Originally published in:
Reliability of MR Enterography Features for Describing Fibrostenosing Crohn Disease
Florian Rieder, Mark E. Baker, David H. Bruining, Jeff L. Fidler, Eric C. Ehman, Shannon P. Sheedy, Jay P. Heiken, Justin M. Ream, David R. Holmes III, Akitoshi Inoue, Payam Mohammadinejad, Yong S. Lee, Stuart A. Taylor, Jaap Stoker, Guangyong Zou, Zhongya Wang, Julie Rémillard, Rickey E. Carter, Ronald Ottichilo, Norma Atkinson, Mohamed Tausif Siddiqui, Venkata C. Sunkesula, Christopher Ma, Claire E. Parker, Julian Panés, Jordi Rimola, Vipul Jairath, Brian G. Feagan, Joel G. Fletcher; Stenosis Therapy and Anti-Fibrosis Research (STAR) Consortium
Erratum in:
Images were missing from Appendixes S2 and S3 of the supplemental material. These missing images were added to the supplemental material file.