Many behavioral tasks require the manipulation of mathematical vectors, but, outside of computational models1–7, it is not known how brains perform vector operations. Here we show how the Drosophila central complex, a region implicated in goal-directed navigation7–10, performs vector arithmetic. First, we describe a neural signal in the fan-shaped body that explicitly tracks a fly’s allocentric traveling angle, that is, the traveling angle in reference to external cues. Past work has identified neurons in Drosophila8,11–13 and mammals14 that track an animal’s heading angle referenced to external cues (e.g., head-direction cells), but this new signal illuminates how the sense of space is properly updated when traveling and heading angles differ (e.g., when walking sideways). We then characterize a neuronal circuit that performs an egocentric-to-allocentric (i.e., body- to world-centered) coordinate transformation and vector addition to compute the allocentric traveling direction. This circuit operates by mapping two-dimensional vectors onto sinusoidal patterns of activity across distinct neuronal populations, with the sinusoid’s amplitude representing the vector’s length and its phase representing the vector’s angle. The principles of this circuit may generalize to other brains and to domains beyond navigation where vector operations or reference-frame transformations are required.
Insects solve remarkable navigational tasks15,16 and, like mammals, they have head-direction-like cells, called EPGs, with activity tuned to the fly’s angular heading in reference to external cues8. An insect’s heading and traveling angles, however, do not always align, such as when walking or flying sideways (e.g., due to wind) or when simply looking sideways while walking forward. Because it is the traveling direction that is most relevant for forming spatial memories via path integration, perhaps insects explicitly track this variable during navigation? Here we show that a population of neurons that tiles the Drosophila fan-shaped body expresses a bump of activity at a left-right position along this structure that indicates the fly’s traveling, rather than heading, angle in reference to external cues. We further describe a neuronal circuit that computes this external-cue-referenced, or allocentric, traveling-direction signal by explicitly projecting the fly’s egocentric, or body-referenced, traveling vector onto four orthogonal axes, rotating those axes into the allocentric reference frame, and taking a vector sum of the four vectors.
Beyond heading in the central complex
The Drosophila central complex includes the ellipsoid body, protocerebral bridge and fan-shaped body (Fig. 1a–b). Single EPG neurons have a mixed, input/output, ‘dendritic’ terminal in one wedge of the ellipsoid body and an ‘axonal’ terminal in one glomerulus of the protocerebral bridge17,18 (Fig. 1b, two blue cells). In both walking8,11,12 and flying flies10,19, the full population of EPG cells expresses a bump of calcium activity in the ellipsoid body, and copies of this bump in the left and right bridge. These three signals shift in concert along these structures, tracking the fly’s angular heading referenced to external cues8,11,12.
EPGs represent one of a few dozen sets of columnar neurons in the central complex. Each columnar cell class tiles the ellipsoid body, protocerebral bridge, and/or fan-shaped body. Individual columnar cells or neurite fields can be assigned an angular label between 0°–360° based on their anatomical location17,18, with neighboring neurites mapping to neighboring angles. hDeltaB cells (hΔBs) are a columnar class whose constituent cells have a ‘dendritic’ arbor in layer 3 of one fan-shaped body column and a mixed, input/output, ‘axonal’ arbor in layers 3, 4, 5 of another column offset by half the width of the fan-shaped body17 (Fig. 1b, two red cells). We created a split-Gal4 driver line for hΔBs (Extended Data Fig. 1a–d) and a UAS-sytGCaMP7f responder line in which GCaMP7f is fused to the c-terminus of synaptotagmin to bias GCaMP7f to presynaptic compartments20 (Extended Data Fig. 1e–f). Imaging sytGCaMP7f fluorescence in hΔBs of both walking (Extended Data Fig. 1n) and flying (see below) flies revealed a bump of activity that moves left/right along the fan-shaped body in coordination with the movements of the EPG bump around the ellipsoid body. Critically, however, the relative position of the hΔB and EPG bumps were often offset (Extended Data Fig. 1n) suggesting that the hΔB bump position might signal the fly’s traveling, rather than heading, angle.
hΔBs track the allocentric travel angle
To test the hypothesis that the hΔB bump position tracks the fly’s traveling direction, we performed most of our experiments on tethered, flying flies21 (Fig. 1c). In flight, insects rely heavily on translational visual motion to assess their direction of travel22. We could thus use visual, starfield stimuli to simulate the flies translating forward, backward or sideways relative to their head/body while simultaneously measuring the EPG and hΔB bump positions via two-photon excitation of sytGCaMP7f (Fig. 1d). A bright dot at the top of the cylindrical LED arena rotated in closed-loop with the fly’s steering behavior, simulating a static, distant cue that the fly could use to infer heading10. Under these conditions, the flies did not show a consistent, detectable preference for keeping the bright dot at any particular angular position (Extended Data Fig. 1k). A field of dimmer dots (starfield) in the lower visual field was either stationary or moved coherently to generate open-loop optic-flow that simulated the fly translating along different directions relative to its head/body axes23,24 (Fig. 1c; Methods).
The position of the EPG bump, i.e., its phase, tracked the angular movements of the closed-loop dot (Fig. 1e), though with a lower correlation compared to tethered walking8,11 (Extended Data Fig. 1g–j) likely because the lack of vestibular feedback on the tether impacts the flies’ ability to register turns more in flight than in walking. With a stationary starfield, the hΔB phase often drifted off the EPG phase (Fig. 1e, left, many gray arrows). In contrast, when we presented optic flow that simulated the fly’s body moving forward, the EPG and hΔB phases became more aligned, both in a single-fly example (Fig. 1e, right, one gray arrow) and across a population of twelve flies (Fig. 1f, Extended Data Fig. 1l, m).
When we varied the expansion point of the optic-flow stimulus to simulate the fly translating along six different directions, we observed that the offset between the EPG and hΔB phases matched the simulated egocentric (i.e., body-referenced) angle of travel (Fig. 1g–h). If we make the standard assumption that the EPG phase signals the fly’s allocentric heading angle8,10,19, this implies that the hΔB bump position in the fan-shaped body tracks the fly’s allocentric traveling direction (Fig. 1i), which is the angular sum of the egocentric traveling and allocentric heading angles. In flies walking on an air-cushioned ball, rather than flying, we found that the hΔB and EPG phases generally align, but deviate predictably during backward/sideward walking (Extended Data Fig. 1n–p) in a manner consistent with the hΔB phase signaling the allocentric traveling direction during terrestrial locomotion, as in flight.
Computing the traveling angle
How is the hΔB signal built? As we will show and consistent with past work in bees7, there exist sets of neurons that provide four motion-related inputs to the central complex. These inputs ––L1, L2, L3 and L4,–– represent the projections of the fly’s traveling vector (determined, for example, by optic flow) onto axes oriented ±45° (forward-right and forward-left) and ±135° (backward-right and backward-left) relative to the fly’s head7 (Fig. 2a). The fly’s egocentric traveling direction can be computed by adding the four vectors defined by these projection lengths and angles. To turn the egocentric into an allocentric traveling direction, a coordinate transformation must be performed, and, as we will also demonstrate, this is done by referencing the four projection/basis vectors to the fly’s allocentric heading, H, before taking the vector sum (Fig. 2b bottom). The fly then computes its allocentric traveling direction by adding these four allocentric projection vectors with lengths L1–4 and angles H±45° and H±135°.
This vector sum can be performed by representing 2D vectors as sinusoids––a phasor representation––where the amplitudes and phases of the sinusoids match the lengths and angles of the corresponding vectors. In such a representation, vectors are added by simply summing their corresponding sinusoids (Fig. 2c). Theoretical models employing phasors have been proposed2, including for the fan-shaped body7, but here we provide the first comprehensive experimental demonstration of their operation. Connectome-inspired conceptual models in Drosophila (conducted in parallel to our work) have also proposed how phasors could compute the fly’s traveling direction and speed25.
PFNds and PFNvs encode vectors
The phasor model requires neuronal populations with sinusoidal activity patterns whose phases and amplitudes match the allocentric projection vectors. PFNd and PFNv cells are columnar neurons that receive synaptic input in the bridge and noduli18, while also projecting axons to the fan-shaped body where they synapse onto hΔB cells17 (Fig. 3a, b). Separate arrays of PFNds (Fig. 3a) and PFNvs (Fig. 3b) in the left and right bridge receive extensive mono- and di-synaptic input from EPGs. Co-imaging EPGs and PFNs revealed one activity bump in the left bridge and another in the right bridge for both PFNds and PFNvs, and the phase of these PFN bumps aligned with the EPG bumps (Fig. 3c–e and Extended Data Fig. 2). Thus, left- and right-bridge PFNds and PFNvs together express four copies of the EPG allocentric heading signal. The activity profiles across the bridge of the four PFN populations are well fit by sinusoidal functions (Fig. 3d–e, Methods), consistent with the possibility that the PFN activity patterns represent two-dimensional vectors (Fig. 2c). The sinusoidal shape of PFN bumps in the bridge may originate from the spatially sinusoidal dendritic density in a group of bridge interneurons called Delta7 (Δ7) cells18, which are interposed between EPGs and many downstream bridge cells, including PFNs (Extended Data Fig. 3 and Supplemental Text).
The four, sinusoidal, PFN bumps in the bridge are poised to represent the four allocentric projection vectors from Figure 2a–b, except that their phases are not offset by ±45° and ±135° relative to the EPG heading angle, H. Although PFN and EPG bumps share a common phase in the bridge, the projection anatomy of PFNs from the bridge to the fan-shaped body provides a path for the PFN bumps to acquire ±45° and ±135° offsets from H. Corresponding PFNv and PFNd cells in the left- and right-bridge send projections to the fan-shaped body that are offset from each other by approximately ±1/8 of the extent of the fan-shaped body18 (Fig. 3a–b), equivalent to a ±45° angular offset. PFNds synapse onto both the axonal and dendritic regions of the hΔBs, but the input to the axonal region is anatomically dominant17 (Fig. 3f, g). Assuming that the axonal input is thereby physiologically dominant, PFNds can promote hΔB axonal output at fan-shaped-body locations that are offset by ±45° relative to the EPG heading signal in the bridge. PFNvs project to the fan-shaped body with the same ±45° angular offset as PFNds, but PFNvs target the hΔB dendrites, not axons, nearly exclusively17 (Fig. 3h, i). As described earlier, the axon terminal region of each hΔB cell is offset from its dendrites by half the width of the fan-shaped body, equivalent to an angular displacement of ~180° (Fig. 3f–i). The result of these two sets of shifts is that left- and right-bridge PFNvs promote hΔB axonal activity shifted by approximately ±135° relative to their common phase in the bridge. Thus, the anatomy suggests that the four PFN sinusoids in the bridge are transferred to the fan-shaped body with peaks at H±45 and H±135°, matching the angles of the allocentric projection vectors (Fig. 2).Furthermore, these sinusoids appear to be summed at the level of the hΔB axons.
To complete the phasor representation, the amplitudes of the PFN sinusoids should match the expected lengths of the corresponding allocentric projection vectors (L1–4 in Fig. 2a). We found that the amplitudes of the PFN sinusoidal bumps across the bridge were strongly modulated by the fly’s egocentric traveling direction, i.e., by the optic-flow direction. Specifically, the amplitude of each PFN sinusoid matched the projection of the fly’s inferred traveling direction (from optic flow) onto the four projection axes defined in Figure 2b and 3f–i (Fig. 3j–o). For example, the amplitude of the left-bridge PFNd sinusoid reaches its maximum when optic flow simulates traveling toward the front left (Fig. 3k, see Extended Data Fig. 4 for details), consistent with the anatomy-based prediction in Figure 3f for the projection axis represented by left-bridge PFNds. Anatomical and physiological measurements strongly point to LNO1s, LNO2s and SpsPs as the cell types that cause the modulations of PFN activity based on the fly’s egocentric traveling direction (i.e., based on optic-flow in flight or on efference-copy/proprioception of leg movements in walking) (see Supplemental Text) (Extended Data Fig. 4). In contrast, EPG bumps in the bridge show little amplitude modulation with optic flow (Fig. 3p–r, Methods).
Model-Data comparison
The phasor model predicts that the allocentric traveling direction can be determined by summing the four PFN sinusoids, because this is equivalent to summing the corresponding allocentric projection vectors (Fig. 4a–d and Supplemental Video 1). To test this notion, we modeled the input to hΔBs as four cosine functions shifted by the appropriate angles, representing the expected PFN activity patterns across the fan-shaped body. We multiplied these cosines by the experimentally determined amplitudes measured at different optic-flow angles (Fig. 3j–o) and summed the four amplitude-modulated and shifted sinusoids. The predicted traveling angle calculated in this manner is in excellent agreement with the angular location of the hΔB bump, measured experimentally (Fig. 4e, red circles). This prediction involves no free parameters, but it relies on an assumption that all four PFN types contribute equally to the total hΔB input. We can relax this assumption by adding the four sinusoids weighted by the average number of synapses from each PFN type onto the hΔBs17 (Methods). We can also extract the angles by which the PFN sinusoids are anatomically shifted between the bridge and fan-shaped body from the hemibrain connectome17 (Extended Data Fig. 5 and 6), rather than using exactly ±45° and ±135°. The predicted bump location again agrees well with the measured hΔB bump position (Fig. 4e, green diamonds) (see Supplemental Text for more details).
Perturbations support the vector model
To test the vector model, we manipulated EPG, PFNd and PFNv activity while measuring the impact on the fly’s traveling-direction estimate. For technical reasons, in these experiments we imaged the bump position of PFRs, rather than hΔBs, in the fan-shaped body; PFRs are a columnar cell class whose numerically dominant monosynaptic input is from hΔBs17 (see Supplemental Text). We found that the PFR bump position aligns well with the fly’s traveling direction in flight (Extended Data Fig. 7a–e and Supplemental Video 2) and walking (Extended Data Fig. 7f–o), arguing that the PFR bump can serve as a proxy for the hΔB signal under our experimental conditions. We note that there were consistent, subtle differences between the hΔB and PFR signals (and PFRs receive many more inputs than just from hΔBs) implying that PFRs and hΔBs track different angular variables, although the PFR phase correlated strongly with the fly’s traveling direction here (see Supplemental Text).
First, we inhibited EPG output9 by expressing shibirets, which abolishes synaptic vesicle recycling at high temperatures26, in EPGs. Without EPG input, the PFNd, PFNv, hΔB and PFR bumps should all be untethered from external cues and unable to track the allocentric traveling angle (Fig. 5a). We measured the PFR bump in persistently walking flies where, unlike in flying flies, it was rare to observe large deviations of the hΔB or PFR phase from the angular position of a closed-loop visual cue or the EPG phase (Extended Data Fig. 7f–j). With the EPGs silenced, we still observed a bump in PFRs but its phase did not effectively track the angular position of the closed-loop cue (Fig. 5b–d). Thus, EPG input is indeed necessary for the traveling signal to be yoked to the external world.
Second, we expressed a K+ channel, Kir2.127 in PFNvs, with the aim of tonically inhibiting them and thus decreasing the contribution of the backward-facing PFNv sinusoids/vectors to the traveling-direction computation (Fig. 5e). This perturbation yielded an increase in the phase alignment between the EPG and PFR bumps in tethered, flying flies in the context of no optic flow (Fig. 5f–h), consistent with our model.
Third, we used the two-photon laser to optogenetically activate GtACR1 Cl− channels28,29 in LNO1s30, which are the primary monosynaptic, likely inhibitory (Extended Data Fig. 4), inputs to PFNvs in the noduli17. This perturbation should disinhibit the PFNvs, increasing the amplitudes of their sinusoids, opposite to the previous perturbation (Fig. 5i). This manipulation drove the PFR bump to be ~180° offset from the EPG bump (Fig. 5j–l), consistent with our model.
Finally, we silenced PFNds by perturbing one of their strongest inputs, the SpsPs. There are two SpsP cells per side, each innervating all of the ipsilateral PFNds, and the vast majority of SpsP output synapses (>80%) target PFNds17. Because the tuning of SpsPs to translational optic flow is opposite that of the PFNds, suggesting inhibition (Extended Data Fig. 4d–f), we optogenetically activated SpsPs (with csChrimson31) to reduce the amplitude of the front-facing PFNd sinusoids/vectors. This perturbation drove the PFR bump to be offset by 180°, on average, from the EPG bump (Fig. 5m–p), consistent with this manipulation effectively shortening the two front-facing vectors (Fig. 5m).
Tuning for speed
If the hΔB or PFR bumps were to accurately track the fly’s traveling vector (angle + speed), rather than just the traveling direction, we would expect the amplitude of their sinusoidal activity profiles to scale with speed (Extended Data Figs. 7, 8). Indeed, both the PFRs and hΔBs showed a measurable increase in bump amplitude with faster optic-flow speeds, but this modulation was focused to frontal-travel directions (Extended Data Fig. 8f–i, v–x). Different speed modulation across different travel directions complicates the interpretation of hΔBs as encoding a full traveling-vector, but non-uniform-speed-tuning across traveling directions could get corrected with additional modulation between the hΔBs and putative downstream path integrators.
Do mammalian brains have neurons that are tuned to the animal’s allocentric traveling direction as in Drosophila? Although a defined population of traveling-direction-tuned neurons has yet to be highlighted in mammals32,33, such cells could have been missed because their activity would loosely resemble that of the head-direction cells outside of a task in which the animal is required to sidestep or walk backwards.
Neurons are often modeled as summing their synaptic inputs, but the heading inputs that PFNs receive from the EPG system appear to be multiplied by self-motion (e.g., optic flow) input, resulting in an amplitude or gain modulation. Multiplicative or gain-modulated responses appear in classic computational models for how neurons in area 7a of primate parietal cortex might implement a coordinate transformation1,4,5, alongside similar proposals in mammalian navigation34,35. The Drosophila circuit described here strongly resembles aspects of the classic parietal-cortex models (Extended Data Fig. 9). Units that multiply their inputs are also at the core of the ‘attention’ mechanism used, for example, in machine-based language processing36. Our experimental evidence for input multiplication in a biological network may indicate that real neural circuits have greater potential for computation than is generally appreciated.
We describe a traveling-direction signal and how it is built; related results and conclusions appear in a parallel study37. The mechanisms we describe for calculating the traveling direction are robust to left/right rotations of the head (Supplemental Text and Extended Data Fig. 10) and to the possibility of the allocentric projection vectors being non-orthogonal (Supplemental Text and Extended Data Figs. 4, 5, 6). It is possible that the hΔB traveling signal is compared with a goal-traveling direction to drive turns that keep a fly along a desired trajectory9,10. Augmented with an appropriate speed signal (or if the fly generally travels forward relative to its body), the hΔB signal could also be integrated over time to form a spatial-vector memory via path integration7,25 (see Supplemental Text). There are hundreds more PFNs beyond the 40 PFNds and 20 PFNvs17, and thus the central complex could readily convert other angular variables from egocentric to allocentric coordinates via the algorithm described here. Because many sensory, motor and cognitive processes can be formalized in the language of linear algebra and vector spaces, defining a neuronal circuit for vector computation may open the door to better understanding several previously enigmatic circuits and neuronal-activity patterns across multiple nervous systems.
Fly husbandry
Flies were raised at 25°C with a 12-h light and 12-h dark cycle. In all experiments, we studied female Drosophila melanogaster that were 2–6 days old. Flies were randomly selected for all of experiments. We excluded flies that appeared unhealthy at the time of tethering as well as flies that did not fly longer than 20 s in flight experiments. This meant excluding fewer than 5% of flies for most genotypes. However, in the perturbational experiments shown in Figure 5e–p many flies flew poorly––perhaps because these genotypes all expressed 5–6 transgenes which can affect overall health and flight vigor––and we had to exclude ~70% of flies due to poor tethered flight behavior (i.e., would not maintain continuous flight for > 5 s bouts). The 30% of flies tested in these genotypes flew in bouts that ranged 20 s to many minutes, allowing us to make the necessary EPG/PFR signal comparisons (discussed below). Flies in optogenetic experiments were shielded from green and red light during rearing by placing the fly vials in a box with blue gel filters (Tokyo Blue, Rosco) on the walls. After eclosion, two days or more prior to experiments, we transferred these flies to vials with food that contained 400μM all-trans-retinal.
Cell type acronyms and naming conventions
Each cell type is described in the order of ‘Names in this paper (in hemibrain v1.1 if different)’, ‘Names used in a previous reference30‘, ‘Description of acronym’, ‘References in which cell type is studied or defined’ and ‘Total cell number (in hemibrain v1.1)’, separated by em dash.
EPG -- E-PG -- Ellipsoid body-Protocerebral bridge-Gall -- Lin C, et al39; Wolff T, et al18,30; Seelig J, et al8; Green J, et al11; Turner-Evans D, et al12 – 46
PFR (PFR_a) -- P-F-R -- Protocerebral bridge-Fan shaped body- Fan shaped body-Round body -- Lin C, et al39; Wolff T, et al18,30; Shiozaki H, et al13 – 29
PFNv (PFNv) -- P-FNV -- Protocerebral bridge-Fan shaped body- Nodulus (ventral) -- Lin C, et al39; Wolff T, et al18,30 -- 20
PFNd (PFNd) -- P-FNd -- Protocerebral bridge-Fan shaped body- Nodulus (dorsal) -- Lin C, et al39; Wolff T, et al18,30 -- 40
hΔB (hDeltaB) -- n.a. -- Columnar cell class with lateral projections in layer 3 of the fan-shaped body – n.a. – 19
LNO1 – L-N -- Lateral accessory lobe-Nodulus -- Wolff T, et al30 – 4
LNO2 – n.a. -- Lateral accessory lobe-Nodulus – n.a. – 2
SpsP – Sps-P -- Superior posterior slope- Protocerebral bridge -- Wolff T, et al18,30 – 4
Δ7 (Delta7) – Delta7 -- Skipping 7 glomeruli in the Protocerebral bridge between two output areas -- Lin C, et al39; Wolff T, et al18,30; Turner-Evans D, et al40 – 42
PEN1 (PEN_a) – P-EN1 -- Protocerebral bridge-Ellipsoid body – Nodulus -- Lin C, et al39; Wolff T, et al18,30; Green J, et al11; Turner-Evans D, et al12 -- 20
PEN2 (PEN_b) – P-EN2 -- Protocerebral bridge-Ellipsoid body – Nodulus -- Green J, et al11 -- 22
Fly genotypes
For simultaneous imaging of EPGs and hΔBs:
In Fig. 1 and Extended Data Fig. 1, we used + (Canton S, Heisenberg Laboratory); UAS-sytGCaMP7f /72B05-AD (Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center, BDSC # 70939); 60D05-Gal4 (BDSC #39247)/ VT055827-DBD (BDSC # 71851) flies. We created the sytGCaMP7f construct by linking the GCaMP7f and Drosophila synaptotagmin 1 coding sequences using a 33GS linker. We then used this construct to generate transgenic flies by PhiC31-based integration into attp40 site, performed by BestGene.
For simultaneous imaging of EPGs and PFNds:
In Fig. 3e and Extended Data Figs. 2a–b, 3h (top row), we used +; +; 60D05-LexA (BDSC #52867)/+; LexAop-GCaMP6m, UAS–jRGECO1a (BDSC #44588 & #63794) /47E04-Gal4(BDSC #50311) flies.
For simultaneous imaging of EPGs and PFNvs:
In Fig. 3c–d and Extended Data Figs. 2c–f, 3e (left column), h (middle row), we used +; 60D05-LexA/+; LexAop-GCaMP6m, UAS–jRGECO1a/VT063307-Gal4 (Vienna Drosophila Resource Center, CDRC) flies.
For simultaneous imaging of EPGs and PFRs:
In Fig. 5f–h, we used +; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f (BDSC #44277)/37G12-LexA (BDSC #52765); UAS-Kir2.1 (Leslie Vosshall Laboratory)/VT063307-Gal4 flies and +; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f/37G12-LexA; UAS-Kir2.1/67D09-Gal4 (BDSC #49618) flies for the experimental groups. For the control groups, we used +; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f/37G12-LexA; UAS-Kir2.1/empty-Gal4 (BDSC #68384) flies, +; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f/37G12-LexA; VT063307-Gal4/empty-Gal4 flies, and +; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f/37G12-LexA; 67D09-Gal4/empty-Gal4 flies.
In Fig. 5j–l, we used +; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f /37G12-LexA; UAS-GtACR1-EYFP (Adam Claridge-Chang Laboratory)/VT064880-Gal4 (CDRC) flies and +; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f /37G12-LexA; UAS-GtACR1-EYFP/48A09-Gal4 (BDSC #50342) flies for the experimental groups. For the control groups, we used +; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f/37G12-LexA; UAS-GtACR1-EYFP/empty-Gal4 flies, +; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f/37G12-LexA; VT064880-Gal4/empty-Gal4 flies, and +; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f/37G12-LexA; 48A09-Gal4/empty-Gal4 flies.
In Fig. 5n–p, we used UAS-CsChrimson-mVenus (BDSC #55134)/+; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f/VT019012-AD; VT005534-LexA (Barry Dickson Laboratory)/72C10-DBD (Janelia FlyLight Split-Gal4 Driver Collection, FlyLight SS52267) flies for the experimental groups. For the control groups, we used UAS-CsChrimson-mVenus; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f/empty-LexA (BDSC #77691); VT005534-LexA/empty-Gal4 flies, and + (Canton-S); 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f/ VT019012-AD; VT005534-LexA (Barry Dickson Laboratory)/72C10-DBD flies.
In Extended Data Figs. 1i, j, 7b–e, we used +; UAS-GCaMP7f (BDSC #80906)/+; 60D05-Gal4 /37G12-Gal4 (BDSC #49967) flies.
In Extended Data Fig. 3h (bottom row), we used +; 60D05-LexA/+; LexAop-GCaMP6m, UAS–jRGECO1a/37G12-Gal4 flies.
In Extended Data Fig. 7g–j, we used +; UAS-GCaMP6m (BDSC #42748)/+; 60D05-Gal4 /37G12-Gal4 flies.
In Extended Data Fig. 7l–o, we used UAS-CsChrimson-mVenus/+; 60D05-LexA, LexAop-GCaMP6f/ 26A03-AD; VT005534-LexA/54A05-DBD (FlyLight OL0046B) flies.
For imaging single cell types:
In Fig. 3j–l and Extended Data Figs. 4e–i, n, o, 5g, i, 8a–c, j, k, r, s, we used +; 15E01-AD (BDSC #70558)/+; UAS-GCaMP7f (BDSC #79031)/47E04-DBD (BDSC #70366) flies for PFNds.
In Fig. 3m–o and Extended Data Figs. 4b, c, i, j, k, 5h, i, 8d, e, l, m, t, u, we used +; +; UAS-GCaMP7f/VT066307-Gal4 flies for PFNvs.
In Fig. 3p–r and Extended Data Fig. 5e, f, we used +; +; UAS-GCaMP7f/60D05-Gal4 flies for EPGs.
In Fig. 5b–d, we used pJFRC99–20XUAS-IVS-Syn21-Shibire-ts1-p10 inserted at VK00005 (referred to here as UAS-shibirets) to drive shibirets (Rubin Laboratory). We used +; 37G12-LexA/LexAop-sytGCaMP6s (Vanessa Ruta Laboratory); 60D05-Gal4/UAS- shibirets flies for the experimental group. For the control groups, we used +; 37G12-LexA/LexAop-sytGCaMP6s; 60D05-Gal4/empty-Gal4 flies and +; 37G12-LexA/LexAop-sytGCaMP6s; UAS- shibirets/empty-Gal4 flies.
In Extended Data Fig. 1e, we used +; +/72B05-AD; UAS-GCaMP7f / VT055827-DBD flies for hΔBs.
In Extended Data Figs. 1f, 8f, h, i, n, p, q, v, x, we used +; UAS-sytGCaMP7f /72B05-AD; +/ VT055827-DBD flies for hΔBs.
In Extended Data Fig. 1i, j, we used +; +; UAS-GCaMP6m (BDSC #42750)/60D05-Gal4 flies for EPGs.
In Extended Data Fig. 4b, c, i, l, m, we used +; VT020742-AD /+; UAS-GCaMP7f/VT017270-DBD (FlyLight SS47398) flies for LNO1s.
In Extended Data Fig. 4e, f, i, p, q, we used +; VT019012-AD/+; UAS-GCaMP7f/72C10-DBD (FlyLight SS52267) flies for SpsPs.
In Extended Data Fig. 8g, o, w, we used +; +; UAS-GCaMP7f/37G12-Gal4 flies for PFRs.
Distinguishing PFR subtypes in Gal4 lines
The hemibrain connectome17 defines two subtypes of PFR cells18: PFR_a cells and PFR_b cells, which differ in the details of their projections and connectivity in the fan-shaped body. Both PFR_as and PFR_bs are columnar cells that project from the protocerebral bridge to the fan-shaped body. Based on the connectome17, PFR_as and PFR_bs that innervate 4 of the bridge glomeruli project to the fan-shaped body in the same way and PFR_as and PFR_bs that innervate 12 other bridge glomeruli project to the fan-shaped body in a slightly different way. We used this fact to interrogate the MultiColor Flip-Out (MCFO) single-cell anatomical data set41 from the FlyLight Generation 1 MCFO Collection to quantify the ratio of each PFR subtype in the two Gal4 driver lines that we used for targeting transgenes to PFRs. For driver line 37G12, we found 10 out of 13 cells in the MCFO data had an innervation pattern that is consistent with PFR_a but not PFR_b and the innervation patterns of the other 3 cells were indistinguishable between the two subtypes. For driver line VT005534, we found 2 out of 3 cells in the MCFO data were consistent with them being PFR_as and not PFR_bs and the third cell had an anatomy that did not allow us to distinguish between subtypes. We observed no cell whose projection pattern matched PFR_b but not PFR_a. These results argue that the majority of the PFR cells targeted by the two Gal4 driver lines we used are PFR_a cells.
Fly preparation and behavioral setup
As described previously, we glued flies to a custom stage for imaging during flight21 and to a slightly different custom stage––which allows for more emission light to be collected by the objective––for imaging during walking11. Dissection and imaging protocols followed previous studies11. For tethered flight experiments, each fly was illuminated with 850 nm LEDs with two fiber optics from behind21. A Prosilica GE680 camera attached to a fixed-focus Infinistix lens (94-mm working distance, 1.0× magnification, Infinity) imaged the fly’s wing-stroke envelope at 80–100 Hz. The lens also held an OD4 875-nm shortpass filter (Edmund Optics) to block the two-photon excitation laser (925 nm). This camera was connected to a computer that tracked the fly’s left and right wing beat amplitude with custom software developed by Andrew Straw (https://github.com/motmot/strokelitude)21. Two analog voltages were output in real time by this software and the difference between the left and right wingbeat amplitude was used to control the angular position of the bright dot on the LED arena in closed-loop experiments (described below). For tethered walking experiments we followed protocols described previously11.
LED arena and visual stimuli
We used a cylindrical LED arena display system42 with blue (465 nm) LEDs (BM-10B88MD, Betlux Electronics). The arena was 81° high and wrapped around 270° of the azimuth, with each pixel subtending ~1.875°. To minimize blue light from the LEDs inducing noise in the microscope’s photomultiplier tubes, we reduced the LED intensities, over most of the arena, by covering the LEDs with five sheets of blue gel (Tokyo Blue, Rosco). Over the 16 pixels at the very top of the arena (top ~30°), we only placed two gel sheets, so that the closed-loop dot at the top of the arena was brighter than the optic flow dots at the bottom, which may have helped to promote that the fly interpret the bright blue dot as a celestial cue (like the sun) and the optic-flow at the bottom as ground or side motion. During flight experiments, we held the arena in a ~66° pitched-back position, so that the LED vertical and horizontal axes matched the major ommatidial axes of the eye24. During walking experiments, we typically presented a tall vertical bar––rather than a small dot––in closed loop and we tilted the arena by only ~30° because the ball physically occludes the ventral visual field and a shallower arena tilt made it more likely that the fly could see the closed-loop stimulus over all 270° of the azimuthal positions that it could take.
We adapted past approaches for generating optic flow (starfield) stimuli23,24. In brief, we populated a virtual 3D world with forty-five, randomly positioned spheres (2.3-cm diameter) per cubic meter. The spheres were bright on a dark background. We only rendered spheres that were within two meters of the fly because spheres further away contributed only minimally to the observed motion and, if rendered, would have overpopulated the visual field with bright pixels. We then calculated the angular projection of each sphere onto the fly’s head and used this projection to determine the pattern to display on the LED arena on each frame. To prevent the size of each sphere from being infinitely large as it approached the fly, we limited each sphere’s diameter on the arena to be no larger than 7.5°. The starfield extended from 4 pixels (~8°) above to 20 pixels (~40°) below the arena’s midline. In all experiments that employed open-loop optic flow (Figs. 1, 3j–r and Extended Data Figs. 1e–m, 2e–f, 4b–i, 5, 7b–e, 8), the optic-flow position was updated at a frame rate of 25 Hz. (Note that the LED refresh rate was at least 372 Hz42.) To simulate the optic flow that a fly would experience when it is translating through 3D space, we moved a virtual fly in the desired direction(s) through the virtual world and displayed the resultant optic flow pattern on the arena. We used a translation speed of 35 cm/s in all experiments, except those in Extended Data Figures 7 and 8 where we tested multiple speeds as indicated (ranging from 8.75 to 70 cm/s). Although we report on the translation speed of the virtual fly in metric units, the optic flow experienced by insects translating at 35 cm/s will vary dramatically depending on the clutter of the local environment. We believe that the optic flow stimuli we presented in our study are potentially in an ethologically relevant range because (1) our virtual fly translated at speeds that bracket observed flight speeds in natural environments43–45 and (2) optic-flow sensitive cells reported on here responded with progressively increasing activity to the presented stimuli/speeds rather than immediately saturating or showing no detectable responses (e.g., Extended Data Fig. 8). That said, our stimuli simulated a dense visual environment and it will be important to test our results in the context of reduced visual clutter in future work.
In flight experiments with a closed-loop dot (Figs. 1, 3c–e and Extended Data Figs. 1g–m, 2, 3e, h, 4b–f, i, 7b–e), the dot subtended 3.75° by 3.75° and was located ~34° above the arena’s midline. We used the difference of the left and right wingbeat amplitudes (L–R WBA) to control the azimuthal velocity of the bright dot on the LED arena. That is, when the right wingbeat amplitude is smaller than the left wingbeat amplitude (indicating that the fly is attempting to turn to the right), the dot rotated to the left, and vice versa. The negative-feedback closed-loop gain was set to 7.3°/s per degree change in L–R WBA. In initial experiments we set the gain to 5.5°/s and we have lumped those data in with the data at 7.3°/s in Fig. 1f and Extended Data Fig. 1g–m because we did not observe obvious differences in any of our analyses. In closed-loop walking experiments with a visual stimulus (Fig. 5b–d and Extended Data Fig. 7f–o), the bright bar was 11.25° wide and spanned the entire height of the arena. We directly linked the azimuthal position of the bright bar on the LED arena to the azimuthal position of the ball under the fly using Fictrac11,46, as described previously. This closed-loop set up mimics the visual experience of a fly with a bright cue at visual infinity, like the sun. We did not provide translational stimuli in closed loop in this paper.
Calcium imaging
We used a two-photon microscope with a movable objective (Ultima IV, Bruker). The two-photon laser (Chameleon Ultra II Ti:Sapphire, Coherent) was tuned to 1000–1010 nm for simultaneous imaging of GCaMP6m and jRGECO1a (Fig. 3c–e and Extended Data Fig. 2), and was otherwise tuned to 925 nm in all of the other imaging experiments. We used a 40x/0.8 NA objective (Olympus) or 16x/0.8 NA objective (Nikon) for all imaging experiments. The laser intensity at the back aperture was 30–40mW for walking experiments and 40–80mW for flight experiments. Because of light loss through the objective and the fact that the platform to which the fly was attached blocks ~half the light from reaching the fly, we estimate an illumination intensity, at the fly, of ~16–32mW for flight experiments. In walking experiments, the platform to which we attach the fly blocks less light and we expect an illumination intensity, at the fly, of ~24–32mW. A 575 nm dichroic split the emission light. A 490–560nm bandpass filter (Chroma) was used for the green channel PMT and a 590–650nm bandpass filter (Chroma) was used for the red channel PMT. We recorded all imaging data using three to five z-slices, with a Piezo objective mover (Bruker Ext. Range Piezo), at a volumetric rate of 4–10 Hz. We perfused the brain with extracellular saline composed of (in mM) 103 NaCl, 3 KCl, 5 N-Tris(hydroxymethyl) methyl-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid (TES), 10 trehalose, 10 glucose, 2 sucrose, 26 NaHCO3, 1 NaH2PO4, 1.5 CaCl2, 4 MgCl2, and bubbled with 95% O2/5% CO2. The saline had a pH of ~7.3 and an osmolarity of ~280 mOsm. We controlled the temperature of the bath by flowing the saline through a Peltier device and measured the temperature of the bath with a thermistor (Warner Instruments, CL-100).
Optogenetic stimulation
In the optogenetic experiments in Fig. 5j–l, we used the two-photon laser tuned to 925 nm to excite GtACR1, with the same scanning light being used to excite GCaMP. To excite CsChrimson in the optogenetic experiments in Fig. 5n–p and Extended Data Fig. 7k–o), we focused 617nm laser (M617F2, Thorlabs) on to the front, middle of the fly’s head with a custom lens set (M15L01 and MAP10100100-A, Thorlabs). We placed two bandpass filters (et620/60m, Chroma) in the two-photon microscope’s emission path to minimize any of the optogenetic light being measured by the photomultiplier tubes. In flight experiments (Fig. 5n–p), we used pulse-width modulation at 490Hz (Arduino Mega board) with a duty cycle of 0.8 to change the 617 nm laser’s intensity. We measured the laser’s intensity at the fly’s head to be 20.8 μW. In the experiments where we triggered backward walking via activation of csChrimson (Extended Data Fig. 7k–o) in lobula columnar neurons, the duty cycle of the red light was 0.7 and the effective light intensity was 18.2 μW.
In Fig. 5j–l, for two main reasons, rather than directly exciting PFNvs, we optogenetically inhibited the LNO1 inputs to PFNvs. First, [Ca2+] imaging revealed opposite responses to our optic flow stimuli in the two cell types (Extended Data Fig. 4a–c), as mentioned earlier, arguing for a sign-inverting synapse between them. Second, we tried optogenetically activating the PFNvs directly (data not shown), which yielded more variable movements of the PFR bump. We believe that stimulating LNO1s yielded more consistent effects on the PFR bump because there are only two LNO1s per side and they synapse uniformly on all PFNvs within a tiny neuropil (the second layer of the nodulus) on their side17. The majority of LNO1’s synaptic output goes to PFNvs in the nodulus, with each LNO1 cell on average forming ~655 synapses on PFNvs17. Stimulating GtACR1 in a small volume likely made homogeneous activation of the PFNv population more feasible.
Similarly, in Fig. 5m–p, rather than directly silencing PFNds, we optogenetically excited SpsPs to inhibit PFNds. Exciting SpsPs was likely to be an effective way to inhibit PFNds for two reasons. First, [Ca2+] imaging revealed sign-inverted responses to our optic-flow stimuli in the two cell types (Extended Data Fig. 4d–h), arguing for sign-inverting synapses existing between them. Second, ~80% of SpsP synapses are to PFNds in the bridge, with each SpsP cell on forming ~563 synapses on PFNds17, on average. Also, stimulating Chrimson in four copies of SpsP cells likely makes homogeneous inhibition of the PFNd population more feasible than via direct optogenetic inhibition of the PFNds (where some PFNds might get more inhibited than others depending on expression level of the opsin and light delivery details).
Dissection of fly brains, fixation and staining of neuropil and neurons was performed as previously described11. For primary antibodies, we used mouse anti-Brp (nc82, DSHB) at 1:10 and chicken anti-GFP (Rockland, 600–901-215) at 1:1000. For secondary antibodies, we used Alexa Fluor 488 goat anti-chicken (A11039, Invitrogen) at 1:800 and Alexa Fluor 633 goat anti-mouse (A21052, Invitrogen) at 1:400.
Data analysis
Data acquisition and alignment
All data were digitized by a Digidata 1440 (Molecular Devices) at 10kHz, except for the two-photon images which were acquired using PrairieView (Bruker) at varying frequencies and saved as tiff files for later analysis. We used the frame triggers associated our imaging frames (from Prairie View), recorded on the Digidata 1440, to carefully align behavioral measurements with [Ca2+] imaging measurements.
Experimental Structure
For Fig. 1d–f and Extended Data Fig. 1g–m, each fly performed tethered flight while in control of a bright dot in closed loop. Each recording was split into two segments, where we first presented a static starfield for 90 s and followed by progressive optic flow for 90 s.
For Fig. 1g–i, we presented each fly with a closed-loop dot throughout. We presented four blocks of six translational optic-flow stimuli (six translational plus two rotational) per block, shown in a pseudorandom order. Each 4 s optic flow stimulus was preceded and followed by 4 s of optic flow that mimics forward travel, which ensured that the EPG and hΔB (or PFR) bumps were aligned––for a stable “baseline”––before and after each tested optic flow stimulus. We presented 4 s of a static starfield between each repetition of the above three patterns. We employed the same protocol for Extended Data Fig. 7b, c and d–e (35cm/s column), but we presented two yaw-rotation optic flow stimuli to each block, whose data we did not analyze for this paper.
For Fig. 3c–e and Extended Data Figs. 2a–d, 3e, h, each fly was presented with a closed-loop dot and static starfield throughout the recording. Recording durations ranged from 1–4 min.
For Fig. 3j–r and Extended Data Figs. 4e–h (PFNd rows), i (PFNds in the noduli, PFNds and PFNvs in the bridge), 5, 8, we did not have a closed-loop dot. We presented four blocks of 24 stimuli (6 translational directions at 4 different speeds) per block, shown in a pseudorandom order. Each stimulus was preceded by 1.2-s of a static starfield, followed by 4 s of optic flow at different directions, and ending with a 1.2-s static starfield.
For Fig. 5b–d, each fly was presented with a tall bright bar in closed-loop throughout. EPG > Shibirets flies experienced both 25°C and 34°C trials in these experiments and we waited ~5 min after the bath temperature reached 34°C before imaging in the EPG silenced condition so as to increase the likelihood of thorough vesicle depletion. Recording durations ranged from 6–8 min.
For Fig. 5f–h, j–l, flies performed tethered flight in the context of a dark (unlit) visual display. We recorded data for ~1–4 min and if the fly was flying robustly, we collected a second data set from the same fly.
For Fig. 5n–p, flies performed tethered flight in the context of a dark (unlit) visual display. We recorded data for 2–6 min. and if the fly was flying robustly, we collected a second data set from the same fly. We presented 12 s red light pulses to activate csChrimson every ~20 s.
For Extended Data Figs. 1e, f, 4b, c, e–f (SpsP rows) and i (PFNvs in the noduli, SpsPs and LNO1s), we presented each fly with a closed-loop dot throughout. We presented four blocks of eight optic-flow stimuli (six translational plus two rotational) per block, shown in a pseudorandom order. Each optic flow stimulus was preceded by 4-s of a static starfield, followed by 4-s of optic flow at different directions, and ending with a 4-s of static starfield.
For Extended Data Fig. 1d was presented with a tall bright bar in closed-loop for the second 2.5 min. of the recording. We recorded data for 5 min., with up to three 5-min. data sets collected per fly.
For Extended Data Figs. 1n–p and 4j–q, each fly was walking in the dark. We recorded data for 5–10 min., with up to three 10-min. data sets collected per fly.
For Extended Data Fig. 2e–f, we presented each fly with a closed-loop dot throughout. We presented four blocks of 3 translational optic-flow per block, shown in a pseudorandom order. Each stimulus was preceded by 1.2-s of a static starfield and 4 s of translational optic flow simulating forward travel, followed by 4 s of optic flow at different directions, and ending with a 4 s of optic flow simulating forward travel.
For Extended Data Fig. 7d and e (17.5cm/s and 70cm/s columns), we presented each fly with a closed-loop dot throughout. We presented three blocks of 18 stimuli per block (6 translational directions at 3 different speeds), shown in a pseudorandom order. Each stimulus was preceded by 1.2-s of a static starfield and 4 s of translational optic flow simulating forward travel, followed by 4 s of optic flow at different directions, and ending with a 4 s of optic flow simulating forward travel.
For Extended Data Fig. 7f–j, each fly was presented with a tall bright bar in closed-loop for the first 5 min. of the recording and was walking in the dark for the second 5 min. of the recording. We recorded data for 10 min., with up to three 10-min. data sets collected per fly.
For Extended Data Fig. 7k–o, each fly was presented with a tall bright bar in closed-loop throughout. We recorded data for 7–10 min., with up to 3 data sets collected per fly. We presented 4 s red light pulses to activate csChrimson every 1–3 min.
Image registration
Before quantifying fluorescence intensities, imaging frames were registered in Python by translating each frame in the x and y plane to best match the time-averaged frame for each z-plane. Multiple recordings from the same fly were registered to the same time-averaged template if the positional shift between recordings was small.
Defining regions of interest
To analyze calcium imaging data, we defined regions of interest (ROIs) in Fiji and Python for each glomerulus (protocerebral bridge), wedge (ellipsoid body) or column (fan shaped body). For the bridge data, we defined ROIs by manually delineating each glomerulus from the registered time-averaged image of each z-plane (Fig. 2 and Extended Data Figs. 2, 3, 4e-h PFNd row, i PFNds and PFNvs in the bridge, j-k, n-o, 5, 8a-e, j-m, r-u), as described previously11. Because single SpsP neurons innervate the entire left or right side of the protocerebral bridge (Extended Data Fig. 4e, f (SpsP row), p-q), when imaging them we treated the entire left bridge as one ROI and the entire right bridge as another. When imaging PFNs or LNO1s in the noduli (Extended Data Fig. 4b–c, i, l–m), we treated the entire left nodulus as one ROI and the entire right nodulus as another.
For ellipsoid body imaging (Figs. 1, 5 and Extended Data Figs. 1, 7), we defined ROIs by first outlining the region of each z-slice that corresponded to the ellipsoid body. We then radially subdivided the ellipsoid body into 16 equal wedges radiating from a manually defined center, as describe previously8. For fan-shaped body imaging (Figs. 1, 5 and Extended Data Figs. 1, 7, 8f–i, n–q, v–x), we defined ROIs by first outlining the region in each z-slice that corresponded to the fan-shaped body. We then defined two boundary lines delineating the left and right edges of the fan-shaped body. When these two edge lines were extended down, they met at an intersection point beneath the fan-shaped body. We subdivided the angle generated by thus intersecting the two fan-shaped body edges––which corresponds to the overall angular width of the fan-shaped body region––into 16, equally spaced, angular subdivisions radiating from the intersection point. We assigned pixels to one of the sixteen fan-shaped body columns based on the pixel needing to (1) reside in the overall fan-shaped region and (2) reside in the radiating angular region associated with the column of interest.
Calculating fluorescence intensities
We used ROIs, defined above, as the unit for calculating fluorescent intensities (see above). If pixels from multiple z-planes corresponded to the same ROI (e.g., the same column in the fan-shaped body), as defined above, then we grouped pixels from the multiple z-planes together for generating single fluorescence signal for that ROI. For each ROI, we calculated the mean pixel value at each time point and then used three different methods for normalization. We call the first method (Figs. 3d–e, j–r and Extended Data Figs. 1e–f (phase-nulled bump shape), 3, 4i PFNds and PFNds in the bridge, j, l, n, p, 5, 8), where was defined as the mean of the lowest 5% of raw fluorescence values in a given ROI over time and was defined as . We call the second method normalized (Figs. 1, 3c, 5, and Extended Data Figs. 1e–f heatmap, g-p, 2, 7), which uses this equation: , where was still the mean of the lowest 5% of raw fluorescence values in a given ROI over time and was defined as the mean of the top 3% of raw values in a given ROI over time. This metric normalizes the fluorescence intensity of each glomerulus, wedge or column ROI to its own minimum and maximum and makes the assumption that each column, wedge or glomerulus has the same dynamic range as the others in the structure, with intensity differences arising from technical variation in the expression of indicator or from the number of cells expressing indicator within a column or wedge. We used this method to estimate the phase of heading/traveling signals where it seemed reasonable to make the above assumption for accurately estimating the phase of a bump in a structure. We call the third method z-score normalized (Extended Data Figs. 4b–h, i, signals in the noduli and SpsPs, k, m, o, q) where we show how many standard deviations each time point’s signal is away from the mean. We calculated the signal as and then we z-normalized the signal. We used this method to estimate the asymmetry of neural responses to optic flow in the bridge or noduli, where it seemed sensible to normalize the baseline asymmetry (when there are no visual stimuli) to zero. Importantly, none of the conclusions presented in this paper rely on the normalization method used for visualizing and analyzing the data.
Calculating the phase of bumps and aligning phase across structures
To calculate the phase of the joint movement of the calcium bumps in the left and right protocerebral bridge, we first converted the raw bridge signal into a 16-to-18-point vector, with each glomerulus’ signal normalized as described above. Then, for each time point, we took a Fourier transform of this vector and used the phase at a period of 8 glomeruli to define the phase of the bumps, as previously described11. To calculate phase of the EPG bump in the ellipsoid body, we computed the population vector average of the 16-point activity vector, as previously described8. To calculate the phase of the hΔB and PFR bumps in the fan-shaped body, we computed the population vector average like in the ellipsoid body, using the following mapping of fan-shaped body columns to ellipsoid body wedges. The leftmost column in the fan-shaped body corresponded to the wedge at the very bottom of the ellipsoid body, just to the left of the vertical bisecting line; the rightmost column in fan-shaped body corresponded to the wedge at the very bottom of the ellipsoid body, just to the right of the vertical bisecting line. We then numbered the fan-shaped body columns 1 to 16, from left to right, just like we numbered the ellipsoid body wedges clockwise around that structure8. This mapping is meant to match the expected mapping of signals from anatomy, described previously18, and as further discussed immediately below.
To align the EPG phase in the ellipsoid body with the hΔB phase or the PFR phase in the fan-shaped body, we used the approach just described (Figs. 1, 5, and Extended Data Figs. 1, 7). To align the EPG and PFNd and PFNv phase signals in the protocerebral bridge (Fig. 3c–e, and Extended Data Figs. 2, 3), we used the fact that these neuron populations commonly innervate 14/18 glomeruli in the protocerebral bridge, which allows for an obvious alignment anchor, as done previously11. To calculate the offset between the phase of neural bumps and the angular position of a cue (bright bar or dot) rotating in angular closed loop on our visual display, we computed the circular mean of the difference between the neural phase and the cue angle during the time points when the cue was visible to the fly. We used this difference to provide a constant (non-time-varying) offset to the neural phase signal such that the difference between the phase and cue angles was minimized across the whole measurement window of relevance. This approach is needed because of the past finding that phase signals in the central complex have variable offset angles to the angular position of cues in the external world across flies (and sometimes across time within a fly)8,11. To calculate the phase offset between neural bump position and visual cue angle, we did not analyze time points when the fly was not flying in all of our flight experiments (Figs. 1–5, and Extended Data Figs. 1–5, 7, 8 except panels h, p, x) nor did we analyze time points when the fly was standing in walking experiments (Fig. 5c, d and Extended Data Fig. 1o, p). For a fly to be detected as standing, the forward speed needed to be less than 2 mm/s, the sideslip speed less than 2 mm/s, and the turning speed less than 30 °/s. We also excluded the first 10 s of each period in Figure 1f to minimize the impact of a changing visual stimulus on the offset estimate.
Comparing data acquired at different sampling rates or with a time lag
When comparing two-photon imaging data (collected at ~5–10 Hz) and behavioral (flight turns or ball walking) data (collected at 50–100 Hz) for the same fly, we subsampled the behavioral data to the imaging frame rate by computing the mean of behavioral signals during the time window in which each imaging data point was collected (Figs. 1f, 5b–d and Extended Data Figs. 1g–j, 4j–q, 7m–o), as previously described11.
Although we collected both the EPG signal in the ellipsoid body and the hΔB (or PFR) signal in the fan-shaped body at the same frame rate, the precise time points in which these two signals were sampled were slightly different because the piezo drive that moves the objective had to travel from the higher fan-shaped body z-levels to the lower ellipsoid body z-levels. Importantly, each z-slice in a such volumetric time series was associated with its own trigger time and we could use this fact to more accurately align the fan-shaped body and ellipsoid body phase signals to each other. Specifically, when comparing EPG and hΔB (or PFR) bump positions over time, we first created a common 10 Hz (100 ms interval) time base. We then assigned phase estimates from the two structures/cell-types to this common time base by linearly interpolating each time series (using its specific z-slice triggers) and we used these interpolated time points, on the common time base, for calculating the phase differences between EPGs and hΔBs, or EPGs and PFRs (Fig. 1g–i, and Extended Data Figs. 1p, 7c–e, m–o). For the histograms and other analyses in Figures 1g, 5g, h, k, l, o, p, and Extended Data Figs. 1l, m, n–p, 7g–j, we simply subtracted the EPG phase and the hΔB phase or the PFR phase measured in each frame, without temporal interpolation. None of our conclusions are altered if we change the interpolation interval or do not interpolate.
Sideslip and backward walking analysis
In Extended Data Fig. 1n–p, we detected time segments where flies walked in three different, broad traveling directions (forward, rightward, and leftward). Forward-walking segments were defined by the flies having a forward velocity between +3 to +10 mm/s and a sideslip velocity between −2 to +2 mm/s. Sideward walking segments were defined by the flies having a forward walking velocity between +2 to −10 mm/s and a sideslip velocity between 3 to 10 mm/s to the relevant side.
We expressed CsChrimson in a group of lobula columnar neurons, LC16, whose activation with red light has been shown to induce flies to walk backward (Extended Data Fig. 7k–o, more details in ‘Optogenetic stimulation’)47. Consistent with previous studies in free walking flies47, we also observed variable backward walking behaviors mixed with sideward walking and turning in our tethered preparation. To test whether the PFR phase separates from the EPG phase when a fly walks backward, we analyzed optogenetic activation trials based on the following three criteria being met. First, the backward walking speed needed to be larger than 6 mm/s. Second, the duration of continuous backward walking (defined by backward walking speed being above 0.5 mm/s) needed to be longer than 1 s. Third, during the backward walking period, the sideward walking velocity needed to be biased toward one direction; the fraction of optogenetic trials in which the sideward velocity was clearly either positive or negative exceeded 80%. We included this third criterion so that we could split optogenetic trials into those where the PFR phase should have moved to the right and those in which it should have moved to the left in the fan-shaped body (Extended Data Fig. 7k–o).
Phase nulling
To compute the time-averaged shape of the bump in PFNs and EPGs, we followed previous methods11. In brief, we (1) computationally rotated each frame by the estimated phase of the bump on that frame, such that the bump peak was at the same location on all frames and then (2) averaged together the signal from all frames to get an averaged bump, whose shape we could analyze via fits to sinusoids (Fig. 3 and Extended Data Figs. 3, 5, 8a). In this phase nulling process, we first interpolated the GCaMP signal from each frame to 1/10 of a glomerulus, column, or wedge with a cubic spline. We then shifted this interpolated signal by the phase angle calculated for that frame. In both the ellipsoid body and fan-shaped body (Extended Data Fig. 1e, f), we performed a circular shift, such the signals wrapped around the edges of the fan-shaped body. In the protocerebral bridge, we performed this circular shift independently for the left and right bridge. For the protocerebral bridge data, we subsampled the spatially interpolated GCaMP signal back to a 16-glomerulus vector before plotting the data (Fig. 3 and Extended Data Figs. 3, 5, 8a) so as to more accurately reflect, in our averaged signals, what the actual signal in the brain looked like.
To compute the cell-averaged shape of the EPG-to-Δ7 synapse number across the glomeruli of the bridge in Extended Data Figure 3, we followed a similar protocol to the one described above for the imaging data. We treated the EPG-to-Δ7 synapse number profile of each Δ7 cell as the equivalent of one imaging frame, with the synapse number of each glomerulus the equivalent of the fluorescence intensity of a single glomerulus from that frame. The rest of the steps—calculating phase, interpolation, shifting, averaging and subsampling—are the same as those described above.
Statistics and Reproducibility
We performed unpaired two-tailed t-tests (Fig. 5d, h, Extended Data Fig. 1h, i, l, m, 7d, 7j) and Watson-Williams multi-sample tests (two-tailed, Fig. 5l, p, Extended Data Fig. 1p, 2g, 7i, o). See the related Figures and captions for details. All experiments discussed in the paper were conducted once at the conditions shown; no experimental replicate was excluded. For most experiments, data across multiple days were collected and the data across days were consistent. In immunohistochemistry plots (Extended Data Fig. 1a–c), two brains were imaged, but only one is shown. Both imaged brains showed the same qualitative pattern of staining. Note also the fly exclusion criteria described in Fly Husbandry.
In Figure 5d, p values are 2.7e-5, 6.2e-6 and 1.5e-4 comparing 4th column (from left) with 1st, 2nd and 3rd columns, respectively. P values are 1.6e-6, 2.4e-7 and 1.3e-5 comparing 7th column (from left) with 1st, 5th and 6th columns, respectively. In Figure 5h, p values are 1.1e-7 and 9.9e-8 comparing 3rd column (from left) with 1st and 2nd columns, respectively. P values are 1.5e-5 and 6.9e-6 comparing 5th column (from left) with 1st, and 4th columns, respectively. In Figure 5l, p values are 7.0e-8 and 2.8e-8 comparing 3rd column (from left) with 1st and 2nd columns, respectively. P values are 4.0e-4 and 2.5e-4 comparing 5th column (from left) with 1st, and 4th columns, respectively. In Figure 5p, p values are 2.0e-6 and 6.6e-4 comparing 3rd column (from left) with 1st and 2nd columns, respectively.
For Fig. 1i, to test if the hΔB bump tracks the allocentric traveling direction (data fall on the diagonal line) better than tracking the allocentric heading direction (data fall on the horizonal line at zero), we calculated the mean circular squared difference between the data and the diagonal line versus the data and the horizontal line at zero. The result was 106 deg2 for the diagonal line and 11807 deg2 for the horizontal line at zero, demonstrating that the hΔB bump tracks the fly’s allocentric traveling direction better than the allocentric heading direction.
All the sinusoidal fits throughout the paper had three free parameters: baseline, amplitude and phase.
For fitting sinusoids to the activity bumps shown in Fig. 3d, e and Extended Data Fig. 3h, the left- and right-bridge data were fit to sinusoids separately because their amplitudes could vary independently. The period of each sinusoidal fit was 8 glomeruli, with the 1st and 9th glomeruli set to the same value (Extended Data Fig. 5). Reduced χ2 tests were performed to test goodness of the fit. χ2 values per degrees of freedom ranged between 0.17 to 0.83 for all PFN fits, between 0.05 to 0.13 for all PFR fits, and between 0.24 to 1.91 for all EPG fits. The corresponding p values ranged between 0.53 and 0.98 for all PFN fits, between 0.98 to 0.99 for all PFR fits, and between 0.08 to 0.95 for all EPG fits. These fit results mean that we cannot reject the hypothesis that the data are draws from an underlying sinusoidal distribution of activity.
For fitting sinusoids to the tuning curves in Fig. 3k, l, n, o, q, r, chi-squared per degrees of freedom were between 0.15 to 1.20 giving p values between 0.31 and 0.93. Again, the hypothesis that these data are generated by a sinusoidal distribution cannot be rejected. Although the EPG amplitude-tuning-curves to optic flow (Fig. 3q and r) fit well to sinusoids, the amplitude parameters of the fits were very small compared to the baseline parameters. For Fig. 3q, the amplitude and baseline parameters were 0.040 and 0.73 (unit: ), respectively. For Fig. 3r, the amplitude and baseline parameters were 0.024 and 0.76 (unit: ), respectively. By contrast, for the PFN signals in Figure 3k, l, n, o, the amplitude parameters were 0.69, 0.69, 0.30 and 0.33 and the baseline parameters were 0.90, 0.90, 0.43 and 0.42, respectively. We thus conclude that the PFNv and PFNd sinusoidal activity patterns in the bridge are strongly modulated by optic flow, whereas the EPG activity pattern is very weakly modulated by optic flow.
The data points in Fig. 3d, e, k, l, n, o, q, r, and Extended Data Fig. 3h, were fit to sinusoids using the method of variance-weighted least-squares. All other fits to sinusoids used the method of least-squares.
For Extended Data Fig. 7d, the null hypothesis is that the PFR bump tracks the allocentric traveling direction (data fall on the diagonal line) equally well than tracking the allocentric heading direction (data fall on the horizonal line at zero). We calculated the mean circular squared difference between the data and the diagonal line versus the data and the horizontal line at zero for the 35cm/s column. The result is 549 deg2 for the diagonal line and 7710 deg2 for the horizontal line at zero. Thus, the PFR bump tracks the fly’s allocentric traveling direction better than the allocentric heading direction in these experiments.
We constructed a model, based heavily on the data, to test whether the observed PFN activity profiles could provide summed input to hΔB neurons that would induce the hΔB bump of activity to indicate the fly’s traveling angle. Neurons in the model are labeled by an angle that indicates their position along the fan-shaped body. In reality, this angle takes discrete values corresponding to the columns of the fan-shaped body but, to simplify the notation, we use a continuous label here. The fly’s allocentric heading angle is denoted by .
The data argue that the PFN activity profiles in the bridge have a sinusoidal shape (Fig. 3d, e, Extended Data Fig. 3) with phases locked to the phase of the EPG bumps (Extended Data Fig. 2), and that the projections of the PFNs from the bridge to the fan-shaped body result in anatomically shifted inputs to the hΔB cells (Fig. 3f–i, Extended Data Fig. 6). The phase of the EPG bump tracks the inverse of the fly’s heading angle, , meaning that when the fly turns clockwise, for example, the bump rotates counterclockwise (when looking at the ellipsoid body from the rear). (To make things hopefully less confusing with regard to this minus sign, we flipped the orientation of the horizontal axis in some of our figures.) On the basis of these observations, we model the PFN activity profiles in the fan-shaped body as
where refers to right-bridge PFNd, left-bridge PFNd, right-bridge PFNv, and left-bridge PFNv, and and are parameters reflecting amplitude-dependent and amplitude-independent offsets (i.e., mean levels) of the sinusoidal activity patterns (Extended Data Fig. 8). is the amplitude of the sinusoid for PFN , which depends on the egocentric traveling angle (i.e., simulated optic flow; Fig. 3j–o. The angles are the shifts in the PFN projections from the bridge to the hΔBs (Fig. 3f–i, Extended Data Fig. 6). The total input to the hΔBs, which we call , is given by the sum of the PFN activities weighted by factors that reflect the strengths of the PFN connections to the hΔBs,
The hΔB bump will appear at the value of for which this summed input is maximal, which occurs at
The prediction of the model is that this angle should be equal to the negative of the allocentric traveling angle. Many of the model’s parameters do not appear in this expression, and the overall scale of the values for the different PFNs cancels in the above ratio. We obtained the amplitude factors, , directly from the data. For this purpose, we could use the amplitudes measured in the protocerebral bridge (Fig. 3j–o) with good results, but we chose instead to use the measurements from the noduli (Extended Data Fig. 4a–h), which is the site of the sensory input that drives the amplitude modulation of the PFNs. Although the noduli do not have a columnar structure and thus can only provide a measure of mean activity for a given PFN type, we took advantage of the fact that the mean and amplitude of the PFN sinusoids in the bridge show virtually identical modulation (Extended Data Fig. 8) to infer the amplitudes . As mentioned in the text, we divided the measured amplitudes by their averages across all the measured simulated motion directions for each PFN type to correct for possible expression and imaging differences.
We set the remaining parameters in the above expression for in two ways (both results are shown in Fig. 4e). First, we assumed that the four values of were the same, meaning equal weighting of the four PFN types, and we took the angles to be 45°, −45°, −135° and 135°. This resulted in a ‘fit’ to the data that involves assumptions, but no free parameters (Fig. 4e, red circles). To avoid these assumptions, we also used values of these two sets of parameters extracted from a connectome-based analysis17 (Extended Data Fig. 6). On average, right (left) PFNds make 257.3 (260.7) synapse onto the ‘axonal’ region of the hΔBs and 164.4 (162.7) onto the ‘dendritic’ region. Because these regions are 180° apart, implying a subtraction of sinusoidal signals, we took the strengths of these inputs to be and . Right (left) PFNvs synapse onto the ‘dendritic’ regions with, on average, 67.0 and 74.3 synapses, and we used these numbers as the values of and . This assumes that there is no appreciable attenuation between the dendritic and axonal regions of the hΔBs. The angles , up to an overall rotation which we chose to bring these angles in approximate alignment with the set of angles used above, were extracted from the hemibrain data by the procedure shown in Extended Data Fig. 6 and were taken to be 44.5°, −41.5°, −131.5° and 136.5°. This generated the second set of model results shown in Fig. 4e (green diamonds).
Extended Data
Supplementary Material
We thank the labs of V. Ruta, B. Dickson and L. Vosshall labs for fly stocks and members of the Maimon laboratory, especially P. Mussells-Pires, for helpful discussions. We thank Rachel Wilson and Jenny Lu for sharing the hypothesis that the hΔBs may be the locus for the four-vector integration process rather than PFRs, given anatomical considerations. We thank A. Rizvi and S. Lewallen for helpful comments on the manuscript. We thank J. Green and A. Adachi for recombinant stocks and A. Adachi for initial anatomical characterization of some of the cell types and driver lines, which made this study progress faster than otherwise possible. We thank V. Vijayan and J. Weisman for helping to optimize the csChrimson optogenetics approach during two-photon imaging. We thank A. Kim for sharing code for making optic-flow stimuli, developed off of code initially given to us by P. Weir in the laboratory of M. Dickinson. We thank I. Morantte from the lab of V. Ruta and P. Mussells-Pires for developing the genetic strategy and organizing the plasmids needed to generate the UAS-sytGCaMP7f fly line. Stocks obtained from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center (NIH P40OD018537) and the Vienna Drosophila Resource Center were used in this study. Research reported in this publication was supported by a Brain Initiative grant from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (R01NS104934) to G.M. and a Kavli Foundation seed grant to C.L. L.A was supported by NSF NeuroNex Award DBI-1707398 and the Simons Collaboration for the Global Brain. G.M. is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator.
Author Information
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
Supplementary Information is available for this paper.
Code availability
Analysis code is deposited on github (https://github.com/Cheng-Lyu/TravelingDirectionPaper_code).
Data availability
Data for all of the main Figures are available on Dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p8bqwavlsyl9ppv/AABz2-vda4Q3gukXqp8Ba2Gwa?dl=0). Other data are available upon request.
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Associated Data
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Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
Data for all of the main Figures are available on Dropbox (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/p8bqwavlsyl9ppv/AABz2-vda4Q3gukXqp8Ba2Gwa?dl=0). Other data are available upon request.