remains incompletely understood. In this work, we performed comprehensive phylogenetic analyses using multilocus sequence data. Six datasets were employed, including a five-locus concatenated dataset (ITS, nrLSU, tef1-α, rpb2, hsp), a two-locus concatenated dataset (ITS, nrLSU), and four single-locus datasets (ITS) that were divided based on the four different phylogenetic clades of Helvella recognized in this study. A total of I 946 sequences were used, of which 713 were newly generated, including 170 sequences of ITS, 174 sequences of nrLSU, 131 sequences of tef1-α, 107 sequences of rpb2 and 131 sequences of hsp. The phylogeny based on the five-locus concatenated dataset revealed that Helvellas. str. is monophyletic and four phylogenetic clades are clearly recognized, i.e., Acetabulum clade, Crispa clade, Elastica clade, and Lacunosa clade. A total of 24 lineages or subclades were recognized, II of which were new, the remaining 13 corresponding with previous studies. Chinese Helvella species are distributed in 22 lineages across four clades. Phylogenetic analyses based on the two-locus concatenated dataset and four single-locus datasets confirmed the presence of at least 93 phylogenetic species in China. Among them, 58 are identified as known species, including a species with a newly designated lectotype and epitype, 18 are newly described in this paper, and the remaining 17 taxa are putatively new to science but remain unnamed due to the paucity or absence of ascomatal materials. In addition, the Helvella species previously recorded in China are discussed. A list of 76 confirmed species, including newly proposed species, is provided. The occurrence of H. crispa and H. elastica are not confirmed although both are commonly recorded in China.
Citation: Mao N, Xu YY, Zhang YX, Zhou H, Huang XB, Hou CL, Fan L (2023). Phylogeny and species diversity of the genus Helvella with emphasis on eighteen new species from China. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 12: 111–152. doi: 10.3114/fuse.2023.12.08
Keywords: molecular analysis, new taxa, Pezizales, phylogeny, saddle fungi, taxonomy
Helvella (1753) is one of the most conspicuous members of Helvellaceae. Almost all Helvella species have saddle-shaped ascocarps with cupulate or lobed caps on a distinct stipe, and ellipsoid ascospores with a large central oil drop with the exception of the H. macropus complex which has subfusoid ascospores. Helvella species are extraordinarily common and widely distributed in terrestrial biomes of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres (Skrede et al. 2017, 2020). Some of them have great dietary and health value, such as, H. bachu, H. lacunosa and H. taiyuanensis (Liu et al. 1985, Shameem et al. 2016, Zhao et al. 2016a). Ecologically, some species in this genus form ectomycorrhizal associations with host plants (Pinaceae and Fagaceae) (Maia et al. 1996, Tedersoo et al. 2006, Hwang et al. 2015).
As a frequently encountered and important fungal group, the systematics and species diversity of Helvella have been widely studied by mycologists from different parts of the world, especially from Europe and North America (Dissing 1966a, b, Korf 1972, Weber 1972, 1975, Harmaja 1979, Häffner 1987, Abbott & Currah 1997, Landeros et al. 2012, 2015, Nguyen et al. 2013, Skrede et al. 2017, 2020, 2023, Hansen et al. 2019, Løken et al. 2019). The ascoma shape and colour, pubescence on the apothecium receptacle surface, ascospore size and shape are highlighted in the identification of Helvella species. However, it's difficult to discriminate the difference between Helvella species with only morphology. Molecular systematics and DNA barcode sequences as a robust tool to identify fungal species have been applied to taxonomic studies of Helvella, which are useful for establishing the species concepts of Helvella (Landvik et al. 1999, Hansen & Pfister 2006, Tedersoo et al. 2006, Laessoe & Hansen 2007, Nguyen et al. 2013, Landeros et al. 2015, Skrede et al. 2017, 2020, 2023, Hansen et al. 2019, Wang et al. 2019, 2023a, b, Lu et al. 2023, Yu et al. 2023). For example, Landeros et al. (2015) revealed Helvella is monophyletic by analysing partial nrLSU data. Skrede et al. (2017) assessed species boundaries within Helvella in Europe by using morphology and phylogenetic evidence from four loci – heat shock protein 90 (hsp), translation elongation factor alpha (tef1-α), RNA polymerase II second largest subunit (rpb2) and the nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA (nrLSU), in which a total of 55 species in Europe were identified, 30 species were designated neo- and epitypes, and seven new species were described.
In China, based on morphology, or both morphology and molecular data, a lot of research has been focused on the taxonomy of Helvella (Teng 1963, Liu et al. 1985, Cao 1988, Liu & Cao 1988, Cao & Liu 1990, Cao et al. 1990, Zhuang 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998a, b, Zhuang & Wang 1998, Wang & Chen 2002, Xu 2002, Zhuang 2004, Zhuang & Yang 2008, Ariyawansa et al. 2015, Zhao et al. 2015, Hyde et al. 2016, Wang et al. 2016, 2019, 2023a, b, Zhao et al. 2016a, b, Tibpromma et al. 2017, Xu et al. 2022, Yu et al. 2023). Recently, 16 new species and two new Chinese records were determined based on morphology and molecular phylogenies infered from ITS, LSU, tef1-α, and hsp (Wang et al. 2023a). Presently, a total of 90 species are recorded from China, but molecular evidence lack for 37 species. Moreover, many newly introduced collections did not match to previously known species either in morphology or molecular analysis. It is therefore necessary to thoroughly revise records of Chinese Helvella spp. In the present study, five highly informative genetic markers (ITS, nrLSU, tef1-α, rpb2, hsp) were used in our molecular analyses. Morphological features and DNA-based molecular analyses were conducted based on the specimens gathered from many parts of China, combined with existing type specimens and sequences available in the GenBank database. Our aims were to: 1) readdress the infrageneric group limits and relationships within Helvella; 2) clarify the species diversity and phylogenetic relationships of Helvella in China, and 3) describe and illustrate new species found in China based on both molecular and morphological data.
Sample collections
Samples collected in China were examined. Voucher specimens were accessioned in the Herbarium Biology Department at Capital Normal University (BJTC). Additional specimens on loan from other fungaria were also studied. The principal fungaria were the Herbarium Mycologicum Academiae Sinicaea at the Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (HMAS) and the Herbarium of Cryptogams at the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (HKAS), Herbarium of Mycology of Jilin Agricultural University (HMJAU), and the Hebarium of Shanxi Institute for Functional Foods, Shanxi Agricultural University (HSA). Macroscopic characters were described from fresh and dried material. Microscopic characteristics were observed in sections obtained from dried specimens mounted in 5 % KOH, Congo Red, cotton blue, Melzer's reagent, or water.
DNA extraction, PCR amplification, sequencing and nucleotide alignment
Dried specimens were crushed by shaking for 3 min at 30 Hz (Mixer Mill MM 301, Retsch, Haan, Germany) in a 1.5 mL tube together with one 3-mm-diam tungsten carbide ball, and total genomic DNA was extracted using the E.Z.N.A. Fungal DNA kit (Omega Bio-Tek Inc. Norcross, Georgia, USA) following the manufacturer's protocol. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were performed to amplify partial sequences from the five partial genes (ITS, nrLSU, tef1-α, rpb2, hsp) with previously published primer sets. The details of primer combinations, optimized PCR annealing temperatures and references for published primers are provided (Table 1).
Table 1.
Sequences of primers, citations for previously published primers and annealing temperature used for PCR amplification of sequences generated for this study.
Gene region | Forward primer | Primer sequence (5’–3’) | Reverse primer | Primer sequence (5’–3’) | PCR annealing temp (°C) | References |
ITS2 | ITS3 | GCATCGATGAAGAACGCAGC | ITS4 | (see above) | 55 | White et al. (1990) |
nrLSU | LROR | ACCCGCTGAACTTAAGC | LR5 | TCCTGAGGGAAACTTCG | 55 | Vilgalys & Hester (1990) |
tef1-α | EF1-983F | GCYCCYGGHCAYCGTGAYTTYAT | EF1-2218R | ATGACACCRACRGCRACRGTYTG | touchdown | Rehner & Buckley (2005) |
rpb2 | fRPB2-7cF | ATGGGYAARCAAGCYATGGG | fRPB2-11aR | GCRTGGATCTTRTCRTCSACC | touchdown | Liu et al. (1999) |
hsp | H_hspf | CRGGCATCCGGGTGACGTAAT | H_hspr | AGGGKGTTGTCGACTCCGAGG | 58 | Skrede et al. (2017) |
Amplification reactions were performed in 25 μL reaction volumes containing 2 μL DNA template, 1 μL per primer (10 μM), 12.5 μL 2× Master Mix (TiangenBiotech Co., Beijing, China), and 8.5 μL ddH2O.
Amplification reactions were performed as follows: for the ITS or ITS2 gene: initial denaturation at 94 °C for 3 min, followed by 35 cycles at 94 °C for 30 s, 53 or 55 °C for 45 s, 72 °C for 55 s, and a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min; for the nrLSU gene: initial denaturation at 94 °C for 4 min, followed by 35 cycles at 94 °C for 30 s, 55 °C for 45 s, 72 °C for 1 min, and a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min; for the tef1-α gene: initial denaturation at 94 °C for 3 min, followed by 11 cycles including denaturation at 94 °C for 30 s, annealing temperature started at 64 °C (decreased by 1 °C per cycle, until to 54 °C) for 45 s and extension at 72 °C for 1 min, then followed by 30 cycles at 94 °C for 35 s, 56 °C for 45 s, 72 °C for 1 min, and a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min; for the rpb2 gene: initial denaturation at 94 °C for 3 min, followed by 11 cycles including denaturation at 94 °C for 30 s, annealing temperature started at 62 °C (decreased by 1 °C per cycle, until to 52 °C) for 45 s and extension at 72 °C for 1 min, then followed by 30 cycles at 94 °C for 35 s, 55 °C for 45 s, 72 °C for 1 min, and a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min; for the hsp gene: initial denaturation at 94 °C for 4 min, followed by 35 cycles at 94 °C for 30 s, 58 °C for 45 s, 72 °C for 1 min, and a final extension at 72 °C for 10 min. The PCR products were sent to Beijing Zhongkexilin Biotechnology Co. Ltd. (Beijing, China) for purification and sequencing. The newly generated sequences were assembled and edited using SeqMan (DNA STAR package; DNAStar Inc., Madison, WI, USA) with generic-level identities for sequences confirmed via BLAST queries of GenBank.
A total of 713 Helvella sequences from our 186 collections were used in the molecular phylogenetic analyses, of which 170 in ITS, 174 in nrLSU, 131 in tef1-α, 107 in rpb2, and 131 in hsp. Sequences of all DNA regions generated in this study were deposited in GenBank. Other sequences of Helvella and related species obtained from GenBank are based on published literature (Nguyen et al. 2013, Landeros et al. 2012, 2015, Zhao et al. 2015, Hyde et al. 2016, Wang et al. 2016, 2019, 2023a, Zhao et al. 2016a, b, Skrede et al. 2017, 2020, 2023, Hansen et al. 2019, Løken et al. 2019), or selected by using the BLASTn search function of the NCBI database to find similar matches with taxa in Helvella. For ITS sequence data, the genus search tool in GenBank database was used for retrieving Helvella-related ITS sequences. The accession numbers of new and downloaded sequences stored in the NCBI GenBank nucleotide database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) are provided in Supplementary Tables S1–S6.
Six molecular datasets were assembled for this study. Dataset I was comprised of five gene fragments (ITS/nrLSU/tef1-α/rpb2/ hsp) and contained all the Helvella species with available DNA data worldwide. The phylogenetic trees derived from the singlegene dataset (including ITS, nrLSU, tef1-α, rpb2 and hsp) did not exhibit any incongruence because no well-supported (BS > 70 %) conflict was detected among the topologies of the five genes. The concatenated five-gene dataset was used to infer the phylogenetic placement of Helvella species and to assess subgeneric limits and relationships within Helvella. Dissingia oblongispora and Pindara terrestris were used as outgroup taxa. Datasets II–V were comprised of single gene fragment (ITS), which respectively corresponded to four subgeneric phylogenetic clades of Helvella that were recognized in this study based on the phylogenetic analyses for Dataset I, i.e., Acetabulum clade (Datasets II), Crispa clade (Datasets III), Elastica clade (Datasets IV), and Lacunosa clade (Datasets V). Each dataset contained all corresponded and qualified ITS sequences that were newly provided in this study and downloaded from GenBank. The four single-gene datasets were used to delimit and detect Helvella species and assess the species diversity. Dataset VI was comprised of two gene fragments (ITS/nrLSU) and contained all Chinese Helvella species recognized in this study except for the species lacking available molecular data. This concatenated twogene dataset was used to show the species diversity of Helvella in China excluding the species lacking DNA data, and to infer the phylogenetic relationships between Chinese Helvella species.
Sequences were aligned and edited in MAFFT (Katoh & Frith 2012) under default parameters, and manually adjusted for maximum sequence similarity in Se-Al v. 2.03a (Rambaut 2000). Ambiguously aligned regions and gaps in the alignment were excluded before the analyses. For the concatenated dataset (Datasets I, VI), alignments were constructed separately for each of the gene fragments using MAFFT (Katoh & Frith 2012), optimized using BioEdit v. 7.0.9 (Hall 1999), then concatenated using SequenceMatrix v. 1.7.8 (Vaidya et al. 2011). Unsampled gene regions were coded as missing data and the intron regions of protein-coding genes were retained in the final analyses. Poorly aligned sites were identified by Gblocks v. 0.91b (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/; Castresana 2000; using default options except ALLOWED GAP POSITIONS 5 half) with default parameters. All identified ambiguous sites were excluded before the analyses. Alignments of all datasets used in this study were submitted to TreeBASE (No. 30611).
Phylogenetic analyses
Maximum likelihood (ML) analyses on all six datasets in this study were conducted with RAxML v. 8.0.14 (Stamatakis et al. 2014) and the GTRGAMMAI substitution model with parameters unlinked. The ML bootstrap replicates (1 000) were computed in RAxML with a rapid bootstrap analysis and search for the bestscoring ML tree.
Bayesian inference (BI) was performed with MrBayes v. 3.2.2 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003) as an additional method for determining branch support. The best substitution model that fit the data at each locus was evaluated using MrModeltest v. 2.3 (Nylander 2004). For the concatenated analyses (Datasets I and VI), each locus was considered a partition and assigned its own best-fiШng substitution model, that was GTR+I+G for ITS, nrLSU, rpb2 and hsp, and SYM+I+G for tef1-α. We used two independent runs with four Markov chains Monte Carlo (MCMC) for 5 155 000 (Dataset I) and 4 420 000 (Dataset VI) generations under the default settings. For the ITS analysis (Datasets II–V), the best substitution model for each dataset respectively was GTR+I+G (Datasets II, III), GTR+G (Datasets IV, V). The MCMC analysis were run for 825 000 (Dataset II), 1 430 000 (Dataset III), 2 330 000 (Dataset IV) and 3 010 000 (Dataset V) generations under the default settings. Average standard deviations of split frequency (ASDSF) values were far lower than 0.01 at the end of the generations. Trees were sampled every 100 generations after burn-in (25 % of trees were discarded as the burn-in phase of the analyses, set up well after convergence), and 50 % majority-rule consensus trees were constructed.
Clades with bootstrap support (BS) ≥ 70 % and Bayesian posterior probability (PP) ≥ 0.95 were considered as significantly supported (Hillis & Bull 1993, Alfaro et al. 2003). All phylogenetic trees were viewed with TreeView (Page 2001).
Phylogenetic analyses
Combined five-gene phylogeny of Helvella
Dataset I (ITS/nrLSU/tef1-α/rpb2/hsp) contained 1 348 sequences from 136 species, including 629 sequences newly generated from Chinese collections. The length of the aligned dataset was 2 726 bp after exclusion of poorly aligned sites (all in ITS), with 565 bp for ITS, 666 bp for nrLSU, 908 bp for tef1-α, 346 bp for rpb2, and 241 bp for hsp. Maximum likelihood and BI analyses yielded similar tree topologies and only the tree inferred from the ML analysis is illustrated with strong statistical bootstrap from ML and posterior probability from BI support values shown (Fig. 1). Our present analysis revealed that the genus Helvella is monophyletic, and four distinct clades in Helvella can be recognized (Fig. 1), i.e., Acetabulum clade, Crispa clade, Elastica clade, and Lacunosa clade.
Fig. 1.
Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella inferred from the Dataset I (ITS/nrLSU/tef1-α/rpb2/hsp) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. Chinese Helvella species are printed in bold. New species and new sequences are printed in golden font.
Within the Acetabulum clade, two lineages were furthermore recognized, i.e., the acetabulum lineage and solitaria lineage. Within the Crispa clade, H. crispa and its allies consisted of a well-supported lineage which was designated as crispa lineage hereafter, and the other two species, H. maculata and H. maculatoides, both outside crispa lineage, formed their own independent branches. Within the Elastica clade, eight individual evolving lineages were recognized, i.e., bicolor-elastica lineage, capucina-danica lineage, carnosa lineage, corbierei-stevensii lineage, fallax-pezizoides lineage, hypocrateriformis lineage, macropus lineage, and rivularis-sublicia lineage. The species H. atroides, H. fibrosa, H. japonica and H. orientitomentosa are outside the macropus lineages and formed their own independent branches. Within the Lacunosa clade, 13 lineages were recognized, i.e., alpestris-nannfeldtii lineage, alpicola lineage, alpina-corium lineage, atra-pallescens lineage, costifera lineage, dalgeri lineage, fusca-lactea lineage, hyperborea lineage, lacunosa-helvellula lineage, palustris-philonotis lineage, phlebophora lineage, sulcata-phlebophoroides lineage, and tianshanensis lineage. Both H. floriforma and H. queletiana are outside all lineages and formed their own independent branches. Furthermore, six of the 13 lineages (atra-pallescens lineage, fusca-lactea lineage, lacunosa-helvellula lineage, palustris-philonotis lineage, phlebophora lineage and sulcata-phlebophoroides lineage) and the species H. queletiana gathered into a distinct and strong supported group, which was recognized as the lacunosa subclade. The remaining seven lineages and H. floriforma in the Lacunosa clade were scattered outside the lacunosa subclade. For improving the discussion, they were designated as a group, i.e., costifera group (Fig. 1).
ITS-based phylogenetic analysis
The ITS dataset was employed to delimit and detect the Chinese Helvella species diversity in this study. ITS sequence is considered a universal barcode for fungi (Schoch et al. 2012) and helpful for analyses of Helvella groups from ectomycorrhizal root tips. A total of 715 ITS sequences, including 168 novel sequences from Chinese collections, were obtained for this study. Our multigene phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 1) revealed that Chinese Helvella collections were classified in four clades, therefore these ITS sequences were accordingly split into four parts (Datasets II–V) that represented four clades (Acetabulum clade, Crispa clade, Elastica clade and Lacunosa clade). This parsing of species facilitates the molecular phylogenetic analyses for delimiting many Chinese Helvella species and detecting the phylogenetic relationships between these Helvella species. The phylogenetic analyses for all four clades are documented below.
Acetabulum clade: Dataset II (ITS) was used to delimit and detect the Helvella species of the Acetabulum clade. This dataset comprised 30 sequences of the Acetabulum clade, in which eight sequences were isolated from our Helvella specimens. The length of the dataset was 321 bp after alignment and exclusion of poorly aligned sites. Maximum likelihood and BI analyses yielded identical tree topologies; only the tree inferred from the ML analysis is shown (Supplementary Fig. S1). This ITS-based phylogenetic analysis resolved seven clusters from this clade. Of these, five clusters were identified as known species because each cluster contains the authentic sequence(s) of these species, i.e., H. acetabulum, H. acetabuloides, H. solitaria, H. sichuanensis, and H. taiyuanensis. They all occur in China. The remaining two clusters represent two putatively unknown species, marked as Helvella sp. 1, 2, which are respectively from Iran or an unknown country (See Supplementary Fig. S1, Supplementary Table S3).
Crispa clade: Dataset III (ITS) was used to delimit and detect the Helvella species of the Crispa clade. This dataset comprised 126 sequences from the Crispa clade, in which 35 sequences were isolated from our Helvella specimens. The length of the dataset was 794 bp after alignment and exclusion of poorly aligned sites. Maximum likelihood and BI analyses yielded identical tree topologies; only the tree inferred from the ML analysis is shown (Supplementary Fig. S2). A total of 13 clusters with strong support were recognized in this clade. Of these, six clusters were identified as known species, i.e., H. crispoides, H. involuta, H. maculatoides, H. orienticrispa, H. pseudoreflexa, and H. zhongtiaoensis, and they all occur in China. Two clusters composed of Chinese collections were new to science, which are described as new species in this study (see Taxonomy). The remaining five clusters were suggested as putatively unknown species, marked as Helvella sp. 3–7. Notably, Helvella sp. 5 occurs in China and an unknown country. The other four species are respectively from France, Germany or the United States (See Supplementary Fig. S2, Supplementary Table S4).
Elastica clade: Dataset IV (ITS) was used to delimit and detect the Helvella species of the Elastica clade. This dataset comprised 318 sequences, including 102 sequences newly isolated from our Helvella specimens. The length of the dataset was 578 bp after alignment and exclusion of poorly aligned sites. Maximum likelihood and BI analyses yielded identical tree topologies; only the tree inferred from the ML analysis is shown (Supplementary Fig. S3). A total of 66 strong support clusters corresponding to 66 Helvella species were resolved in this clade. Of these, 26 clusters corresponded to known species because each cluster contains the authentic sequence(s) of these species. Sixteen species of them occur in China, i.e., H. atroides, H. bachu, H. capucinoides, H. carnosa, H. corbierei, H. danica, H. ephippioides, H. fistulosa, H. galeriformis, H. guttata, H. macropus, H. nordlandica, H. orentitomentosa, H. pubescens, H. scyphoides, and H. subspadicea. Fourteen clusters composed of Chinese collection(s) are treated in this study (see Taxonomy). The other 26 clusters were suggested as putatively new species as currently no sporocarps are available for these species, or we were not able to examine the specimens in this study. They are accordingly marked as Helvella sp. 8–33. Notably, 14 species m occur in China, i.e., Helvella sp. 14–15, Helvella sp. 18, Helvella sp. 20, Helvella sp. 23–32. The others are from France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United States, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, etc. (See Supplementary Fig. S3, Supplementary Table S5).
Lacunosa clade: Dataset V (ITS) was used to delimit and detect the Helvella species of the Lacunosa clade. This dataset comprised 247 sequences, including 29 sequences newly isolated from our Helvella specimens. The length of the dataset was 517 bp after alignment and exclusion of poorly aligned sites. Maximum likelihood and BI analyses yielded identical tree topologies; only the tree inferred from the ML analysis is shown (Supplementary Fig. S4). A total of 66 strongly supported clusters corresponding to 66 Helvella species were resolved in this clade. Of these, 39 clusters corresponded to known species because each cluster contains the authentic sequence(s) of these species. Twenty-nine species occur in China, i.e., H. atra, H. austrooccidentalis, H. borealis, H. calycina, H. costifera, H. cystidiata, H. fulva, H. huangii, H. jizushanica, H. lacunosa, H. liui, H. lobata, H. magna, H. parva, H. philonotis, H. phlebophora, H. phlebophoropsis, H. plateata, H. ravida, H. rugosa, H. sublactea, H. subtinta, H. terricola, H. tianshanensis, H. tinta, H. varia, H. vitrea, H. vulgata and H. yunnanensis. Two clusters composed of Chinese collections are described as new species in this study (see Taxonomy). The other 25 clusters were suggested as putatively new species as currently no sporocarps are available for these species, or we were not able to examine the specimens in this study. They are accordingly marked as Helvella sp. 34–58. Notably, one of these species occur in China, i.e., Helvella sp. 42. The others are respectively from Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, United States, etc. (See Supplementary Fig. S4, Supplementary Table S6).
Species diversity of Helvella in China
Dataset VI (ITS/nrLSU) comprised 581 sequences with 574 sequences from Chinese samples, in which all Chinese Helvella species determined based on the phylogenetic analyses for Datasets I–V outlined above were included except for H. palustris (only having hsp) (Fig. 1, Supplementary Figs S1–S4). Dissingia oblongispora was selected as the outgroup. The length of the aligned dataset was 1 238 bp after exclusion of poorly aligned sites, with 529 bp for ITS and 709 bp for nrLSU. Maximum likelihood and BI analyses yielded identical tree topologies; only the tree inferred from the ML analysis is shown (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2.
Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species inferred from the Dataset VI (ITS/nrLSU) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold.
Our phylogenetic analyses revealed 92 phylogenetic species from the Chinese collections, which were further clustered in four Helvella clades (Fig. 2). Of these, 57 clusters correspond to 57 species known from China (Ariyawansa et al. 2015, Zhao et al. 2015, Hyde et al. 2016, Wang et al. 2016, 2019, 2022, 2023a, Zhao et al. 2016a, b, Tibpromma et al. 2017, Zhuang et al. 2018, Xu et al. 2022, Lu et al. 2023, Yu et al. 2023), including five species new to China, i.e., H. carnosa (Fig. 2, Supplementary Fig. S3), H. corbierei (Fig. 2, Supplementary Fig. S3), H. fistulosa (Fig. 2, Supplementary Fig. S3), H. nordlandica (Fig. 2, Supplementary Fig. S3) and H. scyphoides (Fig. 2, Supplementary Fig. S3). Of the remaining 35 species, 18 species are described as new species (see Taxonomy section in this paper), and 17 are suggested as potentially undescribed species (marked as Helvella sp. 5 in Fig. 2 & Supplementary Fig. S2; Helvella sp. 14–15, Helvella sp. 18, Helvella sp. 20, Helvella sp. 23–32 in Figs 2 & S3; Helvella sp. 42. in Figs 2 & S4; Helvella sp. 59 in Figs 1 & 2). Notably, H. floriforma (Figs 1, 2, Datasets I, VI), H. palustris (Fig. 1, Dataset I), and Helvella sp. 59 (Figs 1, 2, Datasets I, VI) are not represented in the ITS dataset because there were no available ITS sequence of the three species.
Based on our phylogenetic and morphological data, 18 new species are described and illustrated, an epitype is designated for one species, and five species are newly recorded from China.
Helvella albopatella L. Fan, N. Mao & Y.Y. Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849609. Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.
Helvella albopatella (BJTC FM2610-A, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. D. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Immature asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B-E = 10 μm.
Etymology: albopatella, albo-, white, patella, disc, referring to the white and disc-like cap of this species.
Apothecia stipitate-cupulate; cap regularly or irregularly discoid, slightly cumulate, or occasionally recurved, 0.4–0.7 cm high, 0.9–2.0 cm broad; hymenium white, grey white to pale white, becoming dark brown when dry; receptacle surface pubescent, concolourous with the disc, becoming yellowish when dry; stipe terete, 1.0–3.0 cm high, 0.15–0.3 cm broad, solid, greyish white to white, becoming yellowish when dry. Ectal excipulum 75–100 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, extending into fascicled hyphoid hairs in outer ectal excipulum, hairs multiseptated, cells elongate club-shaped, 15–35 × 11–16 µm. Medullary excipulum 225–300 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.0–6.0 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering towards the base, 8-spored, 225–265 × 13–17 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 16–18 × 11–12.5 μm, [Lm × Wm = 16.7 × 11.7 μm, Q = 1.32–1.56, Qav = 1.42 ± 0.07]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, pale brown, 6.0–10.0 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 2.0–4.0 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in broadleaf forest and coniferous forest.
Distribution: Known from Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Linfen City, Pu County, Wulushan mountains, on the ground in broadleaf forest dominated by Quercus sp., 36°56״23׳N, Ш°23״46׳E, alt. 1 644.6 m, 26 Aug. 2022, N. Mao (holotype BJTC FM2610-A, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355082, nrLSU = OR355252, tef1-α = OR359014, rpb2 = OR359137, hsp = OR366079); ibid., (BJTC FM2610-B).
Notes: Helvella albopatella is recognized by its disc-like cap and overall whitish ascomata with terete stipe. It is placed in the hypocrateriformis lineage, Elastica clade, sister to H. nordlandica, in our phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1). Morphologically, H. albopatella is distinguished from all other species in this lineage (including H. nordlandica) by its overall whitish ascomata with disc-like cap and a terete stipe. Molecularly, there are one hsp, three rpb2, five nrLSU, and 12 tef1-α substitutions between H. albopatella and H. nordlandica. Four ITS sequences downloaded from GenBank matched H. albopatella in our analysis (Fig. S3). These sequences are respectively extracted from ascomata or ectomycorrhizal root tips of Quercus liaotungensis and Quercus sp., from China. These results implied that H. albopatella is also occurs in another region of China and can form ectomycorrhizas with Quercus species. Helvella albopatella shares less than 94.87 % similarity in ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella alborava L. Fan, N. Mao & H. Zhou, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849610. Fig. 4.
Fig. 4.
Helvella alborava (BJTC C316-A, holotype). A, B. Apothecia. C. Ascospores in water. D. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. F. Immature asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B-F = 10 μm.
Etymology: alborava, albo-, means white, rava, means grey, referring to grey whitish ascomata.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap regularly or irregularly saddleshaped, sometimes regularly or irregularly cup-like, 0.6-2.0 cm high, 1.0-1.9 cm broad, at first margin adhered to stipe, then reflexed with age; hymenium greyish white to greyish, becoming brown to dark brown when dry; receptacle surface fine pubescent, concolourous with hymenium, becoming pale yellow to greyish brown when dry; stipe glabrous to fine pubescent, terete, 2.1-4.2 cm high, 0.2-0.5 cm broad, solid or hollow, greyish white, becoming pale brown to greyish brown when dry, towards base with inconspicuous grooves, base slightly enlarged. Ectal excipulum 80-120 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, extending into fascicled hyphoid hairs in outer ectal excipulum, hairs multiseptated, cells elongate club-shaped, 13-30 × 8-16 µm. Medullary excipulum 175-250 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.04.0 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 215275 × 13-19 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 17-19 × 10-12 μm, [Lm × Wm = 17.9 × 10.9 μm, Q = 1.45-1.81, Qav = 1.64 ± 0.09]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, pale brown, 4.0–6.0 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 2.0-3.5 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in broadleaf forest.
Distribution: Known from Hebei Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Hebei Province, Xinglong County, on the ground in mixed broadleaf forest, alt. 898 m, 25 Aug. 2020, G.Q. Chen (holotype BJTC C316-A, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355106, nrLSU = OR355276, tef1-α = OR359033, rpb2 = OR359155, hsp = OR366098), ibid., (BJTC C316-B).
Notes: Helvella alborava is phylogenetically nested in the rivularis-sublicia lineage, Elastica clade (Fig. 1). There are three other species in this lineage from China, i.e., H. multiformis, H. nigrorava and H. pubescens. Helvella multiformis is distinguished from H. alborava by its shape and colour of cap (cup to saddle, grey to black) and large spores (Lm × Wm = 19.1 × 11.9 μm); Helvella nigrorava by its dark grey to greyish black and saddle-shaped caps, and distinct pubescence on the surface of the receptacle and stipe (also see the comments on H. nigrorava in this paper); Helvella pubescens by its cup-like cap and stipe densely covered with pyramidal 'warts' (Skrede et al. 2017). In addition, seven hsp, three rpb2, five nrLSU, and 26 tef1-α substitutions separated H. alborava from H. multiformis; seven hsp, nine rpb2, 16 nrLSU substitutions and 41 tef1-α substitutions from H. pubescens. Two ITS ECM-sequences match H. alborava in our analysis (Fig. S3). They are extracted from the ectomycorrizal root tips of Quercus variabilis, and Q. liaotungensis from Shanxi Province and Beijing, Northern China. These indicate that H. alborava could form ectomycorrhizas with the two plant species. Helvella alborava shares less than 97.6 % similarity in ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella brunneogaleriformis L. Fan, N. Mao & YY Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849611. Fig. 5.
Fig. 5.
Helvella brunneogaleriformis (BJTC FM911, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. D. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Paraphyses in Congo Red. F. Immature asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 2 cm; B, D, E = 20 μm; C = 50 μm; F = 10 μm.
Etymology: brunneogaleriformis, because this species is phylogenetically closely related to H. galeriformis but with a brown cap.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap irregularly umbrella-type, hemispheric to irregularly saddle-shaped, 0.5-2.2 cm high, 1.02.7 cm broad, at first margin adhered to stipe, then irregularly folded and free from stipe with age; hymenium ochre to brown when fresh, becoming dark brown to black brown when dry; receptacle surface glabrous, white, becoming yellow when dry; stipe terete 2.5-7.5 cm high, 0.3-0.7 cm broad, solid or hollow, white, or gradually becoming pale yellow brown to brown towards the base, becoming yellow when dry, base slightly enlarged, occasionally with a few shallow grooves. Ectal excipulum 80-130 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, arranged in rows turning out perpendicular to receptacle surface, outermost cells clavate, 23-56 × 13-29 µm. Medullary excipulum 150-230 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.5-6.5 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 260-330 × 15-20 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 17-20.5 × 10.5-12.5 μm, [Lm × Wm = 19 × 11.5 μm, Q = 1.5-1.8, Qav = 1.65 ± 0.07]. Paraphyses filiform, 2.5-4.5 µm below, pale yellow to pale brown, septate, clavate to subcapitate, 6-13(-15) µm wide at tips.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in coniferous forest.
Distribution: Known only from Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Xinzhou City, Wutai County, Wutaishan mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Larix principis-rupprechtii and Picea asperata, alt. 1 222 m, 27 Aug. 2019, C. Yang (holotype BJTC FM911, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355065, nrLSU = OR355235, tef1-α = OR359000, rpb2 = OR359124, hsp = OR366062); ibid., Lvliang City, Jiaocheng County, Guandishan mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by L. principis-rupprechtii and P asperata, alt. 2 003 m, 7 Sep. 2017, Y.Y. Xu (BJTC FM269); ibid., (BJTC FM272).
Notes: Helvella brunneogaleriformis is sister to H. galeriformis in the capucina-danica lineage, Elastica clade, as revealed in present analysis (Fig. 1). Morphologically, both species are similar in cap shape. However, the two species can be separated by the hymenium colour, which is ochre to brown in H. brunneogaleriformis, whereas grey blackish in H. galeriformis. Helvella brunneogaleriformis is similar to H. elastica and H. carnosa in its brown hymenium, and yellowish stipe. However, H. elastica and H. carnosa typically have a saddle-like cap, and H. elastica has lager asci (330-360 × 15-17 µm) and relatively longer ascospores (19-22 × 10.6-12.2 μm) (Skrede et al. 2017). Helvella carnosa has narrower asci (270-300 × 13-15 μm) and relatively narrower paraphyses at the apex (5-8 μm) (Skrede et al. 2017). In addition, six hsp, 13 rpb2, 16 nrLSU, and 20 tef1-α substitutions separated it from H. elastica; five hsp, 11 rpb2, 17 nrLSU substitutions, and 32 tef1-α substitutions from H. carnosa. Helvella brunneogaleriformis shares less than 97.8 % similarity in ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella caespitosa L. Fan, N. Mao & YY. Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849612. Fig. 6.
Fig. 6.
Helvella caespitosa (HSA 379-A, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. D. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B, E = 10 μm; C, D = 20 μm.
Etymology: caespitosa, referring to its habit of growing in a cluster.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap saddle-shaped, margin strongly deflexed, 0.4-1.0 cm high, 0.5-1.8 cm broad; hymenium dark grey to grey blackish, becoming greyish black when dry; receptacle surface pale grey, becoming greyish brown when dry; stipe pubescent, terete, 1.5-3.0 cm high, 0.2-0.3 cm broad, solid, pale grey, becoming greyish brown when dry, base often with white mycelia. Ectal excipulum 75-150 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, outermost cells club-shaped, 16-31 × 8-14 µm. Medullary excipulum 150–300 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.0-5.5 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 210-300 × 14-21 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 16.5-20 × 10-12 μm, [Lm × Wm = 18.5 × 11.1 μm, Q = I. 50-1.80, Qav = 1.66 ± 0.07]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, pale brown, 5.0-9.0 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 1.5 3.5 µm below.
Habitat: Clustered or grouped on the ground in coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest dominated by Betula sp., Pinus tabuliformis, Populus sp., Quercus wutaishansea.
Distribution: Known from Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Lvliang City, Xing County, Heichashan mountains, on the ground in coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest dominated by Betula sp., Pinus tabuliformis, Populus sp., Quercus wutaishansea, alt. 1 590 m, 6 Sep. 2018, J.Z. Cao (holotype HSA 379-A, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355091, nrLSU = OR355261, tef1-α = OR359022, hsp = OR366087); ibid., (HSA 379-B).
Notes: Helvella caespitosa is diagnosed by its grey blackish saddle-shaped cap with strongly deflexed margin, dark grey stipe with pubescent surface, and habit of growing in cluster. Our present analysis places H. caespitosa in the fallax-pezizoides lineage in the Elastica clade and sister to H. bresadolae and H. pezizoides (Fig. 1). Helvella bresadolae is easily confused with H. caespitosa in appearance of its cap. However, H. bresadolae is distinguished from H. caespitosa by its stipe base without white mycelia and relatively smaller asci (200–240 × 14–17 µm). The difference between H. pezizoides and H. caespitosa is in the cap margin of ascomata, which is inrolled in H. pezizoides but deflexed in H. caespitosa (Dissing 1966b). In addition, one hsp and 13 nrLSU substitutions separated it from H. bresadolae; 10 hsp, 13 nrLSU, and 19 tef1-α substitutions from H. pezizoides. Three ITS sequences downloaded from GenBank matched H. caespitosa in our analysis (Fig. S3). These sequences are respectively extracted from ectomycorrhizal root tips of Picea crassifolia, Pinus tabuliformis, and Quercus liaotungensis, from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Northern China. These indicated that H. caespitosa also occurs in other regions of China, and has a wide host range. Helvella caespitosa shares less than 89.94 % similarity in ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella cremeoinvoluta L. Fan, N. Mao & YY. Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849613. Fig. 7.
Fig. 7.
Helvella cremeoinvoluta (BJTC FM941-A, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in water. D. Asci in Congo Red. E. Immature asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B-E = 10 μm.
Etymology: cremeoinvoluta, referring to its high similarity to H. involuta in appearance of ascoma but pale grey-white to pale cream receptacle.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap saddle-shaped to irregularly lobate, 0.5–1.3 cm high, 1.1–2.3 cm broad, margin strongly rolled upwards and completely wrapped the hymenium at first, then unrolled with age; hymenium glabrous, garish white to cream, becoming pale brown to yellowish brown when dry; receptacle surface subpubescent, pale grey white to pale cream, becoming yellowish when dry; stipe 2.6–4.8 cm high, 0.7–1.7 cm broad, white to yellowish white, becoming pale yellow to greyish yellow when dry, ribbed, blunt-edged, partly anastomosing and double-edged, with lacunae between ribs, chambered inside. Ectal excipulum 125–190 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, outermost cells catenuliform in long fascicled tufts, with cylindrical to subclavate cells of 18–37 × 11–18 µm. Medullary excipulum 240–330 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 3–7 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 225–275 × 13–18 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 17–18.5 ×9.5–11 μm, [Lm × Wm = 17.6 × 10.1 μm, Q = 1.60–1.85, Qav = 1.74 ± 0.10]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, hyaline to pale brown, 4–6 µm wide at tips and 2–4 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered to gregarious on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Larix principis-rupprechtii.
Distribution: Known only from Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Xinzhou City, Wutai County, Wutaishan mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Larix principis-rupprechtii, 38°55'39"N, 113°35'43"E, alt.
1 543 m, 28 Aug. 2019, Y. Shen (holotype BJTC FM941-A, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355153, nrLSU = OR355324, tef1-α = OR359066, rpb2 = OR359178, hsp = OR366131); ibid., 38°55'39''N, 113°35'40''E, alt. 1 543 m, 28 Aug. 2019, Y. Shen (BJTC FM941-B).
Notes: Helvella cremeoinvoluta and H. crispoides are closely related to each other in our phylogenetic analyses (Figs 1, 2). Morphologically, H. crispoides differs from H. cremeoinvoluta by its grey receptacle surface, white stipe, relatively shorter ascospores (15-17 × 9.5-11.5 μm), and broader paraphyses at the apex (6-7.5 μm) (Tibpromma et al. 2017). Helvella involuta is similar to H. cremeoinvoluta in cap shape and ascospores size, but the colour of its receptacle surface is clearly yellowish (Zhao et al. 2015), that is completely different from the present species (grey-white to pale cream). Helvella cremeoinvoluta shares less than 96.1 % ITS similarity with other Hevella species, supporting it is a distinct species.
Helvella deflexa L. Fan, N. Mao & YY. Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849614. Fig. 8.
Fig. 8.
Helvella deflexa (HSA 240-A1, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Paraphyses in Congo Red. D. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. E. Immature asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B-D = 10 μm.
Etymology: deflexa, referring to the strongly deflexed margin of the cap.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap saddle-shaped, 0.7–1.1 cm high, 2.0–3.0 cm broad, with a strongly deflexed margin; hymenium brown to dark brown; receptacle surface yellowish white; stipe terete, 1.5–3.0 cm high, 0.3–0.5 cm broad, solid or hollow, white to cream. Ectal excipulum 75–100 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, arranged in rows turning out perpendicular to receptacle surface, outermost cells elongate club-shaped, 21–50 × 10–20 µm. Medullary excipulum 100–125 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.0–6.0 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 290–325 × 15–23 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid and with slightly narrow ends, with one large central oil drop and a few of small ones when mature, 19.5–23 × 12–14.5 μm, [Lm × Wm = 21.0 × 13.1 μm, Q = 1.46–1.81, Qav = 1.60 ± 0.08]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, subhyaline to pale brown, 6.0–11.0 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 2.0–4.0 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest dominated by Betula sp. and Larix principis-rupprechtii.
Distribution: Known from Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Lvliang City, Jiaocheng County, Pangquangou, on the ground in coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest dominated by Betula sp. and Larix principis-rupprechtii, alt. 2 160 m, 28 Aug. 2018, L.J. Guo (holotype HSA 240-A1, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355069, nrLSU = OR355239, tef1-α = OR359004, rpb2 = OR359127, hsp = OR366066); ibid., (HSA 240-A2).
Notes: Helvella deflexa is recognized by its saddle-shaped cap with strongly deflexed margin, a long and white terete stipe and ascospores with slightly narrow ends. It is phylogenetically nested in the capucina-danica lineage of Elastica clade, closely related to H. danica (Fig. 1). Hevlella danica differs from H. deflexa by its campanulate cap and clustered habit (Skrede et al. 2017). Molecularly, one hsp, three rpb2, two nrLSU and seven tef1-α substitutions separated H. deflexa from H. danica. Helvella deflexa shares less than 96.16 % similarity in ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella flavostipitata L. Fan, N. Mao & YY. Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849615. Fig. 9.
Fig. 9.
Helvella flavostipitata (HSA 387-A, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. D. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Immature asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B, E = 10 μm; C, D = 20 μm.
Etymology: flavostipitata, flavo-, yellow, referring to the yellow stalk of this saddle fungus.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap saddle-shaped, 2–2.4 cm high, 1.6–2.4 cm broad, margin adhered to stipe; hymenium yellowish brown to brown, becoming dark brown when dry; receptacle surface glabrous, pale grey to greyish yellow, becoming yellow when dry; stipe terete, 3.5–5.0 cm high, 0.3–0.4 cm broad, hollow, yellow, not change colour when dry, base often with white mycelia. Ectal excipulum 80–120 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, arranged in rows turning out perpendicular to receptacle surface, outermost cells clavate, 18–43 × 9–21 µm. Medullary excipulum 150–250 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.0–7.0 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 250–310 × 14–20 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 18–20.5 × 10.5–12.5 μm, [Lm × Wm = 19.3 × 11.5 μm, Q = 1.53–1.84, Qav = 1.67 ± 0.08]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, pale yellow to pale brown, 5.5–9 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 2.0–4.0 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in coniferous forest.
Distribution: Known from Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Lvliang City, Jiaocheng County, Pangquangou, on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Picea sp., alt. 1 860 m, 6 Sep. 2018, H. Liu (holotype HSA 387-A, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355035, nrLSU = OR355205, tef1-α = OR358976, rpb2 = OR359103); ibid., (HSA 387-B).
Notes: Helvella flavostipitata is phylogenetically sister to H. carnosa in the carnosa lineage, Elastica clade (Fig. 1). Morphologically, both species have regularly saddle-shaped and brown caps, but H. carnosa has a receptacle surface with delicate pubescence and relatively narrower asci (13–15 µm) (Skrede et al. 2017), whereas H. flavostipitata has a glabrous receptacle surface and wider asci (14–20 µm diam). Molecularly, H. flavostipitata deviates consistently in one hsp, five nrLSU, and nine tef1-α substitutions. Five ITS sequences from GenBank matched H. flavostipitata in our analysis (Fig. S3). These sequences are respectively extracted from ascomata or ectomycorrhizal root tips of Pinus wallichiana and P. tabuliformis, from China or Pakistan. These results implied that H. flavostipitata can form ectomycorrhizas with Pinus species. Helvella flavostipitata shares less than 91.5 % similarity in ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella multiformis L. Fan, N. Mao & YY Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849616. Fig. 10.
Fig. 10.
Helvella multiformis (A, C, E-H. BJTC FM1130, holotype. B. BJTC FM1131. D. BJTC FM2484). A-D. Apothecia. E. Ascospores in water. F. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. G. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. H. Immature asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A-D = 1 cm; E-H = 10 μm.
Etymology: multiformis, referring to the cap shape that includes cup and saddle.
Apothecia stipitate-cupulate; cap regular cupulate to saucershaped at first, then expanding to saddle-shaped, occasionally applanate, 0.7–2.2 cm high, 1.5–3.7 cm broad; hymenium, greyish black, dark brown, blackish to black, becoming dark brown to black when dry; receptacle surface pubescent, greyish to dark grey, becoming brown when dry; stipe terete, 2.0–5.0 cm high, 0.3–0.7 cm broad, solid or hollow, greyish white to greyish yellow, becoming greyish brown when dry, occasionally with grooves, base slightly enlarged. Ectal excipulum 120–200 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, sometimes extending into fascicled hyphoid hairs in outer ectal excipulum, hairs multiseptated, cells elongate club-shaped, 16–40 × 8–21 µm. Medullary excipulum 300–360 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 3.0–6.0 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 250–300 × 17–20 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 18–20.5 × 11–13 μm, [Lm × Wm = 19.1 × 11.9 μm, Q = 1.44–1.81, Qav = 1.61 ± 0.09]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, subhyaline to pale brown, 4.5-7.0 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 2-4 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in broadleaf forest and coniferous forest.
Distribution: Known from Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Jincheng City, Qinshui County, Lishan mountains, on the ground in broadleaf forest dominated by Quercus sp., 35°29′4″N, 112°1″″25″E, alt. 1 675m, 27 Aug. 2020, N. Mao (holotype BJTC FM1130, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355100, nrLSU = OR355270, tef1-α = OR359027, rpb2 = OR359149, hsp = OR366092); ibid., (BJTC FM1131); ibid., Linfen City, Pu County, Wulushan mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Pinus sp., 10 Sep. 2017, X.Y. Yan (BJTC FM305); ibid., Lvliang City, Jiaocheng County, Guandishan mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Larix principis-rupprechtii and Picea asperata, alt. 2 003 m, 7 Sep. 2017, J.Z. Cao (BJTC FM264); ibid., Lvliang City, Xing County, Heicha mountains, on the ground in broadleaf forest dominated by Populus sp., alt. 1 590 m, 5 Sep. 2018, L.J. Guo (HSA 362); ibid., Taiyuan City, Loufan County, Yundingshan mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Pinus sp., alt. 1 642 m, 23 Aug. 2022, N. Mao (BJTC FM2484).
Notes: Helvella multiformis is diagnosed by its variation of cap shape and colour (cup to saddle, grey to black). Phylogenetically it is nested in the rivularis-sublicia lineage, Elastica clade, and closely related to H. poculiformis and H. sublicia (Fig. 1). Helvella poculiformis is differentiated from H. multiformis by its cup-like and grey or grey-brown cap (never saddle-shaped and black), H. sublicia (syn. Helvella ephippium) by its whitish, greyish to dark grey cap (lacking black tints) (Skrede et al. 2020). Molecularly, five hsp and two rpb2 substitutions separate this new species from H. poculiformis; five hsp, six rpb2, five nrLSU substitutions, and 11 tef1-α substitutions from H. sublicia. Four ITS sequences from GenBank matched H. multiformis in our analysis (Fig. S3). These sequences are respectively extracted from ascomata or ectomycorrhizal root tips of Epipactis helleborine, and Pinus tabuliformis, from Shanxi Province, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. These indicate that H. multiformis also occurs in other regions of China, and could form ectomycorrhiza with E. helleborine and P. tabuliformis. Helvella multiformis shares less than 95.35 % ITS similarity with other Hevella species, supporting it as a distinct species.
Helvella neofistulosa L. Fan, N. Mao & C.L. Hou, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849617. Fig. 11.
Fig. 11.
Helvella neofistulosa (BJTC ZH1213, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in water. D. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Immature asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B, E = 10 μm; C, D = 20 μm.
Etymology: neofistulosa, neo-, new, because this species is phylogenetically closely related to H. fistulosa.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap saddle-shaped, bi-to trilobate, or irregularly lobate, 0.6-2.5 cm high, 1.3-2.5 cm broad, at first margin adhered to stipe, then reflexed with age; hymenium grey to greyish yellow, becoming ochre to dark brown when dry; receptacle surface subpubescent, greyish white, becoming yellow when dry; stipe 1.3-5.3 cm high, 0.3-0.7 cm broad, solid or hollow, greyish white to cream, becoming yellow when dry, base slightly enlarged. Ectal excipulum 70-120 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, arranged in rows turning out perpendicular to receptacle surface, outermost cells clavate, 22-50 × 10-23 µm. Medullary excipulum 160–250 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.3-4.5 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 250-300 × 14-21 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 18-22.5 × 10.5-12.5 μm, [Lm × Wm = 20 × 11.6 μm, Q = 1.58-1.89, Qav = 1.72 ± 0.08]. Paraphyses filiform, 2.5-4.5 µm below, septate, clavate to subcapitate, 6-11 µm wide at tips.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in mixed broadleaf forest.
Distribution: Known from Beijing and Hebei Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Beijing, Huairou District, Labagoumen, on the ground in mixed broadleaf forest, alt. 1 250 m, 25 Aug. 2020, H. Zhou (holotype BJTC ZH1213, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355059, nrLSU = OR355229, tef1-α = OR358994, rpb2 = OR359118, hsp = OR366056); Hebei Province, Chicheng county, Dahaituo, on the ground in mixed broadleaf forest, alt. 1 267 m, 25 Aug. 2020, H. Zhou (BJTC FM1251).
Notes: Helvella neofistulosa is placed in a position sister to H. fistulosa in the capucina-danica lineage, Elastica clade (Fig. 1). Morphologically, the two species can be separated by the cap colour, which is grey to greyish yellow in H. neofistulosa but brown in H. fistulosa. Molecularly, there are two hsp, one rpb2, three nrLSU, and 22 tef1-α substitutions between the two species (Skrede et al. 2017). Two ITS sequences downloaded from GenBank matched H. neofistulosa in our analysis (Fig. S3). The two sequences are respectively extracted from ascomata or ectomycorrhizal root tips of broadleaved trees, from China or Japan, implying that H. neofistulosa also occurs in Japan and can form ectomycorrhizas with broadleaved trees. Helvella neofistulosa shares less than 95.08 % ITS similarity with other Hevella species, supporting it is a distinct species.
Helvella nigrorava L. Fan, YY. Xu & C.L. Hou, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849618. Fig. 12.
Fig. 12.
Helvella nigrorava (BJTC ZH67, holotype). A. Apothecium. B. Ascospores in water. C. Asci in Congo Red. D. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B-E = 10 μm.
Etymology: nigrorava, nigro-, means black, rava, means grey, referring to the blackish grey cap of this species.
Apothecium stipitate-capitate; cap saddle-shaped, 1.5 cm high, 1.2 cm broad; hymenium dark grey to greyish black, becoming black brown to black when dry; receptacle surface pubescent, concolourous with hymenium, becoming dark brown to black brown when dry; stipe pubescent, terete, 1.7 cm high, 0.2-0.35 cm broad, solid or hollow, greyish white to grey, becoming greyish brown to brown when dry, base slightly enlarged. Ectal excipulum 75-115 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, extending into fascicled hyphoid hairs in outer ectal excipulum, hairs multiseptated, cells elongate club-shaped, 11-37 × 9-16 µm. Medullary excipulum 135-200 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.0-5.0 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 235-265 × 15-20 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 16.5–18.5 × 11-12.5 μm, [Lm × Wm = 17.5 × 11.8 μm, Q = 1.40-1.63, Qav = 1.49 ± 0.07]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, pale yellow to pale brown, 4.5-6.0 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 2.5-4.0 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in broadleaf forest. Distribution: Known from Beijing, Northern China.
Specimen examined: China, Beijing, Changping District, Tiebiyinshan Mountains, on the ground in broadleaf forest, alt. 362 m, 14 Aug. 2019, H. Zhou (holotype BJTC ZH67, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355105, nrLSU = OR355275, tef1-α = OR359032, rpb2 = OR359154, hsp = OR366097).
Notes: Helvella nigrorava was phylogenetically sister to H. alborava, a new species described in this study, in the rivularis-sublicia lineage, Elastica clade (Fig. 1). The two species can be separated by the cap shape and colour, which is saddle-shaped or irregularly cup-like and grey to greyish white in H. alborava, but regularly saddle-shaped and dark grey to greyish black in H. nigrorava. Also, H. nigrorava is more distinct pubescent on both of receptacle and stipe than that in H. alborava. Molecularly, there were four hsp, three rpb2, two nrLSU, and 20 tef1-α substitutions between the two species. One ITS sequence (GenBank MF405780) extracted from ectomycorrizal root tip of Quercus variabilis in Shanxi Province, Northern China matched this species (Fig. S3), indicating that H. nigrorava can form ectomycorrhizas with this plant species. Helvella nigrorava shares less than 95.9 % similarity in ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella pseudoelastica L. Fan, Y.Y. Xu & H. Zhou, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849619. Fig. 13.
Fig. 13.
Helvella pseudoelastica (BJTC C351-A, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. D. Paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Immature asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B-E = 10 μm.
Etymology: pseudoelastica, referring to the similarity to H. elastica in appearance of ascomata.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap saddle-shaped to bilobate, 0.7–1.2 cm high, 1.2–1.9 cm broad; hymenium greyish white, becoming brown when dry; receptacle surface greyish white, becoming yellowish when dry; stipe terete, 2.8–4.3 cm high, 0.2–0.4 cm broad, solid or hollow, white to yellowish white with distinct tints of pinkish especially near the base, becoming yellowish brown when dry. Ectal excipulum 85–115 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, arranged in rows turning out perpendicular to receptacle surface, outermost cells elongate club-shaped, 15–40 × 8–20 µm. Medullary excipulum 125–150 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.0–5.0 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 260–290 × 16–21 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 20–23 × 11–13 μm, [Lm × Wm = 21.5 × 12.1 μm, Q = 1.57–1.91, Qav = 1.77 ± 0.11]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, pale brown, 5.0–8.0 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 2.0–4.0 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in broadleaf forest.
Distribution: Known from Hebei Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Hebei Province, Xinglong County, on the ground in broadleaf forest, alt. 946 m, 22 Aug. 2020, G.Q. Cheng (holotype BJTC C351-A, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355170, nrLSU = OR355341, tef1-α = OR359078, rpb2 = OR359189, hsp = OR366143); ibid., (BJTC C351-B).
Notes: Helvella pseudoelastica was nested in the capucina-danica lineage, Elastica clade (Fig. 1). Morphologically, it is difficult to separate H. pseudoelastica from the species of capucina-danica lineage, bicolor-elastica lineage and carnosa lineage in the Elastica clade by morphology alone. Most of these specimens had been misidentified as H. elastica during past decades. The stipe with distinct pinkish tint may be unique for this new species, but more specimens are needed to confirm this observation. Helvella pseudoelastica is closely related to H. panormitana, but there are two hsp, six rpb2, five nrLSU, and 12 tef1-α substitutions between them. Helvella pseudoelastica shares less than 93.08 % similarity in the ITS region with other Helvella species. An ITS specimen-sequence (GenBank KR673633) from South Korea matched H. pseudoelastica in our phylogenetic analysis (Fig. S3), which indicated that H. pseudoelastica also occurs in South Korea.
Helvellapseudofallax L. Fan, N. Mao & Y.Y. Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849620. Fig. 14.
Fig. 14.
Helvella pseudofallax (HSA 356, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. D. Paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Immature asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B, E = 10 μm; C, D = 20 μm.
Etymology: pseudofallax, referring to its morphological similarity to H. fallax.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap saddle-shaped or irregularly lobed, 0.6–1.0 cm high, 0.7–1.8 cm broad, at first margin adhered to stipe, then occasionally irregularly folded and free from stipe with age; hymenium grey, dark grey to blackish, becoming greyish black when dry; receptacle surface subpubescent, pale grey, becoming greyish black to black brown when dry; stipe subpubescent, terete, 1.5–5.0 cm high, 0.2–0.6 cm broad, solid or hollow, grey, becoming greyish black when dry. Ectal excipulum 150–200 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, extending into fascicled hyphoid hairs in outer ectal excipulum, hairs multiseptated, cells elongate clubshaped, 20–45 × 9–20 µm. Medullary excipulum of interwoven textura intricata, 200–350 µm thick, hyphae, 2.0–6.5 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 230–300 × 13–19 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 15.5–19.5 × 9.5–11 μm, [Lm × Wm = 17.5 × 10.3 μm, Q = 1.55–1.90, Qav = 1.70 ± 0.08]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, pale brown, 6.0–10.0 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 2.0–4.5 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in broadleaf forest dominated by Populus sp.
Distribution: Known from Hebei and Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Lvliang City, Xing County, Heichashan mountains, on the ground in broadleaf forest dominated by Populus sp., alt. 1 590 m, 5 Sep. 2018, J.Z. Cao (holotype HSA 356, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355083, nrLSU = OR355253, tef1-α = OR359015, rpb2 = OR359138, hsp = OR366080); ibid., Xinzhou City, Wutai County, Wutaishan mountains, on the ground in broadleaf forest dominated by Populus sp., alt. 1 910 m, 3 Sep. 2020, J.Z. Cao (BJTC FM1148); Hebei Province, Zhangjiakou City, Chicheng County, on the ground in broadleaf forest, alt. 1 314 m, 26 Aug. 2020, H. Zhou (BJTC ZH1283).
Notes: Helvella pseudofallax was phylogenetically placed in the fallax-pezizoides lineage of the Elastica clade (Fig. 1). Helvella fallax and H. pulla are highly similar to the present species in morphology, but the pubescent receptacle and slightly reflexed cap margin separate it from the two former species (Skrede et al. 2017, 2020). In addition, six hsp, nine rpb2, 19 LSU, and 20 tef1-α substitutions separated this new species from H. fallax; 12 hsp, nine rpb2, and 21 LSU substitutions from H. pulla. Helvella pseudofallax shares less than 93.74 % similarity in the ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella pseudopezizoides L. Fan, N. Mao & YY. Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849621. Fig. 15.
Fig. 15.
Helvella pseudopezizoides (BJTC FM1045-A, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. D. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B, E = 10 μm; C, D = 20 μm.
Etymology: pseudopezizoides, referring to the similarity to H. pezizoides.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap saddle-shaped, or irregularly lobed, margin adnate to stipe, 0.9–2.0 cm high, 0.7–2.5 cm broad; hymenium grey, dark grey to grey blackish, becoming black when dry, slightly wrinkled with age; receptacle surface pubescent to villose, greyish black, becoming black when dry; stipe terete, 1.5–3.0 cm high, 0.2–0.7 cm broad, solid or hollow, concolourous with receptacle surface, becoming black when dry, occasionally with grooves. Ectal excipulum 100–200 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, extending into fascicled hyphoid hairs in outer ectal excipulum, hairs multiseptated, cells elongate club-shaped, 20–45 × 8–16 µm. Medullary excipulum 300–400 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.0–6.0 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 230–300 × 13–18 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 16–19.5 × 10.5–12 μm, [Lm × Wm = 18.1 × 11.2 μm, Q = 1.50–1.76, Qav = 1.62 ± 0.06]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, pale brown, 6.0–11.0 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 2.0–4.5 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in forest dominated by Quercus sp.
Distribution: Known from Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Jingcheng City, Qinshui County, Shangwoquan Village, on the ground in broadleaf forest dominated by Quercus sp., alt. 1 170 m, 25 Aug. 2020, H. Liu (holotype BJTC FM1045-A, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355089, nrLSU = OR355259, tef1-α = OR359020, rpb2 = OR359143, hsp = OR366085); ibid., (BJTC FM1045-B).
Notes: Helvella pseudopezizoides is diagnosed by its overall dark grey to blackish ascomata with saddle-shaped or irregularly lobed cap and thin terete stipe. It was phylogenetically nested in the fallax-pezizoides lineage of the Elastica clade (Fig. 1). Helvella pezizoides is highly similar to the present species, but it differs by its somewhat inrolled cap margin, and smaller ascospores (14.5–16.5 × 8.5–9.6 μm) (Skrede et al. 2020). Other species in the fallax-pezizoides lineage are also somewhat similar in morphology, including H. fallax, H. caespitosa, H. pseudofallax, H. pulla, H. subglabra, H. subglabroides, but the cap colour in all of them is grey or dark grey, not blackish to black, then the stipe is pale at least near base (Skrede et al. 2017, 2020, the present study). In addition, three hsp, three rpb2, 20 nrLSU, and 16 tef1-α substitutions separated this new species from H. fallax; 14 hsp, and 26 nrLSU substitutions from H. caespitosa; 15 hsp, 11 rpb2, 28 nrLSU, and 26 tef1-α substitutions from H. pezizoides; 12 hsp, eight rpb2, 23 nrLSU, and 40 tef1-α substitutions from H. pseudofallax; seven hsp, three rpb2, and 23 nrLSU from H. pulla; four hsp, and five rpb2 from H. subglabra; five hsp, three rpb2, 24 nrLSU, and 21 tef1-α substitutions from H. subglabroides. An ITS sequence (GenBank KX444420) from an ECM root tip of Quercus liaotungensis in Beijing matched this species (Fig. S3), indicating that this species could form ectomycorrhiza with this host. Helvella pseudopezizoides shares less than 89.95 % similarity in the ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella sinocrispa L. Fan, N. Mao & Y.Y. Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849622. Fig. 16.
Fig. 16.
Helvella sinocrispa (BJTC FM96-A, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in water. D. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B-D = 10 μm.
Etymology: sinocrispa, referring to its similarity to H. crispa in morphology.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap saddle-shaped to irregularly lobate, 1.4–2.5 cm high, 2.5–4 cm broad, at first margin rolled to hymenium, then expanded or cracked with age; hymenium glabrous, cream white to whitish, becoming brown to dark brown when dry; receptacle surface subpubescent, pale yellow to greyish yellow, becoming pale brown to yellowish brown when dry; stipe robust, 2.5–5.5 cm high, 1.0–2.6 cm broad, glabrous, white to dirty whitish, becoming pale yellow when dried, ribbed, blunt-edged, partly anastomosing and double-edged, with lacunae between ribs, chambered inside. Ectal excipulum 80–180 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, outermost cells catenuliform in long fascicled tufts, with cylindrical to subclavate, end cells 15–37 × 8.5–15 µm. Medullary excipulum 190–270 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.5–5 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 255–285 × 13–16.5 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 18–20 ×10.5–12 μm, [Lm × Wm = 19.3 × 11.2 μm, Q = 1.60–1.90, Qav = 1.73 ± 0.08]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, hyaline to pale brown, 4.5–7 µm wide at tips and 2–3.5 µm below.
Habitat: Solitary or scattered on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Larixprincipis-rupprechtii and Picea asperata.
Distribution: Known only from Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Xinzhou City, Ningwu County, Guancenshan mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Larix principis-rupprechtii and Picea asperata, alt. 2 230 m, 24 Aug. 2017, M. Chen (holotype BJTC FM96-A, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355155, nrLSU = OR355326, tef1-α = OR359068, rpb2 = OR359180, hsp = OR366133); ibid., (BJTC FM96-B).
Notes: Helvella sinocrispa is recognized by its isolated phylogenetic position in the Crispa clade (Fig. 1). Morphologically it is highly similar to three other species of this clade, namely H. crispa, H. orienticrispa, and H. pseudoreflexa. In fact, it is difficult to distinguish these four species by morphology alone. DNA analysis is therefore needed to accurately identify them. Molecularly, three hsp, six rpb2, five nrLSU, and 11 tef1-α substitutions separated this new species from H. crispa; three hsp, four rpb2, one nrLSU, and 12 tef1-α substitutions from H. orienticrispa; three hsp, four rpb2, two nrLSU, and 11 tef1-α substitutions from H. pseudoreflexa. Four ITS sequences downloaded from GenBank matched H. sinocrispa in our analysis (Fig. S2). These sequences are extracted from ascomata and ectomycorrhizal root tips from China, Europe or the USA. These results implied that H. sinocrispa is widely distributed in Northern Hemisphere. DNA analysis revealed that H. sinocrispa shares less than 94.04 % similarity in ITS region with other Helvella species, supporting it as a distinct species.
Helvella sinohyperborea L. Fan, N. Mao & Y.Y. Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849623. Fig. 17.
Fig. 17.
Helvella sinohyperborea (A, D–G. BJTC FM105, holotype. B, C. BJTC FM165). A. Apothecium. B, C. Apothecium infected by Hypomyces sp. D. Ascospores in water. E. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. F. Ectal excipulum in water. G. Immature asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A–C = 1 cm; D–G = 10 μm.
Etymology: sinohyperborea, referring to its close phylogenetic relationship to H. hyperborea.
Apothecia stipitate-cupulate; cap regular cupulate or irregularly undulate with wrinkled surface, 1.3–2.0 cm high, 2.1–6.0 cm broad; hymenium dark brown to blackish, becoming black when dry; receptacle surface upper part slightly lighter than the hymenium, below gradually white, becoming black when dry; stipe short, 1.0–2.5 cm high, 0.5–0.8 cm broad, hollow, white, becoming pale yellow to pale brown when dry, ribbed, blunt-edged, partly anastomosing and double-edged, occasionally with lacunae between ribs, ribs extending onto the receptacle. Ectal excipulum 100–150 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, extending into fascicled hyphoid hairs in outer ectal excipulum, hairs multiseptated, cells elongate club-shaped, 15–40 × 11–19 µm. Medullary excipulum 400–700 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.0–6.0 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 240–300 × 13–19 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 16–18.5 × 11–12.5 μm, [Lm × Wm = 17.5 × 11.8 μm, Q = 1.38–1.58, Qav = 1.49 ± 0.05]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, pale brown, 4.5–6.0 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 1.5–3.5 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Larix principis-rupprechtii.
Distribution: Known from Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Xinzhou City, Ningwu County, Guancen mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Larix principis-rupprechtii, alt. 2 220 m, 24 Aug. 2017, X.Y. Yan (holotype BJTC FM105, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355132, nrLSU = OR355303, tef1-α = OR359056, rpb2 = OR359170, hsp = OR366121); ibid., alt. 2 099 m, 25 Aug. 2017, X.Y. Yan (BJTC FM165).
Notes: Helvella sinohyperborea is characterized by the cuplike or undulate cap, the short robust ribbed stipe. Our present analysis places H. sinohyperborea in the hyperborean-tinta lineage in the Lacunosa clade, closely related to H. hyperborea and H. tinta. Helvella hyperborea is a Northern European species. It is differentiated from H. sinohyperborea by its regular cup-like cap, long stipe and pale brown hymenium (Skrede et al. 2017). Helvella tinta is a species known from southwestern China. It is distinguished from H. sinohyperborea by its cup-like cap of ascomata with a consistently mottled, greyish to dark brown hymenium and receptacle surface (Hyde et al. 2016). Molecularly, two hsp and one rpb2 substitutions separate this new species from H. hyperborea; four hsp, five nrLSU, and one tef1-α substitutions from H. tinta. Helvella sinohyperborea shared less than 97.83 % similarity in ITS region with other Helvella species. Two ITS sequences downloaded from GenBank matched H. sinohyperborea in our analysis (Fig. S4). These sequences are both extracted from ectomycorrhizal root tips of Picea crassifolia, from Inner Mongolia, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. This indicated that H. sinohyperborea also occurs in other regions of China, and could form ectomycorrhiza with P crassifolia.
Helvella subglabroides L. Fan, N. Mao & Y.Y. Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849624. Fig. 18.
Fig. 18.
Helvella subglabroides (BJTC C614). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. D. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Immature asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B, E = 10 μm; C, D = 20 μm.
Etymology: subglabroides, referring to its high similarity to H. subglabra in appearance of its ascomata.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap saddle-shaped, 0.7–2.5 cm high, 0.8–2.0 cm broad, at first margin adhered to stipe, then reflexed with age; hymenium grey to greyish yellow, becoming dark grey to greyish black when dry; receptacle surface glabrous to fine pubescent, concolourous with hymenium, becoming brown when dry; stipe terete, 2.0–5.0 cm high, 0.2–0.4 cm broad, solid, subpubescent, greyish white to grey, becoming dark grey when dry, base occasionally with inconspicuous grooves and white mycelia. Ectal excipulum 50–100 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, arranged in rows turning out perpendicular to receptacle surface, outermost cells clavate, 20–45 × 9–20 µm. Medullary excipulum 100–200 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.5–6.5 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 200-260 × 12.5-18.5 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 15–19.5 × 9–11 μm, [Lm × Wm = 17.2 × 10 μm, Q = 1.5–2, Qav = 1.73 ± 0.10]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, yellowish brown, 5.5–11.5 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 2.5–4.0 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in mixed coniferous and broadleaf forest.
Distribution: Known from Hebei, Shanxi, and Yunnan Province, China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Changzhi City, Qinyuan County, Lingkong mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest and broadleaf mixed forest, 15 Aug. 2022, N. Mao (holotype BJTC FM2686, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355088, nrLSU = OR355258, tef1-α = OR359019, rpb2 = OR359142, hsp = OR366084); ibid., Jincheng City, Qinshui County, Shangwoquan Village, on the ground in broadleaf forest dominated by Quercus sp., 35°36'57"N, 112°3'7"E, alt. 1 170 m, 25 Aug. 2020, H. Liu (BJTC FM1049); Hebei Province, Zhangjiakou City, Chicheng County, Dahaituo Township, on the ground in coniferous forest and broadleaf mixed forest, alt. 1 222 m, 26 Aug. 2020, G.Q. Cheng (BJTC C614); Yunnan Province, Lijiang City, Jinshan mountains, 12 Sep. 2012, Q. Zhao (HKAS 78939); ibid., (HKAS 78940).
Notes: Our present analysis places H. subglabroides in the fallax-pezizoides lineage, Elastica clade, and is closely related to the North American H. subglabra (Fig. 1). Morphologically, H. subglabroides is also similar to H. subglabra, both having a saddle-shaped cap. However, the two species can be separated by their hymenium colour, which is grey to greyish yellow in the former but dark grey in the latter (Weber 1972). Molecularly, three hsp, four rpb2, eight nrLSU substitutions distinguish H. subglabra from H. subglabroides. Helvella subglabroides shares less than 96.15 % similarity in ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella sulcatoides L. Fan, N. Mao & Y.Y. Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849625. Fig. 19.
Fig. 19.
Helvella sulcatoides (BJTC FM1416, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. D. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Immature asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B-E = 10 μm.
Etymology: sulcatoides, referring to its similarity to H. sulcata.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap saddle-shaped, mostly bilobate, I. 3-1.8 cm broad, 1.3-2.0 cm high, margin attached to stipe; hymenium grey, dark grey to black grey, becoming black when dried, slightly wrinkled; receptacle surface pale grey to greyish brown, becoming greyish brown when dried, smooth, without ribs on receptacle surface; stipe 0.5–0.9 cm broad, 1.2–2.4 cm high, greyish white to black grey, becoming dark brown to black brown when dry, ribbed, longitudinal ribs high and prominent, sharp, occasionally double-edged, sometimes with a few deep 'holes' between ribs. Ectal excipulum of textura angularis, 65–100 µm thick, cells hyaline to pale brown, arranged in rows turning out perpendicular to receptacle surface, outermost cells arranged in dense, club-shaped, 13-40 × 7-18 µm. Medullary excipulum of interwoven textura intricata, 130-200 µm thick, hyphae 2.5-6.5 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 225-275 × 14-18 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 14.5-16.5 × 9-10.5 μm, [Lm × Wm = 15.9 × 9.9 μm, Q = 1.41-1.74, Qav = 1.56 ± 0.08]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, hyaline to pale brown, 4-6 µm wide at tips and 2.5-4 µm below.
Habitat: Solitary or scattered on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Larixprincipis-rupprechtii and Picea asperata.
Distribution: Known from Beijing and Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Xinzhou City, Wutai County, Wutaishan mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Larix principis-rupprechtii and Picea asperata., 11 Aug. 2020, H. Liu (holotype BJTC FM1416, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355119, nrLSU = OR355290, tef1-α = OR359043, rpb2 = OR359160, hsp = OR366108); ibid., Lvliang City, Jiaocheng County, Guandishan mountains, 37°52′16″N, 111°30′25″E, alt. 2 003 m, 7 Sep. 2017, J.Z. Cao (BJTC FM263); Beijing, Huairou District, Labagoumen, alt. 1 345 m, 25 Aug. 2020, H. Zhou (BJTC ZH1231).
Notes: Phylogenetically, H. sulcatoides is placed in the sulcata-phlebophoroides lineage, Lacunosa clade (Fig. 1). It is closely related and similar to H. borealis and H. sulcata, but H. borealis is differentiated from H. sulcatoides by its grey white hymenium, slightly broader paraphyses at the apex (6.5-10.5 μm) and habit of growing on rotten wood (Wang et al. 2023a); H. sulcata by its black hymenium, large asci (290-320 × 13-16 μm), and broad spores (14.8-16.8 × 10.5-13.2 μm) (Skrede et al. 2017). Helvella phlebophoroides, a species recently described from Europe, is also closely related to H. sulcatoides, but can be separated by its irregularly radiating ribs on the receptacle surface, and large asci (280-320 × 12-15 µm) (Skrede et al. 2020). In addition, one hsp, five tef1-α substitutions separated H. sulcatoides from H. borealis; one hsp, four nrLSU, three tef1-α substitutions from H. sulcata; four hsp, six rpb2, and eight nrLSU substitutions from H. phlebophoroides.
Helvella xiaohuipan L. Fan, N. Mao & Y.Y. Xu, sp. nov. MycoBank MB 849626. Fig. 20.
Fig. 20.
Helvella xiaohuipan (BJTC FM2317, holotype). A. Apothecia. B. Ascospores in water. C. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. D. Asci and paraphyses in Congo Red. E. Asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A = 1 cm; B-E = 10 μm.
Etymology: xiaohuipan, Chinese, meaning this Helvella is a small-sized and grey species with cup-like cap.
Apothecia stipitate-cupulate; regular cupulate to saucer-shaped, 0.3-0.7 cm high, 0.7-2.0 cm broad; hymenium grey to dark grey, becoming brown to black-brown when dry; receptacle surface pubescent, concolourous with hymenium, becoming greyish brown when dry; stipe terete, slender, 1.2–1.8 cm high, 0.15–0.35 cm broad, solid, yellowish white, becoming yellow when dry. Ectal excipulum 150-175 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, extending into fascicled hyphoid hairs in outer ectal excipulum, hairs multiseptated, cells elongate club-shaped, 12-37 × 10-20 µm. Medullary excipulum 250–300 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.0-5.0 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 235-275 × 14-20 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 17-19.5 × 10.5-12 μm, [Lm × Wm = 18 × 11.4 μm, Q = 1.46-1.72, Qav = 1.58 ± 0.06]. Paraphyses filiform, septate, pale brown, 4.5-6.0 µm wide at clavate to subcapitate tips and 3.54.5 µm below.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in broadleaf forest and coniferous forest.
Distribution: Known from Hebei and Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Yuncheng City, Xia County, Sijiao Town, on the ground in broadleaf forest dominated by Quercus sp., 35°07″″89″N, 111°40″″09″E, alt. 970 m, 12 Aug. 2022, N. Mao (holotype BJTC FM2317, GenBank Acc. No.: ITS = OR355079, nrLSU = OR355249, tef1-α = OR359011, rpb2 = OR359134, hsp = OR366076); Hebei Province, Tangshan City, Zhangzhuangzi Village, on the ground in broadleaf forest dominated by Castanea mollissima, 40°14″″21″N, 117°51″″15″E, alt. 107 m, 17 Sep. 2017, T. Ling (BJTC FM367).
Notes: Helvella xiaohuipan is characterized by its grey and cuplike cap, pubescent receptacle surface, yellowish white slender terete stipe and ellipsoid ascospores. Helvella xiaohuipan was phylogenetically nested in its own lineage (xiaohuipan lineage) in the Elastica clade, sister to the fallax-pezizoides lineage (Fig. 1). Currently, there are only two species recognized in this lineage, both from China. Helvella fibrosa (= H. villosa) in the fibrosa-macropus lineage is similar to H. xiaohuipan in colour and shape of ascomata (Dissing & Nannfeldt 1966). However, H. fibrosa differs from H. xiaohuipan by its grey stipe and ascospores longer than 20 μm. Helvella pubescens from the rivularis-sublicia lineage and H. scyphoides from the hypocrateriformis lineage also have a disk-like cap, but the colour of the cap is brown (Skrede et al. 2017) rather than grey as in H. xiaohuipan. Moreover, species in the fallax-pezizoides lineage have saddle-shaped ascocarps that make them easy to distinguish from the new species. An ITS specimen-sequence (GenBank JX462576, labelled as Helvella cf. corium) from China matched H. xiaohuipan in our phylogenetic analysis (Fig. S1), indicating that H. xiaohuipan also occurs in other regions of China. DNA analysis revealed that H. xiaohuipan shares less than 92.88 % similarity in ITS region with other Helvella species, supporting it as a distinct species.
Helvella galeriformis B. Liu & J.Z. Cao, Acta Mycol. Sin. 7: 199. 1988, L. Fan, N. Mao & Y.Y. Xu, emend. Fig. 21.
Fig. 21.
Helvella galeriformis (HSA 232, epitype). A, B. Apothecium. C. Ascospores in water. D. Ectal excipulum in Congo Red. E. Paraphyses in Congo Red. F. Asci in Congo Red. Scale bars: A, B = 1 cm; C, F = 10 μm; D, E = 20 μm.
Apothecia stipitate-capitate; cap irregularly hemisphere, irregularly umbrella type to irregularly saddle-shaped, 0.6-2 cm high, 1.5-3.5 cm broad, at first margin adhered to stipe, then more or less deflexed; hymenium greyish black, occasionally with olive green tinge; receptacle surface white, concolourous with stipe; stipe terete, 1.2-5.0 cm high, 0.3-0.7 cm broad, solid or hollow, cream to white, base slightly enlarged, with shallow grooves. Ectal excipulum 90–150 µm broad, of textura angularis, cells hyaline to pale brown, arranged in rows turning out perpendicular to receptacle surface, outermost cells clavate, 22–56 × 10–25 µm. Medullary excipulum 150–250 µm broad, of interwoven textura intricata, hyphae 2.5–6.5 µm broad. Asci pleurorhynchous, tapering, 8-spored, 300–360 × 15–20 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, with one large oil drop when mature, 19–22.5 × 11.5–13.5 μm, [Lm × Wm = 20.8 × 12.5 μm, Q = 1.5–1.8, Qav = 1.65 ± 0.07]. Paraphyses filiform, 2.5–4.5 µm below, pale yellow to pale brown, septate, clavate to subcapitate, 6–10 µm wide at tips.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in mixed coniferous and broadleaf forest.
Distribution: Known only from Shanxi Province, Northern China.
Specimens examined: Lectotype here designated, Liu & Cao (1988), Acta Mycol. Sin. 7: 199. 1988, fig. 2, MycoBank MBT 10014903. China, Shanxi Province, Lvliang City, Jiaocheng County, Guandishan mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Larix principis-rupprechtii and Betula sp., alt. 2 160 m, 28 Aug. 2018, H. Liu (epitype here designated HSA 232, MycoBank MBT 10014391, GenBank Acc.
No.: ITS = OR355066, nrLSU = OR355236, tef1-α = OR359001, rpb2 = OR359125, hsp = OR366063); ibid., L.J. Guo (HSA 240-B); ibid., on the ground in coniferous forest dominated by Picea sp., alt. 1 875 m, 25 Aug. 2022, N. Mao (BJTC FM2574).
Notes: The holotype of H. galeriformis collected from Guancenshan Mountains (cited as 'Gaunqin Mountain') in Shanxi Province (MHSU 452) has been lost. However, because Liu & Cao (1988) provided an illustration (Liu & Cao 1988; fig. 2), this is here designated as lectotype, allowing us to introduce an epitype based on recently collected material (HSA 232). Recently, we collected several specimens in the same region of the holotype of H. galeriformis (Liu & Cao 1988), but the swollen cells in the medullary excipulum were not observed. However, the diagnosed colour and peculiar shape of ascomata matched well with the original description of H. galeriformis. Considering the collecting site, habitat and morphology, we regard these specimens as conspecific to H. galeriformis. Therefore, we designate a lectotype and epitype for H. galeriformis here. Helvella galeriformis is sister to H. brunneogaleriformis in our phylogenetic analyses (Figs 1, 2). Morphologically, H. brunneogaleriformis differs from H. galeriformis by its brown hymenium without blackish tint, smaller ascospores (17-20.5 × 10.5–12.5 μm), and broader paraphyses at the apex (6–13 μm). Molecularly, H. brunneogaleriformis deviates consistently in one hsp, one tef1-α, and eight nrLSU substitutions from H. galeriformis. Helvella galeriformis shares less than 97.8 % similarity in the ITS region with H. brunneogaleriformis.
Helvella carnosa Skrede et al., Persoonia 39: 237. 2017. Fig. 22.
Fig. 22.
Photographs of apothecia in their natural habitat. A, B. Helvella carnosa (A. BJTC BP060. B. BJTC FM2619). C. H. corbierei (HSA 181). D. H. fistulosa (BJTC 1976). E. H. nordlandica (BJTC FM346-A). F. H. scyphoides (HSA 239). Scale bars = 1 cm.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in coniferous forest or broadleaf forest.
Distribution: Known from Northern area in China.
Specimens examined: China, Beijing, Yanqing County, Songshan Mountains, alt. 812 m, 31 Aug. 2017, C.L. Hou (BJTC BP030); ibid., (BJTC BP043), ibid., alt. 816 m, C.L. Hou (BJTC BP060); ibid., alt. 919 m, 5 Sep. 2018, C.L. Hou (BJTC BP718); ibid., alt. 1 010 m, 5 Sep. 2018, C.L. Hou (BJTC BP724); ibid., Badaling, alt. 608 m, 6 Sep. 2018, X.Y. Shen. (BJTC SBP287); ibid., Shanxi Province, Xing County, Heichashan Mountains, on the ground in broadleaf forest, alt. 1 590 m, 5 Sep. 2018, J.Z. Cao (HSA 360); ibid., Pu County, Wulushan mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest, alt. 1 700 m, 9 Sep. 2018, L.J. Guo (HSA 434); ibid., Pu County, Wulushan mountains, 10 Sep. 2017, Y.Y. Xu (BJTC FM297); ibid., (BJTC FM298), ibid., J.Z. Cao (BJTC FM316); ibid., on the ground in coniferous forest, alt. 1 739 m, 26 Aug. 2022, N. Mao (BJTC FM2619); ibid., Lvliang City, Jiaocheng County, Guandishan Mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest, alt. 2 003 m, 7 Sep. 2017, T. Li (BJTC FM274); ibid., Ningwu County, Guancenshan Mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest, alt. 1 346 m, 15 Oct. 2017, X.Y. Yan (BJTC FM376), ibid., Wutai County, Wutaishan Mountains, alt. 1 376 m, 29 Aug. 2019, H. Liu (BJTC FM953); ibid., Qinshui County, Lishan mountains, on the ground in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, alt. 1 650 m, 24 Aug. 2020, N. Mao (BJTC FM1032); ibid., Loufan County, Yunding Mountains, on the ground in coniferous forest, alt. 1 639 m, 23 Aug. 2022, N. Mao (BJTC FM2478); ibid., 1 642 m, 23 Aug. 2022, N. Mao (BJTC FM2479), ibid., on the ground in broad-leaved mixed forest, 1 861 m, 23 Aug. 2022, N. Mao (BJTC FM2499).
Notes: Helvella carnosa is a species recently described from Europe (Skrede et al. 2017). Our present analysis revealed that H. carnosa is common in Northern China (Fig. S3), and can form ectomycorrhiza with Abies grandis and Pinus tabuliformis, Helvella carnosa shares less than 91.86 % similarity in the ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella corbierei (Malençon) Van Vooren & Frund, Bull. Mycol. Bot. Dauphiné-Savoie 198: 9. 2010. Fig. 22.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest.
Distribution: Known from Northern area in China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Ningwu County, Dashidong, on the ground in coniferous forest, alt. 2 207 m, 2 Aug. 2018, H. Liu (HSA 138); ibid., Qiuqiangou, on the ground in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, alt. 1 600 m, 4 Aug. 2018, H. Liu (HSA 181).
Notes: Helvella corbierei is widely distributed in Europe and North America. It is confirmed from China based on morphological and DNA evidence in this study. Helvella corbierei shares less than 95.59 % similarity in the ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella fistulosa Alb. & Schwein., Consp. Fungorum Lusat.: 299. 1805. Fig. 22.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest.
Distribution: Known from the Southwest area in China.
Specimen examined: China, Yunnan Province, Kunming City, Jinning District, Shuibo Villa, on the ground in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, 28 Aug. 2021, T.H. Li (BJTC 1976).
Notes: Helvella fistulosa is widely distributed in Europe, North America and Japan (Skrede et al. 2017). In this study, a specimen from Yunnan Province matched this species, which confirmed the occurrence of H. fistulosa in China. Helvella fistulosa shares less than 94.51 % similar in the ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella nordlandica Skrede & T. Schumach. Fungal Syst. Evol. 11: 72. 2023. Fig. 22.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest.
Distribution: Known from Northern area in China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Linfen City, Pu County, Wulushan mountains, on the ground in coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest, 11 Sep. 2017, T. Li (BJTC FM346-A); ibid., (BJTC FM346-B).
Notes: Helvella nordlandica is a species recently described from Europe (Skrede et al. 2023). Our present analysis showed that H. nordlandica is a rare Helvella species in North China (Fig. 1). Helvella nordlandica shares less than 95.86 % similarity in the ITS region with other Helvella species.
Helvella scyphoides Skrede et al., Persoonia 39: 237. 2017. Fig. 22.
Habitat: Scattered on the ground in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest.
Distribution: Known from Northern area in China.
Specimens examined: China, Shanxi Province, Ningwu County, Xiaoshidong, on the ground in coniferous forest, alt. 2 200 m, 3 Aug. 2018, H. Liu (HSA 166); ibid., Luyashan mountains, alt. 2 270 m, 4 Sep. 2018, J.Z. Cao (HSA 336); ibid., Jiaocheng County, Pangquangou, on the ground in coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, alt. 2 160 m, 28 Aug. 2018, H. Liu (HSA 239); ibid., Wutai County, Wutaishan mountains, 27 Aug. 2019, Y. Shen (BJTC FM899); ibid., on the ground in coniferous forest, alt. 2 040 m, 3 Sep. 2020, N. Mao (BJTC FM1158).
Notes: Helvella scyphoides is a species recently described from Europe (Skrede et al. 2017). Our present analysis revealed this species is common in Northern China (Figs 1, 2, S3). Helvella scyphoides shared less than 93.9 % similarity in the ITS region with other Helvella species.
The species diversity of Helvella in China
Our present study revealed that China is extremely rich in species of Helvella. Chinese species of Helvella were nested in all the four clades recognized based on the samplings worldwide, i.e., Acetabulum clade, Crispa clade, Elastica clade and Lacunosa clade (Fig. 1). There were 93 clusters, which corresponded to 93 phylogenetic species in China, recognized in our phylogenetic analyses based on five genes (Figs 1, 2, S1–S4). Among them, 58 species were identified as known species including five new to China, 18 species were described as new species in this study, and 17 species were proposed as potentially undescribed species and were not treated taxonomically due to the lack or poor condition of ascocarps. Moreover, there are 34 names of Helvella recorded in China before this study, and although their DNA data are unavailable for the time being, three of them at least are morphologically distinct according to our personal observations of specimens or literature (Liu & Cao 1988, Cao et al. 1990). Thus, we infer that the total number of the genus Helvella in China could reach to 96 species with the current diversity observed in the present study.
Phylogeny and morphological correspondence of Helvella
Our five-gene-based phylogenetic analysis resolved the species of Helvella s. str. (Hansen et al. 2019) into four distinct clades, i.e., Acetabulum, Crispa, Elastica, and Lacunosa clades (Fig. 1). Compared to the phylogeny proposed by Skrede et al. (2017), the combination of our Acetabulum, Crispa and Lacunosa clades corresponded to the Clade B suggested by Skrede et al. (2017). Among them, our Acetabulum clade corresponded to their acetabulum-solitaria lineage, our Crispa clade corresponded to their crispa lineage, our Lacunosa clade contained all the other remaining lineages in their Clade B. Our Elastica clade contained the Clade D plus Clade E suggested by Skrede et al. (2017).
The Acetabulum clade occupied a basal position in the phylogenetic tree of the genus Helvella, and is the least diverse clade in species and lineages. Currently a total of nine species are recognized, five species occur in China, and two lineages, i.e., acetabulum lineage and solitaria lineage, were recognized (Figs 1, S1). All the species of the Acetabulum clade are relatively uniform in the appearance of the ascocarp that possess a regularly or irregularly cup-like cap with a robust and ribbed stipe. It is interesting that the species, nested in several lineages in the Lacunosa clade including the costifera lineage, dalgeri lineage and tianshanensis lineage, evolved highly convergent morphological features in ascocarp appearance with the species of the Acetabulum clade. The ascocarps of H. acetabulum (acetabulum lineage, Acetabulum clade), H. costifera (costifera lineage, Lacunosa clade) and H. hyperborea (hyperborea lineage, Lacunosa clade) are very similar so that the three species are often confused with one another (Harmaja 1978, 1979).
The Crispa clade is also a less diverse group in species and lineages compared to the Elastica and Lacunosa clades. A total of 13 species were recognized, including nine from China. The species H. crispa and its allies evolved as the core crispa lineage (Figs 1, S2). Morphologically, species of the crispa lineage in this clade usually have pale ascocarps. The caps of ascocarps are saddle-shaped or irregularly lobed, white, cream white and sometimes grey. The cap margin is completely free from the robust and sometimes chambered stipe. It is notable that some species of the Lacunosa clade also have white or cream-coloured ascocarps; for example, the European H. lactea and the Asian H. sublactea of the lactea lineage, or the European H. pallescens of the atra-pallescens lineage. However, all the white Helvella species in the Lacunosa clade possess a cap margin attached to the stipe at several points, by which they can be differentiated from the species of the crispa lineage in morphology. Helvella maculata from North America and H. maculatoides from China may represent their own lineage, because they each evolved an independent branch outside the crispa lineage (Fig. 1), and the cap surface (hymenium) of their ascocarps is brown or dark, which is quite different from the species of the crispa lineage.
The Elastica clade is a very diverse group in species and lineages. Our present analysis revealed eight evolving lineages in this clade (Fig. 1). Among them, six lineages, i.e., bicolor-elastica lineage, capucina-danica lineage, corbierei-stevensii lineage, fallax-pezizoides lineage, hypocrateriformis lineage, rivularis-sublicia lineage, were suggested in a previous study (Skrede et al. 2017). The carnosa lineage was newly recognized in this study. The macropus lineage was split from the previous fibrosa-macropus lineage suggested by Skrede et al. (2017). Helvella fibrosa and its allies (with ellipsoid ascospores) were not included in the macropus lineage (with subfusiform ascospores), and their phylogenetic positions remain unresolved for the time being. Morphologically, the shared features of Helvella species in the Elastica clade included the terete stipe that is usually thin, solid and definitely lacks ribs and chambers, although a few of grooves can be observed sometimes, and the multiple shaped caps being typical cup-like to saddle-like. Most species in this clade have ellipsoid ascospores, but the species that evolved in the macropus lineage have fusiform to subfusiform ascospores, which seem unique for the species evolved in the macropus lineage in Helvella. The terete stipe is generally clearly thin, but in the European H. leucopus, the Chinese H. bachu and their allies it is robust. It is notable that the species evolved in the alpina-corium lineage, alpestris-nannfeldtii lineage and alpicola lineage within the Lacunosa clade also have a terete stipe, but their stipes are usually clearly shorter, and in that case, their caps are always cup-like and have a dark brown or blackish hymenium. Chinese species evolved in all of the eight lineages mentioned above. There are at least 66 species evolved in this clade based on our analysis (Figs 1, S3), of which 44 occur in China. Eighteen new species are described in this study, and 14 potentially species were proposed but not taxonomically treated for the time being. The Elastica clade is probably the second largest clade in species diversity of Helvella.
Lacunosa clade is the most diverse group in phylogeny and morphology of Helvella. There were at least 13 lineages evolved in this clade worldwide according to Skrede et al. (2017) and this study (Fig. 1). Among them, six lineages, i.e., atra-pallescens lineage, fusca-lactea lineage, lacunosa-helvellula lineage, palustris-philonotis lineage, sulcata-phlebophoroides lineage, phlebophora lineage and the species H. queletiana were gathered into a strongly supported subclade. To improve the following discussion on this clade, we marked this subclade as subclade lacunosa, as in which H. lacunosa was included. The remaining seven lineages, i.e., alpestris-nannfeldtii lineage, alpicola lineage, alpina-corium lineage, costifera lineage, dalgeri lineage, hyperborea lineage, tianshanensis lineage, and the species H. floriforma were treated as a group and marked as "costifera group" (Fig. 1). Among the 13 lineages of the Lacunosa clade, six lineages were suggested by Skrede et al. 2017, including alpestris-nannfeldtii lineage, alpina-corium lineage, atra-pallescens lineage, fusca-lactea lineage, palustris-philonotis lineage, sulcata-phlebophoroides lineage. The remaining seven lineages were newly recognized in this study. Both the Lacunosa-nigra lineage and helvellula lineage suggested by Skrede et al. (2017) merged into a strong support clade in our five-gene-based phylogeny (Fig. 1), which thus was proposed as a new lineage in this study, i.e., lacunosa-helvellula lineage.
The species of the Lacunosa clade are greatly diverse in ascocarp appearance. They share various types of ascocarps with those species respectively evolved in the Acetabulum, Crispa and Elastica clades. In general, the species that evolved in subclade lacunosa possess the saddle-like or irregularly lobbed cap, and the cap margin attached to the stipe at several points except for a few species, such as the European H. helvellua and H. iberica and their allies, which have a free cap margin. The ascocarp of the species of the costifera group is clearly different from those species of the subclade lacunosa. Their ascocarp cap is never saddle-like or lobbed, but instead, regular or irregular cup-like. Some species of the costifera group have the same ascocarp type as those species in the Acetabulum clade. Their ascocarps have a robust and ribbed stipe, for example, the species in the costifera lineage, dalgeri lineage, hyperborea lineage and tianshanensis lineage. Some species have ascocarps with thin and terete stipes, which are the same as that in the Elastica clade, for example, the species in the alpestris-nannfeldtii lineage and alpina-corium lineage.
Some species with different phylogenetic positions in the Lacunosa clade showed a high morphological convergence. The typical example is H. queletiana, H. phlebophora and H. phlebophoroides, which are morphologically highly similar and easy confused with each other in the field, but are phylogenetically distantly related. Similarly, species of the alpestris-nannfeldtii lineage and alpina-corium lineage in the Lacunosa clade were morphological convergent with the species of the fallax-pezizoides lineage in the Elastica clade.
White species and white form in Helvella
The overall white or cream-coloured species are not very common in Helvella. Most of the white species are from the Crispa clade, like H. crispa and its allies, or the fusca-lactea lineage in the Lacunosa clade, like H. lactea and H. sublactea. However, the white or whitish collections of some non-white species are available in this study, the samples include H. capucinoides (BJTC FM1156, BJTC FM1094, Fig. 23D, E) and H. costifera (BJTC FM1705, Fig. 23F). Currently, it remains unclear whether the white form of Helvella species is common or rare, pending further study.
Fig. 23.
Photographs of apothecia in their natural habitat. A. Helvella acetabuloides (BJTC FM1264). B, C. H. capucinoides (B. BJTC FM242. C. BJTC FM1423). D, E. H. capucinoides (white form apothecia, D. BJTC FM1156. E. BJTC FM1094). F. H. costifera (white form apothecia, BJTC FM1705). G, H. H. danica (G. BJTC ZH883. H. BJTC ZH1190). I. H. lacunosa (BJTC FM907). Scale bars = 1 cm.
Mottled hymenium and parasitism
The mottled hymenium has been checked and used to distinguish species in Helvella including H. maculata and H. tinta (Weber 1975, Hyde et al. 2016). We observed the mottled hymenium in individual apothecia of H. tianshanensis and H. sinohyperborea in this study (Figs 17, 24H, I). At the same time, the DNA sequences of the mycoparasitic fungi Hypomyces cervinus and Hypomyces sp. were extracted respectively from these apothecia, but not from the apothecia without mottled hymenia (hymenium colour is uniform). Parasitism is very common in Helvella, especially the species of Hypomyces (Abbott & Currah 1997, Nguyen et al. 2013). A mottled hymenium could thus be a consequence of such an infection.
Fig. 24.
Photographs of apothecia in their natural habitat. A. Helvella magna (BJTC FM2486-A). B. H. orienticrispa (BJTC FM2480). C. H. pseudoreflexa (HSA 332). D. H. pubescens (BJTC FM918). E. H. ravida (HSA 375). F. H. solitaria (BJTC FM417). G. H. sublactea (BJTC FM1082). H. H. tianshanensis (HSA 185). I. H. tianshanensis (apothecia infected by Hypomyces cervinus, BJTC FM175). J. H. vulgata (BJTC FM2621). Scale bars = 1 cm.
The application of ITS sequence in species identification of Helvella
The ITS region is a universal barcode for fungi (Schoch et al. 2012). However, it has not been considered as a good barcode gene for Helvella species. One of the reasons may be the difficulty of obtaining ITS sequence data. In this study, we successfully sequenced almost all species recognized from our Helvella collections. Our molecular analyses also revealed that the topology of phylogenetic trees generated from ITS is almost identical to that generated from the five-gene-combined dataset (ITS/nrLSU/ tef1-α/rpb2/hsp) at clade level, lineage level and species level (Figs 1, 2, S1–S4). These results showed that the ITS region is effective at least for the delimitation of the Chinese Helvella species. In addition, BLASTn analyses for all of Helvella species identified in this study revealed that the intraspecific similarity in ITS sequence ranged from 86 % to 98 %. Therefore, we infer that 98 % ITS identity might be the threshold to delimitate Helvella species.
Previous studies suggested that the amplification success rate of ITS sequence is low, especially in old specimens (Skrede et al. 2017, Wang et al. 2019). Two primer pairs successfully used in our present work are provided in Table 1. We observed that the ITS sequences amplified using the primers of ITS1-F/ ITS4 could result in an inaccurate sequence in several Helvella species, i.e., H. solitaria, H. taiyuanensis, and Helvella sp. 59. Amplifying the ITS2 sequence using the primers ITS3/ITS4 is, however, effective for these species.
Doubtful and excluded species of Helvella in China
A total of 90 Helvella species have been recorded in China before this study. Of these, 53 species were confirmed in this study. The remaining 37 species are documented as follows.
Helvella adhaerens Peck, Ann. Rep. Reg. N.Y. St. Mus. 54: 956. 1902. [1901].
Hevella adhaerens is documented in China (Dai 1979, Zhuang WY 1998b) based on a specimen (HMAS 17262) collected from Beijing in 1955. We re-examined this specimen and identified it as the H. elastica complex according to morphological traits. The DNA sequence of this specimen was unsuccessfully sequenced in this study. As it is difficult and even impossible to identify species of the H. elastica complex accurately without DNA data according to our experience, the taxonomic treatment of this specimen awaits. Hevella adhaerens has been treated as a synonym of H. elastica (Dissing 1966b, Skrede et al. 2017).
Helvella albella Quél. [as 'Elvella'], C. r. Assoc. Franç. Avancem. Sci. 24: 621. 1896. [1895].
This species was reported based on two specimens deposited in the Mycological Herbarium of Shanxi University (MHSU456, MHSU457) (Liu & Cao 1988), but the specimens got lost according to the authors. Helvella albella has been treated as a synonym of H. bicolor (Skrede et al. 2017). None of Chinese collections matched H. bicolor in the present study.
Helvella albipes Fuckel, Hedwigia 5: 15. 1866.
This species was reported in Mao's book (1998), but no specimen was cited. Recent work indicated that H. albipes is a heterotypic synonym of H. monachella (Skrede et al. 2017). Helvella monachella is a European species. Its most similar Chinese species is H. bachu (Zhao et al. 2016a).
Helvella chinensis (Velen.) Nannf. & L. Holm, in Lundell et al., Publications from the Herbarium, University of Uppsala, Sweden 18: 5. 1985.
This name was mentioned in several papers (Lundell et al. 1985, Zhuang 1995, Wang & Chen 2002) but no specimen was cited. No specimens are available for study.
Helvella compressa (Snyder) N.S. Weber, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 51: 35. 1975.
Zhuang & Yang (2008) reported this species based on the specimen HKAS 45788, and HMAS 97524 from Tibet of China, but we are not able to re-examine the two specimens in this study.
Helvella confusa Harmaja, Karstenia 17: 43. 1977.
This species was reported from China by Zhuang (1998b). This species has been transferred to the genus Dissingia as D. confusa (Hansen et al. 2019). The occurrence of Dissingia confusa in China has been confirmed by Wang et al. (2019).
Helvella corium (O. Weberb.) Massee, Brit. Fungus-Fl. 4: 463. 1895.
This is a frequently encountered name of Helvella in Chinese papers (Dai 1979, Liu et al. 1985, Zhuang et al. 2018) but no specimen was cited. A Chinese collection (HKAS 69755) labelled as Helvella cf. corium matched H. xiaohuipan, a new species described in this study (Fig. S3). None of samples from China matched this species in our present molecular analyses. Moreover, according to Cao et al. (1990), the name H. corium is a misapplication for H. rivularis or H. villosa in China.
Helvella crispa (Scop.) Fr., Syst. Mycol. 2: 14. 1822.
The name H. crispa is one of the commonest Helvella species in China. Almost all the white saddle-shaped species with robust ribbed stipe are identified as this species. Recent works revealed that the H. crispa-like saddle fungi represented a different phylogenetic species (Zhao et al. 2015, Tibpromma et al. 2017). Our present analysis also recognized two new species from the H. crispa complex. Helvella crispa is not confirmed in China in this study, but there are at least five species in China that are based on the H. crispa-like samples (Zhao et al. 2015, 2016b, this study). Moreover, some sequences from the USA gathered into isolated clusters, indicating the presence of undescribed species, such as Helvella sp. 3, Helvella sp. 4 (Fig. S2). Therefore, H. crispa might be a species endemic to Europe.
Helvella cupuliformis Dissing & Nannf., Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 60: 326. 1966.
Zhuang (2004) reported this species based on specimens from Xinjiang of north-western China. No DNA sequences were obtained from these specimens in this study. This species has been treated as a synonym of Helvella hypocrateriformis (Skrede et al. 2017).
Helvella cupuliformis var. crassa W.Y. Zhuang, Mycotaxon 90: 38. 2004.
We checked the type specimens (HMAS 83523, HMAS 83524) of this taxon, but their sequences are unsuccessfully isolated in this study. This name is listed as a synonym of H. cupuliformis (= H. hypocrateriformis, Skrede et al. 2017) in Index Fungorum.
Helvella dissingii Korf, Mycotaxon 31: 381. 1988.
Li et al. (2015) listed this species from China but no specimen was cited. Currently, this species is treated as a synonym of Helvella fibrosa (Skrede et al. 2017).
Helvella elastica Bull., Herb. Fr. (Paris) 6: tab. 242. 1785.
Helvella elastica is one of the most common fungal names in China. However, our present study showed that no Chinese specimens matched to this species phylogenetically (Fig. 1). All the morphologically similar specimens are either introduced as new species, or matched other similar species in the elastica-bicolor lineage, carnosa lineage and capucina-danica lineage of the Elastica clade in this study (Fig. 1).
Helvella ephippium Lév., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 2, 16: 240. 1841.
Helvella ephippium was reported in China by Cao (1988). Later, it was mentioned by Zhuang (1989, 2004) and Wang & Chen (2002). The specimen cited by Cao (1988) is lost according to the author. Recent work treated Helvella ephippium as a synonym of H. sublicia (Skrede et al. 2017).
Helvella fargesii Pat., J. Bot. 7: 344. 1893.
Dai (1979) reported this species from China but without citing a specimen. Dissing (1966b) treated it as a synonym of H. elastica. It is treated as an uncertain species (Skrede et al. 2017).
Helvella fusca Gillet, Champ. France Discomyc. 1: 9. 1879. Helvella fusca was reported based on a specimen (HXZE515) from Tibet of China (Xu 2002). We have not re-examined this specimen in this study.
Helvella glutinosa B. Liu & J.Z. Cao, Acta Mycol. Sin. 7: 198. 1988. This species is described from Heilongjiang Province, northeastern China based on a specimen under conifers (MHSU451, holotype) in September 1986 (Liu & Cao 1988). The only specimen had been lost, but according to the original description, it is a morphologically distinct species, which is diagnosed by the gel cap.
Helvella helvellula (Durieu) Dissing, Rev. Mycol. 31: 204. 1966. This species is recorded from Shanxi Province in Northern China based on a specimen under conifers (MHSU 275) (Liu & Cao 1988). The specimen had been lost, but according to the original description given by Liu & Cao (1988), the cap of this specimen is dark brown rather than black as in H. helvellula. It is notable that two specimens newly collected from the same locality are introduced as a new species H. sinohyperborea in this study (Fig. 1).
Helvella hyperborea Harmaja, Karstenia 18: 57. 1978.
Xu (2002) reported this species from Tibet in China based on a specimen (HXZE1023). Wang et al. (2019) recognized this species again in China based on specimens from Shanxi and Xinjiang Provinces. Our present analysis showed that these specimens cited by Wang et al. (2019) are identical with the newly introduced H. sinohyperborea in this study (Fig. 1).
Helvella jiaohensis J.Z. Cao et al., Acta Mycol. Sin. 9: 184. 1990. This species was described from Jiling Province in north-eastern China based on a specimen (HBNNU 0700, holotype) deposited in the Northeast Normal University (Cao et al. 1990). We were not able to re-examine this specimen in this study. This species has subglobose to very broadly ellipsoid ascospores, which suggests it to be a distinct species (Cao et al. 1990).
Helvella jilinensis J.Z. Cao et al., Acta Mycol. Sin. 9: 185. 1990. Helvella jilinensis is described from Jiling Province in northeastern China based on a specimen (HBNNU 0738, holotype) deposited in Northeast Normal University (Cao et al. 1990). We were not able to re-examine this specimen in this study. According to Cao et al. (1990), this species is diagnosed mainly by its thick-walled hyphae in the medullary excipulum. However, whether this feature can be used in species delimitation in Helvella is questionable.
Helvella jimsarica W.Y. Zhuang, Mycotaxon 90: 39. 2004.
This species was described from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (Zhuang 2004). No specimen is available for study.
Helvella lactea Boud., Icon. Mycol., liste prélim.: 2. 1904.
This species was reported from Shanxi Province, Northern China and Jiling Province, Northeast China based on two specimens (MHSU454, MHSU455) (Liu & Cao 1988). The two specimens had been lost according to one of the authors (Cao, pers. comm). It is notable that all the H. lacteal-like specimens newly collected from China matched H. sublactea in our phylogenetic analyses in this study.
Helvella latíspora Boud., Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 14: 16. 1898. Helvella latispora was firstly reported based on a specimen from Tibet in Southwest China (HXZE1440). We were not able to reexamine this specimen in this study. Recently, Helvella latispora has been treated as a synonym of H. levis (Skrede et al. 2017).
Helvella leucomelaena (Pers.) Nannf., in Lundell & Nannfeldt, Fungi Exsicc. Suecici Fasc. 19-20: 21, no. 952. 1941.
Helvella leucomelaena is documented from China (Teng 1963, Tai 1979, Zhuang 1998b), but it is actually not occurring in China according to Wang et al. (2019). Helvella leucomelaena has been transferred to Dissingia as D. leucomelaena (Hansen et al. 2019).
Helvella leucopus Pers., Mycol. Eur. 1: 213. 1822.
This name in China has been shown to be a misapplication of the Chinese H. bachu (Zhao et al. 2016a). Currently, H. leucopus has been treated as a synonym of H. monachella (Skrede et al. 2017).
Helvella maculata N.S. Weber, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 51: 27. 1975.
This species was reported based on two specimens (MHSU 062, MHSU 063) from Xinjiang in Northwestern China (Liu & Cao 1988). We could not re-examine the two specimens in this study.
Helvella oblongispora Harmaja, Karstenia 18: 57. 1978.
This species has been transferred to the genus Dissingia as D. oblongispora (Hansen et al. 2019). The occurrence of D. oblongispora in China has been confirmed by Wang et al. (2019) and this study.
Helvella pezizoides Afzel., Kongl. Vetensk. Acad. Nya Handl. 4: 308. 1783.
Cao (1988) reported this species from China. According to the author, the specimen is probably lost. Our present analysis showed that none of the Chinese specimens matched H. pezizoides.
Helvella pseudolacunosa Q. Zhao & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Diversity 75: 142. 2015.
This species could be identical to H. lacunosa according to our study (Figs 1, S4) and Wang et al. (2023a).
Helvella rivularis Dissing & Sivertsen, Bot. Tidsskr. 75: 101. 1980. This species was reported based on a specimen from Shanxi Province in Northern China (Cao et al. 1990), but the specimen has been lost according to the author (Cao pers. comm.).
Helvella sinensis B. Liu & J.Z. Cao, Acta Mycol. Sin. 4: 214. 1985. This species is described from Shanxi Province in Northern China (Liu et al. 1985). The type specimen is lost according to the author (Cao, pers. comm.). Helvella sinensis is a species of the H. crispa complex, diagnosed by the red-brown apothecium and broad ascospores. DNA data is lacking for this taxon.
Helvella spadicea Schaeff. [as Elvela], Fung. bavar. palat. nasc. (Ratisbonae) 4: 112. 1774.
The name H. spadicea is a misapplication for H. bachu or H. subspadicea in China (Zhao et al. 2016a). Helvella spadicea is treated as an uncertain species (Skrede et al. 2017).
Helvella subfusispora B. Liu & J.Z. Cao, Acta Mycol. Sin. 4: 211. 1985.
This species is firstly introduced based on a specimen (HBSU 3319) from the Zhoushan islands of Zhejiang Province in Eastern China (Liu et al. 1985). The holotype was destroyed in a fire, thus the specimen HMAS 30483 from Sichuan Province of Southwestern China had been selected as the neotype (Cao et al. 1990). Attempts to obtain a sequence from the neotype was unsuccessful in this study. However, according to the original description, this is a morphologically distinct species, which is diagnosed by its saddle-shaped ascocarps with thin and terete stipe, and subfusiform ascospores.
Helvella subglabra N.S. Weber, Michigan Bot. 11: 179. 1972. The North American H. subglabra was reported based on five specimens from Southwestern and Northeastern China (Zhao et al. 2016b). Our present analysis based on the ITS phylogenetic analysis (Fig. S4) showed these Chinese samples cited by Zhao et al. (2016) matched the new species H. subglabroides described in this study.
Helvella ulvinenii Harmaja, Karstenia 19: 42. 1979.
This species was reported from China based on a specimen from Yunnan (HKAS 90321) (Zhao et al. 2016b). Helvella ulvinenii has been treated as a synonym of H. solitaria (Skrede et al. 2017), and the sequence cited for this species by Zhao et al. (2016b) also matched H. solitaria in the present analysis (Fig. 1).
Helvella villosa (Hedw.) Dissing & Nannf., Svensk bot. Tidskr. 60: 330. 1966.
Helvella villosa is popularly mentioned in China but without citation of specimens (Cao et al. 1990). Recently, Helvella villosa has been treated as a synonym of H. fibrosa (Skrede et al. 2017).
Helvella xinjiangensis J.Z. Cao et al., Acta Mycol. Sin. 9: 186. 1990. Attempts to obtain a sequence from the type specimen (HMAS 38353) was unsuccessful in this study. Helvella xinjiangensis is treated as a synonym of H. elastica (Zhuang 2004).
We are very grateful to Jinzhong Cao for his taxonomic and nomenclatural discussions and valuable suggestions to improve our work. We are thankful to Jing-Chong Lv, Hao-Yu Fu, Tao-Yu Zhao, Jia-Jia Yang, Ying Li, Hui-Min Ji for their help. Many thanks to the curator Lei Cai and staff Zhuo Du (HMAS), to the curator Tao Deng and staff Wen Zhang Ma (HKAS), and to the curator Tolgor Bau (HMJAU) for loan of specimens used in this study. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31750001, 31270058) and the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (No. 5172003).
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.
Supplementary material
Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species of Acetabulum clade inferred from the Dataset II (ITS) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold.
Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species of Crispa clade inferred from the Dataset III (ITS) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold.
Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species of Elastica clade inferred from the Dataset IV (ITS) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold.
Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species of Lacunosa clade inferred from the Dataset V (ITS) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold. Table S1.
Table S1.
Specimens used in five combined loci (ITS/nrLSU/tef1-α/rpb2/hsp) phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.
Taxa Name in Analysis | Taxon name | Voucher specimen | Country | ITS GenBank | LSU GenBank | tef1-α GenBank | rpb2 GenBank | hsp GenBank |
Dissingia oblongispora H132 Norway | Dissingia oblongispora | H132, O-166316 | Norway | —— | KY772983 | —— | KY772515 | KY784265 |
Dissingia oblongispora HKAS 87726 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HKAS 87726 | China | —— | OR355353 | OR359089 | OR359197 | OR366158 |
Dissingia oblongispora HKAS 87744 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HKAS 87744 | China | —— | OR355354 | —— | —— | OR366159 |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 137 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 137 | China | OR355181 | OR355355 | OR359091 | OR359198 | OR366160 |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 169 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 169 | China | OR355182 | OR355356 | OR359092 | OR359199 | OR366161 |
Helvella acetabuloides CFSZ2044 holotype China | Helvella acetabuloides | CFSZ2044, holotype | China, Inner Mongolia | OR355015 | OR355185 | OR358967 | OR359094 | MK652219 |
Helvella acetabuloides BJTC FM1264 China | Helvella acetabuloides | BJTC FM1264 | China | OR355166 | OR355337 | OR359075 | OR359186 | OR366140 |
Helvella acetabulum H410 epitype Sweden | Helvella acetabulum | H410, epitype | Sweden, Oestergoetland | —— | KY773154 | —— | KY772752 | KY784506 |
Helvella acetabulum H225 Norway | Helvella acetabulum | O-253212, H225 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY773055 | KY772894 | KY772594 | KY784344 |
Helvella acetabulum H134 Norway | Helvella acetabulum | O-64925, H134 | Norway, Oestfold | —— | KY772985 | KY772876 | KY772517 | KY784267 |
Helvella albopatella BJTC FM2610-A holotype China | Helvella albopatella | BJTC FM2610-A, holotype | China | OR355082 | OR355252 | OR359014 | OR359137 | OR366079 |
Helvella albopatella BJTC FM2610-B China | Helvella albopatella | BJTC FM2610-B | China | OR355176 | OR355350 | OR359085 | OR359195 | OR366151 |
Helvella alborava BJTC C316-A holotype China | Helvella alborava | BJTC C316-A, holotype | China | OR355106 | OR355276 | OR359033 | OR359155 | OR366098 |
Helvella alborava BJTC C316-B China | Helvella alborava | BJTC C316-B | China | OR355173 | OR355347 | OR359082 | OR359193 | OR366148 |
Helvella alpestris H014 epitype Norway | Helvella alpestris | O-253221, H014, epitype | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772909 | KY772826 | KY772435 | KY784191 |
Helvella alpestris H013 Norway | Helvella alpestris | O-253220, H013 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772908 | KY772825 | KY772434 | KY784190 |
Helvella alpicola TROM-F-610062 Norway | Helvella alpicola | TROM-F-610062 | Norway, Nordland | —— | MN655848 | MN658207 | MN692297 | MN692345 |
Helvella alpicola H175 holotype Norway | Helvella alpicola | O-185924, H175, holotype | Norway, Nordland | —— | KY773020 | —— | KY772554 | KY784304 |
Helvella alpina H223 holotype France | Helvella alpina | O-253228, H223, holotype | France, Savoie | —— | KY773054 | MN658192 | KY772593 | KY784343 |
Helvella alpina KH.12.69(S) Sweden | Helvella alpina | KH.12.69(S) | Sweden, Lappland | —— | MK100261 | MK113876 | MK113850 | MK179405 |
Helvella arctoalpina H293 holotype Norway | Helvella arctoalpina | O-72616, H293, holotype | Norway, Hordaland | —— | —— | —— | KY772655 | KY784406 |
Helvella arctoalpina H084 Norway | Helvella arctoalpina | O-253240, H084 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772956 | KY772866 | KY772483 | KY784236 |
Helvella arctoalpina H083 Norway | Helvella arctoalpina | O-253239, H083 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772955 | KY772865 | KY772482 | KY784235 |
Helvella atra H406 holotype Sweden | Helvella atra | H406, holotype | Sweden, Uppland | —— | —— | —— | KY772748 | KY784502 |
Helvella atra H016 Norway | Helvella atra | O-253251, H016 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772911 | KY772828 | KY772437 | KY784193 |
Helvella atra KH.10.97(S) Sweden | Helvella atra | KH.10.97(S) | Sweden, Lycksele Lappmark | KC122809 | KC122771 | MK113877 | MK113851 | MK179402 |
Helvella atra HMAS 290900 China | Helvella atra | HMAS 290900 | China | OQ600286 | OQ586677 | OQ597533 | —— | OQ597592 |
Helvella atra HMAS 290901 China | Helvella atra | HMAS 290901 | China | OQ600287 | OQ586678 | OQ597534 | —— | OQ597593 |
Helvella atroides MFLU23-0102 holotype China | Helvella atroides | MFLU23-0102, holotype | China | —— | OQ866059 | OQ863552 | —— | OQ863541 |
Helvella atroides HKAS 90544 China | Helvella atroides | HKAS 90544 | China | —— | OQ866060 | OQ863553 | —— | OQ863542 |
Helvella austrooccidentalis HMAS 290902 China | Helvella austrooccidentalis | HMAS 290902 | China | OQ600290 | OQ586680 | OQ597537 | —— | OQ597597 |
Helvella austrooccidentalis HMAS 290903 holotype China | Helvella austrooccidentalis | HMAS 290903, holotype | China | OQ600291 | OQ586681 | OQ597538 | —— | OQ597598 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 88105 holotype China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 88105, holotype | China, xinjiang | KU739791 | KU739815 | KU739842 | —— | —— |
Helvella bachu BJTC FM382 China | Helvella bachu | BJTC FM382 | China | OR355062 | OR355232 | OR358997 | OR359121 | OR366059 |
Helvella bicolor O-255759 Norway | Helvella bicolor | O-255759 | Norway, Nordland | MN656168 | MN655851 | —— | MN692298 | MN692352 |
Helvella bicolor H289 epitype Sweden | Helvella bicolor | C-F-45334, H289, epitype | Sweden, Gastrikland | —— | KY773097 | —— | KY772651 | KY784402 |
Helvella borealis HMAS 290905 holotype China | Helvella borealis | HMAS 290905, holotype | China | OQ600293 | OQ586683 | OQ597539 | —— | OQ597600 |
Helvella bresadolae H1038 holotype Norway | Helvella bresadolae | H1038, holotype | Norway | —— | OQ626668 | —— | OQ631094 | OQ633402 |
Helvella bresadolae H992 Austria | Helvella bresadolae | H992 | Austria | —— | —— | —— | OQ631109 | OQ680208 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM269 China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM269 | China | OR355063 | OR355233 | OR358998 | OR359122 | OR366060 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM272 China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM272 | China | OR355064 | OR355234 | OR358999 | OR359123 | OR366061 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM911 holotype China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM911, holotype | China | OR355065 | OR355235 | OR359000 | OR359124 | OR366062 |
Helvella caespitosa HSA 379-A holotype China | Helvella caespitosa | HSA 379-A, holotype | China | OR355091 | OR355261 | OR359022 | —— | OR366087 |
Helvella caespitosa HSA 379-B China | Helvella caespitosa | HSA 379-B | China | OR355092 | OR355262 | —— | —— | OR366088 |
Helvella calycina H022 epitype Norway | Helvella calycina | O-253255, H022, epitype | Norway, Oppland | MN656158 | KY772915 | KY772833 | KY772442 | KY784198 |
Helvella calycina HMAS 279704 China | Helvella calycina | CFSZ2658, HMAS 279704 | Inner Mongolia, China | OR355013 | MK592100 | OR358963 | OR359093 | MK652179 |
Helvella capucina H208 epitype France | Helvella capucina | O-253256, H208, epitype | France, Savoie | —— | KY773041 | —— | KY772582 | KY784331 |
Helvella capucina H046 Norway | Helvella capucina | O-253261, H046 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772935 | KY772849 | KY772461 | KY784216 |
Helvella capucinoides H113 USA | Helvella capucinoides | FH, H113 | USA, Maine | —— | KY772969 | —— | KY772501 | KY784251 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1094 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1094 | China | OR355037 | OR355207 | OR358978 | OR359105 | OR366040 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM242 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM242 | China | OR355040 | OR355210 | OR358979 | OR359106 | OR366041 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM909 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM909 | China | OR355042 | OR355212 | OR358980 | OR359107 | OR366042 |
Helvella capucinoides HMJAU 33777 China | Helvella capucinoides | HMJAU 33777 | China | OR355043 | OR355213 | OR358981 | OR359108 | OR366043 |
Helvella carnosa KH.10.277(S) Sweden | Helvella carnosa | KH.10.277(S) | Sweden, Gotland | —— | KY660042 | KY660043 | KY660044 | —— |
Helvella carnosa H146 holotype Norway | Helvella carnosa | O-68100, H146, holotype | Norway, Oslo | —— | KY772995 | —— | KY772529 | —— |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP060 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP060 | China | OR355018 | OR355188 | OR358969 | OR359096 | OR366034 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM1032 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM1032 | China | OR355021 | OR355191 | OR358970 | OR359097 | OR366035 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM274 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM274 | China | OR355022 | OR355192 | OR358971 | OR359098 | OR366036 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM316 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM316 | China | OR355025 | OR355195 | OR358972 | OR359099 | OR366037 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM376 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM376 | China | OR355026 | OR355196 | OR358973 | OR359100 | —— |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP060 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM953 | China | OR355027 | OR355197 | OR358974 | OR359101 | OR366038 |
Helvella carnosa HSA 360 China | Helvella carnosa | HSA 360 | China | OR355028 | OR355198 | OR358975 | OR359102 | —— |
Helvella compressa H112 USA | Helvella compressa | FH, H112 | USA, California | —— | KY772968 | —— | KY772500 | KY784250 |
Helvella convexa H761 holotype Sweden | Helvella convexa | H761, holotype | Sweden | OQ641537 | OQ626670 | —— | OQ631107 | OQ633414 |
Helvella convexa H746 Sweden | Helvella convexa | H746 | Sweden | —— | OQ626669 | —— | OQ631108 | OQ633415 |
Helvella corbierei PTR 763 USA | Helvella corbierei | PTR 763, UC 1999259 | USA, CA | —— | MK100263 | MK113879 | MK179406 | |
Helvella corbierei H392 epitype Switzerland | Helvella corbierei | C-F-57133, H392, epitype | Switzerland, Graubunden | —— | —— | —— | KY772737 | KY784489 |
Helvella corbierei H346 USA | Helvella corbierei | C-F-56503, H346 | USA, Oregon | —— | KY773121 | —— | KY772699 | KY784448 |
Helvella corbierei HSA 138 China | Helvella corbierei | HSA 138 | China | OR355071 | OR355241 | OR359006 | OR359129 | OR366068 |
Helvella corbierei HSA 181 China | Helvella corbierei | HSA 181 | China | OR355072 | OR355242 | OR359007 | OR359130 | OR366069 |
Helvella corium H352 epitype Denmark | Helvella corium | C-F-71638, H352, epitype | Denmark, Mid Zealand | —— | —— | —— | KY772704 | KY784453 |
Helvella corium O-255756 Svalbard | Helvella corium | O-255756 | Svalbard, Longyearbyen | MN656185 | MN655873 | MN658196 | MN692314 | MN692370 |
Helvella corium O-255757 France | Helvella corium | O-255757 | France, Savoie | MN656165 | MN655870 | MN658197 | MN692309 | MN692363 |
Helvella costifera H247 Norway | Helvella costifera | O-253283, H247 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY773074 | KY772900 | KY772613 | KY784365 |
Helvella costifera H131 Norway | Helvella costifera | O-68514, H131 | Norway, Akershus | —— | KY772982 | KY772874 | KY772514 | KY784264 |
Helvella costifera BJTC FM1705 China | Helvella costifera | BJTC FM1705 | China | OR355128 | OR355299 | OR359052 | OR359166 | OR366117 |
Helvella costifera BJTC FM1742 China | Helvella costifera | BJTC FM1742 | China | OR355129 | OR355300 | OR359053 | OR359167 | OR366118 |
Helvella costifera HMAS 187120 China | Helvella costifera | HMAS 187120 | China | OR355179 | MK592102 | —— | —— | MK652183 |
Helvella costifera HMAS 280301 China | Helvella costifera | HMAS 280301 | China | OR355180 | MK592103 | OR359090 | —— | MK652184 |
Helvella cremeoinvoluta BJTC FM941-A holotype China | Helvella cremeoinvoluta | BJTC FM941-A, holotype | China | OR355153 | OR355324 | OR359066 | OR359178 | OR366131 |
Helvella cremeoinvoluta BJTC FM941-B China | Helvella cremeoinvoluta | BJTC FM941-B | China | OR355154 | OR355325 | OR359067 | OR359179 | OR366132 |
Helvella crispa H408 epitype Sweden | Helvella crispa | H408, epitype | Sweden | —— | —— | —— | KY772750 | KY784504 |
Helvella crispa KH.09.186(S) Sweden | Helvella crispa | KH.09.186(S) | Sweden, Gotland | —— | MK100266 | MK113882 | MK179400 | |
Helvella crispa H135 Norway | Helvella crispa | O-18774, H135 | Norway, Akershus | —— | KY772986 | —— | KY772518 | KY784268 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90585 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90585 | China | KX507002 | OR355183 | OR358964 | —— | OR366032 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90583 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90583 | China | KX507001 | OR355184 | OR358965 | —— | OR366033 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90535 holotype China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90535, holotype | China | KU739803 | —— | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella cystidiata HKAS 74316 China | Helvella cystidiata | HKAS 74316 | China | KX239840 | KX239803 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella cystidiata HKAS 78941 holotype China | Helvella cystidiata | HKAS 78941, holotype | China | KX239839 | KX239802 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella cystidiata HMJAU 52 China | Helvella cystidiata | HMJAU 52 | China | OQ600295 | OQ586684 | OQ597540 | —— | OQ597602 |
Helvella cystidiata HMJAU 150 China | Helvella cystidiata | HMJAU 150 | China | OQ600296 | OQ586685 | OQ597541 | —— | OQ597603 |
Helvella dalgeri O-F-256528 Spain | Helvella dalgeri | O-F-256528 | Spain, Albacete | —— | —— | —— | MN626814 | MN598202 |
Helvella dalgeri O-F-256527 Spain | Helvella dalgeri | O-F-256527 | Spain, Girona | —— | —— | —— | MN626782 | MN598125 |
Helvella danica H177 Norway | Helvella danica | O-129543, H177 | Norway, Finnmark | —— | KY773022 | —— | KY772556 | KY784306 |
Helvella danica H058 Norway | Helvella danica | O-253288, H058 | Norway, Akershus | —— | KY772942 | —— | KY772469 | KY784222 |
Helvella danica H263 holotype Denmark | Helvella danica | C-F-85205, H263, holotype | Denmark | —— | KY773083 | —— | KY772627 | KY784378 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP398 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP398 | China | OR355044 | OR355214 | OR358982 | —— | OR366044 |
Helvella danica BJTC L235 China | Helvella danica | BJTC L235 | China | OR355047 | OR355217 | OR358983 | OR359109 | OR366045 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1249 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1249 | China | OR355049 | OR355219 | OR358984 | OR359110 | OR366046 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH370 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH370 | China | OR355050 | OR355220 | OR358985 | OR359111 | OR366047 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH883 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH883 | China | OR355051 | OR355221 | OR358986 | OR359112 | OR366048 |
Helvella danica BJTC FM1053 China | Helvella danica | BJTC FM1053 | China | OR355052 | OR355222 | OR358987 | —— | OR366049 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1122 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1122 | China | OR355053 | OR355223 | OR358988 | OR359113 | OR366050 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP544 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP544 | China | OR355054 | OR355224 | OR358989 | —— | OR366051 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH522 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH522 | China | OR355055 | OR355225 | OR358990 | OR359114 | OR366052 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1190 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1190 | China | OR355056 | OR355226 | OR358991 | OR359115 | OR366053 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP255 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP255 | China | OR355057 | OR355227 | OR358992 | OR359116 | OR366054 |
Helvella danica BJTC FM2577 China | Helvella danica | BJTC FM2577 | China | OR355058 | OR355228 | OR358993 | OR359117 | OR366055 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1360 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1360 | China | OR355177 | OR355351 | OR359086 | —— | OR366152 |
Helvella deflexa HSA 240-A1 holotype China | Helvella deflexa | HSA 240-A1, holotype | China | OR355069 | OR355239 | OR359004 | OR359127 | OR366066 |
Helvella deflexa HSA 240-A2 China | Helvella deflexa | HSA 240-A2 | China | OR355070 | OR355240 | OR359005 | OR359128 | OR366067 |
Helvella dryadophila H302 holotype Norway | Helvella dryadophila | O-72617, H302, holotype | Norway, Oppland | —— | —— | —— | KY772661 | KY784412 |
Helvella dryadophila H183 Norway | Helvella dryadophila | O-253308, H183 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY773026 | KY772886 | KY772561 | KY784311 |
Helvella dryadophila H180 Norway | Helvella dryadophila | O-253307, H180 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY773024 | KY772883 | KY772559 | KY784309 |
Helvella elastica H329 Russia | Helvella elastica | C-F-51672, H329 | Russia, Sakha | —— | —— | —— | KY772684 | KY784433 |
Helvella elastica H066 Sweden | Helvella elastica | O-253311, H066 | Sweden, Hallan | —— | KY772950 | KY772858 | KY772476 | KY784230 |
Helvella ephippioides H085 Japan | Helvella ephippioides | O-253267, H085 | Japan, Honshu | —— | KY772957 | KY772867 | KY772484 | KY784237 |
Helvella ephippioides HMJAU 44584 China | Helvella ephippioides | HMJAU 44584 | China | OR355107 | OR355277 | OR359034 | —— | OR366099 |
Helvella fallax H339 epitype France | Helvella fallax | C-F-84621, H339, epitype | France, Savoie | —— | KY773117 | —— | KY772693 | KY784442 |
Helvella fallax H018 Norway | Helvella fallax | O-253351, H018 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772913 | KY772830 | KY772439 | KY784195 |
Helvella fallax KH.10.94(S) Sweden | Helvella fallax | KH.10.94(S) | Sweden, Lycksele Lappmark | —— | MK100267 | MK113892 | —— | MK179401 |
Helvella fibrosa H240 Norway | Helvella fibrosa | O-291352, H240 | Norway, Soer-Troendelag | —— | KY773069 | KY772898 | KY772607 | KY784358 |
Helvella fibrosa H369 Finland | Helvella fibrosa | C-F-92109, H369 | Finland, Oulun | —— | KY773136 | —— | KY772719 | KY784469 |
Helvella fistulosa H241 neotype Norway | Helvella fistulosa | O-291887, H241, neotype | Norway, Hordaland | —— | KY773070 | —— | KY772608 | KY784359 |
Helvella fistulosa H205 Japan | Helvella fistulosa | O-253314, H205 | Japan, Honshu | —— | KY773039 | —— | KY772580 | KY784329 |
Helvella fulva HMAS 290906 holotype China | Helvella fulva | HMAS 290906, holotype | China | OQ600297 | OQ586686 | OQ597542 | —— | OQ597604 |
Helvella fistulosa BJTC 1976 China | Helvella fistulosa | BJTC 1976 | China | OR355061 | OR355231 | OR358996 | OR359120 | OR366058 |
Helvella flavostipitata HSA 387-A holotype China | Helvella flavostipitata | HSA 387-A, holotype | China | OR355035 | OR355205 | OR358976 | OR359103 | —— |
Helvella flavostipitata HSA 387-B China | Helvella flavostipitata | HSA 387-B | China | OR355036 | OR355206 | OR358977 | OR359104 | OR366039 |
Helvella floriforma HKAS 90224 holotype China | Helvella floriforma | HKAS 90224, holotype | China | —— | KX239771 | —— | —— | |
Helvella fusca H305 Hungary | Helvella fusca | C-F-92122, H305 | Hungary, Kiskunsag National Park | —— | KY773101 | —— | KY772664 | KY784415 |
Helvella fusca H304 Netherlands | Helvella fusca | C-F-89381, H304 | Netherlands, Zuid-Holland | —— | —— | —— | KY772663 | KY784414 |
Helvella fuscolacunosa TRH-12623 Spain | Helvella fuscolacunosa | TRH-12623 | Spain, Islas Baleares | —— | MN644496 | —— | —— | MN598179 |
Helvella fuscolacunosa TRH-12618 holotype Spain | Helvella fuscolacunosa | TRH-12618, holotype | Spain, Islas Baleares | —— | MN644495 | —— | —— | MN598173 |
Helvella galeriformis HSA 232 epitype China | Helvella galeriformis | HSA 232, epitype | China | OR355066 | OR355236 | OR359001 | OR359125 | OR366063 |
Helvella galeriformis HSA 240-B China | Helvella galeriformis | HSA 240-B | China | OR355067 | OR355237 | OR359002 | —— | OR366064 |
Helvella galeriformis BJTC FM2574 China | Helvella galeriformis | BJTC FM2574 | China | OR355068 | OR355238 | OR359003 | OR359126 | OR366065 |
Helvella griseoalba H306 USA | Helvella griseoalba | C-F-92112, H306 | USA, Michigan | —— | —— | —— | KY772665 | KY784416 |
Helvella guttata HKAS 87759 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 87759 | China | —— | OQ866049 | OQ863547 | —— | OQ863531 |
Helvella guttata HKAS 67836 holotype China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 67836, holotype | China | —— | OQ866045 | OQ863543 | —— | OQ863527 |
Helvella helvellula H308 epitype Spain | Helvella helvellula | C-F-92128, H308, epitype | Spain, Canary islands | —— | —— | —— | KY772667 | KY784418 |
Helvella helvellula H278 France | Helvella helvellula | C-F-45507, H278 | France, Dpt | —— | KY773090 | —— | KY772641 | KY784393 |
Helvella helvellula H309 France | Helvella helvellula | C-F-45469, H309 | France, Cote Atlantique | —— | KY773103 | —— | KY772668 | KY784419 |
Helvella hispanica O-F-256537 holotype Spain | Helvella hispanica | O-F-256537, holotype | Spain, Rioja | —— | —— | —— | MN626786 | MN598129 |
Helvella hispanica O-F-256536 Spain | Helvella hispanica | O-F-256536 | Spain, Rioja | —— | MN644504 | —— | MN626771 | MN598112 |
Helvella huangii HMAS 290907 China | Helvella huangii | HMAS 290907 | China | OQ600298 | OQ586687 | OQ597543 | —— | OQ597605 |
Helvella huangii HMAS 45031 holotype China | Helvella huangii | HMAS 45031, holotype | China | OQ600299 | OQ586688 | —— | —— | OQ597606 |
Helvella huangii HMJAU 3488 China | Helvella huangii | HMJAU 3488 | China | OQ600300 | OQ586689 | OQ597544 | —— | OQ597607 |
Helvella huangii BJTC C375 China | Helvella huangii | BJTC C375 | China | OR355175 | OR355349 | OR359084 | —— | OR366150 |
Helvella hyperborea H491 Finland | Helvella hyperborea | C-F-45306, H491 | Finland, Kuusamo | —— | —— | —— | KY772812 | KY784569 |
Helvella hyperborea H389 Norway | Helvella hyperborea | C-F-54473, H389 | Norway, Nordland | —— | —— | —— | KY772734 | KY784486 |
“Helvella hyperborea” HMAS 85673 China | “Helvella hyperborea” | HMAS 85673 | China | MK592136 | —— | —— | —— | MK652199 |
“Helvella hyperborea” HMAS 85591 China | “Helvella hyperborea” | HMAS 85591 | China | MK592134 | —— | —— | —— | MK652198 |
“Helvella hyperborea” HMAS 83511 China | “Helvella hyperborea” | HMAS 83511 | China | MK592131 | —— | MK652160 | —— | MK652195 |
“Helvella hyperborea” HMAS 86043 China | “Helvella hyperborea” | HMAS 86043 | China | MK592136 | —— | MK652161 | —— | MK652200 |
Helvella hypocrateriformis H300 Sweden | Helvella hypocrateriformis | C-F-92131, H300 | Sweden, Uppland | —— | —— | —— | KY772659 | KY784410 |
Helvella hypocrateriformis H275 Switzerland | Helvella hypocrateriformis | C-F-57126, H275 | Switzerland | —— | —— | —— | KY772638 | KY784390 |
Helvella iberica O-F-256538 Spain | Helvella iberica | O-F-256538 | Spain, Rioja | —— | MN644497 | —— | MN626767 | MN598108 |
Helvella iberica O-F-256539 holotype Spain | Helvella iberica | O-F-256539, holotype | Spain, Rioja | —— | MN644498 | —— | MN626769 | MN598109 |
Helvella inexpectata O-F-256541 holotype Spain | Helvella inexpectata | O-F-256541, holotype | Spain, Rioja | —— | —— | —— | MN626792 | MN598148 |
Helvella inexpectata O-F-256540 Spain | Helvella inexpectata | O-F-256540 | Spain, Rioja | —— | —— | —— | MN626768 | MN598192 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 74281 holotype China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 74281, holotype | China | KT215608 | KR493492 | KT254500 | —— | —— |
Helvella involuta HKAS 69966 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 69966 | China | JX462589 | KR493497 | KT254504 | —— | —— |
Helvella involuta BJTC FM2940 China | Helvella involuta | BJTC FM2940 | China | OR355157 | OR355328 | OR359070 | OR359182 | OR366135 |
Helvella japonica H093 holotype Japan | Helvella japonica | H093, holotype | Japan | OQ645455 | KY772961 | —— | KY772490 | KY784243 |
Helvella japonica H2147 Norway | Helvella japonica | H2147 | Norway | OQ645454 | —— | —— | OQ631099 | OQ680211 |
Helvella jizushanica HMAS 290908 holotype China | Helvella jizushanica | HMAS 290908, holotype | China | OQ600301 | OQ586690 | OQ597545 | —— | OQ597609 |
Helvella jizushanica HMAS 59718 China | Helvella jizushanica | HMAS 59718 | China | OQ600302 | OQ586691 | —— | —— | OQ597610 |
Helvella jocatoi CB08326 holotype Mexico | Helvella jocatoi | CB08326, holotype | Mexico | KC016115 | MH399851 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella jocatoi Landeros3581 Mexico | Helvella jocatoi | Landeros3581 | Mexico | MT334416 | MT334419 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella juniperi MCVE20997 Italy | Helvella juniperi | MCVE20997 | Italy, Lu, Viareggio | —— | —— | —— | MN626807 | MN598194 |
Helvella juniperi H415 Portugal | Helvella juniperi | C-F-42193, H415 | Portugal, Minho | —— | —— | —— | KY772754 | KY784510 |
Helvella lactea H374 Denmark | Helvella lactea | C-F-39379, H374 | Denmark, Zealand, | —— | —— | —— | KY772722 | KY784473 |
Helvella lactea H262 Sweden | Helvella lactea | C Fungi Exs. Suec. 1355, H262 | Sweden, Uppland | —— | —— | —— | KY772626 | KY784377 |
Helvella liui HMAS 85725 holotype China | Helvella liui | HMAS 85725, holotype | China | OQ600310 | —— | —— | —— | OQ597622 |
Helvella lobata HMAS 290910 holotype China | Helvella lobata | HMAS 290910, holotype | China | OQ600311 | OQ586698 | —— | —— | OQ597623 |
Helvella pseudolacunosa HKAS 87594 holotype China | Helvella lacunosa | HKAS 87594, holotype | China | KR493476 | —— | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM1162 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM1162 | China | OR355108 | OR355278 | OR359035 | OR359156 | OR366100 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM546 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM546 | China | OR355110 | OR355280 | OR359036 | OR359157 | OR366101 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM813 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM813 | China | OR355112 | OR355282 | OR359037 | —— | OR366102 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM907 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM907 | China | OR355113 | OR355283 | OR359038 | OR359158 | OR366103 |
Helvella lacunosa H407 epitype Sweden | Helvella lacunosa | H407, epitype | Sweden, Smaaland | —— | KY773152 | —— | KY772749 | KY784503 |
Helvella lacunosa H327 Russia | Helvella lacunosa | C-F-34477, H327 | Russia, River Kotuy Khan | —— | KY773112 | —— | KY772682 | KY784431 |
Helvella leucophaea H274 | Helvella leucophaea | H274 | France | —— | KY773088 | —— | KY772637 | KY784389 |
Helvella levis H393 Denmark | Helvella levis | C-F-40830, H393 | Denmark, E Jutland | —— | KY773148 | —— | KY772738 | KY784490 |
Helvella levis H290 epitype Denmark | Helvella levis | C-F-55188, H290, epitype | Denmark, M Zealand | —— | KY773098 | —— | KY772652 | KY784403 |
Helvella macropus H412 epitype Sweden | Helvella macropus | H412_epitype | Sweden, Uppland | —— | —— | —— | KY772753 | KY784507 |
Helvella macropus H239 Norway | Helvella macropus | O-291391, H239 | Norway, Rogaland | —— | KY773068 | KY772897 | KY772606 | KY784357 |
Helvella macropus H238 Norway | Helvella macropus | O-291425, H238 | Norway, Rogaland | —— | KY773067 | KY772896 | KY772605 | KY784356 |
Helvella macrosperma H029 Norway | Helvella macrosperma | O-253328, H029 | Norway, Oppland | MN656159 | KY772921 | KY772838 | KY772449 | KY784205 |
Helvella macrosperma TROM-F-610001 Norway | Helvella macrosperma | TROM-F-610001 | Norway, Troms | MN656176 | MN655842 | MN689297 | MN692282 | MN692319 |
Helvella maculata H303 USA | Helvella maculata | C-F-45400, H303 | USA, Alaska | —— | —— | —— | KY772662 | KY784413 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 90590 holotype China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 90590, holotype | China | KU739858 | KU167473 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella magna HMAS 60679 holotype China | Helvella magna | HMAS 60679, holotype | China | OQ600315 | OQ586702 | OQ597555 | —— | OQ597627 |
Helvella magna HMAS 290911 China | Helvella magna | HMAS 290911 | China | OQ600312 | OQ586699 | OQ597552 | —— | OQ597624 |
Helvella magna HMAS 290912 China | Helvella magna | HMAS 290912 | China | OQ600313 | OQ586700 | OQ597553 | —— | OQ597625 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM1046 China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM1046 | China | —— | OR355287 | OR359040 | —— | OR366105 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM2486-A China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM2486-A | China | OR355117 | OR355288 | OR359041 | —— | OR366106 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM2486-B China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM2486-B | China | OR355118 | OR355289 | OR359042 | —— | OR366107 |
Helvella neofistulosa BJTC ZH1213 holotype China | Helvella neofistulosa | BJTC ZH1213, holotype | China | OR355059 | OR355229 | OR358994 | OR359118 | OR366056 |
Helvella neofistulosa BJTC ZH1251 China | Helvella neofistulosa | BJTC ZH1251 | China | OR355060 | OR355230 | OR358995 | OR359119 | OR366057 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM1130 holotype China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM1130, holotype | China | OR355100 | OR355270 | OR359027 | OR359149 | OR366092 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM1131 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM1131 | China | OR355101 | OR355271 | OR359028 | OR359150 | OR366093 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM264 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM264 | China | OR355102 | OR355272 | OR359029 | OR359151 | OR366094 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM305 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM305 | China | OR355103 | OR355273 | OR359030 | OR359152 | OR366095 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM2484 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM2484 | China | OR355104 | OR355274 | OR359031 | OR359153 | OR366096 |
Helvella multiformis HSA 362 China | Helvella multiformis | HSA 362 | China | OR355172 | OR355343 | OR359079 | OR359190 | OR366144 |
Helvella nannfeldtii H027 holotype Norway | Helvella nannfeldtii | O-253338, H027, holotype | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772919 | KY772836 | KY772447 | KY784203 |
Helvella nannfeldtii H216 France | Helvella nannfeldtii | O-253333, H216 | France, Savoie | —— | KY773048 | KY772891 | KY772589 | KY784337 |
Helvella neopallescens O-F-256550 holotype Spain | Helvella neopallescens | O-F-256550, holotype | Spain, Rioja, | —— | MN644500 | —— | —— | MN598111 |
Helvella neopallescens TRH-12607 Spain | Helvella neopallescens | TRH-12607 | Spain, Islas Baleares | —— | MN644501 | —— | —— | MN598174 |
Helvella nigra H068 Sweden | Helvella nigra | O-253345, H063, epitype | Sweden, Hallan | —— | KY772947 | KY772855 | KY772473 | KY784227 |
Helvella nigra H063 epitype Sweden | Helvella nigra | O-253347, H068 | Sweden, Halland | —— | KY772952 | KY772860 | KY772477 | —— |
Helvella nordlandica H1338 holotype Norway | Helvella nordlandica | H1338, holotype | Norway | —— | —— | —— | OQ633416 | |
Helvella nordlandica H2536 Norway | Helvella nordlandica | H2536 | Norway | OQ626672 | —— | OQ631101 | OQ633409 | |
Helvella nordlandica H1341 Norway | Helvella nordlandica | H1341 | Norway | —— | —— | —— | OQ631097 | OQ633405 |
Helvella nordlandica BJTC FM346-A China | Helvella nordlandica | BJTC FM346-A | China | OR355081 | OR355251 | OR359013 | OR359136 | OR366078 |
Helvella nordlandica FM346-B China | Helvella nordlandica | BJTC FM346-B | China | —— | OR355344 | —— | —— | OR366145 |
Helvella nigrorava BJTC ZH67 holotype China | Helvella nigrorava | BJTC ZH67, holotype | China | OR355105 | OR355275 | OR359032 | OR359154 | OR366097 |
Helvella oroarctica H1983 Norway | Helvella oroarctica | H1983 | Norway | MN656177 | OQ626671 | —— | OQ631098 | OQ633408 |
Helvella oroarctica H2586 holotype Norway | Helvella oroarctica | H2586, holotype | Norway | —— | —— | —— | OQ631103 | OQ633411 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 74319 holotype China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 74319, holotype | China | JX462598 | KR493503 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC BP066 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC BP066 | China | OR355158 | OR355329 | OR359071 | OR359183 | OR366136 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM418 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM418 | China | OR355160 | OR355331 | OR359072 | —— | OR366137 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC SBP126 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC SBP126 | China | OR355161 | OR355332 | OR359073 | OR359184 | OR366138 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC ZH744 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC ZH744 | China | OR355162 | OR355333 | OR359074 | OR359185 | OR366139 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC ZH1364 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC ZH1364 | China | OR355178 | OR355352 | OR359087 | —— | OR366153 |
Helvella orentitomentosa MFLU23-0099 holotype China | Helvella orentitomentosa | MFLU23-0099, holotype | China | —— | OQ866056 | —— | —— | OQ863538 |
Helvella orentitomentosa HKAS 90543 China | Helvella orentitomentosa | HKAS 90543 | China | —— | OQ866057 | —— | —— | OQ863539 |
Helvella pallescens H138 epitype Norway | Helvella pallescens | O-66205, H138, epitype | Norway, Moere og Romsdal | —— | KY772988 | KY772878 | KY772521 | KY784271 |
Helvella pallescens H136 Norway | Helvella pallescens | O-220306, H136 | Norway, Hordaland | —— | KY772987 | KY772877 | KY772519 | KY784269 |
Helvella palustris H043 Norway | Helvella palustris | O-253359, H043 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772933 | KY772848 | KY772458 | KY784214 |
Helvella palustris H019 Norway | Helvella palustris | O-253358, H019 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772914 | KY772831 | KY772440 | KY784196 |
Helvella palustris HMAS 30755 China | Helvella palustris | HMAS 30755 | China | —— | —— | —— | —— | OQ597638 |
Helvella panormitana H130 Norway | Helvella panormitana | O-171969, H130 | Norway, Moere og Romsdal | —— | KY772981 | —— | KY772513 | KY784263 |
Helvella panormitana H064 epitype Sweden | Helvella panormitana | O-253363, H064, epitype | Sweden, Hallan | —— | KY772948 | KY772856 | KY772474 | KY784228 |
Helvella paraphysitorquata H271 isotype Spain | Helvella paraphysitorquata | C-F-45305, H271, isotype | Spain, Teruel | —— | KY773085 | —— | KY772634 | KY784386 |
Helvella parva HMAS 290914 holotype China | Helvella parva | HMAS 290914, holotype | China | OQ600323 | OQ586710 | OQ597560 | —— | OQ597639 |
Helvella pezizoides H061 epitype Sweden | Helvella pezizoides | O-253366, H061, epitype | Sweden, Hallan | —— | KY772945 | KY772854 | KY772471 | KY784225 |
Helvella pezizoides H065 Sweden | Helvella pezizoides | O-253367, H065 | Sweden, Hallan | —— | KY772949 | KY772857 | KY772475 | KY784229 |
Helvella philonotis HMAS 290915 China | Helvella philonotis | HMAS 290915 | China | OQ600324 | OQ586711 | OQ597561 | —— | OQ597640 |
Helvella philonotis HMAS 264754 China | Helvella philonotis | HMAS 264754 | China | OQ600327 | OQ586712 | OQ597563 | —— | OQ597644 |
Helvella philonotis O-255760 Norway | Helvella philonotis | O-255760 | Norway, Oppland | MN656182 | MN655853 | MN689303 | MN692301 | MN692353 |
Helvella philonotis H492 holotype Iceland | Helvella philonotis | H492, holotype | Iceland, Hveragerdi | —— | —— | —— | KY772813 | KY784570 |
Helvella phlebophora H273 epitype Iceland | Helvella phlebophora | C-F-45405, H273, epitype | Iceland, Austur-Skaftafellsysla | —— | KY773087 | —— | KY772636 | KY784388 |
Helvella phlebophora HMAS 268001 China | Helvella phlebophora | HMAS 268001 | China | OQ600328 | OQ586713 | OQ597564 | —— | OQ597645 |
Helvella phlebophoroides O-F-256565 holotype Spain | Helvella phlebophoroides | O-F-256565, holotype | Spain, Rioja, | —— | MN644506 | —— | MN626775 | MN598116 |
Helvella phlebophoroides C-F-17373 Denmark | Helvella phlebophoroides | C-F-17373 | Denmark, NEZ | —— | MN644507 | —— | MN626779 | MN598088 |
Helvella phlebophoropsis HMAS 85654 holotype China | Helvella phlebophoropsis | HMAS 85654, holotype | China | OQ600329 | —— | —— | —— | OQ597646 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 290916 China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 290916 | China | OQ600330 | OQ586714 | OQ597565 | —— | OQ597648 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 270642 holotype China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 270642, holotype | China | OQ600331 | OQ586715 | OQ597566 | —— | OQ597649 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 290917 China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 290917 | China | OQ600332 | OQ586716 | OQ597567 | —— | OQ597650 |
Helvella platypodia O-F-256566 epitype Spain | Helvella platypodia | O-F-256566, epitype | Spain, Rioja | —— | —— | —— | MN626790 | MN598139 |
Helvella platypodia C-F-64490 Denmark | Helvella platypodia | C-F-64490 | Denmark, EJ | —— | —— | —— | —— | MN598122 |
Helvella poculiformis O-F-256567 holotype Spain | Helvella poculiformis | O-F-256567, holotype | Spain, Zaragoza | —— | —— | —— | MN626791 | MN598143 |
Helvella pseudoalpina TROM-F-610049 Norway | Helvella pseudoalpina | TROM-F-610049 | Norway, Troms. Balsfjord | —— | MN655868 | MN658195 | MN692304 | MN692356 |
Helvella pseudoalpina TROM-F-610048 Norway | Helvella pseudoalpina | TROM-F-610048 | Norway, Troms. | MN656173 | MN655866 | MN658194 | MN692303 | MN692355 |
Helvella pseudoalpina O-255748 Svalbard | Helvella pseudoalpina | O-255748 | Svalbard, Longyearbyen | —— | MN655869 | MN689292 | MN692302 | MN692354 |
Helvella pseudoelastica BJTC C351-A holotype China | Helvella pseudoelastica | BJTC C351-A, holotype | China | OR355170 | OR355341 | OR359078 | OR359189 | OR366143 |
Helvella pseudoelastica BJTC C351-B China | Helvella pseudoelastica | BJTC C351-B | China | OR355174 | OR355348 | OR359083 | OR359194 | OR366149 |
Helvella pseudofallax HSA 356 holotype China | Helvella pseudofallax | HSA 356, holotype | China | OR355083 | OR355253 | OR359015 | OR359138 | OR366080 |
Helvella pseudofallax BJTC ZH1283 China | Helvella pseudofallax | BJTC ZH1283 | China | OR355084 | OR355254 | OR359016 | OR359139 | OR366081 |
Helvella pseudofallax BJTC FM1148 China | Helvella pseudofallax | BJTC FM1148 | China | OR355085 | OR355255 | OR359017 | OR359140 | OR366082 |
Helvella pseudopezizoides BJTC FM1045-A China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | BJTC FM1045-A | China | OR355089 | OR355259 | OR359020 | OR359143 | OR366085 |
Helvella pseudopezizoides BJTC FM1045-B China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | BJTC FM1045-B | China | OR355090 | OR355260 | OR359021 | OR359144 | OR366086 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 74311 holotype China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 74311, holotype | China | JX462593 | —— | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 75438 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 75438 | China | JX462595 | —— | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP228 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP228 | China | OR355135 | OR355306 | OR359058 | OR359171 | OR366123 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC C549 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC C549 | China | OR355137 | OR355308 | OR359059 | —— | OR366124 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM1019 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM1019 | China | OR355138 | OR355309 | OR359060 | OR359172 | OR366125 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM1409 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM1409 | China | OR355139 | OR355310 | OR359061 | OR359173 | OR366126 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM270 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM270 | China | OR355140 | OR355311 | OR359062 | OR359174 | OR366127 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC L489 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC L489 | China | OR355143 | OR355314 | OR359063 | OR359175 | OR366128 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 313 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 313 | China | OR355145 | OR355316 | OR359064 | OR359176 | OR366129 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 332 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 332 | China | OR355146 | OR355317 | OR359065 | OR359177 | OR366130 |
Helvella pubescens H121 holotype Canada | Helvella pubescens | FH, H121, holotype | Canada, Albert | —— | KY772975 | —— | KY772506 | KY784257 |
Helvella pubescens H334 USA | Helvella pubescens | C-F-56502, H334 | USA, Oregon | —— | KY773114 | —— | KY772688 | KY784437 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC BP020 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC BP020 | China | OR355093 | OR355263 | OR359023 | OR359145 | OR366089 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC C511 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC C511 | China | OR355094 | OR355264 | OR359024 | OR359146 | OR366090 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM259 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM259 | China | OR355097 | OR355267 | OR359025 | OR359147 | OR366091 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM918 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM918 | China | OR355098 | OR355268 | OR359026 | OR359148 | —— |
Helvella pulla H259 Norway | Helvella pulla | O-253370, H259 | Norway, Oestfold | —— | KY773080 | —— | KY772623 | KY784374 |
Helvella pulla H149 epitype Norway | Helvella pulla | O-69282, H149, epitype | Norway, Moere og Romsdal | —— | KY772998 | —— | KY772532 | KY784282 |
Helvella queletiana C-F-39372 Denmark | Helvella queletiana | C-F-39372 | Denmark, Zealand, | —— | —— | —— | MN626778 | MN598119 |
Helvella queletiana H403 neotype Denmark | Helvella queletiana | C-F-45303, H403, neotype | Denmark, Zealand, | —— | KY773151 | —— | KY772746 | KY784499 |
Helvella ravida HMAS 290919 holotype China | Helvella ravida | HMAS 290919, holotype | China | OQ600334 | OQ586718 | OQ597568 | —— | OQ597652 |
Helvella ravida HMAS 61920 China | Helvella ravida | HMAS 61920 | China | OQ600335 | OQ586719 | —— | —— | OQ597653 |
Helvella ravida HSA 375 holotype China | Helvella ravida | HSA 375 | China | OR355124 | OR355295 | OR359048 | —— | OR366113 |
Helvella retinervis ARAN3008363 holotype Spain | Helvella retinervis | ARAN3008363, holotype | Spain, Gipuzkoa | —— | —— | —— | MN626783 | MN598126 |
Helvella retinervis UPS-F-122183 Sweden | Helvella retinervis | UPS-F-122183 | Sweden, Narke | —— | —— | —— | MN626764 | MN598097 |
Helvella rivularis H276 holotype Norway | Helvella rivularis | C-F-59447, H276, holotype | Norway, Nordland | —— | KY773089 | —— | KY772639 | KY784391 |
Helvella rivularis O-255764 Norway | Helvella rivularis | O-255764 | Norway, Troms | MN656175 | MN655850 | MN689306 | MN692295 | MN692371 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 87587 holotype China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 87587, holotype | China | KR493478 | MG871320 | MG980690 | —— | —— |
Helvella rugosa HMAS 290920 China | Helvella rugosa | HMAS 290920 | China | OQ600336 | OQ586720 | OQ597569 | —— | OQ597654 |
Helvella rugosa HMAS 290921 China | Helvella rugosa | HMAS 290921 | China | OQ600337 | OQ586721 | OQ597570 | —— | OQ597655 |
Helvella scyphoides H140 holotype Norway | Helvella scyphoides | O-65348, H140, holotype | Norway, Hedmark | —— | KY772989 | KY772879 | KY772523 | KY784273 |
Helvella scyphoides BJTC FM1158 China | Helvella scyphoides | BJTC FM1158 | China | OR355073 | OR355243 | OR359008 | OR359131 | OR366070 |
Helvella scyphoides BJTC FM899 China | Helvella scyphoides | BJTC FM899 | China | OR355074 | OR355244 | —— | —— | OR366071 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 166 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 166 | China | OR355075 | OR355245 | OR359009 | OR359132 | OR366072 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 239 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 239 | China | OR355076 | OR355246 | —— | —— | OR366073 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 336 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 336 | China | OR355077 | OR355247 | —— | —— | OR366074 |
Helvella semiobruta H277 isotype France | Helvella semiobruta | C-F-45507, H277, isotype | France, Rhone | —— | —— | —— | KY772640 | KY784392 |
Helvella sichuanensis 10706 holotype China | Helvella sichuanensis | 10706, holotype | China | OR355014 | MK592107 | OR358968 | OR359095 | MK652221 |
Helvella sinocrispa BJTC FM96-A holotype China | Helvella sinocrispa | BJTC FM96-A, holotype | China | OR355155 | OR355326 | OR359068 | OR359180 | OR366133 |
Helvella sinocrispa BJTC FM96-B China | Helvella sinocrispa | BJTC FM96-B | China | OR355156 | OR355327 | OR359069 | OR359181 | OR366134 |
Helvella sinohyperborea BJTC FM105 holotype China | Helvella sinohyperborea | BJTC FM105, holotype | China | OR355132 | OR355303 | OR359056 | OR359170 | OR366121 |
Helvella sinohyperborea BJTC FM165 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | BJTC FM165 | China | OR355133 | OR355304 | OR359057 | —— | OR366122 |
Helvella solitaria H370 epitype Sweden | Helvella solitaria | H370, epitype | Sweden, Uppsala | —— | —— | —— | KY772720 | KY784470 |
Helvella solitaria H215 Norway | Helvella solitaria | O-253379, H215 | Norway, Soer-Troendelag | —— | KY773047 | KY772890 | KY772588 | KY784336 |
Helvella solitaria H090 France | Helvella solitaria | O-253371, H090 | France, Savoie | —— | KY772959 | KY772868 | KY772488 | KY784241 |
Helvella solitaria BJTC FM417 China | Helvella solitaria | BJTC FM417 | China | OR355131 | OR355302 | OR359055 | OR359169 | OR366120 |
Helvella sp. BJTC ZH139 China | Helvella sp. 31 | BJTC ZH139 | China | OR355080 | OR355250 | OR359012 | OR359135 | OR366077 |
Helvella sp. HSA 150-A China | Helvella sp. 59 | HSA 150-A | China | —— | OR355345 | OR359080 | OR359191 | OR366146 |
Helvella sp. HSA 150-B China | Helvella sp. 59 | HSA 150-B | China | —— | OR355346 | OR359081 | OR359192 | OR366147 |
Helvella stevensii H394 USA | Helvella stevensii | C-F-92117, H394 | USA, Michigan | —— | —— | —— | KY772739 | KY784491 |
Helvella stevensii H297 USA | Helvella stevensii | C-F-45350, H297 | USA, Michigan, | —— | —— | —— | KY772657 | KY784408 |
Helvella subglabra H280 topotype USA | Helvella subglabra | C-F-65405, H280, topotype | USA, Michigan | —— | —— | —— | KY772643 | KY784394 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC C614 China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC C614 | China | OR355086 | OR355256 | OR359018 | OR359141 | OR366083 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC FM1049 China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC FM1049 | China | OR355087 | OR355257 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC FM2686 holotype China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC FM2686, holotype | China | OR355088 | OR355258 | OR359019 | OR359142 | OR366084 |
Helvella sublactea HKAS 74226 China | Helvella sublactea | HKAS 74226 | China | KT894827 | —— | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella sublactea HKAS 90607 China | Helvella sublactea | HKAS 90607 | China | KT894826 | —— | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella sublactea BJTC FM1082 China | Helvella sublactea | BJTC FM1082 | China | OR355122 | OR355293 | OR359046 | —— | OR366111 |
Helvella sublactea BJTC FM347 China | Helvella sublactea | BJTC FM347 | China | OR355123 | OR355294 | OR359047 | OR359162 | OR366112 |
Helvella sublactea | Helvella sublactea | HKAS 69753 | China | KT894825 | KT894832 | —— | —— | OR366154 |
Helvella sublicia H417 epitype Denmark | Helvella sublicia | C-F-39823, H417, epitype | Denmark, Soroe | —— | KY773155 | —— | KY772756 | KY784512 |
Helvella sublicia KH.11.84(S) Sweden | Helvella sublicia | KH.11.84(S) | Sweden, Gotland | —— | MK100273 | MK113894 | —— | MK179403 |
Helvella sublicia H148 Norway | Helvella sublicia | O-70080, H148 | Norway, Akershus | —— | KY772997 | KY772880 | KY772531 | KY784281 |
Helvella subspadicea HKAS 90624 China | Helvella subspadicea | HKAS 90624 | China, xinjiang | KU739797 | KU739822 | KU739849 | —— | —— |
Helvella subspadicea HKAS 56656 holotype China | Helvella subspadicea | HKAS 56656, holotype | China, xinjiang | —— | KU739821 | KU739848 | —— | —— |
Helvella subtinta HKAS 104666 holotype China | Helvella subtinta | HKAS 104666, holotype | China, Yunnan | MN449991 | MN449992 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella subtinta BJTC FM1307 China | Helvella subtinta | BJTC FM1307 | China | OR355130 | OR355301 | OR359054 | OR359168 | OR366119 |
Helvella sulcata H152 epitype Norway | Helvella sulcata | O-68095, H152, epitype | Norway, Oslo | —— | KY773001 | KY772882 | KY772535 | KY784284 |
Helvella sulcata O-F-256588 Spain | Helvella sulcata | O-F-256588 | Spain, Rioja | —— | MN644505 | —— | MN626774 | MN598115 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC FM1416 holotype China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC FM1416, holotype | China | OR355119 | OR355290 | OR359043 | OR359160 | OR366108 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC FM263 China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC FM263 | China | OR355120 | OR355291 | OR359044 | OR359161 | OR366109 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC ZH1231 China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC ZH1231 | China | OR355121 | OR355292 | OR359045 | —— | OR366110 |
Helvella taiyuanensis HMAS 277500 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | HMAS 277500 | China | MK592152 | MK592105 | MK652166 | —— | MK652216 |
Helvella taiyuanensis 119250 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | 119250 | China | MK592151 | MK592104 | OR358966 | —— | MK652215 |
Helvella taiyuanensis BJTC FM192 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | BJTC FM192 | China | OR355167 | OR355338 | OR359076 | OR359187 | OR366141 |
Helvella taiyuanensis BJTC FM861 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | BJTC FM861 | China | OR355168 | OR355339 | OR359077 | OR359188 | OR366142 |
Helvella terricola O-F-256562 holotype Spain | Helvella terricola | O-F-256562, holotype | Spain, Huesca | —— | —— | —— | MN626809 | MN598197 |
Helvella terricola HMAS 38355 China | Helvella terricola | HMAS 38355 | China | OQ600354 | —— | —— | —— | OQ597679 |
Helvella tianshanensis HMAS 88611 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HMAS 88611 | China | MK592158 | —— | —— | —— | MK652223 |
Helvella tianshanensis HMAS 86040 holotype China | Helvella tianshanensis | HMAS 86040, holotype | China | MK592157 | MK592108 | MK652170 | —— | MK652222 |
Helvella tianshanensis BJTC FM175 China | Helvella tianshanensis | BJTC FM175 | China | OR355125 | OR355296 | OR359049 | OR359163 | OR366114 |
Helvella tianshanensis HSA 179 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HSA 179 | China | OR355126 | OR355297 | OR359050 | OR359164 | OR366115 |
Helvella tianshanensis HSA 185 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HSA 185 | China | OR355127 | OR355298 | OR359051 | OR359165 | OR366116 |
Helvella tinta HKAS 82560 holotype China | Helvella tinta | HKAS 82560, holotype | China | KX239842 | KX239772 | OR358962 | —— | OR366031 |
Helvella ulvinenii HKAS 90321 China | Helvella ulvinenii | HKAS 90321 | China | —— | KU167483 | OR359088 | OR359196 | OR366155 |
Helvella varia HMAS 270932 holotype China | Helvella varia | HMAS 270932, holotype | China | OQ600357 | OQ586737 | OQ597585 | —— | OQ597682 |
Helvella varia HMAS 290929 China | Helvella varia | HMAS 290929 | China | OQ600359 | OQ586738 | OQ597587 | —— | OQ597684 |
Helvella vespertina H116 USA | Helvella vespertina | FH, H116 | USA, Maine | —— | KY772971 | —— | KY772502 | KY784254 |
Helvella vespertina H102 USA | Helvella vespertina | FH, H102 | USA, California | —— | KY772963 | —— | KY772492 | KY784245 |
Helvella vitrea HMAS 290932 holotype China | Helvella vitrea | HMAS 290932, holotype | China | OQ600362 | OQ586741 | —— | —— | OQ597687 |
Helvella vulgata HMAS 53683 holotype China | Helvella vulgata | HMAS 53683, holotype | China | OQ600363 | OQ586742 | —— | —— | OQ597688 |
Helvella vulgata HMIGD 25964 China | Helvella vulgata | HMIGD 25964 | China | OQ600365 | OQ586743 | OQ597589 | —— | OQ597690 |
Helvella vulgata BJTC FM2621 China | Helvella vulgata | BJTC FM2621 | China | OR355116 | OR355286 | OR359039 | OR359159 | OR366104 |
Helvella xiaohuipan BJTC FM367 China | Helvella xiaohuipan | BJTC FM367 | China | OR355078 | OR355248 | OR359010 | OR359133 | OR366075 |
Helvella xiaohuipan BJTC FM2317 holotype China | Helvella xiaohuipan | BJTC FM2317, holotype | China | OR355079 | OR355249 | OR359011 | OR359134 | OR366076 |
Helvella yunnanensis HMAS 290933 holotype China | Helvella yunnanensis | HMAS 290933, holotype | China | OQ600366 | OQ586744 | OQ597590 | —— | OQ597691 |
Helvella yunnanensis HMAS 290934 China | Helvella yunnanensis | HMAS 290934 | China | OQ600367 | OQ586745 | OQ597591 | —— | OQ597692 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74338 holotype China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74338, holotype | China | JX462581 | KR493487 | KT254495 | —— | —— |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74336 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74336 | China | JX462579 | KR493485 | KT254493 | —— | —— |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74335 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74335 | China | JX462578 | KR493484 | —— | —— | OR366156 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74343 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74343 | China | JX462583 | KR493489 | —— | —— | OR366157 |
Pindara terrestris S-F327988 Sweden | Pindara terrestris | S-F327988 | Sweden | —— | MK100280 | MK113896 | MK113867 | —— |
Pindara terrestris KH.12.67(S) Sweden | Pindara terrestris | KH.12.67(S) | Sweden | —— | MK100279 | MK113889 | MK113866 | —— |
Pindara terrestris H284 Norway | Pindara terrestris | H284 | Norway | —— | KY773094 | —— | KY772647 | KY784398 |
Table S2.
Specimens used in two combined loci (ITS/nrLSU) phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.
Taxa Name in Analysis | Taxon name | Voucher specimen | Country | ITS GenBank | LSU GenBank |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 137 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 137 | China | OR355181 | OR355355 |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 169 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 169 | China | OR355182 | OR355356 |
Helvella acetabuloides BJTC FM1264 China | Helvella acetabuloides | BJTC FM1264 | China | OR355166 | OR355337 |
Helvella acetabuloides CFSZ2044 holotype China | Helvella acetabuloides | CFSZ2044, holotype | China | OR355015 | OR355185 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 23839 China | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 23839 | China | MK592112 | —— |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 75176 China | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 75176 | China | MK592117 | —— |
Helvella albopatella BJTC FM2610-A holotype China | Helvella albopatella | BJTC FM2610-A | China | OR355082 | OR355252 |
Helvella albopatella BJTC FM2610-B China | Helvella albopatella | BJTC FM2610-B | China | OR355176 | OR355350 |
Uncultured Pezizales LP110032 China | Helvella albopatella | LP110032 | China | JQ318620 | —— |
Uncultured Pezizales LP110049 China | Helvella albopatella | LP110049 | China | JQ318637 | —— |
Helvella alborava BJTC C316-A holotype China | Helvella alborava | BJTC C316-A, holotype | China | OR355106 | OR355276 |
Helvella alborava BJTC C316-B China | Helvella alborava | BJTC C316-B | China | OR355173 | OR355347 |
Uncultured Helvella XT12876 China | Helvella alborava | XT12876 | China | MF405781 | —— |
Helvella alpina H223 holotype France | Helvella alpina | H223, holotype | France | —— | KY773054 |
Helvella atra HMAS 290900 China | Helvella atra | HMAS 290900 | China | OQ600286 | OQ586677 |
Helvella atra HMAS 290901 China | Helvella atra | HMAS 290901 | China | OQ600287 | OQ586678 |
Helvella atra zhao2111 China | Helvella atra | zhao2111 | China | KT894823 | KT894830 |
Helvella lacunosa zhao2112 China | Helvella atra | zhao2112 | China | KT894824 | KT894831 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 69065 China | Helvella atroides | HKAS 69065 | China | KX507000 | —— |
Helvella austrooccidentalis HMAS 290902 China | Helvella austrooccidentalis | HMAS 290902 | China | OQ600290 | OQ586680 |
Helvella austrooccidentalis HMAS 290903 holotype China | Helvella austrooccidentalis | HMAS 290903, holotype | China | OQ600291 | OQ586681 |
Helvella bachu BJTC FM382 China | Helvella bachu | BJTC FM382 | China | OR355062 | OR355232 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 88106 China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 88106 | China | KU739792 | KU739816 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 88105 holotype China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 88105, holotype | China | KU739791 | NG_059662 |
Helvella borealis HMAS 290905 holotype China | Helvella borealis | HMAS 290905, holotype | China | OQ600293 | OQ586683 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM269 China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM269 | China | OR355063 | OR355233 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM272 China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM272 | China | OR355064 | OR355234 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM911 holotype China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM911, holotype | China | OR355065 | OR355235 |
Helvella caespitosa HSA 379-A holotype China | Helvella caespitosa | HSA 379-A, holotype | China | OR355091 | OR355261 |
Helvella caespitosa HSA 379-B China | Helvella caespitosa | HSA 379-B | China | OR355092 | OR355262 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-129 China | Helvella caespitosa | NX3-129 | China | LC623411 | —— |
Helvella calycina HMAS 279704 China | Helvella calycina | HMAS 279704 | China: Inner Mongolia | OR355013 | MK592100 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1094 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1094 | China | OR355037 | OR355207 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1156 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1156 | China | OR355038 | OR355208 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1423 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1423 | China | OR355039 | OR355209 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM242 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM242 | China | OR355040 | OR355210 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM884 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM884 | China | OR355041 | OR355211 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM909 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM909 | China | OR355042 | OR355212 |
Helvella capucinoides HMJAU 33777 China | Helvella capucinoides | HMJAU 33777 | China | OR355043 | OR355213 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM923 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM923 | China | OR355169 | OR355340 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP030 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP030 | China | OR355016 | OR355186 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP043 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP043 | China | OR355017 | OR355187 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP060 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP060 | China | OR355018 | OR355188 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP718 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP718 | China | OR355019 | OR355189 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP724 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP724 | China | OR355020 | OR355190 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM1032 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM1032 | China | OR355021 | OR355191 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM274 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM274 | China | OR355022 | OR355192 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM297 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM297 | China | OR355023 | OR355193 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM298 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM298 | China | OR355024 | OR355194 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM316 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM316 | China | OR355025 | OR355195 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM376 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM376 | China | OR355026 | OR355196 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM953 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM953 | China | OR355027 | OR355197 |
Helvella carnosa HSA 360 China | Helvella carnosa | HSA 360 | China | OR355028 | OR355198 |
Helvella carnosa HSA 434 China | Helvella carnosa | HSA 434 | China | OR355029 | OR355199 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC SBP287 | Helvella carnosa | BJTC SBP287 | China | OR355030 | OR355200 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2619 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2619 | China | OR355031 | OR355201 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2478 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2478 | China | OR355032 | OR355202 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2479 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2479 | China | OR355033 | OR355203 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2499 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2499 | China | OR355034 | OR355204 |
Helvella macropus HKAS 84887 China | Helvella macropus | HKAS 84887 | China | KX506989 | KX506944 |
Helvella corbierei HSA 138 China | Helvella corbierei | HSA 138 | China | OR355071 | OR355241 |
Helvella corbierei HSA 181 China | Helvella corbierei | HSA 181 | China | OR355072 | OR355242 |
Helvella corium O-255756 Svalbard | Helvella corium | O-255756 | Svalbard | MN656185 | MN655873 |
Helvella corium O-255757 France | Helvella corium | O-255757 | France | MN656165 | MN655870 |
Helvella costifera BJTC FM1705 China | Helvella costifera | BJTC FM1705 | China | OR355128 | OR355299 |
Helvella costifera BJTC FM1742 China | Helvella costifera | BJTC FM1742 | China | OR355129 | OR355300 |
Helvella costifera HMAS 280301 China | Helvella costifera | HMAS 280301 | China | MK592123 | MK592103 |
Helvella costifera HMAS 187120 China | Helvella costifera | HMAS 187120 | China | MK592122 | MK592102 |
Helvella cremeoinvoluta BJTC FM941-A holotype China | Helvella cremeoinvoluta | BJTC FM941-A, holotype | China | OR355153 | OR355324 |
Helvella cremeoinvoluta BJTC FM941-B China | Helvella cremeoinvoluta | BJTC FM941-B | China | OR355154 | OR355325 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90585 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90585 | China | KX507002 | OR355183 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90583 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90583 | China | KX507001 | OR355184 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90535 holotype China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90535, holotype | China | KU739803 | —— |
Helvella cystidiata HKAS 74316 China | Helvella cystidiata | HKAS 74316 | China | KX239840 | KX239803 |
Helvella cystidiata HKAS 78941 holotype China | Helvella cystidiata | HKAS 78941, holotype | China | KX239839 | KX239802 |
Helvella cystidiata HMJAU 52 China | Helvella cystidiata | HMJAU 52 | China | OQ600295 | OQ586684 |
Helvella cystidiata HMJAU 150 China | Helvella cystidiata | HMJAU 150 | China | OQ600296 | OQ586685 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP398 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP398 | China | OR355044 | OR355214 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP428 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP428 | China | OR355045 | OR355215 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP649 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP649 | China | OR355046 | OR355216 |
Helvella danica BJTC L235 China | Helvella danica | BJTC L235 | China | OR355047 | OR355217 |
Helvella danica BJTC SBP022 China | Helvella danica | BJTC SBP022 | China | OR355048 | OR355218 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1249 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1249 | China | OR355049 | OR355219 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH370 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH370 | China | OR355050 | OR355220 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH883 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH883 | China | OR355051 | OR355221 |
Helvella danica BJTC FM1053 China | Helvella danica | BJTC FM1053 | China | OR355052 | OR355222 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1122 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1122 | China | OR355053 | OR355223 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP544 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP544 | China | OR355054 | OR355224 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH522 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH522 | China | OR355055 | OR355225 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1190 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1190 | China | OR355056 | OR355226 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP255 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP255 | China | OR355057 | OR355227 |
Helvella danica BJTC FM2577 China | Helvella danica | BJTC FM2577 | China | OR355058 | OR355228 |
Helvella danica BJTC SBP199 China | Helvella danica | BJTC SBP199 | China | OR355171 | OR355342 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1360 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1360 | China | OR355177 | OR355351 |
Helvella deflexa HSA 240-A1 holotype China | Helvella deflexa | HSA 240-A1, holotype | China | OR355069 | OR355239 |
Helvella deflexa HSA 240-A2 China | Helvella deflexa | HSA 240-A2 | China | OR355070 | OR355240 |
Helvella ephippioides HMJAU 44584 China | Helvella ephippioides | HMJAU 44584 | China | OR355107 | OR355277 |
Helvella sp. HMJAU 20134 China | Helvella ephippioides | HMJAU 20134 | China | KX506996 | KX506951 |
Helvella macropus Y090607 China | Helvella ephippioides | Y090607 | China | OL678130 | —— |
Helvella fistulosa BJTC 1976 China | Helvella fistulosa | BJTC 1976 | China | OR355061 | OR355231 |
Helvella flavostipitata HSA 387-A holotype China | Helvella flavostipitata | HSA 387-A, holotype | China | OR355035 | OR355205 |
Helvella flavostipitata HSA 387-B China | Helvella flavostipitata | HSA 387-B | China | OR355036 | OR355206 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-109 China | Helvella flavostipitata | NX3-109 | China | LC623405 | —— |
Helvella floriforma HKAS 90224 holotype China | Helvella floriforma | HKAS90224 | China | —— | KX239771 |
Helvella fulva HMAS 290906 holotype China | Helvella fulva | HMAS 290906, holotype | China | OQ600297 | OQ586686 |
Helvella galeriformis HSA 232 epitype China | Helvella galeriformis | HSA 232, epitype | China | OR355066 | OR355236 |
Helvella galeriformis HSA 240-B China | Helvella galeriformis | HSA 240-B | China | OR355067 | OR355237 |
Helvella galeriformis BJTC FM2574 China | Helvella galeriformis | BJTC FM2574 | China | OR355068 | OR355238 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 68122 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 68122 | China | KX506976 | KX506931 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 57139 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 57439 | China | KX506975 | KX506930 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87759 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 87759 | China | KX506974 | KX506929 |
Helvella huangii HMAS 290907 China | Helvella huangii | HMAS 290907 | China | OQ600298 | OQ586687 |
Helvella huangii HMAS 45031 holotype China | Helvella huangii | HMAS 45031, holotype | China | OQ600299 | OQ586688 |
Helvella huangii HMJAU 3488 China | Helvella huangii | HMJAU 3488 | China | OQ600300 | OQ586689 |
Helvella huangii BJTC C375 China | Helvella huangii | BJTC C375 | China | OR355175 | OR355349 |
Helvella involuta BJTC FM2940 China | Helvella involuta | BJTC FM2940 | China | OR355157 | OR355328 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 74281 holotype China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 74281, holotype | China | KT215608 | KR493492 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 69966 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 69966 | China | JX462589 | KR493497 |
Helvella jizushanica HMAS 290908 holotype China | Helvella jizushanica | HMAS 290908, holotype | China | OQ600301 | OQ586690 |
Helvella jizushanica HMAS 59718 China | Helvella jizushanica | HMAS 59718 | China | OQ600302 | OQ586691 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 69079 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 69079 | China | KX239830 | KX239793 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 72598 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 72598 | China | KX239829 | KX239792 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90221 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 90221 | China | KX239828 | KX239791 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 69079 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 69079 | China | KX239830 | KX239793 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 72598 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 72598 | China | KX239829 | KX239792 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90221 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 90221 | China | KX239828 | KX239791 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM1162 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM1162 | China | OR355108 | OR355278 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM1414 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM1414 | China | OR355109 | OR355279 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM546 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM546 | China | OR355110 | OR355280 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM573 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM573 | China | OR355111 | OR355281 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM813 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM813 | China | OR355112 | OR355282 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM907 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM907 | China | OR355113 | OR355283 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM917 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM914 | China | OR355114 | OR355284 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM947 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM947 | China | OR355115 | OR355285 |
Helvella pseudolacunosa HKAS 87594 holotype China | Helvella lacunosa | HKAS 87594, holotype | China | KR493476 | KU739814 |
Helvella pseudolacunosa HMJAU 4533 China | Helvella lacunosa | HMJAU 4533 | China | MG871284 | MG871319 |
Helvella liui HMAS 85725 holotype China | Helvella liui | HMAS 85725, holotype | China | OQ600310 | —— |
Uncultured Helvella XT13106 China | Helvella liui | XT13106 | China | MF405782 | —— |
Uncultured Helvella Q-L-OTU66 China | Helvella liui | Q-L-OTU66 | China | KY684424 | —— |
Helvella lobata HMAS 290910 holotype China | Helvella lobata | HMAS 290910, holotype | China | OQ600311 | OQ586698 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 87827 China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 87827 | China | KU739859 | KU167472 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 90590 holotype China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 90590, holotype | China | KU739858 | KU167473 |
Helvella magna HMAS 60679 holotype China | Helvella magna | HMAS 60679, holotype | China | OQ600315 | OQ586702 |
Helvella magna HMAS 290911 China | Helvella magna | HMAS 290911 | China | OQ600312 | OQ586699 |
Helvella magna HMAS 290912 China | Helvella magna | HMAS 290912 | China | OQ600313 | OQ586700 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM1046 China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM1046 | China | —— | OR355287 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM2486-A China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM2486-A | China | OR355117 | OR355288 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM2486-B China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM2486-B | China | OR355118 | OR355289 |
Uncultured Helvella XJG9 China | Helvella magna | XJG9 | China: Inner Mongolia | JX129157 | —— |
Uncultured fungus QH142 China | Helvella magna | QH-142 | China:Qinghai Province | LC623504 | —— |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM1130 holotype China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM1130 | China | OR355100 | OR355270 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM1131 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM1131 | China | OR355101 | OR355271 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM264 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM264 | China | OR355102 | OR355272 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM305 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM305 | China | OR355103 | OR355273 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM2484 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM2484 | China | OR355104 | OR355274 |
Helvella multiformis HSA 362 China | Helvella multiformis | HSA 362 | China | OR355172 | OR355343 |
Helvella neofistulosa BJTC ZH1213 holotype China | Helvella neofistulosa | BJTC ZH1213, holotype | China | OR355059 | OR355229 |
Helvella neofistulosa BJTC ZH1251 China | Helvella neofistulosa | BJTC ZH1251 | China | OR355060 | OR355230 |
Helvella nigrorava BJTC ZH67 holotype China | Helvella nigrorava | BJTC ZH67 | China | OR355105 | OR355275 |
Uncultured Helvella XT12787 China | Helvella nigrorava | XT12787 | China | MF405780 | —— |
Helvella nordlandica BJTC FM346-A China | Helvella nordlandica | BJTC FM346-A | China | OR355081 | OR355251 |
Helvella nordlandica BJTC FM346-B China | Helvella nordlandica | BJTC FM346-B | China | —— | OR355344 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC ZH1364 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC ZH1364 | China | OR355178 | OR355352 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC BP066 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC BP066 | China | OR355158 | OR355329 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC C578 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC C578 | China | OR355159 | OR355330 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM418 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM418 | China | OR355160 | OR355331 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC SBP126 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC SBP126 | China | OR355161 | OR355332 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC ZH744 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC ZH744 | China | OR355162 | OR355333 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM2480 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM2480 | China | OR355163 | OR355334 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM2481 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM2481 | China | OR355164 | OR355335 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM2482 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM2482 | China | OR355165 | OR355336 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 74319 holotype China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 74319, holotype | China | JX462598 | KR493503 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90531 China | Helvella orentitomentosa | HKAS 90531 | China | KX506999 | —— |
Helvella parva HMAS 290914 holotype China | Helvella parva | HMAS 290914, holotype | China | OQ600323 | OQ586710 |
Helvella philonotis HMAS 290915 China | Helvella philonotis | HMAS 290915 | China | OQ600324 | OQ586711 |
Helvella philonotis HMAS 264754 China | Helvella philonotis | HMAS 264754 | China | OQ600327 | OQ586712 |
Helvella phlebophora HMAS 268001 China | Helvella phlebophora | HMAS 268001 | China | OQ600328 | OQ586713 |
Helvella phlebophoropsis HMAS 85654 holotype China | Helvella phlebophoropsis | HMAS 85654, holotype | China | OQ600329 | —— |
Helvella plateata HMAS 290916 China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 290916 | China | OQ600330 | OQ586714 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 270642 holotype China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 270642, holotype | China | OQ600331 | OQ586715 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 290917 China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 290917 | China | OQ600332 | OQ586716 |
Helvella pseudoalpina TROM-F-610048 Norway | Helvella pseudoalpina | TROM-F-610048 | Norway | MN656173 | MN655866 |
Helvella pseudoelastica BJTC C351-A holotype China | Helvella pseudoelastica | BJTC C351-A?holotype | China | OR355170 | OR355341 |
Helvella pseudoelastica BJTC C351-B China | Helvella pseudoelastica | BJTC C351-B | China | OR355174 | OR355348 |
Helvella pseudofallax HSA 356 holotype China | Helvella pseudofallax | HAS 356, holotype | China | OR355083 | OR355253 |
Helvella pseudofallax BJTC ZH1283 China | Helvella pseudofallax | BJTC ZH1283 | China | OR355084 | OR355254 |
Helvella pseudofallax BJTC FM1148 China | Helvella pseudofallax | BJTC FM1148 | China | OR355085 | OR355255 |
Helvella pseudopezizoides BJTC FM1045-A holotype China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | BJTC FM1045-A, holotype | China | OR355089 | OR355259 |
Helvella pseudopezizoides BJTC FM1045-B China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | BJTC FM1045-B | China | OR355090 | OR355260 |
Uncultured Helvella DLS1758 China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | DLS1758 | China | KX444420 | —— |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP163 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP163 | China | OR355134 | OR355305 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP228 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP228 | China | OR355135 | OR355306 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP760 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP760 | China | OR355136 | OR355307 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC C549 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC C549 | China | OR355137 | OR355308 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM1019 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM1019 | China | OR355138 | OR355309 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM1409 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM1409 | China | OR355139 | OR355310 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM270 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM270 | China | OR355140 | OR355311 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM271 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM271 | China | OR355141 | OR355312 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM284 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM284 | China | OR355142 | OR355313 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC L489 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC L489 | China | OR355143 | OR355314 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 225 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 225 | China | OR355144 | OR355315 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 313 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 313 | China | OR355145 | OR355316 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 332 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 332 | China | OR355146 | OR355317 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 364 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 364 | China | OR355147 | OR355318 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 404 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 404 | China | OR355148 | OR355319 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC ZH1229 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC ZH1229 | China | OR355149 | OR355320 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC ZH1269 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC ZH1269 | China | OR355150 | OR355321 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC ZH1303 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC ZH1303 | China | OR355151 | OR355322 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM2490 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM2490 | China | OR355152 | OR355323 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 75438 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 74311, holotype | China | JX462593 | KR493500 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 74311 holotype China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 75438 | China | JX462595 | KR493499 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC BP020 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC BP020 | China | OR355093 | OR355263 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC C511 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC C511 | China | OR355094 | OR355264 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM1167 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM1167 | China | OR355095 | OR355265 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM244 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM244 | China | OR355096 | OR355266 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM259 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM259 | China | OR355097 | OR355267 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM918 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM918 | China | OR355098 | OR355268 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC SBP025 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC SBP025 | China | OR355099 | OR355269 |
Helvella ravida HMAS 290919 holotype China | Helvella ravida | HMAS 290919, holotype | China | OQ600334 | OQ586718 |
Helvella ravida HMAS 61920 China | Helvella ravida | HMAS 61920 | China | OQ600335 | OQ586719 |
Uncultured Helvella China | Helvella ravida | —— | China | LT967133 | —— |
Helvella ravida HSA 375 | Helvella ravida | HSA 375 | China | OR355124 | OR355295 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 87587 holotype China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 87587, holotype | China: Yunnan province | KR493478 | MG871320 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 75442 China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 75442 | China: Yunnan province | KR493475 | KR493511 |
Helvella rugosa HMAS 290920 China | Helvella rugosa | HMAS 290920 | China | OQ600336 | OQ586720 |
Helvella rugosa HMAS 290921 China | Helvella rugosa | HMAS 290921 | China | OQ600337 | OQ586721 |
Helvella scyphoides BJTC FM1158 China | Helvella scyphoides | BJTC FM1158 | China | OR355073 | OR355243 |
Helvella scyphoides BJTC FM899 China | Helvella scyphoides | BJTC FM899 | China | OR355074 | OR355244 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 166 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 166 | China | OR355075 | OR355245 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 239 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 239 | China | OR355076 | OR355246 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 336 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 336 | China | OR355077 | OR355247 |
Helvella sichuanensis 10706 holotype China | Helvella sichuanensis | 10706, holotype | China | OR355014 | MK592107 |
Helvella sinocrispa BJTC FM96-A holotype China | Helvella sinocrispa | BJTC FM96-A?holotype | China | OR355155 | OR355326 |
Helvella sinocrispa BJTC FM96-B China | Helvella sinocrispa | BJTC FM96-B | China | OR355156 | OR355327 |
Helvella cf. crispa HKAS 80056 China | Helvella sinocrispa | HKAS 80056 | China | KU739898 | —— |
Helvella cf. crispa HKAS 90591 China | Helvella sinocrispa | HKAS 90591 | China | KU739897 | —— |
Helvella sinohyperborea BJTC FM105 holotype China | Helvella sinohyperborea | BJTC FM105?holotype | China | OR355132 | OR355303 |
Helvella sinohyperborea BJTC FM165 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | BJTC FM165 | China | OR355133 | OR355304 |
Uncultured Helvella NXHLS462 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | NXHLS462 | China: Helan Mountains | KX510013 | —— |
Uncultured Helvella 1 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | 1 | China: inner Mongolia | FJ803929 | —— |
Helvella solitaria BJTC FM417 China | Helvella solitaria | BJTC FM417 | China | OR355131 | OR355302 |
Helvella solitaria HMAS 27727 China | Helvella solitaria | HMAS 27727 | China | MK592147 | —— |
Helvella sp. HKAS 54995 China | Helvella sp. 5 | HKAS 54995 | China | KR493473 | KR493505 |
Uncultured Helvella M11305 China | Helvella sp. 5 | M11305 | China | KR493446 | —— |
Helvella cf. compressa HKAS 49364 China | Helvella sp. 14 | HKAS 49364 | China | JX462569 | —— |
Helvella compressa HKAS 45788 China | Helvella sp. 15 | HKAS 45788 | China | KU739801 | KU739829 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 54996 China | Helvella sp. 18 | HKAS 54996 | China | KX506992 | —— |
Helvella sp. HKAS 74023 China | Helvella sp. 18 | HKAS 74023 | China | KX506991 | —— |
Uncultured Helvella XT13139 China | Helvella sp. 18 | XT13139 | China | MF405783 | —— |
Uncultured fungus BJ-397 China | Helvella sp. 22 | BJ-397 | China | LC623053 | —— |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90567 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90567 | China | KX506961 | KX506913 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90569 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90569 | China | KX506963 | KX506915 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90568 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90568 | China | KX506962 | KX506914 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90605 China | Helvella sp. 24 | HKAS 90605 | China | KX506965 | KX506918 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87864 China | Helvella sp. 24 | HKAS 87864 | China | MG871286 | MG871322 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90626 China | Helvella sp. 25 | HKAS 90626 | China | KX506967 | KX506920 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 67939 China | Helvella sp. 26 | HKAS 67939 | China | KX506966 | KX506919 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 76318 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 76318 | China | KX506981 | KX506936 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78930 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 78930 | China | KX506978 | KX506933 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 70217 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 70217 | China | KX506977 | KX506932 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90604 China | Helvella sp. 28 | HKAS 90604 | China | KX506995 | KX506950 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 95081 China | Helvella sp. 29 | HKAS 95081 | China | KX506985 | KX506940 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 95080 China | Helvella sp. 29 | HKAS 95080 | China | KX506984 | KX506939 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90627 China | Helvella sp. 29 | HKAS 90627 | China | KX506983 | KX506938 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87779 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 87779 | China | KX506970 | KX506923 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78921 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 78921 | China | KX506969 | KX506922 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90574 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 90574 | China | KX506971 | KX506924 |
Helvella sp. BJTC ZH139 China | Helvella sp. 31 | BJTC ZH139 | China | OR355080 | OR355250 |
Uncultured Helvella LKS1028 China | Helvella sp. 31 | LKS1028 | China: Shanxi Province | KX444354 | —— |
Uncultured fungus NX1-4504 China | Helvella sp. 32 | NX1-4504 | China:Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region | LC622784 | —— |
Uncultured fungus NX2-123 China | Helvella sp. 32 | NX2-123 | China:Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region | LC623361 | —— |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87756 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87756 | China | KX239836 | KX239799 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87757 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87757 | China | KX239837 | KX239800 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87755 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87755 | China | KX239835 | KX239798 |
Helvella sp. HSA 150-A China | Helvella sp. 59 | HSA 150-A | China | —— | OR355345 |
Helvella sp. HSA 150-B China | Helvella sp. 59 | HSA 150-B | China | —— | OR355346 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC C614 China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC C614 | China | OR355086 | OR355256 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC FM1049 China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC FM1049 | China | OR355087 | OR355257 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC FM2686 holotype China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC FM2686, holotype | China | OR355088 | OR355258 |
Helvella sublactea BJTC FM1082 China | Helvella sublactea | BJTC FM1082 | China | OR355122 | OR355293 |
Helvella sublactea BJTC FM347 China | Helvella sublactea | BJTC FM347 | China | OR355123 | OR355294 |
Helvella sublactea HKAS 69753 holotype China | Helvella sublactea | HKAS 69753, holotype | China | KT894825 | KT894832 |
Helvella subspadicea HKAS 90624 China | Helvella subspadicea | HKAS 90624 | China | KU739797 | KU739822 |
Helvella subspadicea HKAS 56656 holotype China | Helvella subspadicea | HKAS 56656, holotype | China | JX462574 | NG_059663 |
Helvella subtinta BJTC FM1307 China | Helvella subtinta | BJTC FM1307 | China | OR355130 | OR355301 |
Helvella subtinta HKAS 104666 holotype China | Helvella subtinta | HKAS 104666, holotype | China | MN449991 | MN449992 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC FM1416 holotype China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC FM1416, holotype | China | OR355119 | OR355290 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC FM263 China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC FM263 | China | OR355120 | OR355291 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC ZH1231 China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC ZH1231 | China | OR355121 | OR355292 |
Helvella taiyuanensis BJTC FM192 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | BJTC FM192 | China | OR355167 | OR355338 |
Helvella taiyuanensis BJTC FM861 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | BJTC FM861 | China | OR355168 | OR355339 |
Helvella taiyuanensis HMAS 277500 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | HMAS 277500 | China | MK592152 | MK592105 |
Helvella terricola HMAS 38355 China | Helvella terricola | HMAS 38355 | China | OQ600354 | —— |
Helvella tianshanensis BJTC FM175 China | Helvella tianshanensis | BJTC FM175 | China | OR355125 | OR355296 |
Helvella tianshanensis HSA 179 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HSA 179 | China | OR355126 | OR355297 |
Helvella tianshanensis HSA 185 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HSA 185 | China | OR355127 | OR355298 |
Helvella tianshanensis HMAS 86040 holotype China | Helvella tianshanensis | HMAS 86040, holotype | China | MK592157 | MK592108 |
Helvella tinta HKAS 82560 holotype China | Helvella tinta | HKAS 82560, holotype | China | KX239842 | KX239772 |
Helvella varia HMAS 270932 holotype China | Helvella varia | HMAS 270932, holotype | China | OQ600357 | OQ586737 |
Helvella varia HMAS 290929 China | Helvella varia | HMAS 290929 | China | OQ600359 | OQ586738 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78919 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 78919 | China | KX239818 | KX239781 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78918 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 78918 | China | KX239817 | KX239780 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90554 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90554 | China | KX239821 | KX239784 |
Helvella vulgata BJTC FM2621 China | Helvella vulgata | BJTC FM2621 | China | OR355116 | OR355286 |
Helvella xiaohuipan BJTC FM367 China | Helvella xiaohuipan | BJTC FM367 | China | OR355078 | OR355248 |
Helvella xiaohuipan BJTC FM2317 holotype China | Helvella xiaohuipan | BJTC FM2317, holotype | China | OR355079 | OR355249 |
Helvella yunnanensis HMAS 290933 holotype China | Helvella yunnanensis | HMAS 290933, holotype | China | OQ600366 | OQ586744 |
Helvella yunnanensis HMAS 290934 China | Helvella yunnanensis | HMAS 290934 | China | OQ600367 | OQ586745 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74343 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74343 | China | JX462583 | KR493489 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74335 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74335 | China | JX462578 | KR493484 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74339 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74339 | China | JX462582 | KR493488 |
Table S3.
Specimens used in Acetabulum clade ITS phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated
Taxa Name in Analysis | Taxon name | Voucher specimen | Country | ITS GenBank |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 137 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 137 | China | OR355181 |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 169 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 169 | China | OR355182 |
Helvella acetabuloides CFSZ2044 holotype China | Helvella acetabuloides | CFSZ2044, holotype | China | OR355015 |
Helvella acetabuloides BJTC FM1264 China | Helvella acetabuloides | BJTC FM1264 | China | OR355166 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 23839 China | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 23839 | China | MK592112 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 75176 Chin | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 75176 | China | MK592117 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 7046 Czech | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 7046 | Czech | MK592116 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 23841 China | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 23841 | China | MK592113 |
uncultured ectomycorrhiza 2 Italy | Helvella acetabulum | 2 | Italy | AJ879678 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 38129 China | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 38129 | China | MK592115 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 243823 UK | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 243823 | UK | MK592114 |
Helvella sichuanensis 10706 holotype China | Helvella sichuanensis | 10706, holotype | China | OR355014 |
Helvella solitaria BJTC FM417 China | Helvella solitaria | BJTC FM417 | China | OR355131 |
Helvella solitaria HMAS 41140 China | Helvella solitaria | HMAS 41140 | China | MK592148 |
Helvella ulvinenii HKAS 87723 China | Helvella solitaria | HKAS 87723 | China | KU739866 |
uncultured Helvella | Helvella solitaria | —— | China | OW846376 |
Helvella solitaria HMAS 27727 China | Helvella solitaria | HMAS 27727 | China | MK592147 |
Helvella sp. OTU 533s | Helvella solitaria | OTU 533s | —— | MT095652 |
Helvella sp. OTU 19 | Helvella solitaria | OTU 19 | —— | MK959127 |
Helvella solitaria HMAS 75175 China | Helvella solitaria | HMAS 75175 | China | MK592150 |
Helvella solitaria HMAS 73509 China | Helvella solitaria | HMAS 73509 | China | MK592149 |
Helvella acetabulum N01 Iran | Helvella sp. 1 | N01 | Iran | MK088073 |
Helvella acetabulum N11 Iran | Helvella sp. 1 | N11 | Iran | MK088072 |
Helvella sp. OTU 535s | Helvella sp. 2 | OTU 535s | —— | MT095654 |
Helvella taiyuanensis BJTC FM192 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | BJTC FM192 | China | OR355167 |
Helvella taiyuanensis BJTC FM861 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | BJTC FM861 | China | OR355168 |
Helvella taiyuanensis MCCNNU6499 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | MCCNNU6499 | China | MK592154 |
Helvella taiyuanensis HMAS 85689 neotype China | Helvella taiyuanensis | HMAS 85689, neotype | China | MK592153 |
Helvella taiyuanensis HMAS 277500 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | HMAS 277500 | China | MK592152 |
Helvella taiyuanensis 119250 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | 119250 | China | MK592151 |
Table S4.
Specimens used in Crispa clade ITS phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.
Taxon name in analyses | Taxon name | Voucher specimen | Country | ITS GenBank |
Dissingia oblongispora | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 137 | China | OR355181 |
Dissingia oblongispora | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 169 | China | OR355182 |
Helvella cremeoinvoluta BJTC FM941-A holotype China | Helvella cremeoinvoluta | BJTC FM941-A, holotype | China | OR355153 |
Helvella cremeoinvoluta BJTC FM941-B China | Helvella cremeoinvoluta | BJTC FM941-B | China | OR355154 |
Helvella cf. crispa HKAS 69968 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 69968 | China | KR493474 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90585 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90585 | China | KX507002 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90583 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90583 | China | KX507001 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90535 holotype China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90535, holotype | China | KU739803 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78906 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78906 | China | KU739877 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78920 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78920 | China | KU739878 |
Helvella reflexa HKAS 69818 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS6 69818 | China | JX462591 |
Helvella reflexa HKAS 69819 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS6 69819 | China | JX462590 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78992 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78992 | China | KU739883 |
uncultured Helvella M11300 China | Helvella involuta | M11300 | China | KR493441 |
Helvella reflexa HKAS 69723 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 69723 | China | JX462587 |
Helvella involuta FA372 Pakistan | Helvella involuta | FA372 | Pakistan | MW447509 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78781 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78781 | China | KU739884 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 87833 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 87833 | China | KU739888 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 87786 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 87786 | China | KU739885 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 90223 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 90223 | China | KU739887 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78929 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78929 | China | KU739879 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78986 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78986 | China | KU739882 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78933 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78933 | China | KU739880 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78982 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78982 | China | KU739881 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90584 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 90584 | China | KX506998 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 90220 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 90220 | China | KU739886 |
Helvella reflexa HKAS 69938 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 69938 | China | JX462588 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 88101 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 88101 | China | KU739889 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 74281 holotype China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 74281, holotype | China | KT215608 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 69966 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 69966 | China | JX462589 |
Helvella involuta BJTC FM2940 China | Helvella involuta | BJTC FM2940 | China | OR355157 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 90592 China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 90592 | China | KU739860 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 87827 China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 87827 | China | KU739859 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 80058 China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 80058 | China | KX507003 |
uncultured Helvella China | Helvella maculatoides | China | OW846951 | |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 90590 holotype China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 90590, holotype | China | KU739858 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 80057 China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 80057 | China | KU739861 |
Helvella sp. OTU 532s | Helvella maculatoides | OTU 532s | —— | MT095651 |
uncultured Helvella M11302 China | Helvella orienticrispa | M11302 | China | KR493443 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 78907 China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 78907 | China | KU739892 |
uncultured fungus BJ-270 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJ-270 | China | LC623028 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 75440 China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 75440 | China | KR493472 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 54998 China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 54998 | China | JX462596 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 90362 China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 90362 | China | KU739890 |
Helvella crispa ZQ8164 China | Helvella orienticrispa | ZQ8164 | China | FJ859345 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 74319 holotype China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 74319, holotype | China | JX462598 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 75435 China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 75435 | China | KR493471 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 75439 China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 75439 | China | JX462597 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM2481 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM2481 | China | OR355164 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC SBP126 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC SBP126 | China | OR355161 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC C578 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC C578 | China | OR355159 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC ZH744 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC ZH744 | China | OR355162 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM418 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM418 | China | OR355160 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC BP066 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC BP066 | China | OR355158 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM2482 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM2482 | China | OR355165 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM2480 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM2480 | China | OR355163 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC ZH1364 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC ZH1364 | China | OR355178 |
Uncultured Helvella M11303 | Helvella pseudoreflexa | M11303 | —— | KR493444 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 88100 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 88100 | China | KU739893 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 58050 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 58050 | China | JX462594 |
Uncultured fungus SX-439 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | SX-439 | China | LC622906 |
Uncultured Helvella NXHLS549b China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | NXHLS549b | China | KX510012 |
Helvella sp. HMJAU 7549 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HMJAU 7549 | China | KR493468 |
Helvella sp. HMJAU 20049 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HMJAU 20049 | China | KR493469 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HMJAU 20733 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HMJAU 20733 | China | KU739894 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 90606 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 90606 | China | KU739896 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 74311 holotype China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 74311, holotype | China | JX462593 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 75438 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 75438 | China | JX462595 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 69751 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 69751 | China | JX462592 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 404 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 404 | China | OR355148 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 364 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 364 | China | OR355147 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM270 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM270 | China | OR355140 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM271 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM271 | China | OR355141 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC C549 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC C549 | China | OR355137 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM1019 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM1019 | China | OR355138 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP228 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP228 | China | OR355135 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM284 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM284 | China | OR355142 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM2490 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM2490 | China | OR355152 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC ZH1269 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC ZH1269 | China | OR355150 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 332 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 332 | China | OR355146 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM1409 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM1409 | China | OR355139 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 313 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 313 | China | OR355145 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC ZH1229 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC ZH1229 | China | OR355149 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC L489 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC L489 | China | OR355143 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC ZH1303 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC ZH1303 | China | OR355151 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP163 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP163 | China | OR355134 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP760 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP760 | China | OR355136 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 225 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 225 | China | OR355144 |
Helvella sinocrispa BJTC FM96-A holotype China | Helvella sinocrispa | BJTC FM96-A, holotype | China | OR355155 |
Helvella sinocrispa BJTC FM96-B China | Helvella sinocrispa | BJTC FM96-B | China | OR355156 |
Helvella orienticrispa OTU 531s | Helvella sinocrispa | OTU 531s | —— | MT095650 |
Helvella cf. crispa HKAS 80056 China | Helvella sinocrispa | HKAS 80056 | China | KU739898 |
Helvella cf. crispa HKAS 90591 China | Helvella sinocrispa | HKAS 90591 | China | KU739897 |
Helvella crispa DBG:F-029853 USA | Helvella sinocrispa | DBG:F-029853 | USA | OP178203 |
Fungal sp. ARIZPM082D USA | Helvella sp. 3 | ARIZ:PM082D | USA | MG761293 |
Fungal sp. ARIZPM082E USA | Helvella sp. 3 | ARIZ:PM082E | USA | MG761294 |
Helvella sp. S.D. Russell MycoMap 7717 USA | Helvella sp. 4 | S.D. Russell MycoMap 7717 | USA | MK532852 |
Uncultured Helvella | Helvella sp. 5 | M11305 | China | KR493446 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 54995 China | Helvella sp. 5 | HKAS 54995 | China | KR493473 |
Helvella crispa ZQ8292 | Helvella sp. 5 | ZQ8292 | —— | FJ859344 |
Helvella crispa HKAS 84894 Germany | Helvella sp. 6 | HKAS 84894 | Germany | KU739871 |
Helvella crispa HKAS 75434 Germany | Helvella sp. 6 | HKAS 75434 | Germany | JX462572 |
Uncultured Helvella LMBC21b-10 France | Helvella sp. 7 | LMBC21b-10 | France | JF506760 |
Uncultured Helvella clone M11304 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | clone M11304 | China | KR493445 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74343 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74343 | China | JX462583 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74335 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74335 | China | JX462578 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74339 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74339 | China | JX462582 |
Uncultured Helvella clone M11306 | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | clone M11306 | —— | KR493447 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 78932 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 78932 | China | KU739873 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74320 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74320 | China | JX462577 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HMJAU 5983 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HMJAU 5983 | China | KR493466 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 82414 Chin | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 82414 | China | KU739872 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 75436 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 75436 | China | JX462585 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 75437 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 75437 | China | JX462586 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 87832 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 87832 | China | KU739876 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 75441 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 75441 | China | JX462584 |
uncultured fungus hozan2022-336PREMIX-NC2-2-1-TDCHIkuro336 Japan | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | hozan2022_336-PREMIX_NC2_2_1_TDCHIkuro336 | Japan | LC711401 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis 11299 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | 11299 | China | MG847000 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 78987 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 78987 | China | KU739874 |
uncultured fungus 745_CC1_M10_1_sucha Japan | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | 745_CC1_M10_1_sucha | Japan | LC711402 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS87828 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 87828 | China | KU739875 |
Helvella crispa HMJAU 37502 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HMJAU 37502 | China | OL678122 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74338 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74338 | China | JX462581 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74337 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74337 | China | JX462580 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74336 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74336 | China | JX462579 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis UnivM10 Iraq | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | Univ.M10 | Iraq | ON256165 |
Table S5.
Specimens used in Elastica clade ITS phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.
Taxa Name in Analysis | Taxon name | Voucher specimen | Country | ITS GenBank |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 137 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 137 | China | OR355181 |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 169 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 169 | China | OR355182 |
Helvella albopatella BJTC FM2610-A holotype China | Helvella albopatella | BJTC FM2610-A, holotype | China | OR355082 |
Uncultured Pezizales LP110032 China | Helvella albopatella | LP110032 | China | JQ318620 |
Uncultured Pezizales LP110049 China | Helvella albopatella | LP110049 | China | JQ318637 |
Uncultured Pezizales Q-L-OTU137 China | Helvella albopatella | Q-L-OTU137 | China | KY684495 |
Helvella elastica 420526MF0358 China | Helvella albopatella | 420526MF0358 | China | MH142031 |
Helvella albopatella BJTC FM2610-B China | Helvella albopatella | BJTC FM2610-B | China | OR355176 |
Helvella alborava BJTC C316-B China | Helvella alborava | BJTC C316-B | China | OR355106 |
Helvella alborava BJTC C316-A holotype China | Helvella alborava | BJTC C316-A, holotype | China | OR355173 |
Uncultured Helvella XT12876 China | Helvella alborava | XT12876 | China | MF405781 |
Uncultured fungus DLS1356 China | Helvella alborava | DLS1356 | China | KX444422 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90550 Thailand | Helvella atroides | HKAS 90550 | Thailand | KU739813 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90546 Thailand | Helvella atroides | HKAS 90546 | Thailand | KU739812 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 69065 China | Helvella atroides | HKAS 69065 | China | KX507000 |
Helvella bachu BJTC FM382 China | Helvella bachu | BJTC FM382 | China | OR355062 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 88106 China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 88106 | China | KU739792 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 88105 holotype China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 88105, holotype | China | KU739791 |
Helvella leucopus RaShTa-IRAQ-10 Iraq | Helvella bachu | RaShTa-IRAQ-10 | Iraq | ON667918 |
Helvella leucopus Kashi1 China | Helvella bachu | Kashi1 | China | KC137337 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 90620 China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 90620 | China | KU739795 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 90618 China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 90618 | China | KU739793 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 90619 China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 90619 | China | KU739794 |
Helvella bicolor O-255759 Norway Nordland | Helvella bicolor | O-255759 | Norway: Nordland | MN656168 |
Helvella albella H05081501 Italy | Helvella bicolor | H05081501 | Italy | JX462568 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM272 China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM272 | China | OR355064 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM269 China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM269 | China | OR355063 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM911 holotype China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM911, holotype | China | OR355065 |
Helvella caespitosa HSA 379-A holotype China | Helvella caespitosa | HSA 379-A, holotype | China | OR355091 |
Helvella caespitosa HSA 379-B China | Helvella caespitosa | HSA 379-B | China | OR355092 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-129 China | Helvella caespitosa | NX3-129 | China | LC623411 |
Uncultured fungus NX1-4330 China | Helvella caespitosa | NX1-4330 | China | LC622748 |
Uncultured Helvella NXHLS248 China | Helvella caespitosa | NXHLS248 | China | KX510014 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1094 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1094 | China | OR355037 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM909 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM909 | China | OR355042 |
Helvella capucinoides HMJAU 33777 China | Helvella capucinoides | HMJAU 33777 | China | OR355043 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1156 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1156 | China | OR355038 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM884 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM884 | China | OR355041 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1423 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1423 | China | OR355039 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM242 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM242 | China | OR355040 |
Uncultured fungus hozan2022_621-PREMIX_NC3_9_1_TDsu621 Japan | Helvella capucinoides | hozan2022_621-PREMIX_NC3_9_1_TDsu621 | Japan | LC711404 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F21000 Canada | Helvella capucinoides | UBC: F21000 | Canada | MZ970429 |
Fungal sp. H12B4 USA | Helvella capucinoides | H12B4 | USA | MZ017386 |
Helvella elastica HB451 China | Helvella capucinoides | HB451 | China | MH366774 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM923 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM923 | China | OR355169 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2478 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2478 | China | OR355032 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM274 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM274 | China | OR355022 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM316 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM316 | China | OR355025 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM1032 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM1032 | China | OR355021 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM298 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM298 | China | OR355024 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM297 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM297 | China | OR355023 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2479 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2479 | China | OR355033 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM376 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM376 | China | OR355026 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP043 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP043 | China | OR355017 |
Helvella carnosa HSA 343 China | Helvella carnosa | HSA 434 | China | OR355029 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2499 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2499 | China | OR355034 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2619 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2619 | China | OR355031 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP724 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP724 | China | OR355020 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP718 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP718 | China | OR355019 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC SBP287 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC SBP287 | China | OR355030 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP030 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP030 | China | OR355016 |
Helvella carnosa HSA 360 China | Helvella carnosa | HSA 360 | China | OR355028 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2494 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM953 | China | OR355027 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2495 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP060 | China | OR355018 |
Uncultured fungus QH-207 China | Helvella carnosa | QH-207 | China | LC623523 |
Uncultured fungus QH-203 China | Helvella carnosa | QH-203 | China | LC623521 |
Uncultured fungus QH-183 China | Helvella carnosa | QH-183 | China | LC623515 |
Uncultured fungus QH-118 China | Helvella carnosa | QH-118 | China | LC623498 |
Uncultured fungus QH-115 China | Helvella carnosa | QH-115 | China | LC623497 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-295 China | Helvella carnosa | NX3-295 | China | LC623459 |
Uncultured fungus SN3-173 China | Helvella carnosa | SN3-173 | China | LC623299 |
Uncultured fungus QH-195 China | Helvella carnosa | QH-195 | China | LC623520 |
Uncultured fungus SX-442 China | Helvella carnosa | SX-442 | China | LC622907 |
Uncultured fungus SX-151 China | Helvella carnosa | SX-151 | China | LC622839 |
Helvella albella ZQ822 | Helvella carnosa | ZQ822 | —— | FJ859342 |
Uncultured Helvella NXHLS309a China | Helvella carnosa | NXHLS309a | China | KX510011 |
Uncultured fungus AG_K_106 Poland | Helvella carnosa | AG_K_106 | Poland | ON417272 |
Helvella capucina H090918031 Italy | Helvella cf. capucina | H090918031 | Italy | JX462564 |
Helvella capucina OTU 095r root tip | Helvella cf. capucina | OTU095r_root tip | —— | MT095215 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F27885 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F27885 | Canada | MZ970434 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F32721 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F32721 | Canada | MZ970439 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F25915 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F25915 | Canada | MZ970431 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F24339 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F24339 | Canada | MZ970430 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F28817 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F28817 | Canada | MZ970435 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F29255 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F29255 | Canada | MZ970437 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F28820 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F28820 | Canada | MZ970436 |
Helvella sp. JLF3283 USA | Helvella compressa | JLF3283 | USA | MH363719 |
Helvella convexa H761 Sweden | Helvella convexa | H761, holotype | Sweden | OQ641537 |
Helvella latispora H07090608 Italy | Helvella corbierei | H07090608 | Italy | JX462562 |
Helvella corbierei HSA 138 China | Helvella corbierei | HSA 138 | China | OR355071 |
Helvella corbierei HSA 181 China | Helvella corbierei | HSA 181 | China | OR355072 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP428 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP428 | China | OR355045 |
Helvella danica BJTC SBP022 China | Helvella danica | BJTC SBP022 | China | OR355048 |
Helvella danica BJTC FM1053 China | Helvella danica | BJTC FM1053 | China | OR355052 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH370 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH370 | China | OR355050 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1249 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1249 | China | OR355049 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP398 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP398 | China | OR355044 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH883 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH883 | China | OR355051 |
Helvella danica BJTC L235 China | Helvella danica | BJTC L235 | China | OR355047 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP649 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP649 | China | OR355046 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP544 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP544 | China | OR355054 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1122 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1122 | China | OR355053 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1190 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1190 | China | OR355056 |
Helvella danica BJTC FM2577 China | Helvella danica | BJTC FM2577 | China | OR355058 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP255 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP255 | China | OR355057 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH522 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH522 | China | OR355055 |
Helvella elastica HBAU 15710 | Helvella danica | HBAU 15710 | —— | MW862351 |
Uncultured fungus BJ-26 China | Helvella danica | BJ-26 | China | LC622970 |
Uncultured Helvella LKS1190 China | Helvella danica | LKS1190 | China: | KX444353 |
Uncultured fungus hozan2022_519-PREMIX_NC3_1_KOsu519 Japan | Helvella danica | hozan2022_519-PREMIX_NC3_2_1_KOsu519 | Japan | LC711407 |
Helvella aff. elastica UC 1999287 USA | Helvella danica | UC 1999287 | USA | KC147670 |
Helvella elastica S5 Russia | Helvella danica | S.5 | Russia | MG844979 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1360 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1360 | China | OR355177 |
Helvella danica BJTC SBP199 China | Helvella danica | BJTC SBP199 | China | OR355171 |
Helvella deflexa HSA 240-A1 holotype China | Helvella deflexa | HSA 240-A1, holotype | China | OR355069 |
Helvella deflexa HSA 240-A2 China | Helvella deflexa | HSA 240-A2 | China | OR355070 |
Helvella ephippioides HMJAU 44584 China | Helvella ephippioides | HMJAU 44584 | China | OR355107 |
Helvella sp. HMJAU 20134 China | Helvella ephippioides | HMJAU 20134 | China | KX506996 |
uncultured fungus d1048 PC2_MaTD_4_2_Tdsuhanhan Japan | Helvella ephippioides | d1048_PC2_MaTD_4_2_Tdsuhanhan | Japan | LC711390 |
uncultured fungus 739_CC1_M9_2_orecha Japan | Helvella ephippioides | 739_CC1_M9_2_orecha | Japan | LC711395 |
Helvella sp. OBASE00146 Japan | Helvella ephippioides | OBASE00146 | Japan | LC556122 |
Helvella macropusY090607 China | Helvella ephippioides | Y090607 | China | OL678130 |
uncultured Helvella szYM1451 Russia | Helvella ephippioides | szYM1451 | Russia | LC547536 |
Helvella sp. OBASE00179 | Helvella ephippioides | OBASE00179 | —— | LC556123 |
Helvella fistulosa BJTC 1976 China | Helvella fistulosa | BJTC 1976 | China | OR355061 |
Helvella elastica HKAS 88091 | Helvella fistulosa | HKAS 88091 | —— | MG871285 |
Helvella elastica ZQ8297 | Helvella fistulosa | ZQ8297 | —— | FJ859340 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90547 Thailand | Helvella fistulosa | HKAS 90547 | Thailand | KU739810 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90549 Thailand | Helvella fistulosa | HKAS 90549 | Thailand | KU739811 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90545 Thailand | Helvella fistulosa | HKAS 90545 | Thailand | KU739809 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-109 China | Helvella flavostipitata | NX3-109 | China | LC623405 |
Helvella albella KH278 Pakistan | Helvella flavostipitata | KH278 | Pakistan | MN814023 |
Helvella albella G802 | Helvella flavostipitata | G802 | —— | FJ859343 |
Helvella atra ENA22938 Pakistan | Helvella flavostipitata | ENA22938 | Pakistan | KF679807 |
Helvella albella FA364 | Helvella flavostipitata | FA364 | —— | MN747800 |
Helvella flavostipitata | Helvella flavostipitata | HSA 387-A | China | OR355035 |
Helvella flavostipitata | Helvella flavostipitata | HSA 387-B | China | OR355036 |
Helvella galeriformis HSA 240-B China | Helvella galeriformis | HSA 240-B | China | OR355067 |
Helvella galeriformis HSA 232 epitype China | Helvella galeriformis | HSA 232, epitype | China | OR355066 |
Helvella galeriformis BJTC FM2574 China | Helvella galeriformis | BJTC FM2574 | China | OR355068 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 68122 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 68122 | China | KX506976 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 57439 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 57439 | China | KX506975 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87759 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 87759 | China | KX506974 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 69733 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 69733 | China | KX506973 |
uncultured fungus HKAS 57439_06 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 57439_06 | China | KR493465 |
uncultured fungus HKAS 57439_05 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 57439_05 | China | KR493464 |
uncultured fungus HKAS 57439_07 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 57439_07 | China | KR493463 |
Helvella japonica H093 Japan | Helvella japonica | H093, holotype | Japan | OQ645455 |
Helvella japonica H2147 Norway | Helvella japonica | H2147 | Norway | OQ645454 |
Uncultured mycorrhizal fungus Iwate3-Helvella Japan | Helvella japonica | Iwate3-Helvella | Japan | AB428791 |
Helvella aff. ephippium UC 1999252 USA | Helvella japonica | UC 1999252 | USA | KC147669 |
Helvella macropus HKAS 84887 China | Helvella macropus | HKAS 84887 | China | KX506989 |
Helvella macropus HKAS 84891 Austria | Helvella macropus | HKAS 84891 | Austria | KX506988 |
Helvella macropus HKAS 84895 Austria | Helvella macropus | HKAS 84895 | Austria | KX506987 |
Helvella macropus HKAS 84893 Germany | Helvella macropus | HKAS 84893 | Germany | KX506986 |
Helvella macropus TENN 071798 USA North Carolina | Helvella macropus | TENN 071798 | USA: North Carolina | MG773834 |
Helvella macropus TENN 071657 USA Tennessee | Helvella macropus | TENN 071657 | USA: Tennessee | MF992152 |
Helvella macropus OKA 199 Turkey Artvin | Helvella macropus | OKA 199 | Turkey: Artvin | MF228806 |
Helvella macropus HKAS 78756 China | Helvella macropus | HKAS 78756 | China | KX506990 |
Uncultured ectomycorrhiza P11 Denmark | Helvella macropus | P11 | Denmark | AJ969435 |
Helvella macropus RAS214 USA | Helvella macropus | RAS214 | USA | MG773828 |
Uncultured fungus JS160923-58 South Korea | Helvella macropus | JS160923-58 | South Korea | MG407675 |
Uncultured fungus Japan | Helvella macropus | —— | Japan | LC711396 |
Helvella sp. S.D. Russell ONT NAMA2022 USA | Helvella macropus | S.D. Russell ONT NAMA2022 | USA | OP743632 |
Helvella spadicea HKAS 83154 Italy | Helvella monachella | HKAS 83154 | Italy | KU739798 |
Helvella leucopus H09050305 Italy | Helvella monachella | H09050305 | Italy | JX462565 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM264 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM264 | China | OR355102 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM1131 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM1131 | China | OR355101 |
Helvella multiformis HSA 362 China | Helvella multiformis | HSA 362 | China | OR355172 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM2484 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM2484 | China | OR355104 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM305 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM305 | China | OR355103 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM1130 holotype China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM1130, holotype | China | OR355100 |
Helvella sp. OTU 53 | Helvella multiformis | OTU53 | —— | MK959132 |
Uncultured fungus SX-381 China | Helvella multiformis | SX-381 | China | LC622890 |
Uncultured fungus NX1-4373 China | Helvella multiformis | NX1-4373 | China | LC622756 |
Helvella sp. 20210169 | Helvella multiformis | 20210169 | —— | OP805931 |
Helvella elastica F164 China | Helvella neofistulosa | F164 | China | FJ859341 |
Uncultured fungus hozan2022_668-PREMIX_NC3_12_1_KOsiro668 Japan | Helvella neofistulosa | hozan2022_668-PREMIX_NC3_12_1_KOsiro668 | Japan | LC711405 |
Helvella neofistulosa BJTC ZH1251 China | Helvella neofistulosa | BJTC ZH1251 | China | OR355060 |
Helvella neofistulosa BJTC ZH1213 holotype China | Helvella neofistulosa | BJTC ZH1213, holotype | China | OR355059 |
Helvella nordlandica BJTC FM346-A China | Helvella nordlandica | BJTC FM346-A | China | OR355081 |
Helvella nigrorava BJTC ZH67 holotype China | Helvella nigrorava | BJTC ZH67 | China | OR355105 |
Uncultured Helvella XT12787 China | Helvella nigrorava | XT12787 | China | MF405780 |
Helvella tomentosa HKAS 90543 Thailand | Helvella orentitomentosa | HKAS 90543 | Thailand | KU739808 |
Helvella tomentosa HKAS 90542 Thailand | Helvella orentitomentosa | HKAS 90542 | Thailand | KU739807 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90531 China | Helvella orentitomentosa | HKAS 90531 | China | KX506999 |
Helvella oroarctica H1983 Norway | Helvella oroarctica | H1983 | Norway | MN656177 |
Helvella pseudoelastica BJTC C351-A China | Helvella pseudoelastica | BJTC C351-A, holotype | China | OR355170 |
Helvella elastica KA12-1701 South Korea | Helvella pseudoelastica | KA12-1701 | South Korea | KR673633 |
Helvella pseudoelastica BJTC C351-B China | Helvella pseudoelastica | BJTC C351-B | China | OR355174 |
Helvella pseudofallax BJTC FM1148 China | Helvella pseudofallax | BJTC FM1148 | China | OR355085 |
Helvella pseudofallax HSA 356 holotype China | Helvella pseudofallax | HSA 356, holotype | China | OR355083 |
Helvella pseudofallax BJTC ZH1283 China | Helvella pseudofallax | BJTC ZH1283 | China | OR355084 |
Helvella pseudopezizoides BJTC FM1045-A holotype China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | BJTC FM1045-A, holotype | China | OR355089 |
Helvella pseudopezizoides BJTC FM1045-B China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | BJTC FM1045-B | China | OR355090 |
Uncultured Helvella DLS1758 China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | DLS1758 | China | KX444420 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM259 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM259 | China | OR355097 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM244 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM244 | China | OR355096 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC C511 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC C511 | China | OR355094 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC SBP025 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC SBP025 | China | OR355099 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM918 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM918 | China | OR355098 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC BP020 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC BP020 | China | OR355093 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM1167 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM1167 | China | OR355095 |
Helvella sp. LMKR1123 United Kingdom | Helvella pubescens | LMKR1123 | United Kingdom | MF352714 |
Helvella pulla H149 Norway | Helvella pulla | O-69282, H149 | Norway | MN656161 |
Helvella sp. OTU199 | Helvella pulla | OTU199 | —— | MK959129 |
Uncultured Pezizales OTU449 Belgium | Helvella pulla | OTU449 | Belgium | KU587035 |
Helvella rivularis O-255764 Norway | Helvella rivularis | O-255764 | Norway | MN656175 |
Helvella sp. OTU 540s | Helvella rivularis | OTU540s | —— | MT095659 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 166 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 166 | China | OR355075 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 239 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 239 | China | OR355076 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 336 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 336 | China | OR355077 |
Helvella scyphoides BJTC FM899 China | Helvella scyphoides | BJTC FM899 | China | OR355074 |
Helvella scyphoides BJTC FM1158 China | Helvella scyphoides | BJTC FM1158 | China | OR355073 |
Helvella pezizoides HKAS 90006 | Helvella scyphoides | HKAS 90006 | —— | MG871299 |
Helvella sp. 1 SE-2015 USA | Helvella sp. 8 | 1 SE-2015 | USA | KT275607 |
Helvella elastica HKAS 83158 Italy | Helvella sp. 9 | HKAS 83158 | Italy | KU739800 |
Helvella elastica HKAS 83157 Italy | Helvella sp. 9 | HKAS 83157 | Italy | KU739799 |
Uncultured Helvella 14059 Spain | Helvella sp. 9 | 14059 | Spain | MW282724 |
Uncultured fungus PR_E08 Switzerland | Helvella sp. 9 | PR_E08 | Switzerland | KX886014 |
Helvella elastica H06092701 Italy | Helvella sp. 9 | H06092701 | Italy | JX462566 |
Helvella sp. KA12-1302 South Korea | Helvella sp. 10 | KA12-1302 | South Korea | KR673535 |
Helvella sp. Japan | Helvella sp. 11 | —— | Japan: Aomori Pref | LC098743 |
Helvella elastica TNS:F91339 Japan | Helvella sp. 11 | TNS:F91339 | Japan | LC619227 |
uncultured fungus Japan | Helvella sp. 11 | —— | Japan | LC711398 |
Helvella elastica HC-PNNT-255 Mexico | Helvella sp. 12 | HC-PNNT-255 | Mexico: Mexico State | KT875009 |
Helvella elastica F14055,UBC | Helvella sp. 12 | F14055, UBC | —— | AF335455 |
Helvella elastica PA7 Latvia | Helvella sp. 12 | PA7 | Latvia | KR019787 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F26571 USA | Helvella sp. 12 | UBC: F26571 | USA | MZ970432 |
Fungal sp. C32A6 USA | Helvella sp. 12 | C32A6 | USA | MZ017173 |
Fungal sp. C32A3 USA | Helvella sp. 12 | C32A3 | USA | MZ017172 |
Helvella sp. ZQ8220 | Helvella sp. 13 | ZQ8220 | —— | FJ859337 |
Helvella sp. ZQ7219 | Helvella sp. 13 | ZQ7219 | —— | FJ859336 |
Helvella sp. ZQ8242 | Helvella sp. 13 | ZQ8242 | —— | FJ859335 |
Helvella sp. T680 | Helvella sp. 13 | T680 | —— | FJ859338 |
Helvella atra G869 | Helvella sp. 14 | G869 | —— | FJ859339 |
Helvella cf. compressa HKAS 49364 China | Helvella sp. 14 | HKAS 49364 | China | JX462569 |
Helvella compressa HKAS 45788 China | Helvella sp. 15 | HKAS 45788 | China | KU739801 |
Helvella sp. OTU543s | Helvella sp. 16 | OTU 543s | —— | MT095662 |
Helvella sp. iNAT:15188138 USA | Helvella sp. 17 | iNAT: 15188138 | USA | MZ171124 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-68382 USA | Helvella sp. 17 | FLAS-F-68382 | USA | OM672754 |
Fungal sp. H22A1 USA | Helvella sp. 17 | H22A1 | USA | MZ017397 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 54996 China | Helvella sp. 18 | HKAS 54996 | China | KX506992 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 74023 China | Helvella sp. 18 | HKAS 74023 | China | KX506991 |
Helvella sp. ZQ8296 | Helvella sp. 18 | ZQ8296 | —— | FJ859346 |
Uncultured Helvella XT13139 China | Helvella sp. 18 | XT13139 | China | MF405783 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-63899 USA | Helvella sp. 19 | FLAS-F-63899 | USA | MN653036 |
Uncultured fungus BJ-397 China | Helvella sp. 20 | BJ-397 | China | LC623053 |
Uncultured Helvella P15E4_P16E3 USA | Helvella sp. 21 | P15E4_P16E3 | USA | KU238898 |
Helvella sp. MES2176 USA | Helvella sp. 21 | MES2176 | USA | MN653019 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-59998 USA | Helvella sp. 21 | FLAS-F-59998 | USA | KY654713 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-63281 RH1703 USA MN | Helvella sp. 22 | FLAS-F-63281 RH1703 | USA: MN | MT373915 |
Helvella sp. RH20140725 USA | Helvella sp. 22 | RH20140725 | USA: MA | MT373910 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87784 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 87784 | China | KX506957 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87783 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 87783 | China | KX506956 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90567 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90567 | China | KX506961 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90566 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90566 | China | KX506960 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90571 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90571 | China | KX506964 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90581 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90581 | China | KX506958 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90569 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90569 | China | KX506963 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90568 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90568 | China | KX506962 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90605 China | Helvella sp. 24 | HKAS 90605 | China | KX506965 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87864 China | Helvella sp. 24 | HKAS 87864 | China | MG871286 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90626 China | Helvella sp. 25 | HKAS 90626 | China | KX506967 |
Uncultured fungus d159_SL2_chi_12_1_su26 Japan | Helvella sp. 26 | d159_SL2_chi_12_1_su26 | Japan | LC711399 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 67939 China | Helvella sp. 26 | HKAS 67939 | China | KX506966 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 76318 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 76318 | China | KX506981 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78930 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 78930 | China | KX506978 |
Uncultured Helvella M11307 China | Helvella sp. 27 | M11307 | China | KR493448 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 70217 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 70217 | China | KX506977 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90593 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 90593 | China | KX506982 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 57739 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 57739 | China | KX506980 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78944 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 78944 | China | KX506979 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90604 China | Helvella sp. 28 | HKAS 90604 | China | KX506995 |
Uncultured ectomycorrhizal fungus South Korea | Helvella sp. 28 | —— | South Korea | AB587758 |
Helvella macropus KA12-1317 South Korea | Helvella sp. 28 | KA12-1317 | South Korea | KR673547 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 95081 China | Helvella sp. 29 | HKAS 95081 | China | KX506985 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 95080 China | Helvella sp. 29 | HKAS 95080 | China | KX506984 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90627 China | Helvella sp. 29 | HKAS 90627 | China | KX506983 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87779 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 87779 | China | KX506970 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78921 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 78921 | China | KX506969 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90574 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 90574 | China | KX506971 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78901 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 78901 | China | KX506968 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90565 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 90565 | China | KX506954 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90564 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 90564 | China | KX506953 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90570 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 90570 | China | KX506955 |
Helvella sp. BJTC ZH139 China | Helvella sp. 31 | BJTC ZH139 | China | OR355080 |
Uncultured Helvella LKS1028 China | Helvella sp. 31 | LKS1028 | China | KX444354 |
Helvella sp. RMS0000652 USA | Helvella sp. 32 | RMS0000652 | USA | OP723991 |
Uncultured fungus NX1-4504 China | Helvella sp. 32 | NX1-4504 | China | LC622784 |
Uncultured fungus NX2-123 China | Helvella sp. 32 | NX2-123 | China | LC623361 |
Helvella sp. RH1470 USA | Helvella sp. 33 | RH1470 | USA: IA | MT373911 |
Helvella sp. RH1473 USA | Helvella sp. 33 | RH1473 | USA: IA | MN653024 |
Helvella subglabra HKAS 78940 China | Helvella subglabroides | HKAS 78940 | China | KU739802 |
Helvella subglabra HMJAU 3866 China | Helvella subglabroides | HMJAU 3866 | China | KU739862 |
Helvella subglabra HKAS 79007 China | Helvella subglabroides | HKAS 79007 | China | KU739864 |
Helvella subglabra HKAS 74283 China | Helvella subglabroides | HKAS 74283 | China | KU739865 |
Helvella subglabra HKAS 78939 China | Helvella subglabroides | HKAS 78939 | China | KU739863 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC FM2686 holotype China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC FM2686, holotype | China | OR355088 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC C614 China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC C614 | China | OR355086 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC FM1049 China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC FM1049 | China | OR355087 |
Helvella sp. ChL9 Poland | Helvella sublicia | ChL9 | Poland | KX438327 |
Helvellaceae sp. LM3615 Germany | Helvella sublicia | LM3615 | Germany | KM576412 |
Helvella sublicia H148 Norway | Helvella sublicia | H148 | Norway | MN656160 |
Helvella sp. SREF1730 France | Helvella sublicia | SREF1730 | France | MN660460 |
Helvella sp. OTU 300 | Helvella sublicia | OTU 300 | —— | MK959119 |
Helvella sp. SREF284 France | Helvella sublicia | SREF284 | France: Daix | MN660727 |
Helvella sp. OTU11 Italy | Helvella sublicia | OTU11 | Italy: Cadriano | MH681182 |
Helvella sp. KL23 Poland | Helvella sublicia | KL23 | Poland | KX438328 |
Helvella fibrosa OKA-100 Turkey | Helvella sublicia | OKA-100 | Turkey: Istanbul | MF228805 |
Uncultured ectomycorrhizal fungus L2299 | Helvella sublicia | L2299 | —— | FM993121 |
Uncultured Helvella R71p4 Czech Republic | Helvella sublicia | R71p4 | Czech Republic | GU327422 |
Uncultured Helvella 13372 C12 Spain | Helvella sublicia | 13372 C12 | Spain | MW282693 |
Helvella subspadicea HKAS 90624 China | Helvella subspadicea | HKAS 90624 | China | KU739797 |
Helvella subspadicea HKAS 56656 holotype China | Helvella subspadicea | HKAS 56656, holotype | China | JX462574 |
Helvella xiaohuipan BJTC FM367 China | Helvella xiaohuipan | BJTC FM367 | China | OR355078 |
Helvella xiaohuipan BJTC FM2317 holotype China | Helvella xiaohuipan | BJTC FM2317, holotype | —— | OR355079 |
Helvella cf. corium HKAS 69755 | Helvella xiaohuipan | HKAS 69755 | —— | JX462576 |
Table S6.
Specimens used in Lacunosa clade ITS phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.
Taxa Name in Analysis | Taxon name | Voucher specimen | Country | ITS GenBank |
Dissingia oblongispora | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 137 | China | OR355181 |
Dissingia oblongispora | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 169 | China | OR355182 |
Helvella alpestris O-255737 Norway | Helvella alpestris | O-255737 | Norway | MN656183 |
Helvella alpestris O-255736 France | Helvella alpestris | O-255736 | France | MN656166 |
Helvella alpestris H460 Canada | Helvella alpestris | H460 | Canada | MN656163 |
Helvella alpina O-255751 Norway | Helvella alpina | O-255751 | Norway | MN656181 |
Helvella atra O-255762 Norway | Helvella atra | O-255762 | Norway | MN656170 |
Helvella lacunosa KH.10.97(S) Sweden | Helvella atra | KH.10.97 (S) | Sweden | KC122809 |
Helvella atra zhao2111 China | Helvella atra | zhao2111 | China | KT894823 |
Helvella sp. OTU 1450 | Helvella atra | OTU_1450 | —— | MK959124 |
Helvella lacunosa zhao2112 China | Helvella atra | zhao2112 | China | KT894824 |
Helvella atra HMAS 290900 China | Helvella atra | HMAS 290900 | China | OQ600286 |
Helvella atra HMAS 290901 China | Helvella atra | HMAS 290901 | China | OQ600287 |
Helvella austrooccidentalis HMAS 290902 China | Helvella austrooccidentalis | HMAS 290902 | China | OQ600290 |
Helvella austrooccidentalis HMAS 290903 holotype China | Helvella austrooccidentalis | HMAS 290903, holotype | China | OQ600291 |
Helvella borealis HMAS 290905 holotype China | Helvella borealis | HMAS 290905, holotype | China | OQ600293 |
Helvella cf. calycina UBC F28816 Canada | Helvella calycina | UBC F28816 | Canada | MZ970428 |
Helvella costifera S.D. Russell MycoMap 5873 USA | Helvella calycina | S.D. Russell MycoMap 5873 | USA | ON561610 |
Uncultured fungus China | Helvella calycina | —— | China | LS963398 |
Helvella calycina H022 epitype Norway | Helvella calycina | H022, epitype | Norway | MN656158 |
Helvella calycina HMAS 279704 China | Helvella calycina | HMAS 279704 | China | OR355013 |
Helvella fusca ZT_Myc_64135 Switzerland | Helvella cf. fusca | ZT_Myc_64135 | Switzerland | MW677578 |
Helvella lactea IBL24 Poland | Helvella cf. lactea | IBL24 | Poland | MZ410653 |
uncultured ectomycorrhiza 3 Italy | Helvella cf. lactea | 3 | Italy | AJ879682 |
Helvella corium TROM-F-610014 Norway | Helvella corium | TROM-F-610014 | Norway | MN656172 |
Helvella corium MQ17150QFB29658HRL2444 Canada | Helvella corium | MQ17150-QFB29658-HRL2444 | Canada | MN992597 |
Helvella corium MQ17051QFB29559HRL2438 Canada | Helvella corium | MQ17051-QFB29559-HRL2438 | Canada | MN992596 |
Helvella corium O-255757 France | Helvella corium | O-255757 | France | MN656165 |
Helvella corium O-255756 Svalbard | Helvella corium | O-255756 | Svalbard | MN656185 |
Helvella costifera BJTC FM1742 China | Helvella costifera | BJTC FM1742 | China | OR355129 |
Helvella costifera BJTC FM1705 China | Helvella costifera | BJTC FM1705 | China | OR355128 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-152 China | Helvella costifera | NX3-152 | China | LC623419 |
Helvella costifera HMAS 280301 China | Helvella costifera | HMAS 280301 | China | MK592123 |
Helvella costifera HMAS 187120 China | Helvella costifera | HMAS 187120 | China | MK592122 |
Helvella cystidiata HKAS 74316 China | Helvella cystidiata | HKAS 74316 | China | KX239840 |
Helvella cystidiata HKAS 78941 China | Helvella cystidiata | HKAS 78941 | China | KX239839 |
Helvella cystidiata HMJAU 52 China | Helvella cystidiata | HMJAU 52 | China | OQ600295 |
Helvella cystidiata HMJAU 150 China | Helvella cystidiata | HMJAU 150 | China | OQ600296 |
Helvella dryophila UC 1999233 holotype USA | Helvella dryophila | UC 1999233, holotype | USA | KC122861 |
Helvella dryophila UC 1999234 USA | Helvella dryophila | UC 1999234 | USA | KC122836 |
Helvella fulva HMAS 290906 holotype China | Helvella fulva | HMAS 290906, holotype | China | OQ600297 |
Helvella huangii HMAS 290907 China | Helvella huangii | HMAS 290907 | China | OQ600298 |
Helvella huangii HMAS 45031 holotype China | Helvella huangii | HMAS 45031, holotype | China | OQ600299 |
Helvella huangii HMJAU 3488 China | Helvella huangii | HMJAU 3488 | China | OQ600300 |
Helvella huangii BJTC C375 China | Helvella huangii | BJTC C375 | China | OR355175 |
Helvella jizushanica HMAS 290908 holotype China | Helvella jizushanica | HMAS 290908, holotype | China | OQ600301 |
Helvella jizushanica HMAS 59718 China | Helvella jizushanica | HMAS 59718 | China | OQ600302 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 69079 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 69079 | China | KX239830 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 72598 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 72598 | China | KX239829 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90221 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 90221 | China | KX239828 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87775 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 87775 | China | KX239827 |
Helvella jocatoi CB08326 holotype Mexico | Helvella jocatoi | CB08326, holotype | Mexico | KC016115 |
Helvella jocatoi Landeros3581 Mexico | Helvella jocatoi | Landeros3581 | Mexico | MT334416 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM813 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM813 | China | OR355112 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM573 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM573 | China | OR355111 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM1414 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM1414 | China | OR355109 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM907 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM907 | China | OR355113 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM947 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM947 | China | OR355115 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM914 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM914 | China | OR355114 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM546 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM546 | China | OR355110 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM1162 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM1162 | China | OR355108 |
Helvella sp. XLN(1) | Helvella lacunosa | XLN(1) | —— | KY865326 |
Helvella sp. XLN(3) | Helvella lacunosa | XLN(3) | —— | KY865327 |
Uncultured Helvella Sym5068 Russia | Helvella lacunosa | Sym5068 | Russia | LC574338 |
Helvella lacunosa O-255761 Norway | Helvella lacunosa | O-255761 | Norway | MN656169 |
Helvella lacunosa UC 1999245 Denmark | Helvella lacunosa | UC 1999245 | Denmark | KC122820 |
Helvella pseudolacunosa HKAS 87594 holotype China | Helvella lacunosa | HKAS 87594, holotype | China | KR493476 |
Helvella pseudolacunosa HMJAU 4533 China | Helvella lacunosa | HMJAU 4533 | China | MG871284 |
Helvella sp. PA8 Latvia | Helvella lacunosa | PA8 | Latvia | KR019788 |
Helvella liui HMAS 85725 holotype China | Helvella liui | HMAS 85725, holotype | China | OQ600310 |
Uncultured Helvella XT13106 China | Helvella liui | XT13106 | China | MF405782 |
Uncultured Helvella Q-L-OTU66 China | Helvella liui | Q-L-OTU66 | China | KY684424 |
Helvella lobata HMAS 290910 holotype China | Helvella lobata | HMAS 290910, holotype | China | OQ600311 |
Helvella macrosperma TROM-F-610001 Norway | Helvella macrosperma | TROM-F-610001 | Norway | MN656176 |
Helvella macrosperma O-253328 Norway | Helvella macrosperma | O-253328 | Norway | MN656159 |
Helvella macrosperma O-F-285169 Norway | Helvella macrosperma | O-F-285169 | Norway | MN656184 |
Helvella macrosperma TROM-F-610004 Norway | Helvella macrosperma | TROM-F-610004 | Norway | MN656180 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM2486-A China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM2486-A | China | OR355117 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM2486-B China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM2486-B | China | OR355118 |
Uncultured Helvella XJG9 China | Helvella magna | XJG9 | China | JX129157 |
Uncultured fungus QH-142 China | Helvella magna | QH-142 | China | LC623504 |
Uncultured fungus QH-100 China | Helvella magna | QH-100 | China | LC623493 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-54 China | Helvella magna | NX3-54 | China | LC623390 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-37 China | Helvella magna | NX3-37 | China | LC623387 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-280 China | Helvella magna | NX3-280 | China | LC623455 |
uncultured fungus NX3-34 China | Helvella magna | NX3-34 | China | LC623386 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-31 China | Helvella magna | NX3-31 | China | LC623384 |
Uncultured Helvella QL062 China | Helvella magna | QL062 | China | HM105544 |
Uncultured Helvella ZWL491 China | Helvella magna | ZWL491 | China | KX444290 |
Uncultured fungus BJ-214 China | Helvella magna | BJ-214 | China | LC623015 |
Uncultured Helvella DLS1624 China | Helvella magna | DLS1624 | China | KX444418 |
Helvella magna HMAS 60679 holotype China | Helvella magna | HMAS 60679, holotype | China | OQ600315 |
Helvella magna HMAS 290911 China | Helvella magna | HMAS 290911 | China | OQ600312 |
Helvella magna HMAS 290912 China | Helvella magna | HMAS 290912 | China | OQ600313 |
Helvella nannfeldtii TROM-F-610034 Norway | Helvella nannfeldtii | TROM-F-610034 | Norway | MN656174 |
Helvella nannfeldtii O-255744 Norway | Helvella nannfeldtii | O-255744 | Norway | MN656167 |
Helvella parva HMAS 290914 holotype China | Helvella parva | HMAS 290914, holotype | China | OQ600323 |
Uncultured fungus HKAS 50833 China | Helvella philonotis | HKAS 50833 | China | KR493462 |
Uncultured Ascomycota OTU583 China | Helvella philonotis | OTU583 | China | MW049805 |
Uncultured ectomycorrhiza 855 Austria | Helvella philonotis | 855 | Austria | EU498735 |
Helvella philonotis O-255760 Norway | Helvella philonotis | O-255760 | Norway | MN656182 |
Helvella dovrensis OTU 096r | Helvella philonotis | OTU 096r | —— | MT095216 |
Helvella dovrensis ARON 2626 (1995) | Helvella philonotis | ARON 2626 (1995) | —— | AF046223 |
Helvella philonotis HMAS 290915 China | Helvella philonotis | HMAS 290915 | China | OQ600324 |
Helvella philonotis HMAS 264754 China | Helvella philonotis | HMAS 264754 | China | OQ600327 |
Helvella phlebophora HMAS 268001 China | Helvella phlebophora | HMAS 268001 | China | OQ600328 |
Helvella phlebophoropsis HMAS 85654 holotype China | Helvella phlebophoropsis | HMAS 85654, holotype | China | OQ600329 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 290916 China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 290916 | China | OQ600330 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 270642 holotype China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 270642, holotype | China | OQ600331 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 290917 China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 290917 | China | OQ600332 |
Helvella pseudoalpina TROM-F-610048 Norway | Helvella pseudoalpina | TROM-F-610048 | Norway | MN656173 |
Helvella ravida HSA 375 holotype China | Helvella ravida | HSA 375 | China | OR355124 |
uncultured Helvella China | Helvella ravida | —— | China | LT967133 |
Helvella sp. OTU 098r | Helvella ravida | OTU 098r | —— | MT095218 |
Helvella ravida HMAS 290919 holotype China | Helvella ravida | HMAS 290919, holotype | China | OQ600334 |
Helvella ravida HMAS 61920 China | Helvella ravida | HMAS 61920 | China | OQ600335 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 87587 holotype China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 87587, holotype | China | KR493478 |
Helvella aff. sulcata UC 1999239 China | Helvella rugosa | UC 1999239 | China | KC122812 |
Helvella aff. sulcata UC 1999240 China | Helvella rugosa | UC 1999240 | China | KC122813 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 75442 China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 75442 | China | KR493475 |
Uncultured Helvella M11314 China | Helvella rugosa | M11314 | China | KR493455 |
Uncultured Helvella M11312 China | Helvella rugosa | M11312 | China | KR493453 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 90536 Thailand | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 90536 | Thailand | KU739805 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 90534 | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 90534 | —— | KU739804 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 90597 China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 90597 | China | KX507005 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 90595 China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 90595 | China | KX507004 |
Helvella rugosa HMAS 290920 China | Helvella rugosa | HMAS 290920 | China | OQ600336 |
Helvella rugosa HMAS 290921 China | Helvella rugosa | HMAS 290921 | China | OQ600337 |
Helvella sinohyperborea BJTC FM105 holotype China | Helvella sinohyperborea | BJTC FM105, holotype | China | OR355132 |
Helvella sinohyperborea BJTC FM165 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | BJTC FM165 | China | OR355133 |
Uncultured Helvella NXHLS462 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | NXHLS462 | China | KX510013 |
Uncultured Helvella 1 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | 1 | China | FJ803929 |
Uncultured Helvella UDB019758 Switzerland | Helvella sp. 34 | UDB019758 | Switzerland | MN970731 |
Uncultured fungus European Alpine System | Helvella sp. 34 | —— | European Alpine System | LS953425 |
Uncultured fungus European Alpine System | Helvella sp. 34 | —— | European Alpine System | LS972604 |
Helvella sp. UC 1999221 USA | Helvella sp. 34 | UC 1999221 | USA | KC122819 |
Helvella lacunosa MIN 451143 Netherlands | Helvella sp. 34 | MIN 451143 | Netherlands | KC122818 |
Helvella lacunosa OTU 2161 | Helvella sp. 34 | OTU 2161 | —— | MK959122 |
Helvella lacunosa DMS-9344856 Denmark | Helvella sp. 34 | DMS-9344856 | Denmark | MT644923 |
Helvella sp. KWT1 Austria | Helvella sp. 34 | KWT1 | Austria | AJ544210 |
Helvella sp. 3430 Mexico | Helvella sp. 35 | 3430 | Mexico | MK397160 |
Helvella cf. vespertina Mushroom Observer 329684 USA | Helvella sp. 36 | Mushroom Observer 329684 | USA | MN204489 |
Helvella jocatoi LGD9002 Mexico | Helvella sp. 37 | LGD9002 | Mexico | MT334417 |
Helvella sp. GO-2009-313 Mexico | Helvella sp. 37 | GO-2009-313 | Mexico | KC152112 |
Helvella lacunosa HC-PNNT-059 Mexico | Helvella sp. 38 | HC-PNNT-059 | Mexico | KC016124 |
Helvella lacunosa HC-PNNT-235 Mexico | Helvella sp. 39 | HC-PNNT-235 | Mexico | KC016123 |
Helvella sp. UC 1999237 USA | Helvella sp. 40 | UC 1999237 | USA | KC122810 |
Helvella sp. UC 1999244 USA | Helvella sp. 41 | UC 1999244 | USA | KC122863 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87756 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87756 | China | KX239836 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87757 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87757 | China | KX239837 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90622 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 90622 | China | KX239833 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87702 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87702 | China | KX239831 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90623 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 90623 | China | KX239834 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87755 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87755 | China | KX239835 |
Helvellaceae sp. LM5050 Hungary | Helvella sp. 43 | LM5050 | Hungary | KM576411 |
Helvella lacunosa UC 1999242 Montenegro | Helvella sp. 43 | UC 1999242 | Montenegro | KC122823 |
Helvella lacunosa UC 1999243 Montenegro | Helvella sp. 43 | UC 1999243 | Montenegro | KC122824 |
Helvella lacunosa Tip 330 Germany | Helvella sp. 43 | Tip 330 | Germany | MW695300 |
Helvella sp. Otu0550 | Helvella sp. 43 | Otu0550 | —— | MW039947 |
Uncultured Helvella LMBC23a-10 France | Helvella sp. 44 | LMBC23a-10 | France | JF506761 |
Helvellaceae sp. S117B Cameroon | Helvella sp. 44 | S117B | Cameroon | KR819045 |
Uncultured Helvella s0m002 Italy | Helvella sp. 44 | s0m002 | Italy | HF565060 |
Helvella sp. OTU 1710 | Helvella sp. 44 | OTU 1710 | —— | MK959128 |
Helvella sp. OTU10 Italy | Helvella sp. 44 | OTU10 | Italy | MH681181 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-68270 USA | Helvella sp. 45 | FLAS-F-68270 | USA | OM672712 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-68525 USA | Helvella sp. 45 | FLAS-F-68525 | USA | OM672836 |
Helvella sp. S.D. Russell ONT iNaturalist 136737536 USA | Helvella sp. 45 | S.D. Russell ONT iNaturalist 136737536 | USA | OP749738 |
Helvella lacunosa CNV84 | Helvella sp. 45 | CNV84 | —— | MT345260 |
Helvella sp. S.D. Russell ONT-iNaturalist 129729182 USA | Helvella sp. 46 | S.D. Russell ONT iNaturalist 129729182 | USA | OP643219 |
Helvella sp. S.D. Russell ONT iNaturalist 130137837 USA | Helvella sp. 46 | S.D. Russell ONT iNaturalist 130137837 | USA | OP643323 |
Helvella sp. S.D. Russell ONT-iNaturalist 131004622 USA | Helvella sp. 46 | S.D. Russell ONT iNaturalist 131004622 | USA | OP643454 |
Pezizales sp. RT00056 | Helvella sp. 46 | RT00056 | —— | EU819533 |
Helvella lacunosa F 1142883 USA | Helvella sp. 46 | F 1142883 | USA | KC122825 |
Helvella sp. OTU 541s | Helvella sp. 47 | OTU 541s | —— | MT095660 |
Helvella sp. OTU 530s | Helvella sp. 48 | OTU 530s | —— | MT095649 |
Helvella sp. O-255739 Norway | Helvella sp. 49 | O-255739 | Norway | MN656179 |
Helvella sp. O-255738 Norway | Helvella sp. 49 | O-255738 | Norway | MN656178 |
Helvella sp. OTU_528s | Helvella sp. 50 | OTU_528s | —— | MT095647 |
Helvella corium ARON 2610 | Helvella sp. 51 | ARON 2610 | —— | AF046226 |
Helvella sp. OTU 527s | Helvella sp. 51 | OTU 527s | —— | MT095646 |
Uncultured fungus AG_K_112 Poland | Helvella sp. 52 | AG_K_112 | Poland | ON417278 |
Helvella costifera TENN: 071510 USA | Helvella sp. 53 | TENN: 071510 | USA | MG663264 |
Helvella cf. acetabulum SOC1181 USA | Helvella sp. 53 | SOC1181 | USA | FJ235151 |
Uncultured Helvella 2008AGG10 | Helvella sp. 54 | 2008AGG10 | —— | HQ204665 |
Helvella sp. OTU 71 | Helvella sp. 54 | OTU 71 | —— | MK959125 |
Helvella sublactea M01452264 Estonia | Helvella sp. 55 | M01452264 | Estonia | LR874455 |
Helvella sublactea M01452264 Estonia | Helvella sp. 55 | M01452264 | Estonia | LR874454 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-68282 USA | Helvella sp. 56 | FLAS-F-68282 | USA | OM672723 |
Helvella aff. latispora UC 1999198 USA | Helvella sp. 56 | UC 1999198 | USA | KC122814 |
Helvella aff. latispora WCG 306 USA | Helvella sp. 56 | WCG 306 | USA | KC122817 |
Helvella lactea WCG 1393 USA | Helvella sp. 57 | WCG 1393 | USA | KC122826 |
Helvella lactea RH1704 USA | Helvella sp. 57 | RH1704 | USA | MT373912 |
Helvella lactea FLAS-F-61490 USA | Helvella sp. 57 | FLAS-F-61490 | USA | MH211926 |
Helvella lacunosa OTU 663 | Helvella sp. 58 | OTU 663 | —— | MK959121 |
Helvella sublactea BJTC FM347 China | Helvella sublactea | BJTC FM347 | China | OR355123 |
Helvella sublactea BJTC FM1082 China | Helvella sublactea | BJTC FM1082 | China | OR355122 |
Helvella sp. w04 China | Helvella sublactea | w04 | China | KT894828 |
Helvella sublactea zhao1273 China | Helvella sublactea | zhao1273 | China | KT894827 |
Uncultured Helvella ZWL215 China | Helvella sublactea | ZWL215 | China | KX444291 |
Uncultured Helvella DLS1701 China | Helvella sublactea | DLS1701 | China | KX444421 |
Helvella sublactea t1359 China | Helvella sublactea | t1359 | China | KT894829 |
Helvella sublactea HKAS 69753 China | Helvella sublactea | HKAS 69753 | China | KT894825 |
Helvella sublactea HKAS 90607 China | Helvella sublactea | HKAS 90607 | China | KT894826 |
Helvella subtinta BJTC FM1307 China | Helvella subtinta | BJTC FM1307 | China | OR355130 |
Helvella subtinta HKAS 104666 holotype China | Helvella subtinta | HKAS 104666, holotype | China | MN449991 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC ZH1231 China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC ZH1231 | China | OR355121 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC FM263 China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC FM263 | China | OR355120 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC FM1416 holotype China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC FM1416, holotype | China | OR355119 |
Helvella terricola HMAS 38355 China | Helvella terricola | HMAS 38355 | China | OQ600354 |
Helvella tianshanensis HSA 179 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HSA 179 | China | OR355126 |
Helvella tianshanensis HSA 185 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HSA 185 | China | OR355127 |
Helvella tianshanensis BJTC FM175 China | Helvella tianshanensis | BJTC FM175 | China | OR355125 |
uncultured Helvella China | Helvella tianshanensis | —— | China | OW846958 |
Helvella tianshanensis HMAS 88611 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HMAS 88611 | China | MK592158 |
Helvella tianshanensis HMAS 86040 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HMAS 86040 | China | MK592157 |
Helvella tinta HKAS 82560 holotype China | Helvella tinta | HKAS 82560, holotype | China | KX239842 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78919 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 78919 | China | KX239818 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78918 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 78918 | China | KX239817 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90590 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90590 | China | KX239824 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90598 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90598 | China | KX239823 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90554 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90554 | China | KX239821 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90595 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90595 | China | KX239822 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78905 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 78905 | China | KX239816 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90610 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90610 | China | KX239825 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90611 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90611 | China | KX239826 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87789 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 87789 | China | KX239819 |
Uncultured Helvella M11308 China | Helvella varia | M11308 | China | KR493449 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 74662 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 74662 | China | KX239812 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 74280 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 74280 | China | KX239811 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 74675 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 74675 | China | KX239814 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78903 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 78903 | China | KX239815 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 74674 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 74674 | China | KX239813 |
Helvella varia HMAS 270932 holotype China | Helvella varia | HMAS 270932, holotype | China | OQ600357 |
Helvella varia HMAS 290929 China | Helvella varia | HMAS 290929 | China | OQ600359 |
Uncultured Helvella 1_81M3 USA | Helvella vespertina | 1_81M3 | USA | JQ393060 |
Uncultured Helvella 1_B10_9 USA | Helvella vespertina | 1_B10_9 | USA | JX198535 |
Uncultured Helvella RD7 USA | Helvella vespertina | RD7 | USA | HM021164 |
Helvella vespertina UC 1999204 holotype USA | Helvella vespertina | UC 1999204, holotype | USA | KC122858 |
Helvella vespertina UBC F15597 Canada | Helvella vespertina | UBC F15597 | Canada | MZ970442 |
Helvella vespertina SB12 USA | Helvella vespertina | SB12 | USA | MF186831 |
Helvella vespertina F319 USA | Helvella vespertina | F319 | USA | KC122853 |
Helvella vitrea HMAS 290932 holotype China | Helvella vitrea | HMAS 290932, holotype | China | OQ600362 |
Helvella shanxiensis BJTC FM2621 China | Helvella vulgata | BJTC FM2621 | China | OR355116 |
Helvella vulgata HMAS 53683 holotype China | Helvella vulgata | HMAS 53683, holotype | China | OQ600363 |
Helvella vulgata HMIGD 25964 China | Helvella vulgata | HMIGD 25964 | China | OQ600365 |
Helvella yunnanensis HMAS 290933 holotype China | Helvella yunnanensis | HMAS 290933, holotype | China | OQ600366 |
Helvella yunnanensis HMAS 290934 China | Helvella yunnanensis | HMAS 290934 | China | OQ600367 |
Table S7.
The list of Helvella species confirmed in China.
Species | Type locality | Lineage | Clade |
Helvella acetabuloides | China: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region | acetabulum | Acetabulum |
H. acetabulum | Sweden: Östergötland (epitype) | acetabulum | Acetabulum |
H. albopatella | China: Shanxi | hypocrateriformis | Elastica |
H. alborava | China: Shanxi | rivularis-sublicia | Elastica |
H. atra | Denmark | atra-pallescens | Lacunosa |
H. atroides | Thailand | — | Elastica |
H. austrooccidentalis | China: Tibet | lacunosa-helvellula | Lacunosa |
H. bachu | China: Xinjiang Autonomous Region | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. borealis | China: Jilin | sulcata-phlebophoroides | Lacunosa |
H. brunneogaleriformis | China: Shanxi | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. caespitosa | China: Shanxi | fallax-pezizoides | Elastica |
H. calycina | Norway: Oppland (epitype) | costifera | Lacunosa |
H. capucinoides | USA | bicolor-elastica | Elastica |
H. carnosa | Norway: Oslo | carnosa | Elastica |
H. corbierei | Switzerland: Graubünden (epitype) | corbierei-stevensii | Elastica |
H. costifera | Sweden: Uppland (epitype) | costifera | Lacunosa |
H. cremeoinvoluta | China: Shanxi | crispa | Crispa |
H. crispoides | Thailand: Chiang Mai | crispa | Crispa |
H. cystidiata | China: Yunnan | lacunosa-helvellula | Lacunosa |
H. danica | Denmark: Jutland | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. deflexa | China: Shanxi | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. ephippioides | Japan | macropus | Elastica |
H. fistulosa | Norway: Hordaland (neotype) | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. flavostipitata | China: Shanxi | carnosa | Elastica |
H. floriforma | China: Yunnan | — | Lacunosa |
H. fulva | China: Tibet | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. galeriformis | China: Shanxi | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. guttata | China: Yunnan | macropus | Elastica |
H. huangii | China: Beijing | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. involuta | China: Yunnan | crispa | Crispa |
H. jizushanica | China: Yunnan | sulcata-phlebophoroides | Lacunosa |
H. lacunosa | Sweden: Femsjö(epitype) | lacunosa-helvellula | Lacunosa |
H. liui | China: Shanxi | fusca-lactea | Lacunosa |
H. lobata | China: Jiangsu | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. macropus | Sweden: Uppland (epitype) | macropus | Elastica |
H. maculatoides | China: Sichuan | — | Crispa |
H. magna | China: Gansu | sulcata-phlebophoroides | Lacunosa |
H. multiformis | China: Shanxi | rivularis-sublicia | Elastica |
H. neofistulosa | China: Beijing | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. nigrorava | China: Beijing | rivularis-sublicia | Elastica |
H. nordlandica | Norway: Nordland | hypocrateriformis | Elastica |
H. orentitomentosa | Thailand | — | Elastica |
H. orienticrispa | China: Yunnan | crispa | Crispa |
H. palustris | USA: New York | palustris-philonotis | Lacunosa |
H. parva | China: Yunnan | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. philonotis | Norway: Oppland | palustris-philonotis | Lacunosa |
H. phlebophora | Iceland (epitype) | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. phlebophoropsis | China: Shanxi | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. plateata | China: Tibet | lacunosa-helvellula | Lacunosa |
H. pseudoelastica | China: Beijing | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. pseudofallax | China: Shanxi | fallax-pezizoides | Elastica |
H. pseudopezizoides | China: Shanxi | fallax-pezizoides | Elastica |
H. pseudoreflexa | China: Yunnan | crispa | Crispa |
H. pubescens | Canada: Alberta | rivularis-sublicia | Elastica |
H. ravida | China: Sichuan | fusca-lactea | Lacunosa |
H. rugosa | China: Yunnan | atra-pallescens | Lacunosa |
H. scyphoides | Norway: Hedmark | hypocrateriformis | Elastica |
H. sichuanensis | China: Sichuan | acetabulum | Acetabulum |
H. sinocrispa | China: Shanxi | crispa | Crispa |
H. sinohyperborea | China: Shanxi | hyperborea | Lacunosa |
H. solitaria | Sweden: Uppsala (epitype) | solitaria | Acetabulum |
H. subglabroides | China: Shanxi | fallax-pezizoides | Elastica |
H. sublactea | China: Yunnan | fusca-lactea | Lacunosa |
H. subspadicea | China: Xinjiang Autonomous Region | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. subtinta | China: Yunnan | alpina-corium | Lacunosa |
H. sulcatoides | China: Shanxi | sulcata-phlebophoroides | Lacunosa |
H. taiyuanensis | China: Shanxi | solitaria | Acetabulum |
H. terricola | Spain | palustris-philonotis | Lacunosa |
H. tianshanensis | China: Xinjiang Autonomous Region | tianshanensis | Lacunosa |
H. tinta | China: Sichuan | hyperborea | Lacunosa |
H. varia | China: Guangdong | atra-pallescens | Lacunosa |
H. vitrea | China: Jiangsu | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. vulgata | China: Hubei | atra-pallescens | Lacunosa |
H. xiaohuipan | China: Shanxi | fallax-pezizoides | Elastica |
H. yunnanensis | China: Yunnan | sulcata-phlebophoroides | Lacunosa |
H. zhongtiaoensis | China: Shanxi | crispa | Crispa |
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species of Acetabulum clade inferred from the Dataset II (ITS) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold.
Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species of Crispa clade inferred from the Dataset III (ITS) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold.
Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species of Elastica clade inferred from the Dataset IV (ITS) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold.
Phylogeny of Chinese Helvella species of Lacunosa clade inferred from the Dataset V (ITS) using the maximum likelihood (ML) analysis. Numbers representing likelihood bootstrap support values (MLBS ≥ 70 %, left) and significant Bayesian posterior probability (BPP ≥ 0.95, right) are indicated above the nodes. New species are printed in bold. Table S1.
Table S1.
Specimens used in five combined loci (ITS/nrLSU/tef1-α/rpb2/hsp) phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.
Taxa Name in Analysis | Taxon name | Voucher specimen | Country | ITS GenBank | LSU GenBank | tef1-α GenBank | rpb2 GenBank | hsp GenBank |
Dissingia oblongispora H132 Norway | Dissingia oblongispora | H132, O-166316 | Norway | —— | KY772983 | —— | KY772515 | KY784265 |
Dissingia oblongispora HKAS 87726 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HKAS 87726 | China | —— | OR355353 | OR359089 | OR359197 | OR366158 |
Dissingia oblongispora HKAS 87744 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HKAS 87744 | China | —— | OR355354 | —— | —— | OR366159 |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 137 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 137 | China | OR355181 | OR355355 | OR359091 | OR359198 | OR366160 |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 169 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 169 | China | OR355182 | OR355356 | OR359092 | OR359199 | OR366161 |
Helvella acetabuloides CFSZ2044 holotype China | Helvella acetabuloides | CFSZ2044, holotype | China, Inner Mongolia | OR355015 | OR355185 | OR358967 | OR359094 | MK652219 |
Helvella acetabuloides BJTC FM1264 China | Helvella acetabuloides | BJTC FM1264 | China | OR355166 | OR355337 | OR359075 | OR359186 | OR366140 |
Helvella acetabulum H410 epitype Sweden | Helvella acetabulum | H410, epitype | Sweden, Oestergoetland | —— | KY773154 | —— | KY772752 | KY784506 |
Helvella acetabulum H225 Norway | Helvella acetabulum | O-253212, H225 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY773055 | KY772894 | KY772594 | KY784344 |
Helvella acetabulum H134 Norway | Helvella acetabulum | O-64925, H134 | Norway, Oestfold | —— | KY772985 | KY772876 | KY772517 | KY784267 |
Helvella albopatella BJTC FM2610-A holotype China | Helvella albopatella | BJTC FM2610-A, holotype | China | OR355082 | OR355252 | OR359014 | OR359137 | OR366079 |
Helvella albopatella BJTC FM2610-B China | Helvella albopatella | BJTC FM2610-B | China | OR355176 | OR355350 | OR359085 | OR359195 | OR366151 |
Helvella alborava BJTC C316-A holotype China | Helvella alborava | BJTC C316-A, holotype | China | OR355106 | OR355276 | OR359033 | OR359155 | OR366098 |
Helvella alborava BJTC C316-B China | Helvella alborava | BJTC C316-B | China | OR355173 | OR355347 | OR359082 | OR359193 | OR366148 |
Helvella alpestris H014 epitype Norway | Helvella alpestris | O-253221, H014, epitype | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772909 | KY772826 | KY772435 | KY784191 |
Helvella alpestris H013 Norway | Helvella alpestris | O-253220, H013 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772908 | KY772825 | KY772434 | KY784190 |
Helvella alpicola TROM-F-610062 Norway | Helvella alpicola | TROM-F-610062 | Norway, Nordland | —— | MN655848 | MN658207 | MN692297 | MN692345 |
Helvella alpicola H175 holotype Norway | Helvella alpicola | O-185924, H175, holotype | Norway, Nordland | —— | KY773020 | —— | KY772554 | KY784304 |
Helvella alpina H223 holotype France | Helvella alpina | O-253228, H223, holotype | France, Savoie | —— | KY773054 | MN658192 | KY772593 | KY784343 |
Helvella alpina KH.12.69(S) Sweden | Helvella alpina | KH.12.69(S) | Sweden, Lappland | —— | MK100261 | MK113876 | MK113850 | MK179405 |
Helvella arctoalpina H293 holotype Norway | Helvella arctoalpina | O-72616, H293, holotype | Norway, Hordaland | —— | —— | —— | KY772655 | KY784406 |
Helvella arctoalpina H084 Norway | Helvella arctoalpina | O-253240, H084 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772956 | KY772866 | KY772483 | KY784236 |
Helvella arctoalpina H083 Norway | Helvella arctoalpina | O-253239, H083 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772955 | KY772865 | KY772482 | KY784235 |
Helvella atra H406 holotype Sweden | Helvella atra | H406, holotype | Sweden, Uppland | —— | —— | —— | KY772748 | KY784502 |
Helvella atra H016 Norway | Helvella atra | O-253251, H016 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772911 | KY772828 | KY772437 | KY784193 |
Helvella atra KH.10.97(S) Sweden | Helvella atra | KH.10.97(S) | Sweden, Lycksele Lappmark | KC122809 | KC122771 | MK113877 | MK113851 | MK179402 |
Helvella atra HMAS 290900 China | Helvella atra | HMAS 290900 | China | OQ600286 | OQ586677 | OQ597533 | —— | OQ597592 |
Helvella atra HMAS 290901 China | Helvella atra | HMAS 290901 | China | OQ600287 | OQ586678 | OQ597534 | —— | OQ597593 |
Helvella atroides MFLU23-0102 holotype China | Helvella atroides | MFLU23-0102, holotype | China | —— | OQ866059 | OQ863552 | —— | OQ863541 |
Helvella atroides HKAS 90544 China | Helvella atroides | HKAS 90544 | China | —— | OQ866060 | OQ863553 | —— | OQ863542 |
Helvella austrooccidentalis HMAS 290902 China | Helvella austrooccidentalis | HMAS 290902 | China | OQ600290 | OQ586680 | OQ597537 | —— | OQ597597 |
Helvella austrooccidentalis HMAS 290903 holotype China | Helvella austrooccidentalis | HMAS 290903, holotype | China | OQ600291 | OQ586681 | OQ597538 | —— | OQ597598 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 88105 holotype China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 88105, holotype | China, xinjiang | KU739791 | KU739815 | KU739842 | —— | —— |
Helvella bachu BJTC FM382 China | Helvella bachu | BJTC FM382 | China | OR355062 | OR355232 | OR358997 | OR359121 | OR366059 |
Helvella bicolor O-255759 Norway | Helvella bicolor | O-255759 | Norway, Nordland | MN656168 | MN655851 | —— | MN692298 | MN692352 |
Helvella bicolor H289 epitype Sweden | Helvella bicolor | C-F-45334, H289, epitype | Sweden, Gastrikland | —— | KY773097 | —— | KY772651 | KY784402 |
Helvella borealis HMAS 290905 holotype China | Helvella borealis | HMAS 290905, holotype | China | OQ600293 | OQ586683 | OQ597539 | —— | OQ597600 |
Helvella bresadolae H1038 holotype Norway | Helvella bresadolae | H1038, holotype | Norway | —— | OQ626668 | —— | OQ631094 | OQ633402 |
Helvella bresadolae H992 Austria | Helvella bresadolae | H992 | Austria | —— | —— | —— | OQ631109 | OQ680208 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM269 China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM269 | China | OR355063 | OR355233 | OR358998 | OR359122 | OR366060 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM272 China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM272 | China | OR355064 | OR355234 | OR358999 | OR359123 | OR366061 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM911 holotype China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM911, holotype | China | OR355065 | OR355235 | OR359000 | OR359124 | OR366062 |
Helvella caespitosa HSA 379-A holotype China | Helvella caespitosa | HSA 379-A, holotype | China | OR355091 | OR355261 | OR359022 | —— | OR366087 |
Helvella caespitosa HSA 379-B China | Helvella caespitosa | HSA 379-B | China | OR355092 | OR355262 | —— | —— | OR366088 |
Helvella calycina H022 epitype Norway | Helvella calycina | O-253255, H022, epitype | Norway, Oppland | MN656158 | KY772915 | KY772833 | KY772442 | KY784198 |
Helvella calycina HMAS 279704 China | Helvella calycina | CFSZ2658, HMAS 279704 | Inner Mongolia, China | OR355013 | MK592100 | OR358963 | OR359093 | MK652179 |
Helvella capucina H208 epitype France | Helvella capucina | O-253256, H208, epitype | France, Savoie | —— | KY773041 | —— | KY772582 | KY784331 |
Helvella capucina H046 Norway | Helvella capucina | O-253261, H046 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772935 | KY772849 | KY772461 | KY784216 |
Helvella capucinoides H113 USA | Helvella capucinoides | FH, H113 | USA, Maine | —— | KY772969 | —— | KY772501 | KY784251 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1094 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1094 | China | OR355037 | OR355207 | OR358978 | OR359105 | OR366040 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM242 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM242 | China | OR355040 | OR355210 | OR358979 | OR359106 | OR366041 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM909 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM909 | China | OR355042 | OR355212 | OR358980 | OR359107 | OR366042 |
Helvella capucinoides HMJAU 33777 China | Helvella capucinoides | HMJAU 33777 | China | OR355043 | OR355213 | OR358981 | OR359108 | OR366043 |
Helvella carnosa KH.10.277(S) Sweden | Helvella carnosa | KH.10.277(S) | Sweden, Gotland | —— | KY660042 | KY660043 | KY660044 | —— |
Helvella carnosa H146 holotype Norway | Helvella carnosa | O-68100, H146, holotype | Norway, Oslo | —— | KY772995 | —— | KY772529 | —— |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP060 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP060 | China | OR355018 | OR355188 | OR358969 | OR359096 | OR366034 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM1032 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM1032 | China | OR355021 | OR355191 | OR358970 | OR359097 | OR366035 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM274 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM274 | China | OR355022 | OR355192 | OR358971 | OR359098 | OR366036 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM316 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM316 | China | OR355025 | OR355195 | OR358972 | OR359099 | OR366037 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM376 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM376 | China | OR355026 | OR355196 | OR358973 | OR359100 | —— |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP060 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM953 | China | OR355027 | OR355197 | OR358974 | OR359101 | OR366038 |
Helvella carnosa HSA 360 China | Helvella carnosa | HSA 360 | China | OR355028 | OR355198 | OR358975 | OR359102 | —— |
Helvella compressa H112 USA | Helvella compressa | FH, H112 | USA, California | —— | KY772968 | —— | KY772500 | KY784250 |
Helvella convexa H761 holotype Sweden | Helvella convexa | H761, holotype | Sweden | OQ641537 | OQ626670 | —— | OQ631107 | OQ633414 |
Helvella convexa H746 Sweden | Helvella convexa | H746 | Sweden | —— | OQ626669 | —— | OQ631108 | OQ633415 |
Helvella corbierei PTR 763 USA | Helvella corbierei | PTR 763, UC 1999259 | USA, CA | —— | MK100263 | MK113879 | MK179406 | |
Helvella corbierei H392 epitype Switzerland | Helvella corbierei | C-F-57133, H392, epitype | Switzerland, Graubunden | —— | —— | —— | KY772737 | KY784489 |
Helvella corbierei H346 USA | Helvella corbierei | C-F-56503, H346 | USA, Oregon | —— | KY773121 | —— | KY772699 | KY784448 |
Helvella corbierei HSA 138 China | Helvella corbierei | HSA 138 | China | OR355071 | OR355241 | OR359006 | OR359129 | OR366068 |
Helvella corbierei HSA 181 China | Helvella corbierei | HSA 181 | China | OR355072 | OR355242 | OR359007 | OR359130 | OR366069 |
Helvella corium H352 epitype Denmark | Helvella corium | C-F-71638, H352, epitype | Denmark, Mid Zealand | —— | —— | —— | KY772704 | KY784453 |
Helvella corium O-255756 Svalbard | Helvella corium | O-255756 | Svalbard, Longyearbyen | MN656185 | MN655873 | MN658196 | MN692314 | MN692370 |
Helvella corium O-255757 France | Helvella corium | O-255757 | France, Savoie | MN656165 | MN655870 | MN658197 | MN692309 | MN692363 |
Helvella costifera H247 Norway | Helvella costifera | O-253283, H247 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY773074 | KY772900 | KY772613 | KY784365 |
Helvella costifera H131 Norway | Helvella costifera | O-68514, H131 | Norway, Akershus | —— | KY772982 | KY772874 | KY772514 | KY784264 |
Helvella costifera BJTC FM1705 China | Helvella costifera | BJTC FM1705 | China | OR355128 | OR355299 | OR359052 | OR359166 | OR366117 |
Helvella costifera BJTC FM1742 China | Helvella costifera | BJTC FM1742 | China | OR355129 | OR355300 | OR359053 | OR359167 | OR366118 |
Helvella costifera HMAS 187120 China | Helvella costifera | HMAS 187120 | China | OR355179 | MK592102 | —— | —— | MK652183 |
Helvella costifera HMAS 280301 China | Helvella costifera | HMAS 280301 | China | OR355180 | MK592103 | OR359090 | —— | MK652184 |
Helvella cremeoinvoluta BJTC FM941-A holotype China | Helvella cremeoinvoluta | BJTC FM941-A, holotype | China | OR355153 | OR355324 | OR359066 | OR359178 | OR366131 |
Helvella cremeoinvoluta BJTC FM941-B China | Helvella cremeoinvoluta | BJTC FM941-B | China | OR355154 | OR355325 | OR359067 | OR359179 | OR366132 |
Helvella crispa H408 epitype Sweden | Helvella crispa | H408, epitype | Sweden | —— | —— | —— | KY772750 | KY784504 |
Helvella crispa KH.09.186(S) Sweden | Helvella crispa | KH.09.186(S) | Sweden, Gotland | —— | MK100266 | MK113882 | MK179400 | |
Helvella crispa H135 Norway | Helvella crispa | O-18774, H135 | Norway, Akershus | —— | KY772986 | —— | KY772518 | KY784268 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90585 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90585 | China | KX507002 | OR355183 | OR358964 | —— | OR366032 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90583 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90583 | China | KX507001 | OR355184 | OR358965 | —— | OR366033 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90535 holotype China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90535, holotype | China | KU739803 | —— | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella cystidiata HKAS 74316 China | Helvella cystidiata | HKAS 74316 | China | KX239840 | KX239803 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella cystidiata HKAS 78941 holotype China | Helvella cystidiata | HKAS 78941, holotype | China | KX239839 | KX239802 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella cystidiata HMJAU 52 China | Helvella cystidiata | HMJAU 52 | China | OQ600295 | OQ586684 | OQ597540 | —— | OQ597602 |
Helvella cystidiata HMJAU 150 China | Helvella cystidiata | HMJAU 150 | China | OQ600296 | OQ586685 | OQ597541 | —— | OQ597603 |
Helvella dalgeri O-F-256528 Spain | Helvella dalgeri | O-F-256528 | Spain, Albacete | —— | —— | —— | MN626814 | MN598202 |
Helvella dalgeri O-F-256527 Spain | Helvella dalgeri | O-F-256527 | Spain, Girona | —— | —— | —— | MN626782 | MN598125 |
Helvella danica H177 Norway | Helvella danica | O-129543, H177 | Norway, Finnmark | —— | KY773022 | —— | KY772556 | KY784306 |
Helvella danica H058 Norway | Helvella danica | O-253288, H058 | Norway, Akershus | —— | KY772942 | —— | KY772469 | KY784222 |
Helvella danica H263 holotype Denmark | Helvella danica | C-F-85205, H263, holotype | Denmark | —— | KY773083 | —— | KY772627 | KY784378 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP398 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP398 | China | OR355044 | OR355214 | OR358982 | —— | OR366044 |
Helvella danica BJTC L235 China | Helvella danica | BJTC L235 | China | OR355047 | OR355217 | OR358983 | OR359109 | OR366045 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1249 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1249 | China | OR355049 | OR355219 | OR358984 | OR359110 | OR366046 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH370 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH370 | China | OR355050 | OR355220 | OR358985 | OR359111 | OR366047 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH883 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH883 | China | OR355051 | OR355221 | OR358986 | OR359112 | OR366048 |
Helvella danica BJTC FM1053 China | Helvella danica | BJTC FM1053 | China | OR355052 | OR355222 | OR358987 | —— | OR366049 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1122 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1122 | China | OR355053 | OR355223 | OR358988 | OR359113 | OR366050 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP544 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP544 | China | OR355054 | OR355224 | OR358989 | —— | OR366051 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH522 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH522 | China | OR355055 | OR355225 | OR358990 | OR359114 | OR366052 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1190 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1190 | China | OR355056 | OR355226 | OR358991 | OR359115 | OR366053 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP255 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP255 | China | OR355057 | OR355227 | OR358992 | OR359116 | OR366054 |
Helvella danica BJTC FM2577 China | Helvella danica | BJTC FM2577 | China | OR355058 | OR355228 | OR358993 | OR359117 | OR366055 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1360 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1360 | China | OR355177 | OR355351 | OR359086 | —— | OR366152 |
Helvella deflexa HSA 240-A1 holotype China | Helvella deflexa | HSA 240-A1, holotype | China | OR355069 | OR355239 | OR359004 | OR359127 | OR366066 |
Helvella deflexa HSA 240-A2 China | Helvella deflexa | HSA 240-A2 | China | OR355070 | OR355240 | OR359005 | OR359128 | OR366067 |
Helvella dryadophila H302 holotype Norway | Helvella dryadophila | O-72617, H302, holotype | Norway, Oppland | —— | —— | —— | KY772661 | KY784412 |
Helvella dryadophila H183 Norway | Helvella dryadophila | O-253308, H183 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY773026 | KY772886 | KY772561 | KY784311 |
Helvella dryadophila H180 Norway | Helvella dryadophila | O-253307, H180 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY773024 | KY772883 | KY772559 | KY784309 |
Helvella elastica H329 Russia | Helvella elastica | C-F-51672, H329 | Russia, Sakha | —— | —— | —— | KY772684 | KY784433 |
Helvella elastica H066 Sweden | Helvella elastica | O-253311, H066 | Sweden, Hallan | —— | KY772950 | KY772858 | KY772476 | KY784230 |
Helvella ephippioides H085 Japan | Helvella ephippioides | O-253267, H085 | Japan, Honshu | —— | KY772957 | KY772867 | KY772484 | KY784237 |
Helvella ephippioides HMJAU 44584 China | Helvella ephippioides | HMJAU 44584 | China | OR355107 | OR355277 | OR359034 | —— | OR366099 |
Helvella fallax H339 epitype France | Helvella fallax | C-F-84621, H339, epitype | France, Savoie | —— | KY773117 | —— | KY772693 | KY784442 |
Helvella fallax H018 Norway | Helvella fallax | O-253351, H018 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772913 | KY772830 | KY772439 | KY784195 |
Helvella fallax KH.10.94(S) Sweden | Helvella fallax | KH.10.94(S) | Sweden, Lycksele Lappmark | —— | MK100267 | MK113892 | —— | MK179401 |
Helvella fibrosa H240 Norway | Helvella fibrosa | O-291352, H240 | Norway, Soer-Troendelag | —— | KY773069 | KY772898 | KY772607 | KY784358 |
Helvella fibrosa H369 Finland | Helvella fibrosa | C-F-92109, H369 | Finland, Oulun | —— | KY773136 | —— | KY772719 | KY784469 |
Helvella fistulosa H241 neotype Norway | Helvella fistulosa | O-291887, H241, neotype | Norway, Hordaland | —— | KY773070 | —— | KY772608 | KY784359 |
Helvella fistulosa H205 Japan | Helvella fistulosa | O-253314, H205 | Japan, Honshu | —— | KY773039 | —— | KY772580 | KY784329 |
Helvella fulva HMAS 290906 holotype China | Helvella fulva | HMAS 290906, holotype | China | OQ600297 | OQ586686 | OQ597542 | —— | OQ597604 |
Helvella fistulosa BJTC 1976 China | Helvella fistulosa | BJTC 1976 | China | OR355061 | OR355231 | OR358996 | OR359120 | OR366058 |
Helvella flavostipitata HSA 387-A holotype China | Helvella flavostipitata | HSA 387-A, holotype | China | OR355035 | OR355205 | OR358976 | OR359103 | —— |
Helvella flavostipitata HSA 387-B China | Helvella flavostipitata | HSA 387-B | China | OR355036 | OR355206 | OR358977 | OR359104 | OR366039 |
Helvella floriforma HKAS 90224 holotype China | Helvella floriforma | HKAS 90224, holotype | China | —— | KX239771 | —— | —— | |
Helvella fusca H305 Hungary | Helvella fusca | C-F-92122, H305 | Hungary, Kiskunsag National Park | —— | KY773101 | —— | KY772664 | KY784415 |
Helvella fusca H304 Netherlands | Helvella fusca | C-F-89381, H304 | Netherlands, Zuid-Holland | —— | —— | —— | KY772663 | KY784414 |
Helvella fuscolacunosa TRH-12623 Spain | Helvella fuscolacunosa | TRH-12623 | Spain, Islas Baleares | —— | MN644496 | —— | —— | MN598179 |
Helvella fuscolacunosa TRH-12618 holotype Spain | Helvella fuscolacunosa | TRH-12618, holotype | Spain, Islas Baleares | —— | MN644495 | —— | —— | MN598173 |
Helvella galeriformis HSA 232 epitype China | Helvella galeriformis | HSA 232, epitype | China | OR355066 | OR355236 | OR359001 | OR359125 | OR366063 |
Helvella galeriformis HSA 240-B China | Helvella galeriformis | HSA 240-B | China | OR355067 | OR355237 | OR359002 | —— | OR366064 |
Helvella galeriformis BJTC FM2574 China | Helvella galeriformis | BJTC FM2574 | China | OR355068 | OR355238 | OR359003 | OR359126 | OR366065 |
Helvella griseoalba H306 USA | Helvella griseoalba | C-F-92112, H306 | USA, Michigan | —— | —— | —— | KY772665 | KY784416 |
Helvella guttata HKAS 87759 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 87759 | China | —— | OQ866049 | OQ863547 | —— | OQ863531 |
Helvella guttata HKAS 67836 holotype China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 67836, holotype | China | —— | OQ866045 | OQ863543 | —— | OQ863527 |
Helvella helvellula H308 epitype Spain | Helvella helvellula | C-F-92128, H308, epitype | Spain, Canary islands | —— | —— | —— | KY772667 | KY784418 |
Helvella helvellula H278 France | Helvella helvellula | C-F-45507, H278 | France, Dpt | —— | KY773090 | —— | KY772641 | KY784393 |
Helvella helvellula H309 France | Helvella helvellula | C-F-45469, H309 | France, Cote Atlantique | —— | KY773103 | —— | KY772668 | KY784419 |
Helvella hispanica O-F-256537 holotype Spain | Helvella hispanica | O-F-256537, holotype | Spain, Rioja | —— | —— | —— | MN626786 | MN598129 |
Helvella hispanica O-F-256536 Spain | Helvella hispanica | O-F-256536 | Spain, Rioja | —— | MN644504 | —— | MN626771 | MN598112 |
Helvella huangii HMAS 290907 China | Helvella huangii | HMAS 290907 | China | OQ600298 | OQ586687 | OQ597543 | —— | OQ597605 |
Helvella huangii HMAS 45031 holotype China | Helvella huangii | HMAS 45031, holotype | China | OQ600299 | OQ586688 | —— | —— | OQ597606 |
Helvella huangii HMJAU 3488 China | Helvella huangii | HMJAU 3488 | China | OQ600300 | OQ586689 | OQ597544 | —— | OQ597607 |
Helvella huangii BJTC C375 China | Helvella huangii | BJTC C375 | China | OR355175 | OR355349 | OR359084 | —— | OR366150 |
Helvella hyperborea H491 Finland | Helvella hyperborea | C-F-45306, H491 | Finland, Kuusamo | —— | —— | —— | KY772812 | KY784569 |
Helvella hyperborea H389 Norway | Helvella hyperborea | C-F-54473, H389 | Norway, Nordland | —— | —— | —— | KY772734 | KY784486 |
“Helvella hyperborea” HMAS 85673 China | “Helvella hyperborea” | HMAS 85673 | China | MK592136 | —— | —— | —— | MK652199 |
“Helvella hyperborea” HMAS 85591 China | “Helvella hyperborea” | HMAS 85591 | China | MK592134 | —— | —— | —— | MK652198 |
“Helvella hyperborea” HMAS 83511 China | “Helvella hyperborea” | HMAS 83511 | China | MK592131 | —— | MK652160 | —— | MK652195 |
“Helvella hyperborea” HMAS 86043 China | “Helvella hyperborea” | HMAS 86043 | China | MK592136 | —— | MK652161 | —— | MK652200 |
Helvella hypocrateriformis H300 Sweden | Helvella hypocrateriformis | C-F-92131, H300 | Sweden, Uppland | —— | —— | —— | KY772659 | KY784410 |
Helvella hypocrateriformis H275 Switzerland | Helvella hypocrateriformis | C-F-57126, H275 | Switzerland | —— | —— | —— | KY772638 | KY784390 |
Helvella iberica O-F-256538 Spain | Helvella iberica | O-F-256538 | Spain, Rioja | —— | MN644497 | —— | MN626767 | MN598108 |
Helvella iberica O-F-256539 holotype Spain | Helvella iberica | O-F-256539, holotype | Spain, Rioja | —— | MN644498 | —— | MN626769 | MN598109 |
Helvella inexpectata O-F-256541 holotype Spain | Helvella inexpectata | O-F-256541, holotype | Spain, Rioja | —— | —— | —— | MN626792 | MN598148 |
Helvella inexpectata O-F-256540 Spain | Helvella inexpectata | O-F-256540 | Spain, Rioja | —— | —— | —— | MN626768 | MN598192 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 74281 holotype China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 74281, holotype | China | KT215608 | KR493492 | KT254500 | —— | —— |
Helvella involuta HKAS 69966 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 69966 | China | JX462589 | KR493497 | KT254504 | —— | —— |
Helvella involuta BJTC FM2940 China | Helvella involuta | BJTC FM2940 | China | OR355157 | OR355328 | OR359070 | OR359182 | OR366135 |
Helvella japonica H093 holotype Japan | Helvella japonica | H093, holotype | Japan | OQ645455 | KY772961 | —— | KY772490 | KY784243 |
Helvella japonica H2147 Norway | Helvella japonica | H2147 | Norway | OQ645454 | —— | —— | OQ631099 | OQ680211 |
Helvella jizushanica HMAS 290908 holotype China | Helvella jizushanica | HMAS 290908, holotype | China | OQ600301 | OQ586690 | OQ597545 | —— | OQ597609 |
Helvella jizushanica HMAS 59718 China | Helvella jizushanica | HMAS 59718 | China | OQ600302 | OQ586691 | —— | —— | OQ597610 |
Helvella jocatoi CB08326 holotype Mexico | Helvella jocatoi | CB08326, holotype | Mexico | KC016115 | MH399851 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella jocatoi Landeros3581 Mexico | Helvella jocatoi | Landeros3581 | Mexico | MT334416 | MT334419 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella juniperi MCVE20997 Italy | Helvella juniperi | MCVE20997 | Italy, Lu, Viareggio | —— | —— | —— | MN626807 | MN598194 |
Helvella juniperi H415 Portugal | Helvella juniperi | C-F-42193, H415 | Portugal, Minho | —— | —— | —— | KY772754 | KY784510 |
Helvella lactea H374 Denmark | Helvella lactea | C-F-39379, H374 | Denmark, Zealand, | —— | —— | —— | KY772722 | KY784473 |
Helvella lactea H262 Sweden | Helvella lactea | C Fungi Exs. Suec. 1355, H262 | Sweden, Uppland | —— | —— | —— | KY772626 | KY784377 |
Helvella liui HMAS 85725 holotype China | Helvella liui | HMAS 85725, holotype | China | OQ600310 | —— | —— | —— | OQ597622 |
Helvella lobata HMAS 290910 holotype China | Helvella lobata | HMAS 290910, holotype | China | OQ600311 | OQ586698 | —— | —— | OQ597623 |
Helvella pseudolacunosa HKAS 87594 holotype China | Helvella lacunosa | HKAS 87594, holotype | China | KR493476 | —— | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM1162 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM1162 | China | OR355108 | OR355278 | OR359035 | OR359156 | OR366100 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM546 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM546 | China | OR355110 | OR355280 | OR359036 | OR359157 | OR366101 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM813 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM813 | China | OR355112 | OR355282 | OR359037 | —— | OR366102 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM907 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM907 | China | OR355113 | OR355283 | OR359038 | OR359158 | OR366103 |
Helvella lacunosa H407 epitype Sweden | Helvella lacunosa | H407, epitype | Sweden, Smaaland | —— | KY773152 | —— | KY772749 | KY784503 |
Helvella lacunosa H327 Russia | Helvella lacunosa | C-F-34477, H327 | Russia, River Kotuy Khan | —— | KY773112 | —— | KY772682 | KY784431 |
Helvella leucophaea H274 | Helvella leucophaea | H274 | France | —— | KY773088 | —— | KY772637 | KY784389 |
Helvella levis H393 Denmark | Helvella levis | C-F-40830, H393 | Denmark, E Jutland | —— | KY773148 | —— | KY772738 | KY784490 |
Helvella levis H290 epitype Denmark | Helvella levis | C-F-55188, H290, epitype | Denmark, M Zealand | —— | KY773098 | —— | KY772652 | KY784403 |
Helvella macropus H412 epitype Sweden | Helvella macropus | H412_epitype | Sweden, Uppland | —— | —— | —— | KY772753 | KY784507 |
Helvella macropus H239 Norway | Helvella macropus | O-291391, H239 | Norway, Rogaland | —— | KY773068 | KY772897 | KY772606 | KY784357 |
Helvella macropus H238 Norway | Helvella macropus | O-291425, H238 | Norway, Rogaland | —— | KY773067 | KY772896 | KY772605 | KY784356 |
Helvella macrosperma H029 Norway | Helvella macrosperma | O-253328, H029 | Norway, Oppland | MN656159 | KY772921 | KY772838 | KY772449 | KY784205 |
Helvella macrosperma TROM-F-610001 Norway | Helvella macrosperma | TROM-F-610001 | Norway, Troms | MN656176 | MN655842 | MN689297 | MN692282 | MN692319 |
Helvella maculata H303 USA | Helvella maculata | C-F-45400, H303 | USA, Alaska | —— | —— | —— | KY772662 | KY784413 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 90590 holotype China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 90590, holotype | China | KU739858 | KU167473 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella magna HMAS 60679 holotype China | Helvella magna | HMAS 60679, holotype | China | OQ600315 | OQ586702 | OQ597555 | —— | OQ597627 |
Helvella magna HMAS 290911 China | Helvella magna | HMAS 290911 | China | OQ600312 | OQ586699 | OQ597552 | —— | OQ597624 |
Helvella magna HMAS 290912 China | Helvella magna | HMAS 290912 | China | OQ600313 | OQ586700 | OQ597553 | —— | OQ597625 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM1046 China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM1046 | China | —— | OR355287 | OR359040 | —— | OR366105 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM2486-A China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM2486-A | China | OR355117 | OR355288 | OR359041 | —— | OR366106 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM2486-B China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM2486-B | China | OR355118 | OR355289 | OR359042 | —— | OR366107 |
Helvella neofistulosa BJTC ZH1213 holotype China | Helvella neofistulosa | BJTC ZH1213, holotype | China | OR355059 | OR355229 | OR358994 | OR359118 | OR366056 |
Helvella neofistulosa BJTC ZH1251 China | Helvella neofistulosa | BJTC ZH1251 | China | OR355060 | OR355230 | OR358995 | OR359119 | OR366057 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM1130 holotype China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM1130, holotype | China | OR355100 | OR355270 | OR359027 | OR359149 | OR366092 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM1131 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM1131 | China | OR355101 | OR355271 | OR359028 | OR359150 | OR366093 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM264 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM264 | China | OR355102 | OR355272 | OR359029 | OR359151 | OR366094 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM305 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM305 | China | OR355103 | OR355273 | OR359030 | OR359152 | OR366095 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM2484 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM2484 | China | OR355104 | OR355274 | OR359031 | OR359153 | OR366096 |
Helvella multiformis HSA 362 China | Helvella multiformis | HSA 362 | China | OR355172 | OR355343 | OR359079 | OR359190 | OR366144 |
Helvella nannfeldtii H027 holotype Norway | Helvella nannfeldtii | O-253338, H027, holotype | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772919 | KY772836 | KY772447 | KY784203 |
Helvella nannfeldtii H216 France | Helvella nannfeldtii | O-253333, H216 | France, Savoie | —— | KY773048 | KY772891 | KY772589 | KY784337 |
Helvella neopallescens O-F-256550 holotype Spain | Helvella neopallescens | O-F-256550, holotype | Spain, Rioja, | —— | MN644500 | —— | —— | MN598111 |
Helvella neopallescens TRH-12607 Spain | Helvella neopallescens | TRH-12607 | Spain, Islas Baleares | —— | MN644501 | —— | —— | MN598174 |
Helvella nigra H068 Sweden | Helvella nigra | O-253345, H063, epitype | Sweden, Hallan | —— | KY772947 | KY772855 | KY772473 | KY784227 |
Helvella nigra H063 epitype Sweden | Helvella nigra | O-253347, H068 | Sweden, Halland | —— | KY772952 | KY772860 | KY772477 | —— |
Helvella nordlandica H1338 holotype Norway | Helvella nordlandica | H1338, holotype | Norway | —— | —— | —— | OQ633416 | |
Helvella nordlandica H2536 Norway | Helvella nordlandica | H2536 | Norway | OQ626672 | —— | OQ631101 | OQ633409 | |
Helvella nordlandica H1341 Norway | Helvella nordlandica | H1341 | Norway | —— | —— | —— | OQ631097 | OQ633405 |
Helvella nordlandica BJTC FM346-A China | Helvella nordlandica | BJTC FM346-A | China | OR355081 | OR355251 | OR359013 | OR359136 | OR366078 |
Helvella nordlandica FM346-B China | Helvella nordlandica | BJTC FM346-B | China | —— | OR355344 | —— | —— | OR366145 |
Helvella nigrorava BJTC ZH67 holotype China | Helvella nigrorava | BJTC ZH67, holotype | China | OR355105 | OR355275 | OR359032 | OR359154 | OR366097 |
Helvella oroarctica H1983 Norway | Helvella oroarctica | H1983 | Norway | MN656177 | OQ626671 | —— | OQ631098 | OQ633408 |
Helvella oroarctica H2586 holotype Norway | Helvella oroarctica | H2586, holotype | Norway | —— | —— | —— | OQ631103 | OQ633411 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 74319 holotype China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 74319, holotype | China | JX462598 | KR493503 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC BP066 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC BP066 | China | OR355158 | OR355329 | OR359071 | OR359183 | OR366136 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM418 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM418 | China | OR355160 | OR355331 | OR359072 | —— | OR366137 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC SBP126 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC SBP126 | China | OR355161 | OR355332 | OR359073 | OR359184 | OR366138 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC ZH744 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC ZH744 | China | OR355162 | OR355333 | OR359074 | OR359185 | OR366139 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC ZH1364 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC ZH1364 | China | OR355178 | OR355352 | OR359087 | —— | OR366153 |
Helvella orentitomentosa MFLU23-0099 holotype China | Helvella orentitomentosa | MFLU23-0099, holotype | China | —— | OQ866056 | —— | —— | OQ863538 |
Helvella orentitomentosa HKAS 90543 China | Helvella orentitomentosa | HKAS 90543 | China | —— | OQ866057 | —— | —— | OQ863539 |
Helvella pallescens H138 epitype Norway | Helvella pallescens | O-66205, H138, epitype | Norway, Moere og Romsdal | —— | KY772988 | KY772878 | KY772521 | KY784271 |
Helvella pallescens H136 Norway | Helvella pallescens | O-220306, H136 | Norway, Hordaland | —— | KY772987 | KY772877 | KY772519 | KY784269 |
Helvella palustris H043 Norway | Helvella palustris | O-253359, H043 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772933 | KY772848 | KY772458 | KY784214 |
Helvella palustris H019 Norway | Helvella palustris | O-253358, H019 | Norway, Oppland | —— | KY772914 | KY772831 | KY772440 | KY784196 |
Helvella palustris HMAS 30755 China | Helvella palustris | HMAS 30755 | China | —— | —— | —— | —— | OQ597638 |
Helvella panormitana H130 Norway | Helvella panormitana | O-171969, H130 | Norway, Moere og Romsdal | —— | KY772981 | —— | KY772513 | KY784263 |
Helvella panormitana H064 epitype Sweden | Helvella panormitana | O-253363, H064, epitype | Sweden, Hallan | —— | KY772948 | KY772856 | KY772474 | KY784228 |
Helvella paraphysitorquata H271 isotype Spain | Helvella paraphysitorquata | C-F-45305, H271, isotype | Spain, Teruel | —— | KY773085 | —— | KY772634 | KY784386 |
Helvella parva HMAS 290914 holotype China | Helvella parva | HMAS 290914, holotype | China | OQ600323 | OQ586710 | OQ597560 | —— | OQ597639 |
Helvella pezizoides H061 epitype Sweden | Helvella pezizoides | O-253366, H061, epitype | Sweden, Hallan | —— | KY772945 | KY772854 | KY772471 | KY784225 |
Helvella pezizoides H065 Sweden | Helvella pezizoides | O-253367, H065 | Sweden, Hallan | —— | KY772949 | KY772857 | KY772475 | KY784229 |
Helvella philonotis HMAS 290915 China | Helvella philonotis | HMAS 290915 | China | OQ600324 | OQ586711 | OQ597561 | —— | OQ597640 |
Helvella philonotis HMAS 264754 China | Helvella philonotis | HMAS 264754 | China | OQ600327 | OQ586712 | OQ597563 | —— | OQ597644 |
Helvella philonotis O-255760 Norway | Helvella philonotis | O-255760 | Norway, Oppland | MN656182 | MN655853 | MN689303 | MN692301 | MN692353 |
Helvella philonotis H492 holotype Iceland | Helvella philonotis | H492, holotype | Iceland, Hveragerdi | —— | —— | —— | KY772813 | KY784570 |
Helvella phlebophora H273 epitype Iceland | Helvella phlebophora | C-F-45405, H273, epitype | Iceland, Austur-Skaftafellsysla | —— | KY773087 | —— | KY772636 | KY784388 |
Helvella phlebophora HMAS 268001 China | Helvella phlebophora | HMAS 268001 | China | OQ600328 | OQ586713 | OQ597564 | —— | OQ597645 |
Helvella phlebophoroides O-F-256565 holotype Spain | Helvella phlebophoroides | O-F-256565, holotype | Spain, Rioja, | —— | MN644506 | —— | MN626775 | MN598116 |
Helvella phlebophoroides C-F-17373 Denmark | Helvella phlebophoroides | C-F-17373 | Denmark, NEZ | —— | MN644507 | —— | MN626779 | MN598088 |
Helvella phlebophoropsis HMAS 85654 holotype China | Helvella phlebophoropsis | HMAS 85654, holotype | China | OQ600329 | —— | —— | —— | OQ597646 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 290916 China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 290916 | China | OQ600330 | OQ586714 | OQ597565 | —— | OQ597648 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 270642 holotype China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 270642, holotype | China | OQ600331 | OQ586715 | OQ597566 | —— | OQ597649 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 290917 China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 290917 | China | OQ600332 | OQ586716 | OQ597567 | —— | OQ597650 |
Helvella platypodia O-F-256566 epitype Spain | Helvella platypodia | O-F-256566, epitype | Spain, Rioja | —— | —— | —— | MN626790 | MN598139 |
Helvella platypodia C-F-64490 Denmark | Helvella platypodia | C-F-64490 | Denmark, EJ | —— | —— | —— | —— | MN598122 |
Helvella poculiformis O-F-256567 holotype Spain | Helvella poculiformis | O-F-256567, holotype | Spain, Zaragoza | —— | —— | —— | MN626791 | MN598143 |
Helvella pseudoalpina TROM-F-610049 Norway | Helvella pseudoalpina | TROM-F-610049 | Norway, Troms. Balsfjord | —— | MN655868 | MN658195 | MN692304 | MN692356 |
Helvella pseudoalpina TROM-F-610048 Norway | Helvella pseudoalpina | TROM-F-610048 | Norway, Troms. | MN656173 | MN655866 | MN658194 | MN692303 | MN692355 |
Helvella pseudoalpina O-255748 Svalbard | Helvella pseudoalpina | O-255748 | Svalbard, Longyearbyen | —— | MN655869 | MN689292 | MN692302 | MN692354 |
Helvella pseudoelastica BJTC C351-A holotype China | Helvella pseudoelastica | BJTC C351-A, holotype | China | OR355170 | OR355341 | OR359078 | OR359189 | OR366143 |
Helvella pseudoelastica BJTC C351-B China | Helvella pseudoelastica | BJTC C351-B | China | OR355174 | OR355348 | OR359083 | OR359194 | OR366149 |
Helvella pseudofallax HSA 356 holotype China | Helvella pseudofallax | HSA 356, holotype | China | OR355083 | OR355253 | OR359015 | OR359138 | OR366080 |
Helvella pseudofallax BJTC ZH1283 China | Helvella pseudofallax | BJTC ZH1283 | China | OR355084 | OR355254 | OR359016 | OR359139 | OR366081 |
Helvella pseudofallax BJTC FM1148 China | Helvella pseudofallax | BJTC FM1148 | China | OR355085 | OR355255 | OR359017 | OR359140 | OR366082 |
Helvella pseudopezizoides BJTC FM1045-A China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | BJTC FM1045-A | China | OR355089 | OR355259 | OR359020 | OR359143 | OR366085 |
Helvella pseudopezizoides BJTC FM1045-B China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | BJTC FM1045-B | China | OR355090 | OR355260 | OR359021 | OR359144 | OR366086 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 74311 holotype China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 74311, holotype | China | JX462593 | —— | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 75438 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 75438 | China | JX462595 | —— | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP228 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP228 | China | OR355135 | OR355306 | OR359058 | OR359171 | OR366123 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC C549 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC C549 | China | OR355137 | OR355308 | OR359059 | —— | OR366124 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM1019 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM1019 | China | OR355138 | OR355309 | OR359060 | OR359172 | OR366125 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM1409 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM1409 | China | OR355139 | OR355310 | OR359061 | OR359173 | OR366126 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM270 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM270 | China | OR355140 | OR355311 | OR359062 | OR359174 | OR366127 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC L489 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC L489 | China | OR355143 | OR355314 | OR359063 | OR359175 | OR366128 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 313 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 313 | China | OR355145 | OR355316 | OR359064 | OR359176 | OR366129 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 332 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 332 | China | OR355146 | OR355317 | OR359065 | OR359177 | OR366130 |
Helvella pubescens H121 holotype Canada | Helvella pubescens | FH, H121, holotype | Canada, Albert | —— | KY772975 | —— | KY772506 | KY784257 |
Helvella pubescens H334 USA | Helvella pubescens | C-F-56502, H334 | USA, Oregon | —— | KY773114 | —— | KY772688 | KY784437 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC BP020 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC BP020 | China | OR355093 | OR355263 | OR359023 | OR359145 | OR366089 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC C511 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC C511 | China | OR355094 | OR355264 | OR359024 | OR359146 | OR366090 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM259 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM259 | China | OR355097 | OR355267 | OR359025 | OR359147 | OR366091 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM918 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM918 | China | OR355098 | OR355268 | OR359026 | OR359148 | —— |
Helvella pulla H259 Norway | Helvella pulla | O-253370, H259 | Norway, Oestfold | —— | KY773080 | —— | KY772623 | KY784374 |
Helvella pulla H149 epitype Norway | Helvella pulla | O-69282, H149, epitype | Norway, Moere og Romsdal | —— | KY772998 | —— | KY772532 | KY784282 |
Helvella queletiana C-F-39372 Denmark | Helvella queletiana | C-F-39372 | Denmark, Zealand, | —— | —— | —— | MN626778 | MN598119 |
Helvella queletiana H403 neotype Denmark | Helvella queletiana | C-F-45303, H403, neotype | Denmark, Zealand, | —— | KY773151 | —— | KY772746 | KY784499 |
Helvella ravida HMAS 290919 holotype China | Helvella ravida | HMAS 290919, holotype | China | OQ600334 | OQ586718 | OQ597568 | —— | OQ597652 |
Helvella ravida HMAS 61920 China | Helvella ravida | HMAS 61920 | China | OQ600335 | OQ586719 | —— | —— | OQ597653 |
Helvella ravida HSA 375 holotype China | Helvella ravida | HSA 375 | China | OR355124 | OR355295 | OR359048 | —— | OR366113 |
Helvella retinervis ARAN3008363 holotype Spain | Helvella retinervis | ARAN3008363, holotype | Spain, Gipuzkoa | —— | —— | —— | MN626783 | MN598126 |
Helvella retinervis UPS-F-122183 Sweden | Helvella retinervis | UPS-F-122183 | Sweden, Narke | —— | —— | —— | MN626764 | MN598097 |
Helvella rivularis H276 holotype Norway | Helvella rivularis | C-F-59447, H276, holotype | Norway, Nordland | —— | KY773089 | —— | KY772639 | KY784391 |
Helvella rivularis O-255764 Norway | Helvella rivularis | O-255764 | Norway, Troms | MN656175 | MN655850 | MN689306 | MN692295 | MN692371 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 87587 holotype China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 87587, holotype | China | KR493478 | MG871320 | MG980690 | —— | —— |
Helvella rugosa HMAS 290920 China | Helvella rugosa | HMAS 290920 | China | OQ600336 | OQ586720 | OQ597569 | —— | OQ597654 |
Helvella rugosa HMAS 290921 China | Helvella rugosa | HMAS 290921 | China | OQ600337 | OQ586721 | OQ597570 | —— | OQ597655 |
Helvella scyphoides H140 holotype Norway | Helvella scyphoides | O-65348, H140, holotype | Norway, Hedmark | —— | KY772989 | KY772879 | KY772523 | KY784273 |
Helvella scyphoides BJTC FM1158 China | Helvella scyphoides | BJTC FM1158 | China | OR355073 | OR355243 | OR359008 | OR359131 | OR366070 |
Helvella scyphoides BJTC FM899 China | Helvella scyphoides | BJTC FM899 | China | OR355074 | OR355244 | —— | —— | OR366071 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 166 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 166 | China | OR355075 | OR355245 | OR359009 | OR359132 | OR366072 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 239 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 239 | China | OR355076 | OR355246 | —— | —— | OR366073 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 336 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 336 | China | OR355077 | OR355247 | —— | —— | OR366074 |
Helvella semiobruta H277 isotype France | Helvella semiobruta | C-F-45507, H277, isotype | France, Rhone | —— | —— | —— | KY772640 | KY784392 |
Helvella sichuanensis 10706 holotype China | Helvella sichuanensis | 10706, holotype | China | OR355014 | MK592107 | OR358968 | OR359095 | MK652221 |
Helvella sinocrispa BJTC FM96-A holotype China | Helvella sinocrispa | BJTC FM96-A, holotype | China | OR355155 | OR355326 | OR359068 | OR359180 | OR366133 |
Helvella sinocrispa BJTC FM96-B China | Helvella sinocrispa | BJTC FM96-B | China | OR355156 | OR355327 | OR359069 | OR359181 | OR366134 |
Helvella sinohyperborea BJTC FM105 holotype China | Helvella sinohyperborea | BJTC FM105, holotype | China | OR355132 | OR355303 | OR359056 | OR359170 | OR366121 |
Helvella sinohyperborea BJTC FM165 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | BJTC FM165 | China | OR355133 | OR355304 | OR359057 | —— | OR366122 |
Helvella solitaria H370 epitype Sweden | Helvella solitaria | H370, epitype | Sweden, Uppsala | —— | —— | —— | KY772720 | KY784470 |
Helvella solitaria H215 Norway | Helvella solitaria | O-253379, H215 | Norway, Soer-Troendelag | —— | KY773047 | KY772890 | KY772588 | KY784336 |
Helvella solitaria H090 France | Helvella solitaria | O-253371, H090 | France, Savoie | —— | KY772959 | KY772868 | KY772488 | KY784241 |
Helvella solitaria BJTC FM417 China | Helvella solitaria | BJTC FM417 | China | OR355131 | OR355302 | OR359055 | OR359169 | OR366120 |
Helvella sp. BJTC ZH139 China | Helvella sp. 31 | BJTC ZH139 | China | OR355080 | OR355250 | OR359012 | OR359135 | OR366077 |
Helvella sp. HSA 150-A China | Helvella sp. 59 | HSA 150-A | China | —— | OR355345 | OR359080 | OR359191 | OR366146 |
Helvella sp. HSA 150-B China | Helvella sp. 59 | HSA 150-B | China | —— | OR355346 | OR359081 | OR359192 | OR366147 |
Helvella stevensii H394 USA | Helvella stevensii | C-F-92117, H394 | USA, Michigan | —— | —— | —— | KY772739 | KY784491 |
Helvella stevensii H297 USA | Helvella stevensii | C-F-45350, H297 | USA, Michigan, | —— | —— | —— | KY772657 | KY784408 |
Helvella subglabra H280 topotype USA | Helvella subglabra | C-F-65405, H280, topotype | USA, Michigan | —— | —— | —— | KY772643 | KY784394 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC C614 China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC C614 | China | OR355086 | OR355256 | OR359018 | OR359141 | OR366083 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC FM1049 China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC FM1049 | China | OR355087 | OR355257 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC FM2686 holotype China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC FM2686, holotype | China | OR355088 | OR355258 | OR359019 | OR359142 | OR366084 |
Helvella sublactea HKAS 74226 China | Helvella sublactea | HKAS 74226 | China | KT894827 | —— | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella sublactea HKAS 90607 China | Helvella sublactea | HKAS 90607 | China | KT894826 | —— | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella sublactea BJTC FM1082 China | Helvella sublactea | BJTC FM1082 | China | OR355122 | OR355293 | OR359046 | —— | OR366111 |
Helvella sublactea BJTC FM347 China | Helvella sublactea | BJTC FM347 | China | OR355123 | OR355294 | OR359047 | OR359162 | OR366112 |
Helvella sublactea | Helvella sublactea | HKAS 69753 | China | KT894825 | KT894832 | —— | —— | OR366154 |
Helvella sublicia H417 epitype Denmark | Helvella sublicia | C-F-39823, H417, epitype | Denmark, Soroe | —— | KY773155 | —— | KY772756 | KY784512 |
Helvella sublicia KH.11.84(S) Sweden | Helvella sublicia | KH.11.84(S) | Sweden, Gotland | —— | MK100273 | MK113894 | —— | MK179403 |
Helvella sublicia H148 Norway | Helvella sublicia | O-70080, H148 | Norway, Akershus | —— | KY772997 | KY772880 | KY772531 | KY784281 |
Helvella subspadicea HKAS 90624 China | Helvella subspadicea | HKAS 90624 | China, xinjiang | KU739797 | KU739822 | KU739849 | —— | —— |
Helvella subspadicea HKAS 56656 holotype China | Helvella subspadicea | HKAS 56656, holotype | China, xinjiang | —— | KU739821 | KU739848 | —— | —— |
Helvella subtinta HKAS 104666 holotype China | Helvella subtinta | HKAS 104666, holotype | China, Yunnan | MN449991 | MN449992 | —— | —— | —— |
Helvella subtinta BJTC FM1307 China | Helvella subtinta | BJTC FM1307 | China | OR355130 | OR355301 | OR359054 | OR359168 | OR366119 |
Helvella sulcata H152 epitype Norway | Helvella sulcata | O-68095, H152, epitype | Norway, Oslo | —— | KY773001 | KY772882 | KY772535 | KY784284 |
Helvella sulcata O-F-256588 Spain | Helvella sulcata | O-F-256588 | Spain, Rioja | —— | MN644505 | —— | MN626774 | MN598115 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC FM1416 holotype China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC FM1416, holotype | China | OR355119 | OR355290 | OR359043 | OR359160 | OR366108 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC FM263 China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC FM263 | China | OR355120 | OR355291 | OR359044 | OR359161 | OR366109 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC ZH1231 China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC ZH1231 | China | OR355121 | OR355292 | OR359045 | —— | OR366110 |
Helvella taiyuanensis HMAS 277500 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | HMAS 277500 | China | MK592152 | MK592105 | MK652166 | —— | MK652216 |
Helvella taiyuanensis 119250 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | 119250 | China | MK592151 | MK592104 | OR358966 | —— | MK652215 |
Helvella taiyuanensis BJTC FM192 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | BJTC FM192 | China | OR355167 | OR355338 | OR359076 | OR359187 | OR366141 |
Helvella taiyuanensis BJTC FM861 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | BJTC FM861 | China | OR355168 | OR355339 | OR359077 | OR359188 | OR366142 |
Helvella terricola O-F-256562 holotype Spain | Helvella terricola | O-F-256562, holotype | Spain, Huesca | —— | —— | —— | MN626809 | MN598197 |
Helvella terricola HMAS 38355 China | Helvella terricola | HMAS 38355 | China | OQ600354 | —— | —— | —— | OQ597679 |
Helvella tianshanensis HMAS 88611 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HMAS 88611 | China | MK592158 | —— | —— | —— | MK652223 |
Helvella tianshanensis HMAS 86040 holotype China | Helvella tianshanensis | HMAS 86040, holotype | China | MK592157 | MK592108 | MK652170 | —— | MK652222 |
Helvella tianshanensis BJTC FM175 China | Helvella tianshanensis | BJTC FM175 | China | OR355125 | OR355296 | OR359049 | OR359163 | OR366114 |
Helvella tianshanensis HSA 179 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HSA 179 | China | OR355126 | OR355297 | OR359050 | OR359164 | OR366115 |
Helvella tianshanensis HSA 185 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HSA 185 | China | OR355127 | OR355298 | OR359051 | OR359165 | OR366116 |
Helvella tinta HKAS 82560 holotype China | Helvella tinta | HKAS 82560, holotype | China | KX239842 | KX239772 | OR358962 | —— | OR366031 |
Helvella ulvinenii HKAS 90321 China | Helvella ulvinenii | HKAS 90321 | China | —— | KU167483 | OR359088 | OR359196 | OR366155 |
Helvella varia HMAS 270932 holotype China | Helvella varia | HMAS 270932, holotype | China | OQ600357 | OQ586737 | OQ597585 | —— | OQ597682 |
Helvella varia HMAS 290929 China | Helvella varia | HMAS 290929 | China | OQ600359 | OQ586738 | OQ597587 | —— | OQ597684 |
Helvella vespertina H116 USA | Helvella vespertina | FH, H116 | USA, Maine | —— | KY772971 | —— | KY772502 | KY784254 |
Helvella vespertina H102 USA | Helvella vespertina | FH, H102 | USA, California | —— | KY772963 | —— | KY772492 | KY784245 |
Helvella vitrea HMAS 290932 holotype China | Helvella vitrea | HMAS 290932, holotype | China | OQ600362 | OQ586741 | —— | —— | OQ597687 |
Helvella vulgata HMAS 53683 holotype China | Helvella vulgata | HMAS 53683, holotype | China | OQ600363 | OQ586742 | —— | —— | OQ597688 |
Helvella vulgata HMIGD 25964 China | Helvella vulgata | HMIGD 25964 | China | OQ600365 | OQ586743 | OQ597589 | —— | OQ597690 |
Helvella vulgata BJTC FM2621 China | Helvella vulgata | BJTC FM2621 | China | OR355116 | OR355286 | OR359039 | OR359159 | OR366104 |
Helvella xiaohuipan BJTC FM367 China | Helvella xiaohuipan | BJTC FM367 | China | OR355078 | OR355248 | OR359010 | OR359133 | OR366075 |
Helvella xiaohuipan BJTC FM2317 holotype China | Helvella xiaohuipan | BJTC FM2317, holotype | China | OR355079 | OR355249 | OR359011 | OR359134 | OR366076 |
Helvella yunnanensis HMAS 290933 holotype China | Helvella yunnanensis | HMAS 290933, holotype | China | OQ600366 | OQ586744 | OQ597590 | —— | OQ597691 |
Helvella yunnanensis HMAS 290934 China | Helvella yunnanensis | HMAS 290934 | China | OQ600367 | OQ586745 | OQ597591 | —— | OQ597692 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74338 holotype China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74338, holotype | China | JX462581 | KR493487 | KT254495 | —— | —— |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74336 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74336 | China | JX462579 | KR493485 | KT254493 | —— | —— |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74335 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74335 | China | JX462578 | KR493484 | —— | —— | OR366156 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74343 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74343 | China | JX462583 | KR493489 | —— | —— | OR366157 |
Pindara terrestris S-F327988 Sweden | Pindara terrestris | S-F327988 | Sweden | —— | MK100280 | MK113896 | MK113867 | —— |
Pindara terrestris KH.12.67(S) Sweden | Pindara terrestris | KH.12.67(S) | Sweden | —— | MK100279 | MK113889 | MK113866 | —— |
Pindara terrestris H284 Norway | Pindara terrestris | H284 | Norway | —— | KY773094 | —— | KY772647 | KY784398 |
Table S2.
Specimens used in two combined loci (ITS/nrLSU) phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.
Taxa Name in Analysis | Taxon name | Voucher specimen | Country | ITS GenBank | LSU GenBank |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 137 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 137 | China | OR355181 | OR355355 |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 169 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 169 | China | OR355182 | OR355356 |
Helvella acetabuloides BJTC FM1264 China | Helvella acetabuloides | BJTC FM1264 | China | OR355166 | OR355337 |
Helvella acetabuloides CFSZ2044 holotype China | Helvella acetabuloides | CFSZ2044, holotype | China | OR355015 | OR355185 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 23839 China | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 23839 | China | MK592112 | —— |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 75176 China | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 75176 | China | MK592117 | —— |
Helvella albopatella BJTC FM2610-A holotype China | Helvella albopatella | BJTC FM2610-A | China | OR355082 | OR355252 |
Helvella albopatella BJTC FM2610-B China | Helvella albopatella | BJTC FM2610-B | China | OR355176 | OR355350 |
Uncultured Pezizales LP110032 China | Helvella albopatella | LP110032 | China | JQ318620 | —— |
Uncultured Pezizales LP110049 China | Helvella albopatella | LP110049 | China | JQ318637 | —— |
Helvella alborava BJTC C316-A holotype China | Helvella alborava | BJTC C316-A, holotype | China | OR355106 | OR355276 |
Helvella alborava BJTC C316-B China | Helvella alborava | BJTC C316-B | China | OR355173 | OR355347 |
Uncultured Helvella XT12876 China | Helvella alborava | XT12876 | China | MF405781 | —— |
Helvella alpina H223 holotype France | Helvella alpina | H223, holotype | France | —— | KY773054 |
Helvella atra HMAS 290900 China | Helvella atra | HMAS 290900 | China | OQ600286 | OQ586677 |
Helvella atra HMAS 290901 China | Helvella atra | HMAS 290901 | China | OQ600287 | OQ586678 |
Helvella atra zhao2111 China | Helvella atra | zhao2111 | China | KT894823 | KT894830 |
Helvella lacunosa zhao2112 China | Helvella atra | zhao2112 | China | KT894824 | KT894831 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 69065 China | Helvella atroides | HKAS 69065 | China | KX507000 | —— |
Helvella austrooccidentalis HMAS 290902 China | Helvella austrooccidentalis | HMAS 290902 | China | OQ600290 | OQ586680 |
Helvella austrooccidentalis HMAS 290903 holotype China | Helvella austrooccidentalis | HMAS 290903, holotype | China | OQ600291 | OQ586681 |
Helvella bachu BJTC FM382 China | Helvella bachu | BJTC FM382 | China | OR355062 | OR355232 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 88106 China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 88106 | China | KU739792 | KU739816 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 88105 holotype China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 88105, holotype | China | KU739791 | NG_059662 |
Helvella borealis HMAS 290905 holotype China | Helvella borealis | HMAS 290905, holotype | China | OQ600293 | OQ586683 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM269 China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM269 | China | OR355063 | OR355233 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM272 China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM272 | China | OR355064 | OR355234 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM911 holotype China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM911, holotype | China | OR355065 | OR355235 |
Helvella caespitosa HSA 379-A holotype China | Helvella caespitosa | HSA 379-A, holotype | China | OR355091 | OR355261 |
Helvella caespitosa HSA 379-B China | Helvella caespitosa | HSA 379-B | China | OR355092 | OR355262 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-129 China | Helvella caespitosa | NX3-129 | China | LC623411 | —— |
Helvella calycina HMAS 279704 China | Helvella calycina | HMAS 279704 | China: Inner Mongolia | OR355013 | MK592100 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1094 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1094 | China | OR355037 | OR355207 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1156 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1156 | China | OR355038 | OR355208 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1423 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1423 | China | OR355039 | OR355209 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM242 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM242 | China | OR355040 | OR355210 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM884 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM884 | China | OR355041 | OR355211 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM909 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM909 | China | OR355042 | OR355212 |
Helvella capucinoides HMJAU 33777 China | Helvella capucinoides | HMJAU 33777 | China | OR355043 | OR355213 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM923 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM923 | China | OR355169 | OR355340 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP030 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP030 | China | OR355016 | OR355186 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP043 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP043 | China | OR355017 | OR355187 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP060 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP060 | China | OR355018 | OR355188 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP718 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP718 | China | OR355019 | OR355189 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP724 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP724 | China | OR355020 | OR355190 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM1032 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM1032 | China | OR355021 | OR355191 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM274 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM274 | China | OR355022 | OR355192 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM297 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM297 | China | OR355023 | OR355193 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM298 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM298 | China | OR355024 | OR355194 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM316 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM316 | China | OR355025 | OR355195 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM376 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM376 | China | OR355026 | OR355196 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM953 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM953 | China | OR355027 | OR355197 |
Helvella carnosa HSA 360 China | Helvella carnosa | HSA 360 | China | OR355028 | OR355198 |
Helvella carnosa HSA 434 China | Helvella carnosa | HSA 434 | China | OR355029 | OR355199 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC SBP287 | Helvella carnosa | BJTC SBP287 | China | OR355030 | OR355200 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2619 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2619 | China | OR355031 | OR355201 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2478 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2478 | China | OR355032 | OR355202 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2479 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2479 | China | OR355033 | OR355203 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2499 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2499 | China | OR355034 | OR355204 |
Helvella macropus HKAS 84887 China | Helvella macropus | HKAS 84887 | China | KX506989 | KX506944 |
Helvella corbierei HSA 138 China | Helvella corbierei | HSA 138 | China | OR355071 | OR355241 |
Helvella corbierei HSA 181 China | Helvella corbierei | HSA 181 | China | OR355072 | OR355242 |
Helvella corium O-255756 Svalbard | Helvella corium | O-255756 | Svalbard | MN656185 | MN655873 |
Helvella corium O-255757 France | Helvella corium | O-255757 | France | MN656165 | MN655870 |
Helvella costifera BJTC FM1705 China | Helvella costifera | BJTC FM1705 | China | OR355128 | OR355299 |
Helvella costifera BJTC FM1742 China | Helvella costifera | BJTC FM1742 | China | OR355129 | OR355300 |
Helvella costifera HMAS 280301 China | Helvella costifera | HMAS 280301 | China | MK592123 | MK592103 |
Helvella costifera HMAS 187120 China | Helvella costifera | HMAS 187120 | China | MK592122 | MK592102 |
Helvella cremeoinvoluta BJTC FM941-A holotype China | Helvella cremeoinvoluta | BJTC FM941-A, holotype | China | OR355153 | OR355324 |
Helvella cremeoinvoluta BJTC FM941-B China | Helvella cremeoinvoluta | BJTC FM941-B | China | OR355154 | OR355325 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90585 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90585 | China | KX507002 | OR355183 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90583 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90583 | China | KX507001 | OR355184 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90535 holotype China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90535, holotype | China | KU739803 | —— |
Helvella cystidiata HKAS 74316 China | Helvella cystidiata | HKAS 74316 | China | KX239840 | KX239803 |
Helvella cystidiata HKAS 78941 holotype China | Helvella cystidiata | HKAS 78941, holotype | China | KX239839 | KX239802 |
Helvella cystidiata HMJAU 52 China | Helvella cystidiata | HMJAU 52 | China | OQ600295 | OQ586684 |
Helvella cystidiata HMJAU 150 China | Helvella cystidiata | HMJAU 150 | China | OQ600296 | OQ586685 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP398 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP398 | China | OR355044 | OR355214 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP428 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP428 | China | OR355045 | OR355215 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP649 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP649 | China | OR355046 | OR355216 |
Helvella danica BJTC L235 China | Helvella danica | BJTC L235 | China | OR355047 | OR355217 |
Helvella danica BJTC SBP022 China | Helvella danica | BJTC SBP022 | China | OR355048 | OR355218 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1249 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1249 | China | OR355049 | OR355219 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH370 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH370 | China | OR355050 | OR355220 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH883 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH883 | China | OR355051 | OR355221 |
Helvella danica BJTC FM1053 China | Helvella danica | BJTC FM1053 | China | OR355052 | OR355222 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1122 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1122 | China | OR355053 | OR355223 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP544 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP544 | China | OR355054 | OR355224 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH522 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH522 | China | OR355055 | OR355225 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1190 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1190 | China | OR355056 | OR355226 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP255 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP255 | China | OR355057 | OR355227 |
Helvella danica BJTC FM2577 China | Helvella danica | BJTC FM2577 | China | OR355058 | OR355228 |
Helvella danica BJTC SBP199 China | Helvella danica | BJTC SBP199 | China | OR355171 | OR355342 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1360 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1360 | China | OR355177 | OR355351 |
Helvella deflexa HSA 240-A1 holotype China | Helvella deflexa | HSA 240-A1, holotype | China | OR355069 | OR355239 |
Helvella deflexa HSA 240-A2 China | Helvella deflexa | HSA 240-A2 | China | OR355070 | OR355240 |
Helvella ephippioides HMJAU 44584 China | Helvella ephippioides | HMJAU 44584 | China | OR355107 | OR355277 |
Helvella sp. HMJAU 20134 China | Helvella ephippioides | HMJAU 20134 | China | KX506996 | KX506951 |
Helvella macropus Y090607 China | Helvella ephippioides | Y090607 | China | OL678130 | —— |
Helvella fistulosa BJTC 1976 China | Helvella fistulosa | BJTC 1976 | China | OR355061 | OR355231 |
Helvella flavostipitata HSA 387-A holotype China | Helvella flavostipitata | HSA 387-A, holotype | China | OR355035 | OR355205 |
Helvella flavostipitata HSA 387-B China | Helvella flavostipitata | HSA 387-B | China | OR355036 | OR355206 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-109 China | Helvella flavostipitata | NX3-109 | China | LC623405 | —— |
Helvella floriforma HKAS 90224 holotype China | Helvella floriforma | HKAS90224 | China | —— | KX239771 |
Helvella fulva HMAS 290906 holotype China | Helvella fulva | HMAS 290906, holotype | China | OQ600297 | OQ586686 |
Helvella galeriformis HSA 232 epitype China | Helvella galeriformis | HSA 232, epitype | China | OR355066 | OR355236 |
Helvella galeriformis HSA 240-B China | Helvella galeriformis | HSA 240-B | China | OR355067 | OR355237 |
Helvella galeriformis BJTC FM2574 China | Helvella galeriformis | BJTC FM2574 | China | OR355068 | OR355238 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 68122 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 68122 | China | KX506976 | KX506931 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 57139 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 57439 | China | KX506975 | KX506930 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87759 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 87759 | China | KX506974 | KX506929 |
Helvella huangii HMAS 290907 China | Helvella huangii | HMAS 290907 | China | OQ600298 | OQ586687 |
Helvella huangii HMAS 45031 holotype China | Helvella huangii | HMAS 45031, holotype | China | OQ600299 | OQ586688 |
Helvella huangii HMJAU 3488 China | Helvella huangii | HMJAU 3488 | China | OQ600300 | OQ586689 |
Helvella huangii BJTC C375 China | Helvella huangii | BJTC C375 | China | OR355175 | OR355349 |
Helvella involuta BJTC FM2940 China | Helvella involuta | BJTC FM2940 | China | OR355157 | OR355328 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 74281 holotype China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 74281, holotype | China | KT215608 | KR493492 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 69966 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 69966 | China | JX462589 | KR493497 |
Helvella jizushanica HMAS 290908 holotype China | Helvella jizushanica | HMAS 290908, holotype | China | OQ600301 | OQ586690 |
Helvella jizushanica HMAS 59718 China | Helvella jizushanica | HMAS 59718 | China | OQ600302 | OQ586691 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 69079 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 69079 | China | KX239830 | KX239793 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 72598 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 72598 | China | KX239829 | KX239792 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90221 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 90221 | China | KX239828 | KX239791 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 69079 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 69079 | China | KX239830 | KX239793 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 72598 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 72598 | China | KX239829 | KX239792 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90221 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 90221 | China | KX239828 | KX239791 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM1162 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM1162 | China | OR355108 | OR355278 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM1414 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM1414 | China | OR355109 | OR355279 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM546 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM546 | China | OR355110 | OR355280 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM573 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM573 | China | OR355111 | OR355281 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM813 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM813 | China | OR355112 | OR355282 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM907 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM907 | China | OR355113 | OR355283 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM917 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM914 | China | OR355114 | OR355284 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM947 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM947 | China | OR355115 | OR355285 |
Helvella pseudolacunosa HKAS 87594 holotype China | Helvella lacunosa | HKAS 87594, holotype | China | KR493476 | KU739814 |
Helvella pseudolacunosa HMJAU 4533 China | Helvella lacunosa | HMJAU 4533 | China | MG871284 | MG871319 |
Helvella liui HMAS 85725 holotype China | Helvella liui | HMAS 85725, holotype | China | OQ600310 | —— |
Uncultured Helvella XT13106 China | Helvella liui | XT13106 | China | MF405782 | —— |
Uncultured Helvella Q-L-OTU66 China | Helvella liui | Q-L-OTU66 | China | KY684424 | —— |
Helvella lobata HMAS 290910 holotype China | Helvella lobata | HMAS 290910, holotype | China | OQ600311 | OQ586698 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 87827 China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 87827 | China | KU739859 | KU167472 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 90590 holotype China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 90590, holotype | China | KU739858 | KU167473 |
Helvella magna HMAS 60679 holotype China | Helvella magna | HMAS 60679, holotype | China | OQ600315 | OQ586702 |
Helvella magna HMAS 290911 China | Helvella magna | HMAS 290911 | China | OQ600312 | OQ586699 |
Helvella magna HMAS 290912 China | Helvella magna | HMAS 290912 | China | OQ600313 | OQ586700 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM1046 China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM1046 | China | —— | OR355287 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM2486-A China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM2486-A | China | OR355117 | OR355288 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM2486-B China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM2486-B | China | OR355118 | OR355289 |
Uncultured Helvella XJG9 China | Helvella magna | XJG9 | China: Inner Mongolia | JX129157 | —— |
Uncultured fungus QH142 China | Helvella magna | QH-142 | China:Qinghai Province | LC623504 | —— |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM1130 holotype China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM1130 | China | OR355100 | OR355270 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM1131 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM1131 | China | OR355101 | OR355271 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM264 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM264 | China | OR355102 | OR355272 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM305 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM305 | China | OR355103 | OR355273 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM2484 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM2484 | China | OR355104 | OR355274 |
Helvella multiformis HSA 362 China | Helvella multiformis | HSA 362 | China | OR355172 | OR355343 |
Helvella neofistulosa BJTC ZH1213 holotype China | Helvella neofistulosa | BJTC ZH1213, holotype | China | OR355059 | OR355229 |
Helvella neofistulosa BJTC ZH1251 China | Helvella neofistulosa | BJTC ZH1251 | China | OR355060 | OR355230 |
Helvella nigrorava BJTC ZH67 holotype China | Helvella nigrorava | BJTC ZH67 | China | OR355105 | OR355275 |
Uncultured Helvella XT12787 China | Helvella nigrorava | XT12787 | China | MF405780 | —— |
Helvella nordlandica BJTC FM346-A China | Helvella nordlandica | BJTC FM346-A | China | OR355081 | OR355251 |
Helvella nordlandica BJTC FM346-B China | Helvella nordlandica | BJTC FM346-B | China | —— | OR355344 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC ZH1364 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC ZH1364 | China | OR355178 | OR355352 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC BP066 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC BP066 | China | OR355158 | OR355329 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC C578 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC C578 | China | OR355159 | OR355330 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM418 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM418 | China | OR355160 | OR355331 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC SBP126 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC SBP126 | China | OR355161 | OR355332 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC ZH744 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC ZH744 | China | OR355162 | OR355333 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM2480 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM2480 | China | OR355163 | OR355334 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM2481 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM2481 | China | OR355164 | OR355335 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM2482 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM2482 | China | OR355165 | OR355336 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 74319 holotype China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 74319, holotype | China | JX462598 | KR493503 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90531 China | Helvella orentitomentosa | HKAS 90531 | China | KX506999 | —— |
Helvella parva HMAS 290914 holotype China | Helvella parva | HMAS 290914, holotype | China | OQ600323 | OQ586710 |
Helvella philonotis HMAS 290915 China | Helvella philonotis | HMAS 290915 | China | OQ600324 | OQ586711 |
Helvella philonotis HMAS 264754 China | Helvella philonotis | HMAS 264754 | China | OQ600327 | OQ586712 |
Helvella phlebophora HMAS 268001 China | Helvella phlebophora | HMAS 268001 | China | OQ600328 | OQ586713 |
Helvella phlebophoropsis HMAS 85654 holotype China | Helvella phlebophoropsis | HMAS 85654, holotype | China | OQ600329 | —— |
Helvella plateata HMAS 290916 China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 290916 | China | OQ600330 | OQ586714 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 270642 holotype China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 270642, holotype | China | OQ600331 | OQ586715 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 290917 China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 290917 | China | OQ600332 | OQ586716 |
Helvella pseudoalpina TROM-F-610048 Norway | Helvella pseudoalpina | TROM-F-610048 | Norway | MN656173 | MN655866 |
Helvella pseudoelastica BJTC C351-A holotype China | Helvella pseudoelastica | BJTC C351-A?holotype | China | OR355170 | OR355341 |
Helvella pseudoelastica BJTC C351-B China | Helvella pseudoelastica | BJTC C351-B | China | OR355174 | OR355348 |
Helvella pseudofallax HSA 356 holotype China | Helvella pseudofallax | HAS 356, holotype | China | OR355083 | OR355253 |
Helvella pseudofallax BJTC ZH1283 China | Helvella pseudofallax | BJTC ZH1283 | China | OR355084 | OR355254 |
Helvella pseudofallax BJTC FM1148 China | Helvella pseudofallax | BJTC FM1148 | China | OR355085 | OR355255 |
Helvella pseudopezizoides BJTC FM1045-A holotype China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | BJTC FM1045-A, holotype | China | OR355089 | OR355259 |
Helvella pseudopezizoides BJTC FM1045-B China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | BJTC FM1045-B | China | OR355090 | OR355260 |
Uncultured Helvella DLS1758 China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | DLS1758 | China | KX444420 | —— |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP163 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP163 | China | OR355134 | OR355305 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP228 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP228 | China | OR355135 | OR355306 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP760 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP760 | China | OR355136 | OR355307 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC C549 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC C549 | China | OR355137 | OR355308 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM1019 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM1019 | China | OR355138 | OR355309 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM1409 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM1409 | China | OR355139 | OR355310 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM270 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM270 | China | OR355140 | OR355311 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM271 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM271 | China | OR355141 | OR355312 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM284 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM284 | China | OR355142 | OR355313 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC L489 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC L489 | China | OR355143 | OR355314 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 225 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 225 | China | OR355144 | OR355315 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 313 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 313 | China | OR355145 | OR355316 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 332 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 332 | China | OR355146 | OR355317 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 364 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 364 | China | OR355147 | OR355318 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 404 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 404 | China | OR355148 | OR355319 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC ZH1229 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC ZH1229 | China | OR355149 | OR355320 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC ZH1269 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC ZH1269 | China | OR355150 | OR355321 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC ZH1303 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC ZH1303 | China | OR355151 | OR355322 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM2490 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM2490 | China | OR355152 | OR355323 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 75438 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 74311, holotype | China | JX462593 | KR493500 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 74311 holotype China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 75438 | China | JX462595 | KR493499 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC BP020 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC BP020 | China | OR355093 | OR355263 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC C511 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC C511 | China | OR355094 | OR355264 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM1167 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM1167 | China | OR355095 | OR355265 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM244 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM244 | China | OR355096 | OR355266 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM259 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM259 | China | OR355097 | OR355267 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM918 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM918 | China | OR355098 | OR355268 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC SBP025 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC SBP025 | China | OR355099 | OR355269 |
Helvella ravida HMAS 290919 holotype China | Helvella ravida | HMAS 290919, holotype | China | OQ600334 | OQ586718 |
Helvella ravida HMAS 61920 China | Helvella ravida | HMAS 61920 | China | OQ600335 | OQ586719 |
Uncultured Helvella China | Helvella ravida | —— | China | LT967133 | —— |
Helvella ravida HSA 375 | Helvella ravida | HSA 375 | China | OR355124 | OR355295 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 87587 holotype China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 87587, holotype | China: Yunnan province | KR493478 | MG871320 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 75442 China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 75442 | China: Yunnan province | KR493475 | KR493511 |
Helvella rugosa HMAS 290920 China | Helvella rugosa | HMAS 290920 | China | OQ600336 | OQ586720 |
Helvella rugosa HMAS 290921 China | Helvella rugosa | HMAS 290921 | China | OQ600337 | OQ586721 |
Helvella scyphoides BJTC FM1158 China | Helvella scyphoides | BJTC FM1158 | China | OR355073 | OR355243 |
Helvella scyphoides BJTC FM899 China | Helvella scyphoides | BJTC FM899 | China | OR355074 | OR355244 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 166 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 166 | China | OR355075 | OR355245 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 239 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 239 | China | OR355076 | OR355246 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 336 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 336 | China | OR355077 | OR355247 |
Helvella sichuanensis 10706 holotype China | Helvella sichuanensis | 10706, holotype | China | OR355014 | MK592107 |
Helvella sinocrispa BJTC FM96-A holotype China | Helvella sinocrispa | BJTC FM96-A?holotype | China | OR355155 | OR355326 |
Helvella sinocrispa BJTC FM96-B China | Helvella sinocrispa | BJTC FM96-B | China | OR355156 | OR355327 |
Helvella cf. crispa HKAS 80056 China | Helvella sinocrispa | HKAS 80056 | China | KU739898 | —— |
Helvella cf. crispa HKAS 90591 China | Helvella sinocrispa | HKAS 90591 | China | KU739897 | —— |
Helvella sinohyperborea BJTC FM105 holotype China | Helvella sinohyperborea | BJTC FM105?holotype | China | OR355132 | OR355303 |
Helvella sinohyperborea BJTC FM165 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | BJTC FM165 | China | OR355133 | OR355304 |
Uncultured Helvella NXHLS462 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | NXHLS462 | China: Helan Mountains | KX510013 | —— |
Uncultured Helvella 1 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | 1 | China: inner Mongolia | FJ803929 | —— |
Helvella solitaria BJTC FM417 China | Helvella solitaria | BJTC FM417 | China | OR355131 | OR355302 |
Helvella solitaria HMAS 27727 China | Helvella solitaria | HMAS 27727 | China | MK592147 | —— |
Helvella sp. HKAS 54995 China | Helvella sp. 5 | HKAS 54995 | China | KR493473 | KR493505 |
Uncultured Helvella M11305 China | Helvella sp. 5 | M11305 | China | KR493446 | —— |
Helvella cf. compressa HKAS 49364 China | Helvella sp. 14 | HKAS 49364 | China | JX462569 | —— |
Helvella compressa HKAS 45788 China | Helvella sp. 15 | HKAS 45788 | China | KU739801 | KU739829 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 54996 China | Helvella sp. 18 | HKAS 54996 | China | KX506992 | —— |
Helvella sp. HKAS 74023 China | Helvella sp. 18 | HKAS 74023 | China | KX506991 | —— |
Uncultured Helvella XT13139 China | Helvella sp. 18 | XT13139 | China | MF405783 | —— |
Uncultured fungus BJ-397 China | Helvella sp. 22 | BJ-397 | China | LC623053 | —— |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90567 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90567 | China | KX506961 | KX506913 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90569 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90569 | China | KX506963 | KX506915 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90568 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90568 | China | KX506962 | KX506914 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90605 China | Helvella sp. 24 | HKAS 90605 | China | KX506965 | KX506918 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87864 China | Helvella sp. 24 | HKAS 87864 | China | MG871286 | MG871322 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90626 China | Helvella sp. 25 | HKAS 90626 | China | KX506967 | KX506920 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 67939 China | Helvella sp. 26 | HKAS 67939 | China | KX506966 | KX506919 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 76318 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 76318 | China | KX506981 | KX506936 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78930 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 78930 | China | KX506978 | KX506933 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 70217 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 70217 | China | KX506977 | KX506932 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90604 China | Helvella sp. 28 | HKAS 90604 | China | KX506995 | KX506950 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 95081 China | Helvella sp. 29 | HKAS 95081 | China | KX506985 | KX506940 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 95080 China | Helvella sp. 29 | HKAS 95080 | China | KX506984 | KX506939 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90627 China | Helvella sp. 29 | HKAS 90627 | China | KX506983 | KX506938 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87779 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 87779 | China | KX506970 | KX506923 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78921 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 78921 | China | KX506969 | KX506922 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90574 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 90574 | China | KX506971 | KX506924 |
Helvella sp. BJTC ZH139 China | Helvella sp. 31 | BJTC ZH139 | China | OR355080 | OR355250 |
Uncultured Helvella LKS1028 China | Helvella sp. 31 | LKS1028 | China: Shanxi Province | KX444354 | —— |
Uncultured fungus NX1-4504 China | Helvella sp. 32 | NX1-4504 | China:Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region | LC622784 | —— |
Uncultured fungus NX2-123 China | Helvella sp. 32 | NX2-123 | China:Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region | LC623361 | —— |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87756 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87756 | China | KX239836 | KX239799 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87757 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87757 | China | KX239837 | KX239800 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87755 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87755 | China | KX239835 | KX239798 |
Helvella sp. HSA 150-A China | Helvella sp. 59 | HSA 150-A | China | —— | OR355345 |
Helvella sp. HSA 150-B China | Helvella sp. 59 | HSA 150-B | China | —— | OR355346 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC C614 China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC C614 | China | OR355086 | OR355256 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC FM1049 China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC FM1049 | China | OR355087 | OR355257 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC FM2686 holotype China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC FM2686, holotype | China | OR355088 | OR355258 |
Helvella sublactea BJTC FM1082 China | Helvella sublactea | BJTC FM1082 | China | OR355122 | OR355293 |
Helvella sublactea BJTC FM347 China | Helvella sublactea | BJTC FM347 | China | OR355123 | OR355294 |
Helvella sublactea HKAS 69753 holotype China | Helvella sublactea | HKAS 69753, holotype | China | KT894825 | KT894832 |
Helvella subspadicea HKAS 90624 China | Helvella subspadicea | HKAS 90624 | China | KU739797 | KU739822 |
Helvella subspadicea HKAS 56656 holotype China | Helvella subspadicea | HKAS 56656, holotype | China | JX462574 | NG_059663 |
Helvella subtinta BJTC FM1307 China | Helvella subtinta | BJTC FM1307 | China | OR355130 | OR355301 |
Helvella subtinta HKAS 104666 holotype China | Helvella subtinta | HKAS 104666, holotype | China | MN449991 | MN449992 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC FM1416 holotype China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC FM1416, holotype | China | OR355119 | OR355290 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC FM263 China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC FM263 | China | OR355120 | OR355291 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC ZH1231 China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC ZH1231 | China | OR355121 | OR355292 |
Helvella taiyuanensis BJTC FM192 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | BJTC FM192 | China | OR355167 | OR355338 |
Helvella taiyuanensis BJTC FM861 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | BJTC FM861 | China | OR355168 | OR355339 |
Helvella taiyuanensis HMAS 277500 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | HMAS 277500 | China | MK592152 | MK592105 |
Helvella terricola HMAS 38355 China | Helvella terricola | HMAS 38355 | China | OQ600354 | —— |
Helvella tianshanensis BJTC FM175 China | Helvella tianshanensis | BJTC FM175 | China | OR355125 | OR355296 |
Helvella tianshanensis HSA 179 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HSA 179 | China | OR355126 | OR355297 |
Helvella tianshanensis HSA 185 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HSA 185 | China | OR355127 | OR355298 |
Helvella tianshanensis HMAS 86040 holotype China | Helvella tianshanensis | HMAS 86040, holotype | China | MK592157 | MK592108 |
Helvella tinta HKAS 82560 holotype China | Helvella tinta | HKAS 82560, holotype | China | KX239842 | KX239772 |
Helvella varia HMAS 270932 holotype China | Helvella varia | HMAS 270932, holotype | China | OQ600357 | OQ586737 |
Helvella varia HMAS 290929 China | Helvella varia | HMAS 290929 | China | OQ600359 | OQ586738 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78919 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 78919 | China | KX239818 | KX239781 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78918 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 78918 | China | KX239817 | KX239780 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90554 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90554 | China | KX239821 | KX239784 |
Helvella vulgata BJTC FM2621 China | Helvella vulgata | BJTC FM2621 | China | OR355116 | OR355286 |
Helvella xiaohuipan BJTC FM367 China | Helvella xiaohuipan | BJTC FM367 | China | OR355078 | OR355248 |
Helvella xiaohuipan BJTC FM2317 holotype China | Helvella xiaohuipan | BJTC FM2317, holotype | China | OR355079 | OR355249 |
Helvella yunnanensis HMAS 290933 holotype China | Helvella yunnanensis | HMAS 290933, holotype | China | OQ600366 | OQ586744 |
Helvella yunnanensis HMAS 290934 China | Helvella yunnanensis | HMAS 290934 | China | OQ600367 | OQ586745 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74343 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74343 | China | JX462583 | KR493489 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74335 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74335 | China | JX462578 | KR493484 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74339 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74339 | China | JX462582 | KR493488 |
Table S3.
Specimens used in Acetabulum clade ITS phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated
Taxa Name in Analysis | Taxon name | Voucher specimen | Country | ITS GenBank |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 137 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 137 | China | OR355181 |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 169 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 169 | China | OR355182 |
Helvella acetabuloides CFSZ2044 holotype China | Helvella acetabuloides | CFSZ2044, holotype | China | OR355015 |
Helvella acetabuloides BJTC FM1264 China | Helvella acetabuloides | BJTC FM1264 | China | OR355166 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 23839 China | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 23839 | China | MK592112 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 75176 Chin | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 75176 | China | MK592117 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 7046 Czech | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 7046 | Czech | MK592116 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 23841 China | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 23841 | China | MK592113 |
uncultured ectomycorrhiza 2 Italy | Helvella acetabulum | 2 | Italy | AJ879678 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 38129 China | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 38129 | China | MK592115 |
Helvella acetabulum HMAS 243823 UK | Helvella acetabulum | HMAS 243823 | UK | MK592114 |
Helvella sichuanensis 10706 holotype China | Helvella sichuanensis | 10706, holotype | China | OR355014 |
Helvella solitaria BJTC FM417 China | Helvella solitaria | BJTC FM417 | China | OR355131 |
Helvella solitaria HMAS 41140 China | Helvella solitaria | HMAS 41140 | China | MK592148 |
Helvella ulvinenii HKAS 87723 China | Helvella solitaria | HKAS 87723 | China | KU739866 |
uncultured Helvella | Helvella solitaria | —— | China | OW846376 |
Helvella solitaria HMAS 27727 China | Helvella solitaria | HMAS 27727 | China | MK592147 |
Helvella sp. OTU 533s | Helvella solitaria | OTU 533s | —— | MT095652 |
Helvella sp. OTU 19 | Helvella solitaria | OTU 19 | —— | MK959127 |
Helvella solitaria HMAS 75175 China | Helvella solitaria | HMAS 75175 | China | MK592150 |
Helvella solitaria HMAS 73509 China | Helvella solitaria | HMAS 73509 | China | MK592149 |
Helvella acetabulum N01 Iran | Helvella sp. 1 | N01 | Iran | MK088073 |
Helvella acetabulum N11 Iran | Helvella sp. 1 | N11 | Iran | MK088072 |
Helvella sp. OTU 535s | Helvella sp. 2 | OTU 535s | —— | MT095654 |
Helvella taiyuanensis BJTC FM192 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | BJTC FM192 | China | OR355167 |
Helvella taiyuanensis BJTC FM861 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | BJTC FM861 | China | OR355168 |
Helvella taiyuanensis MCCNNU6499 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | MCCNNU6499 | China | MK592154 |
Helvella taiyuanensis HMAS 85689 neotype China | Helvella taiyuanensis | HMAS 85689, neotype | China | MK592153 |
Helvella taiyuanensis HMAS 277500 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | HMAS 277500 | China | MK592152 |
Helvella taiyuanensis 119250 China | Helvella taiyuanensis | 119250 | China | MK592151 |
Table S4.
Specimens used in Crispa clade ITS phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.
Taxon name in analyses | Taxon name | Voucher specimen | Country | ITS GenBank |
Dissingia oblongispora | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 137 | China | OR355181 |
Dissingia oblongispora | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 169 | China | OR355182 |
Helvella cremeoinvoluta BJTC FM941-A holotype China | Helvella cremeoinvoluta | BJTC FM941-A, holotype | China | OR355153 |
Helvella cremeoinvoluta BJTC FM941-B China | Helvella cremeoinvoluta | BJTC FM941-B | China | OR355154 |
Helvella cf. crispa HKAS 69968 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 69968 | China | KR493474 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90585 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90585 | China | KX507002 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90583 China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90583 | China | KX507001 |
Helvella crispoides HKAS 90535 holotype China | Helvella crispoides | HKAS 90535, holotype | China | KU739803 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78906 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78906 | China | KU739877 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78920 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78920 | China | KU739878 |
Helvella reflexa HKAS 69818 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS6 69818 | China | JX462591 |
Helvella reflexa HKAS 69819 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS6 69819 | China | JX462590 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78992 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78992 | China | KU739883 |
uncultured Helvella M11300 China | Helvella involuta | M11300 | China | KR493441 |
Helvella reflexa HKAS 69723 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 69723 | China | JX462587 |
Helvella involuta FA372 Pakistan | Helvella involuta | FA372 | Pakistan | MW447509 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78781 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78781 | China | KU739884 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 87833 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 87833 | China | KU739888 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 87786 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 87786 | China | KU739885 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 90223 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 90223 | China | KU739887 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78929 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78929 | China | KU739879 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78986 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78986 | China | KU739882 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78933 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78933 | China | KU739880 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 78982 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 78982 | China | KU739881 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90584 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 90584 | China | KX506998 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 90220 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 90220 | China | KU739886 |
Helvella reflexa HKAS 69938 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 69938 | China | JX462588 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 88101 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 88101 | China | KU739889 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 74281 holotype China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 74281, holotype | China | KT215608 |
Helvella involuta HKAS 69966 China | Helvella involuta | HKAS 69966 | China | JX462589 |
Helvella involuta BJTC FM2940 China | Helvella involuta | BJTC FM2940 | China | OR355157 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 90592 China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 90592 | China | KU739860 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 87827 China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 87827 | China | KU739859 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 80058 China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 80058 | China | KX507003 |
uncultured Helvella China | Helvella maculatoides | China | OW846951 | |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 90590 holotype China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 90590, holotype | China | KU739858 |
Helvella maculatoides HKAS 80057 China | Helvella maculatoides | HKAS 80057 | China | KU739861 |
Helvella sp. OTU 532s | Helvella maculatoides | OTU 532s | —— | MT095651 |
uncultured Helvella M11302 China | Helvella orienticrispa | M11302 | China | KR493443 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 78907 China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 78907 | China | KU739892 |
uncultured fungus BJ-270 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJ-270 | China | LC623028 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 75440 China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 75440 | China | KR493472 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 54998 China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 54998 | China | JX462596 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 90362 China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 90362 | China | KU739890 |
Helvella crispa ZQ8164 China | Helvella orienticrispa | ZQ8164 | China | FJ859345 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 74319 holotype China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 74319, holotype | China | JX462598 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 75435 China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 75435 | China | KR493471 |
Helvella orienticrispa HKAS 75439 China | Helvella orienticrispa | HKAS 75439 | China | JX462597 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM2481 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM2481 | China | OR355164 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC SBP126 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC SBP126 | China | OR355161 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC C578 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC C578 | China | OR355159 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC ZH744 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC ZH744 | China | OR355162 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM418 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM418 | China | OR355160 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC BP066 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC BP066 | China | OR355158 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM2482 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM2482 | China | OR355165 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC FM2480 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC FM2480 | China | OR355163 |
Helvella orienticrispa BJTC ZH1364 China | Helvella orienticrispa | BJTC ZH1364 | China | OR355178 |
Uncultured Helvella M11303 | Helvella pseudoreflexa | M11303 | —— | KR493444 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 88100 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 88100 | China | KU739893 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 58050 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 58050 | China | JX462594 |
Uncultured fungus SX-439 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | SX-439 | China | LC622906 |
Uncultured Helvella NXHLS549b China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | NXHLS549b | China | KX510012 |
Helvella sp. HMJAU 7549 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HMJAU 7549 | China | KR493468 |
Helvella sp. HMJAU 20049 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HMJAU 20049 | China | KR493469 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HMJAU 20733 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HMJAU 20733 | China | KU739894 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 90606 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 90606 | China | KU739896 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 74311 holotype China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 74311, holotype | China | JX462593 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 75438 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 75438 | China | JX462595 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HKAS 69751 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HKAS 69751 | China | JX462592 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 404 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 404 | China | OR355148 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 364 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 364 | China | OR355147 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM270 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM270 | China | OR355140 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM271 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM271 | China | OR355141 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC C549 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC C549 | China | OR355137 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM1019 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM1019 | China | OR355138 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP228 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP228 | China | OR355135 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM284 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM284 | China | OR355142 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM2490 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM2490 | China | OR355152 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC ZH1269 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC ZH1269 | China | OR355150 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 332 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 332 | China | OR355146 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC FM1409 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC FM1409 | China | OR355139 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 313 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 313 | China | OR355145 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC ZH1229 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC ZH1229 | China | OR355149 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC L489 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC L489 | China | OR355143 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC ZH1303 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC ZH1303 | China | OR355151 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP163 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP163 | China | OR355134 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa BJTC BP760 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | BJTC BP760 | China | OR355136 |
Helvella pseudoreflexa HSA 225 China | Helvella pseudoreflexa | HSA 225 | China | OR355144 |
Helvella sinocrispa BJTC FM96-A holotype China | Helvella sinocrispa | BJTC FM96-A, holotype | China | OR355155 |
Helvella sinocrispa BJTC FM96-B China | Helvella sinocrispa | BJTC FM96-B | China | OR355156 |
Helvella orienticrispa OTU 531s | Helvella sinocrispa | OTU 531s | —— | MT095650 |
Helvella cf. crispa HKAS 80056 China | Helvella sinocrispa | HKAS 80056 | China | KU739898 |
Helvella cf. crispa HKAS 90591 China | Helvella sinocrispa | HKAS 90591 | China | KU739897 |
Helvella crispa DBG:F-029853 USA | Helvella sinocrispa | DBG:F-029853 | USA | OP178203 |
Fungal sp. ARIZPM082D USA | Helvella sp. 3 | ARIZ:PM082D | USA | MG761293 |
Fungal sp. ARIZPM082E USA | Helvella sp. 3 | ARIZ:PM082E | USA | MG761294 |
Helvella sp. S.D. Russell MycoMap 7717 USA | Helvella sp. 4 | S.D. Russell MycoMap 7717 | USA | MK532852 |
Uncultured Helvella | Helvella sp. 5 | M11305 | China | KR493446 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 54995 China | Helvella sp. 5 | HKAS 54995 | China | KR493473 |
Helvella crispa ZQ8292 | Helvella sp. 5 | ZQ8292 | —— | FJ859344 |
Helvella crispa HKAS 84894 Germany | Helvella sp. 6 | HKAS 84894 | Germany | KU739871 |
Helvella crispa HKAS 75434 Germany | Helvella sp. 6 | HKAS 75434 | Germany | JX462572 |
Uncultured Helvella LMBC21b-10 France | Helvella sp. 7 | LMBC21b-10 | France | JF506760 |
Uncultured Helvella clone M11304 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | clone M11304 | China | KR493445 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74343 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74343 | China | JX462583 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74335 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74335 | China | JX462578 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74339 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74339 | China | JX462582 |
Uncultured Helvella clone M11306 | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | clone M11306 | —— | KR493447 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 78932 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 78932 | China | KU739873 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74320 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74320 | China | JX462577 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HMJAU 5983 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HMJAU 5983 | China | KR493466 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 82414 Chin | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 82414 | China | KU739872 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 75436 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 75436 | China | JX462585 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 75437 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 75437 | China | JX462586 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 87832 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 87832 | China | KU739876 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 75441 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 75441 | China | JX462584 |
uncultured fungus hozan2022-336PREMIX-NC2-2-1-TDCHIkuro336 Japan | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | hozan2022_336-PREMIX_NC2_2_1_TDCHIkuro336 | Japan | LC711401 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis 11299 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | 11299 | China | MG847000 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 78987 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 78987 | China | KU739874 |
uncultured fungus 745_CC1_M10_1_sucha Japan | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | 745_CC1_M10_1_sucha | Japan | LC711402 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS87828 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 87828 | China | KU739875 |
Helvella crispa HMJAU 37502 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HMJAU 37502 | China | OL678122 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74338 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74338 | China | JX462581 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74337 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74337 | China | JX462580 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis HKAS 74336 China | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | HKAS 74336 | China | JX462579 |
Helvella zhongtiaoensis UnivM10 Iraq | Helvella zhongtiaoensis | Univ.M10 | Iraq | ON256165 |
Table S5.
Specimens used in Elastica clade ITS phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.
Taxa Name in Analysis | Taxon name | Voucher specimen | Country | ITS GenBank |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 137 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 137 | China | OR355181 |
Dissingia oblongispora HSA 169 China | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 169 | China | OR355182 |
Helvella albopatella BJTC FM2610-A holotype China | Helvella albopatella | BJTC FM2610-A, holotype | China | OR355082 |
Uncultured Pezizales LP110032 China | Helvella albopatella | LP110032 | China | JQ318620 |
Uncultured Pezizales LP110049 China | Helvella albopatella | LP110049 | China | JQ318637 |
Uncultured Pezizales Q-L-OTU137 China | Helvella albopatella | Q-L-OTU137 | China | KY684495 |
Helvella elastica 420526MF0358 China | Helvella albopatella | 420526MF0358 | China | MH142031 |
Helvella albopatella BJTC FM2610-B China | Helvella albopatella | BJTC FM2610-B | China | OR355176 |
Helvella alborava BJTC C316-B China | Helvella alborava | BJTC C316-B | China | OR355106 |
Helvella alborava BJTC C316-A holotype China | Helvella alborava | BJTC C316-A, holotype | China | OR355173 |
Uncultured Helvella XT12876 China | Helvella alborava | XT12876 | China | MF405781 |
Uncultured fungus DLS1356 China | Helvella alborava | DLS1356 | China | KX444422 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90550 Thailand | Helvella atroides | HKAS 90550 | Thailand | KU739813 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90546 Thailand | Helvella atroides | HKAS 90546 | Thailand | KU739812 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 69065 China | Helvella atroides | HKAS 69065 | China | KX507000 |
Helvella bachu BJTC FM382 China | Helvella bachu | BJTC FM382 | China | OR355062 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 88106 China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 88106 | China | KU739792 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 88105 holotype China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 88105, holotype | China | KU739791 |
Helvella leucopus RaShTa-IRAQ-10 Iraq | Helvella bachu | RaShTa-IRAQ-10 | Iraq | ON667918 |
Helvella leucopus Kashi1 China | Helvella bachu | Kashi1 | China | KC137337 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 90620 China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 90620 | China | KU739795 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 90618 China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 90618 | China | KU739793 |
Helvella bachu HKAS 90619 China | Helvella bachu | HKAS 90619 | China | KU739794 |
Helvella bicolor O-255759 Norway Nordland | Helvella bicolor | O-255759 | Norway: Nordland | MN656168 |
Helvella albella H05081501 Italy | Helvella bicolor | H05081501 | Italy | JX462568 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM272 China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM272 | China | OR355064 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM269 China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM269 | China | OR355063 |
Helvella brunneogaleriformis BJTC FM911 holotype China | Helvella brunneogaleriformis | BJTC FM911, holotype | China | OR355065 |
Helvella caespitosa HSA 379-A holotype China | Helvella caespitosa | HSA 379-A, holotype | China | OR355091 |
Helvella caespitosa HSA 379-B China | Helvella caespitosa | HSA 379-B | China | OR355092 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-129 China | Helvella caespitosa | NX3-129 | China | LC623411 |
Uncultured fungus NX1-4330 China | Helvella caespitosa | NX1-4330 | China | LC622748 |
Uncultured Helvella NXHLS248 China | Helvella caespitosa | NXHLS248 | China | KX510014 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1094 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1094 | China | OR355037 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM909 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM909 | China | OR355042 |
Helvella capucinoides HMJAU 33777 China | Helvella capucinoides | HMJAU 33777 | China | OR355043 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1156 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1156 | China | OR355038 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM884 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM884 | China | OR355041 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM1423 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM1423 | China | OR355039 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM242 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM242 | China | OR355040 |
Uncultured fungus hozan2022_621-PREMIX_NC3_9_1_TDsu621 Japan | Helvella capucinoides | hozan2022_621-PREMIX_NC3_9_1_TDsu621 | Japan | LC711404 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F21000 Canada | Helvella capucinoides | UBC: F21000 | Canada | MZ970429 |
Fungal sp. H12B4 USA | Helvella capucinoides | H12B4 | USA | MZ017386 |
Helvella elastica HB451 China | Helvella capucinoides | HB451 | China | MH366774 |
Helvella capucinoides BJTC FM923 China | Helvella capucinoides | BJTC FM923 | China | OR355169 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2478 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2478 | China | OR355032 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM274 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM274 | China | OR355022 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM316 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM316 | China | OR355025 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM1032 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM1032 | China | OR355021 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM298 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM298 | China | OR355024 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM297 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM297 | China | OR355023 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2479 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2479 | China | OR355033 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM376 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM376 | China | OR355026 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP043 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP043 | China | OR355017 |
Helvella carnosa HSA 343 China | Helvella carnosa | HSA 434 | China | OR355029 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2499 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2499 | China | OR355034 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2619 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM2619 | China | OR355031 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP724 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP724 | China | OR355020 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP718 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP718 | China | OR355019 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC SBP287 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC SBP287 | China | OR355030 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC BP030 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP030 | China | OR355016 |
Helvella carnosa HSA 360 China | Helvella carnosa | HSA 360 | China | OR355028 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2494 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC FM953 | China | OR355027 |
Helvella carnosa BJTC FM2495 China | Helvella carnosa | BJTC BP060 | China | OR355018 |
Uncultured fungus QH-207 China | Helvella carnosa | QH-207 | China | LC623523 |
Uncultured fungus QH-203 China | Helvella carnosa | QH-203 | China | LC623521 |
Uncultured fungus QH-183 China | Helvella carnosa | QH-183 | China | LC623515 |
Uncultured fungus QH-118 China | Helvella carnosa | QH-118 | China | LC623498 |
Uncultured fungus QH-115 China | Helvella carnosa | QH-115 | China | LC623497 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-295 China | Helvella carnosa | NX3-295 | China | LC623459 |
Uncultured fungus SN3-173 China | Helvella carnosa | SN3-173 | China | LC623299 |
Uncultured fungus QH-195 China | Helvella carnosa | QH-195 | China | LC623520 |
Uncultured fungus SX-442 China | Helvella carnosa | SX-442 | China | LC622907 |
Uncultured fungus SX-151 China | Helvella carnosa | SX-151 | China | LC622839 |
Helvella albella ZQ822 | Helvella carnosa | ZQ822 | —— | FJ859342 |
Uncultured Helvella NXHLS309a China | Helvella carnosa | NXHLS309a | China | KX510011 |
Uncultured fungus AG_K_106 Poland | Helvella carnosa | AG_K_106 | Poland | ON417272 |
Helvella capucina H090918031 Italy | Helvella cf. capucina | H090918031 | Italy | JX462564 |
Helvella capucina OTU 095r root tip | Helvella cf. capucina | OTU095r_root tip | —— | MT095215 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F27885 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F27885 | Canada | MZ970434 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F32721 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F32721 | Canada | MZ970439 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F25915 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F25915 | Canada | MZ970431 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F24339 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F24339 | Canada | MZ970430 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F28817 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F28817 | Canada | MZ970435 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F29255 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F29255 | Canada | MZ970437 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F28820 Canada | Helvella compressa | UBC: F28820 | Canada | MZ970436 |
Helvella sp. JLF3283 USA | Helvella compressa | JLF3283 | USA | MH363719 |
Helvella convexa H761 Sweden | Helvella convexa | H761, holotype | Sweden | OQ641537 |
Helvella latispora H07090608 Italy | Helvella corbierei | H07090608 | Italy | JX462562 |
Helvella corbierei HSA 138 China | Helvella corbierei | HSA 138 | China | OR355071 |
Helvella corbierei HSA 181 China | Helvella corbierei | HSA 181 | China | OR355072 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP428 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP428 | China | OR355045 |
Helvella danica BJTC SBP022 China | Helvella danica | BJTC SBP022 | China | OR355048 |
Helvella danica BJTC FM1053 China | Helvella danica | BJTC FM1053 | China | OR355052 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH370 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH370 | China | OR355050 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1249 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1249 | China | OR355049 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP398 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP398 | China | OR355044 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH883 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH883 | China | OR355051 |
Helvella danica BJTC L235 China | Helvella danica | BJTC L235 | China | OR355047 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP649 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP649 | China | OR355046 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP544 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP544 | China | OR355054 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1122 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1122 | China | OR355053 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1190 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1190 | China | OR355056 |
Helvella danica BJTC FM2577 China | Helvella danica | BJTC FM2577 | China | OR355058 |
Helvella danica BJTC BP255 China | Helvella danica | BJTC BP255 | China | OR355057 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH522 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH522 | China | OR355055 |
Helvella elastica HBAU 15710 | Helvella danica | HBAU 15710 | —— | MW862351 |
Uncultured fungus BJ-26 China | Helvella danica | BJ-26 | China | LC622970 |
Uncultured Helvella LKS1190 China | Helvella danica | LKS1190 | China: | KX444353 |
Uncultured fungus hozan2022_519-PREMIX_NC3_1_KOsu519 Japan | Helvella danica | hozan2022_519-PREMIX_NC3_2_1_KOsu519 | Japan | LC711407 |
Helvella aff. elastica UC 1999287 USA | Helvella danica | UC 1999287 | USA | KC147670 |
Helvella elastica S5 Russia | Helvella danica | S.5 | Russia | MG844979 |
Helvella danica BJTC ZH1360 China | Helvella danica | BJTC ZH1360 | China | OR355177 |
Helvella danica BJTC SBP199 China | Helvella danica | BJTC SBP199 | China | OR355171 |
Helvella deflexa HSA 240-A1 holotype China | Helvella deflexa | HSA 240-A1, holotype | China | OR355069 |
Helvella deflexa HSA 240-A2 China | Helvella deflexa | HSA 240-A2 | China | OR355070 |
Helvella ephippioides HMJAU 44584 China | Helvella ephippioides | HMJAU 44584 | China | OR355107 |
Helvella sp. HMJAU 20134 China | Helvella ephippioides | HMJAU 20134 | China | KX506996 |
uncultured fungus d1048 PC2_MaTD_4_2_Tdsuhanhan Japan | Helvella ephippioides | d1048_PC2_MaTD_4_2_Tdsuhanhan | Japan | LC711390 |
uncultured fungus 739_CC1_M9_2_orecha Japan | Helvella ephippioides | 739_CC1_M9_2_orecha | Japan | LC711395 |
Helvella sp. OBASE00146 Japan | Helvella ephippioides | OBASE00146 | Japan | LC556122 |
Helvella macropusY090607 China | Helvella ephippioides | Y090607 | China | OL678130 |
uncultured Helvella szYM1451 Russia | Helvella ephippioides | szYM1451 | Russia | LC547536 |
Helvella sp. OBASE00179 | Helvella ephippioides | OBASE00179 | —— | LC556123 |
Helvella fistulosa BJTC 1976 China | Helvella fistulosa | BJTC 1976 | China | OR355061 |
Helvella elastica HKAS 88091 | Helvella fistulosa | HKAS 88091 | —— | MG871285 |
Helvella elastica ZQ8297 | Helvella fistulosa | ZQ8297 | —— | FJ859340 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90547 Thailand | Helvella fistulosa | HKAS 90547 | Thailand | KU739810 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90549 Thailand | Helvella fistulosa | HKAS 90549 | Thailand | KU739811 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90545 Thailand | Helvella fistulosa | HKAS 90545 | Thailand | KU739809 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-109 China | Helvella flavostipitata | NX3-109 | China | LC623405 |
Helvella albella KH278 Pakistan | Helvella flavostipitata | KH278 | Pakistan | MN814023 |
Helvella albella G802 | Helvella flavostipitata | G802 | —— | FJ859343 |
Helvella atra ENA22938 Pakistan | Helvella flavostipitata | ENA22938 | Pakistan | KF679807 |
Helvella albella FA364 | Helvella flavostipitata | FA364 | —— | MN747800 |
Helvella flavostipitata | Helvella flavostipitata | HSA 387-A | China | OR355035 |
Helvella flavostipitata | Helvella flavostipitata | HSA 387-B | China | OR355036 |
Helvella galeriformis HSA 240-B China | Helvella galeriformis | HSA 240-B | China | OR355067 |
Helvella galeriformis HSA 232 epitype China | Helvella galeriformis | HSA 232, epitype | China | OR355066 |
Helvella galeriformis BJTC FM2574 China | Helvella galeriformis | BJTC FM2574 | China | OR355068 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 68122 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 68122 | China | KX506976 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 57439 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 57439 | China | KX506975 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87759 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 87759 | China | KX506974 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 69733 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 69733 | China | KX506973 |
uncultured fungus HKAS 57439_06 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 57439_06 | China | KR493465 |
uncultured fungus HKAS 57439_05 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 57439_05 | China | KR493464 |
uncultured fungus HKAS 57439_07 China | Helvella guttata | HKAS 57439_07 | China | KR493463 |
Helvella japonica H093 Japan | Helvella japonica | H093, holotype | Japan | OQ645455 |
Helvella japonica H2147 Norway | Helvella japonica | H2147 | Norway | OQ645454 |
Uncultured mycorrhizal fungus Iwate3-Helvella Japan | Helvella japonica | Iwate3-Helvella | Japan | AB428791 |
Helvella aff. ephippium UC 1999252 USA | Helvella japonica | UC 1999252 | USA | KC147669 |
Helvella macropus HKAS 84887 China | Helvella macropus | HKAS 84887 | China | KX506989 |
Helvella macropus HKAS 84891 Austria | Helvella macropus | HKAS 84891 | Austria | KX506988 |
Helvella macropus HKAS 84895 Austria | Helvella macropus | HKAS 84895 | Austria | KX506987 |
Helvella macropus HKAS 84893 Germany | Helvella macropus | HKAS 84893 | Germany | KX506986 |
Helvella macropus TENN 071798 USA North Carolina | Helvella macropus | TENN 071798 | USA: North Carolina | MG773834 |
Helvella macropus TENN 071657 USA Tennessee | Helvella macropus | TENN 071657 | USA: Tennessee | MF992152 |
Helvella macropus OKA 199 Turkey Artvin | Helvella macropus | OKA 199 | Turkey: Artvin | MF228806 |
Helvella macropus HKAS 78756 China | Helvella macropus | HKAS 78756 | China | KX506990 |
Uncultured ectomycorrhiza P11 Denmark | Helvella macropus | P11 | Denmark | AJ969435 |
Helvella macropus RAS214 USA | Helvella macropus | RAS214 | USA | MG773828 |
Uncultured fungus JS160923-58 South Korea | Helvella macropus | JS160923-58 | South Korea | MG407675 |
Uncultured fungus Japan | Helvella macropus | —— | Japan | LC711396 |
Helvella sp. S.D. Russell ONT NAMA2022 USA | Helvella macropus | S.D. Russell ONT NAMA2022 | USA | OP743632 |
Helvella spadicea HKAS 83154 Italy | Helvella monachella | HKAS 83154 | Italy | KU739798 |
Helvella leucopus H09050305 Italy | Helvella monachella | H09050305 | Italy | JX462565 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM264 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM264 | China | OR355102 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM1131 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM1131 | China | OR355101 |
Helvella multiformis HSA 362 China | Helvella multiformis | HSA 362 | China | OR355172 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM2484 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM2484 | China | OR355104 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM305 China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM305 | China | OR355103 |
Helvella multiformis BJTC FM1130 holotype China | Helvella multiformis | BJTC FM1130, holotype | China | OR355100 |
Helvella sp. OTU 53 | Helvella multiformis | OTU53 | —— | MK959132 |
Uncultured fungus SX-381 China | Helvella multiformis | SX-381 | China | LC622890 |
Uncultured fungus NX1-4373 China | Helvella multiformis | NX1-4373 | China | LC622756 |
Helvella sp. 20210169 | Helvella multiformis | 20210169 | —— | OP805931 |
Helvella elastica F164 China | Helvella neofistulosa | F164 | China | FJ859341 |
Uncultured fungus hozan2022_668-PREMIX_NC3_12_1_KOsiro668 Japan | Helvella neofistulosa | hozan2022_668-PREMIX_NC3_12_1_KOsiro668 | Japan | LC711405 |
Helvella neofistulosa BJTC ZH1251 China | Helvella neofistulosa | BJTC ZH1251 | China | OR355060 |
Helvella neofistulosa BJTC ZH1213 holotype China | Helvella neofistulosa | BJTC ZH1213, holotype | China | OR355059 |
Helvella nordlandica BJTC FM346-A China | Helvella nordlandica | BJTC FM346-A | China | OR355081 |
Helvella nigrorava BJTC ZH67 holotype China | Helvella nigrorava | BJTC ZH67 | China | OR355105 |
Uncultured Helvella XT12787 China | Helvella nigrorava | XT12787 | China | MF405780 |
Helvella tomentosa HKAS 90543 Thailand | Helvella orentitomentosa | HKAS 90543 | Thailand | KU739808 |
Helvella tomentosa HKAS 90542 Thailand | Helvella orentitomentosa | HKAS 90542 | Thailand | KU739807 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90531 China | Helvella orentitomentosa | HKAS 90531 | China | KX506999 |
Helvella oroarctica H1983 Norway | Helvella oroarctica | H1983 | Norway | MN656177 |
Helvella pseudoelastica BJTC C351-A China | Helvella pseudoelastica | BJTC C351-A, holotype | China | OR355170 |
Helvella elastica KA12-1701 South Korea | Helvella pseudoelastica | KA12-1701 | South Korea | KR673633 |
Helvella pseudoelastica BJTC C351-B China | Helvella pseudoelastica | BJTC C351-B | China | OR355174 |
Helvella pseudofallax BJTC FM1148 China | Helvella pseudofallax | BJTC FM1148 | China | OR355085 |
Helvella pseudofallax HSA 356 holotype China | Helvella pseudofallax | HSA 356, holotype | China | OR355083 |
Helvella pseudofallax BJTC ZH1283 China | Helvella pseudofallax | BJTC ZH1283 | China | OR355084 |
Helvella pseudopezizoides BJTC FM1045-A holotype China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | BJTC FM1045-A, holotype | China | OR355089 |
Helvella pseudopezizoides BJTC FM1045-B China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | BJTC FM1045-B | China | OR355090 |
Uncultured Helvella DLS1758 China | Helvella pseudopezizoides | DLS1758 | China | KX444420 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM259 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM259 | China | OR355097 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM244 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM244 | China | OR355096 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC C511 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC C511 | China | OR355094 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC SBP025 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC SBP025 | China | OR355099 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM918 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM918 | China | OR355098 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC BP020 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC BP020 | China | OR355093 |
Helvella pubescens BJTC FM1167 China | Helvella pubescens | BJTC FM1167 | China | OR355095 |
Helvella sp. LMKR1123 United Kingdom | Helvella pubescens | LMKR1123 | United Kingdom | MF352714 |
Helvella pulla H149 Norway | Helvella pulla | O-69282, H149 | Norway | MN656161 |
Helvella sp. OTU199 | Helvella pulla | OTU199 | —— | MK959129 |
Uncultured Pezizales OTU449 Belgium | Helvella pulla | OTU449 | Belgium | KU587035 |
Helvella rivularis O-255764 Norway | Helvella rivularis | O-255764 | Norway | MN656175 |
Helvella sp. OTU 540s | Helvella rivularis | OTU540s | —— | MT095659 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 166 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 166 | China | OR355075 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 239 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 239 | China | OR355076 |
Helvella scyphoides HSA 336 China | Helvella scyphoides | HSA 336 | China | OR355077 |
Helvella scyphoides BJTC FM899 China | Helvella scyphoides | BJTC FM899 | China | OR355074 |
Helvella scyphoides BJTC FM1158 China | Helvella scyphoides | BJTC FM1158 | China | OR355073 |
Helvella pezizoides HKAS 90006 | Helvella scyphoides | HKAS 90006 | —— | MG871299 |
Helvella sp. 1 SE-2015 USA | Helvella sp. 8 | 1 SE-2015 | USA | KT275607 |
Helvella elastica HKAS 83158 Italy | Helvella sp. 9 | HKAS 83158 | Italy | KU739800 |
Helvella elastica HKAS 83157 Italy | Helvella sp. 9 | HKAS 83157 | Italy | KU739799 |
Uncultured Helvella 14059 Spain | Helvella sp. 9 | 14059 | Spain | MW282724 |
Uncultured fungus PR_E08 Switzerland | Helvella sp. 9 | PR_E08 | Switzerland | KX886014 |
Helvella elastica H06092701 Italy | Helvella sp. 9 | H06092701 | Italy | JX462566 |
Helvella sp. KA12-1302 South Korea | Helvella sp. 10 | KA12-1302 | South Korea | KR673535 |
Helvella sp. Japan | Helvella sp. 11 | —— | Japan: Aomori Pref | LC098743 |
Helvella elastica TNS:F91339 Japan | Helvella sp. 11 | TNS:F91339 | Japan | LC619227 |
uncultured fungus Japan | Helvella sp. 11 | —— | Japan | LC711398 |
Helvella elastica HC-PNNT-255 Mexico | Helvella sp. 12 | HC-PNNT-255 | Mexico: Mexico State | KT875009 |
Helvella elastica F14055,UBC | Helvella sp. 12 | F14055, UBC | —— | AF335455 |
Helvella elastica PA7 Latvia | Helvella sp. 12 | PA7 | Latvia | KR019787 |
Helvella compressa UBC: F26571 USA | Helvella sp. 12 | UBC: F26571 | USA | MZ970432 |
Fungal sp. C32A6 USA | Helvella sp. 12 | C32A6 | USA | MZ017173 |
Fungal sp. C32A3 USA | Helvella sp. 12 | C32A3 | USA | MZ017172 |
Helvella sp. ZQ8220 | Helvella sp. 13 | ZQ8220 | —— | FJ859337 |
Helvella sp. ZQ7219 | Helvella sp. 13 | ZQ7219 | —— | FJ859336 |
Helvella sp. ZQ8242 | Helvella sp. 13 | ZQ8242 | —— | FJ859335 |
Helvella sp. T680 | Helvella sp. 13 | T680 | —— | FJ859338 |
Helvella atra G869 | Helvella sp. 14 | G869 | —— | FJ859339 |
Helvella cf. compressa HKAS 49364 China | Helvella sp. 14 | HKAS 49364 | China | JX462569 |
Helvella compressa HKAS 45788 China | Helvella sp. 15 | HKAS 45788 | China | KU739801 |
Helvella sp. OTU543s | Helvella sp. 16 | OTU 543s | —— | MT095662 |
Helvella sp. iNAT:15188138 USA | Helvella sp. 17 | iNAT: 15188138 | USA | MZ171124 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-68382 USA | Helvella sp. 17 | FLAS-F-68382 | USA | OM672754 |
Fungal sp. H22A1 USA | Helvella sp. 17 | H22A1 | USA | MZ017397 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 54996 China | Helvella sp. 18 | HKAS 54996 | China | KX506992 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 74023 China | Helvella sp. 18 | HKAS 74023 | China | KX506991 |
Helvella sp. ZQ8296 | Helvella sp. 18 | ZQ8296 | —— | FJ859346 |
Uncultured Helvella XT13139 China | Helvella sp. 18 | XT13139 | China | MF405783 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-63899 USA | Helvella sp. 19 | FLAS-F-63899 | USA | MN653036 |
Uncultured fungus BJ-397 China | Helvella sp. 20 | BJ-397 | China | LC623053 |
Uncultured Helvella P15E4_P16E3 USA | Helvella sp. 21 | P15E4_P16E3 | USA | KU238898 |
Helvella sp. MES2176 USA | Helvella sp. 21 | MES2176 | USA | MN653019 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-59998 USA | Helvella sp. 21 | FLAS-F-59998 | USA | KY654713 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-63281 RH1703 USA MN | Helvella sp. 22 | FLAS-F-63281 RH1703 | USA: MN | MT373915 |
Helvella sp. RH20140725 USA | Helvella sp. 22 | RH20140725 | USA: MA | MT373910 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87784 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 87784 | China | KX506957 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87783 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 87783 | China | KX506956 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90567 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90567 | China | KX506961 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90566 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90566 | China | KX506960 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90571 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90571 | China | KX506964 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90581 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90581 | China | KX506958 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90569 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90569 | China | KX506963 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90568 China | Helvella sp. 23 | HKAS 90568 | China | KX506962 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90605 China | Helvella sp. 24 | HKAS 90605 | China | KX506965 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87864 China | Helvella sp. 24 | HKAS 87864 | China | MG871286 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90626 China | Helvella sp. 25 | HKAS 90626 | China | KX506967 |
Uncultured fungus d159_SL2_chi_12_1_su26 Japan | Helvella sp. 26 | d159_SL2_chi_12_1_su26 | Japan | LC711399 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 67939 China | Helvella sp. 26 | HKAS 67939 | China | KX506966 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 76318 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 76318 | China | KX506981 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78930 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 78930 | China | KX506978 |
Uncultured Helvella M11307 China | Helvella sp. 27 | M11307 | China | KR493448 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 70217 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 70217 | China | KX506977 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90593 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 90593 | China | KX506982 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 57739 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 57739 | China | KX506980 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78944 China | Helvella sp. 27 | HKAS 78944 | China | KX506979 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90604 China | Helvella sp. 28 | HKAS 90604 | China | KX506995 |
Uncultured ectomycorrhizal fungus South Korea | Helvella sp. 28 | —— | South Korea | AB587758 |
Helvella macropus KA12-1317 South Korea | Helvella sp. 28 | KA12-1317 | South Korea | KR673547 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 95081 China | Helvella sp. 29 | HKAS 95081 | China | KX506985 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 95080 China | Helvella sp. 29 | HKAS 95080 | China | KX506984 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90627 China | Helvella sp. 29 | HKAS 90627 | China | KX506983 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87779 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 87779 | China | KX506970 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78921 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 78921 | China | KX506969 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90574 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 90574 | China | KX506971 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78901 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 78901 | China | KX506968 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90565 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 90565 | China | KX506954 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90564 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 90564 | China | KX506953 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90570 China | Helvella sp. 30 | HKAS 90570 | China | KX506955 |
Helvella sp. BJTC ZH139 China | Helvella sp. 31 | BJTC ZH139 | China | OR355080 |
Uncultured Helvella LKS1028 China | Helvella sp. 31 | LKS1028 | China | KX444354 |
Helvella sp. RMS0000652 USA | Helvella sp. 32 | RMS0000652 | USA | OP723991 |
Uncultured fungus NX1-4504 China | Helvella sp. 32 | NX1-4504 | China | LC622784 |
Uncultured fungus NX2-123 China | Helvella sp. 32 | NX2-123 | China | LC623361 |
Helvella sp. RH1470 USA | Helvella sp. 33 | RH1470 | USA: IA | MT373911 |
Helvella sp. RH1473 USA | Helvella sp. 33 | RH1473 | USA: IA | MN653024 |
Helvella subglabra HKAS 78940 China | Helvella subglabroides | HKAS 78940 | China | KU739802 |
Helvella subglabra HMJAU 3866 China | Helvella subglabroides | HMJAU 3866 | China | KU739862 |
Helvella subglabra HKAS 79007 China | Helvella subglabroides | HKAS 79007 | China | KU739864 |
Helvella subglabra HKAS 74283 China | Helvella subglabroides | HKAS 74283 | China | KU739865 |
Helvella subglabra HKAS 78939 China | Helvella subglabroides | HKAS 78939 | China | KU739863 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC FM2686 holotype China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC FM2686, holotype | China | OR355088 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC C614 China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC C614 | China | OR355086 |
Helvella subglabroides BJTC FM1049 China | Helvella subglabroides | BJTC FM1049 | China | OR355087 |
Helvella sp. ChL9 Poland | Helvella sublicia | ChL9 | Poland | KX438327 |
Helvellaceae sp. LM3615 Germany | Helvella sublicia | LM3615 | Germany | KM576412 |
Helvella sublicia H148 Norway | Helvella sublicia | H148 | Norway | MN656160 |
Helvella sp. SREF1730 France | Helvella sublicia | SREF1730 | France | MN660460 |
Helvella sp. OTU 300 | Helvella sublicia | OTU 300 | —— | MK959119 |
Helvella sp. SREF284 France | Helvella sublicia | SREF284 | France: Daix | MN660727 |
Helvella sp. OTU11 Italy | Helvella sublicia | OTU11 | Italy: Cadriano | MH681182 |
Helvella sp. KL23 Poland | Helvella sublicia | KL23 | Poland | KX438328 |
Helvella fibrosa OKA-100 Turkey | Helvella sublicia | OKA-100 | Turkey: Istanbul | MF228805 |
Uncultured ectomycorrhizal fungus L2299 | Helvella sublicia | L2299 | —— | FM993121 |
Uncultured Helvella R71p4 Czech Republic | Helvella sublicia | R71p4 | Czech Republic | GU327422 |
Uncultured Helvella 13372 C12 Spain | Helvella sublicia | 13372 C12 | Spain | MW282693 |
Helvella subspadicea HKAS 90624 China | Helvella subspadicea | HKAS 90624 | China | KU739797 |
Helvella subspadicea HKAS 56656 holotype China | Helvella subspadicea | HKAS 56656, holotype | China | JX462574 |
Helvella xiaohuipan BJTC FM367 China | Helvella xiaohuipan | BJTC FM367 | China | OR355078 |
Helvella xiaohuipan BJTC FM2317 holotype China | Helvella xiaohuipan | BJTC FM2317, holotype | —— | OR355079 |
Helvella cf. corium HKAS 69755 | Helvella xiaohuipan | HKAS 69755 | —— | JX462576 |
Table S6.
Specimens used in Lacunosa clade ITS phylogenetic analysis and their GenBank accession numbers. Newly generated sequences are in bold.
Taxa Name in Analysis | Taxon name | Voucher specimen | Country | ITS GenBank |
Dissingia oblongispora | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 137 | China | OR355181 |
Dissingia oblongispora | Dissingia oblongispora | HSA 169 | China | OR355182 |
Helvella alpestris O-255737 Norway | Helvella alpestris | O-255737 | Norway | MN656183 |
Helvella alpestris O-255736 France | Helvella alpestris | O-255736 | France | MN656166 |
Helvella alpestris H460 Canada | Helvella alpestris | H460 | Canada | MN656163 |
Helvella alpina O-255751 Norway | Helvella alpina | O-255751 | Norway | MN656181 |
Helvella atra O-255762 Norway | Helvella atra | O-255762 | Norway | MN656170 |
Helvella lacunosa KH.10.97(S) Sweden | Helvella atra | KH.10.97 (S) | Sweden | KC122809 |
Helvella atra zhao2111 China | Helvella atra | zhao2111 | China | KT894823 |
Helvella sp. OTU 1450 | Helvella atra | OTU_1450 | —— | MK959124 |
Helvella lacunosa zhao2112 China | Helvella atra | zhao2112 | China | KT894824 |
Helvella atra HMAS 290900 China | Helvella atra | HMAS 290900 | China | OQ600286 |
Helvella atra HMAS 290901 China | Helvella atra | HMAS 290901 | China | OQ600287 |
Helvella austrooccidentalis HMAS 290902 China | Helvella austrooccidentalis | HMAS 290902 | China | OQ600290 |
Helvella austrooccidentalis HMAS 290903 holotype China | Helvella austrooccidentalis | HMAS 290903, holotype | China | OQ600291 |
Helvella borealis HMAS 290905 holotype China | Helvella borealis | HMAS 290905, holotype | China | OQ600293 |
Helvella cf. calycina UBC F28816 Canada | Helvella calycina | UBC F28816 | Canada | MZ970428 |
Helvella costifera S.D. Russell MycoMap 5873 USA | Helvella calycina | S.D. Russell MycoMap 5873 | USA | ON561610 |
Uncultured fungus China | Helvella calycina | —— | China | LS963398 |
Helvella calycina H022 epitype Norway | Helvella calycina | H022, epitype | Norway | MN656158 |
Helvella calycina HMAS 279704 China | Helvella calycina | HMAS 279704 | China | OR355013 |
Helvella fusca ZT_Myc_64135 Switzerland | Helvella cf. fusca | ZT_Myc_64135 | Switzerland | MW677578 |
Helvella lactea IBL24 Poland | Helvella cf. lactea | IBL24 | Poland | MZ410653 |
uncultured ectomycorrhiza 3 Italy | Helvella cf. lactea | 3 | Italy | AJ879682 |
Helvella corium TROM-F-610014 Norway | Helvella corium | TROM-F-610014 | Norway | MN656172 |
Helvella corium MQ17150QFB29658HRL2444 Canada | Helvella corium | MQ17150-QFB29658-HRL2444 | Canada | MN992597 |
Helvella corium MQ17051QFB29559HRL2438 Canada | Helvella corium | MQ17051-QFB29559-HRL2438 | Canada | MN992596 |
Helvella corium O-255757 France | Helvella corium | O-255757 | France | MN656165 |
Helvella corium O-255756 Svalbard | Helvella corium | O-255756 | Svalbard | MN656185 |
Helvella costifera BJTC FM1742 China | Helvella costifera | BJTC FM1742 | China | OR355129 |
Helvella costifera BJTC FM1705 China | Helvella costifera | BJTC FM1705 | China | OR355128 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-152 China | Helvella costifera | NX3-152 | China | LC623419 |
Helvella costifera HMAS 280301 China | Helvella costifera | HMAS 280301 | China | MK592123 |
Helvella costifera HMAS 187120 China | Helvella costifera | HMAS 187120 | China | MK592122 |
Helvella cystidiata HKAS 74316 China | Helvella cystidiata | HKAS 74316 | China | KX239840 |
Helvella cystidiata HKAS 78941 China | Helvella cystidiata | HKAS 78941 | China | KX239839 |
Helvella cystidiata HMJAU 52 China | Helvella cystidiata | HMJAU 52 | China | OQ600295 |
Helvella cystidiata HMJAU 150 China | Helvella cystidiata | HMJAU 150 | China | OQ600296 |
Helvella dryophila UC 1999233 holotype USA | Helvella dryophila | UC 1999233, holotype | USA | KC122861 |
Helvella dryophila UC 1999234 USA | Helvella dryophila | UC 1999234 | USA | KC122836 |
Helvella fulva HMAS 290906 holotype China | Helvella fulva | HMAS 290906, holotype | China | OQ600297 |
Helvella huangii HMAS 290907 China | Helvella huangii | HMAS 290907 | China | OQ600298 |
Helvella huangii HMAS 45031 holotype China | Helvella huangii | HMAS 45031, holotype | China | OQ600299 |
Helvella huangii HMJAU 3488 China | Helvella huangii | HMJAU 3488 | China | OQ600300 |
Helvella huangii BJTC C375 China | Helvella huangii | BJTC C375 | China | OR355175 |
Helvella jizushanica HMAS 290908 holotype China | Helvella jizushanica | HMAS 290908, holotype | China | OQ600301 |
Helvella jizushanica HMAS 59718 China | Helvella jizushanica | HMAS 59718 | China | OQ600302 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 69079 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 69079 | China | KX239830 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 72598 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 72598 | China | KX239829 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90221 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 90221 | China | KX239828 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87775 China | Helvella jizushanica | HKAS 87775 | China | KX239827 |
Helvella jocatoi CB08326 holotype Mexico | Helvella jocatoi | CB08326, holotype | Mexico | KC016115 |
Helvella jocatoi Landeros3581 Mexico | Helvella jocatoi | Landeros3581 | Mexico | MT334416 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM813 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM813 | China | OR355112 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM573 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM573 | China | OR355111 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM1414 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM1414 | China | OR355109 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM907 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM907 | China | OR355113 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM947 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM947 | China | OR355115 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM914 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM914 | China | OR355114 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM546 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM546 | China | OR355110 |
Helvella lacunosa BJTC FM1162 China | Helvella lacunosa | BJTC FM1162 | China | OR355108 |
Helvella sp. XLN(1) | Helvella lacunosa | XLN(1) | —— | KY865326 |
Helvella sp. XLN(3) | Helvella lacunosa | XLN(3) | —— | KY865327 |
Uncultured Helvella Sym5068 Russia | Helvella lacunosa | Sym5068 | Russia | LC574338 |
Helvella lacunosa O-255761 Norway | Helvella lacunosa | O-255761 | Norway | MN656169 |
Helvella lacunosa UC 1999245 Denmark | Helvella lacunosa | UC 1999245 | Denmark | KC122820 |
Helvella pseudolacunosa HKAS 87594 holotype China | Helvella lacunosa | HKAS 87594, holotype | China | KR493476 |
Helvella pseudolacunosa HMJAU 4533 China | Helvella lacunosa | HMJAU 4533 | China | MG871284 |
Helvella sp. PA8 Latvia | Helvella lacunosa | PA8 | Latvia | KR019788 |
Helvella liui HMAS 85725 holotype China | Helvella liui | HMAS 85725, holotype | China | OQ600310 |
Uncultured Helvella XT13106 China | Helvella liui | XT13106 | China | MF405782 |
Uncultured Helvella Q-L-OTU66 China | Helvella liui | Q-L-OTU66 | China | KY684424 |
Helvella lobata HMAS 290910 holotype China | Helvella lobata | HMAS 290910, holotype | China | OQ600311 |
Helvella macrosperma TROM-F-610001 Norway | Helvella macrosperma | TROM-F-610001 | Norway | MN656176 |
Helvella macrosperma O-253328 Norway | Helvella macrosperma | O-253328 | Norway | MN656159 |
Helvella macrosperma O-F-285169 Norway | Helvella macrosperma | O-F-285169 | Norway | MN656184 |
Helvella macrosperma TROM-F-610004 Norway | Helvella macrosperma | TROM-F-610004 | Norway | MN656180 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM2486-A China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM2486-A | China | OR355117 |
Helvella magna BJTC FM2486-B China | Helvella magna | BJTC FM2486-B | China | OR355118 |
Uncultured Helvella XJG9 China | Helvella magna | XJG9 | China | JX129157 |
Uncultured fungus QH-142 China | Helvella magna | QH-142 | China | LC623504 |
Uncultured fungus QH-100 China | Helvella magna | QH-100 | China | LC623493 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-54 China | Helvella magna | NX3-54 | China | LC623390 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-37 China | Helvella magna | NX3-37 | China | LC623387 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-280 China | Helvella magna | NX3-280 | China | LC623455 |
uncultured fungus NX3-34 China | Helvella magna | NX3-34 | China | LC623386 |
Uncultured fungus NX3-31 China | Helvella magna | NX3-31 | China | LC623384 |
Uncultured Helvella QL062 China | Helvella magna | QL062 | China | HM105544 |
Uncultured Helvella ZWL491 China | Helvella magna | ZWL491 | China | KX444290 |
Uncultured fungus BJ-214 China | Helvella magna | BJ-214 | China | LC623015 |
Uncultured Helvella DLS1624 China | Helvella magna | DLS1624 | China | KX444418 |
Helvella magna HMAS 60679 holotype China | Helvella magna | HMAS 60679, holotype | China | OQ600315 |
Helvella magna HMAS 290911 China | Helvella magna | HMAS 290911 | China | OQ600312 |
Helvella magna HMAS 290912 China | Helvella magna | HMAS 290912 | China | OQ600313 |
Helvella nannfeldtii TROM-F-610034 Norway | Helvella nannfeldtii | TROM-F-610034 | Norway | MN656174 |
Helvella nannfeldtii O-255744 Norway | Helvella nannfeldtii | O-255744 | Norway | MN656167 |
Helvella parva HMAS 290914 holotype China | Helvella parva | HMAS 290914, holotype | China | OQ600323 |
Uncultured fungus HKAS 50833 China | Helvella philonotis | HKAS 50833 | China | KR493462 |
Uncultured Ascomycota OTU583 China | Helvella philonotis | OTU583 | China | MW049805 |
Uncultured ectomycorrhiza 855 Austria | Helvella philonotis | 855 | Austria | EU498735 |
Helvella philonotis O-255760 Norway | Helvella philonotis | O-255760 | Norway | MN656182 |
Helvella dovrensis OTU 096r | Helvella philonotis | OTU 096r | —— | MT095216 |
Helvella dovrensis ARON 2626 (1995) | Helvella philonotis | ARON 2626 (1995) | —— | AF046223 |
Helvella philonotis HMAS 290915 China | Helvella philonotis | HMAS 290915 | China | OQ600324 |
Helvella philonotis HMAS 264754 China | Helvella philonotis | HMAS 264754 | China | OQ600327 |
Helvella phlebophora HMAS 268001 China | Helvella phlebophora | HMAS 268001 | China | OQ600328 |
Helvella phlebophoropsis HMAS 85654 holotype China | Helvella phlebophoropsis | HMAS 85654, holotype | China | OQ600329 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 290916 China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 290916 | China | OQ600330 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 270642 holotype China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 270642, holotype | China | OQ600331 |
Helvella plateata HMAS 290917 China | Helvella plateata | HMAS 290917 | China | OQ600332 |
Helvella pseudoalpina TROM-F-610048 Norway | Helvella pseudoalpina | TROM-F-610048 | Norway | MN656173 |
Helvella ravida HSA 375 holotype China | Helvella ravida | HSA 375 | China | OR355124 |
uncultured Helvella China | Helvella ravida | —— | China | LT967133 |
Helvella sp. OTU 098r | Helvella ravida | OTU 098r | —— | MT095218 |
Helvella ravida HMAS 290919 holotype China | Helvella ravida | HMAS 290919, holotype | China | OQ600334 |
Helvella ravida HMAS 61920 China | Helvella ravida | HMAS 61920 | China | OQ600335 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 87587 holotype China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 87587, holotype | China | KR493478 |
Helvella aff. sulcata UC 1999239 China | Helvella rugosa | UC 1999239 | China | KC122812 |
Helvella aff. sulcata UC 1999240 China | Helvella rugosa | UC 1999240 | China | KC122813 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 75442 China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 75442 | China | KR493475 |
Uncultured Helvella M11314 China | Helvella rugosa | M11314 | China | KR493455 |
Uncultured Helvella M11312 China | Helvella rugosa | M11312 | China | KR493453 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 90536 Thailand | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 90536 | Thailand | KU739805 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 90534 | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 90534 | —— | KU739804 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 90597 China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 90597 | China | KX507005 |
Helvella rugosa HKAS 90595 China | Helvella rugosa | HKAS 90595 | China | KX507004 |
Helvella rugosa HMAS 290920 China | Helvella rugosa | HMAS 290920 | China | OQ600336 |
Helvella rugosa HMAS 290921 China | Helvella rugosa | HMAS 290921 | China | OQ600337 |
Helvella sinohyperborea BJTC FM105 holotype China | Helvella sinohyperborea | BJTC FM105, holotype | China | OR355132 |
Helvella sinohyperborea BJTC FM165 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | BJTC FM165 | China | OR355133 |
Uncultured Helvella NXHLS462 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | NXHLS462 | China | KX510013 |
Uncultured Helvella 1 China | Helvella sinohyperborea | 1 | China | FJ803929 |
Uncultured Helvella UDB019758 Switzerland | Helvella sp. 34 | UDB019758 | Switzerland | MN970731 |
Uncultured fungus European Alpine System | Helvella sp. 34 | —— | European Alpine System | LS953425 |
Uncultured fungus European Alpine System | Helvella sp. 34 | —— | European Alpine System | LS972604 |
Helvella sp. UC 1999221 USA | Helvella sp. 34 | UC 1999221 | USA | KC122819 |
Helvella lacunosa MIN 451143 Netherlands | Helvella sp. 34 | MIN 451143 | Netherlands | KC122818 |
Helvella lacunosa OTU 2161 | Helvella sp. 34 | OTU 2161 | —— | MK959122 |
Helvella lacunosa DMS-9344856 Denmark | Helvella sp. 34 | DMS-9344856 | Denmark | MT644923 |
Helvella sp. KWT1 Austria | Helvella sp. 34 | KWT1 | Austria | AJ544210 |
Helvella sp. 3430 Mexico | Helvella sp. 35 | 3430 | Mexico | MK397160 |
Helvella cf. vespertina Mushroom Observer 329684 USA | Helvella sp. 36 | Mushroom Observer 329684 | USA | MN204489 |
Helvella jocatoi LGD9002 Mexico | Helvella sp. 37 | LGD9002 | Mexico | MT334417 |
Helvella sp. GO-2009-313 Mexico | Helvella sp. 37 | GO-2009-313 | Mexico | KC152112 |
Helvella lacunosa HC-PNNT-059 Mexico | Helvella sp. 38 | HC-PNNT-059 | Mexico | KC016124 |
Helvella lacunosa HC-PNNT-235 Mexico | Helvella sp. 39 | HC-PNNT-235 | Mexico | KC016123 |
Helvella sp. UC 1999237 USA | Helvella sp. 40 | UC 1999237 | USA | KC122810 |
Helvella sp. UC 1999244 USA | Helvella sp. 41 | UC 1999244 | USA | KC122863 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87756 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87756 | China | KX239836 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87757 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87757 | China | KX239837 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90622 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 90622 | China | KX239833 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87702 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87702 | China | KX239831 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90623 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 90623 | China | KX239834 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87755 China | Helvella sp. 42 | HKAS 87755 | China | KX239835 |
Helvellaceae sp. LM5050 Hungary | Helvella sp. 43 | LM5050 | Hungary | KM576411 |
Helvella lacunosa UC 1999242 Montenegro | Helvella sp. 43 | UC 1999242 | Montenegro | KC122823 |
Helvella lacunosa UC 1999243 Montenegro | Helvella sp. 43 | UC 1999243 | Montenegro | KC122824 |
Helvella lacunosa Tip 330 Germany | Helvella sp. 43 | Tip 330 | Germany | MW695300 |
Helvella sp. Otu0550 | Helvella sp. 43 | Otu0550 | —— | MW039947 |
Uncultured Helvella LMBC23a-10 France | Helvella sp. 44 | LMBC23a-10 | France | JF506761 |
Helvellaceae sp. S117B Cameroon | Helvella sp. 44 | S117B | Cameroon | KR819045 |
Uncultured Helvella s0m002 Italy | Helvella sp. 44 | s0m002 | Italy | HF565060 |
Helvella sp. OTU 1710 | Helvella sp. 44 | OTU 1710 | —— | MK959128 |
Helvella sp. OTU10 Italy | Helvella sp. 44 | OTU10 | Italy | MH681181 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-68270 USA | Helvella sp. 45 | FLAS-F-68270 | USA | OM672712 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-68525 USA | Helvella sp. 45 | FLAS-F-68525 | USA | OM672836 |
Helvella sp. S.D. Russell ONT iNaturalist 136737536 USA | Helvella sp. 45 | S.D. Russell ONT iNaturalist 136737536 | USA | OP749738 |
Helvella lacunosa CNV84 | Helvella sp. 45 | CNV84 | —— | MT345260 |
Helvella sp. S.D. Russell ONT-iNaturalist 129729182 USA | Helvella sp. 46 | S.D. Russell ONT iNaturalist 129729182 | USA | OP643219 |
Helvella sp. S.D. Russell ONT iNaturalist 130137837 USA | Helvella sp. 46 | S.D. Russell ONT iNaturalist 130137837 | USA | OP643323 |
Helvella sp. S.D. Russell ONT-iNaturalist 131004622 USA | Helvella sp. 46 | S.D. Russell ONT iNaturalist 131004622 | USA | OP643454 |
Pezizales sp. RT00056 | Helvella sp. 46 | RT00056 | —— | EU819533 |
Helvella lacunosa F 1142883 USA | Helvella sp. 46 | F 1142883 | USA | KC122825 |
Helvella sp. OTU 541s | Helvella sp. 47 | OTU 541s | —— | MT095660 |
Helvella sp. OTU 530s | Helvella sp. 48 | OTU 530s | —— | MT095649 |
Helvella sp. O-255739 Norway | Helvella sp. 49 | O-255739 | Norway | MN656179 |
Helvella sp. O-255738 Norway | Helvella sp. 49 | O-255738 | Norway | MN656178 |
Helvella sp. OTU_528s | Helvella sp. 50 | OTU_528s | —— | MT095647 |
Helvella corium ARON 2610 | Helvella sp. 51 | ARON 2610 | —— | AF046226 |
Helvella sp. OTU 527s | Helvella sp. 51 | OTU 527s | —— | MT095646 |
Uncultured fungus AG_K_112 Poland | Helvella sp. 52 | AG_K_112 | Poland | ON417278 |
Helvella costifera TENN: 071510 USA | Helvella sp. 53 | TENN: 071510 | USA | MG663264 |
Helvella cf. acetabulum SOC1181 USA | Helvella sp. 53 | SOC1181 | USA | FJ235151 |
Uncultured Helvella 2008AGG10 | Helvella sp. 54 | 2008AGG10 | —— | HQ204665 |
Helvella sp. OTU 71 | Helvella sp. 54 | OTU 71 | —— | MK959125 |
Helvella sublactea M01452264 Estonia | Helvella sp. 55 | M01452264 | Estonia | LR874455 |
Helvella sublactea M01452264 Estonia | Helvella sp. 55 | M01452264 | Estonia | LR874454 |
Helvella sp. FLAS-F-68282 USA | Helvella sp. 56 | FLAS-F-68282 | USA | OM672723 |
Helvella aff. latispora UC 1999198 USA | Helvella sp. 56 | UC 1999198 | USA | KC122814 |
Helvella aff. latispora WCG 306 USA | Helvella sp. 56 | WCG 306 | USA | KC122817 |
Helvella lactea WCG 1393 USA | Helvella sp. 57 | WCG 1393 | USA | KC122826 |
Helvella lactea RH1704 USA | Helvella sp. 57 | RH1704 | USA | MT373912 |
Helvella lactea FLAS-F-61490 USA | Helvella sp. 57 | FLAS-F-61490 | USA | MH211926 |
Helvella lacunosa OTU 663 | Helvella sp. 58 | OTU 663 | —— | MK959121 |
Helvella sublactea BJTC FM347 China | Helvella sublactea | BJTC FM347 | China | OR355123 |
Helvella sublactea BJTC FM1082 China | Helvella sublactea | BJTC FM1082 | China | OR355122 |
Helvella sp. w04 China | Helvella sublactea | w04 | China | KT894828 |
Helvella sublactea zhao1273 China | Helvella sublactea | zhao1273 | China | KT894827 |
Uncultured Helvella ZWL215 China | Helvella sublactea | ZWL215 | China | KX444291 |
Uncultured Helvella DLS1701 China | Helvella sublactea | DLS1701 | China | KX444421 |
Helvella sublactea t1359 China | Helvella sublactea | t1359 | China | KT894829 |
Helvella sublactea HKAS 69753 China | Helvella sublactea | HKAS 69753 | China | KT894825 |
Helvella sublactea HKAS 90607 China | Helvella sublactea | HKAS 90607 | China | KT894826 |
Helvella subtinta BJTC FM1307 China | Helvella subtinta | BJTC FM1307 | China | OR355130 |
Helvella subtinta HKAS 104666 holotype China | Helvella subtinta | HKAS 104666, holotype | China | MN449991 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC ZH1231 China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC ZH1231 | China | OR355121 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC FM263 China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC FM263 | China | OR355120 |
Helvella sulcatoides BJTC FM1416 holotype China | Helvella sulcatoides | BJTC FM1416, holotype | China | OR355119 |
Helvella terricola HMAS 38355 China | Helvella terricola | HMAS 38355 | China | OQ600354 |
Helvella tianshanensis HSA 179 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HSA 179 | China | OR355126 |
Helvella tianshanensis HSA 185 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HSA 185 | China | OR355127 |
Helvella tianshanensis BJTC FM175 China | Helvella tianshanensis | BJTC FM175 | China | OR355125 |
uncultured Helvella China | Helvella tianshanensis | —— | China | OW846958 |
Helvella tianshanensis HMAS 88611 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HMAS 88611 | China | MK592158 |
Helvella tianshanensis HMAS 86040 China | Helvella tianshanensis | HMAS 86040 | China | MK592157 |
Helvella tinta HKAS 82560 holotype China | Helvella tinta | HKAS 82560, holotype | China | KX239842 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78919 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 78919 | China | KX239818 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78918 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 78918 | China | KX239817 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90590 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90590 | China | KX239824 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90598 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90598 | China | KX239823 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90554 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90554 | China | KX239821 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90595 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90595 | China | KX239822 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78905 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 78905 | China | KX239816 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90610 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90610 | China | KX239825 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 90611 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 90611 | China | KX239826 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 87789 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 87789 | China | KX239819 |
Uncultured Helvella M11308 China | Helvella varia | M11308 | China | KR493449 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 74662 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 74662 | China | KX239812 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 74280 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 74280 | China | KX239811 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 74675 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 74675 | China | KX239814 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 78903 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 78903 | China | KX239815 |
Helvella sp. HKAS 74674 China | Helvella varia | HKAS 74674 | China | KX239813 |
Helvella varia HMAS 270932 holotype China | Helvella varia | HMAS 270932, holotype | China | OQ600357 |
Helvella varia HMAS 290929 China | Helvella varia | HMAS 290929 | China | OQ600359 |
Uncultured Helvella 1_81M3 USA | Helvella vespertina | 1_81M3 | USA | JQ393060 |
Uncultured Helvella 1_B10_9 USA | Helvella vespertina | 1_B10_9 | USA | JX198535 |
Uncultured Helvella RD7 USA | Helvella vespertina | RD7 | USA | HM021164 |
Helvella vespertina UC 1999204 holotype USA | Helvella vespertina | UC 1999204, holotype | USA | KC122858 |
Helvella vespertina UBC F15597 Canada | Helvella vespertina | UBC F15597 | Canada | MZ970442 |
Helvella vespertina SB12 USA | Helvella vespertina | SB12 | USA | MF186831 |
Helvella vespertina F319 USA | Helvella vespertina | F319 | USA | KC122853 |
Helvella vitrea HMAS 290932 holotype China | Helvella vitrea | HMAS 290932, holotype | China | OQ600362 |
Helvella shanxiensis BJTC FM2621 China | Helvella vulgata | BJTC FM2621 | China | OR355116 |
Helvella vulgata HMAS 53683 holotype China | Helvella vulgata | HMAS 53683, holotype | China | OQ600363 |
Helvella vulgata HMIGD 25964 China | Helvella vulgata | HMIGD 25964 | China | OQ600365 |
Helvella yunnanensis HMAS 290933 holotype China | Helvella yunnanensis | HMAS 290933, holotype | China | OQ600366 |
Helvella yunnanensis HMAS 290934 China | Helvella yunnanensis | HMAS 290934 | China | OQ600367 |
Table S7.
The list of Helvella species confirmed in China.
Species | Type locality | Lineage | Clade |
Helvella acetabuloides | China: Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region | acetabulum | Acetabulum |
H. acetabulum | Sweden: Östergötland (epitype) | acetabulum | Acetabulum |
H. albopatella | China: Shanxi | hypocrateriformis | Elastica |
H. alborava | China: Shanxi | rivularis-sublicia | Elastica |
H. atra | Denmark | atra-pallescens | Lacunosa |
H. atroides | Thailand | — | Elastica |
H. austrooccidentalis | China: Tibet | lacunosa-helvellula | Lacunosa |
H. bachu | China: Xinjiang Autonomous Region | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. borealis | China: Jilin | sulcata-phlebophoroides | Lacunosa |
H. brunneogaleriformis | China: Shanxi | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. caespitosa | China: Shanxi | fallax-pezizoides | Elastica |
H. calycina | Norway: Oppland (epitype) | costifera | Lacunosa |
H. capucinoides | USA | bicolor-elastica | Elastica |
H. carnosa | Norway: Oslo | carnosa | Elastica |
H. corbierei | Switzerland: Graubünden (epitype) | corbierei-stevensii | Elastica |
H. costifera | Sweden: Uppland (epitype) | costifera | Lacunosa |
H. cremeoinvoluta | China: Shanxi | crispa | Crispa |
H. crispoides | Thailand: Chiang Mai | crispa | Crispa |
H. cystidiata | China: Yunnan | lacunosa-helvellula | Lacunosa |
H. danica | Denmark: Jutland | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. deflexa | China: Shanxi | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. ephippioides | Japan | macropus | Elastica |
H. fistulosa | Norway: Hordaland (neotype) | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. flavostipitata | China: Shanxi | carnosa | Elastica |
H. floriforma | China: Yunnan | — | Lacunosa |
H. fulva | China: Tibet | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. galeriformis | China: Shanxi | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. guttata | China: Yunnan | macropus | Elastica |
H. huangii | China: Beijing | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. involuta | China: Yunnan | crispa | Crispa |
H. jizushanica | China: Yunnan | sulcata-phlebophoroides | Lacunosa |
H. lacunosa | Sweden: Femsjö(epitype) | lacunosa-helvellula | Lacunosa |
H. liui | China: Shanxi | fusca-lactea | Lacunosa |
H. lobata | China: Jiangsu | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. macropus | Sweden: Uppland (epitype) | macropus | Elastica |
H. maculatoides | China: Sichuan | — | Crispa |
H. magna | China: Gansu | sulcata-phlebophoroides | Lacunosa |
H. multiformis | China: Shanxi | rivularis-sublicia | Elastica |
H. neofistulosa | China: Beijing | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. nigrorava | China: Beijing | rivularis-sublicia | Elastica |
H. nordlandica | Norway: Nordland | hypocrateriformis | Elastica |
H. orentitomentosa | Thailand | — | Elastica |
H. orienticrispa | China: Yunnan | crispa | Crispa |
H. palustris | USA: New York | palustris-philonotis | Lacunosa |
H. parva | China: Yunnan | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. philonotis | Norway: Oppland | palustris-philonotis | Lacunosa |
H. phlebophora | Iceland (epitype) | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. phlebophoropsis | China: Shanxi | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. plateata | China: Tibet | lacunosa-helvellula | Lacunosa |
H. pseudoelastica | China: Beijing | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. pseudofallax | China: Shanxi | fallax-pezizoides | Elastica |
H. pseudopezizoides | China: Shanxi | fallax-pezizoides | Elastica |
H. pseudoreflexa | China: Yunnan | crispa | Crispa |
H. pubescens | Canada: Alberta | rivularis-sublicia | Elastica |
H. ravida | China: Sichuan | fusca-lactea | Lacunosa |
H. rugosa | China: Yunnan | atra-pallescens | Lacunosa |
H. scyphoides | Norway: Hedmark | hypocrateriformis | Elastica |
H. sichuanensis | China: Sichuan | acetabulum | Acetabulum |
H. sinocrispa | China: Shanxi | crispa | Crispa |
H. sinohyperborea | China: Shanxi | hyperborea | Lacunosa |
H. solitaria | Sweden: Uppsala (epitype) | solitaria | Acetabulum |
H. subglabroides | China: Shanxi | fallax-pezizoides | Elastica |
H. sublactea | China: Yunnan | fusca-lactea | Lacunosa |
H. subspadicea | China: Xinjiang Autonomous Region | capucina-danica | Elastica |
H. subtinta | China: Yunnan | alpina-corium | Lacunosa |
H. sulcatoides | China: Shanxi | sulcata-phlebophoroides | Lacunosa |
H. taiyuanensis | China: Shanxi | solitaria | Acetabulum |
H. terricola | Spain | palustris-philonotis | Lacunosa |
H. tianshanensis | China: Xinjiang Autonomous Region | tianshanensis | Lacunosa |
H. tinta | China: Sichuan | hyperborea | Lacunosa |
H. varia | China: Guangdong | atra-pallescens | Lacunosa |
H. vitrea | China: Jiangsu | phlebophora | Lacunosa |
H. vulgata | China: Hubei | atra-pallescens | Lacunosa |
H. xiaohuipan | China: Shanxi | fallax-pezizoides | Elastica |
H. yunnanensis | China: Yunnan | sulcata-phlebophoroides | Lacunosa |
H. zhongtiaoensis | China: Shanxi | crispa | Crispa |