Current electrophysiological approaches can track the activity of many neurons, yet it is usually unknown which cell-types or brain areas are being recorded without further molecular or histological analysis. Developing accurate and scalable algorithms for identifying the cell-type and brain region of recorded neurons is thus crucial for improving our understanding of neural computation. In this work, we develop a multimodal contrastive learning approach for neural data that can be fine-tuned for different downstream tasks, including inference of cell-type and brain location. We utilize this approach to jointly embed the activity autocorrelations and extracellular waveforms of individual neurons. We demonstrate that our embedding approach, Neuronal Embeddings via MultimOdal contrastive learning (NEMO), paired with supervised fine-tuning, achieves state-of-the-art cell-type classification for an opto-tagged visual cortex dataset and brain region classification for the public International Brain Laboratory brain-wide map dataset. Our method represents a promising step towards accurate cell-type and brain region classification from electrophysiological recordings.
High-density electrode arrays now allow for simultaneous extracellular recording from hundreds to thousands of neurons across interconnected brain regions (Jun et al., 2017; Steinmetz et al., 2021; Ye et al., 2023b; Trautmann et al., 2023). While much progress has been made on developing algorithms for tracking neural activity (Buccino et al., 2020; Magland et al., 2020; Boussard et al., 2023; Pachitariu et al., 2024), identifying the cell-types and brain regions being recorded is still an open problem. Brain region classification is particularly challenging given the diversity of cell types in each region (Yao et al., 2023) and how the locations of regions differ between animals. The development of an accurate method for extracting cell-type and brain region labels will provide insights into brain development, microcircuit function, and brain disorders (Zeng & Sanes, 2017).
Traditional approaches for electrophysiological cell-type classification utilize simple features of the extracellular action potential (EAP) such as its width or peak-to-trough amplitude (Mountcastle et al., 1969; Matthews & Lee, 1991; Nowak et al., 2003; Bartho et al., 2004; Vigneswaran et al.,´ 2011) or features of neural activity, such as the inter-spike interval distribution (Latuske et al., 2015; Jouty et al., 2018). These simple features are interpretable and easy to visualize but lack discriminative power and robustness across different datasets (Weir et al., 2015; Gouwens et al., 2019). Current automated feature extraction methods for EAPs (Lee et al., 2021; Vishnubhotla et al., 2024) and for neural activity (Schneider et al., 2023a) improve upon manual features but are usually limited to a single modality.
There has been a recent push to develop multimodal methods that can integrate information from both recorded EAPs and spiking activity. PhysMAP (Lee et al., 2024) is a UMAP-based (McInnes et al., 2018a) approach that can predict cell-types using multiple physiological modalities through a weighted nearest neighbor graph. Another recently introduced method utilizes variational autoencoders (VAEs) to embed each physiological modality separately and then combines these embeddings before classification (Beau et al., 2024). Although both methods show promising results, PhysMAP cannot be fine-tuned for downstream tasks as it is nondifferentiable, and the VAE-based method captures features that are important for reconstruction, not discrimination, impairing downstream classification performance (Guo et al., 2017). Neither approach has been applied to brain region classification.
In this work, we introduce a multimodal contrastive learning method for neurophysiological data, Neuronal Embeddings via MultimOdal Contrastive Learning (NEMO), which utilizes large amounts of unlabeled paired data for pre-training and can be fine-tuned for different downstream tasks including cell-type and brain region classification. We utilize a recently developed contrastive learning framework (Radford et al., 2021) to jointly embed individual neurons’ activity autocorrelations and average extracellular waveforms. The key assumption of our method is that information shared between different modalities captures intrinsic properties of a neuron that are predictive of its cell-type and corresponding brain region. We evaluate NEMO on cell-type classification using an optotagged Neuropixels Ultra (NP Ultra) recording from mouse visual cortex (Ye et al., 2023b) and on brain region classification using the International Brain Laboratory (IBL) brain-wide map dataset (IBL et al., 2023). Across both datasets and tasks, NEMO significantly outperforms current state-of-the-art unsupervised (PhysMAP and VAEs) and supervised methods. These results highlight NEMO’s ability to extract informative representations despite high variability in the data, and demonstrate that NEMO is a significant advance towards accurate cell-type and brain region classification from electrophysiological recordings.
The goal of contrastive learning is to find an embedding space where similar examples are close together while dissimilar ones are well-separated (Le-Khac et al., 2020). Contrastive learning has found success across a number of domains including language (Reimers & Gurevych, 2019), vision (Chen et al., 2020), audio (Saeed et al., 2021), and multimodal learning (Radford et al., 2021; Tian et al., 2020). There has been a surge in the development of contrastive learning methods for neural data. Contrastive learning has been applied to raw electrophysiological recordings (Vishnubhotla et al., 2024), neuronal morphological data (Chen et al., 2022), connectomics data (Dorkenwald et al., 2023) and preprocessed spiking activity (Azabou et al., 2021; Urzay et al., 2023; Schneider et al., 2023b; Antoniades et al., 2023). In each of these applications, associated downstream tasks such as spike sorting, 3D neuron reconstruction, cellular sub-compartment classification or behavior prediction have shown improvement using this contrastive paradigm.
The goal of cell-type classification is to assign neurons to distinct classes based on their morphology, function, electrophysiological properties, and molecular markers (Masland, 2004). Current transcriptomic (Tasic et al., 2018; Yao et al., 2021; 2023) and optical methods (Cardin et al., 2010; Kravitz et al., 2013; Lee et al., 2020) are effective but require extensive sample preparation or specialized equipment, limiting their scalability and applicability for in-vivo studies (Lee et al., 2024).
Recently, calcium imaging has been utilized in conjunction with molecular cell-typing to identify cell-types (Bugeon et al., 2022; Mi et al., 2023). This approach suffers from low temporal resolution and requires significant post hoc effort to collect the molecular imaging data and align it to the calcium data (and therefore this approach can not be used in closed loop in vivo experiments).
A promising alternative is to use the electrophysiological properties of recorded neurons as they capture some of the variability of the transcriptomic profile (Bomkamp et al., 2019). This approach obviates the need for genetic manipulations to identify such types. Simple electrophysiological features extracted from a neuron’s EAPs and spiking activity are typically utilized to identify putative cell-types (Gouwens et al., 2019). Automated methods including EAP-specific methods (Lee et al., 2021) and spiking activity-based methods (Schneider et al., 2023a) are an improvement in comparison to manual features. Most recently, multi-modal cell-type classification methods including PhysMAP (Lee et al., 2024) and a VAE-based algorithm (Beau et al., 2024) have been introduced which make use of multiple physiological modalities such as the EAP, activity, or peri-stimulus time histogram (PSTH) of a recorded neuron.
Brain region classification consists of predicting the location of a neuron or electrode based on the recorded physiological features (Steinmetz et al., 2018). Rather than predicting a 3D location, the task is to classify the brain region a neuron or electrode occupies, which can be estimated using post-insertion localization via histology (Sunkin et al., 2012). Brain region classification is an important task for understanding fundamental differences in physiology between brain areas as well as for targeting regions that are hard to hit via insertion. Most importantly, brain region classification can provide a real-time estimate of the probe’s location in the brain during experiments, significantly increasing the success rate of hitting the target location. Additionally, insertions in primates and human subjects often lack histological information, instead relying on the experimental heuristics that lack standardization between laboratories. As this task is relatively new, only simple features of the EAPs have been utilized for classification (Jia et al., 2019; Tolossa et al., 2024). To our knowledge, no automated feature extraction methods have been utilized for brain region classification.
For cell-type classification, we utilize an opto-tagged dataset gathered with Neuropixels Ultra probes (NP Ultra; Ye et al. 2023b). For brain region classification, we use a dataset gathered by the IBL: a brain-wide map of neural activity of mice performing a decision-making task (IBL et al., 2023).
NP Ultra opto-tagged mouse data.
This dataset consists of NP Ultra recordings of spontaneous activity from the visual cortex of mice. Opto-tagging is utilized to label 477 ground-truth neurons with three distinct cell-types. The ground-truth neurons are composed of 243 parvalbumin (PV), 116 somatostatin (SST), and 118 vasoactive intestinal peptide cells (VIP). There are also 8699 unlabelled neurons that we can utilize for pretraining.
IBL Brain-wide Map.
This dataset consists of Neuropixels recordings from animals performing a decision-making task. Each neuron is annotated with the brain region where it is located. We utilize 675 insertions from 444 animals (37017 units). Each brain is parcellated with 10 brain atlas annotations, dividing the atlas into 10 broad areas: isocortex, olfactory areas (OLF), cortical subplate (CTXsp), cerebral nuclei (CNU), thalamus (TH), hypothalamus (HY), midbrain (MB), hindbrain (HB), cerebellum (CB) and hippocampal formation (HPF). We divide this dataset into a training, validation, and testing set by insertion such that we can evaluate each model on heldout insertions.
We introduce Neuronal Embeddings via MultimOdal contrastive learning (NEMO) which learns a multimodal embedding of neurophysiological data. To extract representations from multiple modalities, we utilize Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP; Radford et al. 2021). CLIP uses a contrastive objective to learn a joint representation of images and captions. For NEMO, we utilize the same objective but with modality-specific data augmentations and encoders (see Figure 1c).
Figure 1: Schematic illustration of NEMO.
(a) Neuropixels Ultra (Ye et al., 2023b) recordings capture activity from many different cell-types which have distinct extracellular action potentials (EAPs) and spiking activity. We present waveform and spiking activity snippets from five example neurons for each cell-type. (b) We transform the spiking activity of each neuron into a compact autocorrelogram (ACG) image from (Beau et al., 2024) that accounts for variations in the firing rate (see Section 4.1) (c) NEMO utilizes a CLIP-based learning strategy where an EAP encoder and a ACG image encoder are trained to learn an embedding which pushes together randomly augmented EAPs and ACG image from the same neuron while keeping different neurons separate. The learned representations can be utilized for downstream tasks (with or without fine-tuning) such as cell-type and brain-region classification. Schematic created using BioRender.com.
We construct a paired dataset of spiking activity and EAPs for all recorded neurons. Using the open-source Python package NeuroPyxels (Beau et al., 2021), we computed an autocorrelogram (ACG) image for each neuron by smoothing the spiking activity with a 250-ms width boxcar filter, dividing the firing rate distribution into 10 deciles, and then building ACGs for each decile (see Figure 1b). This ACG image is a useful representation because the activity autocorrelations of a neuron can change as a function of its firing rate. By computing ACGs for each firing rate decile, the ACG image will account for firing rate dependent variations in the autocorrelations, allowing for comparisons between different areas of the brain, behavioral contexts, and animals (Beau et al., 2024). For the EAPs, we construct a ‘template’ waveform which is the mean of approximately 500 recorded waveforms for that neuron. For all experiments in the main text, we restrict the template to one channel with maximal amplitude. For multi-channel template results, see Supplement E.
Previous work on contrastive learning for spiking activity utilizes data augmentations including sparse additive noise (pepper noise), Gaussian noise, and temporal jitter (Azabou et al., 2021). As it is computationally expensive to construct ACG images for each batch during training, we instead design augmentations directly for the ACG images rather than the original spiking data. Our augmentations include temporal Gaussian smoothing, temporal jitter, amplitude scaling, additive Gaussian noise, and multiplicative pepper noise (see Supplemental B for more details). For our templates, we use additive Gaussian noise as our only data augmentation. For multi-channel template data augmentations, see Supplement E.
We employ separate encoders for each electrophysiological modality. For the ACG image encoder, we use a version of the convolutional architecture introduced in (Beau et al., 2024) with 2 layers and Gaussian Error Linear Units (GeLU) (Hendrycks & Gimpel, 2016). For the waveform encoder, we use a 2 layer multilayer perceptron (MLP) with GeLU units. The representation sizes are 200 dimensional and 300 dimensional for the ACG image encoder and the waveform encoder, respectively. We set the projection size to be 512 for all experiments. For details about additional hyperparameters, see Supplement B.
We utilize the contrastive objective defined in CLIP. Let and be the L2 normalized projections of each modality. For a batch , the objective is as follows,
(1) |
where is a temperature parameter which we fix during training. The objective function encourages the model to correctly match with its corresponding , and vice versa, over all other possible pairs in the batch. This loss can easily be extended to more than two modalities including PSTHs.
Brain region classification is a new problem for electrophysiological datasets that requires novel classification schemes. We develop two classification schemes for our evaluation: a single-neuron and multi-neuron classifier. For our single-neuron classifier, we predict the brain area for each neuron independently using its embedding. For our multi-neuron classifier, we predict the brain region for each 20 micron bin along the depth of the probe by ensembling the predictions of nearby neurons within a 60-micron radius (i.e., averaging the logits of the single-neuron model) as shown in Figure 3a (ii). When more than five neurons fall within this range, only the nearest five are selected.
Figure 3: Results for NEMO on the IBL brain region classification task.
(a) Schematic for multi-neuron classifier. (i) At each depth, the neurons within 60 μm were used to classify the anatomical region. Only the nearest 5 neurons were selected if there were more than 5 neurons within that range. (ii) For logits averaging, single-neuron classifier logits are predicted using a linear model/MLP trained on the representations of our two physiological modalities. The final prediction is based on the average of the individual logits. (b) Confusion matrices for the single-neuron region classifier with fine-tuned NEMO pretrained encoders, the fully supervised model, and with VAE pretrained encoders, averaged across 5 runs. (c) Confusion matrices for the multi-neuron region classifier, averaged across 5 runs. (d) Single neuron balanced accuracy with linear classifier and the MLP head for each model trained/fine-tuned with different label ratios. (e) Single-neuron MLP-classification balanced accuracy for each modality separately and for the combined representation.
For our baselines, we compare against current state-of-the-art multimodal cell-type embedding methods and a fully supervised method. For the multimodal cell-type embedding methods, we compare to PhysMAP (Lee et al., 2024) and a VAE-based method (Beau et al., 2024). For fair comparison, we utilize the same encoder architectures for NEMO and the VAE-based method. We include two versions of the VAE baseline: (1) the latent space (10D) is used to predict cell-type or brain region (from Beau et al. (2024)), or (2) the layer before the latent space (500D) is used to predict cell-type or brain region. For the supervised baseline, we again use the same encoder architectures as NEMO. For training NEMO, we use an early stopping strategy which utilizes validation data. For the VAE-based method, we use the training scheme introduced in (Beau et al., 2024) which was optimized for good reconstruction of each physiological modality. We fix the hyperparameters for all methods across both datasets. For more details about baselines, training, and hyperparameters, see Supplements B and D.
For both NEMO and the VAE-based method, the representations from the ACG image and EAPs are concatenated together before classification or fine-tuning. We apply three classification schemes for evaluation including (1) freezing the model and training a linear classifier on the final layer, (2) freezing the model and training a MLP-based classifier on the final layer, (3) fine-tuning both the original model and a MLP-based classifier on the final layer. To ensure balanced training data, we implement dataset resampling prior to fitting the linear classifier. The only method that cannot be fine-tuned is PhysMAP, as it is UMAP-based and therefore non-differentiable. For PhysMAP comparisons, we utilize the weighted graph approach with alignment mapping provided in (Lee et al., 2024) for all comparisons. The macro-averaged F1 score and balanced accuracy are selected as the primary metrics for our classification tasks due to data imbalance which is common when using opto-tagged datasets and when classifying brain regions. For additional details about baseline hyperparameters, see Supplement B.
NP Ultra opto-tagged dataset.
For the NP Ultra dataset, we pretrain NEMO and the VAE-based method on 8699 unlabelled neurons. This pretraining strategy is important for reducing overfitting to the small quantity of labeled cell-types. To evaluate each model after pretraining, we perform the three evaluation schemes introduced in Section 5.2: freezing + linear classifier, freezing + MLP classifier, and full end-to-end finetuning. For PhysMAP, we utilize the anchor alignment technique introduced by (Lee et al., 2024). For all methods and evaluation schemes, we perform a 5-fold cross-validation with 10 repeats to evaluate each model.
IBL Brain-wide Map.
For the IBL dataset, we randomly divide all insertions (i.e., Neuropixels recordings) into a 70–10-20 split to create a training, validation, and test set for each method. We then pretrain NEMO and the VAE-based method on all neurons in the training split. We then perform the three evaluation schemes introduced in Section 5. For PhysMAP, we utilize the anchor alignment technique. We train both a single-neuron and multi-neuron classifier using the representations learned by NEMO and the VAE-based method. For PhysMAP, we only evaluate the single-neuron classifier. We compute the average and standard deviation of the metrics using five random seeds.
NP Ultra cell-type classifier.
The results for the NP Ultra opto-tagged dataset are shown in Table 1 and Figure 2. For all three evaluation schemes, NEMO achieves the highest macro-averaged F1 score and balanced accuracy by a significant margin. Surprisingly, the VAE-based method, even with MLP-based fine-tuning, is outperformed by a frozen NEMO model with a linear decoder (by ~ 5%). With MLP fine-tuning, NEMO reaches .88 F1 score and balanced accuracy which is an ~ 11% improvement over the baselines. For the VAE-based method, we found that utilizing the 500D representations before the latent space performed better than using the 10D latent space and also outperformed a VAE trained with a 500D latent space so we included this as a baseline. Except for NEMO, all baseline models struggle to differentiate VIP and SST cells as they have the fewest labels and the VIP cells display bimodality in their waveform distribution. These results demonstrate that NEMO is an accurate method for cell-type classification in visual cortical microcircuits.
Table 1: Cell-type classification for the NP-Ultra dataset.
The accuracy and F1-scores are reported for three conditions: (i) a linear layer and (ii) MLP on top of the frozen pretrained representations (for VAE and NEMO), and (iii) after MLP finetuning.
Model | Linear | MLP | MLP fine-tuned | |||
Acc | F1 | Acc | F1 | Acc | F1 | |
| ||||||
Supervised | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0.79 ± 0.00 | 0.79 ± 0.00 |
PhysMAP | 0.71 ± 0.001 | 0.69 ± 0.00 1 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
VAE (10d latent) | 0.70 ± 0.02 | 0.70 ± 0.02 | 0.68 ± 0.01 | 0.68 ± 0.01 | 0.78 ± 0.00 | 0.77 ± 0.00 |
VAE (500d rep) | 0.76 ± 0.01 | 0.76 ± 0.01 | 0.77 ± 0.00 | 0.76 ± 0.00 | 0.79 ± 0.00 | 0.79 ± 0.00 |
NEMO (500d rep) | 0.83 ± 0.01 | 0.83 ± 0.01 | 0.84 ± 0.01 | 0.84 ± 0.01 | 0.88 ± 0.01 | 0.88 ± 0.01 |
Figure 2: Comparing NEMO to baseline models on the NP Ultra opto-tagged dataset.
(a) UMAP visualization of the pretrained NEMO representations of unseen opto-tagged visual cortex units, colored by different cell-types. Neurons of the same class form clusters, particularly when combined modalities are used. (b) Balanced accuracy and (c) Confusion matrices for the NP Ultra classification results, normalized by ground truth label and averaged across 5 random seeds. NEMO outperforms the other embedding methods by a significant margin across all cell-types. Surprisingly, NEMO outperforms all other methods even when just using a linear classifier on the embeddings.
IBL single-neuron region classifier.
We then aim to investigate how much relevant information NEMO extracts from each neuron about its anatomical location, i.e., brain region. We investigate this by training classifiers that use single neuron features to identify anatomical regions for the IBL dataset (see Table 2 for results). We again find that NEMO outperforms all other methods using both linear and MLP-based classification schemes. While NEMO outperforms the supervised baseline, we find that the VAE-based method performs worse than a fully supervised model trained on the same raw data. Without end-to-end fine-tuning, NEMO with an MLP classification head is already on par with the supervised MLP. NEMO’s success with both the linear and MLP classifier with frozen encoder weights indicates that NEMO is able to extract a region-discriminative representation of neurons without additional fine-tuning. This representation can be further improved by fine-tuning NEMO and the classifier end-to-end. The confusion matrix for PhysMAP is shown in Supplementary Figure 7.
Table 2: Single-unit brain region classification for the IBL dataset.
The accuracy and F1-scores are reported for three conditions: (i) a linear layer and (ii) MLP on top of the frozen pretrained representations (for VAE and NEMO), and (iii) after MLP finetuning. We only ran PhysMAP one time as it is deterministic.
IBL multi-neuron region classifier.
We further investigate whether combining information from multiple neurons at each location can improve brain region classification. We use the nearestneurons ensembling approach as described in 4.5 and shown in Figure 3a. Averaging the logits of predictions from single neurons improves classification performance over the single-neuron model. NEMO still has the best region classification performance compared to all other methods (Table 3).
Table 3: Multi-unit brain region classification for the IBL dataset.
The accuracy and F1-scores for brain region classification are reported for three conditions: (i) a linear layer and (ii) MLP on top of the frozen pretrained representations (for VAE and NEMO), and (iii) after MLP finetuning.
Model | Linear | MLP | MLP fine-tuned | |||
Acc | F1 | Acc | F1 | Acc | F1 | |
| ||||||
Supervised | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0.50 ± 0.00 | 0.48 ± 0.01 |
VAE | 0.36 ± 0.00 | 0.32 ± 0.00 | 0.45 ± 0.00 | 0.42 ± 0.00 | 0.48 ± 0.00 | 0.46 ± 0.00 |
NEMO | 0.48 ± 0.00 | 0.45 ± 0.00 | 0.50 ± 0.00 | 0.48 ± 0.00 | 0.51 ± 0.00 | 0.50 ± 0.00 |
We next examine the clusterability of NEMO representations for the IBL Brain-wide map. We followed the clustering strategy used in Lee et al. (2021) by running Louvain clustering on a UMAP graph constructed from the representations extracted by NEMO from the IBL training neurons. We adjusted two main settings: the neighborhood size in UMAP and the resolution in Louvain clustering. We selected these parameters by maximizing the modularity index, which had the effect of minimizing the number of resulting clusters (Figure 4c). The clustering results relative to the region labels are presented in Figures 4a and b. The UMAP visualization of the NEMO representations, colored by region label, demonstrates that the regions are separable in the representation space. Notably, there is a distinct separation of thalamic neurons from other regions, along with an isolated cluster of cerebellar neurons. Neurons from other regions are also well organized by region labels within the NEMO representation space, allowing for their clustering into several distinct clusters. Additionally, overlaying the neurons colored by their cluster IDs onto their anatomical locations (Figure 4) reveals a cluster distribution closely correlated with anatomical regions which is consistent across insertions from different labs (Supplementary Figure 9). We find that clustering NEMO’s representations leads to a more region-selective clustering than when we use the raw features directly (Supplementary Figures 10 and 11). These results suggest that NEMO is able to extract features that capture the electrophysiological diversity across regions in a unsupervised setting.
Figure 4: IBL neuron clustering using NEMO pretraining.
(a) A UMAP visualization of the representations that NEMO extracts from the training data colored by anatomical brain region. (b) The same UMAP as shown in (a) but instead colored by cluster labels using a graph-based approach (Louvain clustering). (c) We tuned the neighborhood size in UMAP and the resolution for the clustering. These parameters were selected by maximizing the modularity index which minimized the number of clusters. (d) 2D brain slices across three brain views with the location of individual neurons colored using the cluster IDs shown in (b). The black lines show the region boundaries of the Allen mouse atlas (Wang et al., 2020). The cluster distribution found using NEMO is closely correlated with the anatomical regions and is consistent across insertions from different labs.
Label ratio sweep.
We hypothesize that NEMO requires less labeled data for fine-tuning to achieve comparable performance to other models for brain region classification due to the contrastive pretraining. To test this, we conducted a label ratio sweep with our single-neuron region classifiers. We trained the linear classifier and the MLP classifier under two conditions: with frozen weights and with full end-to-end fine-tuning. We use 1%, 10%, 30%, 50%, 80%, and 100% of the labeled data for this experiment. The accuracy results are depicted in Figure 3d (for F1, see Supplementary Figure 4). The NEMO fine-tuned model outperforms all other methods for every label ratio. For the linear model, using just 10% of the training labels, NEMO achieves superior performance compared to using the full training set with the VAE representation. Similarly, NEMO paired with the MLP-classifier shows impressive results; with only 50% of the labeled data, the NEMO outperforms the supervised MLP. With 30% of the labels, NEMO exceeds the performance of the VAE model trained with all labels.
Single modality classifier.
We next explore the additional region-relevant information gained by combining both modalities instead of just one, and whether NEMO enhances information extraction from each modality by aligning the embeddings of the two. We compared the classification performance of the MLP classifier with encoder weights frozen and end-to-end fine-tuned, across all models using: 1) waveforms only 2) ACGs only 3) combining waveforms and ACGs. Brain region classification balanced accuracies are shown in Figure 3e (for F1, see Supplementary Figure 4). We found that bimodal models, in general, outperform unimodal models, indicating that combining both modalities provides extra information on the anatomical location of neurons. We also find that, for each modality, the NEMO fine-tuned model delivers the best performance. This highlights NEMO’s ability to improve region-informative representation in a single modality by leveraging information from the other modality.
Joint vs. independent learning for NEMO.
To ablate the importance of learning a shared representation of each modality, we train a version of NEMO where we independently learn an embedding for each modality using a unimodal contrastive method, SimCLR (Chen et al., 2020). The results of the IBL brain region classification task are shown in Figure 5a where NEMO trained with CLIP outperforms NEMO trained with SimCLR for all label ratios and classification methods. NEMO trained with CLIP is also able to extract more informative representations from each modality (especially for waveforms) as shown in Figure 5b. These results demonstrate that learning a shared representation of the two modalities is important for the downstream performance of NEMO. Supplementary Table 9 shows that joint training with CLIP leads to a modest improvement over SimCLR for cell-type classification of the NP Ultra dataset.
Figure 5: Ablating joint vs. independent learning for NEMO.
To evaluate the importance of learning a shared representation between modalities, we train a version of NEMO on the IBL brain classification task where each modality is independently embedded using SimCLR. We refer to this method as SimCLR. (a) Across all label ratios and classifiers, we find that NEMO trained with CLIP outperforms the SimCLR version. (b) NEMO trained with CLIP also extracts more informative representations for each modality (especially waveforms) then when training with SimCLR.
In this work, we proposed NEMO, a pretraining framework for electrophysiological data that utilizes multi-modal contrastive learning. We demonstrate that NEMO is able to extract informative representations for cell-type and brain region classification with minimal fine-tuning. This capability is particularly valuable in neuroscience research where ground truth data, such as opto-tagged cells, are costly and labor-intensive to acquire (or in some cases even impossible to acquire, for example in human datasets).
Our work has some limitations. Firstly, we primarily focus on shared information between two modalities, assuming this is most informative for identifying cell identity or anatomical location. However, information that is exclusive to a single modality should also be useful for these downstream tasks. While our analysis using a single modality classifier indicates that our model captures modality-exclusive information, it would be beneficial to distinguish between the shared and private information within each modality using a more complex contrastive objective (Liu et al., 2024; Liang et al., 2024). Additionally, we utilize the activity of each neuron independently to perform cell-type and brain region classification. Recent work has demonstrated that there is additional information in the population activity that can further distinguish different cell-types (Mi et al., 2023). Extending NEMO to encode population-level features is an exciting future direction.
NEMO opens up several promising avenues for future research in neuroscience. Our framework can be adapted for studies of peripheral nervous systems, such as the retina (Wu et al., 2023). NEMO can also be combined with RNA sequencing to find features that are shared between RNA and electrophysiological data (Li et al., 2023). It will also be possible to correlate the cell-types discovered using NEMO with animal behavior to characterize their functional properties. Finally, we imagine that the neural representation found by NEMO can be integrated with current large-scale pretraining approaches for neural population activity (Azabou et al., 2023; Ye et al., 2023a). Our representations can provide models with cell-type information that could improve generalizability to unseen sessions or animals. These advances could significantly broaden the impact of our framework.
Supplementary Material
We thank Johnathon Pillow and Tatiana Engel for providing feedback on this manuscript. This project was supported by the Wellcome Trust (PRF 209558, 216324, 201225, and 224688 to MH, SHWF 221674 to LFR, collaborative award 204915 to MC, MH and TDH), National Institutes of Health (1U19NS123716), the Simons Foundation, the DoD OUSD (R&E) under Cooperative Agreement PHY-2229929 (The NSF AI Institute for Artificial and Natural Intelligence), the Kavli Foundation, the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (GAT3708), the NIH BRAIN Initiative (U01NS113252 to NAS, SRO, and TDH), the Pew Biomedical Scholars Program (NAS), the Max Planck Society (GL), the European Research Council under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 834446 to GL and AdG 695709 to MH), the Giovanni Armenise Harvard Foundation (CDA to LFR), the Human Technopole (ECF to LFR), the NSF (IOS 211500 to NBS), the Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship in Neuroscience (NAS), the NINDS R01NS122969, the NINDS R21NS135361, the NINDS F31NS131018, the NSF CAREER awards IIS-2146072, as well as generous gifts from the McKnight Foundation, and the CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars Program. GM is supported by a Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds PhD Fellowship. The primate research procedures were supported by the NIH P51 (OD010425) to the WaNPRC, and animal breeding was supported by NIH U42 (OD011123). Computational modeling work was supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 945539 Human Brain Project SGA3 and No. 101147319 EBRAINS 2.0 (GTE and TVN). Computational resources for building machine learning models were provided by ACCESS, which is funded by the US National Science Foundation.
We utilize PhysMAP’s anchor alignment technique to evaluate its performance (not a linear classifier).
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