In the published article, there was an error in the legends for Figure 6 and Figure 7 as published. The captions were switched such that the caption for figure 6 was on figure 7 and vice versa. The corrected legends appear below.
Figure 6. Periaqueductal grey structural connectivity. (A) MNI space structural connectivity results visual representation averaged over all 197 subjects. Brighter yellow on heat map indicates a high number of samples passing through a given point that will eventually reach a target map (brighter yellow = more samples). Dark green: DLPFC; pink: OFC; brown: AMY; blue: HIPPO; purple: insula; orange: NAc; light green: rACC. (B) Mean connectivity results with dashed line showing mean and 95% CI, each point on graph shows result from individual subject. (C) Anatomic MNI mask of seed region.
Figure 7. Ventral tegmental area structural connectivity. (A) MNI space structural connectivity results visual representation averaged over all 197 subjects. Brighter yellow on heat map indicates a high number of samples passing through a given point that will eventually reach a target map (brighter yellow = more samples). Dark green: DLPFC; pink: OFC; brown: AMY; blue: HIPPO; purple: insula; orange: NAc; light green: rACC; (B) Mean connectivity results with dashed line showing mean and 95% CI, each point on graph shows result from individual subject. (C) Anatomic MNI mask of seed region.
The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated.
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