Iandolo D, Laroche N, Nguyen DK, et al. Preclinical safety study of nacre powder in an intraosseous sheep model. BMJ Open Sci 2022;6:e100231. doi:10.1136/bmjos-2021-100231.
This article has been corrected after publication. It was brought to the journal’s attention that the competing interests statement was not sufficiently transparent. The competing interests statement has now been amended to the following:
'At the time of this study, MR and MR’s spouse were directors of Stansea, which was founded in 2013. A number of Stansea’s activities were taken over by Megabiopharma in October 2021. MR is a consultant for Megabiopharma. Megabiopharma and Stansea have a commercial interest in mother of pearl for medicinal products, and Stansea provided the nacre powder for this study.'
It was brought to the journal’s attention that the relevant ethical approval information was omitted from this article. The ethical approval statement has now been amended to the following:
'The study was run by the medical research organisation NAMSA (Chasse-sur-Rhône, France) and approved by their ethics committee. The 192 109 study was conducted under the project authorisation with reference number 00750.02.'