In less than a decade the green fluorescent protein (GFP) has become one of the most popular tools for cell biologists for the study of dynamic processes in vivo. GFP has revolutionised the scientific approach for the study of vital organelles, such as the Golgi apparatus. As Golgi proteins can be tagged with GFP, in most cases without altering their targeting and function, it is a great substitute to conventional dyes used in the past to highlight this compartment. In this review, we cover the application of GFP and its spectral derivatives in the study of Golgi dynamics in mammalian and plant cells. In particular, we focus on the technique of selective photobleaching known as fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, which has successfully shed light on essential differences in the biology of the Golgi apparatus in mammalian and plant cells.
Keywords: Green fluorescent protein, confocal microscopy, photobleaching, intracellular trafficking, Golgi dynamics