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. 2024 Sep 10;10(18):e37439. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e37439

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

(A) Network of collaboration between authors. Circles and text labels constitute a node, where diverse colors denote distinct clusters. The thickness of lines connecting the circles indicates the strength of cooperation among authors, while the size of the circle positively correlates with the number of articles published by the author. (B) Temporal overlay of the authors' cooperative network. Each sphere symbolizes an author, and the aggregate size of overlapping spheres, representing the sum of their sizes along the yearly ring line, corresponds to the total number of articles authored. Purple-red signifies earlier publications by the author, while yellow indicates recent publications, and overlapping colors denote publications spanning multiple years. Overlapping colors on the spheres create a ring-like pattern. Connections between nodes in temporal zones depict collaborative occurrences among authors. (C) Top 10 authors with the strongest citation bursts in publications related to “artificial intelligence-Traditional Chinese Medicine”. “Burst” refers to a sudden increase in a research topic's prominence within a specific time period. BurstBegin marks the start of this phenomenon, signifying the onset of significant growth, while BurstEnd marks the conclusion, indicating when the growth trend slows or declines. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)