Article title: Ni-kshay Poshan Yojana: receipt and utilization among persons with TB notified under the National TB Elimination Program in India, 2022
Authors: Kathiresan Jeyashree, Jeromie W V Thangaraj, Devika Shanmugasundaram, G Sri Lakshmi Priya, Sumit Pandey, Venkateshprabhu Janagaraj, Prema Shanmugasundaram, Sabarinathan Ramasamy, Joshua Chadwick, Sivavallinathan Arunachalam, Rahul Sharma, Vaibhav Shah, Aniket Chowdhury, Swati Iyer, Raghuram Rao, Sanjay K Mattoo, Manoj V Murhekar and NPY Evaluation Group
Journal: Global Health Action
Bibliometrics: Volume 17, Number 1, 2363300
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