Between 15 June and 20 September 2024, 75 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5) and A(H7) virus detections were reported in domestic (16) and wild (59) birds across 11 countries in Europe. Although the overall number of detections in Europe continued to be low compared to previous epidemiological years, an increase in cases along the Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic coasts was notable, particularly an increase in the detection of HPAI viruses in colony‐breeding seabirds. Besides EA‐2022‐BB and other circulating genotypes, these detections also included EA‐2023‐DT, a new genotype that may transmit more efficiently among gulls. In Germany, HPAI A(H7N5) virus emerged in a poultry establishment near the border with the Netherlands. No new HPAI virus detections in mammals were reported in Europe during this period, but the number of reportedly affected dairy cattle establishments in the United States of America (USA) rose to >230 in 14 states, and HPAI virus was identified in three new mammal species. Between 21 June and 20 September 2024, 19 new human cases with avian influenza virus infection were reported from the USA (six A(H5N1) cases and five A(H5) cases), Cambodia (five A(H5N1) cases, including one fatal), China (one fatal A(H5N6) case and one A(H9N2) case), and Ghana (one A(H9N2) case). Most of the human cases (90%, n = 17/19) had reported exposure to poultry, live poultry markets, or dairy cattle prior to avian influenza virus detection or onset of illness. Human infections with avian influenza viruses remain rare and no evidence of human‐to‐human transmission has been documented in the reporting period. The risk of infection with currently circulating avian A(H5) influenza viruses of clade in Europe remains low for the general public in the European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA). The risk of infection remains low‐to‐moderate for those occupationally or otherwise exposed to infected animals or contaminated environments.
Keywords: avian influenza, captive birds, HPAI, humans, monitoring, poultry, wild birds
Suggested citation: EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control), EURL (European Union Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza) , Alexakis L, Buczkowski H, Ducatez M, Fusaro A, Gonzales JL, Kuiken T, Ståhl K, Staubach C, Svartström O, Terregino C, Willgert K, Delacourt R and Kohnle L, 2024. Scientific report: Avian influenza overview June–September 2024. EFSA Journal 2024;22(10):9057, 66 pp. 10.2903/j.efsa.2024.9057
Requestor: European Commission
Question number: EFSA‐Q‐2024‐00175 and Commission request 280 to ECDC (SANTE.B.2/IK/mo (2023)2182203)
Acknowledgements: In addition to the listed authors, EFSA, ECDC and the EURL wish to thank the Member State representatives who provided epidemiological data on avian influenza outbreaks or shared sequence data: Sandra Revilla‐Fernández and Irene Zimpernik (Austria); Ingeborg Mertens, Mieke Steensels and Steven Van Borm (Belgium); Emiliya Ivanova (Bulgaria); Savić Vladimir (Croatia); Vasiliki Christodoulou and Giorgos Krasias (Cyprus); Tomáš Jarosil, Alexander Nagy and Luděk Závada (Czechia); Charlotte Kristiane Hjulsager, Yuan Liang, Lone Thing Mortensen, Heidi Huus Petersen and Emilie Selby (Denmark); Tuija Gadd, Lauri Kareinen, Ari Kauppinen and Niina Tammiranta (Finland); Sophie Le Bouquin, François‐Xavier Briand, Béatrice Grasland, Nolwenn Le Moal, Éric Niquex, Morgen Salines, Audrey Schmitz and Axelle Scoizec (France); Anja Globig, Timm Harder, Anne Pohlmann, Carola Sauter‐Louis and Christoph Staubach (Germany); Bálint Ádám and Malik Peter (Hungary); Laura Garza Cuartero and Audrey Jenkinson (Ireland); Lara Cavicchio, Isabella Monne and Calogero Terregino (Italy); Vicky Bink and Chantal Snoeck (Luxembourg); Oxana Groza (Moldova); Nancy Beerens, Dennis Bol and Evelien Germeraad (Netherlands); Britt Gjerset and Lars‐Erik Lundblad Rondestveit (Norway); Katarzyna Domańska‐Blicharz, Krzysztof Śmietanka and Edyta Swieton (Poland); Renata Carvalho, Teresa Fagulha and Margarida Henriques (Portugal); Iuliana Onita and Radu Petrescu (Romania); Dejan Vidanivic (Serbia); Zuzana Dirbakova, Barbora Pavlíková and Martin Tinak (Slovakia); Montserrat Agüero García, Elena García Villacieros, Germán Cáceres Garrido, Luis Gomero and Azucena Sánchez (Spain); Malin Grant and Siamak Zohari (Sweden); Claudia Bachofen and Arlette Szelecsenyi (Switzerland). The authors also wish to thank Ron Fouchier from Erasmus Medical Center (Netherlands); Ashley Banyard from the Animal and Plant Health Agency (United Kingdom); Camille Delavenne from Ausvet Europe for conducting the data analysis under the contract OC/EFSA/ALPHA/2021/02; the authors, originating and submitting laboratories of the sequences from GISAID's EpiFlu™ Database, which is used for this assessment (Annex C); Julio Álvarez and Jan Arend Stegeman from EFSA's Panel on Animal Health and Welfare (AHAW); Erik Alm, Angeliki Melidou and Edoardo Colzani from ECDC, as well as Inma Aznar, Francesca Baldinelli, Barbara Lanfranchi, Ernesto Liebana, Winy Messens, Martin Sonagnon Goudjihounde and Stefania Tampach from EFSA for the support provided to this scientific output.
Declarations of interest: If you wish to access the declaration of interests of any expert contributing to an EFSA scientific assessment, please contact interestmanagement@efsa.europa.eu
Maps disclaimer: The designations employed and the presentation of material on any maps included in this scientific output do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Food Safety Authority concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Approved: 2 October 2024
Note: This article was originally published on the EFSA website (https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/efsajournal/pub/9057) on 3 October 2024 as part of EFSA’s urgent publication procedures. On 14 October 2024, on p. 27, the total number of mammals tested in Austria was corrected from 205 to 294. In addition, on p. 47, ‘South American sea lion’ was corrected to ‘Antarctic fur seal’. These editorial corrections do not materially affect the contents or outcome of this scientific output. To avoid confusion, the original version of the output has been removed from the EFSA website, but is available on request.
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- Zohari S. SVA (Swedish Veterinary Agency). Personal communication by e‐mail