Classical neurotransmitters (such as acetylcholine, biogenic amines, and GABA) are functionally active througout ontogenesis.
Based on accumulated evidence, reviewed herein, we present an hypothetical scheme describing developmental changes in this functional activity, from the stage of maturing oocytes through neuronal differentiation. This scheme reflects not only the spatio-temporal sequence of these changes, but also the genesis of neurotransmitter functions, from “protosynapses” in oocytes and cleaving embryos to the development of functional neuronal synapses.
Thus, it appears that neurotransmitters participate in various forms of intra- and intercellular signalling throughout all stages of ontogenesis.
Key Words: neurotransmitters, receptors, morphogenesis, morphogen, oocyte, embryo, blastula, blastomere, gastrula, sea urchin, echinoderm, mouse, rat
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