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. 2024 Apr 17;19(4):e0293995. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293995

Teenage Blues: Predictors of depression among adolescents in Nigeria

Adefunke DadeMatthews 1,2,*, Chukwuemeka Nzeakah 2,3,#, Lucky Onofa 2,#, Oluwagbemiga DadeMatthews 4,, Temitope Ogundare 5,
Editor: Lakshit Jain6
PMCID: PMC11023510  PMID: 38630744



Depressive disorders, with a prevalence of 15–21%, are among the most common disorders in children and adolescents, and increases the risk of suicide, the second leading cause of death in children aged 10 to 19.


To determine the prevalence and correlates of depressive disorders among senior students attending secondary schools in Abeokuta.


The study was conducted in five schools randomly selected from a representative sample and was carried out in 2 phases. In the first phase, students were selected via systematic random sampling and given consent forms and GHQ-12 to administer to the parents. In the second phase, students who returned a signed informed consent form and filled out GHQ-12 were interviewed using MINI-KID, Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale, Family-APGAR, and sociodemographic questionnaire. Multivariate regression analyses were conducted with p-value <0.05 as level of significance.


The mean age was 15.3 years (SD = 1.27); 48.8% were male. The twelve-month prevalence of major depression was 11.3% and dysthymia was 1.4%. In the final regression analysis, female gender [OR = 4.3, p = 0.046], the experience of bullying [OR = 7.96, p = 0.004], difficulty getting along with friends, [OR = 7.5, p = 0.004], history of sexual abuse [OR = 8.1, p = 0.01], and perceived family dysfunction [OR = 4.9, p = 0,023] were found to be independent predictors of depressive disorders.


Depressive syndromes are a significant health burden in adolescents. Being female, being bullied, having a history of sexual abuse, and family dysfunctionality are risk factors associated with depression among these population.


Depressive disorders are among the most common disorders in children and adolescents, with high prevalence of 12% [1] and rising to 21% [14]. Depression increases the risk of suicide, the second leading cause of death in children and young adults between ages ten and twenty four [5] and one of the top ten leading causes of death across all ages [5, 6]. The reported prevalence of depression among the adolescent population varies widely due to differences in the methodology of various epidemiological studies. Current literature suggests that major depressive disorder is more prevalent than dysthymia and other subtypes of depression [7, 8]. Before puberty, there is no significant difference in the prevalence of depression between the genders, but after that, an increased incidence in females is widely documented across various cultures [9, 10]. Overall, the prevalence of depression rises with increasing adolescent age [1113].

Etiological models suggest that exposure to multiple antecedents interacts with innate characteristics to increase adolescents’ risk of depression. Individual risks for depression in adolescents include certain genetic factors, female gender, endocrine dysfunction, negative cognitive styles, sub-clinical depressive symptoms, specific personality traits, and problems in self-regulation/coping behaviors, while risks from the external environment include faulty parent-child relationships, adverse life events and on-going interpersonal difficulties [1417].

The genetic contribution to the etiology of adolescent depression appears to be moderate, with heritability estimates ranging between 40–70% [14, 18]. There is a three to four-fold increased risk of depression in the offspring of adults with unipolar depression compared to children of non-depressed parents [19], which is significantly higher in cases of post-natal maternal depression [20]. This elevated risk is also seen in other forms of parental psychopathology, although the association’s strength is greatest for parental depression.

Studies have shown that low self-esteem, characterized by global self-devaluation, perceived incompetence, and negative attributional styles, are cognitive factors that markedly increase the risk of depression in adolescents [21, 22]. Furthermore, adolescents with a highly emotional temperamental style (neuroticism) characterized by reacting quickly to everyday events, being easily brought to tears, or easily soothed are also recognized to have a significantly elevated risk of depression [23].

Relational conflicts within the family environment play a major role in the etiology of adolescent depression. Studies show that insecure attachment and parenting characterized by coldness, rejection, harsh discipline, and unsupportive behavior are associated with adolescent depressive symptoms [17]. Parental psychopathology, particularly maternal depression, may contribute to chronic interpersonal stress in the family, compromising the quality of parenting, which may negatively affect youths’ psychosocial functioning [24]. Other family-based pathogenic factors include physical abuse, neglect, absent monitoring, marital discord, low family cohesion, lack of authoritative parenting, severe acute disruptions such as sudden death or serious illness in a close relative and sudden parental separation [2527].

Parental depressive symptoms, perception of poor family functioning, peer problems, low self-esteem, female gender, and large family size are some of the factors that have been associated with clinically significant depressive symptoms in adolescents [21]. Other factors that are significantly associated with depression in adolescents include alcohol consumption, drug abuse [28], sexual activity [28, 29], and physical violence [2830]. Lower levels of physical activity has also been linked with severe depressive symptoms [28, 31], while moderate physical activity was linked with reduced risk of depressive symptoms [28].

Depression is markedly increased due to multiple adverse experiences involving longstanding family and more recent friendship events and peer difficulties. Adolescents with poor friendships, characterized by low numbers of friends, infrequent contact, and no intimate relations, are more likely to develop depression, deviant behaviors, and increased social isolation from the desired peer network [22, 32, 33]. Studies have also shown that adolescents who are bullied and those who are bullies are at an increased risk of depression and suicide [34, 35].

Local studies on the prevalence and correlates of depression show findings largely comparable with results from elsewhere. A cross-sectional survey of adolescents in southwest Nigeria found that 5.1% met the criteria for a major depressive disorder (MDD) [4]. A study using the Beck’s Depressive Inventory found 9% of school-attending adolescents in another southwestern town in Nigeria to have clinically significant depressive symptoms [21] with a diagnosis of MDD established in 6.9% of the total sample [36]. In another cohort of high school students in a major city in north-eastern Nigeria, a 12% prevalence of depression was reported with 50% of the students who used substances reporting depression [2].

Several studies worldwide have sought to establish the prevalence and associated socioeconomic burden of depressive syndromes in adolescents. However, only a few studies have been done in subsaharan Africa to address the subject [2, 7, 3639]. This study aims to determine the prevalence and correlates of depressive disorders among senior students attending secondary schools in Abeokuta.

Materials and methods

The study was carried out in Abeokuta, southwestern Nigeria. It is part of a larger study on anxiety and depressive disorders conducted among secondary school students aged 12–18 years, and the methodology has been described elsewhere [40]. The study was conducted in 2 phases. In the first phase, students were selected via systematic random sampling and given consent forms and GHQ-12 to administer to the parents. In the second phase, students who returned a signed informed consent form and filled out GHQ-12 were interviewed using MINI-KID, Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale, Family-APGAR, and sociodemographic questionnaire. Five schools were randomly selected, and from each school, a proportional sampling method, accounting for the sizes of each school, was employed. The sample size was calculated using the formula for estimating proportions [41].

Study instruments

Sociodemographic questionnaire

This was designed to collect data on the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants and factors linked to depression, such as trauma exposure, history of medical illness, etc. It also collected information about family structure and health-related behaviors.

Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale

The 10-item Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale [42] measures both positive and negative thoughts about oneself to evaluate participants’ overall sense of self-worth. The responses to each question are given on a 4-point Likert scale, with the options being ’strongly agree’ to ’strongly disagree.’ Higher ratings on the scale correspond to higher levels of self-esteem. It has been tested on samples of teenage girls from Nigeria [21]. In this study, it was utilized to gauge the degree of adolescent self-esteem.


The Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview version for children (MINI-KID) is a diagnostic interview specifically developed for children and adolescents aged 6–17 years [43]. It was created to give clinicians a quick, valid, and accurate way to diagnose current DSM-IV and ICD-10 psychiatric illnesses and suicidality in child and adolescent populations. It generally has satisfactory psychometric properties, with excellent reliability estimates: kappa values of 1.00 and 0.72 for inter-rater and test-retest reliability [44]. The MINI-KID was utilized to identify depressive disorders in the study sample. The MINI-KID’s current timeframe for the specific depressive disorders was adjusted for this investigation to the previous 12 months. It has been used in studies in Nigeria with good psychometric properties [45, 46].

Family APGAR

The Family APGAR [47] is a brief screening questionnaire created to get a respondent’s opinion of how well their family is doing. It consists of five questions that measure how satisfied respondents are with each of the five aspects of family functioning: adaptability, partnership, growth, affection, and resolve. Each parameter is rated on a 3-point scale: 0 for rarely, 1 for occasionally, and 2 for almost always. A family with a total score of 0 to 3 is likely to be very dysfunctional, 4–6 is likely to be moderately dysfunctional, and 7 to 10 is likely to be highly functioning. In various local investigations, the Family APGAR Score is valid and accurate for evaluating family functioning [48, 49]. The participating students finished it without any assistance.

Data analysis

IBM SPSS statistics version 25.0 was used to analyze the study’s data. The independent t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for continuous variables and chi-square statistics for categorical variables were used to evaluate the relationships between diagnostic categories and various sociodemographic, family, and psychosocial variables. Post-hoc analysis was conducted on statistically significant variables in the ANOVA analyses, and Fisher’s exact test was utilized as needed. Statistically significant variables in the bivariate analyses were entered into a multiple regression analysis model to identify independent predictors of depression. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to determine whether continuous variables such as age, FAPGAR score, overall academic exam score, and self-esteem score were normal.

Ethical approval

Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethical Committee of the Neuropsychiatric Hospital and the Ogun State Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, and the administrators of the selected schools granted permission. The parents/guardians of all the participating students also provided written and signed informed consent forms. Additionally, it was made clear to the students that participation was voluntary, and they could decide to withdraw from the study at any time, and not participating would not affect their academic performance. Teachers were not allowed in the room during the interviews to provide extra protection.


A total of 225 students were selected to participate in the study, 5 (1.96%) of them declined to participate (they were all senior secondary school class 3 students; SSS 3 students) who had a significant test the next day, and 6 (2.35%) were excluded because they were older 18 years. The final sample size was 213.

Sociodemographic characteristics

Table 1 summarizes the sociodemographic characteristics. The mean age was 15.3 years (SD = 1.27); 48.8% were male. Only 0.9% of fathers and 1.4% of mothers reported no formal education; and 3.8% of fathers were unemployed compared to 6.1% of mothers.

Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of participants.

Characteristic Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
Age Group
 12–15 119 55.9
 16–18 94 44.1
 Female 109 51.2
 Male 104 48.8
 SS1 54 25.4
 SS2 89 41.8
 SS3 70 32.9
 Islam 69 32.4
 Christian 144 67.6
 Yoruba 189 88.7
 Igbo 12 5.6
 Hausa/Fulani 3 1.4
 Others 9 4.2
Parental Level of Education
 No formal education 2 0.9
 Primary Education 44 20.7
 Secondary education 54 25.4
 Tertiary education 95 44.6
 Unknown 18 8.5
 No education 3 1.4
 Primary education 61 28.6
 Secondary education 67 31.5
 Tertiary education 71 33.3
 Unknown 11 5.2
Parental Employment
 Not Applicable/unknown 9 4.2
 Unemployed 8 3.8
 Employed 196 92.0
 Unemployed 13 6.1
 Employed 199 93.4
 Not reported 1 0.5

Child–related psychosocial factors

Table 2 shows child-related psychosocial factors. Sixty-three (29.6%) respondents experienced the loss of a close relative during the previous year; of these, 32 (50.8%) reported a close relationship with the deceased relative. Only 9.9% reported no friends; 13 (6.1%) people admitted to participating in bullying of others; 16.9% reported having experienced bullying; 17 (8.0%) participants had experienced sexual abuse (8.3% of girls vs 7.7% boys); 16 (7.5%) people reported current use of psychoactive substances, with alcohol being the most popular drug (3.3%).

Table 2. Child-related psychosocial variables.

Psychosocial characteristic Frequency (n) Percentage (%)
Recent Loss No 150 70.4
Yes 63 29.6
Close Friends None 21 9.9
One 35 16.4
Two 55 25.8
Three or more 102 47.9
Best Friend No 46 21.6
Yes 167 78.4
Friend Interaction Rarely 9 4.2
Some days 58 27.2
Everyday 146 68.5
Getting Along With Friends Often quarrel/they don’t understand me 23 10.8
Somewhat well 41 19.2
Very well 149 70.0
Being Bullied Rarely/never 177 83.1
Some days 32 15
Most days 4 1.9
Bullying Others Rarely/never 200 93.9
Some days 13 6.1
Sexually Active No 204 95.8
Yes 9 4.2
Sex Frequency Rarely/never 204 95.8
Some days 8 3.8
Sexual Abuse No 196 92
Yes 17 8
Substance use
Alcohol Use Rarely/never 206 96.7
Some days 6 2.8
Most days 1 0.5
Cigarette Use Rarely/never 210 98.6
Some days 2 0.9
Most days 1 0.5
Cannabis Use Rarely/never 207 97.2
Some days 6 2.8
Chronic Illness No 182 85.4
Yes 31 14.6
Involvement in Sport Activity Rarely/never 108 50.7
Some days 89 41.8
Most days 16 7.5

Academic performance

The respondents’ converted aggregate English and Mathematics scores ranged between 44 and 72. The median score was 56.0, while the mean score was 57.0 (SD = 6.4). There were no gender differences in academic performances, mean score for males was 57.42(SD = 6.8) compared to 56.61 (SD = 5.9) for females (t = -0.941; p = 0.348).

Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale

The mean score for the whole sample was 19.07 (SD = 3.5). Boys reported higher scores compared to girls [19.55 (SD = 3.6) vs 18.61 (SD = 3.3; t = -1.997; p = 0.049].

Prevalence of depressive disorders

Twelve-month prevalence for any depressive disorder was 12.2%, major depressive disorder was 11.3% and dysthymia was 1.4%. Twelve-month prevalence for suicidality was 8.9%.

Correlates of depressive disorders

These are shown in Table 3. Female gender (p = 0.049); mother’s educational attainment (p = 0.021); perceived family dysfunction (p < 0.001); domestic violence (p = 0.046); history of sexual abuse (p < 0.001), being bullied (p = 0.001); experiencing a recent loss (p = 0.015); having fewer number of close friends (p = 0.020); and difficulty getting along with friends (p < 0.001) were all associated with depressive disorders. There was no association between age, parental psychopathology, sibship, single-parent household, polygamous family setting, use of psychoactive substances and chronic medical conditions, and depression.

Table 3. Correlates of depressive disorders.

No Yes χ2 df p-value
n (%) n (%)
Gender Female 91 (83.5) 18 (16.5) 3.865 1 0.049
Male 96 (92.3%) 8 (7.7)
Mother’s Education No formal education 2 (66.7) 1 (33.3) 11.538 4 0.021
Primary 56 (91.8) 5 (8.2)
Secondary 64 (95.5) 3 (4.5)
Tertiary 56 (78.9) 15 (21.1)
Domestic Violence Rarely/never 171 (89.5) 20 (10.5) 6.175 2 0.046
Some days 13 (76.5) 4 (23.5)
Most days 3 (60.0) 2 (40.0)
Family Functioning Highly Dysfunctional Family 3 (50.0) 3 (50.0) 20.434 2 0.000
Moderately Dysfunctional Family 15 (62.5) 9 (37.5)
Highly Functional Family 169 (92.3) 14 (7.7)
Recent Loss No 137 (91.3) 13 (8.7) 5.930 1 0.015
Yes 50 (79.4) 13 (20.6)
Close Friends None 14 (66.7) 7 (33.3) 9.814 3 0.020
One 31 (88.6) 4 (11.4)
Two 50 (90.9) 5 (9.1)
Three or more 92 (90.2) 10 (9.8)
Getting Along with Friends Often quarrel/they don’t understand me 18 (78.3) 5 (21.7) 22.999 2 0.000
Somewhat well 28 (68.3) 13 (31.7)
Very well 141 (94.6) 8 (5.4)
Sexual Abuse No 177 (90.3) 19 (9.7) 14.468 1 0.000
Yes 10 (58.8) 7 (41.2)
Being Bullied Rarely/never 162 (91.5) 15 (8.5) 13.740 2 0.001
Some days 22 (68.8) 10 (31.3)
Most days 3 (75.0) 1 (25.0)

Relationship between academic performance and disorder type

The aggregate English and mathematics exam scores were standardized to a normative mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. The standardization was done by obtaining a z score, which was multiplied by 10 and added to 50. The standardized scores were then compared between respondents diagnosed with depressive disorders vs. unaffected peers. Respondents with depressive disorder had a mean score of 44.71 (SD = 7.40), which was lower than the mean score of 50.74 (SD = 10.11) for non-depressed peers (t = 2.929; df = 211; p = 0.004).

Relationship between self-esteem and disorder type

Participants without depressive disorder had a mean score of 19.67 (SD = 3.181) compared to those with depressive disorder with a mean score of 16.42 (SD = 16.42), (F = 9.134, df = 3;209, p < 0.001).

Independent predictors of depressive disorders

In the multivariate regression analyses (see Table 4), female gender (OR = 4.250; p = 0.046), moderate difficulty getting along with friends (OR = 7.502; p = 0.004), the experience of being occasionally bullied (OR = 7.960; p = 0.004), history of sexual abuse (OR = 8.055; p = 0.010) and moderate family dysfunction (OR = 4.934; p = 0.023) were associated with depression.

Table 4. Multivariate logistic regression of independent correlates of depressive disorders.

B OR p value 95% C.I. for OR
Lower Upper
Female 1.447 4.250 0.046 1.026 17.600
Male Reference 1.00
Getting Along with Friends
Quarrelling/misunderstanding 0.114 1.121 0.901 0.186 6.749
Somewhat well 2.183 8.874 0.004 2.045 38.514
Very well Reference 1.00
Sexual Abuse
Yes 2.086 8.055 0.010 1.965 32.251
No Reference 1.00
Being Bullied
Some days 2.074 7.960 0.004 1.965 32.251
Most days 2.317 10.149 0.121 0.541 190.265
Rarely/Never Reference 1.00
Family Functioning
Highly Dysfunctional Family 1.377 3.965 0.301 0.291 54.065
Moderately Dysfunctional Family 1.596 4.934 0.023 1.241 19.613
Highly Functional Family Reference 1.00


This study aimed to determine the prevalence and correlates of depressive disorders among senior students attending secondary schools in Abeokuta. The twelve-month prevalence of any depressive disorder was 12.2%, and major depressive episode was 11.3%.

Our study shows that depressive syndromes are a significant health burden in adolescents. The reported prevalence in this study is similar to that reported in other studies [1, 2, 22]. The apparent convergence of rates is remarkable, given that these studies used different diagnostic instruments. Nevertheless, these findings are higher than elsewhere in Africa [7, 36] and the West [50, 51]. Differing prevalence periods could explain the varied findings. In addition, the present study used a twelve-month window and found a rate closer to the lifetime rate reported in the US comorbidity survey [1]; lower rates tended to be reported by studies using narrower time frames for prevalence rates.

The prevalence of dysthymia reported in this study was 1.4%, and to the best of the authors’ knowledge is the first estimate of the disorder among adolescents in Nigeria. The other available estimate on dysthymia comes from the Nigerian National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (NSMHW) by Gureje et al., which found a twelve-month prevalence of 0.1% in the adult population [52]. Similar prevalence rate of dysthymia has been reported in Norway [8] and Uganda [7]. These findings may suggest that although depressive syndromes occur frequently among adolescents, only a small proportion of episodes tend to run prolonged episodes.

In the bivariate analysis, gender and mother’s education were the two sociodemographic variables significantly associated with depressive disorders in this study. This significant excess of females among adolescents having a depressive disorder has been replicated in many studies, both local and foreign [31, 53]. Gender difference in adolescence generally emerges in middle adolescence, typically by age 13 [53]. This has often led to suggestions that the female excess may be linked to pubertal changes in girls, specifically the achievement of Tanner stage III or IV [53]. However, the changes in body morphology associated with puberty and their resultant psychosocial effects on social interactions and self-perception are insufficient to explain the female adolescent depression excess and underlying changes in androgen and estrogen levels may play a significant mediating role [54].

In this study, depressive disorders appeared to be more prevalent in adolescents with parents with lower educational attainment, although this difference was only significant for mothers’ educational attainment. Findings from elsewhere mostly report the reverse to be the case, i.e., adolescents with depression tend to have less educated parents [1, 7, 22]. While it may be true that for some unknown reasons, depressive disorders occur more frequently in adolescents with better-educated parents in this population, the method of collating the information should be put in perspective. Adolescents’ self-report on parental educational attainment might not be a reliable way of determining the parents’ highest level of education, so the finding should be interpreted with caution. Parental employment status, as reported by the adolescents, was the other approximate indicator of socioeconomic status included in this study, the analysis of which showed that depression was more prevalent in respondents with unemployed parents. However, this difference was not found to be significant. Yet it appears more in keeping with the frequent associations observed between adolescent depression and low socioeconomic status in other studies [55].

The presence of a depressive disorder was significantly associated with the reported occurrence of domestic violence and perceived family dysfunction in this study, similar to findings elsewhere [7, 22, 29, 36]. Persistent family disagreement through early adolescence increases the general level of low mood and depressive symptoms over time, and it is this rising level of non-clinical negative mood and thoughts that is associated with the onset of later clinical depression in older adolescents [30, 56]. Conversely, it may also be true that depressive symptoms in adolescents precipitate conflicts in an otherwise normally functioning family [24, 57].

Reported traumatic experiences such as a recent loss within the last year, a history of sexual abuse, and being bullied were seen to be significantly associated with having a depressive disorder in this study, which is similar to other studies [29, 58]. Classic Freudian theory which explains depression as aggression displaced from an external hostile object and turned inwards against the self, provides a psychodynamic framework for understanding this association. However, there is more evidence in the research base to support the cognitive formulation, which proposes that early adverse experiences could result in an enduring triad of negative cognitions about the self, the world, and the future, which then become embedded as a latent negative schema and is activated by subsequent events [59, 60]. The significant association between depression and the reported experience of being bullied may be explained by Seligman’s learned helplessness theory, which proposes that frequent exposure to uncontrollable and unpredictable events leads to an enduring loss of adaptive behaviors, eventually resulting in permanent deficits in cognitive and emotional processes [61].

Significant associations were also identified with impairments in peer relations in this study. Adolescents diagnosed with depressive disorder tended to report having fewer or no close friends at all and appeared to be experiencing difficulties getting along with friends. This agrees with findings by Field et al., who showed that depressed adolescents had less optimal peer relationships, fewer friends, and were less popular than unaffected peers [62]. Although interpersonal difficulties appear more to be a consequence rather than an antecedent of depression in adolescents, there is evidence that heightened sociotropy (an increased need or desire for peer approval) in the adolescent may render them more vulnerable to depression in the context of ongoing relational dysfunction with friends [62].

Regarding self-esteem, those with depressive disorders reported lower self-esteem compared to those who did not have depression, similar to other studies [21, 22, 63]. Two possible models explain the observed strong link between depression and reduced self-esteem. The vulnerability model hypothesizes that low self-esteem is a risk factor for depression, whereas the scar model hypothesizes that low self-esteem is an outcome, not a cause, of depression. The direction of causality appears to have been resolved in favor of the vulnerability model by longitudinal studies utilizing cross-lagged regression analyses, which indicated that low self-esteem predicted subsequent levels of depression and not vice versa [63].

Depressive disorders were significantly associated with reduced academic performance in this study, which is similar to findings by Hysenbegasi and colleagues [64]. Depression is associated with reduced volition, impaired concentration, and a general loss of interest in day-to-day tasks. Beyond potentially causing school absenteeism, affected adolescents might not fully engage in academic activities even when they attend school. Furthermore, intrinsic cognitive deficits are a recognized neuropsychological endophenotype of depression and may further limit academic performance even in the presence of sufficient engagement with school work [65].

In the multivariate regression analysis, female gender, the experience of bullying, difficulty getting along with friends, history of sexual abuse, lower self-esteem, and perceived family dysfunction were found to be independent predictors of depressive disorders, which is similar to what has been reported in other studies from around the world [1, 21, 22]. Traumatic childhood experiences, in particular, are well-recognized as strong predictors for the subsequent onset of emotional disorders and even other psychiatric disorders [66, 67].

The regression model could only explain 50.2% of the variance in depressive illnesses in this study. This shows that a significant percentage of the variation in depressive disorders among adolescents may be explained by factors not considered in the current model, such as biological vulnerability. According to a meta-analysis of the genetic epidemiology of depression, the heritability was around 37% [68]. Such additive genetic factors are thought to moderate the risk of the onset of major depression in part by altering the sensitivity of individuals to some of the depression-inducing psychosocial stressors identified in the present study.

This study comes with some limitations. Firstly, due to the study’s cross-sectional nature, causal inferences cannot be made. Secondly, the study was limited to a single city in the Southwest part of the country and may not be generalizable to adolescents in Nigeria. Thirdly, some of the questionnaires were self-reported and may be subject to response bias and social desirability bias, which may affect study validity. Fourth, the small sample size may limit the study’s power to detect statistically significant associations. Nevertheless, the final sample size was more than the calculated minimum sample size needed to detect a difference. The study also has strengths: this study went beyond the scope of previous work done in Nigeria on adolescent depression to investigate additional possible correlates, such as parental educational attainment. This study was also the first to report the prevalence of dysthymia among the adolescent population in Nigeria.

In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the prevalence of depressive illnesses in our environment is at par with reports from other parts of Africa and the rest of the world. The study also emphasized characteristics associated with depression, including being bullied, having a history of sexual abuse, having low self-esteem, and family dysfunctionality. Studies with larger adolescent samples that combine structured diagnostic interviews with self-report depression instruments in a two-stage design may be able to find other significant relationships that were missed in the current study. Our study’s findings underscore the importance of implementing depression screening initiatives for adolescents in secondary schools in Nigeria. Furthermore, we recommend providing training for guidance counselors to effectively identify and address depression in students exhibiting declining academic performance. Additionally, the prevention of bullying is also an important strategy that should be implemented to curb the incidence of depression among adolescents in secondary schools in Nigeria.

Supporting information

S1 Data


pone.0293995.s001.sav (31.4KB, sav)

Data Availability

All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting information files.

Funding Statement

The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.


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Decision Letter 0

Lakshit Jain

13 Dec 2023

PONE-D-23-33725Teenage Blues: predictors of depression among adolescents in NigeriaPLOS ONE

Dear Dr. DadeMatthews,

Thank you for submitting your manuscript to PLOS ONE. After careful consideration, we feel that it has merit but does not fully meet PLOS ONE’s publication criteria as it currently stands. Therefore, we invite you to submit a revised version of the manuscript that addresses the points raised during the review process.

==============================Please pay close attention to remarks left by Reviewer 3. ==============================

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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #4: Partly

Reviewer #5: Yes

Reviewer #6: Yes

Reviewer #7: Yes


2. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: I Don't Know

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #4: N/A

Reviewer #5: Yes

Reviewer #6: I Don't Know

Reviewer #7: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

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Reviewer #5: Yes

Reviewer #6: Yes

Reviewer #7: No


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Reviewer #1: Yes

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Reviewer #4: Yes

Reviewer #5: Yes

Reviewer #6: Yes

Reviewer #7: Yes


5. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: The identification of independent predictors like female gender, bullying, sexual abuse, family dysfunction, and difficulty with friends for depressive disorders is strongly supported by multivariate regression analyses. Such analyses are standard for isolating predictive variables in observational studies. While the predictors align with known risk factors in the literature globally, such as the relationship between bullying and depression, the absence of detailed methodology questions whether the findings can be directly applied to all adolescents in Nigeria. Are there any studies in Nigeria backing up this finding? Also addressing the confounding factors, for example, the study could claim that experiencing bullying is associated with a higher prevalence of depression, but not necessarily that bullying causes depression without further longitudinal analysis. Good study overall.

Reviewer #2: The manuscript is based on impressive empirical evidence and makes an original contribution to the current available knowledge and reaffirms the existing knowledge of depression in adolescents and school going children. Professional use of English language is at par. It is interesting to note that mother’s education level is playing a role in developing depression in child’s future. The discussion section is little bit long and could be shortened to improve readability. Author has already mentioned the limitations of the study which is useful for future research conduction. Overall, well written manuscript.

Reviewer #3: I have read with great interest the article titled "Teenage Blues: predictors of depression among adolescents in Nigeria". The article presents an insight into the prevalence and correlates of depression in the Africa which have not been well studied. The article is well-written and presented in an organized manner. However, some of the statistical analysis are inaccurate and needs to re-checked and corrected.

1. The sample size is mentioned as 214 but most of the sample size in the tables total upto 213. Please explain the missing sample or correct the sample size number.

2. Please check the variable percentages in the paragraph "child-related psychosocial factors". Respondents who lost a close relative is mentioned as 28.2% while the table mentions it as 29.6%. Similar errors seen with other variables mentioned as well.

3. Table 3: I guess chi-square was used for the correlation. Please note chi square can be used only for variables with 2 sub-groups. For variables with more than 2 sub-groups (religious participation, father employment, father and mother education, caregiver, sibship, domestic violence, family functioning and others). Please use correlation tests like spearman/pearsons

4. It was mentioned that Pearson's correlation tests were used for variables. However no such results were reported. Please remove if tests not done or reported. Although, it would value to the study if these tests were done and reported.

5. It is mentioned as "Relationship between Academic Performance and Disorder Type" and "Relationship between Self-Esteem and Disorder Type". However, the tests reported in these are t-tests which are a test of differences and not 'relationship or association'. Please change accordingly.

6. It would be better if the tests of differences (t-tests, ANOVA) are presented in a table with p values. If space is a constraint, Table 3 and 4 can be modified to only present data for variables with a significant p value

Reviewer #4: Reviewer’s Feedback

Dear Editor,

Thank you for the opportunity to review the manuscript with the title “Teenage Blues: predictors of depression among adolescents in Nigeria”. The manuscript is an interesting read and provides knowledge about the burden depression among adolescent students in Abeokuta, Nigeria. However, there are some drawbacks.


Line 96: Full stop is missing at the end of psychosocial functioning.


Sampling and sample size: The criteria for selecting the 5 schools out the 39 public schools are not clear, noting that some of these public schools may be relatively different in some socio-demographic/economic characteristics based on where they are sited. Some schools with specific characteristics within this sub population may have been missed by just picking few schools randomly from these numbers. Again, private schools which constitute a significant proportion of this subgroup of adolescents in secondary schools with possibly different characteristics were not included. These factors may significantly affect the generalizability of the results. These I think are major setbacks, though some were mentioned.

Data Analysis: The later version of SPSS, version 23 and above are referred to as IBM SPSS statistics version (.......) as against Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows.


Table 3: Correlates of Depressive Disorders

To improve the meaningfulness of the data, those variables that are less than 5 can be merged with closet options, more importantly for: mother's education, domestic violence, family functioning, sex frequency, being bullied. For example, for sexual frequency, most days and Some days can be merged together, FAMILY FUNCTIONING (Highly Dysfunctional and Moderately Dysfunctional Family can be merged together) etc.

Again, the χ2 and df can be removed from text, they do not add any additional information.

Similar adjustment can be made for similar variables in the multivariate regression analyses in Table 4.


Line 265: “The reported prevalence in this study is that reported in other studies” This is not clear. Please, recast.

Reviewer #5: Thank you for the opportunity to review this manuscript that describes a descriptive study looking at prevalence of depressive disorders among a sample of adolescents in Nigeria.

The manuscript is well written and the methods are solid with good conclusions.

The major concern I have is the question on what this study adds to the literature. The authors themselves refer to previous studies among Nigerian adolescents. In the conclusion do mention looking at additional possible correlates, could this be expanded more in the background section ?

A few other thoughts:

- In the introduction section, in the lines 63-72: Since this is an international sample of adolescents, I would recommend including if the prevalence/risk data was from US samples or international to provide more context.

- Well written introduction section; gives a good background and establishes the rationale for the study well. One change that would make the flow better is moving the paragraph starting with ‘parental depressive symptoms…’ (line 114-120) to before the previous paragraph. That way all the risk factors are together and then the previous prevalence studies in the Nigerian population can be described.

- The methods are well described. In the first paragraph, it would be helpful to add at least a line or two describing the larger study that would help the authors understand the context for the data and the choice of schools.

- line 193, what is SSS 3 ?

- line 203, 28.2 % of respondents had a close relative in the last year. This seems pretty high. What do the authors attribute this to. Or how is ‘close relative’ defined. Also this number is 29.6 in Table 2. Why is there a discrepancy ? There are other discrepancies between the text and the table as well. Sexual abuse 14 vs 17 ? Substance use numbers seem different as well.

-In the abstract, conclusion section, I would revise the sentence to state ‘depressive syndrome area significant health burden among Nigerian adolescents’ to avoid the conclusion being too general.

Reviewer #6: The manuscript by Nzeakah et al. studies the important topic of depression among adolescents.

Strengths of the paper:

-The title is appropriate for the text's content.

-The introduction to the article is well laid out.

-The methods section clearly describes the study design, subject selection, sample size, etc.

-The discussion and conclusion further elaborate on the study objectives and limitations.

Some recommendations are:

-In the Discussion section (for example, lines 267 and 270), the authors reference data that is more than 10 years old to compare their study findings. I will recommend using more recent studies (e.g., PMID: 36272761, PMID: 34663534).

Reviewer #7: In this paper, the authors discuss the prevalence and correlates of depression in specific schools in Nigeria. I have the following comments/feedback for the authors:

The authors present a comprehensive review of the epidemiology of depression and its correlates among adolescents. However, the specific context for Nigeria appears to be missing. The paper can benefit from additional context and information about the differences between global and local trends in depression epidemiology and risk factors specific to Nigeria. This would also make the knowledge gap clear. The authors need to write at least one paragraph explaining. Why is this study important, and what does it add to the extensive literature on this topic?

Why was the time frame for depressive disorders in MINI-KID changed to 12 months? Does this have any impact on the validity of the instrument?

Were the selected schools representative of the schools in the region? In addition to informed consent from parents was ascent from the participants taken?

There are several inconsistencies in the formatting of the tables. For example, In Table 3, the actual counts (n) for each variable's "Yes" category are not provided. Also, please add confidence intervals where relevant.

The result section generally lacks a discussion about the findings' clinical significance or practical implications.

Can the authors provide some context or explanation for the score ranges selected for RSES?

The discussion section would further benefit from a statement about how these findings may contribute to adolescent mental health in Nigeria.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: Yes: Nikhil Tondehal

Reviewer #4: No

Reviewer #5: No

Reviewer #6: No

Reviewer #7: No


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Submitted filename: Reviwer feedback Plosone.docx

pone.0293995.s002.docx (13.1KB, docx)
PLoS One. 2024 Apr 17;19(4):e0293995. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293995.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

26 Dec 2023

Dear Editor,

Rebuttal Letter

The following are points raised in response to reviewers and details of revisions made. The reviewer’s comments are in black ink while the authors’ comments are in red ink.

Reviewer #1: The identification of independent predictors like female gender, bullying, sexual abuse, family dysfunction, and difficulty with friends for depressive disorders is strongly supported by multivariate regression analyses. Such analyses are standard for isolating predictive variables in observational studies. While the predictors align with known risk factors in the literature globally, such as the relationship between bullying and depression, the absence of detailed methodology questions whether the findings can be directly applied to all adolescents in Nigeria. Are there any studies in Nigeria backing up this finding? Also addressing the confounding factors, for example, the study could claim that experiencing bullying is associated with a higher prevalence of depression, but not necessarily that bullying causes depression without further longitudinal analysis. Good study overall.


1. The study is representative of the population of adolescents in Abeokuta, given the our sampling technique. However, the results cannot be generalized to the whole adolescent in Nigeria, this was explicitly stated in the limitation section

2. We were clear in the discussion to state association and not causation between the predictor variables and depression. Nowhere in our manuscript did we claim causation.

Reviewer #2: The manuscript is based on impressive empirical evidence and makes an original contribution to the current available knowledge and reaffirms the existing knowledge of depression in adolescents and school going children. Professional use of English language is at par. It is interesting to note that mother’s education level is playing a role in developing depression in child’s future. The discussion section is little bit long and could be shortened to improve readability. Author has already mentioned the limitations of the study which is useful for future research conduction. Overall, well written manuscript.

Response: Thank you for your comment. Given the nature of the study and our findings, we think the discussion length is appropriate to discuss the findings, their clinical implications, and situate them in the context of existing literature.

Reviewer #3: I have read with great interest the article titled "Teenage Blues: predictors of depression among adolescents in Nigeria". The article presents an insight into the prevalence and correlates of depression in the Africa which have not been well studied. The article is well-written and presented in an organized manner. However, some of the statistical analysis are inaccurate and needs to re-checked and corrected.

1. The sample size is mentioned as 214 but most of the sample size in the tables total upto 213. Please explain the missing sample or correct the sample size number.

Response: Thank you for catching the error! We have corrected this. (see line 204)

2. Please check the variable percentages in the paragraph "child-related psychosocial factors". Respondents who lost a close relative is mentioned as 28.2% while the table mentions it as 29.6%. Similar errors seen with other variables mentioned as well.

Response: Thank you for catching this error! This has been corrected. (See line 213-218)

3. Table 3: I guess chi-square was used for the correlation. Please note chi square can be used only for variables with 2 sub-groups. For variables with more than 2 sub-groups (religious participation, father employment, father and mother education, caregiver, sibship, domestic violence, family functioning and others). Please use correlation tests like spearman/pearsons

Response: Thank you for your comment. Chi-Square is also known as Pearson’s Chi-Square. It is commonly taught using a 2 x 2 table. However, Chi-square can be applied to 2 x 3 or more cross-tabulations, up to 5 x 5 tables. [see:; ]

4. It was mentioned that Pearson's correlation tests were used for variables. However, no such results were reported. Please remove if tests not done or reported. Although, it would value to the study if these tests were done and reported.

Response: Thank you for catching this error! We use Pearson correlation coefficient to determine association between self-esteem and academic performance, and family functioning and academic performance. However, we did not report these results. We have deleted that section from the methods section (Line 184-186).

5. It is mentioned as "Relationship between Academic Performance and Disorder Type" and "Relationship between Self-Esteem and Disorder Type". However, the tests reported in these are t-tests which are a test of differences and not 'relationship or association'. Please change accordingly.

Response: Thank you for your comments. From our extensive knowledge and experience with academic writing and review of literature, it is correct to use the word ‘relationship’ when testing statistical hypothesis. A relationship between two or more variables can be an association, causation, an effect modifier, or confounding. What is most important is how these relationships are tested and reported. In this study, we clearly reported that the relationship between those variables were associations and not causations or other relationships. [See:]

6. It would be better if the tests of differences (t-tests, ANOVA) are presented in a table with p values. If space is a constraint, Table 3 and 4 can be modified to only present data for variables with a significant p value

Response: Thank you for your suggestions. We considered this but decided that it would not be a good use of space. The t-test was used to measure the association between academic performance and depression. If we were to present this as a table, it would only have one row. Similarly, the ANOVA was used to test the relationship between self-esteem and depression. If we made this into a table, it will only have 1 row. We do not think this will be a good use of space.

We have effected your suggestion of modifying our tables 3 and 4 to show only values that were statistically significant.

Reviewer #4: Reviewer’s Feedback

Dear Editor,

Thank you for the opportunity to review the manuscript with the title “Teenage Blues: predictors of depression among adolescents in Nigeria”. The manuscript is an interesting read and provides knowledge about the burden depression among adolescent students in Abeokuta, Nigeria. However, there are some drawbacks.


Line 96: Full stop is missing at the end of psychosocial functioning.

Response: Thank you for catching the error! It has been corrected. (see line 96)


Sampling and sample size: The criteria for selecting the 5 schools out the 39 public schools are not clear, noting that some of these public schools may be relatively different in some socio-demographic/economic characteristics based on where they are sited. Some schools with specific characteristics within this sub population may have been missed by just picking few schools randomly from these numbers. Again, private schools which constitute a significant proportion of this subgroup of adolescents in secondary schools with possibly different characteristics were not included. These factors may significantly affect the generalizability of the results. These I think are major setbacks, though some were mentioned.

Response: Thank you for your comment. The role of sampling is to ensure that the sample size is representative of the population. In this study, we used a probability sampling technique, which gives each school an equal chance of being selected and reduces sampling bias. Our probability sampling was in 2 stages: one, in selecting the schools, divided into public and private. We did this because we realize that public and private schools may differ in sociodemographic variables, and distribution of our outcome variables.

Secondly, within the schools selected, we used proportional systematic random sampling to select the students who would participate. From schools and classes with larger number of students, we selected larger number of students to participate.

When the word ‘random’ is used in statistical sampling, it does not mean ‘on a whim’. It refers to probabilistic sampling method to ensure that every of the 39 schools had equal chance of being selected.

In a separate paper, we described the methodology in full.

Data Analysis: The later version of SPSS, version 23 and above are referred to as IBM SPSS statistics version (.......) as against Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows.

Response: Thank you for the correction, it has been revised accordingly (see line 179)


Table 3: Correlates of Depressive Disorders

To improve the meaningfulness of the data, those variables that are less than 5 can be merged with closet options, more importantly for: mother's education, domestic violence, family functioning, sex frequency, being bullied. For example, for sexual frequency, most days and Some days can be merged together, FAMILY FUNCTIONING (Highly Dysfunctional and Moderately Dysfunctional Family can be merged together) etc.

Again, the χ2 and df can be removed from text, they do not add any additional information.

Similar adjustment can be made for similar variables in the multivariate regression analyses in Table 4.

Response: Thank you for your suggestions. Data presented in the tables are to give a snapshot of the results, and we wanted to make sure that it was easy for readers to be able to have this information.

Also, it is standard practice to report measures of association when reporting results in scientific literature. Given that not all results can be presented in tabular form given constraints of space, it is important that we mention these measures of associations while reporting the results in the text.

(See adjustments in line 236-241)


Line 265: “The reported prevalence in this study is that reported in other studies” This is not clear. Please, recast.

Response: Thank you for catching the error, it has been corrected. (see line 275)

Reviewer #5: Thank you for the opportunity to review this manuscript that describes a descriptive study looking at prevalence of depressive disorders among a sample of adolescents in Nigeria.

The manuscript is well written and the methods are solid with good conclusions.

The major concern I have is the question on what this study adds to the literature. The authors themselves refer to previous studies among Nigerian adolescents. In the conclusion do mention looking at additional possible correlates, could this be expanded more in the background section ?

Response: Thank you for your insightful comment. As articulated in our introduction section, our primary objective was to contribute to the relatively sparse body of studies conducted in Nigeria. Despite the similarity of our results to existing research, it is essential to emphasize that this congruence does not diminish the significance of our study's contribution to the literature.

Moreover, our research stands out as the pioneer investigation into the prevalence of depressive disorders beyond major depressive disorder in Nigeria. Previous studies in the region have predominantly focused on major depressive disorders. By broadening the scope, we have provided a more comprehensive understanding of depressive disorders in the local context.

Adhering to the fundamental principle of scientific reproducibility, the consistency of our findings with other limited studies in Nigeria adds robustness to the identified risk factors. This convergence further instills confidence in the validity of our results, thereby offering valuable insights for the development of clinical and epidemiological interventions.

Additionally, the strength of our study lies in the utilization of a representative sampling technique, coupled with a notably larger sample size compared to previous studies in Nigeria. This enhances the reliability and generalizability of our findings, contributing to the overall advancement of knowledge in this field.

A few other thoughts:

- In the introduction section, in the lines 63-72: Since this is an international sample of adolescents, I would recommend including if the prevalence/risk data was from US samples or international to provide more context.

Response: Thank you for your comment. If you look at the first paragraph, we referenced not only US samples but studies in Nigeria.

- Well written introduction section; gives a good background and establishes the rationale for the study well. One change that would make the flow better is moving the paragraph starting with ‘parental depressive symptoms…’ (line 114-120) to before the previous paragraph. That way all the risk factors are together and then the previous prevalence studies in the Nigerian population can be described.

Response: Thank you for your suggestion! We have revised accordingly. (see line 100-106)

- The methods are well described. In the first paragraph, it would be helpful to add at least a line or two describing the larger study that would help the authors understand the context for the data and the choice of schools.

Response: Thank you for your suggestion. We have revised accordingly. (see line 134-138)

- line 193, what is SSS 3 ?

Response: corrected [senior secondary school class 3 students] – line 202

- line 203, 28.2 % of respondents had a close relative in the last year. This seems pretty high. What do the authors attribute this to. Or how is ‘close relative’ defined. Also this number is 29.6 in Table 2. Why is there a discrepancy ? There are other discrepancies between the text and the table as well. Sexual abuse 14 vs 17 ? Substance use numbers seem different as well.

Response: Thank you for spotting the discrepancies! We have corrected them (see line 213-218)

Close relative includes 1st and 2nd degree relatives. Given the nature of Nigerian culture, the extended family is a very integral part of the family structure. We do not think the number is particularly high. The life expectancy in Nigeria is about 55 years.

-In the abstract, conclusion section, I would revise the sentence to state ‘depressive syndrome area significant health burden among Nigerian adolescents’ to avoid the conclusion being too general.

Response: Thank you for the suggestion, we have revised the section accordingly

Reviewer #6: The manuscript by Nzeakah et al. studies the important topic of depression among adolescents.

Strengths of the paper:

-The title is appropriate for the text's content.

-The introduction to the article is well laid out.

-The methods section clearly describes the study design, subject selection, sample size, etc.

-The discussion and conclusion further elaborate on the study objectives and limitations.

Some recommendations are:

-In the Discussion section (for example, lines 267 and 270), the authors reference data that is more than 10 years old to compare their study findings. I will recommend using more recent studies (e.g., PMID: 36272761, PMID: 34663534).

Response: Thank you for your suggestion. However, our study has over 68 references, most of which are recent.

Reviewer #7: In this paper, the authors discuss the prevalence and correlates of depression in specific schools in Nigeria. I have the following comments/feedback for the authors:

The authors present a comprehensive review of the epidemiology of depression and its correlates among adolescents. However, the specific context for Nigeria appears to be missing. The paper can benefit from additional context and information about the differences between global and local trends in depression epidemiology and risk factors specific to Nigeria. This would also make the knowledge gap clear. The authors need to write at least one paragraph explaining. Why is this study important, and what does it add to the extensive literature on this topic?

Response: Thank you for your comment. In our introduction section, we meticulously cited existing literature in Nigeria to establish the context. We also provided our rationale: driven by the observation of limited studies, typically confined to one major town in the country. Notably, our study stands out as the first to investigate depressive disorders beyond major depressive disorder in this context.

Why was the time frame for depressive disorders in MINI-KID changed to 12 months? Does this have any impact on the validity of the instrument?

Response: The time frame was changed to capture the 12-month prevalence of depressive disorders. No, this does not have any impact on the validity, as the diagnostic criteria was left unchanged.

Were the selected schools representative of the schools in the region? In addition to informed consent from parents was ascent from the participants taken?

Response: Yes, we used a probability sampling method to ensure representative sample was collected. Yes, participants gave accent. We stated this in the methods section.

There are several inconsistencies in the formatting of the tables. For example, In Table 3, the actual counts (n) for each variable's "Yes" category are not provided. Also, please add confidence intervals where relevant.

Response: Thank you for your comment. Actually, we provided both the N and percentages in Table 3. We also provided confidence intervals in Table 4 which reported the OR from the multivariate regression analyses.

The result section generally lacks a discussion about the findings' clinical significance or practical implications.

Response: The results section serves the purpose of reporting the findings, while the discussion section is dedicated to examining the study's results in terms of clinical significance and practical implications. We indeed conducted a thorough discussion in the relevant section.

Can the authors provide some context or explanation for the score ranges selected for RSES?

Response: in the methods section, we provided detailed information on the structure of the RSES and how it is scored.

The discussion section would further benefit from a statement about how these findings may contribute to adolescent mental health in Nigeria.

Response: Thank you for your suggestion. We have implemented this in the manuscript (see line 386-391)


Submitted filename: Response to Reviewers.docx

pone.0293995.s003.docx (24.4KB, docx)

Decision Letter 1

Lakshit Jain

9 Jan 2024

Teenage Blues: predictors of depression among adolescents in Nigeria


Dear Dr. DadeMatthews,

We’re pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been judged scientifically suitable for publication and will be formally accepted for publication once it meets all outstanding technical requirements.

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Kind regards,

Lakshit Jain, MD

Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

Comments to the Author

1. If the authors have adequately addressed your comments raised in a previous round of review and you feel that this manuscript is now acceptable for publication, you may indicate that here to bypass the “Comments to the Author” section, enter your conflict of interest statement in the “Confidential to Editor” section, and submit your "Accept" recommendation.

Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #5: All comments have been addressed


2. Is the manuscript technically sound, and do the data support the conclusions?

The manuscript must describe a technically sound piece of scientific research with data that supports the conclusions. Experiments must have been conducted rigorously, with appropriate controls, replication, and sample sizes. The conclusions must be drawn appropriately based on the data presented.

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #5: Yes


3. Has the statistical analysis been performed appropriately and rigorously?

Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: I Don't Know

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #5: Yes


4. Have the authors made all data underlying the findings in their manuscript fully available?

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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #5: Yes


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: Yes

Reviewer #3: Yes

Reviewer #5: Yes


6. Review Comments to the Author

Please use the space provided to explain your answers to the questions above. You may also include additional comments for the author, including concerns about dual publication, research ethics, or publication ethics. (Please upload your review as an attachment if it exceeds 20,000 characters)

Reviewer #1: I commend the author for their swift and thorough response to the raised concerns. The revisions made have significantly improved the overall quality of the work, showcasing a keen attention to detail and a commitment to addressing the feedback constructively.

Reviewer #2: All the comments have been replied satisfactorily by the author. This is a good study and results are supportive to the claim.

Reviewer #3: All comments have been addressed. One small change needs to be made. Please report all p values that are '0.000' as '<0.001'. Article may be accepted after this change

Reviewer #5: The authors have addressed my comments satisfactorily.

Thank you for the opportunity to re-review this manuscript.


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Reviewer #1: Yes: Aditi Sharma

Reviewer #2: No

Reviewer #3: No

Reviewer #5: No


Acceptance letter

Lakshit Jain

5 Apr 2024



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