Table 6.
Gene expression data in MGI.
GXD assay type | Expression results | Genes | Anatomy terms | Mutant alleles | Images |
RNA in situ | 1,358,788 | 13,214 | 13,954 | 1,828 | 274,852 |
RT-PCR | 222,528 | 9,316 | 2,479 | 2,081 | 16,509 |
Immunohistochemistry | 154,836 | 3,673 | 10,944 | 3,215 | 69,219 |
In situ reporter (knock in) | 133,750 | 3,282 | 6,531 | 3,930 | 98,538 |
Northern blot | 52,591 | 3,377 | 960 | 549 | 2,915 |
Western blot | 46,242 | 3,017 | 1,136 | 1,567 | 4,781 |
Classical Expression totals | 1,968,735 | 15,944 | 17,217 | 7,849 | 466,814 |
RNA-Seq | 36,724,708 | 52,018 | 178 | 120 | NA |
Total numbers of GXD expression results (column 2) are shown distributed by assay type. Except for high-throughput RNA-Seq data (last row), all data are curated from published literature or from contributed datasets. The numbers of associated genes, stage-specific anatomical structures (EMAPS terms), mutant alleles, and images are also shown for each assay type. Counts include positive and negative expression results in the structures assayed. Classical gene expression assay types separated from RNA-Seq. Total distinct counts for all classical gene expression assay types are shown in the second to last row. RNA-Seq results represent average quantile-normalized TPM values for each gene from combined technical and biological replicate samples (Baldarelli et al. 2021) (image counts not applicable for RNA-Seq experiments). Classical types of expression data are currently annotated to over 17,000 distinct stage-specific anatomical structures whereas the RNA-Seq experiments include 178 distinct anatomical structures. This nicely illustrates the complementary value of classical and RNA-Seq experiments. While RNA-Seq experiments cover the entire genome and generate large volumes of expression results per experiment, classical types of expression experiments, in particular RNA in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, yield more detailed spatial expression information.