The nonhomogeneous spatial distribution of ionic channels in neurons has been implied from intracellular recordings at somatic and dendritic locations. These reports indicate that Na- and Ca-dependent regenerative currents are distributed differently throughout the neuron. Although a variety of K conductances and a noninactivating Na conductance have been described in intracellular studies, little is known about the spatial distribution of inward and outward currents throughout different regions of the neuron.
We recorded from cell-attached patches from cultured hippocampal cells from 1-day-old rats. The cells were cultured for 3-21 days. The spatial distribution of a variety of ionic channels was determined by comparing the conductances from somatic and dendritic membranes. Single-channel currents obtained from cell-attached patches were identified by the time course of ensemble (averaged) responses, voltage dependence, and the effect of channel blocking agents.
We consistently observed that only the rapidly inactivating inward current was localized to the soma. The other channel types that we studied, including an inward noninactivating, delayed rectifier and transient A-type currents, were observed in both the somatic and dendritic regions.
We suggest that the distribution of ionic conductances that we have observed may be functional in limiting excitability during development of neurons.
Key words: hippocampus, rat, single channels, cultured neurons, dendrites, excitability, ionic conductance
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