Indrawattana N., Pumipuntu N., Suriyakhun N., Jangsangthong A., Kulpeanprasit S., Chantratita N., Sookrung N., Chaicumpa W., & Buranasinsup S. Staphylococcus argenteus from rabbits in Thailand. MicrobiologyOpen. 2018;e665.
In “abstract” section, line 4, the text “the presence of S. argenteus in isolated S. aureus was investigated in 67 rabbits with abscess lesions during 2014–2016.” should read as “the presence of S. argenteus in isolated S. aureus was investigated in 67 rabbits with abscess lesions during 2014–2015.”
In “material and method section, 2.1 | Specimen collection and bacterial isolation, line 3, the text “Sixty‐seven pus samples were collected from rabbits with clinical abscesses by a veterinarian at Prasu‐Arthorn Animal Hospital, Thailand during 2014–2016.” should read as “Sixty‐seven pus samples were collected from rabbits with clinical abscesses by a veterinarian at Prasu‐Arthorn Animal Hospital, Thailand, during 2014–2015.”
We apologize for this error.