Figure 2.
Processivity fold structural repeats. (a) A single structural repeat. The unit shown corresponds to the third repeat (residues 134–186) of human PCNA (pdb 1AXC). Conserved residues involved in internal packing are shown as spheres and conserved surface residues as sticks. Side chain colors correspond to the alignment in Figure 1. (b) Arrangement of the processivity fold domain (repeats 3 and 4 of 1AXC). Adjacent repeats are related to each other through a 180° rotation around the y-axis. (c) The four repeat subunit of PCNA. (d) The four repeat subunit of the clamp from bacteriophage RB69. (e) The six repeat subunit of the E.coli β-clamp (pdb 2POL). (f) The two subunit E.coli β-clamp ring.