During S phase of the eukaryotic cell division cycle, newly replicated DNA is rapidly assembled into chromatin. Newly synthesised histones form complexes with chromatin assembly factors, mediating their deposition onto nascent DNA and their assembly into nucleosomes. Chromatin assembly factor 1, CAF-1, is a specialised assembly factor that targets these histones to replicating DNA by association with the replication fork associated protein, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, PCNA. Nucleosomes are further organised into ordered arrays along the DNA by the activity of ATP-dependent chromatin assembly and spacing factors such as ATP-utilising chromatin assembly and remodelling factor ACF. An additional level of controlling chromatin assembly pathways has become apparent by the observation of functional requirements for cyclin-dependent protein kinases, casein kinase II and protein phosphatases. In this review, we will discuss replication-associated histone deposition and nucleosome assembly pathways, and we will focus in particular on how nucleosome assembly is linked to DNA replication and how it may be regulated by the cell cycle control machinery.
Keywords: Key words. DNA replication; chromatin assembly; histone; nucleosome; protein kinase.