Effects of binding the full set of inhibitors #1-#17 on deuterium uptake into the DFG motif (peptide 161–168: LKICDFGL),
P+1 segment (peptide 191–198, YRAPEIML), and helix αF (peptide 203–210: YTKSIDIW), expanding the selected subset in
Figure 5. Open symbols show deuterium uptake in 0P- or 2P-ERK2 apoenzymes. Closed symbols show deuterium uptake in 0P- or 2P-ERK2 complexed with inhibitors. Three inhibitors (#4, #13, #15; gray) show HDX patterns similar to GDC0994, consistent with R↔L exchange. One inhibitor (#1; cyan) shows significant HDX protection in the DFG motif, but only marginal protection in the
P+1 segment or helix αF, suggesting behavior intermediate between Vertex-11e (VTX11e)/BVD523 and GDC0994.