Figure 8. Zika virus (ZIKV) infection does not significantly impact the association of IGF2BP2 with IGF2BP1, IGF2BP3, and YBX1.
Huh7.5 cells stably expressing IGF2BP2-HA (+) and control cells (-) were infected with ZIKV H/PF/2013 at an MOI of 10, or left uninfected. Two days later, cell extracts were prepared and subjected to anti-HA immunoprecipitations. (A) Purified complexes were analyzed by western blotting for their content in the indicated proteins. IGF2BP1 (B), IGF2BP3 (C), and YBX1 (D) levels were quantified and means of protein signals (normalized to actin [extracts] and IGF2BP2 [IP]) ± SEM are shown based on six to eight independent experiments. ns: not significant (unpaired t-test).