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. 2024 May 1;385:e078084. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2023-078084

Table 3.

Summary risk of bias assessment of included studies, based on domains in Cochrane Risk of Bias 2 tool

Study reference Design Experimental condition Comparator Domain
D1 DS D2 D3 D4 D5 Other
Carhart-Harris et al 2021,63 and Barba et al 202264 (secondary analysis) Parallel Two doses of 25 mg psilocybin, daily placebo, and psychological support Two doses of 1 mg psilocybin, daily escitalopram, and psychological support Low Some concerns Low Low Low Some concern
Goodwin et al 2022,18 and Goodwin et al 202365 (secondary analysis) Parallel Single dose (25 mg or 10 mg) psilocybin with psychological support Placebo-like dose (25 mg or 10 mg) psilocybin with psychological support Low Some concerns Low Low Low Some concern
von Rotz et al 202366 Parallel Single dose (0.215 mg/kg) psilocybin with psychological support Placebo and psychological support Low Some concerns Low Low Low Some concern
Grob et al 201115 Crossover Single dose (0.2 mg/kg) psilocybin Niacin (250 mg) Low Low Some concerns Low Low Low Some concern
Griffiths et al 201614 Crossover Single dose (22 mg/70 kg or 30 mg/70 kg) psilocybin Placebo-like (1 mg/70 kg or 3 mg/70 kg) psilocybin Low Low Some concerns Low Low Low Some concern
Ross et al 2016,17 and Ross et al 202167 (secondary analysis) Crossover Single dose psilocybin (0.3 mg/kg) and psychotherapy Niacin (250 mg) and psychotherapy Low Low Some concerns Low Low Low Some concern

Domain 1 assessed bias arising from the randomisation process, including blinding and randomisation of the allocation sequence, and baseline differences between groups. Domain S assessed the period and carryover effects specific to the crossover trials. Domain 2 assessed bias due to deviations from the intended intervention, including participant and researcher blinding, and the effects of differential adherence between groups. Domain 3 assessed bias due to missing outcome data. Domain 4 assessed bias in measurement of the outcome, including the appropriateness of metrics and questionnaires used and between group differences in outcome assessment. Domain 5 assessed reporting bias arising from the selective reporting of results or data analyses, or both. The “other” criterion assessed bias due to potential conflicts of interest, such as industry funding and associations with pharmaceutical companies.