The demonstration of a role for microsomal P450 in the metabolism of endogenous pools of arachidonic acid established this enzyme system as a member of the arachidonic acid cascade and characterized a new an important metabolic function for this enzyme system. Studies from several laboratories documenting the powerful biological activities of the P450-derived eicosanoids have suggested important roles for the P450 arachidonic acid monooxygenase in renal and vascular physiology, and in the pathophysiology of experimental hypertension. These studies provide significant evidence to indicate that in addition to its recognized traditional toxicological and pharmacological roles, microsomal P450s also play important physiological roles in the control of tissue and body homeostasis.
Key words: Arachidonic acid monooxygenase; fatty acid hydroxylases; sP450 epoxygenases; P450 ω-hydroxylases, EETs; ω-alcohols; P450 eicosanoids.