We have utilized a free-solution/isoelectric focusing technique (FS-IEF) to obtain fractions rich in multiple chaperone proteins from clarified A20 tumor lysates. Vaccines prepared from chaperone-rich fractions are capable of providing protective immunity in mice subsequently challenged intravenously with the same A20 B cell leukemia cells. This protection is at least equal to that provided by purified, tumor-derived heat-shock protein 70, which was the best chaperone immunogen in our hands against this aggressive murine leukemia model. Dosage escalation studies, however, revealed that increasing vaccine dosages actually abrogated the protective effects. The physical nature of the enriched chaperones indicates that they are associated in complexes, which may have implications for their function. FS-IEF is relatively simple, rapid, and efficient, thus making combined multi-chaperone therapy feasible.
Keywords: Key words Isoelectric focusing, Chaperones, Complexes, Antitumor immunity
Received: 11 May 2000 / Accepted: 13 June 2000