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. 2024 Oct 28;25:11. doi: 10.1186/s12932-024-00095-7

Development of the Arabian-Nubian Shield along the Marsa Alam-Idfu transect, Central-Eastern Desert, Egypt: geochemical implementation of zircon U-Pb geochronology

Sherif Mansour 1,, Noriko Hasebe 2, Kamal Abdelrahman 3, Mohammed S Fnais 3, Mohamed A Gharib 1, Rabiou Habou 4,, Akihiro Tamura 5
PMCID: PMC11520088  PMID: 39466486


The magmatic complex along the Marsa Alam-Idfu transect, Central-Eastern Desert of Egypt, represents the northern segment of the Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS), which developed within the framework of the East African Orogen. The basement rocks of the Arabian-Nubian Shield have been developed through three distinct phases of magmatic activity: the island-arc, the syn-orogenic, and the post-orogenic phases. Transitioning of the magmatic phases from the syn-orogenic to the post-orogenic, identifies changing the tectonic regime from a compressional to an extensional setting. The scarcity of comprehensive regional geochronological data that rely on precise isochron methods, such as the zircon U-Pb technique, could limit the comprehensive understanding of this region’s geological and tectonic history. That would raise a number of uncertainties ranging from the timing of the different magmatic activities and timing of changes in the tectonic regime to the existence of the pre-Pan-African crust in the CED. Our study provides new insights into the aforementioned uncertainties through zircon U-Pb dating of different rock units along the Marsa Alam-Idfu transect, CED, Egypt. The resulting ages ranged from 729 ± 3 Ma to 570 ± 2 Ma, constraining the temporal evolution of the ANS in the studied region into (1) the island-arc phase, represented by a metamorphic sample with an age of 729 ± 3 Ma. (2) the syn-orogenic phase, represented by calc-alkaline and alkaline granitic samples with ages ranging from 699 ± 4 Ma to 646 ± 2 Ma. These two phases indicate initiation of the compressional subduction regime in the CED since 729 ± 3 Ma and being dominated till 646 ± 2 Ma. (3) the post-orogenic phase, represented by metavolcanics, volcanic rocks, and alkaline plutonic samples with ages ranging from 623 ± 3 Ma to 570 ± 2 Ma. This phase suggests dominance of the compressional-to-extensional tectonic transition setting from 623 ± 3 Ma to 600 ± 1 Ma along with the Dokhan volcanism and activation of post-collision tensional regime activated at 582 ± 3 Ma. Our findings discourage the proposed dominance of the island-arc and syn-orogenic phases in the CED and the classical restriction of older magmatic activity to calc-alkaline granitic rocks and younger magmatic activity to alkaline granitic rocks. Additionally, we identified evidence of local magmatic sources by dating five grains with Mesoproterozoic (pre-Arabian–Nubian Shield) xenocrysts with ages ranging from 1549 ± 4 to 1095 ± 25 Ma.

Keywords: Magmatic complex, Zircon U-Pb dating, Arabian-Nubian Shield, Eastern Desert, LA-ICP-MS geochronology


The Egyptian Central-Eastern Desert (CED) represents a significant portion of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS), where several temporal-spatial geologic and tectonic characteristics remain uncertain [14]. The ANS formed during the East African Orogeny (EAO) between ca. 900 Ma and 550 Ma. This occurred through an amalgamation of the juvenile crust by the accretion of micro-continents and island-arcs into the older continental crust of the Archean age (Fig. 1). Termination of such crustal growth was regionally marked by the development of the Dokhan Volcanics, the Hammamat molasse-sediments, and the Younger granites [5, 6].

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

(A) The ANS and the East African Orogen in the context of the Gondwana amalgamation (modified after [132, 133]), . (B) Location of northern the ANS (represented in C) within the frame of Africa, Arabia, and Eurasia with northern ANS with previous geochronologic studies (modified after [2], . Where, OG is Older Granitoids, YG is Younger Granitoids, PD is Phanerozoic dyke, DV is Dokhan Volcanics, and Oph is ophiolitic sequence. While, G. Samra [2], Feiran area [1, 23, 134], wadi Lithi [135], wadi Kid [136], wadi Nasib and wadi Ghazalla [19], Taba area [20], Gabal Gharib [22], Gabal Dara, Gabal Zeit, Gabal Abu Harba, Gabal Qattar [30, 44], and Fawakhir, W.Ghadir, Gerf Nappe, W. Haimur, and W. Allaqi [35, 40]

Crystalline rocks of the CED consist of the metamorphic gneissose granites and the ophiolitic mélange, which are intruded by several granitic units [4, 7]. Basement rocks with ophiolitic and island-arc affinities are considered to be dominant in the CED [712]. Ophiolitic rocks are represented by dismembered serpentinite, gabbro, pyroxenite, and volcanic rocks. The island-arc terranes and the consequent granitic intrusions are traditionally divided into the Older (Gray) granitoids (ca. 800 − 630 Ma), predominantly comprised of rocks with calc-alkaline chemical compositions, and the Younger (Red) granitoids (ca. 630 − 540 Ma), primarily composed of alkaline rocks [1317]. However, recent investigations have revealed the contemporary development of granitoids with both calc-alkaline (Gray granites) and alkaline (Red granites) compositions [2, 1821]. The timing and tectonic setting of the eruption of the Dokhan Volcanics, occurring towards the ANS’s final stages, remain a subject of debate, with differing views suggesting their eruption as a response to either the late-stage collision of East and West Gondwana or the transition between convergent and extensional tectonic settings [6, 2225].

Early geochronological studies on the ANS basement rocks indicated the presence of pre-Neoproterozoic metamorphic suites predating the East African Orogeny [2629]. However, more recent studies indicate the lack of any large pre-Neoproterozoic basement [18, 19, 23, 3039]. Additionally, the timing and tectonic setting of the Dokhan Volcanics, occurring towards the ANS’s final stages, remain a subject of debate [6, 2225].

The reported ages of the basement rocks in the ANS exhibit considerable variability, posing challenges to their classification into established categories [2, 9, 18, 19, 23, 30, 35, 40]. Attempts to delineate distinct intrusive events based on earlier studies face challenges in light of more recent data [22, 30, 34, 4145]. Additionally, subsequent geological events affected this region with uplift and erosion. These events, including Cambrian thickening-related erosion, Devonian-Carboniferous Variscan tectonic activity, the Cretaceous initiation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and the rifting of the northern Red Sea [4652], eroded a substantial amount of the basement rocks, and might have removed the majority of the older suites [3].

This study provides new insights into the underlying uncertainties regarding the sequence of the ophiolitic mélange and granitoid emplacement and sorting of the distinct magmatic and volcanic events within the CED. In other words, new constraints on several unresolved critical issues, including the possibility of pre-Neoproterozoic crust existence in the CED, detailed chronological constraints on basement rocks, the tectonic environment of the Dokhan volcanism, and the validity of the classical approach to differentiating magmatic activities based only on a rock’s apparent geochemical variations. Our approach to deal with these issues through presenting the precise and well-established zircon U-Pb geochronological results of representative samples from the CED basement that were analyzed using a laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) technique (Table 1).

Table 1.

The samples examined for this study

Sample Location Elev. Rock Type Traditional Suite Classification Concordant
Lat. Long. m.a.s.l. Age (Ma) ± 2σ
MI10 25.06247 33.78872 410 Gneiss Metamorphic 729.3 2.7
MI02 25.05656 34.79372 150 Diorite Older Granite 699.1 4.3
MI11 25.06247 33.78872 401 Syenite Younger Granite 680.4 5.2
MI03 25.03839 34.74478 246 Granite Younger Granite 647.2 3.3
MI07 25.0455 34.54231 456 Syenite Younger Granite 645.9 1.7
Post-orogenic / Dokhan eruptions
MI04 25.02517 34.69506 323 Meta-andesite Dokhan Volcanics 623.2 2.7
MI09 25.07892 33.85236 422 Andesite Dokhan Volcanics 610.9 2.3
MI01 25.05686 34.83792 94 Dacite Dokhan Volcanics 600.3 1.3
Post-orogenic / Magmatic emplacement
MI08 25.04558 34.85236 516 Syenogranite Younger Granite 581.9 2.5
MI06 25.04425 34.56633 475 Syenite Younger Granite 576.2 1.7
MI05 25.0430 34.5570 488 Granite Younger Granite 569.8 1.9

Elev. (m.a.s.l.) means elevations in meters above sea level

Geologic setting

The term Pan-African Orogeny was first described by Kennedy (53) to describe a sequence of massive tectonic processes extended across the Gondwana supercontinent. The EAO developed the East Africa and Arabian-Nubian Shield as part of the Pan-African tectonism, through the accretion of continental fragments, and ophiolitic and oceanic island-arcs to the Gondwana margin between 870 Ma and 610 Ma [4, 22, 54]. While the ANS represents the northern part of the EAO that is represented in the Egyptian Eastern Desert by calc-alkaline to tholeiitic igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks including gneiss, schist, metavolcanics, metasediments, and ophiolite complexes [10, 5560].

The temporal evolution of different magmatic and volcanic activities is essential in the geological and tectonic reconstruction of the ANS development. While ages of the ANS basement rocks indicate being formed during the EAO during the Neoproterozoic [e.g., 1–9], pre-EAO were reported only from the metamorphic complexes of Sa’al and Feiran-Solaf with ages of ca. 1030 − 935 Ma [1, 23]. Meanwhile, the youngest ages, from the Younger granites suite, fall between approximately 630 Ma and 580 Ma [2, 8, 19, 20, 30, 41, 6164]. Tectonically, the compressional regime of the arc-continent collision was dominated between > 700 − 630 Ma, where the final collisional (late-stage subduction) event occurred ca. 630 Ma [65, 66]. While the period between 630 Ma and 580 Ma is considered as a compressional-to-tensional transition period, and the post-collision tensional regime activated < 610 Ma [6567]. The Dokhan Volcanics are divided into two sequences separated by conglomerates and/or an unconformity: (1) an older mafic sequence with basaltic, andesitic, and dacitic compositions and ages ranging between 635 − 620 Ma [68, 69] and (2) a younger felsic sequence with rhyolitic, rhyodacitic, ignimbritic, and vitric pyroclastics compositions and ages ranging between 618 − 590 Ma [68, 69]. The timing overlap of the Dokhan eruption and the late subduction to tectonic extension allows for arc subduction and/or within-plate models to explain Dokhan evolution [65, 70]. The petrogenetic studies of the Dokhan suggest development in: (1) a subduction setting [69, 7173], (2) an extensional setting [74, 75], and (3) a transition setting between subduction and extension [63, 68, 76, 77]. While, a setting of a transitional environment became more popular in recent studies [65]. After ANS construction, subsequent geological events, including the Cambrian thickening-related erosion, the Devonian-Carboniferous Variscan tectonic activity, and the Cretaceous initiation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, have eroded a substantial amount of the basement rocks, especially the older suites, and further reshaped the outcropped rock units [4651].

The Egyptian Eastern Desert can be broadly divided into three domains, from south to north: the Southern (SED), the Central (CED), and Northern Eastern Desert (NED) regions [22]. The basement rocks of the CED primarily consist of metamorphic, granitoids, and volcanic sequences, which can be broadly categorized into four litho-tectonic units [35]: (1) domal metamorphic and migmatitic sequence, which represents the lower structure unit; (2) the eugeoclinal thrust sheet [35], which consist of the ophiolitic and island-arc assemblages. These rocks are low-grade metamorphic rocks that tectono-stratigraphically overlies the Meatiq dome sequence; (3) various volcanics and metasediments of the Dokhan Volcanics and the Hammamat molasse-type sediments, respectively. These unconformably overly the eugeoclinal units; and (4) late- to post-orogenic granitoids, which intrude all the previous units [7884]. Crystallization ages of these granitoids are essential in the evolution of the Egyptian CED [35, 85].

The domal metamorphic sequence represents the litho-structural lower unit in the CED [14], represented by a series of double plunging asymmetric antiforms [35]. These antiforms signify the ductile root of a major sub-horizontal thrust nappe [42], tectonically associated with the Najd Faults System [35, 86]. These domal structures are rimmed by the ophiolites and island-arc sequences. The CED ophiolitic sequence represents the remnants of oceanic crust from the Mozambique Ocean that thrusted over the ANS juvenile crust during the island arc terranes accretion and collisions during the EAO [14, 54, 87, 88]. These ophiolites can be divided into older and younger metavolcanics that are intruded by subduction-related granitoids [35, 45]. Subsequently, the Dokhan Volcanics erupted between ca. 630 Ma and ca. 590 Ma, exhibiting a range of basic to acidic compositions influenced by the fractional crystallization of basaltic magma and minor crustal contamination [6, 71, 89]. The tectonic setting associated with the Dokhan Volcanics eruptions remains debatable, whether it was activated as a response to the collision of East and West Gondwana or marked the transition between convergent and extensional tectonic settings [6, 2225]. The granitic intrusions were subdivided based on field observations and bulk chemical compositions into two main groups; (1) an older group (ca. 750–610 Ma) referred to as the “Gray or Calc-alkaline” [90], the Older granites [15], syn- to late-orogenic [2, 14], subduction-related G1 [91], or Gα granites [4] and (2) a younger group (ca. 622–543 Ma) referred to as the Red or Alkaline granites [90], Gattarian [17], Younger granites [15], late-orogenic [2, 92], suture-related G2 [91], or Gβ granites [4]. These classifications do not provide key geochemical or geochronological information, and thus, are difficult to use when assessing the tectonic development of this region in a more detailed manner.

The structural fabric of the CED is concluded in three major deformational events [93]. These are represented by (1) Early NW–SE shortening (D1) associated with the compressional (subduction) tectonic regime associated with the accretion of island arcs and obduction of ophiolites over old continent. D1 produced NNW-directed thrusts and ENE–WSW oriented folds in the CED. These thrusting events were suggested to remain active in CED until ca. 650 Ma at Sibai dome [81, 94, 95], and until ca. 630 Ma at Meatiq and Sibai domes [35]. (2) the D2 structures were developed by changing the tectonic regime from compressional arc-accretion setting to the sinistral transpressional setting at ca. 650 Ma, which was marked by an oblique collision between the Arabian–Nubian Shield and the Nile Craton. This produced NW-trending upright folds, NE-dipping and SW-dipping thrusts, and discreet NW–SE tending shear zones in the CED [93]. (3) the D3 structures were developed during the tectonic transition regime between the compressional and extensional settings between ca. 620 Ma and ca. 580 Ma [93, 96]. The D3 was associated with the exhumation of the CED domal structures, intrusion of gabbroic and granitoid rocks, and development of major NW-trending sinistral shear zones and strike-slip faults related to the Najd fault system [81, 86, 97]. While Andresen et al. (2010) interpreted the D3 deformational event to have resulted from an extensional fault breakaway system. The D3 deformational event was responsible for forming the eugeoclinal rocks, two tectono-metamorphic events, an intervening episode of exhumation and erosion, and emplacement of post-orogenic granites after 630 Ma.

The scarcity and imprecise of many of the available regional geochronological data obscures our knowledge of the ANS geological history. Earlier studies suggested pre-Neoproterozoic basement rocks existence in the Egyptian ANS, but recent geochronological investigations present no conclusive evidence supporting this notion [2, 18, 19, 23, 3038]. Accordingly, the current consensus is that the basement rocks in the Egyptian ANS are largely Neoproterozoic, with little evidence supporting an older origin.

While data scarcity is an issue, ongoing improvements in geochronological techniques are helping to refine the geological history of the region. Therefore, the temporal and spatial evolution of the different ANS rock units in the CED remains inadequately outlined, and efforts to categorize distinct events require further investigation. Consequently, we conduct the current study, which dates the basement rocks of Marsa Alam-Idfu transect, that signifies the north extent of the western ANS exposures in the Egyptian CED, characterized by the ophiolitic, volcanic, and granitic exposures (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Geologic map for examined samples along the Marsa Alam-Idfu transect area where samples and their zircon U-Pb ages are represented, and the mapped area eliminated by a red box on the map of Egypt


Zircon crystals were concentrated using conventional mineral separation techniques such as rock crushing, sieving, Frantz magnetic separator, and heavy liquids. Approximately 100 − 50 zircon crystals were mounted in a Teflon. Mounted crystals were polished to expose their surfaces. Then, the polished zircon grains were etched in in a NaOH-KOH eutectic melt at 220 ± 5 °C for 60–210 min [2, 34]. The isotopic ratios of U/Pb and Th/Pb were determined using the LA-ICP-MS unit at Kanazawa University, Japan. The LA-ICP-MS instrumental conditions and specifications are presented in Tamura et al. [98] and the applied analytical parameters, including fluence, repetition rate, laser wavelength, spot size, laser fluence, and repetition rate, are summarized in Table 2. Challenges such as the mass bias of the instrument, during-ablation dissociation of U-Th/Pb, and elemental fractionation induced by the laser are common in age dating using the LA-ICP-MS technique. To mitigate these challenges, several approaches were adopted: (1) employing a 213 nm laser wavelength [99, 100]; (2) utilizing a mixture of post-ablation helium and argon gas to carry to the mass spectrometer; (3) limiting the ablation time to ca. 30 s to prevent excessive heating [98, 100103]; and (4) conducting further measurements of external reference materials such as AS3, GJ1, Fish Canyon, and Plěsovice zircon standards to correct any lasting laser-induced fractionation and minimize instrument mass bias [101, 102].

Table 2.

Operating conditions for the LA-ICP-MS

 Model Agilent 7850
 Forward power 1200 W
 Plasma gas flow 15 L min–1
 Carrier gas flow 1.10 L min− 1 (Ar), 0.3 L min− 1 (He)
 Interface Ni sampler/Ni skimmer
 Model UP-213 (New Wave Research)
 Wavelength 213 nm (Nd-YAG)
 Spot size 25 μm
 Repetition rate 5 Hz
 Energy density 7 J cm–2 (Attenuater: 50–60%)
 Warming up 10 s

To obtain a more accurate quantitative analysis of geological samples, the calibration approach should combine the external calibration method with an internal standard normalization [104]. The external calibration method is based on the sensitivity obtained by analysis of reference materials containing analyzed elements of known concentrations. The NIST glasses SRM 610 are frequently used as primary calibration standards because they contain many trace elements in high and homogenously distributed concentrations [105]. However, the NIST glasses have the disadvantage of having a completely different matrix from those natural minerals [106109]. Therefore, the calibration method against multiple external standards with natural composition is preferable [106, 109, 110]. However, they may have some compositional heterogeneities and do not match the range of concentrations expected in the sample for all analyzed elements [105, 110]. Therefore, we have used an integration of analyzing both NIST glasses SRM 610 and multiple natural external standards during our analyses. While, the internal standard calibration method is used to correct for the elemental fractionation caused by sensitivity drift, matrix effect, and the difference in ablation yield between samples and reference materials [111114]. Therefore, a calibration approach of combining the external and internal standard calibrations was used routinely during this study to obtain accurate and precise trace element contents by LA-ICP-MS [112, 113]. During this study, zircon reference materials with established chronological origins were regularly analyzed and compared to published data to monitor the precision of our measurements. Sample analyses were frequently sandwiched by the GJ-1 zircon standards analyses with similar analytical conditions. Additionally, isotopic ratios were regularly examined by analyzing different zircon standards with established ages. The produced ages of the zircon standards AS-3, GJ-1, Plěsovice, and Fish Canyon tuff were 1099 ± 2, 612 ± 2, 341 ± 2, and 28.8 ± 0.3 Ma, respectively. These ages overlap with the reference values, which were 1099 Ma [115], 609 Ma [102], 337.1 Ma [116], and 28.4 Ma [117] for AS-3, GJ-1, Plěsovice, and Fish Canyon tuff, respectively. The 238U signal intensities were adjusted using the standard material SRM 610, where the 238U concentration was 456 ppm [118, 119], while, the signal intensity of 29Si was monitored as an internal standard to track the chemical composition of zircon crystals [112, 118].

For each analysis, time-resolved signals were carefully studied to ensure stable flat signal intervals (free from inclusions, core-rim features, and zones with high common Pb or evidence of fractionation). The isotopic ratios after background correction were considered to calculate the average isotopic intensities.

Zircon ages can be corrected for common Pb contamination using different methods [120]. The most common approach involves measuring 204Pb to subtract the common Pb component from the radiogenic Pb isotopes. Still, due to the very low 204 counts (Table 3) (204Pb and 204Hg) and isobaric interference from 204Hg, it was not possible to measure the 204Pb counts with sufficient precision. All age results presented in this work are, therefore, not commonly Pb corrected. The concordant ages and 2σ error, as represented in the text, Fig. 2, and the Concordia diagrams, were calculated using the IsoplotR code [121].

Table 3.

LA-ICP-MS U-th-pb Zircon Data for the studied samples

Gr. Con. Isotopic ratios and 2σ errors Age (Ma) and 2σ errors %discordance
204Pb 238U Th/U ± 2σ 206Pb/
± 2σ 207Pb/
± 2σ 208Pb/
± 2σ 206Pb/
± 2σ 207Pb/
± 2σ 207Pb/
± 2σ Conc. ± 2σ
A1 0.006 227 0.640 0.025 0.09783 0.00309 0.81081 0.00280 0.03041 0.00074 602 4 603 3 607 4 603 3 0.2
A3 -0.007 278 0.503 0.021 0.09729 0.00340 0.80593 0.00307 0.03047 0.00073 599 4 600 4 606 5 600 3 0.3
B2 0.001 923 0.170 0.011 0.09795 0.00624 0.81186 0.00566 0.03020 0.00077 602 7 604 6 607 8 604 6 0.2
B5 0.006 528 0.357 0.019 0.09827 0.00473 0.82311 0.00435 0.03070 0.00086 604 6 610 5 629 6 610 5 0.9
C6 0.003 168 1.098 0.041 0.09714 0.00264 0.79830 0.00236 0.03054 0.00084 598 3 596 3 588 4 596 3 -0.3
D1 0.005 279 0.545 0.023 0.09715 0.00340 0.80813 0.00309 0.03037 0.00076 598 4 601 4 615 5 601 4 0.6
*D7 -0.003 839 0.409 0.028 0.05470 0.00326 0.73216 0.00476 0.02446 0.00092 343 4 558 6 1568 5 555 6 38.5
E2 -0.002 713 0.252 0.015 0.09896 0.00554 0.79516 0.00484 0.03053 0.00083 608 7 594 6 539 8 594 6 -2.4
F4 0.001 856 0.241 0.016 0.09759 0.00598 0.80313 0.00537 0.03039 0.00089 600 7 599 6 591 8 599 6 -0.3
G3 -0.005 624 0.315 0.018 0.09791 0.00512 0.80794 0.00462 0.03053 0.00087 602 6 601 5 597 7 601 5 -0.1
A1 0.010 170 0.294 0.009 0.11239 0.00309 0.96840 0.00302 0.03459 0.00050 687 18 688 16 690 19 688 15 0.1
A2 -0.035 223 0.278 0.009 0.11107 0.00350 0.97397 0.00348 0.03457 0.00055 679 20 691 18 727 22 691 17 1.7
C2 -0.003 104 0.497 0.012 0.11175 0.00240 0.98043 0.00239 0.03546 0.00052 683 14 694 12 728 15 694 12 1.6
C5 0.037 286 0.517 0.022 0.11400 0.00407 0.98750 0.00401 0.03528 0.00087 696 24 697 20 702 25 697 20 0.2
D3 0.002 75 0.403 0.008 0.11638 0.00214 1.02708 0.00216 0.03654 0.00041 710 12 717 11 741 13 718 11 1.1
E1 0.004 138 0.696 0.021 0.10784 0.00266 0.92140 0.00255 0.03394 0.00068 660 15 663 13 672 17 663 13 0.4
**E2 0.003 337 0.303 0.013 0.26464 0.01092 3.58033 0.02394 0.08142 0.00171 1514 56 1545 53 1588 37 1549 4 2.0
E8 -0.005 65 0.445 0.009 0.11538 0.00197 1.03792 0.00204 0.03601 0.00040 704 11 723 10 781 12 723 10 2.6
*F6 0.003 26 0.119 0.001 0.15182 0.00165 1.16698 0.00148 0.06947 0.00025 911 9 785 7 441 9 785 7 -16.0
F9 0.004 56 0.539 0.010 0.11384 0.00180 0.98310 0.00176 0.03504 0.00039 695 10 695 9 695 11 695 9 0.0
A1 0.013 562 0.336 0.018 0.10675 0.00532 0.91959 0.00514 0.03435 0.00096 654 16 662 14 690 17 662 13 1.3
A2 0.140 482 0.168 0.008 0.10648 0.00492 0.89714 0.00462 0.03497 0.00064 652 14 650 12 642 16 650 12 -0.3
A8 0.023 258 0.383 0.014 0.10573 0.00357 0.86081 0.00321 0.03471 0.00070 648 10 631 9 568 12 630 9 -2.7
B1 0.064 693 0.334 0.020 0.10357 0.00573 0.87447 0.00537 0.03230 0.00100 635 17 638 15 647 19 638 14 0.4
B8 0.032 729 0.410 0.026 0.10991 0.00625 0.97051 0.00626 0.03540 0.00125 672 18 689 16 742 20 689 16 2.4
C3 0.388 757 0.280 0.017 0.10418 0.00603 0.92454 0.00601 0.03477 0.00103 639 18 665 16 753 19 665 16 3.9
D6 0.085 389 0.273 0.012 0.10206 0.00423 0.84976 0.00388 0.03255 0.00068 626 12 625 11 617 14 625 11 -0.3
E2 0.296 890 0.158 0.010 0.10964 0.00689 0.96367 0.00686 0.03444 0.00083 671 20 685 18 732 22 685 17 2.1
*F5 0.014 1027 0.089 0.006 0.12214 0.00829 0.67413 0.00476 0.04262 0.00083 743 24 523 14 0 26 520 14 -42.0
F9 0.002 541 0.260 0.014 0.10304 0.00503 0.89289 0.00487 0.03450 0.00083 632 15 648 13 702 16 648 13 2.4
G1 0.001 114 0.482 0.013 0.10439 0.00234 0.91455 0.00230 0.03323 0.00050 640 7 659 6 725 8 659 6 2.9
G5 0.002 331 0.281 0.012 0.10169 0.00389 0.84070 0.00354 0.03256 0.00064 624 11 620 10 601 13 619 10 -0.8
A1 0.021 121 0.546 0.015 0.10011 0.00231 0.83616 0.00212 0.03177 0.00052 615 7 617 6 623 8 617 6 0.3
B5 0.004 449 0.916 0.054 0.10086 0.00448 0.87056 0.00430 0.03289 0.00136 619 13 636 12 694 15 636 12 2.6
C6 -0.007 90 1.362 0.133 0.10221 0.00203 0.83360 0.00182 0.03067 0.00108 627 6 616 5 572 7 616 5 -1.9
C8 -0.009 133 0.697 0.021 0.10049 0.00243 0.84845 0.00227 0.03155 0.00062 617 7 624 6 646 8 624 6 1.0
**D3 0.002 101 0.604 0.015 0.09400 0.00198 0.79424 0.00182 0.03039 0.00048 579 6 594 5 648 7 594 5 2.4
*D7 -0.012 69 1.479 0.039 0.38159 0.00744 3.46731 0.01035 0.05319 0.00110 2084 17 1520 12 802 11 1511 12 -37.1
E2 -0.008 321 0.057 0.002 0.10049 0.00378 0.84982 0.00353 0.03258 0.00028 617 11 625 10 650 13 625 10 1.2
*E7 0.036 134 0.679 0.020 0.18855 0.00475 3.07829 0.01223 0.03360 0.00065 1114 13 1427 15 1932 10 1432 15 22.0
F3 0.061 663 0.305 0.018 0.10170 0.00550 0.86772 0.00520 0.03325 0.00096 624 16 634 14 669 18 634 14 1.6
F7 0.011 175 0.200 0.006 0.10096 0.00280 0.87750 0.00271 0.03231 0.00039 620 8 640 7 709 9 640 7 3.1
A1 -0.006 140 0.372 0.010 0.09361 0.00232 0.85452 0.00234 0.03242 0.00048 577 7 627 6 812 8 627 6 8.0
A8 -0.003 918 0.562 0.043 0.09134 0.00578 0.77329 0.00531 0.02959 0.00136 563 17 582 15 652 20 582 15 3.1
B3 -0.003 158 0.545 0.017 0.08686 0.00228 0.72652 0.00205 0.03004 0.00057 537 7 555 6 626 8 555 6 3.2
B9 0.005 98 0.295 0.007 0.09033 0.00187 0.75206 0.00168 0.03059 0.00033 557 6 569 5 616 7 569 5 2.1
C6 -0.099 182 0.437 0.014 0.08882 0.00250 0.75226 0.00229 0.03064 0.00055 549 7 570 7 653 9 570 7 3.7
C7 0.003 113 0.482 0.012 0.08946 0.00198 0.73852 0.00176 0.02874 0.00043 552 6 562 5 598 7 562 5 1.6
*D2 -0.003 119 0.482 0.013 0.08946 0.00204 0.75368 0.00186 0.02890 0.00044 552 6 570 5 642 7 570 5 3.2
E3 0.002 248 0.353 0.013 0.09452 0.00312 0.76270 0.00272 0.02923 0.00055 582 9 576 8 548 11 576 8 -1.2
F8 0.008 102 0.568 0.014 0.08942 0.00189 0.76056 0.00174 0.02920 0.00045 552 6 574 5 662 7 574 5 3.9
G4 0.003 95 0.535 0.013 0.09056 0.00185 0.77007 0.00170 0.02976 0.00043 559 5 580 5 662 6 580 5 3.6
A1 0.005 43 0.265 0.004 0.09175 0.00126 0.77560 0.00115 0.02822 0.00019 566 4 583 3 649 4 583 3 2.9
A2 0.003 96 0.444 0.010 0.09274 0.00190 0.74702 0.00165 0.02933 0.00039 572 6 566 5 545 7 566 5 -0.9
B5 0.010 345 0.053 0.002 0.09152 0.00355 0.75973 0.00319 0.02940 0.00025 565 10 574 9 610 12 574 9 1.6
B7 0.013 380 0.053 0.002 0.09292 0.00378 0.76981 0.00340 0.02977 0.00027 573 11 580 10 606 13 580 10 1.2
D3 0.004 188 0.804 0.030 0.09690 0.00279 0.79243 0.00248 0.03189 0.00080 596 8 593 7 578 10 593 7 -0.6
D6 0.004 74 0.583 0.013 0.09302 0.00168 0.75203 0.00146 0.02968 0.00040 573 5 569 4 553 6 569 4 -0.7
E2 0.001 104 0.342 0.008 0.08850 0.00189 0.76602 0.00177 0.03054 0.00037 547 6 577 5 700 7 577 5 5.3
*F1 -0.002 37 0.756 0.012 0.09758 0.00125 1.35476 0.00216 0.03677 0.00040 600 4 870 5 1636 4 867 5 31.0
F8 0.008 110 0.424 0.011 0.09843 0.00216 0.80267 0.00192 0.03085 0.00043 605 6 598 5 572 7 598 5 -1.1
G6 -0.002 72 0.428 0.009 0.09131 0.00162 0.73793 0.00141 0.02905 0.00033 563 5 561 4 552 6 561 4 -0.4
A1 -0.010 47 0.509 0.009 0.10609 0.00153 0.89773 0.00145 0.03370 0.00034 650 4 651 4 651 5 651 4 0.1
B2 0.006 103 0.100 0.002 0.10876 0.00232 0.88602 0.00210 0.03488 0.00023 666 7 644 6 569 7 644 6 -3.3
B5 -0.004 77 0.530 0.011 0.10873 0.00201 0.86699 0.00177 0.03357 0.00044 665 6 634 5 522 7 634 5 -5.0
*C8 0.003 70 0.634 0.014 0.11195 0.00197 1.66490 0.00387 0.04440 0.00060 684 6 995 7 1763 5 994 7 31.3
D9 -0.003 31 1.677 0.030 0.11029 0.00129 0.95842 0.00126 0.03444 0.00050 674 4 682 3 708 4 682 3 1.2
**E3 -0.045 78 0.583 0.013 0.12569 0.00235 1.09193 0.00237 0.03959 0.00054 763 7 749 6 708 7 749 6 -1.8
E6 0.005 81 0.086 0.002 0.10798 0.00205 0.86268 0.00181 0.03455 0.00019 661 6 632 5 527 7 632 5 -4.7
F6 0.003 43 0.565 0.009 0.10653 0.00146 0.89492 0.00137 0.03500 0.00035 653 4 649 4 636 5 649 4 -0.5
G2 0.004 75 0.290 0.006 0.10435 0.00189 0.90441 0.00184 0.03418 0.00032 640 6 654 5 703 6 654 5 2.2
G7 0.004 64 0.137 0.002 0.10973 0.00185 0.90087 0.00169 0.03458 0.00021 671 5 652 5 586 6 652 5 -2.9
A1 0.005 274 0.545 0.022 0.09665 0.00335 0.77469 0.00291 0.02876 0.00071 595 10 582 8 590 20 582 8 -2.1
A7 -0.002 169 0.546 0.018 0.09339 0.00254 0.78132 0.00231 0.03105 0.00061 576 7 586 7 594 16 586 7 1.8
B2 -0.020 562 0.170 0.009 0.09521 0.00472 0.78224 0.00422 0.02958 0.00059 586 14 587 12 594 14 587 12 0.1
**B4 0.006 165 0.286 0.008 0.12172 0.00331 1.11844 0.00356 0.03906 0.00055 740 10 762 9 772 13 762 9 2.9
B6 -0.001 102 1.098 0.032 0.08991 0.00190 0.71685 0.00162 0.02795 0.00060 555 6 549 5 556 15 549 5 -1.1
B8 0.003 511 0.409 0.022 0.09658 0.00457 0.78904 0.00406 0.03095 0.00091 594 13 591 12 598 25 591 12 -0.6
C7 0.000 128 0.482 0.013 0.09856 0.00234 0.84337 0.00221 0.03161 0.00050 606 7 621 6 629 14 621 6 2.4
D9 -0.001 434 0.252 0.012 0.09690 0.00423 0.80542 0.00384 0.03057 0.00065 596 12 600 11 607 17 600 11 0.6
E1 0.006 380 0.315 0.014 0.09647 0.00394 0.79528 0.00354 0.03022 0.00067 594 12 594 10 602 17 594 10 0.1
E6 -0.012 174 0.536 0.018 0.09459 0.00261 0.77860 0.00233 0.03034 0.00059 583 8 585 7 592 15 585 7 0.4
A1 -0.001 164 0.444 0.014 0.09793 0.00263 0.82906 0.00245 0.03143 0.00055 602 8 613 7 652 9 613 7 1.8
B6 -0.003 396 0.022 0.001 0.09643 0.00402 0.80757 0.00368 0.03120 0.00019 593 12 601 10 629 14 601 10 1.3
C7 0.002 553 0.707 0.043 0.09743 0.00480 0.80835 0.00435 0.03051 0.00122 599 14 602 12 609 16 602 12 0.4
D1 0.001 155 1.409 0.111 0.09992 0.00261 0.87648 0.00254 0.03233 0.00127 614 8 639 7 728 9 639 7 3.9
D3 -0.011 58 0.585 0.011 0.09641 0.00154 0.82322 0.00145 0.03199 0.00038 593 5 610 4 671 5 610 4 2.7
E2 -0.001 113 0.679 0.019 0.09932 0.00221 0.83396 0.00204 0.03148 0.00056 610 6 616 6 635 7 616 6 0.9
E5 0.003 132 0.224 0.006 0.09722 0.00234 0.82142 0.00217 0.03126 0.00035 598 7 609 6 648 8 609 6 1.8
E9 0.007 331 0.378 0.016 0.09776 0.00373 0.82054 0.00343 0.03098 0.00070 601 11 608 10 634 13 608 10 1.2
F2 -0.007 204 0.437 0.015 0.09648 0.00288 0.94217 0.00319 0.02899 0.00055 594 8 674 8 952 9 674 8 11.9
F8 0.002 177 0.546 0.018 0.09789 0.00273 0.83555 0.00256 0.03190 0.00064 602 8 617 7 670 9 617 7 2.4
A1 0.003 80 0.539 0.012 0.11952 0.00226 1.01841 0.00220 0.03623 0.00048 728 6 713 6 666 7 713 6 -2.1
A3 0.001 102 0.043 0.001 0.20585 0.00456 2.09130 0.00632 0.06337 0.00027 1207 12 1146 10 1032 10 1145 10 -5.3
B4 -0.006 148 0.497 0.015 0.11808 0.00304 1.04499 0.00309 0.03830 0.00067 720 9 726 8 747 9 726 8 0.9
B8 0.001 93 0.445 0.010 0.12612 0.00258 1.11339 0.00266 0.03919 0.00051 766 7 760 6 742 7 760 6 -0.8
C1 -0.008 107 0.403 0.010 0.12027 0.00264 1.03970 0.00262 0.03802 0.00051 732 8 724 7 697 8 724 7 -1.2
C3 -0.004 850 0.752 0.058 0.12100 0.00747 1.05150 0.00748 0.03736 0.00192 736 21 730 19 708 22 729 18 -0.9
C5 0.013 242 0.549 0.021 0.10453 0.00342 1.09990 0.00422 0.04492 0.00106 641 10 753 10 1103 10 754 10 14.9
D7 0.002 307 1.128 0.058 0.11747 0.00435 1.07883 0.00464 0.03689 0.00140 716 13 743 11 825 13 743 11 3.6
D8 -0.004 114 0.626 0.017 0.11892 0.00268 1.04414 0.00271 0.03680 0.00063 724 8 726 7 730 8 726 7 0.2
E5 0.009 173 0.511 0.017 0.19212 0.00551 2.08976 0.00822 0.05954 0.00115 1133 15 1145 14 1168 12 1146 13 1.1
E8 -0.003 181 0.545 0.018 0.19613 0.00576 2.13186 0.00863 0.05985 0.00122 1154 16 1159 14 1167 12 1159 14 0.4
F4 0.005 407 0.517 0.026 0.11798 0.00503 1.04142 0.00511 0.03649 0.00108 719 15 725 13 741 15 725 13 0.8
A1 0.004 158 0.697 0.023 0.10827 0.00287 0.94532 0.00283 0.03596 0.00077 663 17 676 15 718 18 676 15 1.9
A3 0.002 145 0.441 0.013 0.10855 0.00275 0.97064 0.00280 0.03499 0.00057 664 16 689 14 769 17 689 14 3.6
A8 0.004 215 0.674 0.026 0.11104 0.00343 0.93762 0.00326 0.03489 0.00085 679 20 672 17 647 22 672 17 -1.0
B6 -0.008 291 1.128 0.056 0.11234 0.00404 0.97233 0.00397 0.03489 0.00129 686 23 690 20 699 25 690 20 0.6
C2 0.008 196 0.437 0.015 0.17551 0.00533 1.93377 0.00790 0.05648 0.00107 1042 29 1093 27 1194 24 1095 25 4.7
C6 0.000 193 0.608 0.021 0.10948 0.00320 0.96500 0.00320 0.03514 0.00077 670 19 686 17 738 20 686 16 2.3
D8 0.003 209 0.804 0.031 0.10666 0.00324 0.87826 0.00296 0.03446 0.00091 653 19 640 16 592 21 640 16 -2.0
E6 0.008 180 0.295 0.009 0.10982 0.00310 0.97020 0.00311 0.03565 0.00053 672 18 689 16 743 19 689 16 2.5
F2 -0.002 206 0.405 0.014 0.11433 0.00347 0.97192 0.00334 0.03707 0.00069 698 20 689 17 661 21 689 17 -1.3
F6 0.001 130 0.351 0.009 0.14072 0.00343 0.98630 0.00270 0.03648 0.00050 849 19 697 14 232 20 695 14 -21.8

Gr = Grains, A1 grain symbol, *D9 refers to grains with %Discordance ˃10 which were excluded from age calculations, **A9 refers to grains with ages differs from the sample age of population, Conc.= concentration by µg/g, ± 2σ error for 238U was calculated from the standard deviation, ± 2σ error was calculated for both the isotopic ratios and ages. %discordance is between 206Pb/238U and 207Pb/235U ages


We acquired U-Pb age data from 114 zircon grains belonging to 11 basement rocks, with 10–12 grains from each collected sample. Grains with inclusions or cracks and those exhibiting detectable levels of common 204Pb were excluded. Cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging unveiled diverse internal structures. However, the focus during the analyses was typically directed towards the core to determine the crystallization age (Fig. 3). The percentage of discordance was computed by comparing the 206Pb/238U and 207Pb/235U ages, and grains exceeding 10% discordance were omitted from the calculations. The reported ages and ± 2σ error ranges were calculated using IsopltR [121].

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Cathodoluminescence (CL) images for some of the analyzed zircons, representing location and ages of analyzed spots

Sample MI01

(sample 1 on Fig. 2) is represented by grains that displayed transparency to yellow coloring, were characterized by subhedral faces, and had an average length/width ratio of 2:1. Inclusions were present in approximately 50% of grains, while cracks were observed in approximately 50% of them. The Th/U ratios ranged from 1.1 to 0.17, averaging around 0.46 (Table 3). Grain D7 exhibited discordance exceeding 10% and was therefore disregarded during the age calculations and interpretations. The nine remaining grains displayed concordant ages and formed a single population with a concordant age of 600 ± 1 Ma (Fig. 4). This age was counted as the age of formation of the MI01 dacitic sample (Table 1; Fig. 2).

Fig. 4.

Fig. 4

Concordia diagram for all zircon grains with discordance percent ≤ 10% for Dokhan Volcanics samples, plotted using IsopltR [121]

Sample MI02

(sample 2 on Fig. 2) is represented by grains displaying yellow to brown coloring, were characterized by prismatic shapes with subhedral faces, and had an average length/width ratio of 3:1. Inclusions were present in approximately 50% of the grains, while voluminous cracks were observed in approximately 55% of them. The Th/U ratios ranged from 0.7 to 0.28, averaging around 0.44 (Table 3). Grain F6 exhibited discordance exceeding 10% and was therefore disregarded during the age calculations and interpretations. The nine remaining grains displayed concordant ages, with grain E2 yielding a pre-Pan-African concordant age of 1549 ± 4 Ma and grain E8 yielding an older concordant age of 723 ± 10 Ma (Fig. 5). The seven remaining grains formed a single population with a concordant age of 699 ± 4 Ma (Fig. 6). This age was counted as the age of formation of the MI02 diorititc sample (Table 1; Fig. 2).

Fig. 5.

Fig. 5

Single zircon crystals U-Pb ages for samples with pre-Pan-African, Inherited, or younger ages

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

Concordia diagram for all zircon grains with discordance percent ≤ 10% for island-arc and syn-orogenic samples, plotted using IsopltR [121]

Sample MI03

(sample 3 on Fig. 2) is represented by grains that displayed transparency to yellow coloring, were characterized by equidimensional shapes with euhedral faces, and had an average length/width ratio of 3:1. Inclusions were present in the majority of the grains, while voluminous cracks were observed in approximately 60% of them. The Th/U ratios ranged from 0.48 to 0.16, averaging around 0.31 (Table 3). Grain F5 exhibited discordance exceeding 10% and was therefore disregarded during the age calculations and interpretations. The 11 remaining grains displayed concordant ages and formed a single population with a concordant age of 647 ± 3 Ma (Fig. 6). This age was counted as the age of formation of the MI03 granitic sample (Table 1; Fig. 7).

Fig. 7.

Fig. 7

Single zircon crystals U-Pb ages for samples within each sample populations

Sample MI04

(sample 4 on Fig. 2) is represented by grains that displayed transparency to yellow coloring, were characterized by prismatic shapes with subhedral faces, and had an average length/width ratio of 2:1. Inclusions were present in many grains, while voluminous cracks were observed in approximately 50% of them. The Th/U ratios ranged from 1.36 to 0.06, averaging around 0.59 (Table 3). Grains D7 and E7 exhibited discordance exceeding 10% and were therefore disregarded during the age calculations and interpretations. The eight remaining grains displayed concordant ages, with grain D3 yielding a younger concordant age of 594 ± 5 Ma (Fig. 5). The seven remaining grains formed a single population with a concordant age of 623 ± 3 Ma (Fig. 5). This age was counted as the age of formation of the MI04 metavolcanic sample (Table 1; Fig. 2).

Sample MI05

(sample 5 on Fig. 2) is represented by grains displaying yellow to brown coloring, were characterized by prismatic shapes with euhedral faces, and had an average length/width ratio of 3:1. Inclusions and voluminous cracks were observed in approximately 65% of the grains. The Th/U ratios ranged from 0.57 to 0.3, averaging around 0.46 (Table 3). All the ten dated zircon grains displayed concordant ages and formed a single population with a concordant age of 570 ± 2 Ma (Fig. 8), which was counted as the age of formation of the MI05 granitic sample (Table 1; Fig. 2).

Fig. 8.

Fig. 8

Concordia diagram for all zircon grains with discordance percent ≤ 10% for post-orogenic samples, plotted using IsopltR [121]

Sample MI06

(sample 6 on Fig. 2) is represented by grains that displayed transparency to yellow coloring, were characterized by prismatic shapes with euhedral faces, and had an average length/width ratio of 4:1. Inclusions and voluminous cracks were observed in approximately 70% of the grains. The Th/U ratios ranged from 0.8 to 0.05, averaging around 0.38 (Table 3). Grain F1 exhibited discordance exceeding 10% and was therefore disregarded during the age calculations and interpretations. The nine remaining grains displayed concordant ages and formed a single population with a concordant age of 576 ± 2 Ma (Fig. 8), which was counted as the age of formation of the MI06 syenitic sample (Table 1; Fig. 2).

Sample MI07

(sample 7 on Fig. 2) is represented by grains that displayed transparency to yellow coloring, were characterized by prismatic shapes with euhedral faces, and had an average length/width ratio of 3:1. Inclusions and voluminous cracks were observed in approximately 75% of the grains. The Th/U ratios ranged from 1.68 to 0.09, averaging around 0.5 (Table 3). Grain C8 exhibited discordance exceeding 10% and was therefore disregarded during the age calculations and interpretations. The nine remaining grains displayed concordant ages, with grain E3 yielding an older concordant age of 749 ± 6 Ma (Fig. 5). The eight remaining grains formed a single population with a concordant age of 646 ± 2 Ma (Fig. 6), which was counted as the age of formation of the MI07 syenitic sample (Table 1; Fig. 2).

Sample MI08

(sample 8 on Fig. 2) is represented by grains displaying yellow to brown coloring, were characterized by prismatic shapes with euhedral faces, and had an average length/width ratio of 3:1. Inclusions and voluminous cracks were observed in approximately 70% of the grains. The Th/U ratios ranged from 1.1 to 0.17, averaging around 0.46 (Table 3). All analysed zircon grains displayed concordant ages, with grains B4 and C7 yielding older concordant ages of 762 ± 9 Ma and 621 ± 6 Ma, respectively (Fig. 5; Table 3). While grain B6 shows a younger concordant age of 549 ± 5 Ma (Fig. 5; Table 3). The seven remaining zircon grains formed a single population with a concordant age of 582 ± 3 Ma (Fig. 8), counted as the age of formation of the MI08 synogranitic sample (Table 1; Fig. 2).

Sample MI09

(sample 9 on Fig. 2) is represented by grains displaying transparent to yellow coloring, were characterized by prismatic shapes with subhedral faces, and had an average length/width ratio of 2:1. Inclusions and voluminous cracks were observed in approximately 55% of the grains. The Th/U ratios ranged from 1.41 to 0.02, averaging around 0.56 (Table 3). Grain F2 exhibited discordance exceeding 10% and was therefore disregarded during the age calculations and interpretations. The nine remaining grains displayed concordant ages and formed a single population with a concordant age of 611 ± 2 Ma (Fig. 5), which was counted as the age of formation of the MI09 andesitic sample (Table 1; Fig. 2).

Sample MI10

(sample 10 on Fig. 2) is represented by grains displaying brown coloring, were characterized by prismatic shapes with euhedral faces, and had an average length/width ratio of 3:1. Inclusions and voluminous cracks were observed in approximately 75% of the grains. The Th/U ratios ranged from 1.13 to 0.04, averaging around 0.55 (Table 3). Grain C5 exhibited discordance exceeding 10% and was therefore disregarded during the age calculations and interpretations. The 11 remaining grains displayed concordant ages, with grains A3, E5, and E8 yielding older concordant ages of 1145 ± 10 Ma, 1146 ± 13 Ma, and 1159 ± 14 Ma (Fig. 5), respectively (Table 3). The eight remaining zircon grains formed a single population with a concordant age of 729 ± 3 Ma (Fig. 6), which was counted as the age of formation of the MI10 gneissic sample (Table 1; Fig. 2).

Sample MI11

(sample 11 on Fig. 2) is represented by grains that displayed transparent to yellow coloring, were characterized by prismatic shapes with euhedral faces, and had an average length/width ratio of 4:1. Inclusions and voluminous cracks were observed in approximately 65% of the grains. The Th/U ratios ranged from 1.13 to 0.3, averaging around 0.61 (Table 3). Grain F6 exhibited discordance exceeding 10% and was therefore disregarded during the age calculations and interpretations. The nine remaining grains displayed concordant ages and formed a single population with a concordant age of 680 ± 5 Ma (Fig. 6), which was counted as the age of formation of the MI11 syenitic sample (Table 1; Fig. 2).


The Th/U ratios across the concordant grains varied between 1.68 and 0.02, averaging ca. 0.48 (Table 3). These ratios aligned with an igneous source [122, 123] for all zircons except for six grains, which exhibited < 0.1 values. These grains were E2 from sample MI04, B5 and B7 from sample MI06, E6 from sample MI07, B6 from sample MI09, and A3 from sample MI10 (Table 3). These were magmatic samples except for samples MI04 and MI10, which were metamorphic rocks (Table 1). However, all six grains were within the age population of their sample (Table 3). The Th/U ratio is usually used as an indicator of the relative depletion or enrichment of U when this ratio is disturbed [124]. However, this might not be the case here as all the aforementioned Th/U ratios are for concordant grains, where any relative depletion or enrichment of the U concentrations would have caused considerable discordance (Table 3).

The reported ages during this study are not corrected for common-lead (204Pb) as their concentrations show low values and are frequently lower than our analytical detection limit (negative values). This would reduce the common-lead potential induced errors and consequently strengthen the reliability of the resulted ages. Additionally, the 208Pb/232Th ages, which are substantially vulnerable to contaminations of common Pb [125], are concordant with the 206Pb/238U ages. These indicate the lack of any effect of common-lead on the produced ages. Any grains displaying discordance > 10% were omitted from their sample’s crystallization age calculations and the data assessments (Table 3).

The five concordant zircon grains with pre-Pan-African ages range between 1549 ± 4 Ma and 1095 ± 25 Ma (Table 4; Fig. 5). Although recent geochronological research on the ANS crystalline rocks suggests an absence of any pre-Pan-African units [2, 35, 40, 42, 63, 126, 127], zircon grains with comparable ages have been frequently reported and interpreted as xenocrystic grains [2, 19, 25, 30, 34, 87], suggesting reworked older crust, contaminations of the country rocks, or from a detrital source [128]. These inherited grains are reported from metamorphic and relatively older samples (i.e., MI02, MI10, and MI11). This might support that rock suits with pre-Pan-African ages previously existed and eroded in the studied region [3].

Table 4.

LA-ICP-MS U-th-pb Zircon Data for the studied samples

Sample Code Gr. Concentrations Age (Ma) and 2σ errors %discordance Sample
204Pb 238U 206Pb/
± 2σ 207Pb/
± 2σ 207Pb/
± 2σ Conc. ± 2σ Conc. (Ma) ± 2σ
MI10 A3 0.001 102 1207 12 1146 10 1032 10 1145 10 -5.3 729 3
E5 0.009 173 1133 15 1145 14 1168 12 1146 13 1.1
E8 -0.003 181 1154 16 1159 14 1167 12 1159 14 0.4
MI02 E2 0.003 337 1514 56 1545 53 1588 37 1549 4 2.0 699 4
E8 -0.005 65 704 11 723 10 781 12 723 10 2.6
MI11 C2 0.008 196 1042 29 1093 27 1194 24 1095 25 4.7 680 5
MI07 E3 -0.045 78 763 7 749 6 708 7 749 6 -1.8 646 2
Post-orogenic / Dokhan eruptions
MI04 D3 0.002 101 579 6 594 5 648 7 594 5 2.4 623 2
Post-orogenic / Magmatic emplacements
MI08 B4 0.006 165 740 10 762 9 772 13 762 9 2.9 582 3
C7 0.000 128 606 7 621 6 629 14 621 6 2.4
B6 -0.001 102 555 6 549 5 556 15 549 5 -1.1

More details are provided in the caption of Table 3.        

Samples MI02, MI07, and MI08 yielded inherited grains E8 (723 ± 10 Ma), E3 (749 ± 6 Ma), B4 (762 ± 9 Ma), and C7 (621 ± 6 Ma), respectively (Table 4). These grains show older ages than the sample population, consistent with the reported reworked Neoproterozoic crust in the ANS [2, 8, 19, 30, 44]. Grain B6 (549 ± 5 Ma) yielded a younger age than the sample MI08 population, suggesting that it was affected by consequent magmatic events.

The produced zircon U-Pb ages for all samples have Pan-African ages that range between 729 ± 3 Ma and 570 ± 2 Ma (Table 1). The metamorphic sample MI10 yielded the oldest crystallization age of 729 ± 3 Ma, belonging to the second ophiolitic age maxima [60]. This age probably dates to an early stage of the island-arc syn-orogenic phase when the micro-continents convergence into the Archean plates (Fig. 1) during the EAO development in the studied region [2, 35]. Comparable ages have been reported from different parts of the ANS [2, 14, 22, 60, 87, 88, 129, 130]. Andresen et al. [35] reported a comparable age of 736 ± 1 Ma for the sample from the eugeoclinal thrust sheet, which was interpreted as either the age of the oceanic crust or the volcanic arc [35, 131]. While samples MI02, MI11, MI03, and MI07 yielded ages of 699 ± 4 Ma, 680 ± 5 Ma, 647 ± 3 Ma, and 646 ± 2 Ma, respectively. These samples represent the syn-orogenic stage of the ANS development when a compressional tectonic regime (Convergent) was dominated [2, 22]. These samples are characterized by changing their chemical composition chronologically from the calc-alkaline (diorite) to alkaline (syenite) affinities. This magmatic differentiation from calc-alkaline to alkaline affinities was previously noticed [e.g., 1–3].

The volcanic samples MI04, MI09, and MI01 yielded crystallization ages of 623 ± 3 Ma, 611 ± 2 Ma, and 600 ± 1 Ma, respectively (Table 1). These samples yielded comparable ages to those previously reported from the Dokhan Volcanics [6, 71, 89], marking the initiation of the transition period from compressional-to-extensional tectonic settings [6, 2225]. All the dated Dokhan samples should belong to the older mafic Dokhan sequence, which previously dated between 635 − 620 Ma [68, 69]. Our results suggest extending this phase of volcanism to ca. 600 Ma in the studied region.

The remaining samples, MI08, MI06, and MI05, yielded crystallization ages of 582 ± 3 Ma, 576 ± 2 Ma, and 570 ± 2 Ma, respectively (Table 1). These samples represent magmatic emplacements during the post-orogenic stage of the EAO development in the ANS, where the tensional tectonic regime was dominated [2, 35]. Comparable ages have been reported from different parts of the ANS [2, 14, 22, 60, 87, 88, 129, 130].


The produced zircon U-Pb crystallization ages represent constructing the studied region in the CED through several magmatic pulses: (1) island-arc phase; represented by sample MI10 with an age of 729 ± 3 Ma. (2) syn-orogenic phase; represented by samples MI02 and MI11, MI03, and MI07 with ages of 699 ± 4 Ma, 680 ± 5 Ma, 647 ± 3 Ma, and 646 ± 2 Ma, respectively. These two phases represent the domination of the compressional regime of the arc-continent collision between 729 ± 3 Ma and 646 ± 2 Ma in the region of study. Furthermore, all the dated grains with pre-Pan-African (Paleo- to Meso-Proterozoic) ages belong to these two phases, indicating a probable reworked older crust or contaminations from a detrital source. (3) post-orogenic phase; represented by all other samples. The transition between the compressional syn-orogenic and the extensional post-orogenic tectonic regimes was marked by the eruption of the older mafic Dokhan sequence which extended in the studied region from 623 ± 3 Ma (sample MI04) to 600 ± 1 Ma (sample MI01). Afterwards, the last phase of the post-orogenic plutonism activated from 582 ± 3 Ma (sample MI08) to 570 ± 2 Ma (sample MI05). This suggests activation of the extensional tectonic regime in the studied region at 582 ± 3 Ma, while this phase might have extended to 549 ± 5 Ma as indicated by the grain B6 in sample MI08. The reworked nature of the Neoproterozoic crust in the ANS has been emphasized by the dating of some inherited grains with Pan-African ages (Table 4). Additionally, rock suits classification based on their apparent chemical composition into Calc-alkaline “Grey” and Alkaline “Red” granitoids does not accurately capture the geological dynamics of the studied region, resulting in misleading interpretations of the chronological sequence and changes in the tectonic setting [2, 1820]. Instead, the magma has differentiated from calc-alkaline to alkaline affinities over time [2, 19, 30].


  • The studied region in the CED was constructed through the island-arc, the syn-orogenic, and the post-orogenic magmatic phases (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9.

Fig. 9

Distribution chart for the analyzed single zircon U-Pb concordant ages from all samples

  • The compressional regime of the arc-continent collision (the island-arc and syn-orogenic phases) was dominated between 729 ± 3 Ma and 646 ± 2 Ma in the CED.

  • The Dokhan volcanism erupted during the tectonic transition setting between the subduction and the extension regimes from 623 ± 3 Ma to 600 ± 1 Ma.

  • The post-collision tensional regime activated at 582 ± 3 Ma and may have extended to 549 ± 5 Ma.

  • The reworked nature of the ANS plutonism has been emphasized by dating pre-Pan-African xenocrystic grains (Fig. 9).

  • Classification of the ANS granitoids based on their chemical composition results in misleading interpretations of the chronological sequence and changes in the tectonic setting.


Deep thanks and gratitude to the Researchers Supporting Project number (RSP2024R249), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for funding this research article.

Author contributions

Conceptualization, S.M., R.H., and N.H.; methodology, S.M., A.T., and N.H.; validation, S.M., R.H., K.A., A.A.S., M.S.F., and N.H.; formal analysis, A.T., M.A.G., K.A., and S.M.; investigation, S.M., K.A., R.H., M.S.F., A.A.S., and N.H.; resources, N.H., M.S.F., and K.A.; data curation, S.M., A.A.S., and M.A.G.; writing—original draft preparation, S.M., R.H.; writing—review and editing, N.H., K.A., M.S.F., A.A.S., and M.A.G.; Visualization, S.M., K.A., M.S.F., and M.A.G.; project administration, R.H., S.M., A.T., K.A., and M.S.F.; funding acquisition, N.H., K.A., and M.S.F. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


The work was supported by the King Saud University researchers supporting project [RSP2024R249].

Data availability

No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.


Competing interests

The authors declare no competing interests.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


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Associated Data

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Data Citations

  1. Pearce NJG, Perkins WT, Westgate JA et al (1997) Geostand Geoanal Res 21:115–144. 10.1111/j.1751-908X.1997.tb00538.x. A Compilation of New and Published Major and Trace Element Data for NIST SRM 610 and NIST SRM 612 Glass Reference Materials

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