Fig. 4.
WAT oxylipin quantification. (a) Heatmap showing PUFAs, CYP-, LOX-, COX-derived oxylipins, and sEH activity readout in lean patients (N = 7), patients with obesity (N = 52) and patients with obesity and T2DM (N = 26). (b) 10 most significantly changing oxylipins (FDR <0.2). and sEH activity ratios (separated by a dashed line) determined by Kruskal–Wallis test (see also Table S3). (c) CYP-derived epoxides and diols in lean pateints (N = 7), patients with obesity (N = 52) and patients with obesity and T2DM (N = 26). Heatmaps (a and b) were generated on normalized data (log10 transformed) and clustered using Ward. Significance was tested by Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn's multiple comparison (c).