Micromagnetic simulations are used to study a spin-torque vortex oscillator excited by an out-of-plane dc current. The vortex core gyration amplitude is confined between two orbits due to periodical vortex core polarity reversals. The upper limit corresponds to the orbit where the vortex core reaches its critical velocity triggering the first polarity reversal which is immediately followed by a second one. After this double polarity reversal, the vortex core is on a smaller orbit that defines the lower limit of the vortex core gyration amplitude. This double reversal process is a periodic phenomenon and its frequency, as well as the upper and lower limit of the vortex core gyration, is controlled by the input current density while the vortex chirality determines the apparition of this confinement regime. In this non-linear regime, the vortex core never reaches a stable orbit and thus, it can be of interest for neuromorphic application as a leaky integrate-and-fire neuron for example.
Subject terms: Applied physics, Magnetic devices
A magnetic vortex is a topological structure with a curling in-plane magnetization except at the vortex core where the magnetization points out-of-plane (see Fig. 1a). Its polarity P is positive (1) when the out-of-plane (OOP) magnetization is pointing up and negative otherwise (1). Its chirality C defines the curling in-plane magnetization orientation which is either clockwise (1) or counterclockwise (1). These two parameters impact the vortex core gyrotropic motion as its polarity determines the sense of the vortex core gyration as well as the apparition of sustained oscillations while there is a splitting of its dynamics depending on its chirality1,2. The vortex polarity can be reversed by applying different magnetic fields like static3,4, pulses5–8 or oscillating9–11 OOP magnetic fields as well as oscillating12 or rotating13 in-plane magnetic fields. The vortex polarity can also be reversed by a variety of spin-polarized currents like in-plane ac currents14,15 or pulses16 as well as out-of plane dc current17. Depending on the excitation, multiple polarity reversals can occur8,14,16 as in a nanocontact where a periodic polarity reversal is obtained with an input dc current18,19. The reversals occur in self-sustained oscillations leading to chaotic oscillations that may be interesting for secure communications18.
Here, a spin-torque vortex oscillator (STVO) is studied (see Fig. 1a). The device is composed of two magnetic layers decoupled by a non-magnetic insulator. The first magnetic layer, the polarizer, has a fixed magnetization, while the second layer, the free layer, has a vortex as its ground state due to the magnetic dot’s geometry20. An input current density is injected in the STVO to trigger gyrotropic motion of the vortex core. Indeed, the input current is spin-polarized by the polarizer and applies a spin-transfer torque on the free layer leading to sustained oscillations if the following conditions are met: 0 and with the input current density, P the vortex polarization, the OOP magnetization of the polarizer and the critical current for sustained oscillations. In a nanocontact, the Ampère-Oersted field (AOF) generated by the input current favours a magnetic vortex, thus, the vortex chirality tends to align parallel to the AOF. However, in an STVO, its initial chirality can be set deterministically21, thus its influence on the periodic reversal process can be studied.
Two distinct regimes2,22 arise depending on the vortex chirality and polarity, the polarizer orientation and the input current density: the resonant regime where the vortex core damps back to the magnetic dot center and the auto-oscillating regime where the vortex core reaches a stable orbit as in Fig. 1b. Here, a third regime18 is observed as shown in Fig. 1c and d. Indeed, when the vortex core reaches the upper orbit , its polarity is reversed. This first polarity reversal is quickly followed by a second one, leaving the vortex core at the lower orbit and in the auto-oscillating regime. Since this double-reversals process is both periodical and sustained the vortex core is confined between these two orbits. This third regime is referred as the confinement regime and is only triggered for a vortex with a negative chirality.
The vortex dynamics is studied by the means of micromagnetic simulations (MMS)23 using MuMax3. The free layer has a radius R of 500 nm, a thickness t of 9 nm and is discretized into cells of 2.5 × 2.5 × 4.5 nm3. The polarizer is on top of the free layer and its magnetization is fixed along . A magnetization saturation of 800 emu/cm3 and an exchange stiffness24 of 1.07 × 10-6 erg/cm corresponding to permalloy are used. The Gilbert damping constant is set to 0.01 and the spin-current polarization is 0.2. By convention, a positive current flow along . The initial vortex polarity is set to 1. The temperature is set to 0 K and no external magnetic field is applied. An input current density between 0 and −10 MA/cm2 is applied to the STVO and the Ampère-Oersted field generated by the input current is added as an external magnetic field. For these simulations parameters, the STVO frequency is between 60 MHz and 120 MHz depending on the vortex chirality and the input current density . The evolution of the reduced vortex core position with and the vortex core position, in the auto-oscillating regime extracted from MMS is fitted with the following equation25:
1 |
with the initial position of the vortex core and two parameters and that depend on . To predict for a given , the parameters and are fitted with a linear fit: and when the vortex core is in the auto-oscillating regime, see results in Table 1. In addition, the stable orbit is defined25 by:
2 |
Table 1.
Constant | Unit | ||
−6.26 | −12.49 | Hz cm2 A−1 | |
5.42 | 8.81 | Hz cm2 A−1 | |
−12.75 | −13.47 | MHz | |
−4.74 | 3.00 | MHz |
To predict the evolution of in the confinement regime the parameters and are needed as well as four hypotheses: (1) the vortex polarity is reversed when ; (2) it is always followed by a second polarity reversal; (3) the double reversal process is instantaneous and 4) after the second reversal . Both and can be fitted with a second order polynomial function. The combination of Eq. (1), the four hypotheses and the expression of the parameters and depending on allow predicting for any current density as in Fig. 1. It gives the following recursive equation with the time step, and the current and previous reduced vortex core position respectively:
3 |
Results and discussion
The two configurations where the vortex chirality is either positive or negative are studied. For , with and the first and second critical currents respectively, the vortex is in the steady-state regime. The evolution of the stable orbit with , depending on the vortex chirality, is predicted thanks to Eq. (2). The first critical current density is defined by 0 leading to . It gives 1.08 MA/cm2 and 2.04 MA/cm2 for a vortex with a positive and negative chirality respectively.
The confinement regime is exclusively observed in vortices with negative chirality. For a positive initial chirality and , the vortex chirality is reversed to after the vortex core has been expelled from the nanodot, to align itself parallel to the Ampère-Oersted field generated by the current (see Fig. 2). The dynamics of the resulting vortex is therefore the same as if its initial chirality had been negative. Thus, it means that some orange stars are superimposed on blue stars because they share the same final orbit , as explained in ref.2. However, it sometimes happens that in addition to a reversal of chirality, the polarity of the new vortex is also reversed. The 0 condition is therefore no longer met and the vortex falls back into a resonant regime. The core of the vortex then relaxes towards the centre of the nanodot to reach 0.
For a vortex with a negative chirality, when with 5.1 MA/cm2, the vortex core reaches its critical velocity at leading to its polarity reversal through the well-known process of creation and annihilation of a vortex-antivortex pair17,26. Indeed, the vortex core reaches a velocity of 285 ms−1 at , which is coherent with the theoritical critical velocity27,28 302 ± 32 ms−1 with 1.66 ± 0.18 and 2π × 2.8 MHz/Oe, the gyromagnetic ratio. As the velocity of the vortex core increases, it undergoes a deformation with the development of a dip with an opposite magnetization (see Fig. 3). At the critical velocity27, the dip amplitude is the same as the amplitude of the vortex core and the vortex polarity is reversed, as shown in Fig. 3, through the creation and annihilation of a vortex-antivortex pair. The excess of exchange energy is then dissipated through spin waves generation29. As the polarity is then negative, the vortex core is in the resonant regime and relaxes towards its equilibrium position. It experiences a second polarity reversal as the new dip reaches the same amplitude as the vortex core and spin waves are once again generated. At the end of this second reversal, the vortex core is at and in the auto-oscillating regime again. This double reversal happens periodically, leading to a sustained confinement regime described by three parameters: and that define the lower and upper limits of the vortex core position, as well as the frequency at which the double polarity reversals occur (see Fig. 4).
The orbits and decrease as the amplitude of increases as shown in Fig. 4a. Indeed, the dip reaches the same amplitude as the vortex core for a lower orbit when increases. The time between two double-reversal is extracted and the corresponding confinement frequency is plotted in Fig. 4b. The frequency increases with , thus the double reversal frequency can be controlled by the dc input current with confinement frequencies starting at 11.5 MHz for 5.1 MA/cm2 to 93.5 MHz for 10.0 MA/cm2. Since spin waves are generated at each reversal, the frequency of spin wave generation is also controlled by .
The dynamics of the vortex core is analytically described in both auto-oscillating and confinement regimes after fitting a few micromagnetic simulations. The emergence of the confinement regime depends on the vortex chirality and . Therefore, by adjusting the latter, the parameters of the confinement regime, namely , and , can be controlled, offering the potential to fine-tune the properties of the confinement regime as well as the generation of spin waves. Finally, the confinement regime exhibits nonlinear and periodic dynamics, making it potentially valuable for neuromorphic computing applications30 as the vortex core remains in a transient regime and never reaches a stable orbit. It could be applied to leaky-integrate and fire neuron where the integration and leaking properties are controlled with the input current density and the firing correspond to the vortex core polarity reversal.
Computational resources have been provided by the Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif (CÉCI), funded by the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique de Belgique (F.R.S.-FNRS) and by the Walloon Region. F.A.A. is a Research Associate and S.d.W. is a FRIA grantee, both of the F.R.S.-FNRS.
Author contributions
The study was designed by C.C.. FAA created and developped the analytical framework. F.A.A. designed the micromagnetic simulations performed by C.C. and S.d.W.. C.C. analysed the data and prepared the manuscript. All authors discussed the results and contributed to the final manuscript.
Data availability
The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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