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. 2024 Apr 17;105:1–19. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.105.113591

Two new species of Hymenagaricus (Agaricales, Agaricaceae) from Oman, based on morphology and molecular phylogeny

Shah Hussain 1,2, Moza Al-Kharousi 1, Dua’a Al-Maqbali 1, Arwa A Al-Owaisi 1, Rethinasamy Velazhahan 2, Mohamed N Al-Yahya’ei 1,, Abdullah M Al-Sadi 2,
PMCID: PMC11043651  PMID: 38682105


Hymenagaricus has small to medium-sized mushrooms and the cap surface with squamulose pellicles, consisting of hymeniform or pseudoparenchymatous cells and yellowish-brown basidiospores. The species of Hymenagaricus are very similar to those of Xanthagaricus and it is extremely difficult to differentiate the species of both genera in the field. However, phylogenetically, both the genera are clearly distinct. In this study, we describe two new species of Hymenagaricus, i.e. H.wadijarzeezicus and H.parvulus from the southern part of Oman. Species descriptions are based on a combination of morphological characteristics of basidiomata and phylogenetic analyses of three gene regions: internal transcribed spacer (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 = ITS), the large subunit of nuclear ribosomal DNA (28S) and translation elongation factor one alpha (EF-1α). Full descriptions, micrographs and illustration of anatomical features, basidiomata photos and phylogenetic analyses results of the new taxa are provided. Morphological comparisons of new taxa with similar species and a key to species included in the phylogenetic analyses are also provided.

Key words: Dhofar, diversity, taxonomy, termite mounds, two new taxa


Three species previously in AgaricussubgenusConioagaricus, Agaricushymenopileus, A.alphitochrous and A.nigrovinosus, were placed in a new and separate genus called Hymenagaricus Heinem. by Heinemann in 1981. This taxonomic change was likely due to the distinct features observed in the cap of these species during different stages of their development. At the young stage, the pilei are entirely covered with a pellicle, but as they mature, the pellicle is disrupted, leaving a single large squamulose pellicle at the centre of the pileus. The squamules are composed of hymeniform or pseudoparenchymatous cells, which set these species apart from others within the genus Agaricus (Heinemann 1981). The genus Hymenagaricus was typified by H.hymenopileus (Heinem.), belonging to the family Agaricaceae Chevall. (Heinemann 1981).

Species of Hymenagaricus are saprotrophic in nature and are mostly distributed in the Palaeotropical Regions. Members of this genus are recognised by the squamulose pellicle on the pileus surface that mostly consists of hymeniform cells or pseudoparenchymatous tissues, yellow to yellowish-brown basidiospores and the absence of both pleurocystidia and clamp connections (Heinemann and Little Flower 1984; Reid and Eicker 1995; Little Flower et al. 1997; Hosen et al. 2017; Al-Kharousi et al. 2022a). The number of known species in the genus is 17 (Hussain et al. 2018; Kumla et al. 2021, 2023; Syed et al. 2023).

Phylogenetically, species of Hymenagaricus are intermixed with the monotypic genus Heinemannomyces Watling (Hosen et al. 2017; Hussain et al. 2018). This intermixing may be due to limited molecular data available for the previously-described species of Hymenagaricus. However, morphologically, both genera can be differentiated. Heinemannomyces with single species H.splendidissimus Watling, distributed in southeast Asia, has medium-sized basidiomata, with woolly fibrillose cap surface, composed of pseudoparenchymatous cells and the spore print is leaden-grey to dark blue (Watling 1998).

Four species of Agaricaceae, namely Agaricusarabiensis S. Hussain & Al-Sadi, Micropsalliotaventricocystidiata Al-Sadi & S. Hussain, Xanthagaricusappendiculatus Al-Sadi & S. Hussain and X.omanicus Al‐Kharousi, Al‐Sadi & S. Hussain have recently been described from Dhofar Region, Oman (Al-Kharousi et al. 2022a, 2022b; Hussain et al. 2022). However, no Hymenagaricus species has been reported from the country.

During the years 2022–23, macrofungal exploration missions were conducted in the Dhofar Region, in which we collected ten (10) collections of Hymenagaricus. Morphological characterisation and multigene (ITS, 28S, EF-1α) phylogenetic analyses revealed that the 10 collections represent two new species, which are described in this study.

Materials and methods

Study sites and field sampling

The specimens were collected in the Dhofar Region, located in the south of the Sultanate of Oman. The region experiences a monsoon-influenced climate with a distinct wet season known as the Khareef, which occurs from June to early September (Bookhagen et al. 2005). During this time period, the moist and cool air from the Indian Ocean is drawn in by the southwest monsoon, bringing significant rainfall into the region, which is extremely rare in the rest of the Arabian Peninsula, including Oman. This seasonal variation supports a diverse ecosystem and separates Dhofar from the arid desert conditions that prevail in the Arabian Peninsula (El-Sheikh 2013). The Khareef season triggers the growth of various plants and trees, including frankincense trees, creating a lush and vibrant landscape where a number of saprotrophic mushrooms can flourish (Al-Kharousi et al. 2022a).

In the current study, mushroom specimens were collected from three localities (Wadi Naheez, Wadi Jahaneen, Wadi Jarzeez) of the Dhofar Region, in the months of August–September 2022 to 2023. The specimens were photographed in the field and field characteristics such as the shape, colour, size and smell of basidiomata were noted. The samples were dried using a fruit dehydrator with temperature adjusted at 45 °C (Hu et al. 2022). After drying, the specimens were kept in zip lock plastic bags and stored at -80 °C for two weeks to kill all the insects/eggs/larvae. After the cold temperature treatment, the samples were characterised morpho-anatomically and phylogenetically. All the samples are deposited in Oman Animal and Plant Genetic Resources Center (Mawarid), AlKhoud, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

Morphological investigation

For microscopic study, handmade sections were made from lamellae, cap and stipe surfaces and annulus. Thin small sections were initially mounted in 5% aqueous potassium hydroxide (KOH) (w/v) and then re-hydrated in 1% aqueous Cong red (w/v) for a more obvious appearance. Microscopic features such as the size, shape and colour of basidiospores, basidia, cheilocystidia, pellicle structure, veil and annulus morphology were studied under a compound microscope (ECLIPSE Ni-U, Nikon Co., Ltd., Japan). For size measurements of these structures, Piximetre ( was used. For the morphological terminology, Vellinga and Noordeloos (2001) was followed.

DNA extraction, PCR amplification and sequencing

Genomic DNA was extracted from dried specimens using X-AMP DNA reagent kit (Dubuque, Iowa, USA), following the manufacturer’s protocol. A volume of 200 µl X-AMP DNA reagent was taken in an Eppendorf tube containing the sample (approximately 5–15 mg of gills) and incubated for 15 minutes at 70 °C. After cooling, 2 µl solution from the sample was used as a DNA template directly for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) without any further treatment. We amplified three gene regions, including the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), the large subunit of nuc rDNA (28S) and the translation elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1α) gene. The primer combinations were: ITS1F and ITS4 for ITS (White et al. 1990; Gardes and Bruns 1993), LR0R and LR5 for 28S (Vilgalys and Hester 1990; White et al. 1990), EF1-983 and EF1-1567R for EF-1α (Rehner and Buckley 2005). PuReTaqTM Ready-To-Go PCR beads (GE Healthcare UK Limited, Buckinghamshire, UK) were used for PCR amplification. We added 1.0 µl of each primer (10 µmol/l), 2 µl DNA template and 22 µl Nuclease free water to each bead. For ITS amplification, the PCR conditions were optimised as: initial denaturation at 95 °C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 95 °C for 30 s, annealing at 54 °C for 45 s and extension at 72 °C for 1 min. For the 28S and EF-1α regions, only the annealing temperature was optimised, 52 °C for 28S and 60 °C EF-1α, respectively (Hussain et al. 2022). The PCR products were purified and then sequenced from Macrogen Inc. © (Seoul, Republic of Korea) bidirectionally using the same primers.

Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analyses

Consensus sequences were created from the forward and reverse primer reads of the newly-generated ITS, 28S and EF-1α sequences using BioEdit v. (Hall 1999). We performed BLAST searches for the newly-generated sequences; only ITS and 28S regions showed maximum similarity with Hymenagaricus species. In the case of EF-1α sequences, the BLAST search revealed Heinemannomyces sp. (ZRL185) is the most similar species because, in GenBank, no EF-1α sequences of Hymenagaricus are available. This is the reason that we used only ITS and 28S sequences in the phylogenetic analyses. A combined ITS-28S dataset was constructed from the sequences used in the recent studies of Hymenagaricus (Mwanga and Tibuhwa 2014; Hosen et al. 2017; Kumla et al. 2021, 2023; Syed et al. 2023). The final ITS-28S dataset was comprised of 27 specimens, including 26 ITS and 20 28S sequences (Table 1). Agaricuscampestris L. (LAPAG370) was used as the outgroup taxon. Sequences were aligned using MAFFT v.7 (Katoh et al. 2019) and visually inspected using BioEdit v. (Hall 1999). Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI) methods were used for the phylogenetic analyses. Maximum Likelihood (ML) phylogeny was performed with RAxML-HPC BlackBox, implemented on CIPRES Science Gateway (Miller et al. 2010; Stamatakis 2014). The best model (GTR+F+I+G4) was chosen following jModelTest2 (Darriba et al. 2012). Branch support for the ML phylogeny was executed with 1000 bootstrap replicates. For BI analyses, we used BEAST v.1.8.2 (Drummond et al. 2012). The combined ITS-28S alignment was converted to XML datafile using BEAUti v.1.8.2 (Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Utility; Drummond et al. (2012)). A Birth-Death Incomplete Sampling speciation model (Stadler 2009) was selected. Four independent runs were performed with BEAST on XSEDE tool on the CIPRES Science Gateway (Miller et al. 2010). Resulting log files were checked in Tracer (Rambaut et al. 2014) for effective sample size (ESS) values. All ESS values were well over 200. Tree files were combined in LogCombiner v.1.8.2 (Drummond and Rambaut 2007). A maximum clade credibility (MCC) tree was obtained using the TreeAnnotator v.1.8.2 (Drummond and Rambaut 2007). The ML bootstrap (BT) percentage ≥ 70 and BI posterior probabilities (PPs) ≥ 0.80, respectively, were considered significant. For phylogenetic tree visualisation, FigTree v.1.4.2 (Rambaut 2012) was used and the tree was annotated using Adobe Illustrator CC2019. The alignment file is submitted to TreeBase (

Table 1.

Taxa included in the molecular phylogenetic analyses.

Species Origin Voucher number GenBank accession Reference
Agaricuscampestris Spain LAPAG370 KM657927 KP739803 Parra et al. (2016)
Heinemannomycessplendidissimus China Q. Zhao 2591 KY039571 KY039576 Yang and Ge (2017)
Hei.splendidissimus China Z.W. Ge2540 KY039570 KY039575 Yang and Ge (2017)
Hei.splendidissimus China GDGM46633 MF621038 MF621039 Hosen et al. (2017)
Hei.splendidissimus China GDGM46634 MF621040 Hosen et al. (2017)
Hei.splendidissimus Thailand ecv3586 HM488760 HM488769 Vellinga et al. (2011)
Hei. sp. Thailand ZRL185 KT951346 KT951527 Zhao et al. (2016)
Hymenagaricusardosiaecolor Togo LAPAF9 JF727840 Zhao et al. (2011)
H.ardosiaecolor Tanzania Z4 KM360160 Mwanga and Tibuhwa (2014) Burundi BR6089 KM982454 Mwanga and Tibuhwa (2014)
H.wadijarzeezicus Oman JRZ2-22-015 OR613000 OR613018 This study
H.wadijarzeezicus Oman JRZ2-22-013 OR612999 OR613019 This study
H.wadijarzeezicus Oman NHZ-22-019 OR612997 OR613020 This study
H.wadijarzeezicus Oman JHN-22-019 OR612998 OR613021 This study
H.wadijarzeezicus Oman JRZ-22-005 OR612996 OR613022 This study
H.pakistanicus Pakistan FAK196 OP082405 Syed et al. (2023)
H.pakistanicus Pakistan FAK195 OP082404 Syed et al. (2023)
H.parvulus Oman JRZ-22-004 OR612994 OR613017 This study
H.parvulus Oman JRZ2-22-002 OR612995 This study
H.siamensis Thailand SDBR-CMUWP038 OP837533 OP836600 Kumla et al. (2023)
H.siamensis Thailand SDBR-CMUNK1508 OP836301 OP836385 Kumla et al. (2023)
H.saisamornae Thailand ZRL3103 KM982450 KM982452 Kumla et al. (2021)
H.saisamornae Thailand SDBRCMUNKNW0474 MW349605 MW349603 Kumla et al. (2021)
H.saisamornae Thailand SDBR-CMUNK0369 MW345912 MW345917 Kumla et al. (2021)
H.saisamornae Thailand SDBR-CMUNK0567 MW349602 MW349604 Kumla et al. (2021)
H.saisamornae Thailand LD2012186 KM982451 KM982453 Kumla et al. (2021)
H. sp. Pakistan LAH35329 OQ998344 Usman (2018)
H. sp. Thailand CA833 JF727858 Zhao et al. (2011)


Phylogenetic analyses

In this study, 19 new sequences (7 ITS, 6 28S and 6 EF-1α) were generated from our collections of Hymenagaricus. There were no EF-1α sequences of the genus available in GenBank; therefore, only combined ITS-28S sequences were used in the final data matrix. The final ITS-28S dataset was comprised of 1516 characters including 1272 constant sites, 141 informative sites and 103 uninformative sites. The topology of trees revealed similar patterns in both ML and BI methods; therefore, the phylogeny inferred from ML analysis is presented here with values from both BT and PPs in Fig. 1. In both ML and BI analyses, six specimens of Heinemannomyces formed a basal group, sharing a clade with Hymenagaricus species. This clade is weakly supported in ML analyses and well supported with BI (BT 59%, PPs 0.94). However, the subclade representing Heinemannomyces specimens is strongly supported in both analyses (BT 100%, PPs 1). Species of Hymenagaricus are distributed in three clades. Clade-I with good statistical support (BT 93%, PPs 1) consisted of three species, the new species Hymenagaricuswadijarzeezicus, H.saisamornae J. Kumla & N. Suwannarach and Heinem. Each of these three species has its unique position, confirming their unique identity. Similarly, clade-II was strongly supported (BT 100%, PPs 1), with three taxa, H.pakistanicus M.F. Syed & M. Saba, the new species H.parvulus and an unnamed species H. sp. (LAH35329). The third is a subclade in the clade consisting of Hymenagaricus and Heinemannomyces taxa. This subclade consisted of H.siamensis J. Kumla, W. Phonrob, N. Suwannar & S., Lumyong, H.ardosiaecolor Heinem. and an unnamed species H. sp. (CA833). However, the two specimens (LAPAF9, Z4) representing H.ardosiaecolor, were recovered with different branch lengths. This variation in branch length could be the result of using only ITS sequences of H.ardosiaecolor in the phylogenetic analyses.

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Maximum Likelihood phylogeny of Hymenagaricus and Heinemannomyces, based on combined ITS-28S sequence data, with Agaricuscampestris as the outgroup taxon. Values above the node represent ML bootstrap percentages and BI posterior probabilities; the new species are represented in bold fonts.


. Hymenagaricus wadijarzeezicus

Al‐Sadi, Al-Yahya’ei, A. Al-Owaisi & S. Hussain sp. nov.



Figs 2 , 3 , 4

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Basidiomata of HymenagaricuswadijarzeezicusA–C holotype collection (JRZ2-22-013) D, E NHZ-22-019 F young fruiting bodies where the cap is entirely covered by pellicle represented by arrows (JRZ2-22-015) G context changed into pinkish on cutting, the arrow represents the root-like rhizoid (JRZ2-22-015). Scale bars: 20 mm.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Light microscopy of anatomical features of Hymenagaricuswadijarzeezicus (based on holotype collection JRZ2-22-013) A basidiospores B, C basidia D cheilocystidia E annulus F veil elements G pellicle structure. Scale bars: 10 µm (A); 15 µm (B–D); 15 µm (E–G).

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Line drawings of anatomical features of Hymenagaricuswadijarzeezicus (based on holotype collection JRZ2-22-013) A basidiospores B basidia C cheilocystidia D pellicle structure E annulus F veil elements. Scale bars: 10 µm (A); 15 µm (B–D); 15 µm (E, F).


The new species Hymenagaricuswadijarzeezicus can be differentiated from other species of the genus by its unique whitish woolly veil, covering both the cap and the stipe surfaces.


Sultanate of Oman: Dhofar, Salalah, Wadi Jarzeez, on termite mounds, under the trees of Anogeissusdhofarica, 11 August 2022, S. Hussain, A. Al-Owaisi & Al-Yahya’ei, JRZ2-22-013 (holotype Mawarid-JRZ2-22-013), GenBank accession: ITS = OR612999, 28S = OR613019, EF-1α = OR729599.


The specific epithet ‘wadijarzeezicus’ refers to the valley Jarzeez in the south of Oman, where the holotype was found.


Basidiomata small to medium-sized. Pileus 30–80 mm in diam., at the young stage, broadly ovoid to parabolic, covered completely by a smooth, pale brownish pellicle; at mature stage, pulvinate to convex, pellicle disrupting except at the centre where it is retained as one large, smooth, brownish squamule, surface is woolly, covered with whitish, strigose to villose or floccose veil towards the margin; margin appendiculate with long, whitish, fibrils of veil. Context dark pinkish on cutting, 3–5 mm thick at the pileus centre. Lamellae free, pale pinkish at young stage, at mature stage greyish-pink to brownish, ventricose, up to 3 mm wide, densely crowded, with 1–3 series of lamellulae. Stipe 30–60 × 5–10 mm, equal, with a slightly bulbous base, with root-like rhizoid structure at the base, annulus floccose, concolorous to veil; stem covered with floccose veil below the annulus, smooth above the annulus, context pinkish on cutting, fistulose. Smell pleasant. Taste not recovered.

Basidiospores (6.5)7.0–8.0(8.5) × (4.0)4.5–5.5(6.0) µm, average size 7.5 × 5.0 µm, Q = 1.4–1.6, av. Q = 1.5; ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, yellowish to dark brown, smooth, thick-walled, apiculus visible, germ-pore not observed. Basidia 20–25 × 7–9 µm, on average 22.5 × 8.0 µm, clavate to cylindrical, smooth, hyaline in KOH, mostly tetrasporic, rarely bisporic. Cheilocystidia 16–23 × 7–9 µm, on average 19.5 × 8.0 µm, ellipsoid to subclavate, smooth, thin-walled, hyaline in KOH. Pleurocystidia absent. Lamellar trama regular, with 4–6.6 µm diam., cylindrical to inflated, thin-walled, hyaline hyphae. Subhymenium consisted of subglobse to irregular cells, measuring 12–18 µm diam. Pellicle is a hymeniform, consisting of chains of two or three elements, measuring 13–17 × 10–16 µm each element, globose to subglobose or ovoid, hyaline, or pale yellowish, smooth, thin-walled, these chains of elements attached to inflated hyphae with encrusted walls. Pileus veil is a cutis to ixocutis, consisting of elongated or cylindrical elements, easily detached, hyaline, thin-walled, each element measuring 13–45 × 6–9 µm. Annulus is an intricate trichoderm, composed of hyaline hyphae, 6–8 µm diam., cylindrical, constituted by short elements, constricted at septa, easily disarticulated. Stipe veil similar to pileus veil. Clamp connections absent in all tissues.

Habit, habitat, and distribution.

Occurring in July to early September, as saprotrophic, solitary or scattered in small groups, on or near the termite mounds, under the trees of Anogeissusdhofarica. Currently only known from southern Oman.

Additional specimens examined.

Sultanate of Oman: Dhofar, Salalah, Wadi Naheez, on termite mounds, under the trees of Anogeissusdhofarica, 07 August 2022, S. Hussain, A. Al-Owaisi, Al-Yahya’ei & Al-Sadi, NHZ-22-019 (Mawarid-NHZ-22-019), GenBank accession: ITS = OR612997, 28S = OR613020, EF-1α = OR729602; Wadi Jarzeez, under the trees of Anogeissusdhofarica, 08 August 2022, S. Hussain, A. Al-Owaisi, Al-Yahya’ei & Al-Sadi, JRZ-22-005 (Mawarid-JRZ-22-005), GenBank accession: ITS = OR612996, 28S = OR613022, EF-1α = OR729603; Wadi Jaheen, under the trees of Anogeissusdhofarica, 10 August 2022, S. Hussain, A. Al-Owaisi, Al-Yahya’ei & Al-Sadi, JHN-22-019 (Mawarid-JHN-22-019), GenBank accession: ITS = OR612998, 28S = OR613021, EF-1α = OR729600; Wadi Jarzeez, on termite mounds, under the trees of Anogeissusdhofarica, 11 August 2022, S. Hussain, A. Al-Owaisi & Al-Yahya’ei, JRZ2-22-015 (Mawarid-JRZ2-22-015), GenBank accession: ITS = OR613000, 28S = OR613018, EF-1α = OR729601; Wadi Gogob, on termite mounds, under the trees of Anogeissusdhofarica, 22 August 2023, S. Hussain & Al-Yahya’ei, GOB-23-008 (Mawarid-GOB-23-008); Sahalanawt, on termite mounds, 27 August 2023, S. Hussain & Muhammad Salim, Sahalanawt-23-001 (Mawarid-Sahalanawt-23-001); Tetam, on termite mounds, 30 August 2023, S. Hussain & Amer Qattan, Tetam-23-001 (Mawarid-Tetam-23-001).


The new species Hymenagaricuswadijarzeezicus with medium-sized basidiomata, can be distinguished from the known species of the genus by its remarkable woolly cap and stipe surfaces. In Hymenagaricus, there are four species with a cap diameter of 50 mm or above, which are: Hymenagaricuscf.kivuensis, H.mlimaniensis Mwanga & Tibuhwa, H.ardosiaecolor and H.alphitochrous (Berk & Broome) Heinem. Hymenagaricuswadijarzeezicus is the 5th species with a cap diameter above 50 mm. None of these species has a woolly basidiomata surface, except Hymenagaricuswadijarzeezicus.

In ML phylogeny, the most similar species to the new species H.wadijarzeezicus is H.saisamornae. Hymenagaricussaisamornae is a recently described species from Thailand, with substantially smaller basidiomata (10–25 mm cap diam.), pileus surface covered with minute brownish squamules, stipe smooth to finely whitish squamulose and smaller basidiospores (5.5–7.0 × 4.0–4.5 µm; Kumla et al. (2021)). Similarly, Hymenagaricuscf.kivuensis and H.mlimaniensis, both African species, shared medium-sized pileus with H.wadijarzeezicus. Hymenagaricuscf.kivuensis has pileus of 50–100 diam., with smaller basidiospores (4.0–6.5 × 3.0–4.5 µm), narrower basidia (16–20 × 4.5–6) and broader hymeniform cells (Pegler 1977; Heinemann 1984). Hymenagaricusmlimaniensis has a broadly umbonate, reddish-brown disc, with sparsely squamulose surface and smaller basidiospores (4.0–7.0 × 3.5–4.5 µm; Mwanga and Tibuhwa (2014)) than H.wadijarzeezicus (7.0–8.0 × 4.5–5.5 µm). Hymenagaricussiamensis differs from H.wadijarzeezicus by its smaller basidiomata with brownish cap, measuring 22–32 mm diam., squamules consisting of pseudoparenchymatous cells (Kumla et al. 2023). Another small-sized species Hymenagaricuspakistanicus with pileus 24–30 mm diam., covered with dark brownish squamules at the cap centre, smaller basidiospores (5.0–6.0 × 3.5–5.0 µm) and a pseudoparenchymatous pellicle (Syed et al. 2023).

. Hymenagaricus parvulus

Al‐Kharousi, Al‐Sadi, Al-Yahya’ei, & S. Hussain sp. nov.



Figs 5 , 6 , 7

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Basidiomata of Hymenagaricusparvulus (based on holotype collection JRZ-22-004) A mature and young basidiomata B mature basidimata.

Figure 6.

Figure 6.

Light microscopy of anatomical features of Hymenagaricusparvulus (based on holotype collection JRZ-22-004) A basidiospores B basidia C cheilocystidia D annulus E pellicle structure F veil elements. Scale bars: 5 µm (A); 10 µm (B, C); 15 µm (D–F).

Figure 7.

Figure 7.

Line drawings of anatomical features of Hymenagaricusparvulus (based on holotype collection JRZ-22-004) A basidiospores B basidia C annulus elements D cheilocystidia E pellicle structure F veil elements. Scale bars: 5 µm (A); 10 µm (B, D); 15 µm (C, E, F).


The new species Hymenagaricusparvulus can be differentiated from other species of the genus by its small-sized, creamy basidiomata, umbonate pileus covered with appressed pellicle.


Sultanate of Oman: Dhofar, Salalah, Wadi Jarzeez, on termite mounds, under the trees of Anogeissusdhofarica, 8 August 2022, S. Hussain, A. Al-Owaisi, Al-Yahya’ei & Al-Sadi, JRZ-22-004 (holotype Mawarid-JRZ-22-004), GenBank accession: ITS = OR612994, 28S = OR613017, EF-1α = OR735176.


The specific epithet ‘parvulus’ refers to the small-sized basidiomata of the new species.


Basidiomata small-sized. Pileus 15–25 mm in diam., at young stage globose to parabolic, surface floccose squamulose, squamules light pinkish to creamy, with appressed pellicle at the centre, margin appendiculate; at mature stage cap convex to hemispherical with the broadly umbonate disc, with appressed, pale brownish pellicle at the disc, surface finely floccose squamulose, squamules pale creamy to light greyish, margins striate, just exceeding the lamellae; context membranous, pinkish on cutting. Lamellae free, pale pinkish to brownish, ventricose, sparsely crowded, with 1–2 series of lamellulae. Stipe 25–35 × 2–5 mm, equal, annulus cortinate, concolorous to squamules; stem surface creamy, covered with finely floccose squamules below the annulus, smooth above the annulus, context pinkish on cutting, fistulose. Smell pleasant. Taste not recorded.

Basidiospores 5.0–6.5 × 4.0–4.5 µm, average size 6.0 × 4.2 µm, Q = 1.3–1.5, av. Q = 1.4; ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, yellowish to dark brown, smooth, thick-walled, apiculus visible, germ-pore not observed. Basidia 16.5–22.5 × 6.5–8.5 µm, on average 19.0 × 7.5 µm, clavate to cylindrical, smooth, hyaline in KOH, tetrasporic. Cheilocystidia 19–25 × 9–11 µm, on average 22 × 10 µm, clavate to broadly clavate, often turning to one side, with multiseptate base, smooth, thin-walled, hyaline in KOH. Pleurocystidia absent. Subhymenium consisting of cylindrical to elongated cells, measuring 6–9 µm diam. Pellicle is a hymeniform, consisting of chains of several elements, each element measuring 14–22 × 12–17 µm, globose to subglobose or ovoid, hyaline or pale yellowish, smooth, thin-walled; these chains of elements attached to inflated hyphae with encrusted walls. Veil is a cutis to ixocutis, consisting of elongated or cylindrical elements, not easily detached, hyaline, thin-walled, with terminal element fusiform with papillate end, each element measuring 15–18 × 5–7 µm. Annulus is an intricate trichoderm, composed of hyaline hyphae, 4–7 µm diam., cylindrical, constituted by short elements, constricted at septa and easily disarticulated. Clamp connections absent in all tissues.

Habit, habitat and distribution.

Fruiting body formation occurs in early August to early September, saprotrophic, scattered in small groups, found on termite mounds. Currently only known from southern Oman.

Additional specimens examined.

Sultanate of Oman: Dhofar, Salalah, Wadi Jarzeez, on termite mounds, under the trees of Anogeissusdhofarica, 11 August 2022, S. Hussain, A. Al-Owaisi, Al-Yahya’ei & Al-Sadi, JRZ2-22-002 (Mawarid-NHZ-22-002), GenBank accession: ITS = OR612995.


Hymenagaricusparvulus is a small, cream-coloured species, differentiated from other species of the genus by its whitish to pale pinkish floccose squamules on pileus and stipe surfaces with a broadly umbonate centre. Hymenagaricusparvulus shares basidiomata size and basidiospores morphology with H.pakistanicus. However, H.pakistanicus can be differentiated from the new species by its caesptiose fruiting habit, pileus with pinkish to brownish squamulose pellicle, consisting of pseudoparenchymatous cells (Syed et al. 2023). Hymenagaricussaisamornae differs from the new species by its smaller pileus (up to 15 mm diam. Vs. 15–25 mm of H.parvulus), covered with brownish pellicles and larger basidiospores (5.5–7.0 × 4–4.5 µm; Kumla et al. (2021)). Hymenagaricussiamensis, another small-sized species is distinguished from the new species by its pinkish-brown cap, pellicle comprised of pseudoparenchymatous cells and larger basidiospores (6.5–8.0 × 4.0–5.0 µm; Kumla et al. (2023)). Similarly, Hymenagaricuscanoruber (Berk. & Br.) Heinem. & Little Flower, known from India and Sri Lanka, is characterised by a small-sized pileus (15–25 mm diam.), with greyish-brown squamules, hymeniform pellicle and smaller basidiospores (4.6–5.7 3.5–4.3 µm; Heinemann and Little Flower (1984)). Hymenagaricuspallidodiscus D.A. Reid & Eicker, the smallest mushroom in the genus with pileus diam. up to 11 mm, covered with brownish squamules and smaller basidiospores (4.2–5.4 × 3.1–3.8 µm; Reid and Eicker (1999)). Hymenagaricuscylindrocystis Heinem. & Little Flower another small-sized species, has been reported in Singapore and India, with a brownish cap, larger basidiospores (6.4–8.4 × 4.5–5.6 µm) and a pseudoparenchymatous pellicle (Heinemann 1956; Heinemann and Little Flower 1984). Hymenagaricuscf.kivuensis and H.wadijarzeezicus with their medium-sized pilei can be easily differentiated from H.parvulus.


Species of Hymenagaricus and Xanthagaricus are morphologically very similar and it is extremely difficult to differentiate the species of these genera in the field. However, in most species of Xanthagaricus, the cap surface is covered with small, brownish to purplish scales. These scales are concentrated at the pileus centre, while a large central, undisrupted scale at the cap centre has been observed in the most species of Hymenagaricus. Phylogenetically, both the genera are clearly distinct.

Phylogenetically, the species of Hymenagaricus are closely related to the monotypic genus Heinemannomyces. Morphologically, both these genera are clearly distinct. Species of Hymenagaricus have a squamulose cap surface and these squamules consist of hymeniform or pseudoparenchymatous cells and yellowish-brown basidiospores. The monotypic genus with single species Heinemannomycessplendidissimus has a brownish to greyish-red pileus, covered with a finely woolly veil and greyish to dark bluish basidiospores (Watling 1998; Hosen et al. 2017).

In our phylogenetic analyses, the specimens representing Heinemannomyces formed a basal group. Species of Hymenagaricus were recovered in three groups. One group consisted of Hymenagaricuswadijarzeezicus, the new species, H.saisamornae and In this group, Hymenagaricussaisamornae with small-sized basidiomata intermix with and H.wadijarzeezicus both with medium-sized basidiomata. Similarly, another group consisting of Hymenagaricuspakistanicus, H.parvulus the new species and unnamed species H. sp. (LAH35329). All these taxa, including the unnamed species, have a small fruiting body. The third group consists of Hymenagaricusardosiaecolor (medium-sized basidiomata) and H.siamensis, the small-sized species.

Both basidiomata size and pellicle structure are species delimitation characters in the genus Hymenagaricus. Based on our analyses, we can predict that these characters could be used in the future for infrageneric classification of the genus.

The two new species, Hymenagaricuswadijarzeezicus and H.parvulus, were collected in the Dhofar Region, located in the southern part of Oman. Hymenagaricuswadijarzeezicus is medium-sized and H.parvulus is a small-sized species. Both are widespread in the Region, under the trees of Anogeissusdhofarica. It is interesting to note that both collections of H.parvulus (JRZ-22-002, JRZ2-22-004) and several collections of H.wadijarzeezicus (NHZ-22-019, JRZ2-22-013, JRZ2-22-015, GOB-23-008, Sahalanawt-23-001, Tetam-23-001) were found on termite mounds. However, we did not find any study reporting the association of Hymenagaricus with termites. However, secotioid fungal genus Podaxis Desv. in the family Agaricaceae has an apparent relationship with termites (Conlon et al. 2016). It will be interesting to study the relationships of these mushrooms with termites.

Several species of Agaricaceae were recently reported from the Dhofar Region (Al-Kharousi et al. 2022a, 2022b; Hussain et al. 2022). It is evident that the area is rich in the diversity of Agaricaceae, including the genus Hymenagaricus. More new species of dark-spored agarics are likely occurring in the area.

Taxonomic key to the species of Hymenagaricus

A taxonomic key to the species of Hymenagaricus included in our phylogenetic analyses is presented below. This key is based on cap diameter (small-sized with cap less than 40 mm in diam. and medium-sized with cap ranging from 50–100 mm in diam.) and pellicle structure either hymeniform or pseudoparenchymatous cells.

1 Basidiomata small-sized, pileus diam. below 40 mm 2
Basidiomata medium-sized, pileus diam. up to 100 mm 5
2 Fruiting bodies solitary or gregarious 3
Fruiting bodies appear in cluster (casepitose), pileus 20-30 mm diam., pellicle consisted of pseudoparenchymatous cells Hymenagaricuspakistanicus
3 Pileus whitish or pinkish-brown, pellicle consisted of hymeniform cells 4
Pileus brownish, pellicle consisted of pseudoparenchymatous cells H.siamensis
4 Pileus 15–25 mm diam., whitish to creamy, pellicle smooth, finely appressed H.parvulus
Pileus 10–15 mm diam., pinkish to brownish, squamulose pellicle H.saisamornae
5 Pileus covered with brownish squamules 6
Pileus and stipe surfaces covered with whitish woolly fibrils H.wadijarzeezicus
6 Pileus diam. 40–60 mm, basidiospores 5.8–6.5 × 3.9–4.5 µm H.ardosiaecolor
Pileus diam. up to 100 mm, hymeniform squamules

Supplementary Material

XML Treatment for Hymenagaricus wadijarzeezicus
XML Treatment for Hymenagaricus parvulus


We would like to thank Bader Al Quyudhi, Shamsa Al Balushi and Maryam Al Hinai for their invaluable help in the sampling trip to the Dhofar Region, which was essential to the success of our research. We would also like to thank Amer Qattan and Mohammed Al Jahwari for their guidance and support throughout the project.


Hussain S, Al-Kharousi M, Al-Maqbali D, Al-Owaisi AA, Velazhahan R, Al-Yahya'ei MN, Al-Sadi AM (2024) Two new species of Hymenagaricus (Agaricales, Agaricaceae) from Oman, based on morphology and molecular phylogeny. MycoKeys 105: 1–19.

Contributor Information

Mohamed N. Al-Yahya’ei, Email:

Abdullah M. Al-Sadi, Email:

Additional information

Conflict of interest

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Ethical statement

No ethical statement was reported.


This research was funded by the Agriculture and Fisheries Development Fund, Sultanate of Oman (grant number 104/1/1).

Author contributions

Shah Hussain and Moza Al-Kharousi: conceptualisation, writing – original draft and review and editing, data curation, formal analysis, investigation, methodology and visualisation. Dua'a Al-Maqbali and Arwa A. Al-Owaisi: sampling, data curation and investigation. Mohamed N. Al-Yahya'ei and Abdullah M. Al-Sadi: project administration, resources, supervision , writing - review and editing. Rethinasamy Velazhahan: writing - review and editing, formal analysis.

Author ORCIDs

Shah Hussain

Rethinasamy Velazhahan

Mohamed N. Al-Yahya’ei

Abdullah M. Al-Sadi

Data availability

All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.


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Associated Data

This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.

Supplementary Materials

XML Treatment for Hymenagaricus wadijarzeezicus
XML Treatment for Hymenagaricus parvulus

Data Availability Statement

All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text.

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