This article has been corrected. Please see J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2023;29(9):1065-77.
Monfared AAT, Hummel N, Chandak A, Khachatryan A, Zhang Q. Assessing out-of-pocket expenses and indirect costs for the Alzheimer disease continuum in the United States. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2023;29(9):1065-77.
The authors would like to make the following corrections:
As originally printed, the numbers shown in Figure 1 for Mild AD and for OOP were inadvertently incorrect. Figure 1 has been corrected in the online article. The corresponding text in the body of the article is correct as originally printed.
Moreover, as originally printed, Supplementary Figure 3 (396.4KB, pdf) inadvertently reported incorrect numbers for OOP. Supplementary Figure 3 (396.4KB, pdf) and the corresponding text in the Results section of the article have been corrected in the online article. In addition, Supplementary Figures 2 and 4 (396.4KB, pdf) and Supplementary Table 6 (396.4KB, pdf) inadvertently reported incorrect numbers, which have been corrected in the online article.
Although the authors regret these errors, they do not affect the conclusions of the article.