Mobilization typing (MOB) is a classification scheme for plasmid genomes based on their relaxase gene. The host ranges of plasmids of different MOB categories are diverse, and MOB is crucial for investigating plasmid mobilization, especially the transmission of resistance genes and virulence factors. However, MOB typing of plasmid metagenomic data is challenging due to the highly fragmented characteristics of metagenomic contigs.
We developed MOBFinder, an 11-class classifier, for categorizing plasmid fragments into 10 MOB types and a nonmobilizable category. We first performed MOB typing to classify complete plasmid genomes according to relaxase information and then constructed an artificial benchmark dataset of plasmid metagenomic fragments (PMFs) from those complete plasmid genomes whose MOB types are well annotated. Next, based on natural language models, we used word vectors to characterize the PMFs. Several random forest classification models were trained and integrated to predict fragments of different lengths. Evaluating the tool using the benchmark dataset, we found that MOBFinder outperforms previous tools such as MOBscan and MOB-suite, with an overall accuracy approximately 59% higher than that of MOB-suite. Moreover, the balanced accuracy, harmonic mean, and F1-score reached up to 99% for some MOB types. When applied to a cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D), MOBFinder offered insights suggesting that the MOBF type plasmid, which is widely present in Escherichia and Klebsiella, and the MOBQ type plasmid might accelerate antibiotic resistance transmission in patients with T2D.
To the best of our knowledge, MOBFinder is the first tool for MOB typing of PMFs. The tool is freely available at https://github.com/FengTaoSMU/MOBFinder.
Keywords: MOB typing, language model, metagenomic sequencing, plasmid, random forest
Plasmids are usually small, double-stranded, and circular DNA molecules found within bacterial cells [1]. Being separate from the bacterial chromosome, plasmids have the ability to replicate independently and can be transferred between bacteria through conjugation [2]. Bacteria, specifically pathogenic strains, can acquire antibiotic resistance genes or virulence factors via plasmid-mediated horizontal gene transfer, aiding their ability to adapt to various environments [3].
Plasmid classification is important for investigating multiple properties of plasmids, such as host range, replication patterns, and mobilization mechanisms [4]. Many classification schemes have been developed according to the distinct characteristics of plasmids, including taxonomic classification, replicon typing (Rep), incompatibility typing (Inc), mate–pair formation typing (MPF), and mobilization typing (MOB). In taxonomic classification, plasmids are categorized based on their host bacteria [5]. Rep typing classifies plasmids according to genes controlling their replication, known as replication initiation genes [4, 6]. Inc typing takes advantage of the fact that plasmids with similar replication or partition systems are incompatible within the same cell, categorizing plasmids based on compatibility [6]. MPF typing is based on genes encoding the MPF system, which consists of proteins that mediate contact and DNA exchange between donor and recipient cells during conjugation [4, 7]. Finally, MOB typing classifies plasmids based on the relaxase gene, which is present in all transmissible plasmids [2, 8, 9]. Plasmids with different relaxase types are categorized as different MOB types, with each possessing a distinct transmission mechanism that determines its taxonomic host range [4, 10]. This variation among different MOB types is critical in researching the spread of virulence traits, the emergence of antibiotic resistance, and the adaptation and evolution of bacteria. Moreover, MOB typing has been found to be effective for identifying novel mobilizable plasmids that were previously unassigned to any Rep or Inc types and for investigating the mobilization characteristics of plasmids with similar mobilization systems [9, 11].
Recently, many experimental and computational schemes have been devised for plasmid typing, as well as to explore the diversity and functionality of plasmids (Table 1). For example, plasmid taxonomic PCR (PlasTax-PCR) [12], PCR-based replicon typing (PBRT) [13], and degenerate primer MOB typing (DPMT) [11] are multiplex PCR methods for identifying plasmids with analogous replication or mobilization systems. PlasTrans, based on deep learning, identifies mobilizable metagenomic plasmid fragments [14]. Web servers such as PlasmidFinder [6], pMLST, and oriTfinder [15] were established based on collected maker gene databases and alignment-based methods to facilitate Rep, Inc, and MOB typing. COPLA [5], based on average nucleotide identity, performs taxonomic classifications of complete plasmid genomes with an overall accuracy of 41%. For the MOB typing, MOBscan [16] uses the HMMER model to annotate relaxase genes and classify plasmids accordingly. MOB-suite [17, 18] performs plasmid typing for plasmid assemblies. First, it uses Mash distance to cluster plasmid assemblies into clusters; then, it uses marker gene databases to annotate them.
Table 1:
Technology category | Method | Classification scheme | Material | Description |
Experimental | DPMT [11] | MOB typing | Plasmid DNA from clinical isolates | Used degenerate primers to hybridize relaxase-coding genes to identify and classify plasmids isolated from clinical isolates |
PlasTax-PCR [12] | Taxonomic typing | Plasmid DNA from clinical isolates | Utilized PCR primers that target conserved segments of the relaxase gene of plasmid taxonomic units (PTUs) to identify specific PTUs of transmissible plasmids | |
PBRT [13] | Rep typing or Inc typing | Plasmid DNA from clinical isolates | Used multiplex PCR to amplify DNA fragments of replicons and detect known replicon types of plasmids | |
Computational | MOBscan [16] | MOB typing | Plasmid protein sequences | Used the HMMER model to annotate the relaxases and further perform MOB typing |
MOB-suite [17, 18] | MOB typing, MPF typing, and Rep typing | Complete plasmid genomes or plasmid assembly clusters (Linux) | Utilized collected relaxase, oriT, replicon, and T4SS sequences to construct the database, then classified plasmid assembly clusters with BLAST | |
PlasTans [14] | Transmissible plasmid identification | Plasmid assembly contigs (Linux) | Used the convolutional neural network deep learning algorithm to classify plasmid DNA fragments | |
PlasmidFinder [6] | Rep typing or Inc typing | Raw reads or complete plasmid genomes or plasmid assembly contigs (web server) | Utilized collected replicon sequences and BLASTn to perform Rep typing and Inc typing | |
pMLST [6] | Rep typing or Inc typing | Raw reads or complete plasmid genomes or plasmid assembly contigs (web server) | Used collected plasmid multilocus sequence typing (pMLST) allele sequences, known sequence type profiles, and BLAST to perform Rep typing and Inc typing | |
oriTfinder [15] | MOB typing, MPF typing | Complete plasmid genomes (web server) | Utilized collected oriT, relaxase, T4CP, and T4SS sequences to annotate plasmids with BLAST | |
COPLA [5] | Taxonomic typing | Complete plasmid genomes or plasmid assembly sets (Linux) | Used average nucleotide identity (ANI) metrics and hierarchical stochastic block modeling (HSBM) to create plasmid taxonomic units (PTUs) and predict taxonomic hosts |
Metagenomic sequencing makes it possible to obtain all plasmid DNA from microbial communities at once, and a number of computational tools for identifying plasmid fragments from metagenomic data have been developed, such as PlasFlow [19], PlasmidSeeker [20], PlasClass [21], PPR-Meta [22], and PlasForest [23]. As DNA fragments of plasmids and bacteria are intermingled in metagenomic data [24], recognizing the transmission mechanisms and host ranges of plasmids can be challenging. To this end, it is crucial to annotate MOB types of metagenomic plasmid fragments. However, this is difficult when plasmid assembly fragments are incomplete and essential genes for annotation are lacking. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider alternative methods. Given that plasmids of the same MOB type have similar transmission mechanisms and host ranges, their genomic signatures (e.g., GC content and codon usage) tend to also be alike, not only relaxase [4, 25]. In this context, neural networks, which have demonstrated strong performance in the classification and identification of biological sequences [26, 27], could be useful. Furthermore, language models [28, 29] derived from such neural networks have also showcased their impressive ability to characterize sequence features [30, 31]. In this methodology, short sequences of nucleotides (referred to as k-mers) or amino acids are analogous to “words,” and the longer sequences of DNA or proteins are analogous to “sentences.” Through the application of unsupervised learning on large datasets, each “word” is linked to a feature vector that captures its context, offering a more sophisticated analysis than the traditional k-mer frequency method, which simply counts the occurrence of nucleotide sequences without acknowledging their biochemical characteristics. Unlike the conventional method, this language model-based approach assesses sequences based on their contextual importance across different genetic environments, positioning contextually similar sequences close together in a multidimensional space. This technique provides deeper insights into the biochemical complexities of nucleotide sequences, thereby furnishing a more comprehensive understanding of an organism’s functional biology [32]. To characterize the features of plasmids within the same MOB type, we employed language models to perform the MOB annotation. In addition to the relaxase-coding gene, language models exhibit the ability to capture more biological features and associations within comparable mobilization systems, making it possible to perform MOB annotation for metagenomic plasmid assemblies.
Thus, we presented MOBFinder, a tool for annotating MOB types from plasmid metagenomic fragments (PMFs). MOBFinder can process single or multiple plasmid DNA sequences, and it provides predicted MOB types for each input fragment, including MOBB, MOBC, MOBF, MOBH, MOBL, MOBM, MOBP, MOBQ, MOBT, MOBV, and non-MOB. Moreover, it provides the option to annotate plasmid bins from metagenomics data.
An overview of this work is shown in Fig. 1A, and the development of MOBFinder involved the following steps: (i) Benchmark dataset construction. Plasmid complete genomes obtained from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) were classified into different MOB types based on relaxase databases. Then, to simulate plasmid fragments in metagenomic data, an artificial benchmark dataset of varying lengths was generated. (ii) Word embeddings. Numerical word vectors were generated using skip-gram to characterize the sequence features of different MOB categories. (iii) Classification model ensemble and optimization. Several classification models, specifically designed for different lengths, were trained and integrated to predict fragments of different lengths. Evaluations against a test dataset demonstrated that MOBFinder is a powerful tool for MOB typing of plasmid fragments and bins. Its application to a cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) revealed a potential correlation between some MOB types and the spread of antibiotic resistance genes among T2D patients. This suggests that MOBFinder is an effective data analysis approach for investigating plasmid-mediated horizontal gene transfer within microbial communities.
Materials and Methods
The workflow of MOBFinder
To annotate the MOB type of plasmid fragments in metagenomics, we designed MOBFinder (Fig. 1). As MOB-suite [17, 18] did not offer a quantitative likelihood score for the outcomes and some plasmids would be classified into multiple MOB types (Supplementary Fig. S1), we constructed a benchmark dataset using a high-resolution MOB typing strategy for categorizing complete plasmid genomes (Fig. 1B, C). Then, based on a language model and random forest, we designed an algorithm to perform MOB typing for PMFs (Fig. 1D, E).
MOB typing of complete plasmid genomes
Traditionally, plasmid MOB typing of complete plasmid genomes has been a bioinformatics task based on the analysis of relaxase sequence similarity. The practice of annotating MOB types through BLAST similarity searches using representative sequences of different MOB type relaxases has gradually evolved into the standard method for MOB typing [4, 17, 18]. In this work, we constructed a benchmark dataset of simulated metagenomic contigs based on complete plasmid genomes with known MOB types. Previous studies have included a relatively small number of plasmids in their analyses. To further expand the MOB typing training dataset, we annotated the newly collected plasmid complete genome data for MOB typing according to relaxase information.
Ten validated MOB relaxase protein families were collected, including MOBB, MOBC, MOBF, MOBH, MOBL, MOBM, MOBP, MOBQ, MOBT, and MOBV [2, 7–9, 33, 34] (Fig. 1B). For each MOB category, blastp (RRID:SCR_001010) [35] was used to search homologous protein sequences against the NCBI nonredundant protein sequence database, with an e-value threshold of 1e-10, a query coverage threshold of 70%, and an identity threshold of 70%. A previous study applied an e-value threshold of 1e-5 and minimum requirements for query coverage and identity set at 50% [4]. However, employing these criteria, we observed that some relaxases were annotated as belonging to multiple MOB types. To eliminate ambiguous annotations and construct a more reliable dataset for the training of MOBFinder, we imposed the stricter criteria mentioned above. After the expansion of protein sequences, local relaxase databases were built using the “makeblastdb” command for MOB typing of plasmid genomes.
Plasmid genomes were retrieved from the NCBI nucleotide database using the keywords “complete” and “plasmid,” and incomplete fragments were removed manually for further analysis. The accession list of these plasmids is provided in Supplementary Table S1. For each plasmid genome, coding sequences were extracted from the genebank file, and blastp [35] was employed to search for the best alignment of local relaxase databases. Here, we defined the mob_score to measure the likelihood of homology:
where qcov_max and bitscore_max represent the query coverage and bitscore corresponding to the match with the highest bit score, respectively. To identify plasmid genomes encoding known relaxase families, we set a mob_score threshold of 0.5, which was established in conjunction with a minimum query coverage of 50% and a minimum bitscore of 100. To further enhance the reliability of our classification, we introduced an e-value cutoff, conservatively set at 1e-10, to complete the plasmid genome classification (Fig. 1C). In instances where plasmid genomes yielded no blast results or exhibited an e-value exceeding 0.01, we categorized them as non-MOB.
Word embeddings using a language model
To characterize the features and patterns within each MOB category and use numerical word vectors to represent them, we utilized a skip-gram language model [28, 29] to learn from plasmid genomes. Using a sliding window, the model calculated the likelihood between segmented words and outputted a probability distribution over the context words. The training steps were as follows (Fig. 1D):
Word generation. Since DNA sequences are composed of different nucleotide characters, we used a k-mer sliding window to generate overlapping input words. For example, with k = 4, “ATCGCTGA” would be segmented into “ATCG,” “TCGC,” “CGCT,” “GCTG,” and “CTGA.” In this step, unique words were generated.
Word encoding initialization. Each word was initially assigned a random vector.
Skip-gram model. We employed a standard skip-gram model as described in previous studies [28, 29] to generate word vectors through the dna2vec module [29]. A 2-layer neural network was used to construct the skip-gram model. The initialized vectors were used as input, and the output was a probability distribution over the input words. Layer 1 was a hidden layer to convert the initialized vectors into a 100-dimensional word vector representation as predefined by Ng [29]. Layer 2 was used to compute and maximize the probability of the correct context words using the negative sampling function, with the size of context words set to 20 (10 words for upstream and downstream, respectively) as preset by Ng [29].
Model training. For each input plasmid genome, we used an optimization algorithm to minimize the loss function. Then, using the default settings, we used backpropagation to update the neural network parameters (word vectors) for 10 epochs.
Word vector extraction. After the training process, the word vectors in the hidden layer were extracted to characterize the plasmid fragments.
Benchmark dataset construction
Because there are no real metagenomic data to serve as a benchmark, using simulated data as a benchmark dataset is a common approach when developing bioinformatics tools [14, 22]. Therefore, in the development of MOBFinder, we artificially generated simulated datasets through the following steps:
For classified plasmid genomes in each MOB category, we randomly split them at a proportion of 70% and 30% to construct the training and test datasets.
Training dataset. To predict plasmid fragments with different lengths, we generated contigs of different length ranges: 100–400 bp, 401–800 bp, 801–1,200 bp, and 1,201–1,600 bp. For each MOB class in each length range, we randomly generated 90,000 artificial contigs. Plasmid fragments longer than 1,600 bp were segmented into shorter contigs and predicted using models designed for the corresponding lengths.
Test dataset. Because some plasmid fragments in real metagenomics datasets were much longer, we generated 4 length groups to assess the performance of MOBFinder: group A with a length range of 801–1,200 bp, group B with a length range of 1,201–1,600 bp, group C with a length range of 3,000–4,000 bp, and group D with a length range of 5,000–10,000 bp. For each MOB class in these 4 groups, 500 fragments were randomly extracted.
Classification algorithm
To efficiently handle the training dataset and improve the robustness of MOBFinder, we employed random forest to train 4 predictive models using the training dataset. The detailed steps are as follows (Fig. 1E):
Word representation calculation. For each contig in the training dataset, we used a 4-mer sliding window to generate overlapping words and transformed them into numerical word vectors using trained word embeddings. To characterize the underlying features and patterns of the input contigs, we summed all the word vectors to compute their average as input of random forest.
Classification model training. To improve the performance of MOBFinder, we trained 4 classification models on different lengths in the training dataset: 100–400 bp, 401–800 bp, 801–1,200 bp, and 1,201–1,600 bp. The number of trees was set to 500 to generate predictive models.
Model ensemble. The 4 trained models were ensembled into MOBFinder to make more accurate predictions. For fragments shorter than 100 bp, we used a model designed for 100–400 bp to predict the MOB type. For those longer than 1,600 bp, we segmented them into short contigs and made predictions using the corresponding model. For example, a fragment with a length of 4,000 bp would be segmented into 3 contigs: 2 with a length of 1,600 bp and 1 of 800 bp. After predicting fragments with the corresponding models, we aggregated and calculated the weighted average scores for each MOB class, and the MOB type with the highest score was selected as the final prediction result for the input fragment.
Plasmid bin classification. Metagenomic binning is an essential step in the reconstruction of genomes from individual microorganisms. Thus, we designed MOBFinder to perform MOB typing on both plasmid contigs and plasmid bins. If the input is a plasmid bin, MOBFinder predicts the likelihood of each MOB class for fragments within the bin. For each MOB category, MOBFinder aggregates the scores of each sequence within the bin and calculates the weighted average scores based on the sequence length. The MOB category with the maximum score is selected as the prediction result.
Performance validation
A test dataset was used to assess the performance of MOBFinder and compare it to MOB-suite and MOBscan. Because MOBscan can only predict MOB type using plasmid protein sequences rather than DNA sequences, we first annotated the proteins in the plasmid fragments of the test set using Prokka (RRID:SCR_014732) [36] and then used MOBscan to predict the MOB type based on the annotated proteins. We calculated overall accuracy, kappa, and run time by comparing the predicted classes and true classes. We used the online server of MOBscan to perform the MOB annotation, and the calculation of run time for MOBScan was confined to the duration spent on preprocessing with Prokka locally. The overall accuracy was the proportion of accurate predictions. The kappa (a) was calculated to assess the overall consistency between the predictions and true classes, which took into account the possibility of random prediction. Po represented observed accuracy [Po = (A11 + A22 + … + Ann)/N], where A11, A22, and Ann represented the values on the diagonal of the confusion matrix and n represented the number of MOB categories. N represented the total number of samples. Pe represented the expected accuracy [Pe = (E11 + E22 + … + Enn)/N2], where E11, E22, and Enn were the expected values in each cell of the confusion matrix; n was the number of MOB classes; and N was the total number of samples. The run time was recorded using the command “time” in Linux.
For each MOB category, we also calculated the balanced accuracy (b), harmonic mean (c), and F1-score (d). Considering the class imbalance within the training dataset, balanced accuracy was used to measure the average accuracy of each MOB category, where TPR was the true-positive rate [TRP = true positives/(true positives + false negatives)] and TNR was the true-negative rate [TNR = true negatives/(true negatives + false positives)]. The harmonic mean provided an overall evaluation of the model’s performance, where Sn and Sp represented sensitivity [Sn = true positives/(true positives + false negatives)] and specificity [Sp = true negatives/(true negatives + false positives)], respectively. The F1-score combined precision and recall, providing a balanced measure of the model’s performance, where precision was the number of correct positive predictions out of all positive predictions [precision = true positives/(true positives + false positives)] and recall was the number of correct positive predictions out of all actual positive predictions. [recall = true positives/(true positives + false negatives)].
A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to visualize the performance of MOBFinder in predicting each MOB category, where the x-axis and y-axis were the false-positive rate (FPR) and true-positive rate (TPR). Plots closer to the left and top indicate higher TPR and lower FPR, which means better performance. For each MOB class, the area under the curve (AUC) value was calculated to quantify the performance of MOBFinder. An AUC value between 0.5 and 1 indicates that the model performs better than random chance, and a higher AUC value indicates better prediction capability.
Annotation and analysis of T2D metagenomic data
Metagenomic sequencing data (SRA045646 and SRA050230) were retrieved from the NCBI Short Read Archive (SRA) database to investigate whether the plasmids within different MOB classes were associated with antibiotic resistance enrichment in T2D patients, as suggested by previous studies [37, 38]. All metagenomic data were preprocessed using the same protocols. PRINSEQ (RRID:SCR_005454) [39] was used to remove low-quality reads and bowtie2 (RRID:SCR_016368) [40] was used to remove host reads by aligning them to the human GRCH38 reference genome downloaded from the ENSEMBL database. We excluded metagenomic samples that did not pass quality control. Because the abundance of plasmids in metagenomes was much lower than that of bacteria, we only retained samples with more than 10,000,000 paired-end reads for downstream analysis (Supplementary Table S2).
To improve the efficiency and accuracy of assembly, we used MEGAHIT (RRID:SCR_018551) [41] to generate metagenomic contigs. PPR-Meta (RRID:SCR_016915) [22] was utilized to identify and extract plasmid fragments from the assembled fragments while filtering out bacteria and phage sequences. COCACOLA [42] was employed to cluster plasmid fragments into bins based on sequence similarity and composition. This allowed us to investigate the plasmid fragments from same originate and enabled better annotation and analysis of their functions.
MOBFinder was applied to annotate the MOB types in each plasmid bin. The average fragments per kilobase per million of each plasmid bin was calculated using bowtie2 to represent its abundance. Next, we analyzed the significance of differences in plasmid bins and various MOB types between healthy and T2D groups using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. The calculation of P values was adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini–Hochberg method (denoted as p.adjust). ABRicate (RRID:SCR_021093) [43] was utilized to annotate antibiotic resistance genes (identity >50% and qcov >50%) in each plasmid bin, based on 4 antibiotic resistance gene databases [44–47]. The Tukey honest significant difference test was performed to compare the identified resistance genes among different MOB classes. All statistical analyses were conducted using R.
MOB typing of plasmid genomes
To construct the benchmark datasets, we obtained 90,395 complete plasmid genomes and categorized them into 11 MOB categories using blast (Table 2). We removed 22,470 of them potentially classified into more than 1 MOB class, leaving 67,925 classified genomes for the training and optimization of MOBFinder (Fig. 2A). Our analysis results revealed significant differences in the number, average length, and GC content of plasmid genomes among MOB types. Notably, non-MOB types included the genomes with the most and longest average length, whereas MOBB and MOBM had the fewest plasmid genomes and shortest average length, respectively. In terms of GC content, MOBL had the lowest and MOBQ had the highest amounts. Moreover, plasmids of different MOB types exhibited diverse host ranges at the genus level (Fig. 2B). MOBB was predominantly found in Bacteroides, Hymenobacter, Parabacteroides, Phocaeicola, and Spirosoma. Particularly, Phocaeicola has been detected in the human gut and possessed the gene for porphyran degradation through horizontal gene transfer [48]. MOBC, MOBF, MOBH, and MOBP were all found in Escherichia and Klebsiella. Klebsiella also is a multidrug-resistant bacterium that has demonstrated resistance to multiple antibiotics [49]. MOBL, MOBT, and MOBV were mainly discovered in Bacillus and Enterococcus. Almost all MOBM-type plasmid genomes were present in Clostridium and Enterocloster, and some species in Clostridium could cause various diseases [50]. MOBQ demonstrated a broader host range, including Acinetobacter, Agrobacterium, Escherichia, Rhizobium, Lactiplantibacillus, and Staphylococcus. Non-MOB plasmids were detected in the majority of bacteria. These results illustrate the relationship between different MOB types and their host ranges, as well as demonstrate that MOB typing of plasmid fragments is feasible in the absence of relaxases.
Table 2:
Class | Number | Average length | GC (%) |
MOBB | 623 | 10,921.77 | 51.27 |
MOBC | 3,218 | 19,965.28 | 47.14 |
MOBF | 21,268 | 103,802.80 | 52.07 |
MOBH | 4,880 | 151,108.10 | 48.37 |
MOBL | 3,446 | 51,430.63 | 34.57 |
MOBM | 1,761 | 2,684.14 | 27.12 |
MOBP | 15,617 | 32,237.88 | 49.70 |
MOBQ | 9,347 | 89,357.64 | 56.77 |
MOBT | 1,181 | 11,643.24 | 36.92 |
MOBV | 4,405 | 6,595.43 | 37.75 |
Non-MOB | 24,649 | 37,581.85 | 49.84 |
Overall performance of MOBFinder
We evaluated the overall performance of MOBFinder in terms of accuracy, kappa, and run time and compared the tool to MOBscan and MOB-suite. MOBscan did not perform well, achieving low accuracy and kappa values across sequences of varying lengths, while MOB-suite exhibited marginally better performance than MOBscan when handling sequences of greater length (Fig. 3A, B). In comparison, the accuracy of MOBFinder ranged from 70% to 77%, a significant improvement of at least 59% over MOB-suite (Fig. 3A). The kappa of MOBFinder ranged between 67% and 75% and was approximately 65% higher than that of MOB-suite (Fig. 3B). Moreover, MOBFinder exhibited a shorter run time in the test dataset, with a more gradual increase trend (Fig. 3C). In general, these results indicate that MOBFinder greatly outperformed the other tools and consistently improved in accuracy and consistency as the sequence length increased.
Evaluation by MOB category
Next, to evaluate the discrimination ability of MOBFinder for each MOB type, we calculated the balanced accuracy, harmonic mean, and F1-score using the test dataset (Fig. 3D). It demonstrated the highest performance for MOBB and MOBM, while its ability to identify non-MOB types was comparatively low. For MOBM, the balanced accuracy and harmonic mean reached up to 99% and the F1-score exceeded 96% for all length groups. For non-MOB, the balanced accuracy was 65%, the harmonic mean was 49%, and the F1-score was 40%. Compared to MOB-suite, MOBFinder exhibited much better performance in predicting all MOB classes. Even for non-MOB, it showed an approximate 13% improvement over the other tools in terms of balanced accuracy, 34% in terms of harmonic mean, and 24% in terms of F1-score.
In AUC analyses (Fig. 4), all values were greater than 0.8, indicating that the tool effectively distinguished between positive and negative samples in each MOB class. In fact, most values were higher than 0.9, except for MOBT and non-MOB. The performance differences by MOB type might be attributable to the differences in host ranges and sequence features among types. Additionally, the imbalance in the training dataset for each MOB type may also be a primary factor contributing to the performance disparities.
Application to T2D metagenomic data
In a previous study, enrichment analysis of fecal samples identified antibiotic resistance pathways in patients with T2D [38]. The precise mechanism of this enrichment, however, remained elusive. We used MOBFinder to analyze real T2D metagenomic data [37]. After preprocessing and assembly, 2,217,064 metagenomic fragments were generated, and plasmid assemblies were identified using PPR-Meta. Subsequently, the plasmid fragments were clustered into 55 bins and annotated using MOBFinder. By employing MOBFinder, we assigned 2 bins to the MOBF class, 8 bins to MOBL, and 17 bins to MOBQ and identified 28 bins as non-MOB (Fig. 5A). Furthermore, we detected 15 bins that exhibited significant differences between the T2D group and a control group. Among them, 1 bin was classified as MOBF, 2 as MOBL, 5 as MOBQ, and 7 as non-MOB (Supplementary Fig. S2). Among above MOB types, MOBQ contains the highest number of bins enriched in T2D, while MOBF is widely present in Escherichia and Klebsiella (Fig. 2B); some strains of Klebsiella are resistant to multiple antibiotics, including carbapenems [51], and these 2 MOB types might contribute to antibiotic resistance in T2D patients. Indeed, when we compared the average abundance of each MOB type between the T2D group and the control group (Fig. 5B), the abundances of MOBF and MOBQ were significantly greater in the T2D group.
In addition, these 2 MOB types can be transferred among multiple bacterial species. This suggests that an increase in these 2 MOB types could potentially raise the risk of bacterial infection among individuals with T2D. Subsequently, we used 4 databases [44–47] to detect drug resistance genes in 4 MOB types (Fig. 6). The number of such genes was significantly higher in MOBF than in the other 3 MOB types. This suggests that MOBF plasmids may carry more drug resistance genes than the other MOB types. Furthermore, the increase in MOBF and MOBQ plasmids could result in more bacteria acquiring drug resistance genes, thereby leading to more antibiotic resistance pathways in T2D patients. In summary, our results demonstrate the utility of MOBFinder for annotating plasmid fragments in metagenomes, uncovering the potential mechanisms underlying the antibiotic resistance enrichment in metagenomic analysis.
Use of MOBFinder
MOBFinder can predict the MOB type of plasmid fragments and bins in metagenomics. For PMFs, it takes a FASTA file as input. The output file consists of 13 columns. The first column represents the fragment ID, the second column displays the predicted MOB type, and columns 3 to 13 represent the scores for each MOB class, namely, MOBB, MOBC, MOBF, MOBH, MOBL, MOBM, MOBP, MOBQ, MOBT, MOBV, and non-MOB.
For plasmid metagenomic bins, MOBFinder requires 2 input files: a FASTA file containing the plasmid fragments and a metatable that records the mapping between plasmid fragment IDs and bin IDs. The output results are similar to those of plasmid fragments. The first column is the plasmid bin ID. The second is the predicted MOB class of the plasmid bins. The other columns present the MOB scores of the different MOB types.
We developed MOBFinder based on a language model and the random forest algorithm to classify plasmid fragments and bins from metagenomics data into MOB types. First, using the relaxase-alignment method, plasmid genomes were classified into distinct MOB categories. Analyses revealed substantial differences in parameters such as the number, average length, and GC content of plasmid genomes across MOB types. Additionally, there were noteworthy differences in the host ranges among different MOB classes. These results suggest the potential of utilizing sequence features from different MOB types for PMF MOB typing. To characterize the plasmids within each MOB type, we used the skip-gram model to generate word vectors. Our tool demonstrated superior overall performance compared to other tools. Specifically, for each MOB category, MOBFinder exhibited significant improvements in balanced accuracy, harmonic mean, and F1-score, with values reaching up to 99% for the first 2 measures in the MOBM category.
Traditionally, k-mer frequency models and one-hot encoding have commonly been employed to digitize biological sequences, extensively applied across various machine learning algorithms [52]. However, both models simply mark or count the frequency of various characters in sequences, failing to reflect the biological significance underlying each character. These models may also encounter dimensionality issues [52]. For instance, in the k-mer model, if k is set to 8, the dimensionality of the k-mer vector of each DNA sequence becomes 48, which is problematic in metagenomics where most fragment lengths do not reach this magnitude. This would result in significant noise in the feature vector and cause overfitting. Similarly, in the one-hot model, for a sequence of length L using 4-mers as the base unit, it would require L one-hot vectors each with a dimensionality of 44. In such instances, if the dataset for training is not sufficiently large, this representation method could also lead to overfitting due to high dimensionality. In contrast, word vector models offer a superior solution to these problems. Such models initially perform a random initialization of vectors for each “word.” Taking the skip-gram algorithm utilized in this study as an example, the dimension of a random vector can be 1-of-n, where n represents the size of the vocabulary [28]. Following unsupervised pretraining on large datasets, the algorithm maps characters with similar contexts to similar feature spaces. The dimensions of the coordinates (i.e., the word vectors) of these feature spaces will be lower than those of the initial random vectors. Thus, through unsupervised pretraining on large datasets, language models can compress high-dimensional initial vectors into lower-dimensional word vectors (e.g., MOBFinder’s word vectors have a dimensionality of 100), enabling the feature vectors to contain more character information while effectively avoiding dimensionality issues during supervised training.
In a metagenomic sequences classification task, 4-mer is widely used as the basic unit in various bioinformatics tools [53], and thus MOBFinder takes this as a “word.” To assess the impact of training word vectors with different k-mer lengths on performance, we compared models with k-mer lengths of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 (Supplementary Fig. S3). We observed lower overall accuracy and kappa values for k = 2. At k = 4, the balanced accuracy, harmonic mean, F1-score, and AUC values stabilized across different MOB types. Subsequently, as the k-mer length increased, there was no significant improvement in accuracy or other metrics, while the run time gradually increased. Therefore, we chose a k-mer length of 4 for training word vectors and developing MOBFinder.
Interestingly, in an analysis of T2D metagenomic sequencing data [37], we noted a significant increase in MOBF and MOBQ type plasmids in T2D patients. Moreover, we found more drug resistance genes in the MOBF class, whose dominant hosts are Klebsiella and Escherichia, which are associated with the spread of multidrug resistance. Although previous analyses of gut metagenomic data from patients with T2D have reported enrichment of drug resistance pathways [38], our results suggest a potential reason for it: the increased abundance of MOBF- and MOBQ-type plasmids in the guts of individuals with T2D may disseminate more antibiotic resistance genes, resulting in such enrichment.
At present, databases contain a large amount of human metagenomic data derived from second-generation sequencing. However, understanding of the functions of numerous disease-linked microbial sequences remains limited, attributable to the incomplete nature of metagenomic fragments. The development of MOBFinder enables MOB annotation for plasmid fragments from metagenomics data and provides a powerful tool for investigating the transmission mechanisms of plasmid-mediated antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors.
In summary, MOBFinder is a tool for MOB typing of plasmid fragments and bins from metagenomic data. Analyses of classified plasmid genomes unveiled notable differences in sequence characteristics and host ranges across MOB types. Hence, we employed a language model to extract the sequence features specific to each MOB type and represented them using word vectors. Additionally, we boosted prediction accuracy by training and integrating several random forest classification models. MOBFinder surpassed other tools in performance tests and successfully detected an increase in certain MOB-type plasmids in T2D patients. Importantly, these MOB-type plasmids harbor potential drug resistance genes, thus offering an explanation for the observed antibiotic resistance in T2D individuals. This suggests that MOBFinder could potentially aid the formulation of specific medications to curb drug resistance transmission. We anticipate that MOBFinder will be a powerful tool for the analysis of plasmid-mediated transmission.
Availability of Source Code and Requirements
Project name: MOBFinder
Project homepage: https://github.com/FengTaoSMU/MOBFinder
Operating system(s): Linux
Programming language: Python, R script
Other requirements: BLAST, biopython
License: GPL-3.0
biotoolsID: MOBFinder
Supplementary Material
Contributor Information
Tao Feng, Microbiome Medicine Center, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510280, China.
Shufang Wu, Microbiome Medicine Center, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510280, China.
Hongwei Zhou, Microbiome Medicine Center, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510280, China.
Zhencheng Fang, Microbiome Medicine Center, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou 510280, China.
Additional Files
Supplementary Table S1. Accessions list of classified plasmid genomes.
Supplementary Table S2. List of metagenomic samples used in our analysis.
Supplementary Fig. S1. MOB typing using MOB-suite. Single-class, plasmid genomes classified into 1 MOB type; multiclass, plasmid genomes classified into more than 1 MOB category; non-MOB, nonmobilizable plasmids.
Supplementary Fig. S2. Abundance of each significantly different plasmid bin from various MOB types between patients with type 2 diabetes and controls.
Supplementary Fig. S3. Comparison results for the development of MOBFinder using word vectors trained with different k-mer lengths. (A–C) Overall accuracy, kappa, and run time of the MOB classification model trained with word vectors trained using different lengths of k-mers. (D) Balanced accuracy, harmonic mean, F1-score, and AUC of word vectors trained with different k-mer lengths across different MOB types.
AUC: the area under the curve; BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool; DPMT: degenerate primer MOB typing; Inc: incompatibility typing; MOB: mobilization typing; MPF: mate–pair formation typing; NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information; non-MOB: nonmobilizable; PBRT: PCR-based replicon typing; PlasTax-PCR: plasmid taxonomic PCR; Rep: replicon typing; ROC: receiver operating characteristic; Sn: sensitivity; Sp: specificity; SRA: Short Read Archive; T2D: type 2 diabetes; TNR: true-negative rate; TPR: true-positive rate.
Author Contributions
T.F., Z.C.F., and H.W.Z. proposed and designed this work. T.F. and Z.C.F. developed and optimized the software. T.F., Z.C.F., S.F.W., and H.W.Z. wrote and revised the manuscript.
This investigation was financially supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2022YFA0806400) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (82102508, 81925026).
Data Availability
Snapshots of our code and other data further supporting this work are openly available in the GigaScience repository, GigaDB [54].
Competing Interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Data Citations
- Feng T, Wu S, Zhou H, et al. Supporting data for “MOBFinder: A Tool for Mobilization Typing of Plasmid Metagenomic Fragments Based on a Language Model.”. GigaScience Database. 2024. 10.5524/102559. [DOI] [PMC free article] [PubMed]
Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
Snapshots of our code and other data further supporting this work are openly available in the GigaScience repository, GigaDB [54].