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Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine logoLink to Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine
. 2024 Nov 18;117(12):402–414. doi: 10.1177/01410768241297833

Deriving and validating a risk prediction model for long COVID: a population-based, retrospective cohort study in Scotland

Karen Jeffrey 1, Vicky Hammersley 1, Rishma Maini 2, Anna Crawford 1, Lana Woolford 1, Ashleigh Batchelor 1, David Weatherill 1, Chris White 1, Tristan Millington 1, Robin Kerr 3, Siddharth Basetti 4, Calum Macdonald 1, Jennifer K Quint 5, Steven Kerr 1, Syed Ahmar Shah 1, Amanj Kurdi 6,7,8,9, Colin R Simpson 1,10, Srinivasa Vittal Katikireddi 2,11, Igor Rudan 1, Chris Robertson 2,12, Lewis Ritchie 13,14, Aziz Sheikh 1,15,*, Luke Daines 1,*,
PMCID: PMC11574934  PMID: 39556251



Using electronic health records, we derived and internally validated a prediction model to estimate risk factors for long COVID and predict individual risk of developing long COVID.


Population-based, retrospective cohort study.




Adults (≥18 years) with a positive COVID-19 test, registered with a general medical practice between 1 March 2020 and 20 October 2022.

Main outcome measures

Adjusted odds ratios (aORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for predictors of long COVID, and patients’ predicted probabilities of developing long COVID.


A total of 68,486 (5.6%) patients were identified as having long COVID. Predictors of long COVID were increasing age (aOR: 3.84; 95% CI: 3.66–4.03 and aOR: 3.66; 95% CI: 3.27–4.09 in first and second splines), increasing body mass index (BMI) (aOR: 3.17; 95% CI: 2.78–3.61 and aOR: 3.09; 95% CI: 2.13–4.49 in first and second splines), severe COVID-19 (aOR: 1.78; 95% CI: 1.72–1.84); female sex (aOR: 1.56; 95% CI: 1.53–1.60), deprivation (most versus least deprived quintile, aOR: 1.40; 95% CI: 1.36–1.44), several existing health conditions. Predictors associated with reduced long COVID risk were testing positive while Delta or Omicron variants were dominant, relative to when the Wild-type variant was dominant (aOR: 0.85; 95% CI: 0.81–0.88 and aOR: 0.64; 95% CI: 0.61–0.67, respectively) having received one or two doses of COVID-19 vaccination, relative to unvaccinated (aOR: 0.90; 95% CI: 0.86–0.95 and aOR: 0.96; 95% CI: 0.93–1.00).


Older age, higher BMI, severe COVID-19 infection, female sex, deprivation and comorbidities were predictors of long COVID. Vaccination against COVID-19 and testing positive while Delta or Omicron variants were dominant predicted reduced risk.

Keywords: Clinical, epidemiologic studies, epidemiology, health informatics, infectious diseases


Long COVID is a debilitating multi-system condition estimated to affect more than 10% of patients infected with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).1,2 Individuals with long COVID experience a range of symptoms, including shortness of breath, chest pain and fatigue. These symptoms can last for months or years, lead to a deterioration in quality of life and limit the ability to carry out everyday tasks.1,35

The burden posed by long COVID has created a need for prediction models to identify patients at greatest risk. These models could inform preventive public health strategies, improve targeted support for patients and guide participant selection for clinical trials aimed at developing therapeutic interventions. Several long COVID prediction models have been developed, and have identified common risk factors, including increasing age,610 female sex6,9,11,12 and the severity of acute COVID-19 infection.5,8,11 However, many of these models identify long COVID cases using survey data,6,7,11,12 which may be prone to sampling bias, recall bias or inaccurate self-reporting. Other models use data from electronic heath records (EHRs) for case identification, such as long COVID diagnostic codes8,9 or referrals to long COVID clinics. 10 While this approach mitigates some of the challenges associated with survey data, under-utilisation of diagnostic codes and non-universal access to long COVID clinics1315 likely results in under-identification of long COVID cases. This, in turn, restricts the number of positive cases available for model training and increases the likelihood of undocumented cases being misclassified as controls.

Our study sought to address these limitations by taking a multi-faceted approach to case identification. We identified long COVID cases using clinical codes and free-text data from EHRs together with an operational definition for long COVID. 13 In doing so, we aimed to reduce the risk of bias and under-identification, thereby improving case identification for model training, and enhancing the accuracy of predictions by capturing cases that might otherwise go undocumented.


Study design, setting, participants and permissions

The protocol describing this study was published in advance. 16 We followed the Transparent Reporting of Multivariable Prediction Models (TRIPOD) guidelines (Table S1). 17

We conducted a retrospective cohort study using routinely collected data contained in EHRs, hosted on the Early Pandemic Evaluation and Enhanced Surveillance of COVID-19 (EAVE II) platform. 18 The EAVE II platform provided approved researchers with access to pseudonymised EHRs for all individuals registered with general practitioners (GP) in Scotland (98%–99% of the population) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We analysed linked data from primary care, secondary care, laboratory testing and prescribing for adults (≥18 years) registered with GPs and resident in Scotland between 1 March 2020 and 20 October 2022 (date of last data extraction). Specific datasets are listed in the Supplementary Materials, pp.S3. The sample was restricted to 1,096,106 individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2 (indicated by a positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test result), who had a minimum of four weeks’ follow-up data available after testing (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Participants identified as having long COVID in the training and holdout datasets.

It was not feasible to obtain consent from each participant; however, the National Health Service of Scotland’s Public Benefit and Privacy Panel for Health and Social Care (PBPP) granted permission to access, within a secure trusted research environment, unconsented, whole-population, de-identified data from EHRs for the purpose of surveillance during a public health emergency.

Outcome measures

The primary outcome was long COVID. Following a novel case identification approach we recently reported on, 13 we classified patients as having long COVID if they had one or more of the following in their EHRs: a long COVID clinical code recorded in primary care; free-text terms indicating long COVID recorded in primary care; a sick note containing free-text terms indicating long COVID or patterns in EHR data suggestive of long COVID, as captured by an operational definition.

The operational definition identified individuals as having long COVID if they had specific combinations of clinical codes and dispensed prescriptions recorded in their EHRs in the 4–26 weeks following a positive RT-PCR test (summarised in Figure 2). The clinical codes and prescriptions included in the operational definition were identified previously, informed by an investigation into clinical interactions that were recorded at a significantly higher rate in the EHRs of individuals who tested positive for COVID-19, relative to matched controls, within 4–26 of each matched pair’s positive RT-PCR test date.

Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Long COVID outcome measure. Individuals were classified as having long COVID if they had any of the indicators described in boxes 1–4 recorded in their EHR.

Details on each component of the outcome measure are included in the Supplementary Materials, pp.S4–5.


Candidate predictors were selected based on a review of the literature and assessment by the project’s steering group of clinicians, epidemiologists, data scientists, and patient and public involvement (PPI) members. An index date equal to the date of an individual’s first positive RT-PCR test was used to define time-variant predictors (as described below).

Socio-demographic variables

Sex was recorded as a binary variable. We used degree 1 splines in age with knots at 34 and 52 years (two knots optimised the Akaike Information Criterion [AIC] score). Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) quintiles, 19 household size and six-fold urban-rural residency were recorded as ordinal variables. Care home residency was recorded as a binary variable.

Clinical variables

The number of COVID-19 vaccine doses received up to 14 days before the index date was included as an ordinal variable. We analysed serological data to derive an indicator of the dominant SARS-CoV-2 variant (representing 60% or more of sequenced cases) during the week each individual tested positive. Binary variables captured whether individuals had been advised to shield from COVID-19, were immunocompromised, had a severe acute COVID-19 infection (defined as hospitalisation within 28 days of testing positive for COVID-19) or had been diagnosed with one of 22 comorbidities associated with increased risk of severe COVID-19 20 (detailed in Table S2). We used degree 1 splines in body mass index (BMI) with a knot at 28 (a single knot in BMI optimised the AIC score).


Binary variables were used to indicate prescriptions dispensed in the community during the three months before the index date. Prescribing data covered 23 categories of prescriptions (Table S3) representing 775 medicinal products, grouped according to British National Formulary (BNF) sub-paragraphs or chemical substances (Table S4). We prioritised medicinal products highlighted in the literature as candidates for preventing or treating long COVID. To avoid circularity, prescriptions included in the operational definition of long COVID were excluded.

Statistical analyses

R (version 3.6.1) was used for all analyses.

Sample size calculation

Sample size calculations were conducted using the R package, pmsampsize. 21 The minimum required sample size was estimated to be 20,311 with 1133 events, assuming prevalence of the outcome measure of 5.6%, a c-statistic of 0.71 and 56 candidate predictors with 74 candidate predictor parameters (including splines).

Training and holdout

Individuals were randomly assigned to a training or holdout dataset in an 80:20 split (Figure 1).

Missing data

Missing BMI values were imputed using single imputation by chained equations, with the following variables included in the imputation model: age, sex, ethnicity, urban-rural classification, QCOVID risk groups 22 and SIMD quintiles. Imputations were carried out separately for men and women over 20 years of age, and those under 20 years of age.

Multicollinearity checks

We tested for multicollinearity among predictors using correlation coefficients and variance inflation factors. Type 2 diabetes and prescriptions for metformin (a drug primarily used to treat Type 2 Diabetes) had a correlation coefficient of 0.67. Therefore, a combined ‘Type 2 Diabetes’ measure indicating that a patient had a Type 2 Diabetes clinical code or metformin prescription was used. Variance inflation factors suggested no multicollinearity.

Predictor selection

Predictors were selected using backward stepwise selection to optimise the AIC score of the multivariable logistic regression model. This led to the removal of 12 predictors, with no significant impact on model fit (Table S5). Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator regression with resampling was used to assess the robustness of predictor selection, and led to removal of six further predictors, with no significant impact on model performance (Figure S1 and Supplementary Materials, pp.S10).

Model type

Multivariable logistic regression with 10-fold cross validation was used for model training.

Evaluating model performance

Model performance was evaluated in the training dataset, using the c-statistic, calibration intercept and slope, and by visually inspecting predicted and observed values across vigintiles of predicted probabilities. We considered the true positive and true negative rates to be of equal importance, and therefore evaluated model performance at a discrimination threshold set equal to the prevalence of long COVID observed in the training dataset, using the following performance metrics: sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predicted value (PPV), negative predicted value (NPV), F1 score, Matthew’s correlation coefficient and Brier score.

Model validation

To assess the internal validity of the model, we evaluated model performance in the holdout dataset, using the same metrics as for evaluation in the training dataset.

Sensitivity analyses

We conducted sensitivity analyses to interrogate the model’s robustness and generalisability, including: using positive lateral flow tests (LFTs), in addition to RT-PCR testing data to identify positive COVID-19 cases for inclusion in the cohort; omitting patients with incomplete follow-up data; using more conservative variations of the main outcome measure; re-training the model using machine learning methods (gradient-boosted decision trees (XGBoost) and Naïve Bayes Classification); and re-training the model using data from 12 of 14 geographic regions in Scotland, and evaluating performance in the two geographic holdout regions (Supplementary Materials, pp.S21-31).

Patient and public involvement

PPI members were involved in the conception, design, and interpretation of this study (Table S6–7).



The cohort included 1,096,106 adults. There was consistency across training (n = 876,885) and holdout (n = 219,221) datasets in terms of prevalence of long COVID, (5.6%) participant characteristics, (Table 1) comorbidities and prescriptions (Tables S2–3).

Table 1.

Patient characteristics in testing and holdout datasets, stratified by long COVID classification.

Training dataset
Holdout dataset
No long COVID
No long COVID
N % N % N % N %
Total (% of dataset) 827,997 94.4 48,888 5.6 206,986 94.4 12,235 5.6
 Female 441,891 53.4 31,757 65.0 110,398 53.3 7997 65.4
 Male 386,106 46.6 17,131 35.0 96,588 46.7 4238 34.6
Age (years)
 18–27 166,790 20.1 4079 8.3 41,605 20.1 987 8.1
 28–37 175,219 21.2 6938 14.2 43,641 21.1 1729 14.1
 38–47 160,343 19.4 9317 19.1 40,316 19.5 2371 19.4
 48–57 145,676 17.6 11,620 23.8 36,536 17.7 2855 23.3
 58–67 100,948 12.2 10,186 20.8 25,212 12.2 2541 20.8
 68–77 44,267 5.3 4008 8.2 11,110 5.4 1077 8.8
 78–87 24,012 2.9 2155 4.4 5886 2.8 525 4.3
 88–100 10,742 1.3 585 1.2 2680 1.3 150 1.2
Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) quintiles
 1 – Most deprived 188,963 22.8 13,591 27.8 47,157 22.8 3426 28.0
 2 176,740 21.3 11,439 23.4 44,465 21.5 2796 22.9
 3 153,201 18.5 9026 18.5 38,444 18.6 2361 19.3
 4 155,458 18.8 8096 16.6 38,582 18.6 1995 16.3
 5 – Least deprived 153,635 18.6 6736 13.8 38,338 18.5 1657 13.5
Household size
 1 184,491 22.3 12,150 24.9 46,081 22.3 3002 24.5
 2 199,164 24.1 13,649 27.9 49,945 24.1 3457 28.3
 3–5 404,298 48.8 21,200 43.4 100,990 48.8 5282 43.2
 6–10 32,318 3.9 1604 3.3 8053 3.9 421 3.4
 11+ 7726 0.9 285 0.6 1917 0.9 73 0.6
Urban–rural classification
 Large urban areas 287,174 34.7 17,378 35.5 71,493 34.5 4404 36.0
 Other urban areas 339,401 41.0 20,246 41.4 85,276 41.2 5013 41.0
 Accessible small towns 73,951 8.9 4050 8.3 18,500 8.9 998 8.2
 Remote small towns 29,331 3.5 1717 3.5 7267 3.5 456 3.7
 Accessible rural 71,104 8.6 3589 7.3 17,728 8.6 913 7.5
 Remote rural 27,036 3.3 1908 3.9 6722 3.2 451 3.7
Variant period
 Wild (up to 10 January 2021) 90,548 10.9 7777 15.9 22,642 10.9 1954 16.0
 Alpha (11 January 2021–09 May 2021) 42,458 5.1 3697 7.6 10,599 5.1 944 7.7
 Delta (24 May 2021–28 November 2021) 258,298 31.2 15,844 32.4 64,290 31.1 3898 31.9
 Omicron (20 December 2021 onwards) 342,241 41.3 17,580 36.0 85,982 41.5 4467 36.5
No dominant variant or unknown 94,452 11.4 3990 8.2 23,473 11.3 972 7.9
Vaccination doses (up to 14 days before positive test/outcome)
 0 235,822 28.5 15,207 31.1 58,838 28.4 3773 30.8
 1 63,472 7.7 2749 5.6 15,816 7.6 684 5.6
 2 296,421 35.8 16,487 33.7 74,247 35.9 4104 33.5
 3+ 232,282 28.1 14,445 29.5 58,085 28.1 3674 30.0
 Shielding 23,301 2.8 3764 7.7 5768 2.8 956 7.8
 Not shielding 804,696 97.2 45,124 92.3 201,218 97.2 11,279 92.2
 Immunosuppressed 24,251 2.9 3250 6.6 5987 2.9 847 6.9
 Not immunosuppressed 803,746 97.1 45,638 93.4 200,999 97.1 11,388 93.1
Care home resident
 Care home resident 5616 0.7 226 0.5 1369 0.7 59 0.5
 Not care home resident 822,381 99.3 48,662 99.5 205,617 99.3 12,176 99.5
BMI (kg/m2)
 Underweight (BMI < 18.5) 13,020 1.6 876 1.8 3221 1.6 203 1.7
 Normal weight (BMI 18.5–24.9) 215,963 26.1 9784 20.0 54,239 26.2 2466 20.2
 Overweight (BMI 25–29.9) 308,896 37.3 15,726 32.2 76,924 37.2 3819 31.2
 Obese (BMI > 29.9) 290,118 35.0 22,502 46.0 72,602 35.1 5747 47.0
 0 547,007 66.1 22,467 46.0 136,303 65.9 5623 46.0
 1 198,465 24.0 15,510 31.7 50,157 24.2 3812 31.2
 2 54,242 6.6 6639 13.6 13,565 6.6 1655 13.5
 3+ 28,283 3.4 4272 8.7 6961 3.4 1145 9.4
Severity of acute infection (positive cases)
 Hospitalised within 28 days 31,166 3.8 5127 10.5 7778 3.8 1270 10.4
 Not hospitalised within 28 796,831 96.2 43,761 89.5 199,208 96.2 10,965 89.6

The table presents the number and percentage of individuals in the training and holdout datasets, classified as having long COVID or not according to the outcome measure.

Model results

Figure 3 presents adjusted odds ratios (aORs) for each predictor, estimated using the multivariable logistic regression model with 10-fold cross validation (Equation S1). Increasing BMI and increasing age (up to 65–70 years) were associated with increased risk of long COVID. Female sex, severe acute COVID-19 infection, deprivation, immunosuppression, and being advised to shield were also associated with increased risk of long COVID. Figure 4 presents predicted probabilities by age, sex, BMI and variant period.

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Adjusted odds ratios for predictors of long COVID. The plot illustrates the adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for all predictors of long COVID included in the main multivariable logistic regression model. The model was trained on the training dataset (n = 882,782) using multivariable logistic regression with 10-fold cross-validation. SIMD quintiles relate to quintiles of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Predicted probability of long COVID by age, sex, BMI and variant period. (a) Predicted probabilities of long COVID by age and sex. (b) Predicted probabilities of long COVID by age and dominant SARS-CoV-2 variant in circulation when an individual received a positive RT-PCR test. (c) Predicted probabilities of long COVID by BMI and sex. (d) Predicted probabilities of long COVID by BMI and dominant SARS-CoV-2 variant in circulation when an individual received a positive RT-PCR test. Predicted probabilities were estimated by applying the main multivariable regression model to the training dataset (N = 876,885). Shading indicates 95% confidence intervals.

Eight of the 13 comorbidities investigated were associated with increased risk of long COVID (Type I and Type II diabetes, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, severe mental illness, coronary heart disease, a thrombosis or pulmonary embolus, and rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus. Dementia, respiratory cancer and blood cancer were associated with reduced risk of long COVID. All prescriptions included in the model were associated with an increased risk of long COVID, with the exception of antiplatelet drugs, for which there was no significant association.

Predictors associated with a lower risk of long COVID included testing positive while Omicron or Delta were dominant SARS-CoV-2 variants (relative to testing positive when the wild-type variant was dominant), having received one or two doses of COVID-19 vaccination (relative to being unvaccinated) and care home residency.

Model evaluation in the holdout dataset

In the holdout dataset, the model achieved a c-statistic of 0.71 (95% CI: 0.71–0.72), area under the precision-recall curve of 0.13 (95% CI: 0.13–0.14) and a calibration slope of 1.01 (95% CI: 0.99–1.03) with the intercept at 0.01. Calibration plots (Figures S2–S3) indicated agreement between observed and predicted probabilities of developing long COVID, with some under-estimation at higher vigintiles of predicted probabilities.

At a discrimination threshold of 0.056 (observed prevalence of long COVID), sensitivity and specificity were 0.65 (95% CI: 0.64–0.66) and 0.67 (95% CI: 0.66–0.67), respectively. The model achieved an accuracy of 0.67 (95% CI: 0.66–0.67), PPV of 0.10 (95% CI: 0.10–0.11), NPV of 0.97 (95% CI: 0.97–0.97), F1 score of 0.18 (95% CI: 0.18–0.18), Matthew’s correlation coefficient of 0.15 (95% CI: 0.15–0.16) and Brier score of 0.33 (95% CI: 0.33–0.34) (Table S8).

Internal validation

Across most metrics, model performance in the holdout dataset was comparable to that in the training dataset, with marginally higher F1 Score and Matthew’s correlation coefficient (Table S8) suggesting minimal overfitting. Subgroup analyses demonstrated consistency in model calibration across age and variant periods (Figures S4–S5).

Results of sensitivity analyses

Results from the sensitivity analyses are presented below, with further detail provided in the Supplementary Material (pp.S20–S30).

Incorporating data from individuals with positive LFTs

Including individuals with positive LFTs increased the cohort size to 1,458,018. Training the model on a randomly selected 80% of the cohort resulted in patterns of predictors that were consistent with the main analysis, with the exception that having received three doses of COVID-19 vaccination was associated with significantly (p < 0.05) reduced risk of long COVID, compared with no significant association in the main analysis. (Figure S6). Model performance in holdout data was generally consistent with that of the main model (Table S9).

Omitting individuals with incomplete follow-up

Omitting individuals with incomplete follow-up (due to death, reinfection or where the index date was fewer than six months before the end of the study period) retained 94.1% of the cohort (n = 825,184 in the training dataset, n = 206,357 in the holdout dataset). The model trained on these data was consistent with the main model, with the exception that having received three doses of COVID-19 vaccination was associated with significantly (p < 0.05) increased risk of long COVID compared with no significant association in the main analysis (Figure S7). Model performance, evaluated in the restricted holdout dataset, was marginally better than the main model, though specificity and accuracy were marginally worse (Table S10).

Variations of the main outcome measure

We trained two additional models on outcome measures that: (1) omitted to use the operational definition for identification of long COVID patients, and (2) omitted to use blood tests within the operational definition for identification. Observed prevalence of long COVID was lower according to these measures (1.4% and 2.2%, respectively, Table S11). The resultant models were consistent with the main model with respect to associations between long COVID and sociodemographic and some clinical predictors (asthma, coronary heart disease, severe mental illness). However, fewer clinical and prescribing predictors were identified as significantly associated with long COVID (Figure S8). In holdout data, the performance of the two additional models deviated somewhat from the main model (Table S12). Most notably, both models had lower PPV and higher NPV than the main model, indicating a tendency to produce a higher rate of false positives and a lower rate of false negatives.

Models derived using machine learning

The XGBoost model exhibited good consistency with the main analysis in terms of the most important predictors of long COVID identified (Figure S9). When evaluated in holdout data, both machine learning approaches correctly identified more negative cases and fewer positive cases than the main model, resulting in higher accuracy (Table S13).

Model training and testing using a geographic split

The model trained on 12 of Scotland’s 14 geographic regions closely resembled the main model (Figure S10). In each holdout region, model performance was consistent with the main analysis in terms of the c-statistic and calibration slope, but generally worse in other metrics (Table S14).


In a cohort of 1.1 million adult residents in Scotland, we analysed coded and free-text data recorded in EHRs to derive and internally validate a long COVID risk prediction model. Whereas existing models rely on survey data,6,7,11,12 which may be prone to bias, or use EHR data810 that likely under-identifies long COVID cases, we combined clinical codes, free-text data and a comprehensive operational definition to improve case identification, in an effort to reduce under-reporting, and enhance prediction accuracy.

In-keeping with other studies, we identified several predictors of increased risk of long COVID, including: increasing age,610 increasing BMI, 6 severe COVID-19 infection,5,8,11 female sex,6,9,11,12 increasing deprivation 6 and several comorbidities8,9,11 and prescriptions. Infection with COVID-19 during the Delta and Omicron periods11,23 predicted reduced risk of long COVID, relative to the wild-type (though higher incidence of COVID-19 during these periods resulted in more long COVID cases in absolute terms). Vaccination9,10 also predicted reduced risk. While these results predict who is at risk of developing long COVID, the methods we used do not allow for a causal interpretation of our results.

This study has several strengths. Using data from the EAVE II platform enabled analysis of EHRs for a large, nationally representative cohort using an extensive range of clinically relevant predictors. Our main results were robust to variations in inclusion criteria, cohort subsets, modelling approaches and training and holdout splits. Involvement of PPI and clinicians enhanced the study design and interpretation. Our use of a multi-faceted long COVID identification method, which did not require explicit coding of long COVID in EHRs, lays a foundation for analyses of other poorly coded conditions.

Our study also has limitations. Compared to the models we trained using more conservative versions of the outcome measure, our main model identified more comorbidities and dispensed prescriptions as being significant predictors of long COVID. It is possible that, by identifying more long COVID cases for model training, the main outcome measure enhanced our ability to detect associations between long COVID and less prevalent predictors (compared with the more conservative variations of the outcome measure). However, we cannot rule out the possibility that the main outcome measure was biased towards misclassifying individuals with other health conditions as having long COVID.

Systematic biases in EHR data may also have influenced our results. For example, the positive association between long COVID and having received three or more COVID-19 vaccinations, which emerged during sensitivity analysis, likely reflects a confounding effect. This effect may have arisen because vulnerable populations, who were prioritised during vaccine roll-outs, typically exhibited higher rates of vaccine uptake. 24 Moreover, the negative associations identified between long COVID and older adults, care home residents and dementia patients may reflect under-recording of indicators used to identify long COVID among these groups. More generally, reliance on EHR data excluded the experiences of individuals who had not interacted with the healthcare system, or whose interactions were not accurately recorded. Inconsistent recording of ethnicity and smoking status 25 precluded investigation of these features. With the withdrawal of mass testing for COVID-19, it will not be possible to use the main outcome measure from this study to identify long COVID cases going forward.

We found that using machine learning techniques achieved higher accuracy, but more conservative prediction of positive cases, compared with the main logistic regression model. This highlights the potential value of these methods in situations where accuracy is prioritised over sensitivity. However, these methods offer less transparency than logistic regression in terms of the associations between predictors and outcomes.

The main model demonstrated reasonable discriminative ability and precision in holdout data; however, the degree of certainty offered by the model is not sufficient for use in clinical practice, given the risk of adverse outcomes from misclassification. Several factors likely contributed to the model’s modest performance. First, the relatively low observed prevalence of long COVID (5.6%) likely limited the model’s ability to accurately predict positive cases. Second, identifying long COVID cases from EHRs is inherently challenging, due to the lack of a universally accepted clinical definition and ongoing clinical uncertainty surrounding the condition.4,5 This uncertainty, coupled with under-utilisation of diagnostic codes,1315 further complicates case identification. Additionally, unmeasured confounders – such as unrecorded symptoms – may have influenced model accuracy. Despite these challenges, our findings on risk factors for long COVID provide valuable insights for policymakers and public health tasked with developing preventive public health strategies or allocating and targeting resources to support long COVID patients. Our results could also aid researchers in identifying participants for inclusion in trials investigating preventive strategies or treatments for long COVID.

In conclusion, this study developed and internally validated a long COVID risk prediction model using EHR data and a novel case identification approach.

Supplemental Material

sj-pdf-1-jrs-10.1177_01410768241297833 - Supplemental material for Deriving and validating a risk prediction model for long COVID: a population-based, retrospective cohort study in Scotland

Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jrs-10.1177_01410768241297833 for Deriving and validating a risk prediction model for long COVID: a population-based, retrospective cohort study in Scotland by Karen Jeffrey, Vicky Hammersley, Rishma Maini, Anna Crawford, Lana Woolford, Ashleigh Batchelor, David Weatherill, Chris White, Tristan Millington, Robin Kerr, Siddharth Basetti, Calum Macdonald, Jennifer K Quint, Steven Kerr, Syed Ahmar Shah, Amanj Kurdi, Colin R Simpson, Srinivasa Vittal Katikireddi, Igor Rudan, Chris Robertson, Lewis Ritchie, Aziz Sheikh and Luke Daines in Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine



Competing Interests

AS reports grants from HDRUK, grants from NIHR, grants from MRC, grants from ICSF, during the conduct of the study; and Member of Scottish Government’s CMO COVID-19 Advisory Group and Standing Committee on Pandemics. CR reports support from PHS and MRC. CS reports grants from MBIE (New Zealand), Ministry of Health (New Zealand), and HRC (New Zealand). JKQ reports grants from MRC, HDR UK, GlaxoSmithKline, BI, Asthma+Lung UK and AstraZeneca and consulting fees from GlaxoSmithKline, Evidera, AstraZeneca, Insmed. SVK reports grants from MRC and Scottish Government CSO. KJ, VH, RM, AC, LW, AB, DW, CW, TM, RK, SB, CM, SK, SAS, AK, IR, LR and LD report no competing interests.


This work was supported by the Chief Scientist Office, grant number COV/LTE/20/15 and Health Data Research UK (HDRUK2023.0027), an initiative funded by UK Research and Innovation, Department of Health and Social Care (England) and the devolved administrations and leading medical research charities. EAVE II is supported by a grant (MC_PC_19075) from the Medical Research Council; a grant (MC_PC_19004) from BREATHE – The Health Data Research Hub for Respiratory Health, funded through the UK. Public Health Scotland; and the Scottish Government Director General for Health and Social Care. The sponsor was the University of Edinburgh. LD was supported by a post-doctoral clinical fellowship from the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research. SVK acknowledges funding from a NRS Senior Clinical Fellowship (SCAF/15/02), the Medical Research Council (MC_UU_00022/2) and the Scottish Government Chief Scientist Office (SPHSU17). The funders had no role in the design, analysis, interpretation or decision to publish the findings from this research.

Ethics approval

The EAVE II study obtained approvals from the West of Scotland Research Ethics Committee (reference: 22/WS/0071), and the Public Benefit and Privacy Panel for Health and Social Care (reference: 1920-0279).


KJ, LD and AS.


CR, LD, KJ, AS made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the work. VH, CR, CS, LR, AS made substantial contributions to the acquisition of data. The analysis was carried out by KJ and checked by SK. AB, DW, CW, VH, LW, AC carried out PPI for the study. The manuscript was initially drafted by KJ and LD and further developed by the writing group. All authors contributed to data interpretation, critical review and revision of the manuscript. The guarantors for the work verified all the data in the study and took responsibility for the final decision to submit the article for publication.

Data sharing statement

All code, metadata and documentation for this project is publicly available at Most of the data used in this study are highly sensitive and will not be made available publicly.


The authors would like to acknowledge the support of Dave Kelly, Albasoft Ltd, Sharon Kennedy, Mike Birnie, Safraj Shahul Hameed and Elliott Hall, Public Health Scotland for their involvement in obtaining approvals, provisioning and linking data and the use of the secure analytical platform within the National Safe Haven. They also thank Joanne Lloyd for insightful comments.


Not commissioned; peer reviewed by Sun Jae Park and Julie Morris.


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Associated Data

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Supplementary Materials

sj-pdf-1-jrs-10.1177_01410768241297833 - Supplemental material for Deriving and validating a risk prediction model for long COVID: a population-based, retrospective cohort study in Scotland

Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jrs-10.1177_01410768241297833 for Deriving and validating a risk prediction model for long COVID: a population-based, retrospective cohort study in Scotland by Karen Jeffrey, Vicky Hammersley, Rishma Maini, Anna Crawford, Lana Woolford, Ashleigh Batchelor, David Weatherill, Chris White, Tristan Millington, Robin Kerr, Siddharth Basetti, Calum Macdonald, Jennifer K Quint, Steven Kerr, Syed Ahmar Shah, Amanj Kurdi, Colin R Simpson, Srinivasa Vittal Katikireddi, Igor Rudan, Chris Robertson, Lewis Ritchie, Aziz Sheikh and Luke Daines in Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine

Articles from Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine are provided here courtesy of Royal Society of Medicine Press