Main text
(Molecular Therapy: Nucleic Acids 32, 454–467; June 2023)
In the originally published version of this article, Table 2 was found to contain two minor errors: (1) one data point was accidentally duplicated, and (2) for one data point a decimal is missing. For the Moderate-high dose rAAV5-miAngE + statin group, the correct value for mean (SD) ALT activity, week 16, should read 155.7 ± 165.2 (instead of 355.8 ± 366.2). For the rAAV5-miSCR group, the correct value for mean (SD) AST activity, week 12, should read 144.0 ± 30.3 (i.e., including decimal “0”).
These errors have been corrected in the article online, and the authors apologize for any confusion this may have caused.