Figure 5.
The production of new myeloid cells, in the bone marrow, is dependent on TLR7 and partially dependent on IFN-I signaling. (a) Flow cytometry analysis of bone marrow progenitors from representative B6, TLR7 KO and IFNAR KO mice at 24h post-PapMV-injection (left panels) and littermate mice injected with TRIS (right panels). Number (left panel) and percentage (right panel) of (b) CD48+ CD150- and (c) CD48- CD150+ cells in BM at 24 hours post-PapMV-injection. (d) Number (left panel) and percentage (right panel) of CD48+ CD150- cells in splenocytes at 24 hours post-PapMV-injection. (e) Percentage of lin- cKit+ blood cells at 24 hours post-PapMV-injection. Values are means ± SEM and are compiled from three independent experiments. Blood results are from pooled mice (2 animals per data) to increase cell numbers. The B6 data are compiled from all the IFNAR KO and TLR7 KO experiments.