Using the Olink Explore 1536 platform, we measured 1,463 unique proteins in 303 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens from four clinical centers contributed by uninfected controls and 12 groups of people living with HIV-1 infection representing the spectrum of progressive untreated and treated chronic infection. We present three initial analyses of these measurements: an overview of the CSF protein features of the sample; correlations of the CSF proteins with CSF HIV-1 RNA and neurofilament light chain protein (NfL) concentrations; and comparison of CSF proteins in HIV-associated dementia (HAD) and neurosymptomatic CSF escape (NSE). These reveal a complex but coherent picture of CSF protein changes with highest concentrations of many proteins during CNS injury in the HAD and NSE groups and variable protein changes across the course of systemic HIV-1 progression that included two common patterns, designated as lymphoid and myeloid patterns, related to principal involvement of their underlying inflammatory cell lineages. Antiretroviral therapy reduced CSF protein perturbations, though not always to control levels. The dataset of these CSF protein measurements, along with background clinical information, is posted online. Extended studies of this unique dataset will supplement this report to provide more detailed characterization of the dynamic impact of HIV-1 infection on the CSF proteome across the spectrum of HIV-1 infection, advancing the mechanistic understanding of HIV-1-related CNS pathobiology.
Author summary
We measured more than 1,400 proteins in 303 cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens from a representative broad range of untreated and treated people living with HIV-1 infection (PLWH) along with uninfected controls who volunteered for our studies. The results defined a complex, but generally coherent set of changes in many immune-inflammatory proteins and several central nervous system injury biomarkers as systemic HIV-1 infection progressed. There was a marked increase in many of these protein biomarkers in individuals with HIV-associated dementia and neurosymptomatic CSF viral escape, two conditions distinguished by overt, and characteristically severe, neurological impairment. The resultant data and initial analyses advance the characterization and understanding of the evolution of HIV-driven neuropathogenesis. The large dataset from this study is posted online and available to other investigators for further analyses, extending the utility of these data and potentially aiding in developing future prevention, diagnosis and mitigation of the deleterious impact of HIV-1 infection on the brain.
Exposure of the central nervous system (CNS) to HIV-1 is a nearly universal facet of untreated systemic infection that is readily documented by analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) obtained by lumbar puncture (LP) [1–11]. During the earlier phases of chronic infection, CSF viral isolates are genetically similar to plasma viruses and adapted to infect CD4+ T-lymphocytes (R5 T-cell-tropic viruses) [12]. As a consequence of the migration of infected CD4+ T-cells from blood into the CNS, where they release virus [12–15], CSF HIV-1 RNA levels are typically maintained at levels about one-tenth of those in blood [5,11,16–18]. Anatomically, HIV-1 RNA detected in CSF during this period predominantly represents a sample of virus from the leptomeninges, the site of a clinically silent aseptic meningitis with mild CSF pleocytosis [19–21]. An exception to this 1:10 ratio of CSF to plasma HIV-1 RNA concentrations develops in untreated individuals with very low CD4+ T-cell levels (< 50 cells per μL) in whom the ratio is closer to 1:100 when CSF white blood cell (WBC) counts are low, consistent with the concept that in these groups CSF virus is largely associated with CD4+ T-cell trafficking that includes infected cells and that when the number of these cells is diminished in late systemic infection, the CSF HIV-1 levels also fall [3,4,6,11,17,22–24].
The CSF:plasma HIV-1 ratio is altered in the opposite direction in patients presenting with subacute HIV-1-associated dementia (HAD) in whom high CSF HIV-1 RNA levels are nearly equal to those of plasma as a consequence of local viral replication within the CNS parenchyma in association with multinucleated-cell HIV-1 encephalitis (HIVE) [25–29]. This is generally caused by HIV-1 variants capable of infecting macrophages and related myeloid cells that express low cell-surface densities of CD4 receptors (M-tropic viruses) [30–39].
In addition to the hallmark immunosuppression that, in its severe form, underlies susceptibility to HAD and the major opportunistic complications defining the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), chronic HIV-1 infection is also accompanied by systemic immune activation that predisposes to an additional set of chronic co-morbidities [40–44]. CSF sampling in cohort studies shows that intrathecal immune activation and inflammation are also constant features of chronic CNS HIV-1 infection [45]. Moreover, the character of this inflammation changes over the course of untreated infection as blood CD4+ T-cells decline [45,46]. In a recent study measuring a limited panel of inflammatory biomarkers, we identified two common patterns of CSF biomarker changes as blood CD4+ T-cell declined during untreated infection in the absence of HAD. The first pattern was characterized by a rise and then a fall in lymphocyte-related inflammation as blood CD4+ T-cells decreased from >500 to below 50 cells per μL, exemplified by CSF concentration changes in CXCL10, TNF-alpha and MMP-9 [45]. We have referred to this ‘quadratic’ pattern (based on trends modeling using a quadratic equation) of CSF viral load change with CD4+ T-cell loss as the lymphoid pattern of biomarker change. The second ‘linear’ pattern (modelled with a linear trends equation), that we refer to as the myeloid pattern of CSF inflammation, was exemplified by CSF concentration changes in the macrophage inflammatory markers, CCL2 and CD163, that rose more gradually and steadily through the course of blood CD4+ T-cell decline to reach their highest levels when blood CD4+ T lymphocytes fell to <50 cells per μL in those without HAD [45]. We introduce these two terms because they serve as prototypes for similar patterns of CSF protein biomarker change noted in this analysis, as discussed later. Importantly, as previously reported [45], CSF inflammatory protein reactions are generally compartmentalized, relate to local inflammatory processes within the CNS (including the leptomeninges, perivascular tissues and CNS parenchyma), and most often evolve independently from the concentrations of the same protein biomarkers in the blood, though this is a complex issue because the cellular sources and their functional context is strongly influenced (or determined) by systemic immune status. As a result, CNS inflammatory responses may change in parallel with or diverge from their systemic counterparts but are likely largely produced within the CNS in response to local conditions. CSF in HAD patients (with the underlying multinucleated-cell form of HIVE) characteristically exhibits a broad inflammatory profile with marked elevation of the CSF biomarkers that participate in both the lymphoid and myeloid CSF patterns, augmented by additional inflammatory biomarkers that may show only limited change in the non-HAD untreated individuals across the broad range of blood CD4+ decline [45].
While CNS immune and inflammatory reactions to local infection may both aid in local viral control and facilitate viral entry, they likely also contribute to neuronal dysfunction and injury, either directly by effects on neurons or through indirect effects on uninfected myeloid cells and astrocytes by largely uncertain immunopathological pathways [47–49]. Though a number of putative mechanisms of CNS injury have been identified, the exact contributions of individual virus-encoded and inflammatory molecules to in vivo injury remain largely inferential [50–62].
In addition to revealing inflammatory changes, CSF analysis provides evidence of neuronal injury during HIV-1 infection that can now be usefully monitored by measuring neurofilament light chain protein (NfL) concentrations in either CSF or blood [63–65]. The highest CSF and plasma NfL levels in untreated people living with HIV infection (PLWH) are detected in individuals with HAD. Elevated levels are also observed in a subset of neuroasymptomatic individuals, particularly some with low CD4+ T-cell counts, indicating subclinical axonal injury. These elevated CSF and blood NfL levels can also predict the subsequent development of HAD, with examples of increased CSF levels as long as one to two years prior to overt dementia symptoms in patients developing HAD in the pre-ART era [63]. While elevations of this axonal protein are not specific to HIVE [65], in the appropriate clinical context they usefully assess ongoing disease activity, and complement clinical examinations and neuropsychological test evaluations of cognitive-motor impairment that may be confounded by the cumulative effects of inactive (legacy) HIV-1-related and non-HIV-1-related CNS injury [66–68]. Even though HAD is uncommon in treated HIV-1 infection, mild neurocognitive impairment can sometimes be found in patients on ART. In these cases, blood NfL may serve as a useful marker to help discriminate between active ongoing neuronal injury and inactive, legacy CNS injury, whether due to HIV-1 infection or to other causes.
Combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) has a major impact on CNS infection, so that effective systemic viral suppression usually also induces similar CSF HIV-1 RNA reduction to below the clinical levels of detection [16,69–71]. Indeed, even when assessed by more sensitive ‘single-copy’ assays, ART that controls plasma viremia usually suppresses CSF HIV-1 RNA to very low or undetectable levels [71,72]. Interestingly, even in the presence of systemic treatment failure, CSF HIV-1 RNA levels usually are maintained at one-tenth or, more characteristically, even lower proportions in relation to those of plasma [17,70]. Moreover, systemically effective ART can prevent development of HAD and usually has a salutary effect on newly-presenting HAD, curtailing clinical progression and inducing variable clinical improvement, particularly when adjusted to deliver an effective combination of drugs to the CNS site of infection [73,74]. Monitoring reduction of CSF NfL can also be used to confirm the effectiveness of ART in preventing and mitigating CNS injury [68].
CSF/CNS inflammation accompanying local HIV-1 infection in the meninges and brain parenchyma is also reduced by effective ART. This includes resolution of CSF pleocytosis and reduction in the levels of various inflammatory biomarkers [17]. The dynamic effect of ART on inflammatory biomarkers has been nicely shown by rapid reduction in levels of CSF neopterin, an extensively studied inflammatory biomarker in HIV-1 infection, after treatment initiation [75,76]. Similar overall therapeutic effects have been documented with other inflammatory biomarkers [46,77–82].
However, CNS inflammation may not always fully subside to normal levels after suppressive treatment. For example, CSF neopterin, immunoglobulin production and T-cell activation may persist at levels above those of HIV-1-uninfected controls despite undetectable CSF HIV-1 RNA [83–86]. Even very low levels of CSF HIV-1 RNA, below the clinical cutoff of ‘undetectable’, may be associated with higher levels of local inflammatory activity than more complete CSF viral suppression [72,76,84,87,88]. Although the factors driving persistent inflammation are not firmly established, a CNS HIV-1 reservoir may be an underlying factor [15,89–93]. Whether this persistent inflammation is harmful or protective (or both) remains to be fully defined.
There are important, more substantial exceptions to the general CSF/CNS virological treatment efficacy in the setting of systemic viral suppression. These are referred to as CSF HIV-1 escape syndromes in which CSF HIV-1 RNA concentrations exceed those of blood, with the levels of virus in the blood generally suppressed or substantially reduced by the therapy [94]. They have been classified into three distinct types: neurosymptomatic, asymptomatic, and secondary CSF escape (abbreviated here as NSE, AsE and 2ryE, respectively) [94–100]. NSE is the most important of these, since it is accompanied by neurological symptoms and signs, and in some patients by severe neurological injury [95,96,101–106]. Its neuropathology frequently exhibits a distinct variant of HIVE with prominent CD8+ T-lymphocytes [102]. Factors contributing to the development of NSE include reduced treatment adherence, drug resistance and component drugs in the ART regime with limited CNS penetration [103–105,107–110]. Fortunately, adjustments in ART, taking into account drug resistance, drug potency and CNS drug penetration, can usually halt disease progression and, to variable extent, reverse neurological deficits in many of these individuals [95,96], although for some NSE patients the course can be complicated by recrudescence [103,105,111]. In contrast, AsE, as the name implies, is not accompanied by neurological symptoms or signs, and likely is mostly transitory, perhaps akin to viral blips in plasma [112–114]. It may indeed be benign, though further studies of outcomes in these individuals are needed to more thoroughly characterize the natural history and clinical consequences of these episodes. 2ryE is provoked by other (non-HIV-1) infections within the neuraxis in which the resultant inflammatory responses activate local HIV-1 production or replication. It characteristically resolves with effective treatment of the other infection [100].
Previous CSF studies of HIV-1 infection have focused on a number of the components of local CNS inflammation in diverse cohorts and case series, often emphasizing an individual stage of infection [17,54,75,115–122]. Most have also measured a relatively small number of inflammatory molecules [62]. For this reason, a more comprehensive picture of evolving CNS inflammation in relation to the stages of systemic infection, CNS injury, and treatment, has yet to be firmly defined [22,75,76,87,123].
The aim of this study, measuring a large number of CSF proteins in parallel, was to characterize the features of CNS inflammation and tissue responses more broadly as they change over the course of chronic HIV-1 infection in both untreated and treated persons. To this end we used the Olink Explore 1536 platform to measure the concentrations of 1463 unique proteins in a total of 307 CSF samples, including 30 samples from HIV-seronegative controls and 277 samples from 272 PLWH (five individuals contributed a second CSF sample after their clinical status had changed during the cohort study in Gothenburg) representing a broad spectrum of clinical states defined by blood CD4+ T-cells, CSF HIV-1 RNA concentrations, treatment status, and clinically recognized neurological injury during chronic infection.
This report provides an introduction and initial overview of these identified CSF protein changes in relation to stages of systemic infection, local CNS infection, and CNS injury. Importantly, the online posting of the resultant dataset opens to other investigators the opportunity to extend the value of these data by exploring additional questions related to the CSF protein changes over the course of HIV-1 infection.
Materials and methods
Ethics statement
Ethical approvals were obtained from the institutional review boards of each center (Gothenburg Ethical Committee DNr 0588–01 and 060–18; UCSF IRB Protocol 10–0727; Milan, San Raffaele Scientific Institute IRB Protocol 235/2015; and Poona Hospital and Research Centre, Pune, India RECH/EC/2018/19/257). The samples from the cohort participants and the patients in the disease groups were obtained after written informed consent; if patients were unable to directly consent (some of those with HAD and NSE), this was obtained from a person with power of attorney or the equivalent.
Study design and study subjects
This was a cross-sectional, exploratory study of proteins in a convenience sample of CSF specimens obtained in research studies at four clinical centers. These specimens were derived from existing study archives and represent 11 major clinical categories, along with a small number of additional samples from uncommon clinical settings that were not included in the main analyses in this report. The majority of CSF specimens were from longstanding cohort studies at the University of Gothenburg in Gothenburg, Sweden [112] and the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) in San Francisco California, USA [17]. These cohort samples were supplemented by clinically-derived samples from ongoing HIV-1 studies in these two centers and selectively expanded by clinically-derived specimens from Milan, Italy [124] and Pune, India [125] representing the two neurological disease groups, HAD and NSE. Specimens were obtained between 1990 and 2020 within the context of research protocols. The sample groups included an uninfected control group and 12 chronically HIV-1-infected groups defined by blood CD4+ T-cell counts, neurological presentations, treatment status and viral suppression as previously described [123]. When available samples exceeded the planned number within each of these predefined groups, specimens were chosen at random, while in groups with sparse samples all available specimens were included. In brief, the following were the group criteria (the final specific individual group characteristics are described in the Results and Discussion section below).
HIV-1 uninfected control (HIV-) group
These were drawn from the Gothenburg and San Francisco populations with similar demographic and background characteristics to the PLWH at those centers. Notably, the Gothenburg specimens were all selected from a group of individuals taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) because of HIV-1 infection risk. As with the PLWH, all of these participants volunteered for the clinical examinations, background blood tests and the study lumbar punctures (LPs). All were screened with HIV-1 serology and blood HIV-1 RNA measurements.
HIV-1-infected, untreated included 7 groups of PLWH:
Elite viral controllers (elites) were defined by positive HIV-1 serology and undetectable plasma HIV-1 RNA concentrations on repeated occasions using a standard clinical cutoff (<20 HIV-1 RNA copies per mL) in the absence of ART [23,24,126].
Five CD4-defined groups were untreated (either naïve to treatment or off ART for at least 6 months) PLWH who did not have evidence (symptoms or signs) of active or confounding neurological disease on clinical examination. Following our experience in previous studies [45,127], CSF samples were segregated into five strata based on the accompanying blood CD4+ T-cell counts: >500, 350–499, 200–349, 50–199, and <50 blood CD4+ T-lymphocytes per μL, respectively. This division was based on previous experience in analyzing CSF biomarkers with emphasis on individuals with lower blood CD4+ T-cell counts since this is the range of vulnerability to HAD. None of the PLWH exhibited symptoms or signs of active or progressive neurological impairment based on bedside clinical history and physical examinations at the time of their visit. They were all characterized as neuroasymptomatic or exhibiting only chronic, stable neurological symptoms or signs. We did not attempt to segregate those with stable asymptomatic neurocognitive impairment (ANI) or minor neurocognitive disorder (MND) discerned by formal neuropsychological testing, but rather classified the subjects solely using the broad biological and diagnostic categories provided by the CD4+ group designations.
HAD patients were PLWH who presented clinically with new symptomatic, subacute or progressive neurological disease attributed to CNS HIV-1 infection by their caring physicians based on their clinical presentation and diagnostic evaluations. Some were studied before publication of the formal Frascati criteria for HAD [128] and diagnosed with AIDS dementia complex (ADC) stages 2–4 [129] while also meeting the American Academy of Neurology criteria for HIV-1-related dementia in place at the time [130]. Retrospectively, they also met the functional criteria for the Frascati diagnosis of HAD without the requisite formal neuropsychological assessment, and therefore this term was used to encompass the full group of these patients.
HIV-1-infected, treated groups included 5 main groups of PLWH taking ART.
Two groups of treated, virally suppressed individuals were selected from the Gothenburg and San Francisco cohorts: one with either normal age-corrected CSF NfL or previously unmeasured CSF NfL (RxNFL-), and a second unusual group of special interest selected on the basis of elevated age-adjusted CSF NfL (RxNFL+) levels when measured at the time of their cohort study evaluation.
CSF escape was diagnosed in individuals taking ART with suppression of plasma HIV-1 RNA below pretreatment levels but with higher concentrations of HIV-1 RNA in CSF than plasma [94,113,131]. Three types of CSF escape were distinguished: NSE in which individuals presented clinically with new moderate to severe neurological symptoms and signs that were attributed to CNS HIV-1 infection and without alternative cause after diagnostic studies; AsE were neurologically asymptomatic individuals identified by CSF and blood HIV-1 RNA findings during participation in cohort studies; and secondary CSF escape (2ryE) which was diagnosed on the basis of CSF and plasma measurements in the context of another, non-HIV-1 nervous system infection [100].
Miscellaneous PLWH included four anecdotally interesting individuals who did not fit the above categories: one who sustained HIV-1 cure (the ‘Berlin patient’) [132], two with very early initiation of ART [133], and one ambiguous escape patient with a history of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). These individuals were included in the full data table (File 1 Dataset of CSF proteins in chronic HIV _infection_rev2024-09-10.xlsx accessible on Dryad, DOI: 10.5061/dryad.x3ffbg7tv) [134] but not in the analyses described in this report which emphasizes group findings.
CSF sampling
CSF from the cohort subjects was obtained according to previously described standard protocols [17,112,135,136]. Similar methods were used to process clinically-obtained samples from HAD, NSE and 2ryE groups that were preserved for study purposes. In brief, CSF, obtained by LP, was placed immediately on wet ice and subjected to low-speed centrifugation to remove cells before cell-free fluid was either submitted directly to the Clinical Laboratory for HIV-1 RNA measurement along with plasma, or aliquoted and stored within 2 hours of collection for later HIV-1 RNA measurement along with stored plasma. Stored samples were maintained at ≤-70°C until the time of biomarker assays or delayed HIV-1 RNA measurement.
Clinical evaluations and background laboratory methods
Cohort subjects underwent standardized general medical and neurological assessments at study visits as previously described [137]. Symptomatic CNS disorders (HAD, NSE, and 2ryE) were evaluated using standard clinical and neurological assessments, including neuroimaging along with CSF and blood measurements, to confirm their diagnoses and assess disease severity [137]. All cohort participants had routine clinical bedside screening for symptoms or signs of abnormalities in cognitive or motor function or evidence of CNS opportunistic infections or other conditions that might impact CSF biomarker concentrations. Individuals with CNS opportunistic infections or other conditions confounding these analyses were omitted with the exceptions of those in the 2ryE group in which these infections were part of the clinical group definition. We initially set a general target of 25 separate samples for each major clinical group. Subsequently, some groups of particular interest were augmented with additional specimens, while for other categories there were shortfalls related to limited specimen availability.
HIV-1 RNA levels were measured in cell-free CSF and plasma at each site in local Clinical Research or Clinical Laboratories using the ultrasensitive Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor assay (versions 1.0 and 1.5; Roche Molecular Diagnostic Systems, Branchburg, NJ), Cobas TaqMan RealTime HIV-1 (version 1 or 2; Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland) or the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay (Abbot Laboratories, Abbot Park, IL, USA), depending on the site and time period of collection. All recorded viral loads reported below 20 copies per mL were standardized to an assigned ‘floor’ value of 19 copies per mL for descriptive and computational purposes. Each cohort study visit included assessments by local Clinical Laboratories using routine methods to measure CSF white blood cell counts (WBCs), blood CD4+ and (in many) CD8+ T lymphocyte counts by flow cytometry, and CSF and blood albumin to assess blood-brain barrier integrity.
CSF NfL concentrations had been measured in multiple runs in a portion of the subjects prior to this study using a sensitive sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (NF-light ELISA kit, UmanDiagnostics AB, Umeå, Sweden) [138] performed in the Clinical Neurochemistry Laboratory at the University of Gothenburg by board-certified laboratory technicians blind to clinical data; intra-assay coefficients of variation were below 10% for all analyses. To compare these NfL values across all individuals, we calculated age-adjusted NfL values for 50 years of age and compared them to the 50 year-old upper limit of normal of 991 ng/L, as outlined by Yilmaz and colleagues [68].
Olink Explore methods
Samples from all sites were maintained at ≤-70°C, aggregated in San Francisco, shipped together to Olink Laboratory in Watertown, MA, USA in previously stored, frozen aliquoted tubes, and analyzed in a single run in November 2020. Samples were transferred using local Olink procedures. The Explore 1536 battery deployed at that time consisted of four plates: Inflammation, Cardiometabolic, Oncology and Neurology plates. The Olink immunoassays are based on the Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) technology [139], that uses a pair of oligonucleotide-labelled antibodies to bind to their respective target protein. When the two antibodies are in close proximity after binding, a new polymerase chain reaction target sequence is formed, which is then detected and quantified by Next Generations Sequencing (NGS). Output is reported in NPX units on a log2 scale of relative concentrations which are used for within-assay comparison of protein concentrations (https://olink.com/). Proteins measured using the Olink platform are identified in this study using the gene nomenclature and numbers as they appear in the UniProt database (https://www.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/) [140].
The level of detection (LOD) for each assay is listed in the data output and based on the background, estimated from the negative controls on every plate, plus three standard deviations. In the results presented below for this analysis, we include the returned values without adjustment or substitution when below the LOD. This is one of three strategies discussed by Olink and adopted for this study both for simplicity, and because it may increase the statistical power and provide a more normal distribution of the data without an increase in false positives (https://olink.com/faq/how-is-the-limit-of-detection-lod-estimated-and-handled/). Each protein measurement is comprised of four subgroups, each with a related LOD; these are listed in the full dataset now posted online (File 1 Dataset of CSF proteins in chronic HIV _infection_rev2024-09-10.xlsx. DOI: 10.5061/dryad.x3ffbg7tv) [134]. Our analysis also included measurements that were flagged in the data output file with quality control (QC) Warnings. These QC Warnings were generated if incubation Control 2 or Detection Control (corresponding to that specific sample) deviated by more than a pre-determined value (+/- 0.3) from the median value of all samples on the plate (https://olink.com/faq/what-does-it-mean-if-samples-are-flagged-in-the-qc/). Our own analysis of the effect of the QC warnings in the three proteins with quadruplicate repeats supports our decision to include these values as shown and is discussed in the context of S1 Fig.
Statistics analysis
R version 4.1.1 was used for the main data analysis. The “hclust” function in R was used to perform hierarchical clustering to identify three clusters of the proteins. The “prcomp” function in R was used to perform the principal component analysis. One-way ANOVA was used to test the differential expression of proteins between the clinical groups. Biomarker associations were analyzed across the entire sample set using Spearman’s rank correlation, graphically presented as a heat map for some. Comparison of biomarker concentrations between subject groups to address selected a priori questions used non-parametric methods including Mann-Whitney to compare two groups and Kruskal-Wallis with Dunn’s post hoc test to compare three or more groups.
Two-sample t tests were used to compare the protein expression between the HAD and NSE groups. Partial correlation was used to assess the association between protein markers and the CSF HIV-1 level while controlling for the CSF NfL level (NEFL in Olink output). Similarly, partial correlation was used to assess the association between protein markers and the CSF NEFL level while controlling for the CSF HIV-1 level. Gene signature set enrichment analysis (GSEA) was used to calculate the enrichment score of the immune related pathways [141].
The immune related pathways were defined as the child terms of the term “immune system process GO:0002376” [142]. Because the Olink Explore 1536 platform only measured a selected set of the human proteins, we only included an immune pathway if more than five of its proteins were measured by Olink assay. All statistical tests were adjusted for multiple testing using the FDR method.
Comparisons of the quadruplicate results of three proteins that were analyzed on each of the four plates and of earlier NfL measurements to the Olink NEFL results by linear regression used Prism 9.5.1 and 10.1, GraphPad Software, San Diego, California USA (www.graphpad.com). Selected comparisons of groups by ANOVA with correction for multiple comparisons and graphs of subject profiles were also produced using Prism 9.5.1 and 10.1 which was also used for redrawing some of the graphs produced by other methods.
Dryad DOI
Results and discussion
This is the initial report of a study using the Olink Explore 1536 platform to measure CSF proteins in large sample of grouped specimens representing the spectrum of untreated and treated chronic HIV-1 infection. The resultant full study dataset (File 1 Dataset of CSF proteins in chronic HIV _infection_rev2024-09-10.xlsx) is posted online at Dryad: DOI: 10.5061/dryad.x3ffbg7tv (https://datadryad.org/stash) [134].
We have divided the presentation of the study results and discussion into two principal sections. The first, Background results section, describes the clinically-defined groups in the study cohort along with selected characteristics of the Olink Explore 1536 data output that are illustrated in S1 and S2 Figs by analysis of three sets of quadruplicate-repeat measurements embedded in the Olink panel and measurements of seven CSF proteins that have served as biomarkers of different cellular components of CNS injury in previous studies. The second, Main results section, examines salient features of the full set of measured CSF proteins in three sets of analyses that focus on: 1. The overall changes in proteins across the study groups; 2. correlations of the measured CSF proteins with biomarkers of CNS infection (CSF HIV-1 RNA) and CNS injury (CSF NfL); and 3. comparison of CSF proteins in two clinical forms of HIVE: HAD and NSE.
Background analysis of the study groups and selected features of the Olink Explore platform applied to the CSF samples
Study group characteristics
This cross-sectional analysis of a convenience sample of 303 CSF samples follows a strategy used in several of our previous studies of CSF biomarkers [45,75]. It draws on the experience and archived CSF specimens of four research centers with long-term interests in HIV-1-related CNS disease. The complete set of 307 analyzed CSF samples included 30 specimens from HIV-1-seronegative controls and 277 from 272 PWH (five PLWH contributed a second CSF sample after their clinical status had changed during the cohort study in Gothenburg) representing 7 untreated and 5 ART-treated groups that are the focus of this report, along with a miscellaneous group of four samples from individuals who do not clearly fit into any of the main categories and therefore are not included in this analysis which centers on group identities and differences. The background demographic and HIV-1-related clinical laboratory characteristics of the individual study participants, along with the Olink protein measurements of the entire set of 307 CSF samples, are all included in Dryad-posted dataset (DOI: 10.5061/dryad.x3ffbg7tv) [134].
The background features of the subject groups are summarized in S1 Table and graphically detailed in Fig 1. The latter shows the individual values for each of these background variables within the group designations. The main features of these subject groups are discussed in more detail in the legend to this figure.
Despite demographic imbalances in this convenience sample, as discussed in the legend to Fig 1, the group of CSF specimens provides a robust aggregate that encompasses the main facets of chronic, evolving HIV-1 infection in the absence and presence of treatment, and importantly includes two groups with HIV-1 encephalitis (HIVE): the untreated HAD and treated NSE groups. Here we briefly focus on selected background features that particularly bear on the main CSF protein findings and on some of the interpretive themes that follow. This includes introduction to the prototypes of the lymphoid (CSF HIV-1 RNA and CSF WBC counts) and myeloid (CSF neopterin) patterns of change across the five untreated, neurologically asymptomatic CD4-defined groups introduced earlier and defined in the MATERIALS AND METHODS section, along with the CSF NfL concentrations in a subset of the specimens that had been previously measured.
CSF HIV-1 RNA concentrations and CSF WBC counts: Lymphoid patterns of change in the CD4-defined groups
As discussed in the legend to Fig 1, The concentrations of HIV-1 RNA in the blood and CSF, and hence their interrelationships, changed with progression of untreated infection in the CD4-defined groups (Fig 1H–1J). While in the blood there was a nearly steady, stepwise increase in HIV-1 RNA concentrations as the blood CD4+ T-cell count decreased from the highest (CD4 >500) to lowest (CD4 <50) group levels, in the CSF progressive viral load increase was interrupted in the CD4 <50 group by a drop in the median HIV-1 RNA to 3.09 log10 copies per mL from a peak median of 4.14 log10 copies per mL in the CD4 50–199 group, resulting in a high CSF-blood difference in this group (2.75 log10 copies RNA per mL shown in Fig 1J). This contrasted with the more constant differences between CSF and blood HIV-1 RNA of about 1.0 log10 copies per mL in the other four CD4-defined groups. These changes in CSF HIV-1 RNA were parallel to, and likely related to, the CSF WBC counts (Fig 1K) in which there was also a decrease in the CD4 <50 group to negligible levels in comparison to the other untreated groups with higher blood CD4+ T-cell counts [17]. The low CSF WBC counts in the CD4 <50 group may have related to the limited availability of both CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells that generally comprise the majority of CSF WBCs in HIV-1 infection [83]. More particularly, the low number of CD4+ T-cells in this group likely resulted in decreased passage of HIV-1-infected cells from the blood into the leptomeninges, and, consequently, diminished viral release into the CSF spaces. The reduced presence of CSF T-cells in this group also likely impacted the levels of some of the measured proteins in this study, resulting in this same lymphoid pattern for many of the CSF proteins in the sequence of CD4-defined groups, similar to the previously reported patterns in a limited subset of inflammatory biomarkers that included CXCL10, TNF-alpha and MMP-9 as discussed above in the Introduction. In contrast, the CSF HIV-1 RNA concentrations in HAD group increased to the highest levels among the groups, to near those in the blood (CSF median of 5.27 and blood median of 5.66 log10 copies RNA per mL). This was a consequence of the HIVE underlying HAD in which local CNS HIV-1 replication within the brain likely ‘spilled over’ into the CSF [17]. The median CSF WBC count in the HAD group was 10 cells per μL, and the median WBC count was even higher in the NSE group (22 cells per μL), though in the latter group the virological impact of the pleocytosis was likely mitigated by a partial treatment effect. The higher CSF than blood HIV-1 RNA concentrations in the three CSF escape groups (on therapy with virus suppressed in the blood) defines these entities, with the AsE group’s CSF virus concentrations (median of 1.90 log10 copies per mL) more than 10-fold lower than the other two escape groups (median CSF RNA concentration in the NSE group of 3.23 and in the 2ryE of 2.94 log10 copies per mL). Though it presents an interesting comparison to NSE, the 2ryE group was small and included CSF from three individuals with herpes zoster and one with HIV-2 meningitis, so it cannot be considered as representative of the larger possibilities in this category.
The virally suppressed (RxNFL-) group was likewise typical of the effectiveness of ART in normalizing symptomatic or asymptomatic neural injury. By contrast, the RxNFL+ group was selected from our larger experience based on elevated age-adjusted CSF NfL measurement in the absence of neurological symptoms and signs. The causes of these elevations in NfL were unknown and did not appear to predict neurological deterioration in these individuals during available follow up. Among the main possibilities are that they might have reflected mild brain insults unrelated to HIV infection (e.g., trauma) or that they were due to transient subclinical HIV-1-related injury. The lack of association with concurrent elevations in CSF HIV-1 levels, or with changes in the other CSF neural or inflammatory biomarkers (as described below) likely argues against the latter and suggests they might not be related to CNS HIV-1 infection. We plan to examine these groups further in the future to address these issues.
CSF Neopterin: Myeloid pattern of change in the CD4-defined groups
Neopterin is a pteridine inflammatory mediator that is likely mainly produced by myeloid and possibly to a lesser extent by astroglial cells within the CNS [145–147]. It serves as a useful CSF inflammatory biomarker during HIV-1 infection [75]. In contrast to HIV-1 RNA and WBCs, CSF neopterin showed a steady increase with falling CD4+ T-cell counts in the untreated PLWH groups, without a subsequent decrease in the CD4 <50 group (Fig 1L). Based on this and previous observations with other myeloid-related biomarkers, including CCL2 and sCD163 [45], we have now termed this the myeloid pattern of biomarker change within the untreated groups that contrasts with the lymphoid pattern discussed above. We use these two convenient, albeit simplistic, terms in this report to designate recurring contrasting patterns of biomarker changes observed in a number of the Olink-measured CSF proteins across the CD4-defined groups as presented below. The HAD group and two of the three escape groups, NSE and 2ryE, exhibited marked elevations in CSF neopterin while median concentrations in the AsE group were near normal. Blood neopterin levels also rose in the untreated individuals; they were notably elevated in the CD4 < 50 group and also in the HAD group, consistent with systemic myeloid activation in these settings [28]. By contrast, blood neopterin levels in the three escape groups remained at or near normal despite the elevations in CSF, including in the NSE and 2ryE groups with notably high CSF values, consistent with the compartmentalized CNS infection and inflammatory responses in these groups and local production of neopterin. In AsE the median neopterin values in both fluids were at or near normal with the exceptions of three CSF samples, distinguishing these individuals from the other two escape groups (NSE and 2ry) and suggesting that AsE is a transient and less pathogenic form of CSF escape [98]. This contrasted with the parallel CSF and blood neopterin changes with CD4+ T-cell decline in the untreated individuals and with the generally low blood neopterin levels in the virally suppressed (RxNFL- and RxNFL+) groups [45].
CSF NfL in a subset of the CSF sample
Fig 1O shows the results of the CSF NfL measurements that had been assayed in a subset of the samples at the University of Gothenburg Clinical Neurochemistry Laboratory over a number of years in several different analytical runs of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and age-adjusted to 50 years of age using a previously described method [68]. There were consistent CSF NfL elevations in the HAD and NSE groups (more than ten-fold higher in the former) and milder increases in about half of the CD4 <50 group, consistent with relatively common subclinical CNS injury in the setting of advanced immunosuppression. The general pattern of NfL change across this group showed similarity to the myeloid pattern discussed above, but a few possible differences can be noted: the elevation of NfL in the CD4 <50 group was ‘abrupt’ without a clear lead-up in the other CD4-defined groups; additionally, there was an increase in CSF NfL in the RxNFL+ group that was absent in CSF myeloid or other neural markers as discussed below. More generally, the similarities between the patterns of change of the CSF myeloid markers and CSF NfL, that defines a neuronal injury pattern in CSF, likely relates to the importance of myeloid cells in the pathogenesis of CNS injury.
Introduction to the Olink Explore output and CSF dataset with analysis of repeated measurements
Proteins measured using the Olink platform are reported in NPX units on a log2 scale of relative concentrations (https://olink.com/products/olink-explore-3072-384). Thus, the output allows comparison of the measured protein concentrations of individuals or groups only within this particular study, and would require simultaneous calibration, with assessments of known concentrations for conversion to more standard quantitative units (e.g., ng/mL). Consequently, interpretations of results for the HIV-1-infected groups depends importantly on comparisons with the HIV-uninfected controls measured within this same assay.
The Olink output measuring 1,472 proteins includes quadruplicate measurements of three proteins (CXCL7, IL6 and TNF) as outlined below. To eliminate the effect of this redundancy, we randomly selected only one set of results for each of these three proteins to include in our overall analysis. This reduced the analysis to include assays of 1,463 unique proteins applied to 303 specimens, yielding a total of 443,289 individual CSF protein measurements. However, some of the measurements fell below the LOD of the individual assays. As noted above in the MATERIALS AND METHODS section, in this report we used the measured values without any correction related to the LODs, since these low values likely had little more effect on analysis than would truncating or eliminating values below the LODs. For other investigators who may want to adjust these values differently in future studies, the four LOD values for each protein assay are included in the posting of the full data set (File 1 Dataset of CSF proteins in chronic HIV _infection_rev2024-09-10.xlsx (DOI: 10.5061/dryad.x3ffbg7tv)) [134].
Analysis of three sets of quadruplicate repeat measurements; features of Olink Explore data output
As a prelude to the main analysis, we examined the intercorrelations among the quadruplicate measurements of three CSF proteins: CXCL8, IL6 and TNF. The Olink Explore 1536 platform includes four independent measurements of these proteins, one on each of the four assay plates. Within these data we also examined the impact of Quality Control (QC) Warnings that flagged some of the measurements and the frequency of protein measurements below the LODs reported in the Olink data output file. The QC Warnings and the percentage of measurements within different strata of LODs (100; 90 - <100; 60 - <90; 40 - <60; 20 - <40; and <20 percent) are all indicated within the full dataset table (File 1 Dataset of CSF proteins in chronic HIV _infection_rev2024-09-10.xlsx (DOI: 10.5061/dryad.x3ffbg7tv)) [134].
The analyses outlined in S1A–S1C Fig show the high intercorrelations among the quadruplicate NPX values for two of the three sets of quadruplicate values and lower correlations in the third (mean R2 results of the 6 pairwise comparisons for each of the proteins were 0.9821 and 0.9508 for CXCL8 and IL6, with less robust correlation for the TNF correlations with a mean R2 = 0.7055). These correlations, along with very similar patterns of concentration changes across the subject groups (S1B Fig), were present despite differences in the absolute NPX values in some of the repeats, emphasizing the relative scale of the Olink protein measurements and the importance of a full set of embedded controls in each independent assay.
In all but two cases the measurements with the QC warnings in these assays fell within the confidence limits of the overall results. Based on this finding, and to reduce biased selection of the Olink output, we included all Olink results in the analyses that follow, including those with QC Warnings. Values below the LODs were minimal in the CXCL8 and IL6 repeated measures and did not impact correlations. However, a greater frequency of results below the LODs were noted with the TNF measurements and contributed to less robust correlations among the four repeated measures of this protein, though perhaps not providing a complete explanation. As noted above, for the analyses in this report, we did not exclude assay results below the LODs that are listed in the Dryad posted (File 1 Dataset of CSF proteins in chronic HIV _infection_rev2024-09-10.xlsx (DOI: 10.5061/dryad.x3ffbg7tv)) and discussed in the legend to S1 Fig.
Values below the LODs preferentially affected the analysis of the aviremic groups (e.g. HIV-, elites, Rx NFL- and NFL+), reducing the potential of some proteins to discriminate differences among these groups. Because of attention to the overall protein changes, and particularly to the differences among the CD4-defined groups and the HAD and NSE groups, this issue likely had relatively limited impact on the main analyses included in this report. However, it likely will be more important in future studies using these data to examine some of the proteins in these aviremic groups in which the values below the LODs will assume greater prominence.
Olink CNS injury markers and the use of the Olink measurement of NEFL as a key biomarker
In an additional preliminary study, we examined the Olink measurement of NfL, that is included in the Explore 1536 platform, along with six other biomarkers of CNS injury in the panel. In several past studies we have shown that measurement of NfL in CSF (as well as in blood) serves as a valuable biomarker of active CNS injury in HIV-1 infection [66,68], just as it does in head injury, subarachnoid hemorrhage and a number of neurodegenerative conditions [65,148]. Because prior CSF NfL measurements were only available from a portion of the CSF specimens included in this study (209 of the 307, 71.3 percent), we evaluated whether the Olink measurements which are available for all specimens would be suitable for use as background variable in the main analyses of this study. [NB: In this report, we use the gene name, NEFL, when referring to the Olink measurement of the protein, and the more common abbreviation, NfL, when referring to the protein more generally and to results of measurements using other, conventional immunoassays.]
S2A Fig shows that the profile of Olink measurement of NEFL changes across the subject groups is very similar to that obtained with the NfL ELISA immunoassay performed in the subset of the sample shown earlier (comparing S2A Fig to Fig 1O). In fact, the results of the two assays are highly correlated (R2 = 0.8790) (S2B Fig). These comparisons thus support the use of the NEFL results as a principal objective marker of CNS injury in the subsequent analyses. We do not age-adjust the NEFL values in this analysis because we have not age-adjusted any of the other Olink protein results and do not have sufficient data to validate age adjustment for the Olink NEFL results. The mean NEFL values in the RxNFL+ group were higher than the RxNFL- group, indicating that the earlier immunoassay measurements in the former group were not simply laboratory errors but reflected true elevations of the CSF concentration and likely genuine axonal injury, albeit of uncertain source and meaning.
The Olink Explore 1536 platform includes several other markers that have been used in previous studies to assess CNS injury in HIV-1 infection and other neurodegenerative settings (S2C–S2H Fig). Of these, CSF CHI3L/YKL-40, TREM2, GFAP, KYNU and MAPT (all P <0.0001 with R2 = 0.6005, 0.5622, 0.4545, 0.3690 and0.3471, respectively) warrant further study as useful complements to NEFL in assessing the breadth and character of CNS injury as discussed in the legend to this figure. Of note, the elevation of CSF NEFL in the RxNFL+ group was not echoed by elevations of these other neural injury markers, adding further uncertainty to the biological meaning of the CSF concentration increases of this axonal protein in this group.
Main Olink CSF protein analyses
The following three main analyses explore facets of the full dataset of the measured CSF proteins as they varied over the course of systemic infection, development of HAD, successful treatment and CSF escape as represented by the specimen groups assembled for this study. The first of these analyses provides a broad introduction to the overall CSF protein changes across the study groups. The second examines the relationships of these protein changes to two major variables of CNS HIV-1 infection and its impact: CSF HIV-1 RNA concentration (as an index of CNS infection) and CSF NEFL concentration (as a measure of active CNS injury). The third compares CSF proteins in two forms of HIVE: HAD presenting in untreated individuals and NSE developing during treatment.
Overview of the CSF protein changes across the spectrum of chronic HIV-1 infection
As an initial step in analyzing the broad contours of the protein changes during the course of chronic infection, we performed a hierarchical cluster analysis that empirically groups the measured proteins into three clusters with different spectra of protein changes across the full sample set. These are shown in Fig 2A as the BLUE, RED and GREEN clusters.
The initial division into three clusters in this figure provides a starting point for identifying proteins and groups of proteins with similar or contrasting overall protein profiles. As detailed in the legend to Fig 2, the widest and most distinct gradations in protein concentrations are grouped in the GREEN cluster with the conspicuously high protein concentrations (at the red and orange end of the scale) in the HAD, NSE, and 2ryE groups. These contrast with the lower concentrations (in the blue or blue mixed with yellow bands) in the aviremic HIV-, elites, and treatment suppressed (RxNFL- and RxNFL+) groups, and the more heterogeneously colored bands in the CD4+-defined groups. Similar, though less distinct and less consistent, gradations are also present on the left side of the RED cluster column, while the remaining two-thirds of the RED group show more even concentrations (and thus narrower concentration differences) through the full range of specimens. While some of these were likely proteins that were not altered over the course of infection, others are proteins with concentrations outside of the levels of measurement of the Olink assay, mainly below the LODs (see below). The BLUE cluster shows more mixed gradations, including a substantial number of proteins with seemingly ‘inverted’ concentrations—i.e. with lower concentrations in the HAD and NSE groups and in the lower CD4 defined groups than in the HIV- controls. These initial similarities and contrasts bear further examination within smaller groupings and subdivisions of these clusters in the future.
The principal component analysis (PCA) (Fig 2B1–2B4) shows the impact of the overall CSF protein changes on separating the individual participants and their groups. The virologically undetectable PLWH (Elites, Rx NFL- and NFL+, and ASE groups), along with the HIV- control group, all largely overlapped in this figure. The CD4-defined groups also overlapped with these same groups, but with some individuals with lower CD4 counts ‘moving down and to the right’ in the compound graph and again seen more clearly in isolation (Fig 2B3). Most notably, the HAD, NSE and 2ryE groups ‘migrated’ still further in this same direction with greater separation of many of the samples from the other groups (Fig 2B4) consonant with the higher concentrations of many CSF proteins in these groups. Given the conspicuous elevations of many proteins in the HAD, NSE and 2ryE groups, one might ask why the separation of subjects in this PCA is not greater. In part this may relate to inclusion of all measured proteins in the analysis, including those that show little (RED proteins in Fig 2A) or even opposite protein gradients (some of BLUE proteins in Fig 2A), that might ‘counterbalance’ or obscure the distinct group differences and reduce the separation exerted by the proteins in the GREEN group in Fig 2A).
Together the cluster analysis heat map and the PCA provide two consonant perspectives on the same CSF protein changes: the groups identified in the heat map as having the highest concentrations of many CSF proteins (the HAD, NSE and 2ryE groups) are segregated furthest from the HIV- uninfected and neurologically asymptomatic groups in the PCA analysis. Thus, these symptomatic neurological conditions have a dominating effect on the CSF concentrations of many proteins that, in turn, results in segregation of these neurological subject groups from those without neurological disease based on empirical CSF protein analysis.
Fig 2C lists the 10 proteins and 10 pathways that exhibited the most significant differences in CSF proteins across groups. Most of these are inflammation-related proteins, and the defined pathways involve lymphocyte-related functions as their names imply. These proteins are associated with T-cell, B cell and NK cell functions. Thus, although the clinical settings of two types of neurological injury had the greatest impact on the separation of the proteins, it was the inflammatory responses in CSF in these settings that dominated their impact among the measured proteins. Fig 2D shows the group profiles of the concentration changes across the subject groups of the 10 highest correlating proteins listed in Fig 2C. While the overall patterns varied, the most conspicuous common feature is the high protein levels in the HAD and NSE groups (highest for the former in some, but in this group of proteins more frequently highest in the latter). These proteins are all from the GREEN group in the cluster analysis in Fig 2A, and their profiles again emphasize that the two neurological disease groups are the important drivers of the greatest CSF protein differences in the sample set. These graphs also introduce other prominent features of the CSF protein spectra across subject-group, including the two patterns of CSF biomarker change over the course of CD4+ T-cell decline in the five untreated CD4-defined groups introduced earlier:
The lymphoid type, with highest levels in the CD4 50–199 or 200–350 groups set off by lower levels in the CD4 >500 and CD4 <50 groups (and most notably the latter) in the ‘inverted U’ pattern discussed earlier in the context of the HIV-1 RNA and WBC concentrations. This is the most frequent pattern in this group of proteins.
the myeloid type, with progressive increases leading to highest levels in the CD4 <50 group as noted earlier with CSF neopterin, is less frequent but exemplified here with the LILRA5 and BTN1A2 proteins at the upper left and lower right of this panel.
Although these ten proteins provide examples of the highest correlations, the PCA segregation of the subject group involves the entire set of measured proteins, including not only those that determined the groups separations but also those that ‘pulled’ them together because of limited protein concentrations differences. Also, while a number of these proteins share features with the lymphoid profile and two with the myeloid profile, there are also variations within these individual profiles that bear focused and more nuanced analysis in the future.
These data also illustrate the limited view provided by most previous studies, including our own, that measured only a few selected inflammatory mediators [2,45,75,82,149]. The results clearly underscore both the complexity and the broad participation of many proteins, including particularly many inflammatory proteins, in response to CSF/CNS infection and CNS injury. The findings, of course, do not distinguish which proteins contribute to CNS injury rather than simply respond to it. Nor do they distinguish which inflammatory proteins are involved in initiating and sustaining or determining the magnitude and character of the group inflammatory profile. These, and other, crucial mechanistic issues must be inferred and synthesized from the known functions of the proteins and their relative responses in the different clinical groups. In this report we focus on the empirical findings and leave a more fully synthesized mechanistic construction to future extensions of these analyses.
Of note, at least three of these proteins show mild elevation in the AsE group, indicating the low-level inflammatory responses in this setting that warrant future focused attention to this group. Further, while the HIV-, aviremic elites and the two treated groups (RxNFL- and RxNFL+) overlap in this analysis, it will be of interest to examine these groups further to identify possible distinctions among these groups to determine to what extent and how endogenously controlled (in elites) and therapeutically controlled infections may differ. We have not included these and other analyses in this introductory report, but plan to pursue these and other studies in the future.
CSF protein relations to CNS injury (CSF NEFL) and infection (CSF HIV-1 RNA)
As a step in dissecting the forces underlying the changes in CSF proteins across the subject groups, we examined the relations of CSF proteins to two major variables that can be viewed as indicators of key pathogenetic vectors involved in these changes: 1. CSF HIV-1 RNA concentrations as an index of CNS HIV-1 exposure/infection (encompassing entry, production and replication, with the latter two likely the main presumed drivers of CNS injury when located within the CNS parenchyma), and 2. CSF NEFL concentrations as a measure of the state of active CNS injury at the time of sampling. CSF HIV-1 RNA is an ambiguous indicator of CNS infection because it can reflect a variable mixture of virions derived from leptomeningeal and brain parenchymal sites of infection, depending on the clinical setting. During neuroasymptomatic infection in the CD4-defined groups (particularly those with CD4 T-cell counts >50 cells per μL), infection is largely meningeal, while HAD and NSE involve deeper parenchymal infection (HIVE). However, the contributions from these sources of origin cannot be distinguished by simple measurement of HIV-1 RNA in CSF. In Fig 3 we examine the relationships between the various CSF proteins and CSF NEFL and CSF HIV-1 RNA concentrations.
As shown in this figure, CSF NEFL and HIV-1 RNA concentrations are, themselves, not strongly intercorrelated across the full spectrum of study subjects (Fig 3A). Even after segregation of subsets of the groups (untreated and treated groups; and HAD and NSE groups in isolation), correlations between CSF HIV-1 RNA and NEFL remained weak. Fig 3B shows the 10 proteins that separately correlated best with CSF HIV, CSF NEFL, and with both of these variables taken together. For a broad overview of the protein relations to CNS injury and infection, we plotted all of the Olink proteins in relation to their correlations with CSF NEFL and HIV-1 RNA (Fig 3C). Proteins from the GREEN cluster dominate the higher correlations with both NEFL and HIV RNA, and a higher proportion of the proteins correlate with NEFL than with HIV-1 RNA at levels above 0.5 (designated by horizontal and vertical dotted lines). This is consonant with the protein gradients noted earlier for the GREEN cluster showing highest concentrations in the HAD and NSE subjects and the dominant effect of these two overt neurological conditions on elevated CSF protein concentrations.
By contrast, proteins from the RED cluster are mainly located in the center of Fig 3C, with HIV-1 RNA correlation values centering around zero and relatively low NEFL correlations (below 0.5) except for a few higher outliers. Many of the RED proteins returned >60% of measured values below their LODs, likely contributing to their frequent lack of correlation with either HIV-1 RNA or NEFL. Interestingly, the BLUE cluster is dominated by proteins with negative HIV-1 RNA correlations and NEFL correlations below the 0.5 correlation level, though with several showing negative correlations with CSF HIV RNA despite >0.5 correlation with NEFL, mingling with some of the GREEN cluster proteins in this location. This figure also helps to identify CSF proteins with similar functional properties (or at least correlations) and can provide a useful initial map for future studies exploring functional relationships among the CSF proteins in HIV-1-related neuropathogenesis.
In Fig 3C the five highest correlating CSF proteins identified in the three bar graphs in Fig 3B are highlighted with color-coding of their locations in the plot. All of these are inflammatory proteins, and, in a broad sense, their locations emphasize the major effect of CNS injury on CSF proteins, including particularly inflammatory proteins. However, the plot also shows that HIV-1 RNA measured in CSF is associated with protein changes that had a variable, often dissociated, relation to injury. Indeed, the highest correlations with CSF HIV-1 RNA are infrequently highly correlated with the extent of CNS injury as measured by CSF NEFL and, vice-versa, proteins correlating strongly with neuronal injury are, in general, relatively weakly correlated with HIV-1 RNA. These dissociations also provide exploratory maps for examining pathogenic relationships, including defining inflammatory increases with weak and strong relationships with CNS injury and CSF HIV-1 RNA.
Fig 3D shows the group CSF profiles for the five CSF proteins with highest correlations with HIV-1 RNA, NEFL and HIV-1 + NEFL, respectively, that were identified in Fig 3C. The patterns of change in the proteins in the first two groups show consistent differences. Those with high HIV-1 RNA correlations (top row) exhibit the lymphoid pattern across the CD4+ T-cell-defined groups while the NEFL-correlating proteins (second row) more closely followed the myeloid or perhaps neuronal pattern of change across the CD4-defined groups with a gradual or more abrupt increase to highest levels in the CD4 <50 group. There are also evident variations in these patterns among these proteins; for example, PLAUR on the far right more closely resembles the NEFL’s neuronal pattern. In the two upper rows of graphs in Fig 3D the protein levels are more often higher in the HAD group than in the NSE group, but not in all. The combined HIV-1 and NEFL examples (third row) exhibit a mixture of the patterns seen in the other two groups (e.g., CD48 with the lymphoid and LILRA5 and LGALS9 with the myeloid patterns). Of note, the RxNFL+ group does not show elevation in the inflammatory proteins that associate with NEFL, suggesting that NfL elevations in this subgroup are likely due to different processes than those involved in the two forms of HIVE. This is also in agreement with the result of the other neural injury marker measurements discussed earlier and shown in S2 Fig.
Overall, these results emphasize that the correlations of CSF proteins with CSF NEFL and HIV-1 RNA are frequently dissociated, and that, indeed, the proteins with the strongest correlations with CSF NEFL are more commonly associated with relatively weak CSF HIV-1 RNA correlations and, conversely, strong correlations with CSF HIV-1 RNA are frequently accompanied by relatively weaker correlation with CSF NEFL. Additionally, high correlations with NEFL associate with myeloid (and perhaps neuronal) patterns of change across the CD4-defined groups, while high correlations with HIV-1 RNA associate with the lymphoid pattern of change across these groups. From this, we can speculate that the proteins correlating strongly with CSF HIV-1 RNA are mainly from T-cells reacting to or even enhancing local HIV-1 production or replication, while the proteins correlating strongly with NEFL are either effecting or reacting to CNS injury and involve virus populations that evolved to grow in CNS myeloid cells, though we have not directly established these immune response-virological linkages and this first analysis does not distinguish between inflammatory biomarkers that may have different levels of importance in HAD and NSE.
CSF proteins differences between HAD and NSE
In addition to characterizing the broad changes in the CSF proteome across the defined clinical groups, this dataset can be used to explore features that distinguish individual clinical groups or sets of groups from each other. As an initial example of this application, we next compared the CSF proteins of the two groups with major HIV-1-related CNS injury: the HAD and NSE groups. Among the distinguishing background features of these two groups with HIVE are: i) the absence and presence of treatment (with full or partial plasma viral suppression); ii) consequent difference in blood CD4+ T-cell counts (median of 108 cells per μL in HAD, and 425 cells per μL in NSE); iii) difference in CSF HIV-1 RNA levels (median of 5.27 log10 copies per mL in HAD and 3.25 log10 copies per mL in NSE); iv) CSF WBC counts that were elevated in both but twice as high in NSE; and v) different CSF NEFL concentrations (higher in HAD). Previous studies also have shown that the pathology and HIV-1 genotypes/phenotypes of CSF isolates also usually differ. HAD is typically a multinucleated-cell encephalitis [129,150,151] involving myeloid cell infection with M-tropic viruses [152–154] developing in untreated individuals with advanced systemic infection, while NSE is generally a T-cell mediated disease with notable CD8+ T-cell infiltration pathologically [102] and T-tropic HIV-1 infection [155]. NSE usually occurs in the setting of limited CNS penetration of one or more antiretroviral drugs along with resistance to other drugs [94–96,101,103,104,131]. Fig 4 compares the CSF proteins of these two types of HIVE.
This figure compares the CSF proteins in NSE and HAD. While the impetus for this comparison was largely to identify protein differences, in fact, we found that the great majority of the CSF proteins were not significantly different in this analysis and that they clustered at the base of the Volcano Plot in Fig 4A. On reflection, the lack of major differences may not be surprising because both conditions are highly inflammatory types of HIVE, and whatever the root cause of virus- or inflammatory-related neuronal injury, the accompanying responses may be similar However, there are some distinctions as shown by the labelled proteins in Fig 4A and the bars in Fig 4B that identify several proteins that are more prominent in one or the other condition. Fig 4C, examining the correlations of these proteins with the two ‘pathogenic vectors’ introduced earlier shows that these proteins both stretch across the spectrum of correlations with CSF HIV RNA but appear in different strata with respect to correlation with CSF NEFL so that those favoring NSE show lower and those favoring HAD have higher correlations with this axonal injury protein. In part, at least, this likely relates in some way to the lower concentrations of CSF NEFL in the treated NSE patients, but Fig 4D using literature data suggests that these proteins relate predominantly to different cells, NSE to lymphoid and HAD to myeloid inflammatory processes. This is also consistent with the profiles of these proteins across the subject groups shown in Fig 4E in which those favoring NSE not only show higher concentrations in the NSE group than that of HAD, but also show the lymphoid pattern while those favoring HAD exhibit a myeloid or neuronal pattern across the CD4-defined groups. Thus, overall, the inflammatory components of these two types of HIVE exhibit considerable similarity, but also some discernable differences.
These initial comparisons are all consistent with the neuropathological differences between the two forms of HIVE, with HAD typically a myeloid-cell inflammatory and M-tropic virus-dominated process, and NSE mainly featuring lymphocytic infiltration and infection [102,157] in association with infection by presumed T-tropic viruses. To what extent these CSF proteins simply reflect reactions to the CNS injury or, conversely, importantly participate in driving it, remains uncertain. Are the main drivers of CNS injury in these two conditions similar but the inflammatory reactions vary because of differences in the background immune system reactive capabilities, or are the mechanisms of injury more fundamentally different?
Conclusions and future directions
This study generated an abundance of novel data related to the robust and complex changes in CSF proteins over the course of HIV-1 infection, including after treatment. The full dataset is posted so that other investigators can now join in extending the analysis of these data. This initial report is largely aimed at introducing the study and its rich dataset. It pursues an agnostic, largely empirical approach to discovering and outlining the contours of CSF protein changes over the full course of chronic HIV-1 infection. Future studies now need to use these data to examine mechanisms and unravel underlying pathogenetic issues. These might be approached from at least two directions: 1. Continued comparisons of subject groups or subgroups to characterize and understand the distinct features of each and how they differ from other groups in order to map transitions and salient differentiating features of the various stages of infection and injury; and 2. Informed analysis of the changes in particular proteins, in related proteins and in established protein networks and pathways to examine the mechanisms underlying the changing CSF proteome features at these different phases of systemic and CNS HIV-1 infection. CSF inflammation is a nearly ubiquitous feature through the course of infection, and likely a central pathogenetically facet of CNS HIV-1 infection. Its relation to both systemic infection and CNS injury are clearly key aspects of CNS infection and its consequences. Further definition and understanding of these CSF protein changes promises to provide enhanced understanding of the CNS pathobiology of HIV-1 infection and perhaps additional approaches to more precise diagnosis and to neuroprotective and neuro-mitigating therapies. This study also demonstrates the potential value of applying a similar approach, including extension to measurement of non-protein molecules, to discovery aimed at pathogenetic and diagnostic exploration of other infectious, inflammatory and degenerative neurological diseases.
Supporting information
Data Availability
The full dataset for this study is posted online to Dryad, 10.5061/dryad.x3ffbg7tv.
Funding Statement
This study was supported principally by NIH/NINDS research grants R01 NS094067 (RWP) and 3R01 NS094067-05S1 (RWP) and by the Swedish state under an agreement between the Swedish government and the county councils (ALF agreement ALFGBG-965885) (MG). Previous research grants supporting CSF specimen collections and background data assays included: P01 MH094177 (RS), P01 DA026134 (RWP Project PI), R01 MH081772 (SSS), R01 NS043103 (RWP), R01 NS37660 (RWP), R21 MH096619 (RWP); R01 MH062701 (RWP), R01 MH096619 (RWP), R21-MH083520 (RWP); Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg (project ALFGBG-11067) (MG); and the Swedish Research Council (project 2007-7092.3) (MG). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection, decision to publish, or publication of the manuscript.
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