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. 2024 Oct 25;19(10):e0306180. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0306180

Relative income within the household, gender norms, and well-being

Rania Gihleb 1,#, Osea Giuntella 1,*,#, Luca Stella 2,#
Editor: José Alberto Molina3
PMCID: PMC11510123  PMID: 39454115


This study examines the effects of relative household income on individual well-being, mental health, and physical health in Germany. Consistent with previous studies, we document a dip in the distribution of households in which the wife out-earns the husband. Using a regression discontinuity design, we show that husbands in couples in which the wife earns just more exhibit lower satisfaction with life, work, and health, and report worse physical health. Women in these couples report lower satisfaction with life and health, and worse mental health. Results on life, work, and health satisfaction among women are more pronounced in West Germany, consistent with previous evidence of gender norm differences between East and West Germany.


Over the last few decades, the share of couples in which women earned more than their male partners has increased significantly. In 2000, only 13% of married women in the US earned more than their husbands; in 2017, this rate was above 31% [1]. This trend is also observed in other countries [2] and mirrors the reversal of the gender gap in education [3, 4].

These patterns challenge the traditional norms of male breadwinners and may affect couples’ well-being and mental health [1]. Although many studies have analyzed the effects of relative income on labor market outcomes and marital behavior [57], the relationship between relative income and the well-being and mental health of husbands and wives has received less attention [8, 9]. This study uses longitudinal survey data from Germany to examine how spousal relative income affects the individual well-being and health.

Germany provides a unique research setting because of its history and the prevalence of different gender norms in East and West Germany [7, 1012]. In the German Democratic Republic (GDR), female labor force participation was considered an essential element of socialist production. The provision of public childcare led to an incredible increase in female labor force participation, peaking at 89% in 1989 [13]. These trends have gradually eroded the male breadwinner norm [14]. At the same time, for a long time, the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) enacted policies that implicitly supported traditional marriage and a single-earner family model [14].

Given this context, it is unsurprising that in East Germany, the share of women earning more or about the same as their male partners was historically larger. In 1992, in East Germany, almost 30% of women earned more than or approximately the same amount as their male partners, compared to 16% in West Germany. The gender wage gap between West and East Germany has declined substantially. In West Germany, the share of households in which the wife out-earns the husband increased from 12% in 1984 to 23% in 2020. Nonetheless, considerable differences persist; as of 2020, in East Germany, 32% of women earn as much as their male partners or more.

Most previous studies examined the relationship between gender identity and labor market outcomes. In this study, we instead focus on the impact of relative income within the household on individuals’ mental well-being and physical health and explore how the different gender norms in East and West Germany may characterize this relationship.

Our work relates to a growing number of studies analyzing the importance of relative spousal income and the role of gender norms. In their study using US data, Bertrand et al. (2015) [5] analyzed the impact of relative income on labor market outcomes, home production, marital satisfaction, and divorce. They showed a marked decline in the distribution of households to the right of the 50% threshold in the income share distribution of wives within households, that is, when they out-earn their husbands. The authors provided evidence consistent with the view that gender identity norms significantly affect various social and economic outcomes. Couples in which the wife earns more than the husband are less satisfied with their marriage and are more likely to divorce. Furthermore, using time-use data, they find that the gender gap in non-market work is larger when wives earn more than their husbands. More recently, other studies that attempt to replicate the findings of Bertrand et al. (2015) have yielded mixed results. No evidence of discontinuity has been detected in Sweden or Finland [15, 16]. Binder et al. (2022) [17] find that simple models of assortative matching can replicate the observed distribution of spousal earnings differences, in which very few wives out-earn their husbands. Their results question the role of gender norms in explaining the distribution of spousal earnings in the US. In contrast, Sprengholz et al. (2022) [7] analyzing SOEP data provide evidence consistent with the male breadwinner norm in West (but not East) Germany.

In particular, we add to the few studies investigating the role of higher female earnings and the impact of relative income on psychological distress and mental health [1, 1820]. Two studies are particularly similar to ours: Getik (2022) [8] and Salland (2018) [9]. Getik (2022) uses administrative data from Sweden and finds that mental health is positively associated with own and spousal income but negatively linked to the wife’s relative income, with an 8–12% increase in mental health diagnosis when comparing couples in which the wife earns more than the husband. Salland (2018) [9] used SOEP data to study the effect of within-household comparison on individual life satisfaction. He finds that a primary breadwinner wife decreases a couple’s individual happiness by 8%.

Our contribution to these studies is twofold. First, Germany provides an interesting context for studying the relationship between gender norms and well-being. Campa and Serafinelli (2019) [21] and Boelmann et al. (2021) [22] document the substantial heterogeneity in gender role attitudes and female labor supply between East and West Germany. Furthermore, Lipmann et al. (2020) [23] highlight the role of institutions in undoing the male breadwinner norm in East Germany. Previous studies have found evidence that gender identity influences the labor supply of full-time working women, but only in West Germany [7]. The SOEP data allow us to explore the different roles of relative household income on well-being and health in cultures characterized by different gender norms. This aspect has not been explored in previous studies.

Second, while some previous work using data from Scandinavian countries has the clear advantage of large and granular administrative datasets, SOEP data enable us to examine a wide range of metrics of well-being and health. Salland (2018) [9] also used SOEP data, but his work mostly focused on life satisfaction and did not examine the differences between East and West Germany. We explore the effects on satisfaction with life, work, and health, as well as other metrics of self-reported mental and physical health.

Our results shed light on the role that institutions and policies can play in shaping norms, significantly affecting labor market opportunities and individuals’ well-being and health.

Data and empirical specification


We draw our data from the German Socioeconomic Panel (SOEP), a longitudinal dataset of the German population containing information on a rich set of household and individual socioeconomic characteristics since 1984 [24].

The SOEP contains several metrics for self-reported satisfaction with various domains. In our main analysis, we focus on life satisfaction, satisfaction with work, and health satisfaction. Individual satisfaction is measured on an 11-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (very dissatisfied) to 10 (very satisfied). The SOEP also includes several measures of individual health. In our main analysis, we consider two metrics of physical and mental health as outcome variables. The 12-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12) is used to measure physical and mental health. Since 2002, the SF-12 questionnaire has been administered every two years. It includes 12 Likert-scale questions on various health aspects grouped into two broad summary scales for physical and mental health [25]. These summary scales take on continuous values between 0 and 100, with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. Higher scores indicate better health. In the analysis, for ease of interpretation, we standardize these metrics to have a mean of zero and standard deviation of one.

In secondary analysis in the S1 Appendix, we explore individuals’ satisfaction with different life domains (i.e., family, housework, sleep and childcare), and we use the standard self-assessed health (SAH). For the SAH, respondents are asked to rate their current health status on a 5-point scale, ranging from “bad” and “poor” to “satisfactory,” “good,” and “very good.” We use this information to create a dummy for poor health, equal to one if the subjective health status is less than good and zero otherwise.

To construct the running variable, we use information on annual earnings including wages and salaries from main job for husbands and wives. We restrict the analysis to married dual-earner couples aged 18–64 at the time of the survey. Furthermore, we constrain our sample to couples for whom information on all observables are not missing. Summary statistics are reported in the Table A.1 in S1 Appendix.

Empirical specification

We use a regression discontinuity (RD) design [26, 27] to identify the effects of relative spousal income on the well-being and health of respondents. Formally, we estimate the following equation:

Yiht=β1I[EihtWifeEihtHusband]+β2(EihtWife-EihtHusband)+β3(EihtWife-EihtHusband)×I[EihtWifeEihtHusband]+ηi+ϵiht (1)

where the index iht denotes individual i in couple h interviewed in year t. Yiht is a metric of individual well-being and health. I[EihtWifeEihtHusband] is an indicator variable for individuals living in households in which the wife earns more than the husband, and the difference (EihtWife-EihtHusband) is our running variable defined in intervals of €1,000. The coefficient of interest is β1, which captures the effect of being in a couple where the wife just out-earns the husband. ηi are the individual fixed effects, which absorb the influence of any time-constant individual heterogeneity. Finally, ϵiht represents an idiosyncratic error term. The standard errors are clustered by relative income bins (in €1,000 intervals). Adjusting for clustering at the individual level does not alter the significance of our results. For each outcome, we used the optimal bandwidth using the mean square error (MSE) selection criteria [28]. In the S1 Appendix, we include in Eq (1) a vector of controls such as individuals’ age, education, and earnings of both partners, as well as state- and year- fixed effects.

A typical concern of any RD analysis is that couples on different sides of the threshold may be selected concerning characteristics that correlate with our outcomes of interest. Specifically, we may be concerned that individuals sort based on health characteristics or the determinants of well-being and health outcomes. To partially mitigate this concern, we conduct balancing checks on our covariates as well as outcomes. For this analysis, we used the covariates measured in the first year of marriage (see also Getik 2022 [8]), and outcomes measured in the first year available in the SOEP before marriage and restricted the sample to individuals under 45. We present the results of this analysis in Tables A.2 and A.3 in S1 Appendix. Overall, we find that baseline covariates and baseline outcomes are balanced both when constructing the running variable using the first year of marriage (see Panel A of Table A.2 and column 1 of Table A.3 in S1 Appendix), or when considering all the available years in the data (see Panel B of Table A.2 and column 2 of Table A.3 in S1 Appendix).


As in Bertrand et al. (2015) [5], we find a dip in the distribution of households where the wife just out-earns the husband (see Fig 1).

Fig 1. Running variable density.

Fig 1

The figure shows the distribution of couples with respect to the gender difference in wage within the household (in €1,000).

We then turn to analyze the relationship between relative income within the household and individual well-being as well as mental and physical health.

Figs 2 and 3 graphically document this relationship among men and women, respectively. In couples in which wives out-earns their husbands, life satisfaction among men is significantly lower. We also find that men are generally less satisfied with their work (see Fig A.1 in S1 Appendix). Women’s overall life satisfaction appears lower when they earn barely more than their husbands (see Fig 3 and Fig A.2 in S1 Appendix).

Fig 2. Gerder norms, well-being and health, men.

Fig 2

This figure describes the relationships between satisfaction in different life domains, health (mental and physical) among men and the gender income differences within households. The standard errors are clustered by relative income bins (in €1,000 intervals). All specifications include individual fixed effects. For bandwidth and binning selection, we use the MSE-optimal bandwidth and the IMSE-optimal evenly-spaced method [26]. 95% confidence intervals are reported in bars.

Fig 3. Gerder norms, well-being and health, women.

Fig 3

This figure describes the relationships between satisfaction in different life domains, health (mental and physical) among women and the gender income differences within households. All specifications include individual fixed effects. The standard errors are clustered by relative income bins (in €1,000 intervals). For bandwidth and binning selection, we use the MSE-optimal bandwidth and the IMSE-optimal evenly-spaced method [26]. 95% confidence intervals are reported in bars.

Table 1 shows the magnitudes of the RD estimates among men and women. Overall, men report lower life satisfaction levels. The effect is relatively small (0.07 standard deviations) but economically sizeable (see column 1 of Panel A). In our sample, the point estimate would be equivalent to approximately one-third of the effect of having a college degree on life satisfaction or approximately 10% of the negative effect of unemployment. There is also evidence of a mild decline in satisfaction with work (see column 2). Among women, overall life satisfaction declined by 0.09 standard deviations (see column 1 of Panel B). When examining satisfaction with the different life domains among men, we find similar declines in satisfaction with family, satisfaction with housework and satisfaction with sleep (see Panel A of Table A.4 in S1 Appendix). Among women, we find evidence of an increase in satisfaction with childcare, but a parallel decrease in satisfaction with housework (see Panel B of Table A.4 in S1 Appendix). There is, instead, no evidence of effects on other domains of life.

Table 1. RD estimates: Gender norms, well-being, and health—Including individual FE.

Dep. var.: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Satisfaction with life Satisfaction with work Satisfaction with health Mental health Physical health
Panel A: Males
RDD wife earns more -0.074** -0.066*** -0.061* 0.009 -0.050***
(0.033) (0.019) (0.032) (0.029) (0.014)
Observations 78,735 74,540 78,585 24,465 24,465
Mean of dep. var. 7.187 7.108 6.801 0 0
Std. dev. of dep. var. 1.725 2.041 2.152 1 1
Panel B: Females
RDD wife earns more -0.093*** -0.013 -0.083*** -0.050** 0.005
(0.017) (0.033) (0.019) (0.021) (0.022)
Observations 78,765 70,400 78,608 24,412 24,412
Mean of dep. var. 7.264 7.104 6.827 0 0
Std. dev. of dep. var. 1.732 2.061 2.151 1 1

Notes - Standard errors are reported in parentheses and are clustered by relative income bins (in €1,000 intervals). All specifications include individual fixed effects. For each outcome, we used the optimal bandwidth using the mean square error (MSE) selection criteria and robust inference following Calonico et al. (2014).

*Significant at 10 per cent;

** Significant at 5 per cent;

***Significant at 1 per cent.

Exploring the impact on mental and physical health, we find evidence of a decline in satisfaction with health, and physical health among men, while no evidence of any effect on mental health (see Fig 2 and A.1 in S1 Appendix, and Panel A of Table 1). Instead, among women there is an overall decline in both satisfaction with health and mental health (see Fig 3 and Fig A.2 in S1 Appendix, and Panel B of Table 1). Women exhibit a 0.08 standard deviation decline in satisfaction with health and a 0.05 standard deviation reduction in mental health.

In Table 2 we explore the heterogeneity of the effect of interest between East and West Germany. In this case, we add to Eq (1) an interaction term between a dummy variable that identifies individuals in couples where the wife out-earns the husband with an indicator variable for residing in West Germany. Furthermore, we control for a dummy variable for individuals residing in West Germany, and we allow the running variable to have different effects in East and West Germany. When considering the effect on life satisfaction for men, we find no evidence of significant differences between East and West Germany (see column 1 of Panel A). However, when considering women, we find that the negative effects on life satisfaction are significantly more pronounced (in absolute value) in West Germany (see column 1 of Panel B). Moreover, while for men the effects on satisfaction with work, satisfaction with health as well as mental and physical health are not significantly different between East and West Germany (see columns 2 to 5 of Panel A), for women in West Germany we find significant negative effects on satisfaction with work and satisfaction with health and no evidence of significant differences in mental and physical health (see columns 2 to 5 of Panel B). These results are partially consistent with previous studies documenting substantial cultural differences in gender norms and female labor supply between East and West Germany [2123] and with previous work analyzing how gender identity affects female labor supply among women in West Germany [7].

Table 2. RD estimates: Gender norms, well-being, and health—West and East Germany—Including individual FE.

Dep. var.: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Satisfaction with life Satisfaction with work Satisfaction with health Mental health Physical health
Panel A: Males
RDD wife earns more West -0.005 0.051 0.030 -0.025 0.008
(0.042) (0.031) (0.033) (0.017) (0.017)
Observations 78,735 74,540 78,585 24,465 24,465
Mean of dep. var. 7.187 7.108 6.801 0 0
Std. dev. of dep. var. 1.725 2.041 2.152 1 1
Panel B: Females
RDD wife earns more West -0.091*** -0.043*** -0.084*** -0.010 0.021
(0.013) (0.017) (0.022) (0.026) (0.025)
Observations 78,765 70,400 78,608 24,412 24,412
Mean of dep. var. 7.264 7.104 6.827 0 0
Std. dev. of dep. var. 1.732 2.061 2.151 1 1

Notes - Standard errors are reported in parentheses and are clustered by relative income bins (in €1,000 intervals). All specifications include a dummy for residing in West Germany, the earning-difference within the couple, a dummy indicating whether the woman out-earns the husband, and individual fixed effects. For each outcome, we used the optimal bandwidth using the mean square error (MSE) selection criteria and robust inference following Calonico et al. (2014).

*Significant at 10 per cent;

** Significant at 5 per cent;

***Significant at 1 per cent.

While our main analysis focused on life and work satisfaction, physical and mental health, in the Appendix, we report results on a broader set of outcomes exploring the different domains of life satisfaction (see Tables A.4 and A.5 in S1 Appendix). Furthermore, as previously mentioned, Tables A.6 and A.7 in S1 Appendix present estimates that control for a set of time-varying covariates. Results are similar to the baseline specification.


In this study, we take advantage of longitudinal data from Germany and use a regression discontinuity design to study how relative spousal income affects individuals’ well-being and health and how the prevalence of different gender norms in West and East Germany may mediate this relationship. In couples where the wife earns slightly more than the husband, husbands report worse satisfaction with life, work, and health. Women also report worse satisfaction with life and health, and lower levels of mental health when out-earning their husbands. We do not find any statistically significant differences between East and West Germany when considering mental and physical health. However, the results on life satisfaction, satisfaction with work and health are larger among women in West Germany. These findings partly align with earlier research that has identified significant differences in gender norms and the participation of women in the workforce between Eastern and Western Germany.

Supporting information

S1 Appendix


pone.0306180.s001.pdf (4.2MB, pdf)


We are thankful to the Editor and the Reviewers for their helpful comments. We benefited from the feedback in seminars at the University of Pittsburgh.

Data Availability

Data is available from the OSF page with references to the data sources and the version of the SOEP data used in the analysis. The zipped folder contains the data and code used in the analysis.

Funding Statement

The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.


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José Alberto Molina

6 Mar 2024

PONE-D-24-02294Relative Income within the Household, Gender Norms, and Well-beingPLOS ONE

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Reviewer #1: The paper studies how relative household income affects individual wellbeing, physical health, and mental health in Germany using data from the German Socioeconomic Panel (SOEP). In particular, the authors use a Regression-Discontinuity approach to identify a causal effect. The authors find that, for men, earning less than their female partner has a negative effect on satisfaction with life, family, sleep, and health (both physical and mental). Furthermore, results on satisfaction with life and health seems to be mostly driven by respondents form West Germany, which the authors interpret as being the result of gender norm differences between East and West Germany.

I have some major concerns (even though some could easily be addressed with more clarifications) about the econometric analysis and the interpretation of the results.

1) The regression model reported in equation (1) only includes the dummy for being above the cut-off and the running variable. It does not include a constant term and an interaction between the dummy and the running variable. I think both are (and should be) typically included in a Regression-Discontinuity design unless specific assumptions are made (see for example Imbens and Lemieux 2008 or Calonico et al. 2017 - which the authors also refer to). It’s thus not clear whether the estimates reported in the paper are derived from equation (1), which I don’t think identifies the desired effect, or from using the “rdrobust” package from Calonico and co-authors, which would include the two terms and therefore there is a mistake in the reported estimated equation.

2) My second concern is related to the fact that people can endogenously sort on the two sides of the cut-off or that the estimates could reflect, for example, reverse causality.

a. The authors alleviate the concern by conducting a balancing check on both covariates (measured in the first year of marriage) and outcomes (as measured before marriage). However, it’s not entirely clear to me how this check is conducted. Given the panel structure of the data, the same person could be above or below the cut-off at different points in time. In which period is the running variable measured to decide whether a person is part of the ‘treated’ or ‘control’ group in the balancing check? Is the running variable also measured in the first year of marriage?

b. I think that the inclusion of individual fixed-effects also help alleviating this second concern, but it is currently left as a robustness exercise. I think it should be presented as the main analysis because (i) it accounts for the fact that unobserved heterogeneity might be correlated with sorting (ii) it exploits variation over time and within individual regarding the placement around the cut-off.

3) Moreover, point estimates and significance levels often change considerably when including fixed-effects, to the point that the interpretation of the results changes. For example, I find it difficult to reconcile the large, negative and significant effect on life satisfaction for men with the non-significant effect on work satisfaction – if the story is really about relative earned income. When individual fixed-effects are included, instead, the estimate is more precise and there is evidence of a negative and significant effect on work satisfaction, which seems more in line with the proposed story. On the other hand, the estimated effect on mental health for men changes considerably and it is zero when individual fixed-effects are included. Similarly, after including fixed-effects, there is little evidence of a negative effect on housework, work and sleep satisfaction for women.

4) The authors claim that “For both men and women, the effects on life satisfaction and mental well-being are mostly driven by respondents in West Germany”, but it seems that the results for men are not so conclusive.

a. The point estimates for life satisfaction for men in East and West Germany are virtually identical in Table A.1 (-0.079 vs. -0.082), even if only significant for West Germany (also, the East German sample is much smaller, which could explain why the estimate is less precise). It’s also surprising that the estimate for the entire sample (-0.139) it's much smaller than the ones for East and West Germany and does not lie between them. I cannot find the estimates by region when individual fixed-effects are included.

b. For mental health, the point estimate in Table A.2 for men it’s even larger in magnitude in East Germany (-0.061 vs. -0.037), and not significant in both cases.

5) In Section 2 the authors write “We report the estimates obtained using the triangular kernel to recover the average effects using the full bandwidth ….” However, in the notes to the tables, they write “For each outcome, we used the optimal bandwidth using the mean square error (MSE) selection criteria”. It’s thus not clear which bandwidth is used, or why we would want to use a non-optimal one.


Calonico, S., Cattaneo, M.D., Farrell, M.H., Titiunik, R., 2017. rdrobust: Software for regression-discontinuity designs. The Stata Journal 17, 372–404.

Imbens, G. W., Lemieux, T., 2008. Regression discontinuity designs: A guide to practice. Journal of Econometrics 142, 615-635.

Reviewer #2: Summary:

Utilizing data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, the authors examine how household relative earner roles affect individuals’ overall life satisfaction and satisfaction in various domains such as work, family, sleep, and health. The authors first report a discernible decline in the prevalence of couples where the wife assumes primary breadwinner responsibilities. Employing a regression discontinuity design methodology, the authors compare life satisfaction among individuals close to the threshold where the wife out-earns the husband. Their findings reveal that within couples where the wife out-earns the husband, men and women exhibit diminished overall life satisfaction and attenuated satisfaction levels concerning sleep quality and health status. Furthermore, men in such couples report reduced satisfaction with family, while women report lower satisfaction with both market work and housework. Subsequently, the authors split the sample into West and East German cohorts to analyze the impact of disparate social norms on the outcomes above. They find that couples in West Germany mainly drive the results.

The study employs established empirical methodologies and existing data to explore the influence of relative spousal income on life satisfaction. Its primary contribution lies in comparing West and East Germany, which are presumed to adhere to differing social norms. This topic is relevant, and the analysis seems appropriately conducted. However, I have some reservations regarding the drawn conclusions and the presentation of results, which I will detail further.


1. The primary contribution of this study, as indicated by the manuscript’s title, lies in its examination of how gender norms influence the relationship between within-couple earner roles and well-being. However, this crucial finding is relegated to a supplementary position in the results section, with the associated table relegated to the Appendix. In contrast, the authors allocate most of their attention to presenting results on various well-being domains, yielding mixed and somewhat convoluted findings. I recommend that the authors reorganize their paper around their principal contribution to enhance clarity and coherence.

2. I suggest that the authors streamline the number of well-being metrics to focus on the most significant ones. Alternatively, they could construct an index measure of well-being (although, I guess, overall life satisfaction serves as a summary statistic for the other subdomains). This would allow the authors to focus on their main contribution (see my previous point).

3. Regarding the conclusion drawn, I hold reservations as I do not entirely agree with the authors’ conclusion that observations from West Germany predominantly drive all results. Notably, there appears to be no significant East-West disparity in overall life satisfaction for females, which I perceive as the most crucial summary statistic for well-being. I am intrigued by this observation and seek further clarification on why social norm disparities influence outcomes for men but not women. Clarification on this matter would enrich the understanding of the study’s findings.

4. The authors frequently state they investigate “how relative spousal income affects the well-being... of couples.” I find this statement misleading because, if I understand correctly, the authors only observe one partner and their reported satisfaction levels rather than both partners simultaneously. Consequently, the study provides insights into an individual’s well-being within couples. However, it does not directly address the well-being of “the couple” as an aggregated measure of both partners’ well-being.


6. PLOS authors have the option to publish the peer review history of their article (what does this mean?). If published, this will include your full peer review and any attached files.

If you choose “no”, your identity will remain anonymous but your review may still be made public.

Do you want your identity to be public for this peer review? For information about this choice, including consent withdrawal, please see our Privacy Policy.

Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No


[NOTE: If reviewer comments were submitted as an attachment file, they will be attached to this email and accessible via the submission site. Please log into your account, locate the manuscript record, and check for the action link "View Attachments". If this link does not appear, there are no attachment files.]

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PLoS One. 2024 Oct 25;19(10):e0306180. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0306180.r002

Author response to Decision Letter 0

12 May 2024

Please find our response in the attached pdf or below

Reply to Comments by the Reviewers:

We are very grateful to Reviewer #1 and Reviewer #2 for many insightful comments and suggestions, that have helped us improve the quality of the paper. We provide detailed replies below.

Reviewer #1:

1. “The regression model reported in equation (1) only includes the dummy for being above the cut-off and the running variable. It does not include a constant term and an interaction between the dummy and the running variable. I think both are (and should be) typically included in a Regression-Discontinuity design unless specific assumptions are made (see for example Imbens and Lemieux 2008 or Calonico et al. 2017 - which the authors also refer to). It’s thus not clear whether the estimates reported in the paper are derived from equation (1), which I don’t think identifies the desired effect, or from using the “rdrobust” package from Calonico and co-authors, which would include the two terms and therefore there is a mistake in the reported estimated equation.”

Authors: We thank the Reviewer for pointing this out. We apologize for the confusion. Throughout the entire analysis, we used the “rdrobust” package from Calonico and coauthors. Therefore, the Equation (1) was not complete. We have revised the Equation (1) accordingly adding the running variable and the interaction between the running variable and the dummy variable for individuals living in households in which the wife earns more than the husband. We do not report the constant term in Equation (1), since – following the suggestion of the Reviewer - we have now included the individual fixed effects in our main specification.

2. “My second concern is related to the fact that people can endogenously sort on the two sides of the cut-off or that the estimates could reflect, for example, reverse causality.

a. The authors alleviate the concern by conducting a balancing check on both covariates (measured in the first year of marriage) and outcomes (as measured before marriage). However, it’s not entirely clear to me how this check is conducted. Given the panel structure of the data, the same person could be above or below the cut-off at different points in time. In which period is the running variable measured to decide whether a person is part of the ‘treated’ or ‘control’ group in the balancing check? Is the running variable also measured in the first year of marriage?”

Authors: We agree with the Reviewer that we were not clear on this point. Therefore, we have discussed it more in detail and we have now clarified that to conduct the balancing test we used the covariates measured in the first year of marriage, and the outcomes measured in the first year available in the SOEP before marriage. Following Getik (2022), the running variable is also measured in the first year of marriage. Furthermore, as suggested by the Reviewer, we have included in the Appendix an alternative balancing check that uses all the available years in the data for constructing the running variable (see Panel B of Table A.2, and column 2 of Table A.3). Reassuringly, we find that baseline covariates and baseline outcomes are balanced both when constructing the running variable using the first year of marriage or when considering all the available years in the data.

In the revised version of the paper, we clarify this point in the Section Empirical Specification (see pages 3 and 4).

“b. I think that the inclusion of individual fixed-effects also help alleviating this second concern, but it is currently left as a robustness exercise. I think it should be presented as the main analysis because (i) it accounts for the fact that unobserved heterogeneity might be correlated with sorting (ii) it exploits variation over time and within individual regarding the placement around the cut-off.”

Authors: We agree with this point. Following the suggestion of the Reviewer, in Equation (1) we now include individual fixed effects, which absorb the influence of any time-invariant individual heterogeneity. Therefore, all the estimates now control for individual fixed effects.

In the text, we address this point in the Section Empirical Specification (see pages 3 and 4).

3. “Moreover, point estimates and significance levels often change considerably when including fixed-effects, to the point that the interpretation of the results changes. For example, I find it difficult to reconcile the large, negative and significant effect on life satisfaction for men with the non-significant effect on work satisfaction – if the story is really about relative earned income. When individual fixed-effects are included, instead, the estimate is more precise and there is evidence of a negative and significant effect on work satisfaction, which seems more in line with the proposed story. On the other hand, the estimated effect on mental health for men changes considerably and it is zero when individual fixed-effects are included. Similarly, after including fixed-effects, there is little evidence of a negative effect on housework, work and sleep satisfaction for women.”

Authors: We agree with the Reviewer. Therefore, the entire analysis now controls for individual fixed effects.

In the manuscript, we clarify this point in the Section Empirical Specification (see pages 3 and 4).

4. “The authors claim that “For both men and women, the effects on life satisfaction and mental well-being are mostly driven by respondents in West Germany”, but it seems that the results for men are not so conclusive.

a. The point estimates for life satisfaction for men in East and West Germany are virtually identical in Table A.1 (-0.079 vs. -0.082), even if only significant for West Germany (also, the East German sample is much smaller, which could explain why the estimate is less precise). It’s also surprising that the estimate for the entire sample (-0.139) it's much smaller than the ones for East and West Germany and does not lie between them. I cannot find the estimates by region when individual fixed-effects are included.

b. For mental health, the point estimate in Table A.2 for men it’s even larger in magnitude in East Germany (-0.061 vs. -0.037), and not significant in both cases.”

Authors: We thank the Referee for highlighting this point. Following the comments of both Reviewers, we have revised this part of the paper and substantially softened the language when discussing the heterogeneity of the effect of interest between East and West Germany.

The results of this analysis are now reported in Table 2. When considering the effect on life satisfaction for men, we find no evidence of significant differences between East and West Germany (see column 1 of Panel A). However, when considering women, we find that the negative effects on life satisfaction are significantly more pronounced in West Germany (see column 1 of Panel B). Moreover, while for men the effects on satisfaction with work, satisfaction with health as well as mental and physical health are not significantly different between East and West Germany (see columns 2 to 5 of Panel A), for women residing in West Germany we find significant negative effects on satisfaction with work and satisfaction with health and no evidence of significant differences in mental and physical health (see columns 2 to 5 of Panel B). We view these results as partially consistent with previous studies documenting substantial cultural differences in gender norms and female labor supply between East and West Germany and with previous work analyzing how gender identity affects female labor supply among women in West Germany.

In the revised version of the paper, we now clarify these points in the updated Results Section (see pages 4 and 5).

5. “In Section 2 the authors write “We report the estimates obtained using the triangular kernel to recover the average effects using the full bandwidth ….” However, in the notes to the tables, they write “For each outcome, we used the optimal bandwidth using the mean square error (MSE) selection criteria”. It’s thus not clear which bandwidth is used, or why we would want to use a non-optimal one.”

Authors: We apologize for the confusion. Throughout the entire analysis, we are using the optimal bandwith as obtained from the “rdrobust” package from Calonico and coauthors.

In the revised text, we now clarify this point in the Section Empirical Specification (see pages 3 and 4).

Reviewer #2:

1. “The primary contribution of this study, as indicated by the manuscript’s title, lies in its examination of how gender norms influence the relationship between within-couple earner roles and well-being. However, this crucial finding is relegated to a supplementary position in the results section, with the associated table relegated to the Appendix. In contrast, the authors allocate most of their attention to presenting results on various well-being domains, yielding mixed and somewhat convoluted findings. I recommend that the authors reorganize their paper around their principal contribution to enhance clarity and coherence.”

Authors: We agree with the Reviewer and have now revised the text to streamline our contribution. Following the suggestion of the Reviewer, we have decided to discuss more prominently the results on the heterogeneity of the effects between East and West Germany and have now reported the table in the main analysis (see Table 2).

Furthermore, to improve clarity, we have narrowed down the number of outcomes presented and discussed in the main text, focusing on satisfaction with life, satisfaction with work, satisfaction with health, mental health, and physical health (see Table 1). The additional set of outcomes related to satisfaction with family, satisfaction with housework, satisfaction with sleep, satisfaction with childcare, and poor health are now presented in the Appendix (see Tables A.4 and A.6). Similarly for the figures, we have now reduced the number of outcomes presented in the main text focusing on satisfaction with life and satisfaction with health (see Figures 2 and 3), but have reported the figures for the other outcomes in the Appendix (see Figures A.1 and A.2).

2. “I suggest that the authors streamline the number of well-being metrics to focus on the most significant ones. Alternatively, they could construct an index measure of well-being (although, I guess, overall life satisfaction serves as a summary statistic for the other subdomains). This would allow the authors to focus on their main contribution (see my previous point).”

Authors: Thanks for the comment. In accordance with the Reviewer’s suggestion, we have reduced the number of outcomes presented and discussed in the main text. We have kept the secondary outcome variables in the Appendix (see also our response to point 1).

3. “Regarding the conclusion drawn, I hold reservations as I do not entirely agree with the authors’ conclusion that observations from West Germany predominantly drive all results. Notably, there appears to be no significant East-West disparity in overall life satisfaction for females, which I perceive as the most crucial summary statistic for well-being. I am intrigued by this observation and seek further clarification on why social norm disparities influence outcomes for men but not women. Clarification on this matter would enrich the understanding of the study’s findings.”

Authors: We thank the Referee for raising this point. Following the comments of both Reviewers, we have revised this part of the paper and substantially softened the language when discussing the heterogeneity of the effect of interest between East and West Germany.

The results of this analysis are now reported in Table 2. When considering the effect on life satisfaction for men, we find no evidence of significant differences between East and West Germany (see column 1 of Panel A). However, when considering women, we find that the negative effects on life satisfaction are significantly more pronounced in West Germany (see column 1 of Panel B). Moreover, while for men the effects on satisfaction with work, satisfaction with health as well as mental and physical health are not significantly different between East and West Germany (see columns 2 to 5 of Panel A), for women residing in West Germany we find significant negative effects on satisfaction with work and satisfaction with health and no evidence of significant differences in mental and physical health (see columns 2 to 5 of Panel B). We view these results as partially consistent with previous studies documenting substantial cultural differences in gender norms and female labor supply between East and West Germany and with previous work analyzing how gender identity affects female labor supply among women in West Germany.

In the revised version of the paper, we now clarify these points in the updated Results Section (see pages 4 and 5).

4. “The authors frequently state they investigate “how relative spousal income affects the well-being... of couples.” I find this statement misleading because, if I understand correctly, the authors only observe one partner and their reported satisfaction levels rather than both partners simultaneously. Consequently, the study provides insights into an individual’s well-being within couples. However, it does not directly address the well-being of “the couple” as an aggregated measure of both partners’ well-being.”

Authors: We thank the Reviewer for this comment. We agree that the text was indeed misleading. Therefore, we have revised it accordingly.


Submitted filename: response_PLOS_ONE .pdf

pone.0306180.s002.pdf (166.2KB, pdf)

Decision Letter 1

José Alberto Molina

12 Jun 2024

Relative Income within the Household, Gender Norms, and Well-being


Dear Dr. Giuntella,

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Academic Editor


Additional Editor Comments (optional):

Reviewers' comments:

Reviewer's Responses to Questions

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Reviewer #1: All comments have been addressed

Reviewer #2: All comments have been addressed


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Reviewer #1: Yes

Reviewer #2: (No Response)


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Reviewer #1: Yes

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Reviewer #1: No

Reviewer #2: No


Acceptance letter

José Alberto Molina

26 Aug 2024



Dear Dr. Giuntella,

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