Table 6.
Electronic Health Records
Best practices | Description |
Use of the largest and best curated electronic EHR to develop AI/ML algorithms | EHR-based optimization of AI/ML algorithms for each application that takes into consideration the number and types of elements to maximize their generalizability. |
The data represent the whole population for each application | Consideration to differences between centers in the accuracy and frequency of data collection, varying modalities, and clinical actions helps to avoid exacerbating disparities. |
Development of predictive models and clinical decision support systems using EHR | Clinical conditions should be clearly defined for best use of EHR data. |
Iterate future EHR structures on the basis of learning from current experience | The structure of current EHR borrows heavily from historical paper records. Future EHR may benefit from different data curation, structures, and analytic systems. |
Gaps and challenges | Description |
Ensure the accuracy and generalizability of predictive AI tools on the basis of the EHR. | EHR-based AI/ML algorithms can predict cardiovascular disease better than the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association pooled cohort risk equation, yet more salient analyses may improve their rigor and robustness. |
EHR-based AI/ML algorithms may complement randomized clinical trials | It is increasingly difficult and expensive to conduct randomized clinical trials. Robust “real-world trial emulation” may fill the gap between such trials. |
Integration of EHR data from diverse electronic systems | EHR systems differ around the world. AI/ML algorithms developed in large national databases, or claims data, are expected to be applicable to diverse health care systems. |
Integration of EHR data from different languages | Multilingual EHR may promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, enabling AI/ML algorithms trained with data from underrepresented races and ethnicities to be applied to these groups in the United States. |
Ensure that EHR are available to all | Making EHR-based AI/ML algorithms cost feasible, including in remote and underresourced areas, helps avoid exacerbating inequities and perpetuating bias of these algorithms. |
AI indicates artificial intelligence; EHRs, electronic health records; and ML, machine learning.