Article title: Exercise reestablishes autophagic flux and mitochondrial quality control in heart failure
Authors: Juliane C. Campos, Bruno B. Queliconi, Luiz H. M. Bozi, Luiz R. G. Bechara, Paulo M. M. Dourado, Allen M. Andres, Paulo R. Jannig, Kátia M. S. Gomes, Vanessa O. Zambelli, Cibele Rocha-Resende, Silvia Guatimosim, Patricia C. Brum, Daria Mochly-Rosen, Roberta A. Gottlieb, Alicia J. Kowaltowski, and Julio C. B. Ferreira
Journal: Autophagy
Bibliometrics: 2017; 13(8): 1304–1317.
The authors report that in the original published version of this article, some representative images were inadvertently duplicated as follows:
The VDAC1 blot in Figure 4B was duplicated in Figure 3A.
The GAPDH blot in Figure S2D was duplicated in Figure 3E.
The GAPDH blot in Figure S3G was duplicated in Figure S3F.
The MFN2 blot in Figure 2B was duplicated in Figure S3H.
The MitoTracker representative image in Figure S3J (bottom panel) was duplicated in Figure S4A (bottom panel).
In addition, the representative blots of protein carbonyls and 4-HNE protein adducts were erroneously mislabeled in Fig S3F.
All these images were replotted after reviewing the original source data. See both corrected and original published versions below. Note that quantification of western blots and MitoTracker staining (presented in the published version) was performed using the correct lanes, membranes and images; therefore, the errors noted above did not affect the quantification of the results. The authors apologize for these errors.
Figure 3.
Exercise re-establishes autophagic flux in failing hearts.
Figure 3.
Exercise re-establishes autophagic flux in failing hearts.