Neurofilaments (NFs) and GFAP are cytoskeletal intermediate filaments (IFs) that support cellular processes unfolding within the uniquely complex environments of neurons and astrocytes, respectively. This review highlights emerging concepts on the transitions between stable and destabilized IF networks in the nervous system. While self-association between transiently structured low-complexity IF domains promotes filament assembly, the opposing destabilizing actions of phosphorylation-mediated filament severing facilitate faster intracellular transport. Cellular proteases, including caspases and calpains, produce a variety of IF fragments, which may interact with N-degron and C-degron pathways of the protein degradation machinery. The rapid adoption of NF and GFAP-based clinical biomarker tests is contrasted with the lagging understanding of the dynamics between the native IF proteins and their fragments.
A low complexity view of complex IF assemblies.
Intermediate filament (IF) proteins form flexible and highly adaptable cytoskeletal networks that help various cell types meet physiological demands and manage stress. The activities of IFs are especially critical in cells with highly complex architecture and elongated cytoplasmic processes, such as astrocytes and neurons, to establish and maintain their characteristic morphology and cell-to-cell connections1, 2. Neurofilaments (NF) and glial fibrillary acidic proteins (GFAP) form the major IF networks in mature neurons and astrocytes, respectively. GFAP forms homo-polymeric assemblies that are highly sensitive to perturbations within the central alpha-helical rod domain of the molecule, as shown in recent mutagenesis studies3, 4. The three NF genes (NEFL, NEFM, and NEFH), encode the NF light, medium and heavy (NF-L, NF-M, and NF-H) proteins that associate to form the cytoskeletal networks of neurons. Recent seminal studies have highlighted the importance of the ‘low complexity’ N-terminal ‘head’ domain of NF-L in mediating homotypic interactions to assemble into mature networks5. Low complexity refers to the over-representation of specific amino acid in a given protein or protein segment6; and by that standard the head and tail domains of most IF proteins fit in this category. Previously thought to lack structural order, we now know that the N-termini transition between conformational disorder and labile β-strand polymers that promote self-associations and stabilize filament assembly5, 7.
Phosphorylation rules IF behavior.
Like other IFs, the head domains of NFs and GFAP are enriched in post-translational modification (PTMs) sites, particularly sites for phosphorylation. Nearly half of the NF-L head domain (92 residues) is represented by three residues: Ser, Tyr, or Thr, with 27, 9 and 4 residues respectively. Hence, phosphorylation plays a prominent role in NF dynamics, including the severing and re-annealing of mature filaments (Fig. 1) to continually facilitate adaptive responses in cells. This is independent of IF turnover, per se, via protein degradation and new protein synthesis8 and especially important in the nervous system, where NFs and GFAP are long-lived proteins with half-lives in vivo measured in weeks to months1,9, 10.
Citrullination destabilizes GFAP and marks reactive glia.
Another important, but incompletely understood PTM that has a strong destabilizing effect on IFs, is citrullination. Citrullination is the enzymatic deimination of the amino acid arginine to produce the non-essential amino acid citrulline. In the 1980s, work by Inagaki et al. demonstrated that head domain citrullination is highly destabilizing (Fig. 1) to vimentin, GFAP and desmin IFs, but the exact biological function of this PTM in various cells and physiological contexts has remained elusive. Recently, a series of studies by R. Mohan and colleagues have elegantly revealed a disease-associated role for citrullination of GFAP in reactive glial cells11–13. Müller glia (MG) exhibit robust compartmentalized GFAP citrullination in the their endfeet and processes in different mouse models of retinal degeneration, and this is also observed in human wet age-related macular degeneration tissues13. The enzyme peptidyl arginine deiminase-4 (PAD4), which facilitates citrullination, co-localizes with GFAP and GFAP hyper-citrullination is blunted in mice lacking PAD4 expression in glial cells. The authors have proposed that the MG endfeet serve as a “bunker” for citrullination throughout retinal degeneration, such that this highly localized stress response can still allow for phototransduction and visual processing to take place. This work also raises the possibility that citrullinated GFAP or cleavage of GFAP into citrullinated fragments may contribute to progressive disease pathology and highlights citrullinated GFAP as a potential biomarker for human degenerative retinal diseases. Recently developed methods to modulate protein citrullination in a site-specific manner14 should facilitate a better understanding of the cell biology behind this PTM on neuronal and glial IFs – especially in light of recent work linking citrullination more broadly with abnormal protein aggregation and neurodegeneration15.
L(IF)e in the fast lane: severed NFs move faster.
The regulated transport and degradation of NFs is essential for the maintenance of proper neuronal structure and cellular homeostasis16. A recent study using fluorescence photoactivation pulse-escape method found that the entire pool of neurofilaments is dynamic and moves (albeit slowly) within the myelinated axons of peripheral nerves in the adult mouse17, contrary to what was previously thought to be the case. The movement of NFs in axons is bidirectional with an anterograde bias, but the net velocity decreases during post-natal development, according to age and proximal-to-distal positioning along the nerve18. Increased cross-sectional area of myelinated axons is associated with increased influx and retention of NFs due to slower movement, which is partly related to decreased density of the microtubule network19. To accommodate microtubule-based transport, NFs undergo an active process of severing and re-annealing, similar to what has previously been established for vimentin20. Shorter segments move more quickly, while longer filaments (after annealing) move more slowly, change direction more frequently, or stall8. Phospho-mimetic substitutions at NF-L head domain serine residues 2, 55, 57 and 62 (PKA and CAMKII target sites) resulted in the formation of shorter and more rapidly moving NFs, while phospho-deficient mutations resulted in longer, slower moving NFs and wider axons8. Thus, these new studies suggest that head domain phosphorylation plays a destabilizing role within mature NF networks (Fig. 1).
Soluble IFs are gigaxonin substrates.
In addition to severing of filaments, phosphorylation can also trigger disassembly to form a soluble, non-filamentous pool of IFs that can be targeted for proteasomal degradation. Proteasomal turnover of NFs21 and GFAP22 is mediated by the ubiquitin ligase adaptor protein gigaxonin (Fig. 1), which is encoded by the gene KLHL16 (or GAN). Loss-of-function mutations in KLHL16 cause the rare pediatric neurodegenerative disease Giant Axonal Neuropathy (GAN)23. GAN is characterized by progressive axonal degeneration affecting the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and the central nervous system (CNS). The clinically debilitating effects of GAN are due to the preferential and severe involvement of axons, which are focally distended by densely packed NFs23. Recent work shows that astrocytes are significantly impacted in GAN, but their roles and the significance of GFAP accumulation are less clear24. Ectopic expression of high levels of gigaxonin in cells leads to the complete elimination of IFs, and this finding served as the basis of an ongoing clinical trial for GAN25. Despite recent progress in understanding the natural history of GAN23, the true function of gigaxonin and the specific reason behind the selective neuronal vulnerability, when many other cell types also contain prominent IF aggregates, have yet to be elucidated.
IF transport and degradation converge.
Although commonly assumed, it remains to be proven that gigaxonin facilitates the ubiquitination of IFs. It is possible that axons are more vulnerable to gigaxonin mutations because the focal NF accumulations ‘cement’ other organelles, such as mitochondria26 and block axonal traffic. In fact, recent work shows that gigaxonin itself appears to be important for the trafficking of NFs27. In the absence of gigaxonin, kinesin-1 dependent NF and mitochondria transport mechanisms are impaired, while other kinesin-1 cargo can move normally27. Interestingly, pharmacologic inhibition of HDAC6, which deacetylates and destabilizes microtubules28, improves IF morphology and mitochondria transport along axons in GAN mice, suggesting that tubulin acetylation may also play a role in this process29. Currently, it is not known if the IF transport-related defects in GAN cells are related to the function of gigaxonin as an E3 ligase adaptor, or another role. Moreover, aside from gigaxonin, the collective molecular machinery dedicated to ensuring the stability of the NFs remains to be defined. One possibility is that accumulation of a non-filamentous pool of NFs in GAN cells leads to the formation of large IF structures that are no longer effectively transported or degraded27.
Long-lived IF fragments.
Recent work in GAN patient fibroblasts reveals that in the absence of gigaxonin, IFs are more prone to destabilization via cleavage by calpains 30. Calpain-generated fragments may be short-lived or long-lived, and may have functions that differ from the native protein. Depending on the amino acids that are exposed during cleavage, the stability of protein fragments can vary from a few seconds to more than 20 hours31. Specifically, Arg, Lys, His, Leu, Trp, Phe, Tyr, and Ile are destabilizing residues when exposed following cleavage, while Ser, Ala, Thr, Met, Val, and Gly are highly stabilizing31. Recent work reveals the presence of multiple NF-L fragments in human brain tissue32, and at least three of these fragments are predicted to be highly stable: 117VLEAELLVLR126, 324GMNEALEK331 (from central the rod domain) and 530VEGAGEEQAAK540 (from the C-terminal tail domain). Moreover, recent evidence suggests that a calpain-generated tail domain fragment of NF-L translocates to the nucleus and interacts with DNA following oxidative injury in neurons33. Therefore, it is possible that IF fragments acquire new functions that are otherwise suppressed in the context of a mature filament. Similar to NFs, destabilizing effects on the filament network are observed with a Ser-13 phospho-mimic head domain mutation on GFAP. However, this particular phospho-mimic mutation promotes caspase-6 mediated cleavage to form a ~24kDa fragment34 resulting from cleavage at caspase recognition motif VELD22535. This cleavage product is detectable in tissue from patients with Alexander Disease, which is caused by GFAP mutations, suggesting it is highly stable. Whether this GFAP fragment occurs as part of a filament severing process or at the level of the soluble non-filamentous protein is not known, but the studies on NFs raise the importance of examining the active transport of GFAP in astrocytes and their processes. Although this has not been done to date, new and improved tools to study astrocyte morphology, physiology and molecular mechanisms should pave the way for a better understanding of GFAP dynamics in resting and reactive astrocytes36, 37. Currently the fate and function of GFAP fragments generated by calpains and caspases is not known, but their presence in patients with CNS injury well documented35, 38.
Short-lived IF fragments.
The cleavage of a protein into two fragments results in the formation of a new C-terminus on one fragment and a new N-terminus on the other fragment (Fig. 2). The amino acids that define these newly exposed termini in short-lived fragments are called C-degrons or N-degrons, respectively39. A degron is a linear sequence motif that is the minimal segment required to facilitate an interaction between a protein target and the degradation machinery. N-degrons were described over three decades ago40, while C-degrons were discovered more recently41, 42. Many calpain-generated natural protein fragments are substrates for these degradation pathways43. It is assumed, though not proven explicitly, that these pathways always lead to the terminal destruction of a fragment via an ubiquitin-proteasome dependent system, previously known as the ‘N-end rule pathway’. Newly formed fragments containing N-degrons are recognized by specific E3 ubiquitin ligases. In mammalian cells, there are at least four such ligases (termed N-recognins): UBR1, UBR2, UBR4 and UBR5 (Fig. 2). Structural advances on UBR1 are providing new mechanistic insights into the process by which an N-degron is initially recognized by UBR1 to the mono- and poly-ubiquitination steps of this reaction44. Interestingly, HEK293 cells with a double UBR1 and UBR2 knockout have a near-complete loss of NF-L and NF-M proteins45, which are normally robustly expressed in the parental cell line, possibly due to their likely neuronal origin46. The changes at the NF protein level in the UBR1/2 knockout cells were independent of NEFL/NEFM mRNA expression45. Therefore, it appears that UBR1 and/or UBR2 ligases critically regulate NF-L and NF-M protein expression, but the mechanism remains to be defined – especially in neurons and in vivo. It is possible that absence of these ligases prevented regulated translation of NF mRNA, and/or stabilized a molecule that accelerated degradation of NFs. Curated data in the BioGrid repository47 from HEK293 cells reveal that human UBR1 and UBR2 have 201 and 153 unique interactors, respectively, but NFs were not among the interactors, which suggests a possible indirect mechanism.
N-degrons and links to developmental processes.
Interestingly, other IFs - including 17 keratin proteins, in addition to GFAP and vimentin– are interactors of UBR1 based on high throughput protein-protein interaction studies48. It is notable that mice with combined loss of UBR1 and UBR2 die in mid-gestation due to impaired neurogenesis marked by the reduced proliferation and migration of neuronal progenitors49. Studies to advance the role of these ligases on the proteostasis of different IFs (e.g. vimentin, nestin, peripherin,α-internexin) in developing neurons will shed insights into how the coordinated activities of the IF cytoskeleton support proper neuronal development50. In mature neurons, interactions between NFs and the N-degron pathway are likely to have functional consequences – perhaps beyond UBR ligases. For example, it was recently shown that NFs are degraded by autophagy in vivo51 and this may potentially involve p62, which is frequently associated with pathologic IF protein inclusions52 and was recently shown to function as an N-recognin regulating macroautophagy and autophagosome biogenesis53. Thus, interactions between IFs and the N-degron pathways are previously underappreciated mechanisms that could have significance in development, homeostasis and in disease.
Small IF fragments, large gaps between biology and disease.
With advances of precision biomarker technologies, serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of NFs and GFAP are now widely used as biomarkers for many neurological diseases54, 55. The clinical biomarker assays are based on antibody-based capture and detection. However, despite their rapid adoption in the clinic, the precise species of protein captured by these assays are generally not known. Recent work on NFs showed that the most commonly used assays detect NF-L fragments — not the full-length protein32. In Alzheimer patients’ brain, a C-terminal fragment of NF-L (not known yet if this is the same fragment shown to translocate to the nucleus33) correlated most strongly with disease activity32. Calpain-generated GFAP truncated products can also be detected in patients biofluids35, 56. Specifically, a larger GFAP fragment is detected in patients within the first 24 hours following traumatic brain injury35. GFAP products formed after cleavage by caspase-6 are also detected in Alexander Disease (AxD)34. Knockdown of the Gfap gene in a rat model of AxD with a translationally relevant human-like phenotype can prevent disease progression and reverse disease that has already started to occur57. Whether the toxic effects of GFAP in AxD are related to the mRNA transcript, the full-length protein, a pathogenic cleaved fragment, or another mechanism (e.g. GFAP mRNA splicing58) remains to be determined, but studies addressing these gaps will have direct translational relevance in evaluating disease progression and therapeutic outcomes in patients.
IF proteins in cells of the nervous system contribute to major processes throughout early development and beyond. Resilient IF networks are constantly being formed, remodeled and re-shaped via post-translational and proteolytic mechanisms to adapt to cellular and physiologic conditions. We also cannot rule out that non-enzymatic mechanisms contribute to filament breakage and fragmentation – as suggested by in vitro reconstitution studies and theoretical modeling on vimentin59. Enzymatic processing of NFs and GFAP by cellular proteases, including calpains and caspases, has long been recognized to occur. Still unknown are the dynamics and functions of the IF fragments that are generated after cleavage. Clinical advances show that these fragments are present outside of cells — yet, how the circulating fragments are formed and released from neurons and astrocytes, and how they are related to the pathogenesis and progression of disease is poorly understood. There are also challenges and limitations regarding the clinical utility of NF and GFAP biomarker assays that stem from the dynamic nature of these proteins, their tendency to undergo extensive PTM processing in stress and disease, the lack of a ‘normal’ range standard established across large cohorts of human subjects, and lack of knowledge about how various factors like age, stress, physical activity and other lifestyle factors could affect the levels of IFs in the blood of CSF60. The magnitude of elevation relative to normal subjects and patients affected with other conditions is an important consideration as such values could differ dramatically and these levels can change over time and according to the disease stage. Deployment of novel tools and methods to address these biological and clinical questions will contribute fundamental insights that will advance the disease-related roles of NFs and GFAP.
Funding acknowledgments:
The investigators’ research is funded by NIH grants GM122741 (NIGMS Molecular Medicine T32 to C.P.), R21NS121578 and Hannah’s Hope Fund.
Natasha Snider reports financial support was provided by National Institutes of Health. Cassandra Phillips reports financial support was provided by National Institutes of Health. Diane Armao reports financial support was provided by National Institutes of Health. Natasha Snider reports financial support was provided by Hannah’s Hope Fund. Diane Armao reports financial support was provided by Hannah’s Hope Fund.
Declaration of interests
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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