nlg-1 is required for sleep deprivation induced DVB neurite outgrowth and spicule protraction behavioral changes
(A) Schematic showing nlg-1 C. elegans gene locus with nlg-1(ok259) deletion indicated with red box.
(B) Graph displaying quantification of DVB neurite length and (C) DVB junctions in controls, nlg-1, npr-1, npr-1; nlg-1, and npr-1; nrx-1; nlg-1 day 1 males.
(D) Representative images of DVB neuron in controls, nlg-1, npr-1, and npr-1; nlg-1 day 1 males. White asterisk marks PVT neuron (not traced, see64).
(E) Time to spicule protraction following aldicarb application of control, npr-1, and npr-1; nlg-1 day 1 males. Number of individual animals is indicated by “n”, p values from one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-hoc test shown, error bars represent SEM, scale bar size as labelled.