Table 1.
Basic information of the interviewed students.
Student | Specialty | Sex | Po-d | Grade | Ra-i-c | Wh-r-s | Da-o-i | Ve-o-i |
S1 | Education | Female | Doctoral | Delayed | Last 10 % | No | 2022-05-05 | Dormitory |
S2 | Education | Female | Master | 2 nd year | Top 10 % | Yes | 2022-05-13 | Office |
S3 | Science | Male | Doctoral | 2 nd year | 10%–20 % | Yes | 2022-05-18 | Classroom |
S4 | Engineering | Male | Master | 1st year | 70%–80 % | No | 2022-05-20 | Restroom |
S5 | Engineering | Male | Master | Delayed | Last 10 % | No | 2022-05-23 | Office |
S6 | Philosophy | Female | Master | 2 nd year | 50%–60 % | Yes | 2022-06-05 | Dorm |
S7 | Philosophy | Female | Master | 3rd year | Top 10 % | Yes | 2022-06-25 | Chat room |
S8 | Literature | Male | Doctoral | 3rd year | Top 10 % | Yes | 2022-07-01 | Office |
S9 | Literature | Female | Doctoral | 3rd year | 30%–40 % | Yes | 2022-07-03 | Restroom |
S10 | Literature | Female | Doctoral | Delayed | Last 10 % | No | 2022-07-15 | Office |
Abbreviations: Po-d, postgraduate degree; Ra-i-c, ranking in class; Wh-r-s, whether respect supervisor; Da-o-i, date of interview; Ve-o-i, venue of interview.