Plant nitrogen source in the soil is challenging to track. Compiling the most comprehensive global δ15N dataset, a new study shows the plant use of various available soil nitrogen forms (ammonium, nitrate, and organic nitrogen) is strongly controlled by temperature.
Subject terms: Element cycles, Geochemistry
Nitrogen is a crucial element for plant life. Plants are surrounded by nitrogen since nitrogen accounts for 78% of the atmosphere by volume. However, nitrogen is a major nutrient limiting plant growth1 because most plants cannot utilize atmospheric nitrogen directly. Only a small group of plants have the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen through symbiotic association with nitrogen-fixing microbes.
Two chemists changed the plant nitrogen limitation situation fundamentally (at least for agricultural plants) through the invention of an industrial chemical process to synthesize ammonia from hydrogen and atmospheric nitrogen under high pressure. Now called the “Haber-Bosch process”, this approach enables us to “fix” atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia as fertilizer at an industrial scale. Currently, anthropogenic nitrogen fixation is much larger than natural biological nitrogen fixation annually2. Although the production and wide application of nitrogen fertilizer fuels the Green Revolution, excess nitrogen has also caused serious environmental issues such as eutrophication, water pollution, and biodiversity loss3.
Plant nitrogen use is complex because nitrogen has multiple forms in soil available for plant uptake (e.g., ammonium, nitrate, organic nitrogen). The stable isotopes (the same element with different numbers of neutrons) of nitrogen are powerful tools to investigate nitrogen transformation and plant nitrogen use. Nitrogen compounds with different nitrogen isotopes function the same chemically, but there is a difference in their physical properties. This allows nitrogen stable isotopes to serve as a natural tracer to study plant-nitrogen relationships. Nitrogen has two stable isotopes, 14N and 15N, and researchers typically use δ15N to represent the ratio of these two isotopes in plant leaves, stems, roots, and various soil nitrogen forms.
New comprehensive global 15N datasets
There are previous efforts to assemble plant4 and soil5 δ15N separately at a global scale. In a new study, Hu et al.6 compile the newest and most comprehensive global δ 15N isotope data of both plants (including leaves, stems, roots) and soils (including ammonium, nitrate, organic nitrogen, total extractable nitrogen) in land ecosystems. Based on this dataset, they find whole plant δ15N values are significantly different between different life forms (i.e., herbs, shrubs, and trees) and between plants that are associated with different mycorrhizal types at the global scale6. They also find that there is a significant difference in δ15N between different plant parts (i.e., leaves, stems, and roots) of the same individual plants with leaf δ15N being much heavier than the other plant parts, such as roots and stems6. The finding of intra-plant δ15N difference at a global scale is unique and useful to guide future plant sampling for isotope analysis. Recognizing the intra-plant δ15N difference and mycorrhizal influence on plant δ15N, they propose a new term δ15NPUN (PUN refers to plant-used nitrogen) to represent the δ15N of plant nitrogen use6. Because this new term uses the whole plant 15N signal, controlled for plant life forms and mycorrhizal types, it has the potential to replace the most commonly used leaf δ 15N. As such, δ15NPUN could serve as a quantitative tool to source the contributions of soil nitrogen to plants.
Plant nitrogen use is controlled by temperature and not by precipitation or atmospheric nitrogen deposition
Hu et al.6 use δ15NPUN and δ15N of various soil components (i.e., ammonium, nitrate, organic nitrogen) to identify plant nitrogen sources in soil, and examine the controlling factors of nitrogen use patterns. They find plant nitrogen use is controlled by mean annual temperature and δ15NPUN increases linearly with increasing mean annual temperature at the global scale (Fig. 1A). This pattern can be explained by known biogeochemical mechanisms. Higher temperatures would stimulate the soil nitrogen cycle and release more 14N from the ecosystems7. Meanwhile, stimulated nitrogen mineralization and nitrification under higher temperatures would cause higher amounts and more direct nitrogen uptake fractions (relative to through the mycorrhizal pathways) of soil nitrogen to plants8. The results also show that plant nitrate uptake increases with temperature, organic nitrogen uptake decreases with temperature, and ammonium uptake increases with temperature to reach a peak and then declines with temperature (Fig. 1B).
Fig. 1. The relationships between plant/soil nitrogen and mean annual temperature.
The relationship between δ15N of various components (e.g., plant leaves, stems, roots, soil ammonium, nitrate, and organic nitrogen) and mean annual temperature (not to scale) (A). The proportion of plant use of ammonium, nitrate and organic nitrogen (not to scale) with increasing temperature (B). The results are from Hu et al.6.
They also find that atmospheric nitrogen deposition does not significantly affect plant nitrogen utilization6. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition refers to the process that reactive nitrogen (i.e., all forms of nitrogen in the environment except for molecular nitrogen) transfers from the atmosphere into Earth’s surface through gas forms, particles, and precipitation. This finding is counterintuitive at face value considering the common perception of widespread atmospheric nitrogen deposition. However, several factors likely contribute to their observation. Firstly, not all regions globally experience high levels of atmospheric nitrogen deposition and the proportion of areas with high atmospheric nitrogen deposition remains relatively low on a global scale. Secondly, the amount of atmospheric nitrogen deposited in the ecosystem is likely small compared to the total pool of plant available nitrogen in the soil. This has important implications regarding the debate on whether plant nitrogen availability is declining globally. There are reports showing a decline in foliar δ15N globally in recent decades and a decline in wood δ15N across North America4,9,10. The decline in foliar δ15N was used as key evidence to indicate a decline in nitrogen availability4. The argument is that higher CO2 and warmer climates stimulate plant growth and induce nitrogen limitation. Others argue that atmospheric nitrogen deposition is widespread and that both the amount and the isotopic composition of atmospheric nitrogen deposition influence plant nitrogen use11. The current study sheds light on this debate by showing that atmospheric nitrogen deposition does not change plant nitrogen use, but it also shows that foliar δ15N may not exactly represent plant nitrogen use.
The new dataset also shows that annual precipitation does not significantly affect plant nitrogen utilization6. This is in contrast with many regional studies showing a significant relationship between foliar δ15N and mean annual precipitation12. However, this lack of relationship is consistent with global soil δ15N results after controlling for variation in soil carbon and clay concentrations5. This suggests that foliar δ15N is affected by the carbon-nitrogen interaction in soil and highlights the power of the newly proposed δ15NPUN term.
Organic nitrogen use and nitrogen uptake preference
Hu et al.6 show that organic nitrogen uptake is almost one-third of total plant nitrogen uptake globally. Such a high degree of organic nitrogen use is surprising and requires verification from extensive field investigations. Hu et al.’s6 result also gives insight to the plant nitrogen uptake preference. The energy expenditure during the plant ammonium assimilation is much lower in comparison to nitrate. However, an excess of ammonium can be toxic to plants. This makes some plants preferentially utilize ammonium or nitrate or switch nitrogen preference depending on the relative ammonium and nitrite availability13,14. Hu et al. identifies a 46% threshold of maximum ammonium contribution to plants globally6.
Limitations and future perspectives
While Hu et al.6 are building on biogeochemical theory and extensive observations, the new framework is constrained by the scarcity of simultaneous field observations of δ15N of plant stems and roots as well as soil components (e.g., ammonium, nitrate, organic nitrogen). When the authors calculate the fraction contributions from different nitrogen sources, the number of observations in each calculation unit has a three-order of magnitude difference. Although the Bayesian statistical approach the authors employ addresses sample size variability to some degree, the data scarcity likely affects the accuracy of estimating source contributions. More field observations of simultaneous measurements of δ15N of various plant and soil components are required to further test the new framework.
Like other δ15N synthesis work in the past4,5, Hu et al.6 exclude urban and agricultural landscapes in their analyses. However, crops often use nitrogen differently from natural plants. For example, similar patterns of nitrogen uptake preference were found across generations in wild plants14, but not for crops15. Because of the extensive size of agricultural lands and the unique functions of urban areas, data synthesis from urban and agricultural systems is needed in future studies.
L.W. acknowledges funding support from the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) from the United States Department of Agriculture (grant No. 2021–67013-33616 and 2023-67013-39046). L.W. sincerely thanks Dr. Joy Buongiorno and another anonymous reviewer for constructive comments, which significantly improved the quality of the manuscript.
Author contributions
L.W. conceived of and wrote the manuscript.
Competing interests
The author declares no competing interests.
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