Three newly discovered Melanogaster species, namely M.cyaneus, M.diqingensis, and M.truncatisporus, are introduced and illustrated based on both morphological and molecular data from Sichuan and Yunnan provinces in China. A multigene phylogenetic analysis (nrITS, nrLSU, and rpb2) was performed mainly to verify the placement of the new species in Melanogaster. A second, nrITS-only phylogenetic analysis comprising more Melanogaster species for which only ITS sequences were available, was used to infer the relationship between the new species and as many known Melanogaster species as possible. Specimens of M.cyaneus, M.diqingensis, and M.truncatisporus formed three independent clades in a phylogenetic tree inferred from the ITS data set. The robust support from ITS for these clades and genetic similarity with other species being lower than 93.2% suggest that these three species are indeed distinct from the other Melanogaster species in the phylogeny. Morphologically, M.cyaneus is characterized by its blue or bluish gleba, light brown to yellowish brown peridium, and subglobose to globose basidiospores, 6.2–15 × 4.6–9.0 μm. Melanogasterdiqingensis is distinguished from other Melanogaster species by its pale yellow to brown-yellow peridium and obovate to subglobose basidiospores, 3.0–5.1 × 2.0–4.0 μm. Melanogastertruncatisporus is diagnosed by its subglobose to globose or irregularly elongate-pyriform basidiomata, pale yellow to deeply orange-yellow peridium, and subglobose to globose or pyriform, truncate basidiospores. Additionally, infrageneric classification based on the number of peridium layers, the average thickness of the peridium, and the average length and width of basidiospores was tested with M.cyaneus, M.diqingensis, and M.truncatisporus. Orthogonal partial least squares discriminant (OPLS-DA) analysis placed the three new species within the Melanogaster, Rivulares, and Variegati sections, respectively. However, the morphologically circumscribed sections were not monophyletic in the phylogenetic tree. Therefore, the current infrageneric classification should be abandoned.
Key words: False truffles, gasteroid Boletales, phylogeny, taxonomy, three new species
Melanogaster Corda, belonging to Paxillaceae within the Boletales (Basidiomycota), stands out as one of the ecologically significant groups of hypogeous fungi. According to He et al. (2019), Melanogaster encompasses approximately 26 species. However, recent discoveries by taxonomists worldwide have identified new species, expanding the count to 34 as listed in Index Fungorum (https://www.indexfungorum.org/, accessed on November 10, 2023). While Melanogaster species are predominantly distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, an exception is noted with Melanogasterquercus L., reported by Trappe et al. (2009) in the Southern Hemisphere. Melanogaster species typically establish ectomycorrhizal associations (EcM) with various plant families, including Betulaceae, Cistaceae, Fagaceae, Pinaceae, and Salicaceae (Comandini et al. 2006; Krisztián 2008; Perič and Moreau 2010; Türkoğlu and Castellano 2013; Lacheva 2015). These fungi are recognized by their peridium, varying in color from brownish to yellowish, occasionally featuring mycelial strands at the base or on the surface. The sequestrate hymenophore is composed of rounded to irregular locules of varying sizes, filled with black or dark brown basidiospores embedded in a gel and separated by whitish to yellowish veins or walls. Melanogaster basidiospores exhibit a range of shapes, including globose, ellipsoid, pyriform, or cirriform. Most species in the genus emit distinctive odors, ranging from sweet and pleasant to garlic-like or nauseating (Castellano et al. 1986; Montecchi and Sarasini 2000; Cázares et al. 2008; Trappe et al. 2009; de la Fuente et al. 2021; Alvarado et al. 2021; Xu et al. 2022). Melanogaster can be differentiated from related sequestrate Paxillaceae such as Alpova C.W. Dodge, Neoalpova Vizzini, and Paralpova Cabero & P. Alvarado based on differences in peridium structure. In Melanogaster, the peridium exhibits prostrated or interwoven hyphae, contrasting with the pseudoparenchymatous structure with inflated hyphae found in Alpova, Neoalpova, and Paralpova. Another false-truffle genus, Rhizopogon Fr. (Rhizopogonaceae), differs from Melanogaster by the absence of gel in the locules and the hyaline basidiospores (yellow to dark brown in Melanogaster). The relationships among these genera have been extensively discussed and Melanogaster has been placed in the Paxillinae, along with Gyrodon Opat., Paxillus Fr., and Alpova by Trappe (1975), Grubisha et al. (2001), Binder and Hibbett (2006), Vizzini et al. (2010), Moreau et al. (2011, 2013), and Alvarado et al. (2021).
Knapp (1954) proposed a subdivision of the genus Melanogaster into three groups based on the spore length (L), namely the ambiguous group (L > 10 μm), the variegatus group (7 < L < 10 μm), and the microsporus group (L < 7 μm). Then, Svrček (1958) proposed the subdivision into three sections, namely sect.Melanogaster (L> 10 μm), sect.Variegati (6 < L < 10 μm), and sect.Rivulares (L < 6 μm). Those sections were later validated by Moreau et al. (2011).
In China, the first specimen of Melanogaster was gathered from the Jinshajiang Valley in Yunnan Province, southwestern China, in 1915. Initially identified as M.variegatus (Vittad.) Tul. & C. Tul. by Keissler and Lohwag in 1937, it was later erected as a distinct species named M.ovoidisporus Y. Wang (Wang et al. 1995). Up to now, twelve species have been reported from China: M.fusisporus Y. Wang, M.natsii Y. Wang, K. Tao & B. Liu, M.obovatisporus B. Liu, K. Tao & Ming C. Chang, M.ovoidisporus Y. Wang, M.shanxiensis B. Liu, K. Tao & Ming C. Chang, M.spinisporus Y. Wang, M.subglobisporus K. Tao, Ming C. Chang & B. Liu, and M.utriculatus Y. Wang, Castellano & Trappe, M.minobovatus, M.panzhihuaensis, M.quercicola, M.tomentellus L. Fan, X. Y. Yan & Y. Y. Xu (Liu et al. 1989; Wang et al. 1995; Wang et al. 2005; Xu et al. 2022). China seems to have a rich variety of Melanogaster species; however, most of the previous records relied primarily on morphological evidence (Xu et al. 2022). During our survey of hypogeous fungi in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces, located in southwest China, from 2019 to 2021, we uncovered three novel species of Melanogaster under Castaneamollissima Bl. and Quercusaquifolioides Rehd. et Wils. Through a comprehensive analysis encompassing both morphology and phylogenetic considerations (including Alpova, Neoalpova, Paralpova, and Melanogaster), we introduce three new species: Melanogastercyaneus, M.diqingensis, and M.truncatisporus.
Materials and methods
Fungal materials
The Melanogaster specimens were collected from Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces in China. They were photographed in the field, placed in sterilized plastic tubes and boxes, returned to the laboratory, and stored at 4 °C. Macroscopic and microscopic descriptions were based on fresh basidiomes following the methods of Wan et al. (2016). Hand-cut sections were mounted in 5% (w/v) aqueous KOH solution, Cotton blue, or Congo red solutions and examined with an OLYMPUS BH-2 compound microscope. At least 50 basidiospores were measured of selected specimens, and the measurements are presented in the following format: L, W, Q, representing the extreme values of length, width, length to width ratio, Lm = L ± S.D., Wm = W ± S.D. and Qm = Q ± S.D. For scanning electron microscopy (SEM), spores were scraped from the gleba of dried specimens onto double-sided tape, which was mounted directly on a SEM stub, coated with gold-palladium, examined and photographed with an SEM JSM-5600LV (JEOL, Tokyo, Japan).
The dried specimens were deposited in the Herbarium of Biotechnology and Germplasm Resources Institute of the Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences (YAAS), and the Herbarium of Cryptogams, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KUN-HKAS), Yunnan, China.
DNA extraction, PCR, and sequencing
About 10–20 mg of dried gleba were placed in a 1.5 mL tube together with one 3 mm in diameter tungsten carbide bead, and crushed by shaking two to four times for 50 s at 30Hz with a Mixer Mill MM301 (Haan, Germany). Total DNA was extracted using the CTAB method described by Hofstetter et al. (2002). The following primer pairs were used for PCR amplification: the primer pair ITS4/ITS5 was used to amplify the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (White et al. 1990), the primers bRPB2-5F/bRPB2-7.1R for the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II gene (RPB2) (Matheny 2005; Matheny et al. 2007), and the LR0R/LR5 primers (Vilgalys and Hester 1990; Cubeta et al. 1991) for the 28S nrDNA region (nrLSU). Amplifications were carried out in 25 μL reaction containing 12.5 μL 2×Taq Plus Master Mix II (Vazyme Biotech Co. Ltd, China), 9.5 μL ddH2O, 1 μL 10 μM of forward and reverse primers, and 1 μL template DNA. Standard cycles of denaturation at 94 °C for 45 seconds, annealing for 45 seconds at different temperatures depending on the primer set (50 °C for RPB2, 54 °C for nrLSU, and 55 °C for ITS), and elongation at 72 °C for 1.5 min, followed by a final elongation step at 72 °C for 10 min. Post-cycling, samples were held at 4 °C. PCR products were sent to Shanghai Sangon Biotechnology (Shanghai, China) for purification and sequencing.
Phylogenetic analyses
The newly generated sequences were edited and assembled using SeqMan II (SeqMan Pro, DNAStar) with generic-level identifications for sequences corroborated via BLAST queries of GenBank. A total of 89 sequences (including ITS1-2, 5.8S, nrLSU, and RPB2) were used in the molecular phylogenetic analyses (Table 1), including 20 sequences newly generated in this study and 82 downloaded from GenBank. Paragyrodonsphaerosporus and Paxillusinvolutus were selected as outgroup for the multilocus phylogenetic analyses while Alpovaalpestris, Alpovaconcolor, and Alpovacinnamomeus were selected as outgroup for the ITS analysis. A sequence (AJ555527) of M.tuberiformis served as the reference for delineating 5.8S, ITS1, and ITS2. The ITS, 5.8S, nrLSU and RPB2 sequences were separately aligned using MAFFT ver. 7 (Katoh and Standley 2013) on the online server accessed at https://mafft.cbrc.jp/alignment/server/, with the G-INS-I algorithm. The obtained alignment was manually refined in BioEdit, and ambiguously aligned sites were pinpointed using Gblocks 0.91b (Castresana 2000), using default options, except “Allowed Gap Positions” = half. After Gblocks, 90%, 99%, 99.5%, and 99% of the positions were kept for ITS1-2, 5.8S, nrLSU, and RPB2, respectively. The ITS1-2, 5.8S, nrLSU, and RPB2 alignments were 537, 157, 886, 715 bp long, respectively (including gaps). The alignments were deposited in Figshare (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.25440544). Phylogenetic analyses were performed using maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) to validate the affiliation of our specimens with Melanogaster, relying on multi-gene sequences, which included Alpova, Paralpova, and Neoalpova (Fig. 1). Additionally, an ITS dataset (including 159 bp 5.8S, and 527 bp ITS1+ITS2) was compiled to infer the phylogenetic relationships between Melanogaster species. The ML analyses were performed with RAxML 8.0.14 (Stamatakis et al. 2005; Stamatakis 2014) with all parameters at default settings, except a mixed-model partitioning (with the same character sets as in the BI analyses), GTRGAMMA+I for all character sets, and 1,000 bootstrap pseudoreplicates. Partitioned BI analyses were performed with MrBayes v.3.1.2 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck 2003) based on the following best-fit substitution models estimated by jModelTest2 on Cipres XSEDE (2.1.6, https://www.phylo.org; Miller et al. 2010). For the multi-gene dataset, 5.8S: K80+G; ITS1-2: HKY+I+G; nrLSU and RPB2: GTR+I+G). For the ITS-only dataset, 5.8S: HKY+I+G; and ITS1-2: GTR+I+G. Two independent runs of four chains were conducted for 2.5 106 generations (ITS dataset) and 5 106 generations (multiple-gene dataset), with trees sampled every 100 generations. The average standard deviation of split frequency (ASDSF) values at the conclusion of the runs were 0.009248 for the multi-gene tree and 0.001889 for the ITS tree. After discarding the samples from the burn-in phase (first 25% of trees), a 70% majority-rule consensus tree was constructed and posterior probabilities computed. No outgroup was specified when running the BI analyses, but the obtained tree was rerooted with the outgroups used in the ML analysis.
Table 1.
Specimen information and GenBank accession numbers for sequences used in this study.
Species | Isolate/ Strain/ | Country | Genbank accession numbers | Reference | ||
Clone/Voucher | ITS | nrLSU | RPB2 | |||
Alpovaalpestris | S123 | France | HQ714711 | / | HQ714846 | Moreau et al. 2013 |
Alpovaalpestris | S159 | France | HQ714721 | / | HQ714853 | Moreau et al. 2013 |
Alpovacf.cinnamomeus | PAM09082702 | France | HQ714779 | / | HQ714901 | Moreau et al. 2013 |
Alpovacinnamomeus | BROWN FP73 | USA | KF835996 | / | / | Hayward et al. 2014 |
Alpovacinnamomeus | HRL1384 | Canada | MN594282 | MN594298 | MN594770 | Unpublished |
Alpovaconcolor | UBC F14673 | USA | KF835997 | / | / | Hayward et al. 2014 |
Alpovaconcolor | OSC 65696 | USA | NR_154686 | / | / | Unpublished |
Alpovacorsicus | S287 | France | HQ714769 | / | HQ714893 | Hayward et al. 2014 |
Alpovacorsicus | S288 | France | HQ714770 | / | HQ714894 | Moreau et al. 2011 |
Alpovakomovianus | PAM10081201 | Montenegro | JQ436850 | / | JQ436862 | Moreau et al. 2013 |
Neoalpovaarenicola | JC150513NR | Spain | MN594292 | MN594304 | MN594775 | Unpublished |
Neoalpovacf.rubescens | JC140920BT | Spain | MN594294 | MN594305 | MN594776 | Unpublished |
Neoalpovamontecchii | JC181021NR | Spain | MN594296 | MN594306 | MN594777 | Alvarado et al. 2021 |
Paralpovaartikutzensis | AH 49154 | Spain | NR_173892 | MN594307 | MN594778 | Alvarado et al. 2021 |
Melanogasterambiguus | B-2220 | Hungary | AJ555510 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterambiguus | 51745 | Hungary | AJ555511 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterambiguus | B-1599 | Hungary | AJ555512 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterambiguus | B-1613 | Hungary | AJ555513 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterambiguus | B-2409 | Hungary | AJ555514 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterambiguus | Ch12 | Poland | KX438335 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterambiguus | JC180719NR | Spain | MN594286 | MN594299 | MN594771 | Unpublished |
Melanogasterambiguus | OSC158337 MES304 | Poland | MN984308 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterambiguus | MTH1 | Germany | MN994353 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterbroomeanus | JC091213NR | Spain | MN594287 | MN594300 | MN594772 | Unpublished |
Melanogasterbroomeanus | OTU_718s | United Kingdom | MT095837 | / | / | Arraiano-Castilho et al. 2021 |
Melanogasterbroomeanus | OTU_719s | United Kingdom | MT095838 | / | / | Arraiano-Castilho et al. 2021 |
Melanogastercyaneus | TJ75_1 (TYPE) | China | ON427476 | ON427489 | ON533869 | This study |
Melanogastercyaneus | TJ75_2 | China | ON427477 | ON427490 | ON533870 | This study |
Melanogasterdiqingensis | WXH_9068 (TYPE) | China | ON427482 | ON427495 | ON533874 | This study |
Melanogastereuryspermus | OSC158352 DS1257 | USA | MN984309 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastereuryspermus | OSC158364 DS1555 | USA | MN984310 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastereuryspermus | OSC158339 JLF1044 | USA | MN984311 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastereuryspermus | OSC158325 JLF1129 | USA | MN984312 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastereuryspermus | OSC158351 JLF1456 | USA | MN984313 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastereuryspermus | OSC158317 JMT22778 | USA | MN984314 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastereuryspermus | OSC158333 MES110 | USA | MN984315 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterintermedius | B-1770 | Hungary | AJ555515 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterintermedius | RBG Kew K(M)130202 | England | EU784372 | / | / | Brock et al. 2009 |
Melanogasterintermedius | MT48 | Germany | KX168661 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterluteus | S328/PAM09082801 | France | HQ714780 | / | HQ714902 | Moreau et al. 2011 |
Melanogasterluteus | S407/Mon06 | Montenegro | HQ714794 | / | / | Moreau et al. 2011 |
Melanogastermacrosporus | cI-94 | USA | AJ555526 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastermacrosporus | B-2254 | USA | AJ555528 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterminobovatus | BJTC FAN911 | China | NR_186967 | / | / | Xu et al. 2022 |
Melanogasternatsii | OSC82168 JMT7491 | USA | MN984331 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasternatsii | OSC158336 MES297 | USA | MN984332 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterpanzhihuaensis | HMAS 81915 | China | NR_186968 | / | / | Xu et al. 2022 |
Melanogasterrivularis | S190/PAM08090514 | France | HQ714731 | / | HQ714862 | Moreau et al. 2011 |
Melanogasterrivularis | S285/PAM08090514 | France | HQ714767 | / | HQ714891 | Moreau et al. 2011 |
Melanogasterrivularis | LIP PAM08090514 (TYPE) | France | NR_132848 | / | / | Moreau et al. 2011 |
Melanogaster sp. | Melanog002FRA | France | KU924526 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | Melanog006FRA | France | KU924529 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | Melanog007FRA | France | KU924530 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | Melanog008FRA | France | KU924531 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | Melanog011FRA | France | KU924533 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | Melanog012FRA | France | KU924534 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | Melanog018FRA | France | KU924535 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | Melanog019FRA | France | KU924536 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | MT15 | Germany | KX168646 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | MES-1003 | Chile | KY462394 | / | / | Brock et al. 2009 |
Melanogaster sp. | LMKR1187 | United Kingdom | MF352733 | / | / | Suz et al. 2017 |
Melanogaster sp. | JC110118BT | Spain | MN594288 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | OSC AHF420 | France | MN984333 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | OSC158378 DS1755 | USA | MN984334 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | OSC LG1042 | USA | MN984335 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. | MVC 753_FLAS-F-65878 | Chile | MT366708 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. OK-2022a | oka331 | Turkey | OP548647 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogaster sp. OK-2022a | oka332 | Turkey | OP548648 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogasterspinisporus | BJTC FAN1092 | China | MW598537 | / | / | Xu et al. 2022 |
Melanogasterspinisporus | BJTC FAN938 | China | MW598546 | / | / | Xu et al. 2022 |
Melanogasterspinisporus | BJTC FAN941-A | China | MW598548 | / | / | Xu et al. 2022 |
Melanogasterspinisporus | BJTC FAN941-B | China | MW598549 | / | / | Xu et al. 2022 |
Melanogastersubglobisporus | HMAS83329 | China | MW598534 | / | / | Xu et al. 2022 |
Melanogastertruncatisporus | TJ83 | China | ON427478 | ON427491 | ON533871 | This study |
Melanogastertruncatisporus | TJ87 (TYPE) | China | ON427479 | ON427492 | ON533872 | This study |
Melanogastertruncatisporus | TJ109 | China | ON427480 | ON427493 | ON533873 | This study |
Melanogastertruncatisporus | L5346 | China | ON427481 | ON427494 | / | This study |
Melanogastertuberiformis | B-1295 | Romania | AJ555527 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastertuberiformis | JC110130BT | Spain | MN594289 | MN594302 | MN594773 | Unpublished |
Melanogastervariegatus | 23640 | Hungary | AJ555522 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastervariegatus | B-1438 | Hungary | AJ555523 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastervariegatus | B-1688 | Hungary | AJ555524 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastervariegatus | B-1225 | Hungary | AJ555533 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastervariegatus | B-1348 | Hungary | AJ555534 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastervariegatus | B-2312 | Hungary | AJ555535 | / | / | Unpublished |
Melanogastervariegatus | JC180617BT | Spain | MN594290 | MN594303 | MN594774 | Unpublished |
Uncultured Melanogaster | MFT57 | Germany | FJ403505 | / | / | Pena et al. 2010 |
Paragyrodonsphaerosporus | MB06-066 | USA | GU187540 | GU187593 | GU187803 | Binder et al. 2010 |
Paxillusinvolutus | Bel10.4 | France | KF261366 | / | JQ436854 | Jargeat et al. 2014 |
Note: The symbol “/” means that the sequence was not available, and sequences newly generated for this study are in bold.
Figure 1.
The phylogram of Melanogaster and closely related genera obtained with RAxML (including ITS1, ITS2, 5.8S, nrLSU and RPB2). Paragyrodonsphaerosporus MB06 066 and Paxillusinvolutus Bel10 10 were selected as the outgroup. Nodes were annotated with ML BS > 70%, Bayesian PP > 0.90, or “-” in case of non-significant support value. New species are in bold font.
The trees were visualized with TreeView32 (Page 2001), exported in PDF format, and edited in Adobe Illustrator CS6. Clades with bootstrap support (BS) ≥ 70% and Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP) ≥ 0.90 were considered significantly supported (Alfaro et al. 2003).
Subdivision of the genus Melanogaster based on morphological characteristics
In order to explore the correspondence between morphological features on the subdivision of Melanogaster from China (including the three new species described herein) and other parts of the world, the main morphological features (including the number of peridium layers, average thickness of peridium, average length, and width of basidiospores) were selected for statistical analysis (Table 2). Using the three sections (Melanogaster, Rivulares, and Variegati) as the dependent variable (Y), and the morphological features of the species as independent variables (X), we conducted a visual analysis of subdivision of different species using Orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) using SIMCA 14.0.
Table 2.
The main morphological characterization of Melanogaster species.
Species | Peridium | Basidiospores | Country | |||
layers | Min. (μm) | Max. (μm) | Lm (μm) | Wm (μm) | ||
M.quercicola | 2 | 450 | 600 | 13.1 | 6.5 | China |
M.utriculatus | 2 | 300 | 400 | 13 | 9 | Japan |
M.fusisporus | 2 | 250 | 420 | 12.3 | 5.2 | China |
M.shanxiensis | 2 | 180 | 420 | 12.2 | 6.1 | China |
M.obovatus | 2 | 350 | 600 | 12.2 | 6 | China |
M.macrosporus | 1 | 85 | 315 | 11.5 | 5.7 | Hungary |
M.panzhihuaensis | 1 | 150 | 220 | 10.4 | 6.1 | China |
M.natsii | 2 | 200 | 250 | 10 | 6 | China |
M.coccolobae | 2 | 170 | 230 | 9.9 | 7.5 | Mexico |
M.subglobisporus | 2 | 130 | 300 | 9.8 | 7 | China |
M.spinisporus | 1 | 360 | 750 | 9.6 | 7.3 | China |
M.cyaneus | 2 | 100 | 400 | 9.5 | 7 | China |
M.tomentellus | 1 | 250 | 350 | 9.4 | 4.5 | China |
M.ovoidisporus | 2 | 250 | 450 | 7.1 | 4.3 | China |
M.truncatisporus | 2 | 200 | 450 | 7 | 4.5 | China |
M.minobovatus | 2 | 350 | 500 | 6.1 | 4.7 | China |
M.broomeanus | 1 | 150 | 400 | 6 | 3.9 | China |
M.luteus | 2 | 100 | 250 | 6 | 2.75 | France, Montenegro |
M.minysporus | 1 | 160 | 240 | 5.5 | 4 | Mexico |
M.rivularis | 2 | 100 | 135 | 5.5 | 2.9 | France |
M.diqingensis | 2 | 100 | 320 | 3.8 | 3.2 | China |
Notes: The new species introduced in this study are presented in bold.
Molecular data analyses
The multi-gene dataset (ITS, 5.8S, nrLSU and RPB2) contained 27 specimens (7 novel specimens from our collections) and had an aligned length of 2,295 characters. ML and BI yielded identical tree topologies and only the tree inferred from the ML analysis is shown (Fig. 1). The ITS dataset contained 79 specimens, of which 7 were newly sequenced, and had an aligned length of 683 characters. ML and BI analyses produced identical tree topologies and only the tree derived from the ML analysis is shown (Fig. 2). The four-gene dataset and ITS (ITS1-2 and 5.8S) resulted in ML trees with a log-likelihood of -9919.6 and -5052.3, respectively. The general topology of the trees (Figs 1, 2) is congruent with those already published by Moreau et al. (2011, 2013). The phylogenetic tree derived from the four-gene dataset (Fig. 1), validates the classification of our specimens in Melanogaster. Our 7 specimens were resolved as 3 strongly supported species-level clades or branches, different from all known species included in the analysis (Fig. 2). Furthermore, two sequences (Melanogaster sp. MVC 753 FLASF 65878 and Melanogaster sp. MES 1003) from Chile, a sequence (Melanogaster sp. JC110118BT) from Spain, two sequences (Melanogaster sp. OSC AHF420 from France, Melanogaster sp. OSC LG1042 from the USA), and two sequences (Melanogaster sp. OK 2022a oka331 and Melanogaster sp. OK 2022a oka332) from Turkey formed four distinct, species-level clades/lineages labelled M. sp1 to M. sp4 (Fig. 2). These clades exhibited less than 98.4% similarity (M. sp1 = 98.3%, M. sp2 = 93.47%, M. sp3 = 94.06%, and M. sp4 = 96.63%) in their ITS sequences compared to other species of Melanogaster. This observation suggests the likely presence of four additional undescribed species.
Figure 2.
The ITS phylogram of Melanogaster obtained with RAxML (including ITS1, ITS2, and 5.8S). The six Alpova cessions were chosen as the outgroup. Nodes were annotated with ML BS > 70%, Bayesian PP > 0.90, or “-” in case of non-significant support value. New species are in bold font. The sections are as defined by Moreau et al. 2011 on the basis of basidiospore length.
. Melanogaster cyaneus
T. J. Yuan, Shu H. Li, & Raspé sp. nov.
MycoBank No: 901868
Figure 3.
Photographs of Melanogaster species. Melanogastercyaneus (YAAS-TJ75-1, holotype) a basidiomata b LM of Peridium c LM of basidiospores d SEM of basidiospore. Melanogasterdiqingensis (YAAS-WXH_9068, holotype) e basidiomata f LM of Peridium g LM of basidiospores h SEM of basidiospore. Melanogastertruncatisporus (YAAS-TJ87, holotype) i basidiomata j LM of peridium k LM of basidiospores l SEM of ascospore. Scale bars: 2 cm (a, e, i); 20 μm (b, f, g); 10 μm (c, g, k); 1 μm (d, h, l).
Melanogastercyaneus is diagnosed by its blue or bluish gleba, rhizomorphs on the base, thinner peridium (100–400 μm), and longer and wider basidiospores (6.2–15 × 4.6–9.0 μm).
The epithet cyaneus refers to the blue or bluish gleba.
China. Sichuan Province: Panzhihua City, Yanbian County, Shuanglong village, 26°49'12"N, 101°33'7.1028"E, elevation 1,970 m, in mainly reddish brown soils under Castaneamollissima Bl., 16 Aug. 2020, collected by M. Yang (KUN- HKAS129200, holotype; YAAS-TJ75-1, isotype).
Basidiomata 2.5–4.0 × 1.5–2.5 cm, hypogeous or semi-hypogeous, subglobose to ellipsoidal, occasionally elongate; light brown to yellowish brown, with mycelial strands attached in the base (Fig. 3a). Peridium two-layered, outer layer 20–75 μm thick, composed of interwoven hyphae, orange-yellow to reddish, 2–4 μm broad, thick-walled, clamp connections present; inner layer 145–335 μm thick, composed of interwoven, strongly gelatinized hyphae, 2–5 μm broad, pale-yellow, intermixed with massive inflated cells, 6–12 μm broad, with clamp connections present. Gleba solid, gelatinous, milk-white when immature, blue or bluish at mature; trama plates pale-yellow, of gelatinized hyphae (Fig. 3b); locules small, filled with black spores (Fig. 3c). Basidia exhibit limited revival, appearing clavate, hyaline, 4-spores, randomly distributed, gelatinized at maturity. Basidiospores subglobose to globose, 6.2–15 × 4.6–9.0 μm (Lm × Wm= 9.5 ± 3.0 × 7.0 ± 2.0, Q= 1.0–2.0, Qm =1.4 ± 0.6, n = 75), smooth, hyaline when immature, light yellow to reddish at maturity, surfaces display distinctive spots, and optical microscopy reveals a notable hilar appendage, 0.5–1.0 μm in diam (Fig. 3d).
Other material examined.
China, Sichuan province, Panzhihua City, Yanbian County, Shuanglong village, 26°49'12"N, 101°33'7.1029"E, elevation 2,000 m, under Castaneamollissima Bl. in evergreen hill forest, in mainly reddish-brown soils, 16 Aug. 2020, collected by M. Yang (YAAS TJ75-2).
M.broomeanus Berk (Türkoğlu and Castellano 2013; Uzun et al. 2014), M.shanxiensis and M.obovatisporus (Liu et al. 1989), are similar to M.cyaneus in morphology. M.cyaneus (basidiomata light brown to yellowish brown), M.broomeanus (basidiomata yellow-brown to deep brown), M.shanxiensis (basidiomata brown to rust-brown) and M.obovatisporus (basidiomata brown to brownish-black), but the specimens of M.cyaneus clustered in an independent clade with strong support (BS = 100%, PP = 1.0; Fig. 2), supporting it as a distinct species. Additionally, DNA analysis revealed M.cyaneus shared less than 92% ITS similarity with other Melanogaster species.
. Melanogaster diqingensis
T. J. Yuan, Shu H. Li, & Raspé sp. nov.
MycoBank No: 901869
Melanogasterdiqingensis is diagnosed by the combination of medium-sized, pale-yellow to orange or brown-yellow basidiomata with scaled, lobed or concave surface, pale yellow gleba, and obovate to subglobose, smooth basidiospores (3.0–5.1 × 2.0–4.0 μm, Q = 1.0–1.8).
The epithet diqingensis refers to the prefecture of the type locality.
China. Yunnan Province: Diqing Autonomous Prefecture, Shangri-La County, Baishuitai village, 27°30'14.2236"N, 100°2'50.5716"E, elevation 2,380 m, in brown soil under Quercusaquifolioides Rehd. et Wils., 25 Sep. 2020, collected by X. H. Wang (KUN- HKAS121212, holotype; YAAS-WXH_9068, isotype).
Basidiomata 0.5–2.5 × 0.2–2.2 cm, hypogeous, globose, subglobose or ellipsoidal, pale-yellow to orange or brown-yellow, scaled, lobed or concave in the surface, without visible rhizomorphs (Fig. 3e). Odor faint. Peridium two-layered, outer layer 40–80 μm thick, composed of interwoven hyphae, 3.5–7.5 μm broad, with fusoid to cylindrical terminal cells, deeply orange-yellow walls toward surface, with clamp connections; inner layer 150–260 μm thick, composed of interwoven hyphae, 5–10 μm broad, with inflated cells, 7.5–15 μm broad, bright pale yellow, with abundant clamp connections. Gleba solid, milk-white when immature, pale yellow at maturity, hard when dried; trama plates of hyaline or yellowish, gelatinized hyphae (Fig. 3f); locules 2–3 mm in diam (Fig. 3g). Basidia exhibit limited reviving, appearing clavate, hyaline, 4–spored. Basidiospores obovate to subglobose, smooth, 3.0–5.1 × 2.0–4.0 μm (Lm × Wm= 3.8 ± 1.0 × 3.2 ± 0.8, Q= 1.0–1.8, Qm =1.2 ± 0.6, n = 75), hyaline (immature) to light yellow, dark brown (mature) in KOH 5%, with truncate-cupped base and very short hilar appendage in optical microscopy, 0.5–1.5 μm in diam (Fig. 3h).
Six Melanogaster species, namely M.subglobisporus, M.natsii, M.spinisporus (Wang et al. 1995), M.rivularis, M.luteus=M. microsporus (Moreau et al. 2011), are similar to M.diqingensis in morphology and related by phylogeny. The colors of their basidiomata are similar to M.diqingensis, i.e. rust brown to deep brown in M.subglobisporus, yellow-brown in M.natsii, grayish brown to light brown in M.spinisporus, and bright golden yellow in M.minysporus, but the basidiomata of all of latter species are without scales, lobes or concave area, by which they were easily differentiated from M.diqingensis. M.rivularis (anthracite-black gleba), and M.luteus (club-shaped or cylindro-elliptical to cylindrical basidiospores) also are easily differentiated from M.diqingensis. The thickness of the peridium (≤ 300 μm) is similar among M.subglobisporus, M.ovoidisporus, and M.coccolobae, However, the size of basidiospores provide a clear distinction between these species (M.subglobisporus 8–11 × 7–9 μm, M.ovoidisporus 5–7 × 3.5–5.8 μm and M.coccolobae 6.2–12 × 5.2–10 μm). Phylogenetically, M.diqingensis and M.subglobisporus formed an independent and strongly supported clade (BS = 78%, PP = 1.0; Fig. 2), but M.diqingensis shared less than 93.2% ITS similarity with M.subglobisporus, supporting M.diqingensis as a distinct species.
. Melanogaster truncatisporus
T. J. Yuan, Shu H. Li, & Raspé sp. nov.
MycoBank No: 901870
Melanogastertruncatisporus is diagnosed by the combination of medium-sized basidiomata with orange-yellow peridium that becomes reddish brown to dark brown in age, and truncate basidiospores.
The epithet truncatisporus refers to the truncate basidiospores.
China. Yunnan Province: Nujiang Autonomous Prefecture, Lanping County, Zhongpai township, Xinchangping village, 26°54'15"N, 99°10'32"E, elevation 1990 m, in mainly brown soils under Castaneamollissima and Pinusyunnanensis Franch., 26 Oct. 2020, collected by T. J. Yuan (KUN-HKAS129199, holotype; YAAS-TJ87, isotype).
Basidiomata 1.5–3.0 × 0.4–2.3 cm, hypogeous or semi-hypogeous, subglobose to oval, occasionally irregular-elongated, yellowish when young, reddish brown to dark brown at maturity, smooth or slightly velvety surface, lobed or indented at the base, attached mycelial strands, occasionally extending to the surface, dark brown, rhizomorphs not distinct (Fig. 3i). Peridium two-layered, outer layer 50–100 μm thick, composed of interwoven hyphae, orange-yellow, with clamp connections, and fusoid to cylindrical terminal cells, 4–5 μm broad; inner layer 150–350 μm thick, composed of interwoven hyphae, 3–5 μm broad, pale yellow, intermixed with massive inflated cells, ellipsoidal or irregular, 3–20 μm broad. Gleba solid, pale brown when young, blackish brown to black at maturity, separated by white or pale yellow trama when young, which becomes deep brown at maturity, hard when dried; trama plates of hyaline or yellowish gelatinized hyphae (Fig. 3j); locules 2–4 mm in diameter, polygonal to irregular (Fig. 3k). Basidia poorly recovered, hyaline, 4–spored, occurring randomly in the locules (Fig. 3k). Basidiospores subglobose to globose or irregularly elongate-pyriform, 3.5–9.5 × 3.0–7.0 μm (Lm × Wm = 7.0 ± 2.5 × 4.5 ± 2.0, Q = 1.0–2.5, Qm = 1.5 ± 1.0, n = 65), hyaline when immature, becoming dark brown at maturity, smooth, with truncate-cupped base and short hilar appendage,1–2 μm in diam in optical microscopy (Fig. 3l).
Habitat, phenology, and distribution.
hypogeous to semi-hypogeous under Castaneamollissima and Pinusyunnanensis, in mixed forest, in late autumn. So far found in Lanping and Gongshan counties, Yunnan Province, China.
Other material examined.
China. Yunnan Province: Nujiang autonomous Prefecture, Lanping County, 26°54'17"N, 99°10'31"E, elevation 2,030 m, in mainly brown soils under Castaneamollissima and Pinusyunnanensis, 26 Oct. 2020, collected by T. J. Yuan (YAAS TJ83 and YAAS TJ109); China. Yunnan Province: Nujiang Autonomous Prefecture, Gongshan County, 28°1'19"N, 98°37'2"E, elevation 1,800 m, in mainly brown soils under Castaneamollissima and Pinusyunnanensis, 25 Sep. 2020, collected by Li, S. H. (YAAS L5346).
Four Melanogaster species, namely M.minysporus (Cázares et al. 2008), M.broomeanus Berk (Türkoğlu and Castellano 2013, Uzun et al. 2014), M.obovatisporus (Liu et al. 1989), and M.variegatus (Krisztián 2008), are similar in morphology and related to M.truncatisporus by phylogeny. M.truncatisporus can be easily differentiated by its peridium thickness (M.truncatisporus, 200–450 μm vs M.minysporus, 160–240 μm) and the size of basidiospores (M.truncatisporus, 3.5–9.5 × 3.0–7.0 μm vs M.minysporus, 5–6.5 × 3–5 μm). M.truncatisporus has a two-layered peridium and M.broomeanus has a single-layered peridium. The difference in basidiospore size is evident, with 3.5–9.5 × 3.0–7.0 μm for M.truncatisporus and 7–9 × 4 μm for M.broomeanus. Also, M.truncatisporus basidia typically contain 4 spores, whereas those of M.obovatisporus consistently contain 8 spores. Basidiospore size (especially minimum size) is also a diagnostic character to separate M.truncatisporus from M.variegatus (3.5–9.5 × 3.0–7.0 μm for the former, and 7.5–10 × 5.5–8 μm for the latter). Phylogenetically, the specimens of M.truncatisporus clustered in an independent clade with strong support (BS = 100%, PP = 1.0; Fig. 2), supporting it as a new species. Additionally, M.truncatisporus (holotype ITS sequence ON427479) shared less than 93.2% similarity with ITS sequences of other Melanogaster species.
Subdivision of the genus Melanogaster in sections based on morphology
The main characters to identify Melanogaster species are the number of layers of the peridium, thickness of the peridium, and average length and width of basidiospores (Table 2). A discriminant analysis based on five variables, namely the number of layers of the peridium, the minimum and maximum thickness of the peridium, and the length and width of basidiospores, was performed by OPLS-DA (Fig. 4). In this analysis, the three sections, Melanogaster, Variegati, and Rivulares, were separated in the 3D principal component space by the average length and average width of basidiospores, and the minimum thickness of the peridium. The cumulative contribution of the first three principal components exceeded 80.5%. The primary factors determining the distribution of species in the 3-dimensional space are the average length and width of spores. The three new species (M.cyaneus, M.diqingensis, and M.truncatisporus) were placed into the sectionMelanogaster, Rivulares, and Variegati by OPLS-DA, respectively.
Figure 4.
OPLS-DA discriminant analysis of three sections including Chinese species, based on their main morphological characteristics. Lm = mean spore length; Wm = mean spore width; Peridium Tmin = minimum thickness of peridium.
In this paper, we introduce three novel species of hypogeous fungi belonging to Melanogaster (Paxillaceae, Boletales): M.cyaneus, M.diqingensis, and M.truncatisporus. The first two species were discovered in Yunnan Province, while the latter was collected in Sichuan Province, in southwest China. Morphologically, M.cyaneus stands out with its distinctive blue or bluish gleba and light brown to yellowish brown basidiomata. M.diqingensis can be identified by its pale yellow to brown-yellow basidiomata, featuring a scaled, lobed, or concave surface. M.truncatisporus is characterized by its distinct pale yellow to deeply orange-yellow peridium and subglobose to globose or pyriform basidiospores. These characteristics differentiate them from other Melanogaster species found in China. Phylogenetically, our analysis based on an ITS rDNA dataset, including ITS1-2 and 5.8S, revealed that specimens of M.cyaneus and M.truncatisporus clustered into two independent clades with strong support (BS = 100%, PP = 1.0). M.diqingensis and M.subglobisporus formed a separate and well-supported clade (BS = 78%, PP = 1.0; Fig. 2). Moreover, these three species shared less than 93.2% ITS similarity with other Melanogaster species. Both the phylogenetic tree and morphological features concur to support these three species as new additions to Melanogaster.
Knapp (1954) and Moreau et al. (2011) proposed a division of European Melanogaster species into three sections based on the average length of basidiospores. These sections were defined as follows: sectionMelanogaster, with basidiospores longer than 10 μm; sectionVariegati, with basidiospores measuring 6–10 μm; and sectionRivulares, with basidiospores ranging from 5 to 6 μm. Our multivariate statistical analysis based on wider taxon sampling and three morphological characters instead of only spore length allowed to separate species in line with Moreau et al. (2011) sections (Fig. 4). However, in the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 2), the three morphologically delineated sections were not monophyletic. For example, M.panzhihuaensis described from China was placed within the Melanogaster section based on morphology (Fig. 4), but shared a sister relationship with M.minobovatus, also from China, which was assigned to sectionRivulares by the multivariate morphological analysis (Fig. 4). This placement is distinct from other species classified within the Melanogaster section, such as M.ambiguus (Spain and China), M.intermedius (UK), M.euryspermus (USA), M.tuberiformis (Spain), M.natsii (China), M.subglobisporus (China), and M.macrosporus (Hungary) (Wang et al. 1995; Frank et al. 2006; Brock et al. 2009; Alvarado et al. 2021; Xu et al. 2022).
A set of 19 Melanogaster sequences from Germany, France, and the USA (as detailed in Table 1) were included in our phylogenetic analyses. The phylogenetic position of certain specimens based on these sequences was problematic, particularly concerning M.intermedius B-1770, and M.variegatus 23640 and B-1688 from Hungary, as well as M.natsii OSC82168 JMT7491 and OSC158336 MES297 from the USA. All those accessions belonged in species-level clades including other accessions identified as different species. The ITS rDNA sequences of Melanogaster sp. (Melanog002FRA, Melanog006FRA, Melanog007FRA, Melanog008FRA, Melanog011FRA, and Melanog012FRA), along with Melanogaster sp. (Melanog018FRA and Melanog019FRA) from France, clustered with M.rivularis and M.luteus clades, respectively. This observation is substantiated by robust support from high bootstrap values (BS = 97 and BS = 93) and posterior probability from Bayesian inference (PP = 1.0) in Fig. 2. Consequently, we recommend classifying the first six unidentified specimens as M.rivularis species and the last two specimens as M.luteus.
Melanogaster sp. MVC 753 FLASF 65878 (Chile) and Melanogaster sp. MES 1003 (Chile) exhibited less than 98.3% similarity in the ITS region when compared to M.macrosporus. Furthermore, an ITS sequence (Melanogaster sp. JC110118BT) from Spain, two ITS sequences (Melanogaster sp. OSC AHF420 from France and Melanogaster sp. OSC LG1042 from the USA), and two ITS sequences (Melanogaster sp. OK 2022a oka331 and Melanogaster sp. OK 2022a oka332) from Turkey exhibited less than 96.7% similarity to ITS sequences of other Melanogaster species. Consequently, those accessions represent four distinct species-level lineages, designated as M. sp1 to M. sp4, respectively (Fig. 2). This observation suggests the presence of four undescribed species. More research is therefore needed to validate and properly describe those putative novel species.
Key to the Melanogaster species from China
1a | Basidiospores verrucose | 2 |
1b | Basidiospores smooth | 3 |
2a | Basidiomata brown to deep brown, peridium 250–350 μm thick, surface minutely green tomentose; basidiospores elongate fusiform | M.tomentellus |
2b | Basidiomata light brown with some red-brown or brick-red when fresh, peridium 360–750 μm thick, basidiospores ellipsoid to obovoid, subglobose | M.spinisporus |
3a | Basidiospores light yellow or yellow | 4 |
3b | Basidiospores brown to dark brown or reddish brown | 5 |
4a | Basidiomata brick-red with dark green to black-green gleba at maturity | M.obovatus |
4b | Basidiomata red-brown to brown with yellow-green gleba at maturity | M.quercicola |
5a | Basidiospores mostly longer than 10 μm | 6 |
5b | Basidiospores mostly shorter than 10 μm | 7 |
6a | Basidiomata yellow-brown to brown, gleba brown, basidiospores fusiform | M.fusisporus |
6b | Basidiomata brown to rust-brown, gleba brownish, basidiospores long obovoid | M.shanxiensis |
6c | Basidiomata light brown to yellowish brown, gleba bluish, basidiospores subglobose to globose | M.cyaneus |
6d | Basidiomata yellow-brown, gleba brown to dark brown, basidiospores limoniform or ellipsoid | M.natsii |
7a | Basidiospores oblong to cylindrical | M.broomeanus |
7b | Basidiospores obovate or obovate to subglobose | 8 |
7c | Basidiospores subglobose to globose | 9 |
8a | Basidiospores red-brown, 8.7–12.4 × 5.2–7.6 µm | M.panzhihuaensis |
8b | Basidiospores dark brown to brownish, 6.5–8 × 3.8–4.7 µm | M.obovatisporus |
8c | Basidiospores yellowish brown to brown, 8.7–10.6 × 6.6–8.0 µm | M.subglobisporus |
8d | Basidiospores dark brown, 5.1–6.9 × 4.2–5.1 μm | M.minobovatus |
9a | Basidiomata reddish brown to dark brown, gleba brownish-black or black, basidiospore 3.5–9.5 × 3.0–7.0 μm | M.truncatisporus |
9b | Basidiomata pale yellow to orange, gleba pale yellow, basidiospore 3.0–5.1 × 2.0–4.0 μm | M.diqingensis |
Supplementary Material
Yuan T-J, Luo H-M, Su K-M, Li S-H, Raspé O (2024) Three new Melanogaster species (Boletales, Paxillaceae) from southwestern China based on morphological and molecular evidence. MycoKeys 107: 141–160. https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.107.123565
Funding Statement
The Biodiversity Survey and Assessment Project of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment(2019HJ2096001006),the Science and Technology Talents and Platform Plan from the Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Department (No. 2017HB084); Anhui Province University Natural Science Research Foundation (No. gxyq2018097 & 1908085MC61); The Exploring and Studying of Wild Edible and Valuable Hypogeous Fungi in Nujiang and Diqing Prefectures (YN2020019), and The Project of Industrial Technology System (CARS-20).
Contributor Information
Shu-Hong Li, Email: shuhongfungi@126.com.
Olivier Raspé, Email: olivier.raspe@botanicgardenmeise.be.
Additional information
Conflict of interest
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Ethical statement
No ethical statement was reported.
This study was financially supported by grants from the Central guidance for local scientific and technological development funds (Project ID: 202307AB110001); the National Natural Science Foundation of China to Shu-Hong Li (No. 31560009); the Biodiversity Survey and Assessment Project of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, China to Xiang-Hua Wang (2019HJ2096001006); the Science and Technology Talents and Platform Plan from the Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Department (No. 2017HB084); Anhui Province University Natural Science Research Foundation (No. gxyq2018097 & 1908085MC61); the Exploring and Studying of Wild Edible and Valuable Hypogeous Fungi in Nujiang and Diqing Prefectures (YN2020019); the Project of Industrial Technology System (CARS-20); and the Thesis Writing Grant of Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand, to Tianjun Yuan.
Author contributions
Tian-Jun Yuan performed the research and wrote the manuscript, Olivier Raspé supervised the work and revised the manuscript, Hong-Mei Luo and Kai-Mei Su collected specimens, Shu-Hong Li provided the fundings.
Author ORCIDs
Olivier Raspé https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8426-2133
Data availability
All of the data that support the findings of this study are available in the main text, or in publicly accessible repositories as indicated in the text.
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