Table 1.
Characteristics of three patients with single-cell analysis.
ID | Histology | T status |
N status |
M status |
Stage | No. of non-synonymous variants | Common mutation found | HLA-A |
Treatment before tissue procurement |
MPE Pt1 |
Adeno | 4 | 1 | 1a | IVA | 355 | - | A *11:01 | A *26:03 | B * 46:01 | B * 67:01 | No treatment |
MPE Pt2 |
Adeno | 4 | 3 | 1c | ⅣB | 88 | EGFR (ex20 insertion) |
A *24:02 | - | B * 52:01 | - | 1st. CBDCA +PEM +BEV 2nd. Pembrolizumab |
MPE Pt3 |
Adeno | 4 | 3 | 1c | ⅣB | 85 | EGFR (ex19 deletion) |
A *24:02 | A *33:03 | B * 35:01 | B * 44:03 | 1st. CBDCA+PEM +Pembrolizumab 2nd. DTX+RAM3rd. GEM4th. nab-PTX |
Sq, Squamous cell carcinoma; Adeno, Adenocarcinoma; CBDCA, Carboplatin; PEM, Pemetrexed; Bev, Bevacizumab; DTX, Docetaxel; RAM, Ramucirumab; GEM, Gemcitabine; nab-PTX, nanoparticle albumin-bound Paclitaxel.