(A) shows the region-stratified analysis as a forest plot with each point and associated confidence interval colored by the geographic region in which the identified gut microbiome markers prospectively associated with melanoma recurrence. All strains shown are significant after adjustment for multiple testing (FDR<0.05), with effects adjusted for participant age, sex, tumor stage, BRAF mutation and study arm.
(B-K) show the meta-analysis of region-specific gut microbiome markers associated with recurrence in melanoma patients across geographic regions. Each panel shows analysis of a specific microbiome strain by region and, in meta-analyses, for the full cohort and for the full cohort minus the discovery region in (A) (N.A. stands for North America in the exclusion line). Meta analyses were performed using random-effect meta-analysis models (Schwarzer, 2007). Bacteria from (A) that are not significant in meta-analysis (Aeromonas salmonicida, Clostridiales bacterium 1–7-47 FAA and Peptostreptococcus anaerobius) are not shown in (B-K).