Correction to: Gene Therapy (2020) 28:223–241 10.1038/s41434-020-0134-z, published online 2 March 2020
During the final submission process, the wrong image files were inadvertently used to prepare the final figures in three instances. 1. In Figure 1, the B6 untreated H&E image was one very similar to that used in a prior study. We use B6 as a control for almost all of our studies and have many B6 H&E images. We have now replaced that image with a new and unique image that has not been used before and double-checked that it was from tissue collected specifically for this study.
2. During final preparations for Figure 3, the RhoP23H treated fundus image was, for inexplicable reasons, replaced. During final editing of the figure, it was inadvertently replaced by a similar image for another time point (the images showed the same rescue). The figure in the original submission had the correct image and therefore we submit this amended figure which is what we originally submitted.
3. Similar to the mistake of Figure 1, in Figure 12, a blue opsin untreated rd7 IHC image was used that is similar to that taken for a prior study. We have studied this animal and performed blue opsin IHC on this strain for decades and therefore have a plethora of images for that particular strain and label. We replaced that image with a unique image taken from images collected during experiments conducted for this study.
While each of these errors does not affect the integrity of the research, data, or interpretation, we sincerely apologize for not carefully looking at each of the images used to ensure they were unique. In each case, there were many images taken of that particular type and they all do look very similar as in the case of B6 and rd7 especially, as they are strains used commonly in our studies. We sincerely regret these errors, and they were genuine and unintentional errors made during the preparation of the final figures. Importantly, the results of the study are not altered at all by any of these changes. We apologize again for not catching these errors during the review and proofing processes.