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. 2024 Aug 19;16(8):e67163. doi: 10.7759/cureus.67163

Table 4. Coefficient of correlation between changes in the COS and other variables under study.

* p-values less than 0.05 are statistically significant; r: Pearson correlation coefficient for continuous variables; rpb: point-biserial correlation coefficient for binary variables; rs: Spearman correlation for ordinal variables

ANB (°): difference between SNA and SNB; CG: condylar guidance in degrees; COS: curve of Spee in mm; FMA (°): Frankfurt horizontal-mandibular plane angle; ICW (mm): intercanine width in lower arch; IMW (mm): intermolar width in lower arch; L1-MP (mm): lower incisor-mandibular plane distance; L1-MP (°): lower incisal inclination to mandibular plane in degrees; L6-MP (mm): lower first molar-mandibular plane distance; L6-MP (°): lower first molar-mandibular plane angle; OB: overbite in mm; OJ: overjet in mm; OP-MP (°): occlusal plane-mandibular plane angle; PM-MP (mm): premolar (first)-mandibular plane distance; SNA (°): angle sella point A in degrees; SNB (°): angle sella point B in degrees; SN-OP (°): sella-nasion plane-occlusal plane angle; U1-PP (mm): upper incisor-palatal plane distance; U1-SN (°): upper incisor-mandibular plane angle; U6-PP (mm): upper first molar-palatal plane distance; WALA-M: William Andrews Larry Andrews point lower first molar; WALA-PM: Willy Andrews Larry Andrews point lower first premolar

Variable Correlation coefficient p-value significance (two-tailed)
Dependent variable COS 1  
Categorical variables Gender rpb (binominal variable) (reference: female/male) 0.01 0.95
Growth pattern rs (ordinal variable) (reference: horizontal/average/vertical) -0.12 0.53
Alignment rpb (binominal variable) (reference: crowding/spacing) 0.24 0.21
Continuous variables r SNA (o) -0.05 0.8
SNB (o) -0.22 0.25
FMA (o) 0.22 0.26
SN-OP (o) 0.07 0.7
Op-MP (o) 0.23 0.24
CG (o) 0.05 0.8
LI-MP (o) -0.36 0.06
UI-SN (o) -0.08 0.67
L6-MP (o) 0.07 0.73
L6-MP (mm) -0.27 0.15
LI-MP (mm) 0.02 0.92
U6-pal (mm) -0.2 0.33
UI-pp (mm) -0.07 0.73
PM-MP (mm) 0.12 0.53
ICW (mm) 0.01 0.96
IMW (mm) 0.1 0.6
WALA-M (mm) 0.4 0.03*
WALA-PM (mm) 0.17 0.38
OJ (mm) 0.39 0.038*
OB (mm) 0.57 0.002*