Interference with regulated necrosis for clinical purposes carries broad therapeutic relevance and, if successfully achieved, has a potential to revolutionize everyday clinical routine. Necrosis was interpreted as something that no clinician might ever be able to prevent due to the unregulated nature of this form of cell death. However, given our growing understanding of the existence of regulated forms of necrosis and the roles of key enzymes of these pathways, e.g., kinases, peroxidases, etc., the possibility emerges to identify efficient and selective small molecule inhibitors of pathologic necrosis. Here, we review the published literature on small molecule inhibition of regulated necrosis and provide an outlook on how combination therapy may be most effective in treatment of necrosis-associated clinical situations like stroke, myocardial infarction, sepsis, cancer and solid organ transplantation.
Keywords: Regulated necrosis, TNF, Programmed cell death, Ferroptosis, Necroptosis, Ferrostatins, Necrostatins
Introduction—why interfere with regulated necrosis?
If it is possible to pharmacologically interfere with necrosis in humans, which remains to be demonstrated, cell death inhibitors will certainly revolutionize the clinical routine. From a clinician’s perspective, there is hardly a patient undergoing acute pathologic injury who does not exhibit clear signs of necrosis. The most prominent necrotic diseases are ischemic injury (stroke, myocardial infarction, mesenterial ischemia, solid organ transplantation, thromboembolism, arterial dissections, resuscitation, cardiac surgery), infections (sepsis, viral infections, bacterial infection incl. mycobacteria, parasites), trauma, atherosclerosis, necrotizing pancreatitis, fulminant liver disease, alcoholic and non-alcoholic steatosis hepatitis, Crohn´s disease, systemic lupus erythematodes, necrotizing glomerulonephritis, and last but certainly not least any kind of solid cancer presents with significant masses of necrosis. In addition, regulated necrosis pathways may be very immunogenic leading to the dysfunction of the organs distal to the initial injury, so the effect of inhibitors of regulated necrosis will not be restricted to the prevention of cell death (including immune cell death), but will also have a potential to reduce deadly systemic hyperinflammatory responses. Furthermore, necrosis may also be the cause of significant fibrosis in immunogenic disorders as a consequence of its function to trigger a necro-inflammatory auto-amplification loop of regulated necrosis and inflammation, leading to long-term loss of tissue functions [1].
Cell death as a pathophysiologic phenomenon has been discovered more than 100 years ago. Significant efforts to categorize the different forms of this process began to come to fruition in the 60s and 70s, culminating with the introduction of the term “apoptosis” to describe a process of apparently regulated developmental cell death, contrasting passive and unregulated pathologic necrosis [2]. This led to the identification of the apoptotic machinery in C. elegans by Robert Horvitz and colleagues and the subsequent discoveries of analogous mechanisms in mammalian cells, which provided a first major breakthrough in establishing the concept that death of the cells can be executed by the specific mechanisms within the cells [3, 4]. These discoveries, apart from fundamentally changing the perceptions of cell death as an accidental and uncontrollable process, were very exciting as they elucidated new molecular targets, possibly amendable for therapeutic drug discovery. In particular, a family of cysteine proteases, caspases, emerged as critical drivers of both apical regulatory as well as downstream execution steps in apoptosis and became a subject of major drug discovery efforts both in the pharmaceutical industry and in the academia [5]. While the initial successes in caspase drug discovery and promising activities of various families of the resulting inhibitors in animal models of acute human pathologies, such as stroke and myocardial infarction, are well documented in literature, ultimately, caspase inhibitors have not been successful in gaining clinical use up to this date. Unfortunately, the specific reasons for this lack of success have never been explicitly described post-factum. Undoubtedly, as in any drug discovery campaign, pharmacological properties of the specific inhibitors, such as biodistribution, pharmacokinetics and off-target effects may have played their roles. However, one could also consider that while apoptotic cells were certainly observed in the diseased tissues, many years of clinical pathology analysis taught that necrosis, a process of seemingly passive accidental stress-induced death, was a major phenotype of pathologic cell death. Nonetheless, necrosis has not achieved as much interest for many due to the perception that it represents an unregulated and, thus, a non-druggable process [6].
Ironically, better understanding and appreciation of necrosis became possible with the development of new tools to target apoptosis. Namely, development of the efficient caspase inhibitors revealed a series of instances where blockade of these key transducers of apoptosis in the cells responding to a “canonical” inducer, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), did not result in the improved cell survival, but rather led to the cells remarkably displaying morphologic hallmarks of necrosis, rather than apoptosis [7, 8]. This strongly suggested that specific cellular mechanisms lead to necrotic death, and, in the best case scenario, may be of relevance to the pathologic necrosis. Seminal work by Jürg Tschopp and colleagues subsequently revealed the first specific player in this regulation, Ser/Thr kinase RIPK1 [9], setting the stage for the rapid emergence of new mechanisms and small molecule inhibitors of necrosis, which are discussed in this review.
The development of necroptosis inhibitors
RIPK1-kinase inhibitors (Fig. 1)
Fig. 1.
Structures of RIPK1 kinase inhibitors. a Necrostatins identified in a cell based screen. b Optimized Nec-1-R-7-CI-O-Nec-1. Racemic version of this molecule is also known as Nec-1s. c “Hybrid” PN10 inhibitor. d Cpd27. e GSK’963. f Pazopanib
In the pioneering work by Dr. Tschopp’s laboratory [9], the human Jurkat T cell line was found to undergo cell death bearing the hallmarks of necrosis in response to the engagement of the receptor for the TNFα family member, Fas ligand. This form of necrosis required the presence of the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, and a pan-caspase inhibitor, zVAD.fmk, and paralleled other emerging observations of necrosis induced by death receptor ligands, e.g., TNFα-induced necrosis in mouse fibrosarcoma L929 cells [10, 11]. The authors were able to show that the loss of Fas-associated protein,RIPK1 selectively blocked necrotic death, but did not affect apoptosis. Furthermore, re-expression of a kinase-dead mutant of RIPK1 in the RIPK1-deficient Jurkat cells revealed a new function of its kinase activity as a selective driver of regulated necrosis, and, thus, elucidated a first bona fide necrotic regulator.
However, despite these findings, concerns remained whether Fas ligand or TNFα-induced regulated necrosis or “necroptosis” [12], which required artificial conditions for activation (exogenous caspase inhibitors), may be relevant pathophysiologically or may represent an artifact of in vitro experiments. Selective small molecule inhibitors of necroptosis, termed necrostatins, which were subsequently discovered [12], were helpful in alleviating these concerns and developing appreciation for this process as a sub-type of pathologic necrosis. Necrostatins were identified in a cell based screen for the chemical suppressors of TNFα/zVAD-induced necroptosis in the human monocytic U937 cell line. Strikingly, the screen revealed several inhibitors that displayed exclusive selectivity for necroptosis, while lacking activity against other TNFα-induced pathways, including apoptosis and NF-κB activation. One of the inhibitors, necrostatin-1 (Nec-1), was further characterized and found to block necroptosis very efficiently, eliminating all manifestations of cell death, further suggesting existence of critical and selective signaling steps in necroptosis. Importantly, this initial work also demonstrated that Nec-1 attenuated tissue injury in the mouse model of stroke, directly showing the relevance of necroptosis to pathologic necrosis. Notably, in that and other subsequent studies, activation of necroptosis in vivo was not dependent on the exogenous caspase inhibition. Notably, this dichotomy in necroptosis initiation in vitro and in vivo still remains to be fully explained at present. One possible explanation is that the relative sensitivity to caspase-mediated apoptosis may be very low in certain tissues in vivo, resulting in the absence of the necroptosis-inhibiting function upon ischemia [13]. In this respect, the dispensability of caspase-8 in most tissues may support this assumption [14, 15]. In addition, it should be mentioned that the specific necroptosis-inducing receptor(s) operating under pathologic conditions are still poorly understood in many cases.
While the molecular target of necrostatins was not revealed in the original report, subsequent in vitro analysis revealed that all four structurally dissimilar necrostatins inhibited the catalytic activity of RIPK1 and three of these molecules (Nec-1, Nec-3 and Nec-4) were acting by targeting its N-terminal kinase domain [16]. These data further highlighted a critical role of the catalytic activity of RIPK1 in necroptosis. Importantly, structure activity relationship analysis revealed a perfect correlation between the ability of different necrostatin analogs to inhibit RIPK1 in vitro and necroptosis in the cells. Furthermore, as we learned more recently, necrostatins display exclusive selectivity for RIPK1 in vitro in the kinase panel screens and, in particular, lack any activity against two closest mammalian RIPK1 homologues, RIPK2 and RIPK3 [16–18].
The mode of activity of Nec-1 was initially linked to the conformational changes in the RIPK1 kinase domain. Namely, Ser161 was identified as an autophosphorylation site in the activation segment of RIPK1. Mutants of RIPK1, mimicking the phosphorylated, and, thus, “activated” state of this kinase were tested and found to abrogate inhibition by Nec-1, suggesting that this molecule may selectively target an inactive conformation of the kinase. Moreover, re-expression of these mutants in RIPK1-deficient Jurkat cells led to necroptosis that was no longer blocked by Nec-1, providing a direct proof that RIPK1 is the specific target of Nec-1 in blocking necroptosis.
Further understanding of the mode of activity of the necrostatins came from the structural analysis of RIPK1/necrostatin complexes reported by Yigong Shi and colleagues [19]. This analysis demonstrated that Nec-1, Nec-3 and Nec-4 occupy a very similar binding pocket, located in the back of the ATP-binding active center, also known in the literature as DFG-out pocket [20]. These data were consistent with the previous biochemical analysis showing efficient competition between different Necs for RIPK1 binding, which utilized fluorescently labeled versions of Nec-1 and Nec-3 [21]. Further examination of the Necs’ binding mode indicated that these molecules indeed selectively stabilize an inactive conformation of the kinase domain, characterized by both the displacement of the αC helix, critical for the proper positioning of the catalytic Lys residue through Glu/Lys ionic interaction, and the inactive orientation of the magnesium-binding DFG motif [22]. Binding of the necrostatins into this allosteric “back pocket” of RIPK1 was promoted by multiple conserved hydrophobic contacts and additional hydrogen bonds. One of these H-bonds was to the side-chain of the discussed above Ser161 residue in the flexible activation segment, explaining loss of Nec-1 inhibition of Ser161 mutants of RIPK1. At the same time, the molecular basis for the exclusive selectivity of Necs towards RIPK1 remains to be fully characterized as hydrophobic necrostatin pocket residues were found to be highly conserved in multiple kinases, including RIPK3, suggesting that other, yet to be defined selectivity elements must exist.
Nec-1, -3, -4 as well as several additional structural families of necrostatins were subjected to medicinal chemistry optimization, resulting in gains in activity and metabolic stability [23–30]. Specifically, in case of Nec-1, which has been the most broadly utilized inhibitor, structure–activity relationship analysis revealed that the R-enantiomer is an active form of the molecule [25]. Addition of chloride in the 7-position of the indole ring led to increased activity [25]. Furthermore, replacement of thiohydantoin with hydantoin dramatically improved metabolic stability and eliminated off-target toxicity in vitro and in vivo [31, 32]. These changes also eliminated activity of Nec-1 against another known target, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) [33], resulting in a highly optimized inhibitor 7-Cl-O-Nec-1 (Nec-1s), which is highly preferred for use in vivo over the original Nec-1 [31, 32]. In an effort to further improve the activity of the Nec-1 series, we proposed an approach to extend its binding mode to include interactions with the hinge region by including a fragment of Bcr-Abl inhibitor, ponatinib. The resulting “hybrid” inhibitor PN10 displayed ~20-fold improvement in cellular activity (IC50 = 10 nM) while retaining the binding mode and excellent RIPK1 selectivity of Nec-1. Critically, this molecule also displayed increased in vivo activity in the mouse model of TNFα-driven mortality at a 0.4 mg/kg dose [18].
The variety of pathologic roles of necroptosis and RIPK1 have been covered in recent reviews [34–38], thus, we will not further discuss these data in our review. Necrostatin-1 displayed strong activity in a wide range of pathologies. While promising, it should, however, be taken into account that the Nec-1 molecule possesses metabolic liabilities and a known additional target, IDO, unlike optimized Nec-1s [31]. An expanding range of necrostatin analogs and other necroptosis inhibitors offers an opportunity to further examine the importance of this process in vivo and, importantly, exclude the possible off-target effects of the original Nec-1. For example, use of additional or more selective inhibitors confirmed that the ability of Nec-1 to block TNFα shock is likely due to targeting RIPK1, while the activity of this molecule in renal ischemia–reperfusion injury may reflect an off-target activity (Table 1).
Table 1.
Necrostatins and ferrostatins in commonly used preclinical in vivo models
Necrostatins | Ferrostatins | |||||
Nec-1 | Nec-1s | Ponatinib | Fer-1 | 16-86 | Liproxstatin | |
TNFα-mediated shock | Yesa | Yes | Yes | Not tested | Not tested | Not tested |
Renal ischemia–reperfusion injury | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
aNec-1 displayed paradoxical toxicity at low doses
A different class of RIPK1 inhibitors was described by Harris et al. [39]. These molecules were selected in an in vitro screen of kinase-targeted libraries using recombinant RIPK1 kinase domain. The selected inhibitors displayed the binding mode typical for the Type 2 kinase inhibitors, originally exemplified by Gleevec and used, subsequently, in many clinical molecules [20]. Namely, X-ray structure revealed that the 1-aminoisoquinoline moiety of the inhibitor formed hydrogen bonds with the Met95 residue in the hinge segment of RIPK1, while the central urea group formed hydrogen bonds to the backbone of Asp156 in DFG and the side-chain of Glu63 in αC helix. This arrangement is conserved in many Type 2 inhibitors and results in the inhibitors stabilizing the Glu-in/DFG-out conformation of the kinase domain. The terminal 5-fluoro-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl ring was found to be inserted into the hydrophobic DFG-out pocket, associated with the inactive conformation of the activation segment, and overlapping with the necrostatin binding site [18]. The optimized inhibitors in these series displayed low nanomolar potency against RIPK1 in vitro and in the cells as well as reasonable in vitro selectivity. One of the molecules, cpd 27, was selected for further in vivo evaluation, due to its preferable pharmacokinetic properties and displayed efficient inhibition of TNFα-induced toxicity at the 20 mg/kg dose. The same group also reported a different class of selective RIPK1 inhibitors, termed GSK’963. This molecule again displayed low nanomolar activity in various cellular models of necroptosis [40], attenuated RIPK1-dependent cell death induced by Yersinia pestis [41] and inhibited TNFα/zVAD-induced injury in vivo at the 2 mg/kg dose [40]. The binding mode of this molecule has not yet been described.
Finally, a recent screen of the clinical kinase inhibitor library identified a pan-tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) pazopanib as a suppressor on necroptosis [42]. This molecule is a Type I ATP competitive inhibitor of VEGFRs and other TKIs [43], and was found to efficiently inhibit RIPK1, but not RIPK3 kinase activity in vitro, albeit with relatively moderate affinity (Kd = 260 nM) [42]. Overall, these new molecules significantly broadened the repertoire of RIPK1 inhibitors available for the pharmacologic analysis of its roles in necroptosis in vitro and in vivo.
RIPK3-kinase inhibitors (Fig. 2)
Fig. 2.
Structures of RIPK3 kinase and MLKL inhibitors. a GSK RIPK3 inhibitors. b GW’39B. c Dabrafenib. d MLKL inhibitor-compound 1. e Necrosulfonamide
Subsequent to the discovery of the role of RIPK1 in necroptosis, its closest mammalian homologue and RIP homotypic interaction (RHIM) domain binding partner, RIPK3 [44], emerged as the second protein required for the activation of necroptosis [45–47]. Although RIPK3-/- mice were originally not found to display an obvious phenotype [48], the role of this protein was re-examined in a variety of pathologic models and, in many of them, loss of RIPK3 was found to provide protection from the injury similar to Nec-1. Some differences have also been revealed and will be discussed in the latter section.
The results reported by Francis Chan’s and Hao Wu’s laboratories, postulated that cross-phosphorylation of RIPK1 and RIPK3 is important for the formation of the amyloid-like “necrosome” aggregates, which serve as a critical signaling platform in the context of necroptosis activation by TNFα [45, 49]. Therefore, inhibition of the catalytic activity of either kinase was found to abrogate activation of necroptosis [45]. However, with further analysis, it also became clear that the exact molecular events leading to the necrosome formation may differ in a cell type and signal-dependent fashion. For example, IFN-induced necrosome formation was found to be independent of RIPK1 catalytic activity, while TNFα-induced necrosome formation in MEFs did not require that of RIPK3 [18, 50]. Detailed analysis of the consequences of the homo- versus hetero-dimerization of RIPKs’ by Jianhua Han’s laboratory resulted in the updated mechanistic model, postulating that RIPK1 may serve to initiate RIPK3 aggregation, while it is the formation and autophosphorylation of RIPK3 homo-oligomers that drives the execution of this form of cell death [51]. This model is also in good concert with the additional evidence showing that the initiating activity of RIPK1 may be in some circumstances replaced by other RHIM domain containing factors, such as TRIF and DAI, which can trigger necroptosis by directly engaging RIPK3 [52, 53].
Irrespective of the upstream molecular events, direct phosphorylation of the pseudokinase MLKL by RIPK3, especially on the Ser345 in the activation loop [54], has emerged as a key requisite step in necroptosis execution downstream from RIPKs [55]. Phosphorylation of MLKL was proposed to remove the autoinhibitory activity of the pseudokinase domain, resulting in the exposure of the N-terminal four helix bundle (4HB), critical for the formation of the membrane bound oligomers of MLKL [56]. Translocation and membrane insertion of tetrameric MLKL oligomers was further demonstrated to be critical for the eventual cell lysis and necroptotic cell death [57, 58]. Consistently, while MLKL-/- mice, similar to RIPK3-/- animals, did not display obvious defects, fibroblasts and macrophages from these mice were shown to be resistant to necroptosis induced by a variety of signals [59].
Structural analyses performed by Yigong Shi’s laboratory revealed that the kinase domain of RIPK3 may undergo significant conformational changes during the initiation of necroptosis [60]. Namely, binding of MLKL was found to result in the displacement of the αC helix, resulting, surprisingly, in the inactive Glu-out/DFG-in conformation of RIPK3 in the complex with MLKL. This raised the question of whether RIPK3 catalytic activity and MLKL phosphorylation is required just for the activation of the pro-necroptotic activity of MLKL or, additionally, for its recruitment into the necrosome, which was recently addressed by Rodriguez et al. [54]. On the one hand, the authors used Ala mutants to show that phosphorylation of the activation loop of MLKL is dispensable for necrosome association of this protein. On the other hand, catalytic activity of RIPK3 was still necessary for MLKL binding, likely due to the requirement for RIPK3 autophosphorylation. Thus, catalytic activity of RIPK3 appears to play distinct roles in MLKL recruitment and activation of its necroptotic activity. The significance of the conformational and activity changes in RIPK3 upon MLKL binding, therefore, remains to be fully understood.
The importance of RIPK3 for the activation of necroptosis has prompted the development of the small molecule inhibitors of this kinase. Kaiser et al. first reported identification of several dissimilar inhibitors (GSK’840, GSK’843, GSK’872) using a competition fluorescent polarization assay with fluorescently labeled ATP competitive probes [61, 62]. These molecules displayed strong sub- to low nanomolar affinities towards human RIPK3 kinase domain in vitro and good selectivity in kinase panel screens. GSK’840 displayed best affinity and selectivity, but lacked activity against mouse RIPK3, while two other inhibitors targeted both mouse and human kinases. The molecules further efficiently blocked necroptosis in a variety of cell types in response to signals inducing RIPK1/RIPK3-dependent necroptosis as well as triggers previously shown to directly engage RIPK3 [61, 62]. The mode of activity of these molecules has not been reported, however, it may be expected to be ATP competitive based on the original set-up of the screen. Activities of these inhibitors in vivo have also not been revealed, yet.
A different RIPK3 inhibitor, GW’39B, sharing similarities to the GSK’872 scaffold, has also been recently identified in a cell based screen for suppressors of necroptosis, induced by the chemically dimerizable RIPK3 (EC50 = 73.6 nM) [54]. This molecule displayed activity comparable to that of GSK’840 in a number of necroptosis assays in human cells as well as good activity in murine macrophages. GW’39B was shown to block necroptosis specifically through targeting RIPK3 as it retained activity in the cells expressing a dimerizable RIPK3 lacking the RHIM domain, which uncoupled RIPK3 activation from RIPK1. Furthermore, GW’39B was found to efficiently prevent phosphorylation and membrane translocation of MLKL.
In a different approach, off-target activities of available clinical kinase inhibitors were examined, to discover that the ATP competitive inhibitor of B-Raf (V600E), dabrafenib, inhibits RIPK3 [63]. It efficiently inhibited TNFα-induced necroptosis, although at a somewhat moderate high nanomolar concentration. Importantly, it reduced RIPK3-dependent necrosis induced by acetaminophen in human hepatocytes and protected mice from hepatotoxicity of this drug. Conversely, another B-Raf inhibitor, vemurafenib, was a poor RIPK3 inhibitor and did not alleviate liver injury in vivo, implicating RIPK3 as a potential target of dabrafenib in vivo. To our knowledge, dabrafenib is currently the only RIPK3 inhibitor that has been tested in vivo.
Finally, recent work by Li et al. [64] provided an approach for targeting RIPK3 indirectly. In this work, a complex of Hsp90 with Cdc37 co-chaperone was found to physically associate with RIPK3 and inhibitors of Hsp90 as well as knockdown of Cdc37 were shown to prevent RIPK3 activation in the necrosome, rendering cells unable to respond to necroptotic signals. RIPK1 and RIPK3 are also known to be client proteins of Hsp90 and inhibition of this chaperone leads to the eventual loss of activity of both kinases [9, 65]. Multiple Hsp90 inhibitors are available [66] and represent an additional, albeit not a very specific avenue for targeting necroptotic activities of RIPK1/3.
MLKL inhibitors (Fig. 2)
Even though MLKL lacks catalytic activity, due to the absence of multiple residues critical for catalysis [67], it may be amendable for targeting by some of the same allosteric strategies utilized for active kinases as well as through the approaches specific for this protein. MLKL is composed of the N-terminal necroptosis-inducing four helix bundle (4HB) connected through the two-helix linker to the C-terminal pseudokinase domain [68]. The latter contains an autoinhibitory function, which is lost during activation of necroptosis, unleashing the pro-necroptotic activity of the 4HB domain [56]. Notably, phosphomimetic mutants of RIPK3 sites in the MLKL activation loop displayed constitutive pro-death activity [54, 68]. Interestingly, biochemical analysis suggested that MLKL retained the ability for nucleotide binding, suggesting that its ATP-binding site may be accessible for the inhibitors. These findings also leave an intriguing question whether nucleotide binding by MLKL may be directly involved in necroptosis regulation. In line with this thought, it was recently demonstrated that pMLKL translocates into the nucleus, and that this event precedes the loss of plasma membrane integrity [69].
A thermal shift-based screen of a kinase-targeted library indeed identified a low micromolar binder for MLKL (Kd = 9.3 µM), which interfered with nucleotide binding [56]. This molecule is known to inhibit VEGFR2 and resembles many Type 2 kinase inhibitors including cpd27 (above). It lacked activity against RIPK3 and efficiently blocked necroptosis at the concentration of 1 µM. Interestingly, this molecule augmented, rather than inhibited MLKL activation loop phosphorylation by RIPK3, but prevented membrane association of the protein, indicating that the inhibitor likely stabilized the inactive conformation of the protein, preventing exposure of the 4HB domain even upon the activation loop phosphorylation.
In a different approach, Sun et al. described a covalent inhibitor of human MLKL, termed necrosulfonamide (NSA) [55]. NSA was discovered in a small molecule screen for necroptosis inhibitors and used, subsequently, to originally isolate and identify MLKL as a transducer of necroptosis [55]. This molecule inhibited necroptosis with IC50 = 124 nM and was shown to act downstream of the RIPK1/RIPK3 necrosome formation. Unlike the Type 2 inhibitor described above, NSA was found to target the N-terminal 4HB domain through a covalent coupling of the α,β unsaturated enone with the Cys86 residue of hMLKL, thereby functioning as a Michael acceptor. Notably, mouse MLKL lacks the corresponding Cys residue and was, thus, not inhibited by NSA.
Overall, MLKL represents an interesting target for specifically blocking necroptotic death, especially in light of emerging data for additional non-necroptotic functions for RIPK1/3. Currently, the contribution of MLKL in vivo are not as well defined, but use of MLKL-/- mice and small molecule inhibitors will demonstrate the utility of targeting necroptosis at the level of MLKL, therapeutically.
Open questions regarding RIPK1/RIPK3 inhibitors
While the original model of necrosome regulation provided a straightforward view of catalytic activities of both RIPK1 and RIPK3 being necessary for this key step in the initiation of necroptosis, the understanding of this regulation has become much more nuanced with the multitude of recent discoveries, discussed below. These new data have to be taken into account in both designing experiments with RIPK1/3 inhibitors as well as in the interpreting of the experimental results.
First, unlike RIPK3-/- mice, which were viable and did not show an overt phenotype, loss of RIPK1 led to early neonatal lethality [48, 70]. Recent work from several labs suggested that this reflects an unexpected pro-survival scaffolding function of RIPK1, restraining inappropriate activation of caspase-8-dependent apoptosis and RIPK3-dependent necroptosis [53, 71–74]. This function is apparently kinase-independent as knock-in of the kinase-dead mutants of RIPK1 (D138 N and K45A) was not lethal [75, 76]. Thus, rather than being a pre-requisite inducer of necroptosis, RIPK1 may serve to restrain inappropriate necroptosis activation and only allow this pathway to occur when its catalytic activity is induced by specific signals. This shift in understanding the role of RIPK1 shed a new light on the previous paradoxical data showing that efficient siRNA knockdown of RIPK1 did not to prevent necroptosis, indicating that this protein is dispensable, and, yet, in the same cells necroptosis was efficiently inhibited by Necrostatin-1 [77]. First, to explain this result, it is important to consider that the data indicated that Nec-1 only inhibited necroptosis in the RIPK1 expressing cells and lacked activity in the RIPK1-/- cells [17, 53], suggesting that Nec-1 activity is specific for RIPK1. Second, activation of necroptosis is achieved through the homotypic RHIM domain interactions between RIPK3 and inducing factors, such as RIPK1, TRIF and DAI. Therefore, presence or absence of the RIPK1 RHIM domain may result in significant differences in the mode, threshold or kinetics of RIPK3 activation, depending on whether upstream activators, e.g., TRIF, may act directly on RIPK3 or in a manner involving the RHIM domain of RIPK1. In other words, deletion of RIPK1 effectively short-circuits this regulation, allowing upstream inducers to directly engage RIPK3, rather than act in a RIPK1-dependent manner, likely explaining why deletion of RIPK1 does not block necroptosis, even though Nec-1 inhibits it (but only in RIPK1 expressing cells) [50, 53, 61, 78]. Third, this change in the molecular ordering of RIPK3 activation may explain more robust necroptosis in vitro in the absence of RIPK1, e.g., in response to IFN or TLR signals [53, 61], and in vivo during mammalian parturition [74]. Overall, these intricacies in RIPK1/3 activation need to be taken into account in concluding whether these kinases are involved in a particular paradigm of cell death and in which case the lack of effect is due to their lack of involvement or reflects new regulation, invoked by the loss of either RIPK1 or RIPK3. Importantly, development of animals with the knock-in of kinase-dead mutants of both RIPK1 and RIPK3 [62, 75, 76, 79] as well as availability of multiple classes of inhibitors provide ample tools to accurately address the exact roles of RIPK1 and RIPK3 kinase activities in vitro and in vivo.
Second, in vivo metabolism and off-target effects of the inhibitors in vivo should be kept in mind. The thiohydantoin moiety of the original Nec-1 molecule is sub-optimal for in vivo experiments due to poor metabolic stability, potential reactivity and off-target activity towards IDO enzyme [31]. These are important disadvantages, all of which, including toxicity of the original Nec-1 in vivo [32], have been improved or eliminated in the optimized analog Nec-1s (7-Cl-O-Nec-1) [31]. The poor properties of the original thiohydantoin Nec-1 in vivo may explain unexpected observations of the dichotomy between Nec-1, augmenting injury, and RIPK3-/-, blocking injury, in mouse models of TNFα-induced toxic shock and pancreatitis [80].
In the case of RIPK3 inhibitors, recent work by Mandal et al. revealed that a specific mutation to the RIPK3 kinase domain (D161N) leads to the apparent gain-of-function ability of this mutant to induce RIPK1/caspase-8-dependent apoptosis, which is not a reflection of the loss of the catalytic activity as this was not observed for other kinase-dead RIPK3 mutants [62]. However, this property was shared by the selective RIPK3 inhibitors, which induced apoptosis at high concentrations [62]. While activity of RIPK3 inhibitors in vivo has not yet been established, this potential gain-of-function toxicity will need to be carefully distinguished from the consequences of the inhibition of RIPK3 catalytic activity.
Third, the optimal mode of RIPK3 inhibitor action remains to be established. Dabrafenib displayed moderate affinity towards RIPK3. GW’39B displayed promising cellular activity in blocking necroptosis, induced by the dimerized RIPK3. However, its IC50 values in other instances on necroptosis have not yet been reported. GSK inhibitors displayed very potent inhibition of RIPK3 in vitro, but were found to display only moderate (high nanomolar to low micromolar) activity in the cells [61, 62]. The reasons for these differences are currently unknown. On the one hand, it may suggest that the conformation(s) of the kinase domain targeted by the existing inhibitor classes are not readily achieved in vivo. In that sense, targeting of the Glu-out/DFG-in conformation, specifically observed in the complex with MLKL, may be beneficial as it may prevent cycling between free and bound RIPK3. Developing such inhibitors may in fact be feasible as it has been achieved for multiple other classes of kinases [22]. On the other hand, this may also reflect the lack of accessibility of the RIPK3 active center, especially within the necrosome aggregates. Notably, while our cell based screen identified multiple small molecule inhibitors of RIPK1, it did not reveal any RIPK3 inhibitors [16]. Overall, development of the new RIPK3 inhibitor classes with different and defined modes of action will be very useful in further elucidating best strategies for efficient targeting of this kinase.
Finally, the emerging complexity of RIPK1 and RIPK3 regulation raises an important question of which kinase may represent a priority target for potential intervention. While these kinases share some overlapping functions in the activation of necroptosis, there is also emerging data for their differential roles, including examples of direct activation of RIPK3 bypassing RIPK1 [52], evidence for RIPK1-dependent but RIPK3-independent apoptosis [18, 81] as well as new, potentially cell death-independent functions of these kinases in inflammation (reviewed in [82]), metabolic regulation [47] and, possibly, other not yet established processes, which may contribute to the pathologic regulation. This raises the possibility that rather than targeting these kinases individually, dual inhibition may provide extra benefits therapeutically.
Ponatinib—first pan RIPK1/3 inhibitor
The first example of such a pan-RIPK1/3 molecule is the clinically approved Bcr-Abl inhibitor ponatinib that has been recently identified in two separate cell based screens [18, 42] (Fig. 3). Ponatinib was found to display strong, low nanomolar activity against both kinases in vitro, which translated into efficient inhibition of necroptosis. Furthermore, this molecule displayed activity in various cellular models of RIPK1-only apoptosis and RIPK3-only necroptosis in contrast to the selective inhibitors of each kinase [18]. Even though the anti-necroptotic activity is likely achievable at currently approved dose levels of this drug, its immediate general therapeutic utility as a broad anti-necrotic agent may be limited due to the toxicity concerns. However, we also found that improving selectivity of the ponatinib scaffold reduced the cytotoxicity of ponatinib. Thus, further elaboration aimed at targeting common elements in the RIPK1 and RIPK3 binding pockets may be warranted to achieve molecules with improved selectivity for these two homologous kinases versus the rest of the kinome. At the very least, this molecule presents a very useful tool in exploring the therapeutic potential of dual RIPK1/3 inhibition, as we have found it to display potent inhibition of TNFα-induced RIPK-dependent lethal shock in vivo at the low non-toxic doses [18].
Fig. 3.
Ponatinib-dual-RIPK1/RIPK3 inhibitor
The development of ferrostatins (Fig. 4)
Fig. 4.
Ferrostatins-inhibitors of lipid peroxidation. a Ferrostatin-1. b SRS 18-69 and inactive analog SRS 16-79. c Lipoxstatin
Ferroptosis was identified as a unique cell death subroutine when small molecules were screened for their ability to kill ras-transformed tumor cells resistant to any other known cell death inducer at that time [83]. The small molecule that was found capable of cell death induction in these cells was termed erastin because of its ability to “erase” the tumor cell culture. Subsequently, erastin-induced cell death was found to be iron dependent and therefore referred to as ferroptosis [84]. In that report, a plasma-membrane glutamate/cysteine antiporter (system Xc-minus) was identified as the molecular target of erastin. This antiporter consists of two disulfide-linked subunits: (1) SLC7A11, the expression of which was recently identified to be repressed by p53 [85], and (2) SLC3A2. Erastin-mediated inhibition of this system results in the insufficient supply of the cell with cysteine, which is required for generation of glutathione (GSH) by glutathione synthase (GS). Mice deficient in one of the two subunits of GS (GCLM-ko mice) have been recently demonstrated to resist cancer initiation [86]. GSH is required for the glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4) to function, the absence of which leads to ferroptosis [87]. Absence of GPX4 results in generation of oxygen radicals that cause a specific signature of lipid peroxidation in oxilipidomics [88]. The signaling pathway of ferroptosis is reviewed in detail in another chapter of this issue by Dixon et al., and in other recent reviews (Linkermann, Kidney International, in press and [89]). In general, ferroptosis can be induced by inhibition of system Xc-minus by so-called Type I ferroptosis-inducers (type 1 FINs, such as erastin) or by GSH-independent inhibition of GPX4 by type II ferroptosis-inducers (type 2 FINs, such as RSL3). Intriguingly, ferroptosis appears to rapidly propagate through the tissues, resulting in the complete shutdown of a functional unit, such as renal tubules [13]. Overall, these data identified ferroptosis as a new robust mechanism of activating oxidative necrotic cell death as well as an intriguing tumor suppressor mechanism.
The first inhibitor of ferroptosis (apart from desferoxamine) was identified in a screen of erastin-induced cell death in HT1080 cells [84] with an EC50 = 60 nM. Ferrostatin-1 was subsequently synthesized from ethyl 4-chloro-3-nitrobenzoate by addition of K2CO3 and cyclohexylamine. This compound (Fer-1) was validated to be effective in RSL3-induced cell death, but not in prevention of cell death induced by H2O2, rotenone or STS and others. It was, however, found to be unstable in plasma and, therefore, proposed to be ineffective in vivo [84]. However, in a recent experiment, we set out to compare Fer-1 in vivo with vehicle and 16-86 (see below) and found a partial effect of Fer-1 mediated in vivo [13].
Given the relatively low pharmacological potency of Fer-1, the Stockwell group improved the first generation ferrostatin, resulting in 11-72. This compound was found to be effective in a series of ex vivo disease models. However, to generate a more stable compound for the applications in vivo, the commercially available 4-chloro-3-nitrobenzoic acid in dichloromethane was supplemented with 4-dimethylaminopyridine and tert-butanol to generate a tert-butyl 4-chloro-3-nitrobenzoate intermediate, which was further improved with 1-adamantylamine to generate the desired tert-butyl 4-(adamanthyl-amino)-3-nitrobenzoate (16-79). In two further steps of purification, the active compound 16-86 (tert-butyl 4-(adamantylamino)-3-(pyrimidin-5-ylmethyleneamino) benzoate) was obtained [13]. This molecule remains the most potent ferrostatin, currently described to function in vivo, with a clearly higher potential in the prevention of renal ischemia–reperfusion injury when compared to Fer-1 or Nec-1 [13].
In parallel to the Stockwell group, Markus Conrad and colleagues at the Helmholtz-Society found that inducible deletion of GPX4 from renal tubules resulted in dramatic necrotic cell death which they found to be caused by ferroptosis. They were able to inhibit this process by addition of a new ferrostatin, termed liproxstatin, which displayed a striking bioavailability of 52 % [88]. However, limited half life (4.6 h) of liproxstatin required an intraperitoneal injection every 24 h to avoid the synchronized necrotic event and to rescue the mice from dying. Interestingly, liproxstatin did not completely eliminate TUNEL-positive cells, which were still detected in the surviving mice [88], suggesting that ferroptosis might occur secondary or in parallel to a necrotic type cell death of different nature. As shown for Fer-1 and 16-86 in kidney ischemia–reperfusion injury, liproxstatin also significantly protected from hepatic ischemia–reperfusion injury, extending the importance of ferroptosis beyond kidney disease. It is currently unclear and remains to be determined how effective inhibition of ferroptosis may be in the prevention of myocardial infarction or stroke.
Necrostatins and ferrostatins—is there a common ground?
Specificity is always an issue when small molecules are developed. In 2011, Genentech performed a kinome wide specificity screen on Nec-1 to find only three kinases significantly inhibited [90] with the RIPK1 kinase domain being by far the most prominent target. It was therefore surprising that Nec-1 was published to also interfere with ferroptosis in various settings [88], a finding that has been successfully reproduced in a couple of laboratories since then. However, it remains possible that this activity of Nec-1 may be independent of its inhibition of the kinase domain of RIPK1. Nec-1 contains a reactive thiohydantoin moiety, which may be critical in the context of the ferroptosis-associated oxidative stress. Notably, neither Nec-1s, an even more selective RIPK1 inhibitor [17] containing hydantoin in place of thiohydantoin, nor ponatinib protected cells from ferroptosis and renal IRI in vivo, in contrast to ferrostatins (Linkermann et al., unpublished observations) (Table 1). Thus, clearly more remains to be learned regarding the possible connections of necroptosis and ferroptosis.
Other inhibitors relevant for pathologic necrosis (Fig. 5)
Fig. 5.
Additional necrosis-related inhibitors. a NecroX inhibitors. b PARP inhibitor olaparib. c MPT inhibitor cyclosporin A. d MPT inhibitor sanglifehrin A
The term necrosis was introduced to describe the morphological appearance of the dying cells including robust mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress and acute cell lysis. These events are more reflective of the catastrophic loss of normal cell homeostasis, triggered by a variety of genotoxic, mitochondrial and oxidative stresses, rather than indicating a specific mechanism of initiation of cell death. In other words, the term necrosis primarily reflects the appearance of the dying cells, rather than specific initiating events and, as such, necrotic morphology most likely reflects multiple processes of cell death, some of which may be regulated and some unregulated. This was elegantly demonstrated by Vanden Berghe et al. comparing highly regulated TNFα-induced necroptosis, non-specific oxidative stress (H2O2)-induced necrosis and secondary necrosis induced by apoptotic FasL [91]. While all these signals activated very distinct mechanisms of cell killing, ultimately, they all converged on the same “necrosis” execution events including lysosomal permeabilization, oxidative burst, initial mitochondrial hyperpolarization, and loss of the plasma membrane integrity [91]. Amongst necrosis mechanisms, necroptosis and ferroptosis have been distinguished by virtue of very specific and drug targetable mechanisms of cell death initiation. In this section, we will discuss additional processes and inhibitors that may be broadly relevant to the execution of necrotic cell death either in conjunction with necroptosis and ferroptosis or through other, yet to be defined inducing mechanisms.
NecroX inhibitors of necrosis
NecroX are a series of indole-containing inhibitors which were originally identified in a cell based screen for the suppressors of drug-induced necrosis in hepatocytes [92]. These molecules were found to display general anti-oxidant and ONOO− scavenging activities in vitro, and were further investigated as inhibitors of mitochondrial oxidative and nitrosative stress, which represents one of the hallmarks of the pathologic necrosis [93, 94]. One of these molecules, NecroX-1 was found to efficiently inhibit toxicity of the pro-oxidant tBHT and reduced acute hepatotoxicity of CCL4 and streptozotocin (STZ)-induced pancreatic islet destruction [92]. Another member of this inhibitor family, NecroX-7, was shown to attenuate ischemia–reperfusion liver injury in dogs, doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy in rats, acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and allogeneic transplantation-induced graft versus host disease (GVHD) in mice [95–99]. NecroX-7 has been shown to reduce release of the necrotic danger associated molecular pattern (DAMP) protein, HMGB1, in vivo and was proposed to act through the inhibition of the NADPH oxidase activity [95, 97, 98]. In contrast, NecroX-5, reduced myocardial hypoxia-reoxygenation injury in rats through the blockade of the mitochondrial Ca(2+) uniporter [100]. Overall, these results identified NecroX molecules as a useful class of mitochondria-targeting agents, which may possess activities relevant to the execution of various forms of necrotic cell death.
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARP) are an important family of stress-induced enzymes, which act by the addition of PAR chains to a variety of cellular targets. PARP-1 accounts for the bulk of PARP activity and has been the focus of most analyses. Of 17 PARP members, five, including PARP-1, have been implicated in the DNA repair and, as such, inhibition of PARPs has attracted major interest as an anti-cancer strategy. Multiple PARP inhibitors have been developed and are thoroughly summarized in the literature [101–104]. Notably, one of these molecules, olaparib (AZD-2281, Lynparza), has been recently approved by the FDA for the use against BRCA1/2 mutant ovarian, breast and prostate cancers [105]. In addition to its role in cancer, overactivation of PARP-1 has been shown to contribute to excitotoxic neuronal death, various ischemia–reperfusion injuries and development of various neurodegenerative conditions, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases [106]. The initial observations suggested that hyperactivation of PARP may result in the cytosolic NAD+ depletion and bioenergetic collapse [107], contributing to necrotic death [108]. However, metabolic perturbations by PARP may not be linked to NAD+ loss, but rather to a recently described inhibition of hexokinase through polyribosylation [109]. Furthermore, a specific molecular pathway of regulated cell death induced by PARP was defined and termed “parthanatos”. It appears to be initiated by NAD+ loss [110] and synthesis of PAR polymers [111], which lead to the cleavage and nuclear translocation of Apoptotis Inducing Factor (AIF) that it turn induces DNA damage, nuclear condensation and cell death [112]. PARP is known to be activated by excitotoxic, oxidative and genotoxic stresses, all of which are relevant for pathologic necrosis and make PARP an interesting target. It appears that PARP may contribute to various injuries independently, through parthanatos, or contribute to the execution of other forms of cell death. For example, cleavage of PARP-1 by caspase-3 has been shown to contribute to apoptosis through the inhibition of the DNA repair responses to apoptotic DNA fragmentation [113]. Interestingly, some studies suggested contribution of PARP activity to specific instances of necroptosis [114], although it does not appear to be a generally important player in canonical TNFα-induced necroptosis [115].
Necrosis and mitochondria
Robust mitochondrial dysfunction is viewed as one of the hallmarks of pathologic necrosis. Mitochondrial involvement in necrosis is linked to the process of the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT), which can be triggered by oxidative stress or calcium overload and executed by the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) in the inner mitochondrial membrane [116]. While the exact identity of the MPTP is still unknown and is a matter of debate (Linkermann, Kidney international, in press), the matrix protein cyclophilin D (CypD) was found to play a central role in the opening of the MPTP [117, 118]. Importantly, either genetic deletion of CypD or its inhibition by cyclosporin, a non-selective cyclophilin inhibitor and an immunosuppressive drug, provided an efficient protection from cardiac and cerebral ischemia–reperfusion injuries. In addition, another cyclophilin inhibitor/immunosuppressant sanglifehrin A was found to efficiently inhibit MPT [119].
Mitochondrial aberrations were also linked to necroptosis, although the role of this organelle remains a matter of debate. Mitochondrial phosphatase PGAM5 has been found to mediate TNFα-induced necroptosis in HT29 and RIPK3-expressing HeLa cells as well as necrosis induced by ROS and calcium ionophore [120]. PGAM5 was proposed to exert these activities through the de-phosphorylation and activation of the mitochondrial fission factor Drp1. At the same time, PGAM5 was found to be dispensable for TNFα-induced necroptosis in MEFs [68]. Another recent study linked necroptosis to the activation of MPT by demonstrating that CypD-deficient MEFs are resistant to this form of death [121]. However, similar to PARP, mitochondrial mitochondrial-dependent events do not appear to be universally critical for the execution of necroptosis as general depletion of mitochondria did not change the extent or kinetics of necroptosis in mouse fibroblasts [122] and TNFα-induced necroptosis in Jurkat cells was not attenuated by Cyclosporin A [12]. Thus, targeting MPT may present an important strategy for inhibiting pathologic necrosis, which may or may not overlap with inhibition of necroptosis as well as parthanatos.
Putting the pieces together: the need for combination therapies
In sum, major progress has been made in the last decade in defining molecular mechanisms of necrosis and successfully developing new small molecule inhibitors of this process. We are now beginning to appreciate that similar to apoptosis, necrosis in many cases is not a passive cell lysis in response to an excessive stress, but rather the genetically determined consequence of a collection of specific mechanisms, responding to particular extracellular signals or intracellular stressors, resulting in the robust execution of cell death. These distinct processes converge on the similar morphologic features of cell death, which are likely more reflective of the acute loss of cellular homeostasis rather than the specifics of cell death activation and execution. Interestingly, while some examples of cross-talk between necrotic mechanisms have been published, these appear to represent exceptions, rather than reveal existence of a single, universal regulated necrosis pathway, analogous to apoptosis. Instead, each mechanism of regulated necrosis appears to act independently in response to a particular set of distinct triggers. However, it is also striking to note that no matter how dissimilar in vitro, multiple necrosis mechanisms appear to be linked to the common necrotic pathologic states in vivo, such as ischemia–reperfusion injuries. It is hypothetically possible, that different necrosis mechanisms indeed represent just pieces of a greater puzzle that has not been yet revealed in vitro due to the differences in experimental conditions used to date. However, this appears highly unlikely as emerging mechanisms of these processes seem to leave very little room for cross-dependence of these pathways, at least on a cellular level. A more exciting and, perhaps, realistic possibility is that the conditions of acute necrotic injuries promote activation of multiple mechanisms of necrosis at the same time in different cell sub-populations, possibly even triggering each other (“necrosis induced necrosis”) [1, 13]. Thus, combined inhibition of these disparate pathways, which has now become possible through productive small molecule discovery, may represent the most fruitful approach to achieve maximal protection from acute and deadly necrotic injuries. It is surprising that such strategies have not yet been widely tested, but there is little doubt that they will prove informative scientifically and relevant therapeutically.
In the introduction, we named a virtually endless list of potential clinical indications for a necrosis-targeting therapy. Most of these indications are very common, or exhibit certain susceptibilities following common diseases (like hypertension or diabetes mellitus), and therefore attracted the interest of big pharma. A phase one clinical trial with necrostatins has recently been finished by GlaxoSmithKline. Other companies are in the process of developing such agents, targeting outstanding pharmacological targets RIPK1, RIPK3 and pMLKL. To the best of our knowledge, no clinical trials have been performed with ferrostatins, but this is hopefully just a matter of time. The human relevance of necroptosis, ferroptosis and other necrotic processes are currently still a matter of debate until the initial proof-of-activity data are generated, but should be viewed with optimism given the strong and diverse mouse data. As of today, it appears that the initial hurdle of developing first-in-class compounds has been taken, and we can only call upon pharma companies to very thoughtfully perform these first, pivotal trials. This said, the therapeutic potential of preventing necrosis in tumors has not even been looked at, so many new exciting discoveries undoubtedly lie ahead.
A.D. is supported by National Institute of General Medical Sciences grants R01GM080356 and R01GM084205. Research by A.L. is funded by the German Research Foundation, Cluster of Excellence EXC306.
Contributor Information
Alexei Degterev, Phone: +1-617-636-0491, Email: alexei.degterev@tufts.edu, http://sackler.tufts.edu/Faculty-and-Research/.
Andreas Linkermann, Phone: +49-431-597-7362, Email: andreas.linkermann@uksh.de, http://www.nephrologie-uni-kiel.de/.
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