Pump-probe experiments investigate the strain sensitivity of crustal elastic properties, showing nonlinear variations during the strain cycle. In the laboratory, pre-seismic reductions in seismic velocity indicate that asperity contacts within the fault zone begin to fail before the macroscopic frictional sliding. The recognition of such effects in natural seismic-cycles has been challenging. Here we exploit seasonal hydrological strains, performing a natural analogue to a quasi-static laboratory pump-probe experiment to investigate the nonlinear strain sensitivity of crustal rocks and its role in seismic failure along the tectonically-active Irpinia Fault System (Southern Italy). By comparing 14-years-long series of spring discharge, strain, seismic velocity variations and earthquakes rate, we find that seismicity peaks during maximum hydrological forcing and minimum seismic velocity. Seasonal strains of ~10−6 are required for both earthquake triggering and significant nonlinearity effects arising from modulus reduction. We suggest that, for faults in a critical state, cyclical softening may lead to failure and seasonal seismicity.
Subject terms: Geophysics, Seismology
Through the exploitation of a seasonal hydrological deformation to probe the elastic properties of the crust, the authors here explain variations of seismic waves velocity and triggering of earthquakes in terms of nonlinear elasticity.
While linear elasticity is widely employed in Earth science applications1, the heterogenous nature of geomaterials makes them to behave in a non-linear way, as it can be revealed by variations in elastic modulus2, hysteresis3, slow dynamics4, when rocks are subjected to strain perturbations5. Pump-probe experiments are nowadays widely used to quantify the non-linear behavior of rocks in laboratory2,5–7 and provide fundamental insights about the relationships between non-linear elastic parameters and physical properties of materials, such as damage7,8 or presence and amount of fluids9–11, among others2,6,12–15. All these variables have a key role in controlling the seismic cycle16,17 and the physics of earthquakes nucleation18,19. It has been suggested that progressive loading produces distributed microcracks that at some stage begin to coalesce onto a volumetric region of concentrated damage that, when a critical level is exceeded, experiences instability that leads to rupture17. In laboratory20 accelerated fault creep causes elastic moduli (and seismic velocity) reductions during the preparatory phase preceding failure, as asperity contacts begin to fail before macroscopic frictional sliding. This can be also related to rock damage. A temporary reduction in the fault core modulus could induce fault slip for a fault already near failure18. It is thus crucial to assess the non-linear response of crustal rocks by investigating behaviors associated with stress, pore pressure, permeability, material failure, and rock damage in the Earth in the same way as in laboratory2,20–22. The advent of ambient noise seismology23 offers to scientists the possibility to develop ad-hoc pump-probe experiments, measuring in-situ the velocity changes (δv/v) from estimates of the Green’s function23 (the probe), excited by (the pump) natural (mainly tidal strains12,24) or man-made strain. These studies revealed significant non-linearity for shallow crustal rocks13, enhanced in complex settings such as fault systems8,25 and volcanic regions9,13.
Following previous works on non-linearity8,12,24, β represents the second order, quadratic, coefficient of the stress-strain elastic relationship5:
1 |
where σ is the stress, M is the elastic modulus, ε is the strain and f indicates the hysteretic components dependent on strain and strain rate. The strain sensitivity β5,24 of seismogenic rocks can be estimated through a quantitative comparison of strain ε vs δv/v curves5,24:
2 |
where α is an offset.
A value of β different from zero indicates non-linearity13,26 and increases with the degree of the material damage and density of cracks7. Negative values of the strain sensitivity β have been interpreted in terms of decrease (increase) of seismic velocities under dilatational (contractional) strain operated by opening (closing)27 of preexisting cracks in the crust13.
In this study we perform a 14-years long-term analysis based on a natural analog of a pump-probe experiment to assess the non-linear behavior of the seismogenic volume in the Irpinia Fault Zone (IFZ, Fig. 1), which hosted the largest (Ms 6.9) instrumentally recorded earthquake in Italy28. Here we measured δv/v induced by annual strain variations originating from recharging groundwater in karst aquifers29,30, that significantly extends the temporal tidal forcing employed in previous works14,24. We show that hydrological processes induce nearly periodic, anisotropic fluctuations of horizontal strain31,32 (which we used as a pump) associated with seasonal modulation of seismicity. We employ ambient seismic noise correlation23 to track the temporal evolution of δv/v in two sites (MCRV and CAFE, Fig. 1; see “Methods”), representative of the variable hydrological forcing conditions, that we used as the probe to measure the non-linear elastic response of crustal rocks to strain fluctuations. Our analysis reveals a negative value for β in agreement with previous natural12,13,24 and laboratory experiments2,7,21, related to seasonal cycling of material damage along the IFZ and associated with seasonal modulation of seismicity. Our results highlight the dependence of seasonal seismicity on the non-linear rock behavior, which calls to improve our understanding of the role of elastic non-linearity and its effect on frictional properties in controlling the triggering of earthquakes along major seismogenic faults8,33–40.
Hydrological forcing and variations of seismic velocity and strain
The Caposele spring29 provides a unique, 100-years-long, hydrological dataset of discharge (average ~4 m3/s) from the karst aquifer of the Picentini Mountains (Fig. 1) hosted in extensively fractured, 2–3 km-thick, allochthonous, Mesozoic carbonates41. As no man-made modifications occur in its catchment, this spring is strictly controlled by climate trends29 and is regionally-representative of the variations of hydrological forcing operated by the karst aquifers with maximum/minimum recharge in May-July and November-January, respectively29,30. To investigate the effects of hydrological forcing on crustal elastic properties, we calculated the velocity variations δv/v from 14 years (January 2008-December 2021) of seismic data recorded at MCRV and CAFE stations (Fig. 1). Both sites (with co-located seismic and GPS receivers) are located within the tectonically deforming belt along the Apennines (Fig. 1a) but at variable distances from the IFZ and the karst aquifer. The recent microseismicity (local magnitude −0.4 ≤ ML ≤ 3.7) occurring in the investigated region is characterized by normal fault mechanism42, in agreement with the regional strain field43 and the geometry and slip of the faults involved in the Ms 6.9, 1980 Irpinia earthquake28. We used ambient noise correlations from single station measurements to apply the Coda Wave interferometry method23 (CWI, see Methods) in a time-lapse of 10–50 s after zero time (ballistic waves arrival time). The time series of δv/v (Fig. 1c) at MCRV reveal up to ~0.2% velocity variations which closely tracks the evolution of spring discharge and the GPS horizontal displacement (Fig. 1c). At MCRV we found that peaks of eastward displacement, which correspond to a transient, recoverable dilatational strain in the shallow crust across the karst aquifer31,32, are correlated with negative peaks in the velocity of seismic waves, similarly to observations in other Apenninic regions25,44. The opposite occurs for negative Eastward displacements with contractional strains and significant increase of seismic velocities. At CAFE, located outside the karst aquifer region but inside the actively-deforming tectonic belt (Fig. 1a), we observe an order of magnitude smaller fractional seismic velocity change (~0.03%), and a GPS time series insensitive to seasonal variations, which document the absence of any relevant hydrological forcing. The seasonal velocity variations observed at MCRV are higher than those observed in other regions in the same tectonic environment25,44 and comparable to those occurring in volcanic regions9,45, where pronounced seasonal velocity variations9 are similarly detected, and where the presence of large amount of preexisting microcracks can be a common condition.
To assess the depth at which seismic velocity variations occur, we computed the depth sensitivity of surface waves46 for a local 1D velocity model47. The sensitivity of surface wave (see Methods) in the analyzed frequency band (0.5–1.0 Hz25,) is concentrated in the first few kilometers of the crust (depth < 1.5 km, see Fig. S1), which include the thickness of highly-permeable, fractured carbonate rocks41 forming the karst aquifer. However, the theoretical depth sensitivity of the scattered body waves, computed as in ref. 25 considering a 3D sensitivity kernel formulation48 (see “Methods”), shows that the kernel is sensitive to a deeper volume in the crust than for surface waves (Fig. S1). The uncertainty in the nature of scattered waves challenges a precise attribution of the velocity variations observed at MCRV, which could be related to both the shallow highly-permeable, fractured carbonate rocks and the deeper seismogenic volume. Improving the reliability of sensitivity kernels is crucial to address and solve the depth resolution problem49. Additionally, independent information is provided by time-dependent P and S wave tomographic models, with poorer intensity and temporal sensitivity but higher spatial resolution. These analyses show significant temporal variations of Vp/Vs ratio below 6 km depth correlated with hydrological forcing50 supporting the hypothesis of significant nonlinear effects at similar depths.
We estimated the strain variations (positive extensional strain) induced by the hydrological cycle (Fig. 2), by computing a 14 years-long time series of horizontal strain, that we modeled with a 3.5 km-thick layer of elementary cuboid sources51 in the IFZ area (similar approach as in ref. 32, see “Methods”). To remove the long-term tectonic component and mitigate the temporal high-frequency noise and daily scatter, raw GPS time series have been initially detrended and low-pass filtered using a Gaussian filter (full-width 180 days). Two snapshots illustrating the regional NNE-SSW extension during wet periods and contraction in dry periods are reported in Fig. 2a, b, respectively, while the horizontal dilatational strain at MCRV is reported in Fig. 2c. The δv/v follows the evolution of strain, with positive δv/v for contractional strains and negative δv/v associated with extension (Fig. 2c), consistent with previous natural12,24,52 and laboratory experiments2,21,27. We remark that in the two episodes (Fig. 2a, b) the displacement at MCRV is oriented respectively NE (Fig. 2a) and SW (Fig. 2b), suggesting that the horizontal dilatation induced by hydrological forcing occurs along a single axis during both the recharge/discharge phases. Figure 2d represents the frequency of the compressional (left) and extensional (right) axis azimuth, coupled with the sign of the temporally coincident strain (top) and velocity variations (bottom) series. In particular, the frequency of the compressional (extensional) axis is counted when the dilatation is negative (positive). During summer, when strain is positive (red color), the extensional axis is oriented mostly W-NW, while during winter, when strain is negative (blue color), a similar orientation is shown by the compressive axis. The same happens when looking at velocity variations; during summer (winter) the velocity changes are negative (positive) and the extensional (compressional) axis is oriented mostly W-NW. We attribute the uniaxial strain fluctuation to an anisotropic poroelastic response53 of the crust due to hydrological forcing32 (hydraulic head ∆h in karst aquifers). The horizontal strain εxx in the ENE-WSW direction (taken here as the x axis, see Supplementary Material for the complete derivation) can thus be expressed as:
3 |
where α is the Biot’s coefficient, ρw is water density, g is the gravity acceleration, E is the Young’s modulus and ν is the Poisson’s coefficient. We test the validity of our model considering a realistic water table variation ∆h = 20–40 m32 and a reasonable range of upper crust poroelastic parameters for carbonate rocks (, , 54;). We estimate a strain variation in the order of , whose lower bound is consistent with the range of observed non-tectonic strain variations within the decade-long time series (Fig.2c).
Non-linear elasticity
The observations summarized in Fig. 2, together with our simplified poroelastic model, suggest a strong coupling between δv/v and strain in saturated crustal rocks. The oscillatory change in velocity with strain (Fig. 2) is similar to observations in laboratory-scale experiments2,21, and can be exploited to study the nonlinear elastic response of crustal rocks following equation [2]. A comparison between δv/v and strain values (Fig. 3a) shows a general inverse relationship (β = −0.64 × 10−3) indicating that, on average, seismic waves are slower when rocks are extended during maximum hydrological forcing (May-July), that when compressed during minimum hydrological forcing (December-January). This mechanism is consistent with the opening and closing of cracks and pores6,13,52 with increasing stiffness of their internal contacts during compression27.
The observed sensitivity β aligns with the values observed in previous works (−1 × 103–105)12,13,24. We also observe a complex, non-unique correspondence between velocity variations and strain, attributed to the superposition of seasonal and multiyear forcing cycles31. This superposition results in annual trajectories with similar slopes but different cycle means along the δv/v axis (Fig. 3c–h). Additional information on the strain-rate dependency of seismic velocity variations can be inferred from the hysteretic behavior of δv/v and strains3,8. For annual cycles defining closed or semi-closed loops (Fig. 3c–h), we observe prevalent clockwise loops but no evidence that seismic velocities are systematically higher during extension (Fig. 3b). We also do not observe a dependency of the cycles pattern upon strain magnitude.
It has been suggested3 that the mechanism controlling quadratic nonlinearity (i.e., β) is distinct from the mechanisms controlling additional nonlinear parameters (i.e., average softening and hysteresis). This distinction3,26 may depend on the primary deformation mode across the interfaces (cracks or pores) within the bond system. Longitudinal deformation perpendicular to cracks or low-aspect ratio pores would control β, whereas shear deformation across the interfaces being responsible for average softening and hysteresis.
Possible factors arising from the calculation of strain that may affect the estimation of β are two folds. The first is the spacing of geodetic stations (tens of kilometers), larger than the dimension of the karst aquifer (Fig. 1), likely providing a lower boundary on the estimated strain. The second is the use of surface measurements of strain as representative of the actual values at depths (likely to be lower) where seismic velocity changes occur. These two factors, which cannot be easily quantified, have opposite effects and will probably affect the value of β but not its sign.
Seismicity modulation
It has been previously reported that seismicity along the IFZ is modulated at seasonal and multiannual time scales by hydrological forcing from the karst aquifers32. The low values of estimated hydrologically-induced stress variations32, corresponding to the observed seismicity modulation, suggest a critical state of stress for the faults within the actively deforming area, as observed in other actively-deforming regions where seismicity is triggered by small stress changes55. To investigate the relation between rock properties modulated by the hydrological forcing (strain and seismic velocity variations) and earthquake nucleation we declustered the seismic catalog along the IFZ (color-coded circles in Fig.1 c) and calculated the daily seismicity rates within 90-days moving windows (see Methods). This modulation is clearly displayed in the multiyear time series of Fig. 2c (where all the different observables have been resampled and synchronized at a 0.04-year step), showing in-phase peaks of seismicity rate, δv/v, strain and spring discharge. We also observe that the three largest peaks of seismicity rates in 2009, 2013 and 2021 (Fig. 2c), correspond to large seasonal increments in spring discharge (>2 m3/s) and dilatational strain (>1 × 10−6). We test the relationship between background seismicity and hydrological forcing (expressed as variations of dilatational strain or seismic velocity), following the approach of ref. 56 using a modified quantile-quantile plot (QQP). QQP tests for a specific relationship between hydrological forcing and seismicity rate rather than simply asking the question if earthquake occurrence is correlated with such forcing. In our case we plot the normalized cumulative fraction of earthquake rates that occurs at or below a given level of strain or seismic velocity against the normalized cumulative fraction of time that is spent at or below the same given level. To facilitate interpretation, we follow ref. 56 and modify the QQP plots to show excess or deficit of earthquakes by removing the 1:1 trend line. In the case of no correlation between the earthquake rate and hydrological forcing (either the strain or velocity variations), we expect to see a horizontal line because the fraction of earthquakes below a given level should be equivalent to the fraction of time spent at or below that level. If a point falls below the horizontal line, then there is a deficit of earthquakes up to the corresponding value compared with what is expected for time spent up to the corresponding value. If the point falls above, the opposite is true, which means we have an excess of earthquakes. We found (red lines in Fig. 4a) a deficit of earthquakes for low values of the strain compared to the case in which there would be no correlation with the strain (e.g., in the case of a Poisson process). This indicates that seismicity and hydrologically-related strains are correlated with each other. Moreover, the curve is slightly skewed to the right (Fig. 4a), showing that seismicity rate responds non-linearly to increasing strains explaining also the large response of seismicity to the largest strain increase in 2009, 2013 and 2021. As expected, the same analysis with velocity variations (Fig. 4b), shows an opposite behavior and an excess of earthquakes during low values of seismic velocity. Therefore, earthquakes occurrence and velocity variations are anti-correlated. In this second case, the curve is also skewed to the left (Fig. 4b), showing that seismicity rate also responds non-linearly to increasing velocity variations. The gray lines shown in Fig. 4a, b display 100 random permutations of the observed catalog which are cloudily disposed around the horizontal line showing that, when the catalog is randomized, no correlation is present with either strain (Fig. 4a) or seismic velocity variations (Fig. 4b). By comparing the observed seismicity rate with synthetic rate histories containing both random and hydrological components, we could estimate the level of hydrological forcing in the real catalog (see Methods). Figure 4(c–f) shows that the observed nCDFs of the observed seismicity require ~40% contribution of hydrological forcing and an increasing effect of strain or seismic velocity variation to reproduce the observed skewness, i.e., a non-linear influence of strain or seismic velocity variations on the seismicity rate.
We measured hydrologically-modulated velocity changes δv/v in the order of ~0.2% near the karst aquifers close to IFZ. Those variations are one order of magnitude smaller (~0.03%) at around 25 km distance, where the amplitudes of horizontal transient displacements are negligible too (Fig. 1c). Our primary observation shows that velocity is systematically slower during extension and higher during compressional strains resulting in a seasonally-controlled variation of the state of rock damage. Variations of elastic properties and their non-linear sensitivity to strain arise from the stiffness modification of the grain and fracture contacts. We thus propose that seasonal variations induce a weakening/healing process that cyclically affects the crust along the IFZ. The process we observe seems to be reversible, with a restoration of the initial conditions (and of the elastic properties), like a fault healing process57 by which the crust retrieves its original characteristics prior to the new damage episode. Geodetic strain allows us to precisely track the mechanism underlying the velocity variations, which is the cyclical crack opening/closing of NW-SE-oriented crack system in the direction of the regional direction of minimum horizontal stress.
We observe that significant non-linear seasonal variations of elastic properties of the crust along the IFZ are statistically correlated with earthquakes rate. We propose a model in which hydrological deformations promote earthquake failure by a mechanism involving dynamic nonlinear elasticity22. Seasonal variations of elastic properties cause a weakening that triggers the observed micro-seismicity, alternated to a healing process as the strain amplitudes decrease and seismic wave velocity increases with frictional contacts ageing20. In terms of frictional contacts, we may also interpret triggering as the onset of sliding of the faults, resulting from an abrupt decrease in the shear strength of the fault gouge by softening of frictional contacts. Necessary physical characteristics for this triggering mechanism require a weak fault in a critical state and dynamic strain amplitudes greater than about 10−618, regardless of their frequency content58. Both requirements are satisfied along the IFZ where active tectonic strain is likely to keep faults close to failure and hydrological forcing provides sufficient oscillatory strains. For the recent background micro seismicity, no significant localization along the segments responsible for the 1980 Ms 6.9 earthquake is observed59 suggesting that a diffused triggering mechanism in the volume interested by hydrological forcing and resulting nonlinear reduction of elastic properties is more likely than an accelerated aseismic slip along major fault zones.
Laboratory experiments22 show that modulus reduction increases progressively as the effective stress is reduced, implying that the system’s elastic nonlinearity is strongly sensitive to increase in pore pressure. In agreement with the observed depth distribution of seismicity (Fig. S1), the deeper parts of the crust, where pore pressure may be greater than hydrostatic, may thus be more sensitive to hydrological forcing with respect to the shallow crust where extensive fracturing maintains a hydrostatic profile. The observed relationship between seismicity triggering and modulus reduction (Fig. 4e, f) also agrees with laboratory experiments18 showing the existence of an approximate strain threshold above which significant elastic nonlinearity is observed and earthquakes are easily triggered. Thus, our study suggests that the elastic nonlinearity of fault cores close to a critical state plays a major role in earthquake triggering and offers an alternative perspective beyond models based solely on the evolution of pore pressure or Coulomb stress. We speculate that regional weakening of active fault zones, over time scales relevant for earthquake nucleation, may also increase the likelihood of higher-magnitude ruptures on large fault systems.
Velocity changes from Coda Wave Interferometry
We computed the three-component (ZZ, EE, NN) autocorrelation using continuous seismic data recorded at the MCRV station located in the IFZ area, in Southern Italy (Fig. 1a). The considered time window for this study is from January 2008 to December 2021. We rejected daily traces if they don’t contain more than 20 h of data available and to reduce transient signals, we carried out a one‐bit normalization.
We measured the velocity variations using the stretching technique60, which provides stable measurements25, by stacking 90 days using an 89-day overlap of correlations. The stack of the autocorrelation over the full-time period was used as the reference signal to compute relative velocity variations. This operation was performed for each component in the coda wave window starting at 10 s from the arrival of ballistic waves and with a duration of 40 s. The choice of this window allows to resolve changes of δv/v in the shallow crust25. Velocity variations of the three components are, then, combined weighting with squared correlation coefficients estimated after stretching. We then select the velocity variations with correlation coefficients above 0.85.
In Fig. 1c we represent the comparison of the seismic velocity variation for the stations MCRV and CAFE, this latter being outside the carbonates and characterized by much smaller variations (around 34% compared to MCRV), demonstrating that the response of crust around MCRV is very peculiar and associated with the local characteristics of the complex IFZ.
Depth sensitivity kernels
We computed the depth sensitivity of surface waves (Fig. S1c, d) as in ref. 46 for a local velocity model47 and for the frequency band 0.5–1.0 Hz at which we computed the velocity variations. This frequency band has been selected as it is the optimal band used in the Apennines to have a good temporal resolution with high quality correlation while limiting the number of stacked days25,44,61. For autocorrelations, the better outcomes are observed for frequencies exceeding 0.5 Hz62, because in Southern Europe seasonal variations in the distribution of noise sources reduce the quality of the correlations and thus limit time dependent analysis63, while frequencies higher than 1 Hz are too much contaminated by anthropogenic noise. We also computed the theoretical depth sensitivity of the scattered body waves (Fig. S1e) as in ref. 25, considering a 3D sensitivity kernel formulation48. We solved for the body wave depth sensitivity normalized to 30 km depth with each layer 1 km thick layer25. In our case we considered a coda time lapse 30 s, representative of the time window 10–50 s, and two free path (10,100 km) as reference.
Horizontal strain
Continuous surface displacements have been measured by permanent GPS stations of the RING network (http://ring.gm.ingv.it). For our analysis, we considered the time series of horizontal components corrected for the long-term tectonic trend and instrumental offset from January 2008 through December 2021 obtained following the procedure outlined in ref. 32. We calculate the time-dependent horizontal strain rate tensor at the surface by modeling the observed displacement with elementary cuboid sources extending to a depth of 3.5 km51 following the approach described in ref. 32. The use of this modeling approach (fully described in ref. 51) to calculate the horizontal components of the “hydrological” strain rate field is required by the need to regularize the sparse density coverage of the GPS stations and incorporate the geometry of the karst aquifers. The second invariant of the horizontal long-term, tectonic strain rate field shown in Fig. 1a, has been obtained from the secular GPS velocity field of ref. 64 and using the VISR code65 to calculate a regular grid of the horizontal strain rate tensor.
Seismicity and syntethic catalogs
IFZ is monitored since 2007 by the Irpinia Near Fault Observatory (INFO), which includes the Irpinia Seismic Network (ISNet, http://isnet.unina.it, network code IX), composed of a total of 31 co-located tri-axial strong motion accelerometers and three-components short period or broad-band seismometers and 8 INGV seismic stations (https://eida.ingv.it/it/, virtual network _NFOIRPINA, network code IV). The period analyzed in the present study ranges from January 2008 through December 2021. The original data set consisted of 1898 events with local magnitude −0.4 ≤ ML ≤ 3.7, and the seismicity is mostly concentrated at depths between 8 and 12 km (Fig. 1c, S1). To avoid biases associated to aftershocks, we declustered the earthquake catalog using the approach described in ref. 66, and its windowing technique, where a scan of the catalog within distance and time is performed with spatiotemporal windows as a function of the magnitude66. In this procedure, the first shock is not necessarily the largest shock in the sequence; thus, a small foreshock is the first event of an aftershock sequence. If a largest shock occurs in the series, this enlarges the window beyond the value used for the first shock66. Since the recorded seismicity may be affected by the detection capability of the network, we select events shallower than 12 km with magnitude above the minimum magnitude of completeness (MC), i.e., the magnitude above which the network is assumed to reliably record all the events occurring in the region of interest, estimated at ML 1.1 for ISNet67. Then we computed the seismicity rate as the number of earthquakes occurring in 90-days moving windows. We also tested the sensitivity of the seismicity rate to the parameters of the windowing technique66 used for the declustering and we found that seismicity rate is not changed at all by varying the windows used (Fig. S2, Supplementary Materials). We constructed the synthetic catalogs starting from the observed number of events occurring in the considered time interval and considering this number as resulting from the sum of an homogeneous Poisson process and a nonhomogeneous hydrological forcing. The nonhomogeneous contribution has been produced using the inversion method68 which involves firstly obtaining the cumulative distribution for the variable to be sampled (strain or seismic velocity). Cumulative distribution functions of the strain and seismic velocity variations (simple or squared to consider the case of linear and non-linear effects, respectively) are calculated from the respective time series and rearranged to give an expression for the variable of interest (strain or seismic velocity) in terms of its probability. The variable can then be sampled by inserting uniform random values between 0 and 1 into this expression for each event contributing to the nonhomogeneous part of the synthetic catalog. The same approach has been used to calculate the homogeneous Poissonian contribution to the synthetic catalogs randomly sampling the cumulative function of the exponential distribution which controls the distribution of time intervals between successive independent events in a Poisson process68. Synthetic seismicity rate histories (90-days moving windows) are then computed from the synthetic catalogs.
Supplementary information
This work has been supported by the INGV-Pianeta Dinamico Project MYBURP (Modulation of hydrology on stress buildup on the Irpinia Fault) and the PRIN-FLUIDS project: “Detection and tracking of crustal fluid by multi-parametric methodologies and technologies” of the Italian PRIN-MIUR programme (Grant no. 20174X3P29). P.P. has been supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (grant agreements 802777—MONIFAULTS). Figures were generated with Generic Mapping Tools69.
Author contributions
S.T., P.P., and N.D. conceived the methodology and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. S.T., P.P., N.D., G.F., and M.V. contributed to data preparation and analysis and to the interpretation of results. G.V. provided data of the Caposele spring. A.Z. contributed to the interpretation of results. All authors revised the final draft of the manuscript.
Peer review
Peer review information
Nature Communications thanks Andrew Delorey and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work. A peer review file is available.
Data availability
The seismic catalog can be downloaded at http://isnet.unina.it. Velocimetric continuous data are available at https://eida.ingv.it/it/. Raw GPS data (rinex files) are available at http://ring.gm.ingv.it. The time series of the discharge of Caposele spring has been provided by Approvviggionamento Idrico (DIRAP), Acquedotto Pugliese, S.p.a., Bari. The dataset of seismic velocity changes, geodetic strain, and seismicity rate, generated during the current study, is available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Analysis was made using MATLAB (release 2023a, https://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html) and Python (https://www.python.org/). Correspondence and material requests should be addressed to S.T. at the following address: stefania.tarantino@ingv.it.
Code availability
This study was performed using the Python package Obspy and uses workflows provided in ref. 25 and ref. 32 for velocity variations measurement and strain computation respectively.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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Supplementary information
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1038/s41467-024-54094-4.
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Associated Data
This section collects any data citations, data availability statements, or supplementary materials included in this article.
Supplementary Materials
Data Availability Statement
The seismic catalog can be downloaded at http://isnet.unina.it. Velocimetric continuous data are available at https://eida.ingv.it/it/. Raw GPS data (rinex files) are available at http://ring.gm.ingv.it. The time series of the discharge of Caposele spring has been provided by Approvviggionamento Idrico (DIRAP), Acquedotto Pugliese, S.p.a., Bari. The dataset of seismic velocity changes, geodetic strain, and seismicity rate, generated during the current study, is available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Analysis was made using MATLAB (release 2023a, https://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab.html) and Python (https://www.python.org/). Correspondence and material requests should be addressed to S.T. at the following address: stefania.tarantino@ingv.it.
This study was performed using the Python package Obspy and uses workflows provided in ref. 25 and ref. 32 for velocity variations measurement and strain computation respectively.